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Effect of the Oesophageal Mesenchyme on the Differentiation of the Digestive-tract Endoderm of the Chick Embryo PDF

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Preview Effect of the Oesophageal Mesenchyme on the Differentiation of the Digestive-tract Endoderm of the Chick Embryo

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 10: 439-447 (1993) 1993ZoologicalSocietyofJapan Effect of the Oesophageal Mesenchyme on the Differentiation of the Digestive-tract Endoderm of the Chick Embryo Susumu Matsushita Department ofBiology, Tokyo Women's Medical College, Tokyo 162, Japan — ABSTRACT The endoderm of various regions of the digestive tract of 6-day chick embryos was culturedin vitro in recombinationwith theoesophagealorotherdigestive-tract mesenchymesof6-day chick embryos, and the differentiation of the epithelium was examined with attention given to the appearanceofthestratifiedsquamousepitheliumcharacteristicofthematureoesophagealepithelium. The oesophageal endoderm developed stratified squamous epithelium in high frequency in the presence of the oesophageal mesenchyme, but in low frequency when recombined with the other mesenchymes, which suggested the supporting action ofthe oesophageal mesenchyme on the proper differentiationoftheoesophagealendoderm. Amongtheotherendodermsofdigestivetract, onlythe proventricular endoderm developed stratified squamous epithelium, when cultured in recombination with the oesophageal mesenchyme. The squamous cells of this epithelium contained numerous tonofilaments as those ofthe stratified squamous epithelium ofthe intact oesophagus. The ability to elicit stratified squamous epithelium in the proventricular endoderm was shown to be confined to the oesophageal mesenchyme. Thus, the oesophageal mesenchyme was likely to induce oesophagus-type differentiation at least in the proventricular endoderm. endoderm to become an epithelium forming tubu- INTRODUCTION lar glands with prominent mucus production, It is well known that the epithelial-mesenchymal whichresembledtheintactgizzardepithelium [12], interaction is prerequisite for the development of though it is not yet proved whether the chemical the digestive tractofthe Aves [1, 14, 24]. Numer- nature ofthe mucus produced in the recombinates ous studies have shown that the mesenchyme of wasthesameasthatofthegizzardmucus. Thus,it the digestive tract can induce some endoderms to may be possible that the mesenchymes of most differentiate in a mesenchyme-dependent fashion. regions of the digestive tract of the young chick The duodenal mesenchyme of the young chick embryo possess the ability to induce the region- embryo was reported to elicit, in the gizzard specificdifferentiationatleastinsomeendoderms. endodermassociatedtoit,theintestine-likesimple The effect of the oesophageal mesenchyme on columnar epithelium forming villus- or previllous the differentiation of the endodermal epithelium ridge-like structures, which developed brush- was also studied so far. The undifferentiated border structure and its enzymes [2, 5-7]. The allantoic endoderm was reported to become pluri- proventricularmesenchymeinducedtheassociated stratifiedepithelium showingsome resemblance to gizzard or oesophageal endoderm to form com- the embryonic oesophageal epithelium when re- pound gland and to produce embryonic pepsi- combined with the oesophageal mesenchyme of nogenorpepsinogenmRNA,whichwasspecificto theyoung avian embryo and cultured in vitro orin the differentiated proventricular epithelium [3, vivo on the chorioallantoicmembrane ofthe chick 18-20]. Recently, it was demonstrated that the embryo [21,22], butitbecameintesinalepithelium gizzard mesenchyme could induce the duodenal with sucrase as well as cloacal epithelium when culturedlongenoughtoachievefulldifferentiation Accepted March 30, 1993 in the coelomic cavity of the chick embryo [11]. Received December28, 1992 The oesophageal mesenchyme was also reported 440 S. Matsushita to elicit the yolk sac endoderm to become pluri- digestive tract of 6-day chick embryo stratified epithelium [9], but the intestinal epithe- collagenase lium with brush border and its enzyme activities treatment also developed in the same type ofrecombination [9, 10]. The recombination study usingthe epithe- lia and mesenchymes of digestive tract demon- strated the heterotypic differentiation of some endoderms cultured in recombination with the intact recombinate oesophageal mesenchyme [23]. Thus, it is still fragment obscurewhetherthe oesophageal mesenchymehas the inductive ability of mesenchyme-dependent differentiation. The present study intended to examine whether the oesophageal mesenchyme has the region-specific inductive influence or not, explant by the recombination experiment