Effective Action Approach for Quantum Phase Transitions in Bosonic Lattices Barry Bradlyn,1 Francisco Ednilson A. dos Santos,2 and Axel Pelster3 9 0 1Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 0 2 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA∗ n 2Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Freie Universit¨at Berlin, a J Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany† 0 2 3Fachbereich Physik, Universit¨at Duisburg-Essen, ] h Campus Duisburg, Lotharstrasse 1, 47048 Duisburg, Germany‡ c e (Dated: January 20, 2009) m - Abstract t a t s Based on standard field-theoretic considerations, we develop an effective action approach for . t a investigating quantum phase transitions in lattice Bose systems at arbitrary temperature. We m - begin by adding to the Hamiltonian of interest a symmetry breaking source term. Using time- d n dependent perturbation theory, we then expand the grand-canonical free energy as a double power o c [ series in boththetunnelingand the sourceterm. From here, an order parameter field is introduced 3 in the standard way, and the underlying effective action is derived via a Legendre transformation. v 6 Determining the Ginzburg-Landau expansion to first order in the tunneling term, expressions for 0 7 the Mott insulator–superfluid phase boundary, condensate density, average particle number, and 0 . 9 compressibility are derived and analyzed in detail. Additionally, excitation spectra in the ordered 0 8 phase are found by considering both longitudinal and transverse variations of the order parameter. 0 : v Finally, these results are applied to the concrete case of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian on a three i X dimensional cubic lattice, and compared with the corresponding results from mean-field theory. r a Although both approaches yield the same Mott insulator - superfluidphaseboundaryto firstorder in the tunneling, the predictions of our effective action theory turn out to be superior to the mean-field results deeper into the superfluid phase. ∗Electronic address: [email protected] †Electronic address: [email protected] ‡Electronic address: [email protected] 1 I. INTRODUCTION Recent developments in the field of dilute ultracold quantum gasses [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] have led to the experimental investigation of atoms in periodic potentials [6]. They are a fascinating new generation of many-particle quantum systems as they allow for the study of a variety of solid-state phenomena under perfectly controlled conditions [4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. For in- stance, Bosonic lattice systems show a quantum phase transition for varying lattice depths. In deep lattices the tunneling between lattice sites is suppressed, and a Mott insulating state forms with a fixed number of Bosons residing on each lattice site. For shallow lattices, however, the dominance of inter-site tunneling allows for Bosons to coherently spread over the whole lattice, forming a superfluid. The occurrence of such a quantum phase transi- tion between a Mott insulator and a superfluid is observable, for instance, in time-of-flight absorption pictures taken after switching off the lattice potential. They image momentum distributions integrated along one axis, and therefore