Effect of residual gas composition on epitaxial graphene growth on SiC J. Kunc,1 M. Rejhon,1 E. Belas,1 V. Dˇediˇc,1 P. Moravec,1 and J. Franc1 1Institute of Physics, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 5, Prague 2, CZ-121 16, Czech Republic∗ (Dated: January 10, 2017) Inrecentyears,graphenegrowthoptimizationhasbeenoneofthekeyroutestowardslarge-scale, high-quality graphene production. We have measured in-situ residual gas content during epitaxial graphene growth on silicon carbide (SiC) to find detrimental factors of epitaxial graphene growth. 7 The growth conditions in high vacuum and purified argon are compared. The grown epitaxial 1 graphene is studied by Raman scattering mapping and mechanical strain, charge density, number 0 of graphene layers and graphene grain size are evaluated. Charge density and carrier mobility has 2 beenstudiedbyHalleffectmeasurementsinvanderPauwconfiguration. Wehaveidentifiedamajor n role of chemical reaction of carbon and residual water. The rate of the reaction is lowered when a purified argon is used. We also show, that according to time varying gas content, it is preferable J to grow graphene at higher temperatures and shorter times. Other sources of growth environment 8 contamination are also discussed. The reaction of water and carbon is discussed to be one of the factorsincreasingnumberofdefectsingraphene. Theimportanceofpurifiedargonanditssufficient ] flow rate is concluded to be important for high-quality graphene growth as it reduces the rate of i undesired chemical reactions and providesmore stable and defined growth ambient. c s - PACSnumbers: l r t m I. INTRODUCTION erns the onset of graphene formation [5], oxidation [15] . andotherchemicalreactions[16]hasbeendiscussed,too. t a However, there is a little or no experimental evidence of m EpitaxialgraphenegrowthonSiC [1]isa scalablefab- graphenegrowthconditionsandcompositionofaresidual - ricationmethod ofhigh quality graphenefor post-silicon gas inside a graphene furnace [17]. These studies are re- d electronics and opto-electronics [2, 3]. Among novel de- stricted to gas phase dynamics during Chemical Vapour n vices, the growth technique, together with SiC wafer Deposition (CVD) graphene growth [18] and to carbon o c preparation, stands at the beginning of whole manufac- nanotubes growth [19]. [ turing process. It is therefore a key to understand con- ditions under which reproducible high quality graphene 1 can be reached [4, 5]. The growth mechanisms has been v 3 studied both theoretically and experimentally. First- 3 principles calculations has been done to study graphene 0 buffer layer formation on SiC(0001), diffusion of carbon Here, we determine experimentally the residual gas 2 onSiC [6], stability andreactivityofatomic steps ofSiC content in a furnace for epitaxial graphene growth on 0 in the initial graphene growth stage [7]. Experimental SiC. The measurements are performed in-situ by resid- . 1 studieshavebeendonetounderstandmechanismsofepi- ualgasanalyzerduringwholegraphenegrowth. Weshow 0 taxial graphene growth on SiC(000¯1) [8], SiC(0001) [9], thattheinitialgraphenegrowthisaccompaniedbychem- 7 non-polar SiC surfaces [10] and to elucidate role of car- ical reaction of residual water and carbon. The results 1 bondiffusion[11]andsiliconsublimation[9]. Ithasbeen of Norimatsu [20] indicate that control of the number of : v shown that graphene with reduced pit density can be graphene layers require precise control of the first stage i grownon nominally flat SiC substrates [9] and graphene of SiC decomposition. We discuss that hydrogen, one of X quality can be further improved when grown in high ar- theproductsofthereactionofresidualwaterandcarbon, r a gon pressure [12]. On the other hand, the carrier mo- might be one reasonfor SiC step bunching during initial bility has been observed to decrease with increasing ar- graphene growth stage. We compare the chemistry of gon pressure when time and temeperature are kept con- graphene growth in high vacuum and in low argon pres- stant [12]. Other strategies to improve graphene quality sure. The comparisonofbothgrowthtechniques demon- involve thermal decomposition of deposited polymer ad- strates that argon reduces the rate of water and carbon sorbatewhichacts asa carbonsource[13]. The SiC step reaction. Therefore amount of hydrogen is smaller and bunching, as another issue reducing graphene mobility graphenequalityishigher. Wediscussalsotheroleofar- on SiC, has been solved by amorphous carbon step pin- gonintermsofgrowthtemperature,timeandgaspurity. ning[14]. Thethermodynamicsofstablephasesthatgov- ThegraphenequalityisanalyzedbyRamanspectroscopy mapping and by Hall effect measurements. We compare growth in vacuum and high pressure argon in terms of chargedensity, strain, graphenegrainsize andtheir spa- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected]ff.cuni.cz tial variation. 