carried out underin vitroculturecondition. Asforthemarker of oesophageal differentiation, appearance of the agar medium ,- id medium stratified squamous epithelium was examined, 1/2day since this epithelium was the characteristics ofthe Fig. 1. Diagram showing the mode of combination of fully differentiated oesophageal endoderm and epithelia and mesenchymes of the digestive tract. was far from being mistaken for other types of OE, oesophagus; PV, proventriculus; GZ, gizzard; epithelium. Though histological is the marker of SI, small intestine; epi., epithelium; mes., mesen- chyme. oesophageal-type differentiation adopted in this study, the stratified squamous epithelium could be regarded as closely related to the cytodifferentia- only the posterior part was used for the proven- tion of the oesophageal epithelial cells, since it tricularendodermortheintactproventricularfrag- appears only in the terminally-differentiated ment, for the purpose of eliminating the possible oesophagusofthechicknearandafterhatching [4, contamination of the apparent oesophageal tissue 8, 15, 16]. (Fig. 1). For the oesophageal mesenchyme of olderstages, the fragment just anteriortothe crop MATERIALS AND METHODS wastakenfrom8-day, 10-dayand 12-dayembryos. The isolated endoderm and mesenchyme were recombined after washing in serum-supplemented Animal (50%) Tyrode's solution and then in Tyrode's Embryos ofthe White Leghorn chick were used solution. throughout the experiments. In Vitro culture technique Preparation oftissuefragments After cultivation on an agar medium for about Themiddleportionoftheoesophagusandofthe half a day at 38°C to ascertain the coherence of small intestinal fragment between the bile duct endoderm andmesenchyme [23], the recombinates entrance and the yolk stalk, and the apex of were transfered onto a millipore filter (Nihon gizzard body were removed from 6-day-old chick Millipore Kogyo K. K., pore size 0.8/urn). The embryos (Fig. 1), and the endodermal epithelium filter with the recombinate was placed on a stain- and mesenchyme were separated with the aid of less-steel grid in a small culture dish containing a collagenase (Worthington, Code CLS, 0.03% in liquid medium up to the level of the membrane Tyrode's solution at 38°C for 1 h). Whole portion filter, and the recombinate was cultured at 38°C in of the proventriculus was taken from 6-day chick 95% air and 5% CO;>. The intact fragments of embryosforthe proventricularmesenchyme, while digestive tract were also cultured in the same way. Inductive Effect of Oesophageal Mesoderm 441 Theculture mediumconsistedof75% Medium 199 turedfor 12or 18days(Table 1, Fig. 2). Columnar with Earle's salt (Nissui Seiyaku), 20% 12-day epithelium producing AB-stained mucus that chickdigestive organ- andeye-free embryo extract might probably correspond to the oesophageal (50% inTyrode'ssolution), 5% fetalbovineserum mucous gland epithelium was also found in the (GIBCO Lab.), and antibiotics (penicillin 100 oesophageal explants (Fig. 2). In the proventricu- units/ml, streptomycin 100//g/ml). The medium lar explants, columnar epithelium with apical AB- was changed every third day. Since the stratified staining differentiated, part of which occasionally squamous epithelium was shown in a preliminary developed glandular invagination (Fig. 3). Giz- experiment to appear in the intact oesophageal zard explants often formed lots of tubulargland- explant after 12 days' cultivation in a liquid like structures or intra-epithelial invaginations, medium, explants were cultivated for 12 days or which were lined with AB-positive mucus- longer up to 18 days. secretory epithelium. In the small-intestinal ex- plants, simple columnar epithelium with goblet Histology cells appeared. Thus, the appearance ofthe stra- After cultivation, the explants were fixed with tified squamous epithelium was confirmed to be ice-cold 95% ethanol for 4hr. Six/um paraffin specific to the oesophageal-type differentiation. sections were stained with alcian blue (AB)- When cultured in the presence of the oeso- hematoxylin. Some explants were fixed in 2.5% phageal mesenchyme, the proventricular en- M glutaraldehyde in 0.1 sodium cacodylate buffer doderm as well as the oesophageal endoderm at 4°C for 2 h and then in 1% Os04 in the same developedthe stratifiedsquamousepitheliumafter buffer at 4°C for 1 h. They were dehydrated with 12 days' cultivation (Table 1). It appeared in the ethanols and embedded in Embedding Resin recombinates with the oesophageal endoderm in (TAAB). Ultra-thin sections were stained with wide area, while in those with the proventricular methanolicsolutionofuranylacetateandwithlead endoderm it appeared in various degree, which citrate. varied from only a small number of a tiny focus consisting of several squamous cells to a rather