by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle give information about the corresponding spacial distributions. Thus, the localization of atoms in the Mott phase results in diffuse absorption pictures, while the delocalized super- fluid phase gives rise to Bragg-like interference patterns. The theoretical analysis of this quantum phase transition is usually based on the Bose- Hubbard model Hamiltonian [13, 14, 15, 16], 1 Hˆ = Uaˆ†aˆ aˆ†aˆ 1 µaˆ†aˆ t aˆ†aˆ , (1) BH 2 i i i i − − i i − i j Xi (cid:20) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) Xhi,ji where aˆ and aˆ† are Bosonic annihilation and creation operators, µ is the chemical potential, i i and i,j signifies a sum over nearest neighbor sites i and j. Additionally, U parameter- h i izes the on-site interaction energy between two atoms at a given site, and t characterizes the kinetic energy, in this case given by the tunneling of an atom between two neighboring lattice sites. The quartic on-site coupling term, however, makes an exact diagonalization of (1) impossible. Thus, while Monte-Carlo simulations have proven fruitful for obtaining numerical results [17, 18, 19], analytic descriptions of Bosonic lattices near the quantum phase boundary have so far been typically limited to mean-field [13, 15] or strong-coupling approximations [20, 21]. Currently, the most precise analytic result for the whole Mott insulator-superfluid phase diagram in a three dimensional cubic lattice at zero temperature is found in Ref. [22]. Therein, a Landau expansion for an effective potential with a spa- 2 tially and temporally global order parameter is derived. In this paper, we generalize the results of Ref. [22] by allowing for a spacially and temporally varying order parameter, thus determining a Ginzburg-Landau expansion for the effective action. This allows us to ob- tain an approximate analytic description of Bosonic lattice systems near the quantum phase boundary. To this end we proceed as follows. In Section II, we consider a very general type of Hamiltonian consisting of an arbitrary on-site interaction and an arbitrary tunneling term, ofwhich theBose-Hubbard Hamiltonianis aspecial case, anddetermine thegrand-canonical free energy to first order in the tunneling term. This tunneling approximation is motivated by the fact that in three dimensions, the Mott insulator-superfluid quantum phase transition is observed to occur for small values of t/U (note that the tunneling expansion is related to the random-walk expansion of Refs. [23, 24, 25]). Next, in Section III we introduce an order parameter field and derive a Ginzburg-Landau expansion of the effective action, allowing for the computation of physical quantities near the phase boundary in both the Mott insulator and the superfluid phase. Sections IV and V present predictions of our effective-action theory for both static homogeneous and spatio-temporally varying order parameter fields, including expressions for the particle density, the compressibility, the superfluid density, and the excitation spectra. Finally, in Section VI, we specify our results to the Bose- Hubbard Hamiltonian, and compare them to the predictions of the standard mean-field theory. Although both approaches yield the same approximation for the location of the phase boundary, our effective action approach turns out to be superior to the