2 II. SAMPLES AND EXPERIMENTAL SETUP aluminium left part The wafers of 6H-SiC were purchased from II-VI Inc. oxygen middle part and diced into 3.5 3.5 mm2 rectangles. The samples u.)150 right part × b. are (500 25) µm thick, semi-insulating high resistivity ar (1010 Ωc±m) vanadium doped SiC. Graphene is grown on sity (100 the silicon face SiC(0001) with a wafer miss-cut ±0.6◦. nten The wafers were chemically-mechanically polished and I 50 the surface roughness is about 0.5 nm. Diced sam- ples were rinsed and sonicated in both aceton and iso- 0 propylalcohol for 10 minutes. The semi-insulating sam- 0.5 1 1.5 2 pleswereheatedinagraphitecruciblebyradio-frequency E (keV) (RF) induction heating at 250-270 kHz. The graphite usedforfabricationofthecrucibleisiso-staticallypressed FIG. 1: Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis of quartz tube coated during the thermocouple monitored growth process. (ISP) graphite and glassy (vitreous) graphite. The ISP graphite has density 1850 kg/m3 and electrical resistiv- The aluminium-oxygen mixture with varying content of alu- minium has been observed along thequartztube. ity 11 10 4 Ωcm. The glassy graphite, purchased from − × Final Advanced Materials, has been used as a reference to study effect of crucible pre-baking. The high epitax- We have found that the electrical shield made of alu- ial graphene quality has been reached by Confinement mina (polycrystalic Al2O3) is sputtered and deposited Controlled Sublimation (CCS) technique [21]. The pro- cessingenvironmentiseitherhighvacuum5 10 6mbar on a relatively colder quartz tube during cool down pro- × − cess. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) has or high purity argon (6N purity gas vessel). The argon beenperformedtodeterminechemicalcompositionofthe is further purified to the level of 9N purity by gas puri- sputtered material, as shown in Fig. 1 for three differ- fiers to remove residual oxygen and water. The stainless ent positions along the inner part of quartz tube. We steelgastubeshavebeenoutgassedattemperatureabout have found presence of aluminium and Al2O3 mixture. 200 Cfor2hourspriortographenegrowthtoavoidcon- ◦ Their relative ratio changes along the quartz tube. As tamination by residual water and impurities from the we have used thermocouple type C, which is composed stainless steel surface. The temperature is monitored by ofrheniumandtungsten,wehavelookedcarefullyforthe either type C thermocouple or by two-color pyrometer traces of these metals as well. The negativeresult of our working at 0.95 and 1.05 µm wavelengths. The pyrome- search has led us to conclusion that the sputtered alu- terallowstomeasuretemperaturewithspatialresolution mina from the thermocouple electrical shield is a source ofabout0.2mm. ThethermocoupletypeCiselectrically of furnace contamination, very often seen in high tem- isolated by alumina shielding. The graphite crucible is perature graphene furnaces. We expect alumina traces placed inside a hot wall reactormade of 4 mm thick and canalsocontaminate SiC wafer andgraphene. Hence, in 250 mm long quartz tube. The quartz tube is opened order to keep high graphene quality, we propose to use from both sides to allow effective gas circulation. The only remote temperature sensing by pyrometer. We also growthenvironmenthasbeenstudiedbyresidualgasan- note it is essential to use two-color ratio pyrometer for alyzer (Prisma Plus QMG 220). The CF-40 flanges are the reason of possible contamination of furnace quartz used for all connections except of the adapter between windows. The contaminationleads to decreasedlightin- the furnace and the turbo-molecular pump and quartz tensityandtothelowereffectivetemperaturedetermined tube feedthrough. The quartz feedthrough is made of by one-color pyrometer. two o-rings on both sides to allow leak-tight connection uptohighvacuum1.5 10 6mbarandyetallowingeasy − × access to the reaction chamber. IV. GRAPHITE CRUCIBLE III. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS We study here the effect of graphite crucible gas ad- sorption. The commonly used ISP graphite and glassy The standard furnace design for epitaxial graphene graphitecrucibles arecompared. The majorissue of ISP growth uses either thermocouple or pyrometer to mon- graphite is its high porosity and permeability to gases. itor growth temperature. We have used both methods The high permeability leads to undesired contamination and compared them. The thermocouple is a cheaper by air when samples are exchanged or graphite crucible method and it measures temperature inside the graphite is stored at ambient conditions for longer time (order of crucible. Itrequireselectricalisolation(madeofalumina hours and longer). A glassy graphite is impermeable to for hightemperature purposes up to 2000 C) complicat- gasseshenceitismoreconvenienttokeepthefurnaceen- ◦ ingfurnacedesignandintroducingotherelementsbeside vironment clean of air residual gasses. The residual gas carbon and silicon (SiC sample and C based crucible). storedinISPgraphiteisremovedwithinthefirsttwopre- 3 ×10-11 2.5 vacuum after growth vacuum before growth 2 argon after growth argon before growth A) glassy graphite after growth nt (1.5 glassy graphite before growth e urr c n 1 o I 0.5 0 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 M/z FIG. 2: Mass spectra between M/z=12 to 14. The residual gasspectrameasuredinthefurnacebefore(redsolid, dashed and dotted lines) and after (black solid, dashed and dotted lines) graphene growth at 1550◦C for 30 minutes. The pre- bakingat800◦Cfor10minutesandat1000◦Cfor10minutes has been performed prior to graphene growth. The growth atmosphere has been studied for the case of high vacuum at 5×10−6 mbar using graphite crucible (solid lines), low pressure 9N purity argon at 5× 10−6 mbar (dotted lines) and at high vacuum 5×10−5 −10−4 mbar using unbaked FIG.3: Residualgas composition duringgraphenegrowth in highvacuumat5×10−6 mbarusinggraphitecrucible(a),low glassy graphite crucible (dashed lines). The base pressure was 1.5×10−6 mbarprior to RFheating in all cases. pressure 9N purity argon at 5×10−6 mbar (b) and at high vacuum5×10−5−10−4 mbarusingunbakedglassy graphite crucible(c). Thethreegrowthstagesaremarkedasfollowing: ◦ ◦ (I.)prebakeat800 Cfor10minutes,(II.)prebakeat1000 C bakegraphenegrowthstages. Thepressureusuallygrows ◦ for 10minutes, (III.)graphenegrowth at 1550 Cfor 30 min- from1.5 10−6 mbar to 10−3 mbar or moreif crucible utes. Thetemporalevolutionisshownformajorgrowthenvi- × × is not wellbaked. The well bakedcrucible exhibits small ronmentcomponents;nitrogen/carbon monoxide(blacksolid rise of the residual gas pressure by less than one order line),carbon dioxide(redsolid line), argon (green solid line), ofmagnitude, typically 1.5 10 6 mbar to 10 5 mbar. oxygen (blue solid line), water (magenta solid line), nitrogen − − × × ContrarytoISPgraphite,glassygraphiteisimpermeable monoxide (black dashed line), hydrogen (red dashed line), - to gasses and the pre-baking removessurface absorbants OH fragment (green dashed line), -CH fragment (magenta dashed line). only. Theglassycarboncrucibleislesssusceptibletolong exposure to air, however, its pre-baking at temperature much higher than the growth temperature is also neces- sary, as is shown in Fig. 2. The well-bakedgraphite cru- high vacuum (a) under continuous vacuum pumping by cible exhibits comparable strength of peaks at M/z=12 a turbo-molecular pump, low pressure argon (b) under (carbon) and 14 (nitrogen), which is also signature of continuous pumping and small argon leak and growth leak-tightvacuumchamber. Theunbakedglassygraphite in high vacuum using glassy graphite crucible (c). The exhibits more than 2 stronger nitrogen peak which is × graphenegrowthstage(III.)hasbeenkeptat30minutes supposed to come from glassy graphite surface. We use to show long-time evolution of the growth ambient. A peak at M/z=14 instead of M/z=28 because the latter change of relative content is caused by different pump- one overlaps with carbon monoxide. ing rate (e.g. slow hydrogen pumping), outgassing from vacuum chamber walls (mainly water) and chemical re- actions. We have identified that oxidizing reactions ap- V. GROWTH ATMOSPHERE pear at every temperature rise (from step (I.) to (II.) and from step (II.) to (III.)) resulting in reduced both Thegeneralgrowthprocessconsistofthreestages. The relativeandabsolute amountofoxygen. These reactions pre-baking stage (I.), depicted in Fig. 3, is used for cru- are however negligible for very small content of oxygen cible outgassing at 800 C for 10 minutes. The second in the chamber. The major identified reaction is a re- ◦ pre-baking stage (II.) at 1000-1100 C for 10 minutes is action of two major components in the furnace, carbon ◦ used to decompose native oxide layer on SiC wafer. The and water. We discuss this process in detail here. The graphene growth stage (III.) is performed at tempera- epitaxial graphene can be grown fast (2-5 minutes) at tures 1400-2000 C at times in the range of minutes to higher temperatures or slowly (20-90 minutes) at lower ◦ hours. Fig. 3 depicts relative content of growth ambi- temperatures. We have found that 1430 C for 20 min- ◦ ent in all three growth stages for the case of