RESULTS wide area (Figs. 4, 5). Transmission electron mi- croscopy showed that numerous tonofilaments were contained in the squamous cells of this stra- Appearanceofstratifiedsquamousepitheliuminthe tified squamous epithelium, and ciliated cells were digestive-tractendoderm in the intactdigestive-tract often found (Figs. 6a, b). These were characteris- fragments and in the recombinates with the tics found in the intact oesophagus during normal oesophageal mesenchyme development [4, 15] and in the explants of intact In the explants of intact digestive-tract frag- oesophagus in thepresent study (Figs. 7a, b). The ment, thestratifiedsquamousepitheliumappeared possibility that the stratified squamous epithelium only in the explants of oesophageal fragment cul- found in these recombinates originated from the Table 1. Appearance of stratified squamous epithelium in the digestive-tract endodermintheintactdigestive-tractfragmentsandintherecombinateswith the oesophageal mesenchyme cultured in vitro Grafts developing stratified squamous epithelium Origin of endoderm Intact fragments Recombinates Oesophagus 16/17 (94%) II 9 (78%) Proventriculus 0/17 ( 0%) 20/21 (95%) Gizzard 0/11 ( 0%) 0/11 ( 0%) Small intestine 0/15 ( 0%) 0/12 ( 0%) 442 S. Matsushita ojS -• Inductive Effect of Oesophageal Mesoderm 443 oesophageal epithelial cells contaminated in the As shown in Table2, the proventricular en- oesophageal mesenchyme was denied by the fol- doderm developed stratified squamous epithelium lowing findings. Serial sections of the isolated only in the recombinates with the oesophageal oesophageal mesenchyme revealed the absence of mesenchyme, in which AB-positive mucous oesophageal epithelial cells, and the cultivation of epithelium also appeared. TheAB-stained epithe- the mesenchyme alone for 12 days or longer never lium with occasional glandular invagination differ- developed stratifiedsquamous epithelium. In rare entiated in the presence of the proventricular cases (1 out of 12), the isolated mesenchyme mesenchyme, and the mucus-secretory epithelium contained a small epithelial vesicle of unknown forming intra-epithelial invaginations or tubular origin in the presumptive adventitial tissue outside gland-like structures developed in the presence of of the muscular layer, and this epithelial cells did thegizzardmesenchyme. Intherecombinateswith not become stratified squamous epithelium after the small-intestinal mesenchyme, AB-positive cultivation. In the other region of the recombi- epithelium was less frequently found. nateswith the proventricularendoderm and in the The oesophageal endoderm developed stratified recombinates with the gizzard endoderm, mucus- squamous epithelium in high frequency in the secretingepitheliumwith abundant undulations or presence ofthe oesophageal mesenchyme. In the shortinvaginationsappeared (Figs. 4, 5, 8). These presence of other digestive-tract mesenchymes, epithelial cells may be regarded as the differenti- stratified squamous epithelium was found in low ated proventricular or gizzard mucous cells, but frequency (Table2). In the recombinates with the discrimination from the oesophageal mucous cells proventricular mesenchyme, AB-positive epithe- was impossible in the present study. The small- lium with occasional glandular invagination differ- intestinal endoderm became simple columnar entiated but even a small focus of stratified epithelium with goblet cells. In a few explants, squamous epithelium rarely developed (Table2, non-goblet mucous cells were also found. Fig. 9). In the recombinates with the gizzard mesenchyme, AB-positive stratified or simple Effect of various digestive-tract mesenchymes on epithelium and stratified squamous epithelium the differentiation of the proventricular and appeared (Fig. 10). In the recombinates with the oesophageal endoderm small-intestinal mesenchyme, AB-positive colum- The proventricular and oesophageal endoderms nar epithelium appeared. Stratified squamous were found to develop stratified squamous epithe- epithelium was found only in small areas of a few lium in the presence of the oesophageal mesen- recombinates. chyme. Then, the effectofothermesenchymeson these endoderms was analyzed. Fig. 2. An explant of intact oesophageal fragment cultured for 18 days. Stratified squamous epithelium (s) and mucous epithelium (arrows) differentiated. X230. Fig. 3. An explant ofintact proventricularfragment cultured for 18 days. A glandular invagination (g) is formed, and the epithelium is often stained with alcian blue in the apical portion (arrowheads). X230. Fig.4. A recombinate of proventricular endoderm and oesophageal mesenchyme cultured for 18 days. Typical stratified squamous epithelium (s) and mucous epithelium (arrow) are seen. X230. Fig. 5. Small foci (arrows) of stratified squamous epithelium that appeared in the mucous epithelium found in a recombinate ofproventricular endoderm and oesophageal mesenchyme cultured for 18 days. X230. Fig. 6. Transmission electron microscopy of an epithelium of a recombinate of proventricular endoderm and oesophagealmesenchymeculturedfor18days. a. Cellsinthemiddlelayerofthestratifiedsquamousepithelium, which are interconnected with each other by desmosomes (arrowheads) and contained abundant tonofilaments (t). n, nucleus. X24000. b. A ciliated cell. X12000. 