Current Bioactive Compounds 2012, 8, 71-79 71 Effect of Soil Nutrient on Production and Diversity of Volatile Terpenoids from Plants E. Ormeño* and C. Fernandez Aix-Marseille University – Equipe Diversité et Fonctionnement : des Molécules aux Ecosystèmes - Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie (IMBE) (marine et continentale) UMR 7263 CNRS. Centre St Charles, Case 4, 13331 Marseille Cedex 03, France Abstract: Terpenoid production (emission and storage) within foliage plays direct and indirect defensive and protective functions for the plant, mediates complex trophic relationships and controls the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere. Both biotic and abiotic conditions alter terpenoid production, with herbivory, light and temperature effects being reasona- bly well understood. In this manuscript, the state of the science about nutrient effect on terpenoid production is reviewed. The focus is on isoprene emissions and mono- and sesquiterpenoid emissions and concentrations according to fertilizing treatments and their potential interaction with other environmental factors. Ecological, physiological, biochemical and biophysical hypothesis formulated over research investigations are exposed and several points are highlighted as future re- search perspectives which could help to elucidate the apparent contrasting results. Keywords: Emissions, storage, isoprene, monoterpenoids, chemical defenses, nitrogen, phosphorus, interaction. 1. INTRODUCTION Pinus sp.), ducts (commonly referred to as oil ducts), glandu- lar trichomes, and glands. BVOCs are either supplied to the Plants collectively produce thousands of biogenic volatile structures by vascular tissues or synthesized by their con- organic compounds (BVOCs). Terpenoids, sometimes re- stituent cells. These permanent and large reservoirs of ferred to as isoprenoids, are the most diverse class of BVOCs are mainly filled up with mono-and sesquiterpenoids BVOCs. They are low weight hydrocarbons, mostly cyclic which account for a potential source of BVOC emissions, although acyclic forms also exist (e.g. myrcene), formed at even if BVOC synthesis is inactive due to some external least by carbon and hydrogen, but they may also present stress factor (e.g. drought). Other compounds, such as iso- oxygen. Other BVOCs are benzenics, N- and S- containing prene and methyl butanol, as well as green leaf volatiles (e.g. compounds. According to the number of C units, terpenoids 5 induced C –aldehydes, C -alcohols, and their acetates re- are defined as hemiterpenoids, monoterpenoids, and ses- 6 6 leased under biotic pressures), are never specifically stored, quiterpenoids, with 5, 10, and 15 carbon skeletons respec- probably due to their high volatility. Other species do not tively. As the number of carbon units increases, their chemi- present such specific reservoirs. Instead, they synthesize cal diversity increases too. Thus, hemiterpenoids are mostly BVOC-precursors in the chloroplasts and cytosol of meso- represented by isoprene and methyl butenol, around 1000 phyll cells. As a result, only temporary pools of these de different structures have been reported for monoterpenoids, novo formed BVOCs - also referred to as non-specific stor- with limonene and a-pinene being the most common, and age structures - may be present within the intercellular close to 5000 sesquiterpenoids have been detected in plants, spaces and make possible that BVOC emissions occur for the most universal being b-caryophyllene [1]. minutes (isoprene) or hours (monoterpenoids) even if BVOC The terms “storage”, “emission”, and “production” synthesis is stopped (e.g. absence of light). Although this dominate in literature studies, but are not necessarily always dual scheme (storing and non-storing species) is massively used with the same meaning. These terms will be used used and accepted, investigations performed during the last throughout this review and hence need to be clarified. The decade by means of C-13 have evidenced that specific and term “BVOC production” is large and refers to both what is non-specific forms of BVOC storage occur in the same spe- emitted through the leaf and what is stored within it. “BVOC cies and that despite the presence of specific BVOC reser- storage” - also referred to as “specifically stored BVOCs” - voirs, mono- and sesquiterpenoids may also be the novo syn- accounts for the accumulation of important amounts of thesized. Knowledge of the