mean-field theory for the following reasons. First, we demonstrate that the effective action approach leads to qualitatively better results deeper into the superfluid phase. Secondly, in contrast to the mean-field approximation, the effective action approach can be systematically extended to higher orders in the tunneling parameter in order to quantitatively improve the results, as has already been demonstrated for the case of the effective potential in Ref. [22]. II. GRAND-CANONICAL FREE ENERGY We consider Bosons on a background lattice with lattice sites denoted by i. Suppose they are described by a Hamiltonian of the form Hˆ = Hˆ +Hˆ , (2) 0 1 3 whichdependsonBosoniccreationandannihilationoperatorsaˆ† andaˆ obeyingthestandard i i commutation relations aˆ ,aˆ = aˆ†,aˆ† = 0, aˆ ,aˆ† = δ . (3) i j i j i j ij h i h i h i We assume that Hˆ is a sum of local terms each diagonal in the occupation number basis, 0 i.e. Hˆ = f (aˆ†aˆ ) (4) 0 i i i i X so its energy eigenvalues are given by E = f (n ). (5) {ni} i i i X As we will be working grand-canonically, we stipulate that the terms f (aˆ†aˆ ) include the i i i usual µaˆ†aˆ dependence on the chemical potential µ. Also, we make the simplifying as- − i i sumption that Hˆ is only a two-Boson hopping term 1 Hˆ = t aˆ†aˆ (6) 1 − ij i j ij X witht symmetric iniandj andt = 0. AswiththeBose-Hubbard model(1), Hˆ inEq. (4) ij ii 0 describes the Bosonic on-site interaction, while Hˆ in Eq. (6) incorporates the tunneling of 1 Bosons between lattice sites. Note, however, that Eq. (2) with Eqs. (4) and (6) covers a significantly more general scenario than the Bose-Hubbard model. The on-site interaction in the Bose-Hubbard model (1) is a two-Boson term with a global interaction strength, but in Eq. (4), however, we have allowed for the on-site interaction of any finite number of Bosons. In addition, we have allowed the Hamiltonian to vary between lattice sites. Thus, our model isalsocapableofdescribing on-sitedisorder, which mayarisefromalocalchemical potential, or from a local interaction [4, 13, 26]. Furthermore, Eq. (6) contains not only the tunneling of Bosons between nearest neighbor sites as in Eq. (2), but also between arbitrarily distant sites. As we are ultimately interested in investigating quantum phase transitions, we follow general field-theoretic considerations and add source terms to the Hamiltonian (2) in order to explicitly break any global symmetries [27, 28] Hˆ Hˆ′ = t aˆ†aˆ + j (τ)aˆ† +j∗(τ)aˆ . (7) 1 → 1 − ij i j i i i i Xij Xi h i 4 Since the source currents j (τ),j∗(τ) depend explicitly upon the imaginary time variable τ, i i standard time-dependent perturbation theory may be used to find a perturbative expression for the grand-canonical free energy. To do this, we switch to the imaginary-time Dirac interaction picture [29], with operators given by Oˆ (τ) = eτHˆ0Oˆe−τHˆ0, (8) D where we have set ~ = 1. In this representation, the Schr¨odinger initial value problem for the time-evolution operator takes the form d Uˆ (τ,τ ) = Hˆ′ (τ)Uˆ (τ,τ ), (9) dτ D 0 − 1D D 0 Uˆ (τ ,τ ) = 1. (10) D 0 0 This is solved by the Dyson expansion ∞ Uˆ (τ,τ ) = 1+ Uˆ(n)(τ,τ ), (11) D 0 D 0 n=1 X ( 1)n τ τ τ Uˆ(n)(τ,τ ) = − dτ dτ ... dτ Tˆ Hˆ′ (τ )Hˆ′ (τ )...Hˆ′ (τ ) , (12) D 0 n! 1 2 n 1D 1 1D 2 1D n Zτ0 Zτ0 Zτ0 h i where Tˆ is the standard imaginary-time ordering