7. Transmissionelectronmicroscopyofanepitheliumofanexplantofintactoesophagealfragmentculturedfor 18 days. a. Cells in the middle layer ofthe stratified squampous epithelium. Desmosomes (arrowheads) and numerous tonofilaments (t) are seen. X24000. b. A ciliated cell. X12000. 444 S. Matsushita Effect of the oesophageal mesenchyme of aged embryos As shown in Table3, the stratified squamous epithelium appeared only in the presence of the oesophageal mesenchyme of 6-day embryos and not in the presence of the mesenchyme of older embryos, suggesting that the inductive ability of the oesophageal mesenchyme declined rather '^s>""* v _ "^^""^i^'-'ai. quickly after6 days ofincubation. The epithelium in the recombinateswith the mesenchyme ofolder embryos became mucus-secreting epithelium with abundant undulations or short invaginations. Table3. Appearance of stratified squamous epithelium in the 6-day proventricular endoderm cultured in the presence of oesophageal mesen- chyme of various developmental stages Stage Grafts developing stratified squamous epithelium 6-day 20/21 (95%) 8-day 0/10 0%) ( 10-day 0/ 8 ( 0%) 12-day 0/ 6 ( 0%) Fig. 8. A recombinate of gizzard endoderm and oesophageal mesenchyme cultured for 18 days. Mucus-secreting epithelium with abundant undula- tions or short invaginations appeared. X230. Fig. 9. A recombinate of oesophageal endoderm and proventricular mesenchyme cultured for 18 days. Columnar epithelium with apical alcian blue- staining forming glandular invaginations appeared. X230. Fig. 10. A recombinate ofoesophageal endoderm and gizzard mesenchyme cultured for 18 days. A small areaofstratifiedsquamousepithelium(s)isseen. X 230. Table2. Appearanceofstratifiedsquamousepithelium inthe proventricularand oesophageal endoderms cultured in the presence of various digestive-tract mesenchymes Grafts developing stratified squamous epithelium Origin of mesenchyme Proventricular endoderm Oesophageal endoderm Oesophagus 20/21 (95%) 23/26 (88%)a Proventriculus 0/21 ( 0%)a 1/18 ( 6%) Gizzard 0/11 ( 0%) 6/11 (55%) Small intestine 0/12 ( 0%) 3/11 (27%) a, Explants of the intact fragments as well as the recombinates were included. Inductive Effect of Oesophageal Mesoderm 445 thedigestive-tractendoderms, andwasfoundtobe DISCUSSION confined to the endoderm of the proventriculus, The present study clearly showed that the stra- which situated next to the oesophagus, at least in tified squamous epithelium appeared in high fre- the 6-day-old chick embryo. That the competence quencyin the proventricularendodermcultured in for the inductive action of the mesenchyme was recombinationwith the oesophageal mesenchyme, high in the endoderm of its neighboring region(s) demonstrating the ability of the oesophageal was reported also in the case of intestinal dif- mesenchyme to induce the differentiation of stra- ferentiation induced by the duodenal mesenchyme tified squamous epithelium. The previous study [5]oroftheinductionofpepsinogenorpepsinogen [23] also reported an occasional appearance ofthe mRNA by the proventricular mesenchyme [3, 20]. stratified squamous epithelium in the same type of As for the high responsiveness ofthe proventricu- recombination, but in the present study the stra- larendoderm, thefollowingthreepossibilitiesmay tified squamous epithelium appeared in much be considered; 1) some of the proventricular en- higher frequency, which might be due to a better dodermal cells might be induced to change their culture condition or a longer cultivation period. fate and to become oesophageal-type epithelium; The ultrastructural features of the stratified 2) undifferentiated cells capable to adopt oeso- squamous epithelium found in the recombinates phageal or proventricular fate according to the were shown to resemble those of the stratified influence of the mesenchyme might be contained squamous epithelium of intact oesophageal ex- in the proventricularendoderm; 3) asmallnumber plants, suggesting that both epithelia might repre- of oesophageal cells which are to be lost through sent the same cytodifferentiated state. As shown some selective mechanism(s) during normal de- in the present study, the appearance of stratified velopment in the proventriculus might be distri- squamous epithelium in the proventricular