growth in utes is equivalent to 1500 C for 5 minutes by amount of ◦ 4 ×10-8 ×10-8 growth at 1000 mbar 0.81 (a) 21288 - --H NH222 ( O1(10 (0010%0%0)%), )CO (100%) ((bc)) ×118..1460-9 9N Current (A)000...246068×(d1)0-10 17 - H2O (21%) (e) 341242 --- OCCOO2(2 1( 50(1%00%)0)%) ×0246681Current (A)0-10 urity in the furnace678NNN 10-6 mbar backgr1o0-u5n d mobuatrgassing10-4 mbar 10-3 mbar ent (A)4 211 47- --H NH222 ( O1(50 (%02%1),%) C)O (1%) 4 ent (A) Argon p5N urr urr C C 2 2 4N 6N argon and 9N argon purifier 0 ×10-5 ×010-4 6N argon, no purifier 1600 6 1.4 °e (C)1400 (f) 4 (g) 1.3mbar) 3N100 101Total ar1g0o2n pressu1r0e3 (mbar) 104 105 mperatur11020000 2 11..12essure ( FIG. 5: A diagram of the growth environment purity as a Te pr function of total argon pressure in the furnace. A case of 800 0 1 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 20 25 30 35 6N pure argon is plotted by dashed lines and the case of 9N Time (min) Time (min) (purified from 6N) is plotted by solid lines. The final gas purity is calculated for four different background pressures, FIG. 4: The ion current for M/z ratios 2, 12, 14, 17, 18, 28, as is shown bylabels 10−3 mbar, 10−4 mbar, 10−5 mbarand 32 and 44 in first 10 minutes of graphene growth at 1500◦C 10−6 mbarin diagram. in high vacuum at 1-2 ×10−5 mbar (a,d) and total pressure andtemperatureinshowninpart(f). TheM/zioncurrentis compared with low argon pressuregrowth at 1.1×10−4 mbar jor ion current rise at M/z=28. The minor ion current (9N purity) in part (b,c,e) and corrensponding pressure and peak at M/z=14 by 0.05 10 9 A (0.6% of M/z=28, ex- − temperature time evolution is shown in part (g). × pected CO contribution is 1%) is also attributed to CO. Weconcludethatthereisnoabsolutechangeofnitrogen (M/z=28, 14) and all content changes can be explained grown graphene. It is however not equivalent in growth by increasing amount of CO and similar amount of hy- conditionsconcerningthegrowthenvironment. Weshow drogen. Theshiftofhydrogenpeaktowardslongertimes difference between the two regimes. The main issue is a is caused by slower pumping of hydrogen than pumping contentofwaterandcarbonmonoxide,asshowninFig.4 of CO, water and other heavier ions. The ion current at the beginning of graphene growth. A water content rise at mass M/z=44 by 0.6 10 9 A is due to the car- − is about 10-15% for times shorter than 5 minutes, but bon dioxide (CO2). Therefo×re the dynamics of growth it grows then steadily and it completely dominates the ambient is dominated by chemical reaction growth atmosphere at times longer than 30 minutes. A detailofgrowthambientinhighvacuuminFig.4(a,d,f) C(s)+H2O(g)⇋CO(g)+H2(g)+7.5%(CO2(g)+CH4). shows sharp pressure rise accompanied by sharp rise of (1) ion current at M/z=28 by 8 10 9 A. Similarly, the ion Themajorchemicalreactiongivenbyequation(1)isob- − current increases at masses M×/z=44 by 0.6 10 9 A and served mainly on the short time scale below 30 s after − M/z=12 by 0.25 10 9 A. A significant rise×of hydrogen each temperature step rise. The time scale between 30- − is also present b×y amount of 6 10 9 A. The water ion 100 s is dominated by pumping the products of Eq. (1) − × current is unchanged within first 60 s of growth stage out of the furnace. The long time scale above 2 minutes (III.). The step rise of ion current is expected instead is dominated by both pumping of the residual gas and due to the step rise of temperature and consequent step water outgassing from the stainless steel furnace walls. rise of mean velocity of ions. The lack of such ion step This behavior has been observed both in high vacuum rise of water can be attributed to the reduction of total and low pressure argon and also in the case of glassy amount of water in the chamber. The rise of M/z=28 graphite crucible in high vacuum, as is shown in Fig. 3. by 8 10 9 Ais attributedto CO.The riseofCOis con- Thecontentchangesonlyslowlyforlongertimes(>60s), − × 9 firmedbyriseofioncurrentatM/z=12by0.25 10 A, however,waterbecomesslowlydominantgas. Thewater − × whichis3%(expectedCOcontributionis5%)ofthema- source is at the surface of stainless steel furnace walls. 5 The main issue is that it can promote reactionwith car- G peak bon(1)evenfurther,hencecreatingdefectsinagraphene u.) graphene grown in 10-5 mbar high vacuum layer. Therefore it is more preferentialto grow graphene b. 2 graphene grown in 800 mbar 9N pure argon ar at higher temperatures for shorter times. y ( As the residual gas analysis has shown preferable nsit1.5 2D peak e shorter growth times and higher temperatures, we grow nt single layer graphene between 1500-1550◦C for 5 min- ng i 1 1u5te0s0◦iCn/5higmhinvuatceusugmrow5t×h s1e0e−m6s-2t×o r1e0s−u5ltminbaar.patTchhye scatteri0.5 D peak graphene with about 20-40% of buffer layer. The single n a layergrapheneisprovenbyRamanspectroscopyanddis- m a cussed later. There are already signatures of bilayers at R 0 higher temperature 1550 C/5 minutes. 