operator. The grand-canonical partition function for the system is defined as = tr Tˆe− 0βdτHˆ(τ) , (13) Z R n o which can be rewritten as = tr e−βHˆ0Uˆ (β,0) . (14) D Z n o This gives the partition function as a functional of the currents. For brevity, we shall - Z in cases where no confusion may arise - suppress the arguments of functionals. Thus, by substituting Eqs. (11) and (12) into Eq. (14), we obtain ∞ = (0) + (n), (15) Z Z Z n=1 X ( 1)n β β β (n) = (0) − dτ dτ ... dτ Tˆ Hˆ′ (τ )Hˆ′ (τ )...Hˆ′ (τ ) , (16) Z Z n! Z0 1Z0 2 Z0 n 1D 1 1D 2 1D n 0 D h iE where ∞ (0) = tr e−βHˆ0 = e−βfi(n) (17) Zi { } i n=0 YX 5 is the partition function of the unperturbed system, and 1 < > = tr e−βHˆ0 (18) 0 • (0) • Z n o represents the thermal average with respect to the unperturbed Hamiltonian Hˆ . This can 0 be expressed more compactly as β = (0) Tˆexp dτHˆ′ (τ) . (19) Z Z − 1D (cid:28) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19)(cid:29)0 InsertingtheexplicitformofHˆ′ (τ)fromEqs.(7)and(8),weseethattheexpectationvalues 1D appearing in Eq. (16) can be expanded in terms of Green’s functions of the unperturbed system. Furthermore, since the grand-canonical free energy is given as a logarithm of the partition function 1 = log , (20) F −β Z the Linked Cluster Theorem [30] tells us that can be expanded diagrammatically in terms F of cumulants defined as δ2nC(0)[j,j∗] C(0)(i′,τ′;...;i′ ,τ′ i ,τ ;...;i ,τ ) = 0 , (21) 2n 1 1 n n| 1 1 n n δji′1(τ1′)...δji′n(τn′)δji∗1(τ1)...δji∗n(τn)(cid:12)(cid:12)j=j∗=0 (cid:12) with the generating functional (cid:12) (cid:12) β C(0)[j,j∗] = log Z = log Tˆexp dτ j (τ)aˆ†(τ)+j∗(τ)aˆ (τ) , 0 (0) − i i i i Z (cid:12)(cid:12)tij≡0 * ( Xi Z0 h i!)+0 (cid:12) (22) (cid:12) with only contributions from connected diagrams [31]. Note that this approach, rather than a decomposition of the Green’s functions via Wick’s theorem, must be used in our case as Hˆ is not necessarily quadratic in the creation and annihilation operators. Because Hˆ is 0 0 local according to Eq. (4), the average in Eq. (22) factors into independent averages for each lattice site. It follows that C(0)[j,j∗] is a sum of local quantities, and thus the cumulants 0 C(0)(i′,τ′;...;i′ ,τ′ i ,τ ;...;i ,τ ) vanish unless all site indices are equal. With this, we 2n 1 1 n n| 1 1 n n can write C2(0n)(i′1,τ1′;...;i′n,τn′|i1,τ1;...;in,τn) = i1C(20n)(τ1′,...,τn′|τ1,...,τn) δi′n,im, (23) n,m Y so that it only remains to determine the local quantities C(0)(τ′,...,τ′ τ ,...,τ ). Using i 2n 1 n| 1 n the definitions (21) and (22), we find that C(0)(τ τ ) = Tˆ aˆ†(τ )aˆ (τ ) = G(0)(i,τ i,τ ), (24) i 2 1| 2 i 1 i 2 0 1| 2 D h iE 6 where G(0)(i,τ j,τ ) = δ G(0)(i,τ i,τ ) is the imaginary-time Green’s function of the un- 1 2 ij 1 2 | | perturbed system. Similarly, C(0)(τ ,τ τ ,τ ) = Tˆ aˆ†(τ )aˆ†(τ )aˆ (τ )aˆ (τ ) i 4 1 2| 3 4 i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 0 D h iE (0) (0) (0) (0) C (τ τ ) C (τ τ ) C (τ τ ) C (τ τ ). (25) −i 2 1| 3 i 2 2| 4 −i 2 1| 4 i 2 2| 3 (0) Notethatlocalthequantity C (τ ,τ τ ,τ )issymmetricunderboththeexchangesτ τ i 4 1 2| 3 4 1 ↔ 2 and τ τ . 