presence of these structures BVOCs ((cid:1)g.g -1) in specialized storage structures typically within a species may help to understand how abiotic factors DM classified as secretory cells, secretory cavities (commonly affect terpenoid production. In non-storing species (e.g. referred to as oil glands in Citrus sp., and as resin canals in Quercus ilex L., Populus sp.), terpenoid emissions often fea- ture stronger and faster short-term responses to environ- mental factors due to the absence of terpenoid reservoirs that *Address correspondence to this author at the Aix-Marseille University – buffer the direct influence of the environment [2,3]. Equipe Diversité et Fonctionnement : des Molécules aux Ecosystèmes - Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie (marine et continentale) BVOC emission and storage allow plants to withstand UMR 7263 CNRS. Centre St Charles, Case 4, 13331 Marseille Cedex 03, numerous abiotic and biotic stress conditions and mediate France; Tel: +33 (0) 4 13 55 12 26; Fax: +33 (0) 4 13 55 11 51; E-mail: [email protected] ecological interactions with the biotic environment [1]. 1(cid:27)7(cid:24)-(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:23)(cid:25)/12 $58.00+.00 © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers 72 Current Bioactive Compounds 2012, Vol. 8, No. 1 Ormeño and Fernandez Plants are not passive victims against herbivory since the key limiting nutrient involved in terpenoid emission and important amounts of terpenoids specifically stored within storage. plant tissues may act as antiherbivore chemical defences Isoprene emission could also be related to phosphorus which make leaf consumption toxic for herbivores leading availability since deprivation of this macronutrient degrades them to change their dietary habits and reducing the success cell membranes, part of which seems to be compensated by of invading herbivores and pathogens. Complex mixtures of greater isoprene emissions. In particular, phosphorus starva- BVOC emissions also play an important role in the recruit- tion reduces the amounts of phospholipids that form the bi- ment of the carnivorous natural enemies of herbivores [4]. layer in cell membranes, crucial for life in all organisms Leaf emissions of BVOCs, especially isoprene, protect the since it separates the interior of cells from their environment leaf cell against short episodes of heat stress [5]. Terpenoids [12]). Siwko et al. (2007) [13] demonstrated that under heat are highly reactive gases, and are emitted in such large quan- stress, this bilayer degradation is reduced by isoprene emis- tities from the biosphere that substantially affect the oxidiz- sions, which ensure the stability of the bilayer at a concentra- ing potential of the atmosphere and intervene in ozone (O ) 3 tion of 20 mol % isoprene (16 isoprene molecules per 64 and some aerosol formation [6]. lipid molecules). The effect of this isoprene addition on the Since BVOC emissions are highly sensitive to abiotic membrane is equivalent to a reduction in temperature of 10 factors, ecological roles of BVOCs may be endangered or K, rising to a reduction of 30 K at 43 mol % isoprene. Like- modified by environmental changes, including global-change wise, the phospholipid bilayer instability under phosphorus related phenomena. While the effect of climate-related fac- starvation could be copped by greater isoprene emission. tors is well documented, soil nutrient impact on BVOC fluxes has received relatively little attention [7]. Both exces- 2.2. What Ecological Theories Anticipate sive soil fertilization and nutrient starvation in abandoned In the early 1980s, attention began to be focused on the lands are however major problems nowadays. The aim of role of nutrient resource availability in terms of the costs and this review is to summarize investigations into the impact of benefits of producing carbon-based metabolites such as ter- soil nutrients applied through different fertilizers on BVOC penoids. This attention resulted in 2 resource allocation theo- plant production, with a special focus on leaf emission and ries used for predicting allocation of carbon and nutrient storage of terpenoids. resources for the production of carbon-based defense com- pounds, especially phenolics and terpenoids. The carbon- 2. INFLUENCE OF NUTRIENTS ON TEROENOID nutrient balance hypothesis (CNBH) presumes that carbon PRODUCTION and nutrient availability in the plant environment determines 