1500 2000 2500 ◦ Energy (cm-1) Growth in 800-1050 mbar of argon is approximatelly 30-50◦C shifted towards higher temperatures with re- FIG. 6: Raman spectra of graphene grown at 10−5 mbar spect to growth in high vacuum. Buffer grows at about (black curve) and in 9N pure argon at 800 mbar (red curve). 1410-1430 C in high vacuum and at about 1450 C at ◦ ◦ The positions of D, G and 2D peaks are marked by labeled 800-1050 mbar argon pressure. The growth has been arrows. always done in the same graphite crucible with a hole 1 mm in diameter and 10 mm long. Argon acting on graphenegrowthistwofold. First,itisequivalenttoCCG importantroleofargonis reductionofwaterandcarbon method, where the lowered silicon sublimation is due to reactionbyfactorofthree,ascanbeseeninFig.4(c,e,g), the smallvolume in nearly closedgraphite crucible. Sec- ascomparedto growthinhighvacuum, Fig. 4 (a,d,f). It ond, argon pressure acts as an inhibitor for water out- can be assumed that the reaction rate will be reduced gassing,as has been discussed in previous paragraphsas even further at higher argon pressure. the major source of residual gas and potential cause of defects formation in epitaxial graphene. We note, that high purity argon is necessary in order to obtain over- VI. RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY all purity of growth conditions comparable to those in high vacuum at 1 10 5 mbar. An equivalent purity − × of argon gas for graphene growth at 1000 mbar is 8N We compare here two epitaxial graphene samples (=1000 mbar/10−5 mbar). A lower argon purity results grownin high vacuum (HV-graphene)at10−5 mbar and in higher relative content of residual gas, which leads to in 9N pure argonat 800 mbar (Ar-graphene). First, Ra- highertotalamountofmainly waterat1000mbarargon man spectroscopy has been performed in order to de- pressure growth (the total amount of water is discussed termine strain,chargedensity distribution andgraphene with respect to the total amount of water at high vac- grainsize. We have used confocalmicroscope with 100 uum(10−5mbar)growth). Besidethegaspurity,alsothe magnification microscope objective and numerical ape×r- backgroundoutgassinginthefurnacehastobetakeninto ture NA = 0.9. The excitation laser wavelength was account. Atypicalwaterbackroundpressureinunbaked 532 nm and the laser power at the sample was 5 mW. furnace is 10−6 mbar-10−5 mbar. If the background wa- The characteristic Raman spectra of HV-graphene and ter pressure is higher, the overalargonpurity in the fur- Ar-graphene are shown in Fig. 6. Nearly absent D-peak nacewillbe lowerevenwithgaspurifiers,asis described showsonbettergraphenequalitygrowninultrapurear- inFig.5. Fig.5demonstratesoverallgaspurityasafunc- gon atmosphere. We have analyzed the positions, Full tion of total argon pressure for two degrees of argon pu- WidthatHalfMaximum(FWHM)andintegratedinten- rity. Thesolid(dashed)linesdepicttotalargonpurityas sities ID, IG and I2D of D, G and 2D peak, respectively. afunctionoftotalargonpressureforinletof9N(6N)pure We have constructed spatial maps of G and 2D peak argon. The total gas purity cannot be higher than the positions, G and 2D peak FWHM and spatial maps of inletgaspurity,thereforeallcurvessaturateatthe value IG/ID and I2D/IG, as shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 for ofinletgaspurity9N(solidlines)and6N(dashedlines). HV-graphene and Ar-graphene, respectively. The posi- Fig. 5 also shows influence of four different background tions of G and 2D peak has been calculated as Center impurity pressures. The background impurity pressure ofMass(COM)ofeachpeakafter subtructingSiC back- isdetrimentalatlowtotalargonpressures,thereforeitis ground signal. The larger grain size of Ar-graphene can expected that higher quality graphene will be grown at be seen from the fine structure of all spatial maps. We higher argon pressures, as has been evidenced in litera- have used these spatial maps further to determine me- ture [12]. A further reduction of water outgassing could chanical strain ǫ be done by growth in argon flow. The graphene quality should be independent on the flow rate as long as the ω2D ω2D,0 ǫ= − , (2) flow rate is much higher than outgassing rate. Another 2ω2D,0γ2D 6 FIG. 7: Maps of Raman spectra parameters shown for a FIG.8: MapsofRamanspectraparametersshownforachar- characteristic graphene sample grown in high vacuum at acteristicgraphenesamplegrowninultra-pureargon(9Npu- 5×10−6 −10−5 mbar at 1550◦C for 5 minutes. The ana- rity) at 800 