3 4 ↔ Because each power of the tunneling parameter t is associated with a creation operator ij and an annihilation operator, and each power of j (τ) (j∗(τ)) is associated with one creation i i (annihilation) operator, we can construct the connected diagrams which contribute to F according to the following rules [32]: 1. Each vertex with n lines entering and n lines exiting corresponds to a 2n-th order (0) cumulant C . i 2n 2. Draw all topologically inequivalent connected diagrams. 3. Label each vertex with a site index, and each line with an imaginary-time variable. 4. Each internal line is associated with a factor of t . ij 5. Each incoming (outgoing) external line is associated with a factor of j (τ) (j∗(τ)). i i 6. Multiply by the multiplicity and divide by the symmetry factor. 7. Integrate over all internal time variables. Each diagram is then multiplied by the appropriate factors of j (τ), j∗(τ), and t , and all i i ij spacetime variables are integrated. Since Hˆ in Eq. (4) is diagonal in the occupation number 0 basis and local, there can be no contributions from diagrams with one line. Thus, to first 7 order in the tunneling t and fourth order in the currents j (τ) we find ij i 1 β β =F dτ dτ a(0)(i,τ i,τ )j (τ )j∗(τ )+ a(1)(i,τ j,τ )t j (τ )j∗(τ ) F 0 − β 1 2 2 1| 2 i 1 i 2 2 1| 2 ij i 1 j 2 i (Z0 Z0 " j # X X 1 β β β β + dτ dτ dτ dτ a(0)(i,τ ;i,τ i,τ ;i,τ )j (τ )j (τ )j∗(τ )j∗(τ ) 4 1 2 3 4 4 1 2| 3 4 i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 1 β β β β + dτ dτ dτ dτ t a(1)(i,τ ;i,τ j,τ ;i,τ )j (τ )j (τ )j∗(τ )j∗(τ ) 2 1 2 3 4 ij 4 1 2| 3 4 i 1 i 2 j 3 i 4 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Xj h + a(1)(i,τ ;j,τ i,τ ;i,τ )j (τ )j (τ )j∗(τ )j∗(τ ) , (26) 4 1 2| 3 4 i 1 j 2 i 3 i 4 io where ∞ 1 1 F = log (0) = log e−βfi(n) (27) 0 −β Z −β ( ) i n=0 X X is the grand-canonical free energy of the unperturbed system, and the respective coefficients a are given by the following diagrams and expressions: 2n i (0) (0) a (i,τ i,τ ) = τ τ = C (τ τ ), (28) 2 1| 2 1 2 i 2 1| 2 i j β (1) (0) (0) a (i,τ j,τ ) = τ τ = dτ C (τ τ) C (τ τ ), (29) 2 1| 2 1 2 i 2 1| j 2 | 2 Z0 τ τ 2 3 i (0) (0) a (i,τ ;i,τ i,τ ;i,τ ) = = C (τ ,τ τ ,τ ), (30) 4 1 2| 3 4 τ τ i 4 1 2| 3 4 1 4 τ τ 2 j 3 i β (1) (0) (0) a (i,τ ;i,τ j,τ ;i,τ ) = = dτ C (τ ,τ τ,τ ) C (τ τ ). (31) 4 1 2| 3 4 τ τ i 4 1 2| 4 j 2 | 3 1 4 Z0 In the next section, we will see how this expansion (26) of the grand-canonical free energy leads to the Ginzburg-Landau expansion of the effective action to first order in t . ij At this point, it is also worth making some observations about the two-particle Green’s function G(i,τ j,τ ), defined in the standard way as 1 2 | δ2 1 δ2Uˆ (β,0) G(i,τ j,τ ) = Tˆ aˆ†(τ )aˆ (τ ) = β F = tr e−βHˆ0 D . 1| 2 i 1 j 2 − δj (τ )δj∗(τ ) δj (τ )δj∗(τ ) D h iE i 1 j 2 Z ( i 1 j 2 ) (32) 8 This quantity can also be expanded diagrammatically in terms of cumulants, provided we realize that the effect of the prefactor 1/ in Eq. (32) is simply to cancel all disconnected Z diagrams [29], ensuring that the only diagrams that contribute are connected diagrams with two external lines [31, 32]. Thus, there is a natural correspondence between the Green’s (n) function and the coefficients a defined above: 2 G(i,τ j,τ ) = G(0)(i,τ j,τ )+G(1)(i,τ j,τ )+... 