2.1. Biochemical and Biophysical Explanations the production of metabolites. When nutrients, especially nitrogen, are highly scarce, a plant will allocate proportion- Nitrogen could promote terpenoid emissions by promot- ately more of an abundant resource, such as carbon, to the ing electron transport rate and leaf photosynthesis which acquisition of the scarce resource and to the synthesis of de- provide ATP requirements and carbon substrate availability fensive compounds [14]. This was based on the observation for isoprene synthesis. Nitrogen is expected to favor terpe- that limited nutrient resources curtailed plant growth, rather noid production, especially isoprene emissions, and mono- than photosynthesis [15], resulting in an excess of carbohy- and sesquiterpenoid emissions in non-storing species which drates. Under such conditions, the CNBH asserts that the often feature stronger and faster short-term responses to en- excess of carbohydrates is not used for growth but provides, vironmental factors due to the absence of terpenoid reser- instead, an additional substrate to synthesize defense secon- voirs that buffer the direct influence of the environment dary metabolites. This theory considers that carbon-based [2,3]. In storing species, although specific storage structures defense compounds have no cost since they do not directly may uncouple BVOC emissions from photosynthesis, all compete with growth, because their synthesis is achieved carbon-based secondary metabolites ultimately depend on through an excess of carbohydrates. CO fixation and, as a result, a relationship between nitrogen 2 and stored terpenoids can also occur. This is supported by The growth differentiation balance hypothesis (GDBH), previous work [8] that reported a direct relationship between also referred to as “excess carbon hypothesis”, assumes that photosynthetic carbon products like glyceraldehyde-3-phos- there are 3 types of balance between growth and terpenoid phate or pyruvate, and terpenoids biosynthesis as well as by production. Whenever all required resources for growth are studies were positive relationships between leaf or soil nitro- available, that is under soils rich in nutrient resources, the gen and terpenoid concentration in leaves has been found theory prescribes that growth (e.g. cell division, biomass [9,10]. production), will be favored over differentiation (e.g. cell maturation and production of defensive compounds) [16-18]. Phosphorus is expected to influence terpenoid production As nitrogen becomes scarcer and not optimal, differentiation since terpenoid precursors (IPP: isopentenyl diphosphate and will predominate, and consequently terpenoid accumulation DMAPP: Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate) contain high-energy or emission will increase at the expense of growth, since the phosphate bonds and phosphorus is a key component of ATP plant allocates proportionately more of an abundant resource, and NADPH which are required for terpenoid synthesis. Ni- such as carbon, to the acquisition of the scarce resource and inemets et al. (2002) [11] estimated that Quercus coccifera to the synthesis of defensive compounds. Finally, under lim- L. requires 28 moles of NADPH and 40 moles of ATP to iting nutrient conditions, both primary and secondary me- synthesize monoterpenoids. Phosphorus could hence be a tabolisms are at their lowest levels. Effect of Soil Nutrient on Production and Diversity of Volatile Terpenoids Current Bioactive Compounds 2012, Vol. 8, No. 1 73 2.3. Controversial Between Theory and Practice study suggests that even if plants may feature a higher num- ber of storage structures under richer soils, these structures Most studies focused on isoprene emissions under fertili- still need to be filled up in order to notice a significant effect zation treatments, indicate that there is a positive dependence of nitrogen on terpenoid compound concentration. The inca- with nutrients, although this has mainly been demonstrated pacity of plants to fill them up as their number increase may for nitrogen (Table 1). High leaf nitrogen concentrations be due to the high cost to produce terpenoids per gram, as favor photosynthetic activity which is mostly coupled to iso- compared to other secondary metabolites [29]. This later prene emissions. This second relationship occurs because author, reviewing several decades of research, proposes that isoprene synthesis relies on the availability of recently as- the