mbar at 1600◦C for 5 minutes. The analyzed lyzed Raman spetra parameters are G peak position (a), G Raman spetra parameters are G peak position (a), G peak peakFWHM(b),2Dpeakposition(c),2DpeakFWHM(d), FWHM (b), 2D peak position (c), 2D peak FWHM (d), ra- ratioofintegratedGpeakandDpeakintensities(e)andratio tio of integrated G peak and D peak intensities (e) and ratio of integrated 2D peak and G peak intensities. The scale bar of integrated 2D peak and G peak intensities. The scale bar 1 µm is shown in the left bottom corner in each map. The 1 µm is shown in the left bottom corner in each map. The statisticalanalysisisdepictedinaformofhistogramforeach statisticalanalysisisdepictedinaformofhistogramforeach analyzed parameter including units and the range of values analyzed parameter including units and the range of values used in color scales. used in color scales. given by measured position of 2D peak ω2D, position of α=1012 cm 2/1 cm 1 is approximately a proportional- 2Dpeakatzerostrainω2D,0 =2677cm−1andGru¨neisen ity factor be−tween G−peak position and graphene charge parameter for 2D peak γ2D = 2.8 [22]. The effects of density, as determined theoretically [24] and confirmed charge density on the position of 2D peak are negligi- experimentally [23, 25]. Graphene grain size L can be a ble [23]. The charge density n2D is determined from G determinedfromthe ratioIG/ID [26–29]ofintegratedG peak position ω and strain ǫ, G peak intensity (I ) and D peak intensity (I ), G D n2D =α[(ωG−2γGωG,0ǫ)−ωG,0], (3) 10 4 IG La(nm)=2.4 10− λ (nm) , (4) where γ is Gru¨neisen parameter for G peak, × I G D 1 ωG,0 = 1582 cm− is G peak position for unstrained (ǫ = 0) and neutral (n2D=0) graphene. Parameter givingLa =19nm×IIDG forexcitationwavelength532nm. 7 size in HV-graphene is L = (400 200) nm and it a,HV ± reaches L = (1.5 0.5) µm in Ar-graphene. Strain a,Ar ± is ǫ = (0.24 0.05) % and ǫ = (0.21 0.04) % HV Ar ± ± in HV and Ar grown graphene, respectively. The ex- pected strain ǫtheory = 13a0,G1−3a6√0,G3a0,SiC = 0.19% is de- termined from graphene (a0,G = 2.462 ˚A) [33] and SiC (a0,SiC = 3.073 ˚A) lattice constants at 300 K assuming 6√3 6√3R30 SiC-graphene super-cell [34] containing ◦ × 13 graphene unit cells and mutual rotation of graphene and SiC lattices by 30 . Both samples show low doping ◦ levelintherange0.2 4 1012cm 2 andthestatistically − − × significantamountoflowdensityareasshowonelectron- hole puddles [35]. A smalldoping is also evidenced by G peak FWHM in the range of 14-18 cm 1 [36]. − ×1012 4 (a) -2m)3 c y ( nsit2 e d e g ar1 h C FIG. 9: The spatial distribution of mechanical strain (a,c) 0 and charge density(b,d) in epitaxial graphenegrown in high -200 -100 0 100 200 vacuum 5×10−6−10−5 mbar (a,b) and 800 mbar 9N-argon Fermi level (meV) atmosphere (c,d). The statistical distribution of strain and 4000 chargedensityinbothtypesofgraphenesamplesisshownin (b) corresponding histograms for high vacuum grown graphene sq) 3000 T (blue histograms) and high pressure argon grown graphene Ω/ 2000 (redhistograms). Thescalebarsareshownintheleftbottom R (sq 1000 corner of each map; 1 µm for high vacuum grown graphene µ and 0.5 µm for high pressure argon grown graphene. T), 0 Ω/ (H-1000 R -2000 -200 -100 0 100 200 Number of graphene layers has been determined by Fermi level (meV) several authors [30] from the ratio of integreated 2D peak I2D and integrated G peak intensity IG. This ra- tio = I2D/IG = 2 for single layer graphene, = 1 FIG. 10: Charge transport properties of pristine graphene N N for bilayer and it is < 1 for more than two graphene (solid lines) and for graphene in fluctuating electrostatic po- layers. We note thisNrelation is the most discutable and tential (dashed lines) as a function of mean Fermi level E¯F. it is probably valid only in the limit of few graphene The charge density of electrons (black lines) and holes (red layers. It cannot be used e.g. for number of graphene lines) is shown in part (a). The Hall coefficient RH (black layer determination of multilayer graphene on C-face of lines) and µR(cid:3) product (red lines) are shown in part (b). Thestandarddeviation of theelectrostatic potentialis taken SiC.Ourgraphenesampleshavebeengrownabout50 C ◦ to beδV =100 mV (all dashed curves). above the lowest graphitization temperature at 5 min- utes and graphene has been always grown on Si-face of SiC, therefore we are in the limit of 1 to 2 layers and this method can be used to determine number of VII. HALL MEASUREMENTS graphene layers. Fig. 7 (f) and Fig. 8 (f) show spatial map of the ratio I2D/IG including statistical analysis in a formofhistogram. Bothsamples consistofmostly sin- WehavemeasuredHalleffecttodeterminechargeden- gle layer. A 2D-peak FWHM is (35 3) cm 1 in both sity and carrier mobility. The room temperature mea- − ± samples. The narrow 2D peak is also a fingreprint of surements have been performed in magnetic field up to a single layer graphene [31] and FWHM values about 0.35TinvanderPauwconfiguration. Adirectcurrent 1 ± 30 cm has been correlated with charge mobility of (DC) source has been used (I = 1 µA) and all com- − about 10 000 cm2V 1s 1 at Dirac point [32]. The grain binations of current directions and voltages have been − − 8 R(cid:3) RH 1/eRH RH/R(cid:3) currents. (kΩ/(cid:3)) (Ω/T) (1012) cm−2 (cm2V−1s−1) HV-graphene 2400±100 -96±4 -6.5±0.5 390±20 j =je+jh =en¯2DµeE+ep¯2DµhE, (7) Ar-graphene 1150±50 -78±10 -8.0±1.0 690±80 where µ (µ ) is electron (hole) mobility. A specific re- e h TABLE I: Transport properties of epitaxial graphene grown sistivity, or resistance per square, is in high vacuum 5×10−6 −10−5 mbar (HV-graphene) and 800 mbar 9N-argon atmosphere (Ar-graphene). The typical 1 R(cid:3) = . (8) values are presented for specific two-dimensional resistivity e(n¯2Dµe+p¯2Dµh) (resistancepersquare)R(cid:3),HallcoefficientRH,apparentcar- rier density 1/eRH and apparent carrier mobility RH/R(cid:3). We plot a product of the specific resistance R(cid:3) and mo- bility µ of pristine graphene and graphene influenced by electrostatic potential fluctuations (δV = 100 mV) in measured to determine specific resistance and Hall co- Fig.10(b). TheR(cid:3)isloweredforgrapheneinfluencedby efficient. Typical transport coefficients are shown in electrostatic potential fluctuations because mean charge Tab. I. We have observed twice lower specific resistance density (and intrinsic charge density) in graphene rises. and1.8 higherapparentcarriermobilityofargongrown A Hall coefficient R is given in two-dimensions and in × H graphene. We note that all samples show small negative the limit of B 0 T by Eq. (9) HallcoefficientR intherangefrom-50to-100Ω/T,in- → H Sduiccahticnhgarng-etydpeensdiotipeisnagroencotnhseisotrednetrwoifthupdpateari1n0R12efc.m[3−72].. RH = IUxBHz = e(pp22DDµµ2hh−+nn22DDµµ2ee)2. (9) However,ithasbeenrealizedlater[38]thatinsteadofas- sumingsingletypeconductivity,bothelectronsandholes The Hall coefficient is plotted in Fig. 10 (b) for pris- shouldbeconsideredinordertocorrectlyinterprettrans- tine graphene (solid black curve) and for the case of port data exhibiting small Hall coefficient. This is so electrostatic potential fluctuations δV = 100 mV by called model of electron-hole puddles [35]. The electron- dashed black curve. The Hall coefficient is largely re- hole puddles have been observed previously by several ducedforallmeanFermilevelpositions. ThevalueδV = authors [38, 39]. For this reason, we use notation of 100 mV is taken as an upper bound determined in other Ref.[38]andcallthetransportpropertiestobeapparent works[38, 40–42]. A small measured Hall coefficient R H charge density and apparent carrier mobility. The small in the range of -50 to 100 Ω/T suggests Fermi level in Hallcoefficientthenleadstolowcarrierdensity. Thelow the range of 5-10 meV−for δV = 100 mV, which corre- chargedensityisalsoconsistentwithourRamanscatter- spondstoabout5 1011cm 2 electronand4 1011cm 2 − − ing measurements, as shown in Fig. 9. The presence of holedensity. Thea×nalysisoftransportproper×tiesreduces electron-hole puddles leads to very high carrier mobili- nowtodeterminen2D, p2D, µe, µh. Becausewehavede- ties above 10 000 cm2V−1s−1 for pristine graphene at terminedR(cid:3)andRH andestimatedδV,wecannotdeter- 300 K. More realistic value can be estimated by consid- mine any transport properties prior to further assump- ering electrostatic potential fluctuations. Electrostatic tions. The electron and hole charge densities are cou- potential fluctuations smear out the Fermi level and in- pled by two common parameters, mean Fermi level E¯ F crease an intrinsic charge density. We assume normal and electrostatic potential fluctuations δV. We assume potential distribution with standard deviation δV. The equalelectronandholemobilitiesµ =µ ,whichreduces e h charge density is calculated for given Fermi level EF by number of unknown parameters to three (being equal to n2D = π~22vF2 Z0∞ eEk−EBETdFE+1, (5) stfrhuorrmeeedFmHigae.alls1uc0or(eebdffi).cpireTonhpteeRrmtHieesatno(RFd(cid:3)eert,meRrimHlie,nveδeVlmp)er.aonWvidFeeeusrmsaeivmlaelevuaee-l of R(cid:3)µ = 690 Ω/T, which leads immediately to carrier where v is Fermi velocity. The mean charge density F mobility provided the specific resistance R(cid:3) is known. n¯2D caused by the potential fluctuations is calculated as We get carrier mobilities 2900 and 6000 cm2V 1s 1 for − − a weighted sum vacuum and argon grown graphene, respectively. n¯2D(E¯F)=Z0∞n2D(EF)√2π1δV