1 2 1 2 1 2 | | | (0) (1) = δ a (i,τ i,τ )+a (i,τ j,τ )+.... (33) ij 2 1| 2 2 1| 2 III. EFFECTIVE ACTION Evaluation of the diagrams shown in Eqs. (29) and (31) involve integration over the time variable associated with the internal line. Thus, their evaluation can be simplified by transforming to Matsubara space, where these integrals amount to simple multiplication. We use the following convention for the forward and inverse Matsubara transformations 1 β g(ω ) = dτ eiωmτg(τ), (34) m √β Z0 ∞ 1 g(τ) = g(ω )e−iωmτ, (35) m √β m=−∞ X with the Matsubara frequencies 2πm ω = , m Z. (36) m β ∈ SincetheunperturbedHamiltonian(4)istime-translationinvariant, itfollowsfromEqs.(21) and (22) that the cumulants - and thus the functions a - must depend on time-differences 2n only. In terms of Matsubara frequencies, this implies that one of the frequency variables is restricted by a delta function, i.e. we have (0) (0) a (i,ω i,ω ) = a (i,ω )δ , (37) 2 m1| m2 2 m1 ωm1,ωm2 (0) (0) a (i,ω ;i,ω i,ω ;i,ω ) = a (i,ω ;i,ω i,ω )δ . (38) 4 m1 m2| m3 m4 4 m1 m2| m4 ωm1+ωm2,ωm3+ωm4 Using this frequency conservation, we find from Eq. (29) (1) (0) (0) a (i,ω j,ω ) = a (i,ω )a (j,ω )δ , (39) 2 m1| m2 2 m1 2 m1 ωm1,ωm2 9 and correspondingly Eq. (31) implies (1) (0) (0) a (i,ω ;i,ω j,ω ;i,ω ) = a (i,ω ;i,ω i,ω )a (j,ω )δ . 4 m1 m2| m3 m4 4 m1 m2| m4 2 m3 ωm1+ωm2,ωm3+ωm4 (40) Thus, the first order corrections to the functions a can be expressed entirely in terms of 2n (0) a and the corresponding zeroth order terms. Using the expressions (28) and (30), along 2 with the definitions (24) and (25), we find that these two coefficients are explicitly given by ∞ 1 a(0)(i,ω ) = e−βfi(n) 2 m (0) Z n=0 X n+1 n , (41) × f (n+1) f (n) iω − f (n) f (n 1) iω (cid:20) i − i − m i − i − − m(cid:21) and ∞ 1 a(0)(i,ω ;i,ω i,ω ) = e−βfi(n) 4 m1 m2| m4 β (0) Z n=0 X n(n 1) 1 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n−1)+i(ωm4−ωm1−ωm2)) 1 − − × f (n 2) f (n 1)+iω i(ω ω ) f (n) f (n 1)+i(ω ω ω ) (cid:26) i − − i − m4 (cid:20) m4 − m2 (cid:18) i − i − m4 − m1 − m2 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n−1)−iωm1) 1 1 − − f (n) f (n 1) iω − f (n 1) f (n 2) iω i − i − − m1(cid:19) i − − i − − m2 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n−2)−i(ωm1+ωm2)) 1 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n−1)−iωm1) 1 − − × f (n) f (n 2) i(ω +ω ) − f (n) f (n 1) iω (cid:18) i − i − − m1 m2 i − i − − m1(cid:19)(cid:21) n2 1 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n−1)+i(ωm4−ωm1−ωm2)) 1 + − f (n) f (n 1) iω i(ω ω ) f (n) f (n 1)+i(ω ω ω ) i − i − − m2 (cid:20) m4 − m2 (cid:18) i − i − m4 − m1 − m2 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n−1)−iωm1) 1 − − f (n) f (n 1) iω i − i − − m1(cid:19) 1 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n−1)−iωm1) 1 βδ − − f (n 1) f (n)+iω ωm1ωm4 − f (n) f (n 1) iω i − − i m4 (cid:18) i − i − − m1(cid:19)(cid:21) n(n+1) 1 + f (n) f (n 1) iω f (n+1) f (n 1) i(ω +ω ) i − i − − m2 (cid:20) i − i − − m1 m2 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n−1)+i(ωm4−ωm1−ωm2)) 1 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n+1)+iωm4) 1 − − × f (n) f (n 1)+i(ω ω ω ) − f (n) f (n+1)+iω (cid:18) i − i − m4 − m1 − m2 i − i m4(cid:19) 1 eβ(fi(n)−fi(n+1)+iωm4) 1 βδ − − f (n+1) f (n) iω ωm1ωm4 − f (n) f (n+1)+iω i − i − m1 (cid:18) i − i m4(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:27)ωm1↔ωm2 (0) (0) a (i,ω i,ω )a (i,ω ) , (42) − 2 m1| m4 2 m2 ωm1↔ωm2 n o where we have introduced the notation to denote a symmetrization in the variables x↔y {•} x and y. Hence the expansion of the grand-canonical free energy (26) can be compactly 10