cost of producing different terpenoid mixtures and the similated carbon which is used to form photosynthetic me- cost of maintaining different pool sizes, could explain why tabolites shunted into the methylerythritol pyrophosphate terpenoid dependency on soil nutrients is species-specific. pathway (MEP), whereby isoprene is formed [19]. Positive correlations between isoprene emission rates and leaf nitro- A different explanation was given by Lerdau et al. (1995) gen concentration also support the existence of a mechanism [9] in the only work that has attempted to study the terpenoid linking leaf nitrogen status and isoprene synthase activity production variation (emission and content) according to [20]. While most studies indicate a positive effect of leaf nitrogen fertilization over the phenological cycle. The nitrogen on leaf isoprene emissions, the impact of phospho- authors found that Pseudotsuga-Menziesii Mirb. presented rus is less certain. In the herbaceous species Phragmites aus- higher needle monoterpenoid concentrations and emission tralis grow under different phosphorus levels, it was shown rates under the lowest levels of nitrogen fertilization on con- that isoprene emissions were substantially lower under rich dition when plants exhibited a leaf expansion state, exclu- phosphorus levels despite increase in photosynthesis rates sively. For the rest of the seasonal cycle this species exhib- [21]. Facing this surprising result, authors argued that iso- ited the opposite behavior. In other words, the predictions of prene was probably limited by factors other than photosyn- the resource availability theories were not consistent with thetic intermediate availability or by energetic (ATP) re- experimental results during the most important part of the quirements under high phosphorus levels. phenological cycle of this species. Lately, Lerdau et al. (1997) [30], in an attempt to salvage the GDBH and CNBH, Influence of fertilization on terpenoid storage is by far restricted their scope by suggesting that these theories are more controversial (Table 1). For example, under nitrogen useful in order to predict terpenoid changes in annual species supply, terpenoid content in Pinus sylvestris needles was (e.g. Heterotheca-Subaxillaris [31]) which spend most of promoted [22], unchanged [23] or disfavored in mature nee- their lives growing but fail to predict terpenoid changes in dles [24]. In Eucalyptus sp., which stores terpenoids in oil woody species in part because do not consider plant phenol- glands beneath the leaf surface, high-fertilization favored ogy. terpenoid concentration under nursery conditions while it remained invariable in field conditions [25]. Muzika and Pregitzer 1992 [32] stated that soil nitrogen availability has little to no effect on terpenoid storage since, Researchers have put forward several hypotheses to ex- unlike phenolic compounds, terpenoids are not synthesized plain these seemingly paradoxical effects of nutrient influ- through the shikimic acid pathway as aromatic amino acids. ence on terpenoid storage. Bjorkman et al. (1991) [26] moni- As a result, their storage does not rely on competition for tored changes in nitrogen and resin acid concentrations in nitrogen resources, a hypothesis that has been supported by needles of young Scots pine trees fertilized with ammonium the existence of correlations between phenolic compound nitrate (NH NO ) over 3 years. They noted that both nitrogen 4 3 and aromatic amino acid concentrations [33]. Even if there and resin acid concentrations are increased in fertilized trees. has been a clear attempt to restrict this theory, as well as the The authors suggested that soils rich in nitrogen favor resin GDBH. These theories to phenolic compounds alone, Ko- duct formation in needles and that resin acid concentrations richeva (2002) [34] simply concluded that there is a more in needles are directly limited by the size of these storage fundamental problem: the failure of the CNBH as an ex- structures rather than by the substrate for resin acid synthe- planatory tool of the mechanisms that underline the nutrient sis. In other words, they suggest that nitrogen influences the effect on carbon-based secondary metabolites because a terpenoid storage through leaf morphological rather than negative effect of nutrient supply on carbon-based secondary biochemical changes. This assumption is bolstered by evi- compounds could just occur due to a dilution phenomenon