en- butedevenintheposteriorpartoftheproventricu- dodermwas confined to the recombinateswiththe lus. It needs further extensive analysis to know oesophagealmesenchyme. Thus, itwas likelythat which is the case. the oesophageal mesenchyme had the region- The present study also showed that the dif- specificmesenchyme-dependentinducingabilityto ferentiation of the oesophageal endoderm was elicitthe oesophagus-like differentiation atleast in influencedbythemesenchyme. Theappearanceof the proventricular endoderm. The small focus of stratified squamous epithelium was low in the stratified suamous epithelium would have de- oesophageal endoderm cultured in recombination veloped from a single induced cell or a group ofa with the mesenchyme other than that of the fewinducedcellsin the recombinedproventricular oesophagus. Thus, the other mesenchyme might endoderm. The inductive ability of the oeso- provide only an inappropriate condition for the phageal mesenchyme to elicit stratified squamous differentiation of the stratified squamous epithe- epithelium in the proventricular endoderm was liumor exert an inhibitoryeffect on itsdifferentia- shown to decline rather quickly after 6 days of tion. The proventricular mesenchyme was known incubation, while the ability to elicit pluristratified to possess an ability to induce proventricular dif- epithelium inthe allantoicendodermwasreported ferentiation [3, 20], and this effect may have to be retained until the 11th days of incubation contributed to rare appearance of the stratified [21]. This discrepancy might be due to the differ- squamous epithelium in the recombinateswith the ence in the responding tissue and/or to the differ- proventricular mesenchyme. On the contrary, the ence in the examined histological marker in the oesophageal mesenchyme provided asuitable con- two experiments. dition for the normal differentiation of the Regional difference in the responsiveness ofthe oesophagealendoderm. Whetherthiseffectofthe digestive-tract epithelium to the inductive stimuli oesophageal mesenchyme on the oesophageal en- ofthe mesenchyme was repetitivelyreported [3, 5, doderm may be a nutritional one or be related to 20, 23]. The responsiveness to the oesophageal theinductiveinfluence asexertedoverthe proven- mesenchyme also showed regional difference in tricular endoderm is not known. The appearance 446 S. Matsushita of the stratified squamous epithelium even in the induced by the duodenal mesenchyme. J Embryol recombinateswith the mesenchyme otherthan the Exp Morphol 82: 163-176 oesophageal one, though in a rather low frequen- 6 Ishizuya-Oka A, Mizuno T (1985) Chronological cy, suggests that the oesophageal endoderm ofthe analysis of the intestinalization of chick stomach endoderm induced in vitro by duodenal mesen- 6-day chick embryo has already been determined chyme. Roux's Arch Dev Biol 194: 301-305 to some extent, as suggested by the presence of 7 Ishizuya-Oka A, Mizuno T (1992) Demonstration self-differentiation potency in the oesophageal en- of sucrase immunoreactivity of the brush border doderm of this stage [17]. induced by duodenal mesenchyme in chickstomach At least at 6 days ofincubation and probably at endoderm. Roux's Arch Dev Biol 201: 389-392 later stages during normal development, the 8 IveyWD, EdgarSA (1952) Thehistogenesisofthe esophagus and crop of the chicken, turkey, guinea oesophageal mesenchyme would interact mainly fowl and pigeon, with special reference to ciliated with the oesophageal endoderm likely to be en- epithelium. Anat Rec 114: 189-211 dowed with the oesophageal fate. Since the 9 Masui T (1981) Differentiation of the yolk-sac oesophageal endoderm of 6-day embryos has also endoderm under the influence ofthe digestive-tract a potency of heterotypic differentiation into mesenchyme. J Embryol Exp Morphol 62: 277-289 proventricular-type [3, 20], the inductive effect of 10 MasuiT(1982) Intestinalizationofthearea-vitellina the oesophageal mesenchyme might play, in con- endoderm cultured in association with digestive- tract mesenchymes. J Embryol Exp Morphol 72: cert with its probable supporting action that pro- 117-124 vides the appropriate condition(s), an important 11 Matsushita S (1984) Appearance of brush-border role in assurring the correct differentiation of the antigens and sucrase in the allantoic endoderm oesophageal endoderm, as suggested by Mizuno cultured in recombination with digestive-tract mesenchymes. Roux's Arch Dev Biol 193: 211-218 (1975) [13]. 12 Matsushita S (1988) Effect of the mesenchyme on the differentiation of the duodenal and gizzard ACKNOWLEDGMENTS epithelia ofthe chick embryo. Zool Sci 5: 1264 13 MizunoT(1975) Unehypothesesurl'organogenese The author wishes to express his deep gratitude to du tractus digestif. 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