dence of a positive correlation between terpenoid abundance since nutrients favor biomass production. In addition, the and the density of storage structures [27] as well as a posi- author indicates that the enzymes responsible for the synthe- tive relationship between terpenoid content and leaf thick- sis of secondary compounds can have sucrose-responsive ness, measured as LMA and resulting from increasing nitro- promoter elements, and therefore react to an increased sub- gen concentrations [28] (Fig. (1)). These results evidence the strate supply with enhanced rates of transcription. Although importance of making the difference between the anatomical severely criticized in the last decade, both the GDBH and (number and size of secretion structures) and the physiologi- CNBH may still help to explain changes in terpenoid con- cal and biochemical factors (enzyme kinetic, precursor avail- centration due to nutrient availability changes at a time scale ability, photosynthesis) in order to clarify any modification of years [35]. in terpenoid production due to soil nutrients. However, in a later study, whereas nitrogen fertilization increased the num- Other authors recently reported that concentration and ber of resin ducts in mature needles of Pinus sylvestris L., profile of constitutive and hervivore-induced monoterpenoid the concentration of terpenoids decreased [24]. This later and sesquiterpenoid concentrations in Pinus pinaster Aiton, 74 Current Bioactive Compounds 2012, Vol. 8, No. 1 Ormeño and Fernandez Table 1. Terpenoid Concentration in Specific Storage Structures Under Different Soil Nutrient Conditions. Results on Soil Fertili- zation and Soils Naturally Presenting Differences in their Soil Nutrients are Taken into Account Reference Growing Conditions and Period of Fertilizer: Type and Levels in Results Reported and Species the Study Soil Effect of soils where fertilizers have been applied Close et al. Eucalyptus Positive effect on terpenoid content in Nursery and field conditions 2 nursery treatments: [25] globules nursery treatment March, April, May, June 1.25 mg Peters Excel(1) per plant Eucalyptus No effect in field conditions once or twice a week nitens 2 Post-planting fertilization: 120 g per plant of (NH)HPO (diam- 42 4 monium phosphate), N:P:K, 18:46:0 and no fertilizing addition Kainulainen et Pinus sylves- No effect on monoterpenoid concentra- Greenhouse conditions NHNO (ammonium nitrate) 4 3 al. [22] tris L. tion 3-and 4-year-old seedlings in 7.5 l Pinus: 32 and 105 Kg.ha-1 Picea abies Positive effect on camphor at the high- plastic pots with sand and fertilized Picea : 48 and 121 Kg.ha-1 Karts. est O concentrations peat 3 Growing season McCullough Pinus banksi- Positive effect on monoterpenoid con- Natural conditions NHNO 4 3 and Kulman ana Lamb. centration on both wildfire and clear 7-11-year-old plants Unfertilized and 140 Kg.ha-1 [53] cutting sides April-May Mihaliak and Heterotheca Negative effect on leaf mono- and Growth chamber KNO and Ca(NO) 3 32 Lincoln [31] subaxillaris sesquiterpenoid content Seedlings Unfertilized, 0.5, 1.5, 5.0 M, and Lam. Perlite, vermiculite, and sand (1:1:1) 15.0 mM Muzika et al. Abies gran- Negative effect of the higher fertilizing Greenhouse conditions NH+ and NO- at 2 rates: 4 3 [54] dies (Dougl) treatment on concentration of 4 terpe- Seedlings 224 and 448 Kg.ha-1 Lindl. noids out of 10 compounds quantified No effect of lower fertilization treat- ment Powell and Larix laricina Positive effect on (cid:1)-pinene concentra- Greenhouse conditions Osmocote 19-6-12 Raffa [55] Mélèze tions in July 2 year-old seedlings 0.5, 10.0 and 50.0 g laricin. 18 l liter pots containing washed silica sand and peat (16:1) May, June, July Plants were watered once or twice daily Sampedro et Pinus pinaster No effect on monoterpenoid concentra- Greenhouse conditions Phosphorus at two rates: 20 and 2 al. [36] Aiton. tion whether induced or constitutive Seedlings mg .l -1 2.0 l pots containing sterilized perlite August Daily watering by subirrigation Effect of soils naturally differing in their nutrient content Barnola and Pinus caribea Higher terpenoid concentrations in Field study Calcareous and siliceous soils Cedeño [56] Morelet. siliceous soils Adult trees, mature needles Dry season King et al. Eucalyptus Slight positive effect of leaf nitrogen Field study Altitude and slope transects in [28] polybractea on terpenoid content in oil glands Adult trees forest ecosystem R. Braker. No effect of leaf phosphorus on terpe- June noid Effect of Soil Nutrient on Production and Diversity of Volatile Terpenoids Current Bioactive Compounds 2012, Vol. 8, No. 1 75 (Table 1) Contd…. Reference Growing Conditions and Period of Fertilizer: Type and Levels in Results Reported and Species the Study Soil Moretti et al. Rosmarinus Positive effect of soil phosphorus and Field study Calcareous and siliceous soils [57] officinalis L. nitrogen soil nutrients (calcareous soils) June on 1,8-cineol amounts Ormeño et al. Cistus albidus C. albidus : Negative effect of soil Field study Calcareous and siliceous soils [58] L. available phosphorus and total nitrogen Adult trees, mature and young nee- on monoterpenoid emissions (calcare- Rosmarinus dles pooled together ous soils) officinalis L. July R. officinalis and P. halepensis: Posi- Pinus tive effect of soil available phosphorus halepensis and total nitrogen on monoterpenoid Mill. emissions (calcareous soils) No effect of soil nutrients on sesquiter- penoids. Robles and Cistus albidus Higher concentrations of many terpe- Field study Calcareous and siliceous soils Garzino [59] L. noids in calcareous soils-growing plants Mature plants (e.g. Allo-aromadendrene, (cid:2)- Dormancy period caryophyllene) Higher concentrations of many terpe- noids in siliceous soils (e.g. (cid:2)- bourbonene) Flamini et al. Myrtus com- Higher concentrations of (cid:1)-pinene and Field study Calcareous and siliceous soils [60] munis L. (cid:3)-limonene in calcareous soils-growing Mature plants plants Fructification period Higher concentrations of linalool in siliceous soils-growing plants N:P:K (20:2.2:6.6) solution concentration 1 g.l-1 Nutrientavailability CellBiochemicaland CellAnatomy physiologicalchanges (leafthickness, gland size (phtosynthesis, precursors, enzymes) andvolume) Terpenoid Terpenoid Terpenoid emissions emissions storage (previously (noprevious specificallystored) specificstorage) Fig. (1). Diagram representing the effect of nutrients on terpenoid storage and emission. Continuous and discontinuous arrows indicate a di- rect and indirect relationship. 76 Current Bioactive Compounds 2012, Vol. 8, No. 1 Ormeño and Fernandez were not affected by phosphorus limitation [36]. They ar- penoid emissions by 38% from P. halepensis under nutrient gued that terpenoid homeostasis is probably a way of con- supply, independently on water treatment and no effect was trolling terpenoid emissions which otherwise would carry noticed for Q. ilex monoterpenoid emissions. airborne information to insects about the nutritional status of Harley et al. (1994) [39], used a full factorial analysis the plant. with 3 levels of nitrogen fertilization (NH N0 , 12, 8, and 2 4 3 Much of the apparently contrasting results could proba- mM total nitrogen) and 2 levels of light (300 and 800 (cid:1)mol, bly be clarified if leaf morpho-anatomy analysis (leaf storage m-2, s-1) applied to Velvet Bean leaves. They reported in- structure size, number) were coupled with cell biochemistry crease in isoprene emissions as leaf nitrogen concentration (enzyme kinetic, precursor availability) and, physiology increased, irrespective of light treatment, although this result (photosynthesis) in leaves (Fig. (1)). Grouping species ac- was most pronounced at high PFD (photon flux density). A cording to their storage structures (e.g. resin canals in Pina- 5-fold increase of isoprene was found for a 3-fold increase in ceae sp., and trichomes in Lamiaceae sp.), could also bring leaf nitrogen content. Likewise, isoprene emissions of aspen some light into the terpenoid production pattern according to (Populus tremuloides Michaux.) and oak (Quercus alba L.) fertilization treatments. More importantly, it is often ignored were positively correlated to leaf nitrogen concentrations, that the GDBH suggests the occurrence of 3 different bal- both in shade and sun grown plants (PFD reduced by 80% ances between primary and secondary metabolisms under and 2200 (cid:1)mol m-2 s-1 respectively) [20]) Furthermore, for low, intermediate and high nutrient resources respectively, any given leaf nitrogen concentration (expressed per unit leaf while knowledge of the actual optimal, intermediate and mass), sun leaves emitted greater isoprene rates than shade limiting nutrient conditions of a given species are rarely ex- leaves. amined. As a result, the GDBH often fails to explain the sci- Fertilization with NH NO did not alter terpenoid con- entific results and studies with similar fertilization rates re- 4 3 centration in Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea abies Karts., ei- sult in different growth – terpenoid balances in different spe- ther under high or ambient O concentrations [22] (Fig. (2)). cies. 3 Camphor was the exception, since its concentration in- creased in the fertilized trees (48 and 121 Kg.ha-1) when O 3 3. INTERACTION BETWEEN FERTILIZATION concentration increased (by 1.7-fold the O concentration in TREATMENTS AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL 3 the control plots. Characterizing the environmental condi- FACTORS tions other than fertilization, before and during the sampling Substantial efforts have been put into defining the impact campaigns may hence provide an explanation to the ob- of different fertilizers at different rates. The influence of fer- served results. tilizing treatments is most often tackled considering a single type of fertilizer supplied into soil at different rates, typically 4. IMPACT OF FERTILIZERS ON TERPENOID DI- 3 or 4 rates, while irrigation is regularly applied as required VERSITY by the plant. More rarely, protocols consider the combined Several arguments considerd that excess fertilization lead action of different fertilizers and their interaction with either plants to store and release a different bouquet of terpenoids. abiotic and biotic factors and the resulting effects in terpe- First, the amazing diversity of terpenoids, and more gener- noid metabolism (Fig. (2)). ally all secondary metabolites, are considered as the result of Kandeel et al. [37] focused on the effect of inorganic and selection pressures, both abiotic and biotic, that concomi- organic nitrogen fertilizers and their combinations on yield tantly operate on plant species. Second, changes in some and oil composition of basil. They showed that when com- abiotic conditions induce the formation of terpenoids. For bined, nitrogen supply increased oil yield (mainly composed example, O fumigation induced, after 23 h, sesquiterpenoid 3 by terpenoid-like compounds) compared to plants fertilized emissions (b-elemene, aromadendrene, a-humullene) from with inorganic nitrogen alone. The mixture of inorganic and tobacco plants [40]. Continuous light induced constant emis- organic nitrogen also increased or decreased the concentra- sions of the sesquiterpenoid alpha-copaene in Lycopersicon tion of different BVOCs contained within the essential oil. esculentum Mill [41]. Sesquiterpenoid emissions were Other authors [38] reported a high essential oil yield in Foe- strongly inhibited after 7 days of water withholding in R. niculum vulgare Mill. when using a mixture of 50% of the officinalis, thus altering terpenoid emission composition recommended dosage of NPK and a biofertilizer (inoculation [42]. of Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum liboferum, and Nevertheless, experimental data indicate that different Bacillus megatherium). A low yield was obtained when only ranges of soil nutrient concentrations do not induce the ap- 50 % of the inorganic fertilizer was applied without inocula- pearance of new terpenoids, whether these are induced or tion. This is due to some free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria constitutive [36]. In some cases, nutrients may involve into the soil presenting the ability to fix nitrogen and release changes in the relative ratios among the different compounds phytohormones similar to gibberellic acid and indole acetic (quality) emitted or stored [43]. Excessive nutrient supply acid, which stimulate plant growth, nutrient absorption and has also been found to strongly limit the concentration of a photosynthesis. given terpenoid. Thus, at 470 kg.ha-1 NH NO and 140 4 3 In a study performed in the Mediterranean area under Kg.ha-1 potassium sulphate, p-cymene concentration in the garden conditions, Pinus halepensis Mill. and Quercus ilex essential oil of caraway (Carum carvi L.) fruit was only de- L. were subjected to 3 fertilization treatments (250 kg N, tected in trace amounts in comparison with unfertilized ha-1, 250 kg P. ha-1, and both) under irrigated and water treatments and lower doses [44]. withholding conditions [2]. The authors found reduced ter- Effect of Soil Nutrient on Production and Diversity of Volatile Terpenoids Current Bioactive Compounds 2012, Vol. 8, No. 1 77 5. FUTURE DIRECTIONS TO STUDY THE CONSE- centrations, which may induce some response in the terpe- QUENCES OF NITROGEN FERTILIZATION ON noid metabolism [46] (v) measurement of appropriate indica- TERPENOID PRODUCTION tors of water and nutrient soil status. Different nutrient forms could not be equally correlated to terpenoid production. In Literature of nutrient impact on terpenoid production in case of soil nitrogen, total nitrogen, NH4+ and NO - could be natural plants has mainly sought to determine the impact of evaluated. Since losses of NH4+ occur mainly by 3volatiliza- mineral fertilization, especially NH NO While most studies 4 3. tion, when H+ is removed from NH4+ by another ion such as point out a positive effect of NH NO on terpenoid emis- 4 3 hydroxyl (OH-), collected soil samples must immediately be sions, results on terpenoid storage are little conclusive, in frozen in order to limit such losses. Also, the irrigation fre- agreement with the investigations that have tested the impact quency and volume should carefully be chosen and meas- of nitrogen fertilization on essential oils (rich in terpenoid- ured. Most studies dealing with fertilization regularly irrigate like compounds) [45]. the plants in order to limit any interaction with water stress, We contend that part of the seemingly discrepancies be- which is known to deeply affect terpenoid production. Major tween different investigators could probably be clarified if losses of NO - can however occur, especially in coarse- 3 the following parameters were taken into account (i) ana- textured soils where water percolates freely, since this nitrate tomical, physiological and biochemical analyses, since form of nitrogen is very soluble and leaches easily. changes in some of these properties (e.g. increase in gland Also, both soil and leaf nutrient status should be checked size and number) could counteract modifications of physio- since increases in soil nutrients may not directly increase logical processes (e.g. decrease in photosynthesis) (ii) meas- tissue nutrient nutrition [47], a phenomenon that can occur urements performed over the seasonal cycle since growth under important runoff. Kainulainen et al. (2000) [22] re- requirements vary over the year and consequently, trade-offs ported unexpected low nutrient concentrations (phosphorus between primary and secondary metabolism could be accord- and nitrogen) in leaves of fertilized pots which were imputed ingly adjusted, (iii) knowledge of the optimal, intermediate to the heavy rain periods during the sampling campaign and limiting nutrient requirements for the studied species in which probably caused leaching of nutrients from the pots. It order to reasonably compare results with the GDBH (iv) can also occur if nutrient supply significantly enhances leaf complementary data on irrigation requirements and other biomass thus diluting leaf nutrient concentration, under poor abiotic conditions such as possible pollution and CO con- 2 root development or if a nutritional imbalance between ni- -P. halepensis: negative effectof N and P suppy (applied into soil as NH NO 4 3 Drought and Ca (PO ) respectivelyon monoterpenoid emissions 3 4 2 [2] -Q. ilex: no effect on monoterpenoid emissions s r o X act Light Mucunasp., Populus tremuloides Michaux. and Quercus albaL. : negative effect c f [20, 39] of N (applied into soil as NH4NO3) on isoprene emissions, both on sun and shade- oti grown plants, but changes were more pronounced in sun-exposed leaves bi A Pinussylvestris and Piceaabies: no effectof N (applied into soil as NH NO ) on O 4 3 3 terpenoid content excepting for camphor, whose concentration increased in the [22] nitrogen fertilizing treatment at the highest O concentrations 3 Fertilizing effect Pseudotsuga-Menziesii: positive effectof N (applied into soil as NH NO ) on 4 3 Plant phenology monoterpenoid emissions and concentrations during all the seasonal cycle except [30] the growing period were a negative effect was found s r o Pinussylvestris L.:No effect of N (applied into soil as NH NO ) on monoterpene X act Leafage content in growing needles but negative effecton the cont4ent o3f total and some f c [24] individual monoterpenoidsin mature needles oti Bi -PinuspinasterAiton.: No effectof nitrogen on the content of monoterpenoid- Herbivory induced compounds [36, 43] -ZeamaysvarDelprim: Positive effectof phosphoruson induced-monoterpenoid emissionsfrom damaged leaves (and undamaged plants, i.e. constitutive emissions) Fig. (2). 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