e−(EF2δ−VE¯2F)2dEF. (6) VIII. DISCUSSION Themeanholechargedensityp¯2D hasbeencalculatedby considering electron-hole symmetry. The mean electron The results of Raman scattering and Hall effect mea- andholedensitiesareplottedasafunctionofmeanFermi surements lead us to conclusion that graphene grown in levelE¯ inFig.10(a)bysolidlinesforpristinegraphene ultra-pure argon at 800 mbar is of higher quality than F (δV =0mV)andbydashedlinesforgrapheneinfluenced graphene grown in high vacuum. The growth in high by electrostatic potential fluctuations with standard de- vacuum leads to smaller graphene grainsize below 1 µm viation δV =100 mV. The total electrical current (two- even if the growthconditions are well optimized by high dimensional, units (A/m)) is a sum of electron and hole temperaturebakeoutofgraphitecrucible,gasinletpipes 9 to vent the furnace and the furnace itself. The key iss- Thenitrogenandwaterisabsorbedintothecrucibleafter sue in graphene growth is a presence of water and water longer exposure to air. It is therefore suggested to store outgassing from stainless steel surfaces. We have ob- ISP graphite in vacuum or inert gas. Glassy graphite served chemical reaction of water and solid state car- is impermeable to air components, however, the surface bon in all stages of graphene growth. This reaction absorbants still lead to higher desorption when glassy is important within first one minute of each graphene graphite crucible is heated to growth temperatures. Ra- growthstep. Itbecomesimportantagainwhengraphene man spectroscopy has proven to be a versatile tool to is grown for longer times above 20-30 minutes. This is determinemostofbasicgraphenepropertiesasmechani- caused by gradual furnace warm up and consequent wa- calstrain,chargedensity,graphenegrainsize,numberof teroutgassingfrompreviouslycolderfurnaceparts. Even graphene layers or even to estimate electrostatic poten- thoughitwouldbethermodynamicalymorepreferableto tialfluctuations and carriermobility. We havemeasured growgrapheneslowly,providinghighcrystalquality,the graphene Raman spectra using several microscope ob- water outgassing acts against long growth times. As we jetives with different magnification and numerical aper- do not know the origin of carbon, we assume that the tures. We point out that although relative strength of main source is a graphite crucible for a time scale below SiCRamanspectrumandintensityofgraphenespectrum 60 s at the beginning of each growth step. However, as (particularly intensity of G peak) have been used to de- graphene grows, the carbon source can be also graphene terminenumber ofgraphenelayersbysomeauthors[43], itself. This reaction of water and carbon from partially thismethodcanbeonlycalibrated(intensityratiotothe formed graphene will be a cause of higher defect density numberoflayers)toagivenexperimentalsetupanditis and smaller grain size, as we have observed in Raman not transferable. The reason is mainly due to the differ- spectra analysis. A disadvantage of short growth time ent microscope objective numericalapertures (NA). The is that there is no temporally stable growth atmosphere smaller the apperture is the longer the Rayleigh length. content. Moreover, it differs slightly from one sample to It causes that small NA objective probes signal deeper another. The hydrogen produced in a reaction of car- from bulk crystal, even if it is focused properly on a bon and water can also cause SiC etching or it can re- surface graphene layer. As a result, relative intensity act with carbon, increasing defect density in graphene of graphene to SiC bulk spectrum will be smaller than even more. Hydrogen is therefore undesired gas during theratiodeterminedfromRamanspectrameasuredwith graphene growth. The growth in argon has been shown high-NA objective. A similar issue comes up in a grain to lead to more stable growth atmosphere content with size determination from the ratio of D to G peak inten- small rate of carbon and water reaction and also smaller sity. Iflow-NAobjectiveisused,graphenesignalisweak amount of hydrogen. The high argon pressure reduces realitively to SiC signal and the D peak can seem to be both water outgassing and also mean free path of water negligible with respect to SiC [44]. The small D peak molecules. The shorter mean free path can be used to is then mistakenly identified as a signature of high qual- restrict water transport towards grown graphene when ity graphene. Hall effect measurements have been used growth is performed in argon flow. We also point out to quantify graphene electronic quality. The apparent that it is essential to use ultra-pure argon (8 or 9N) at carrier mobilites are almost twice higher in argon grown the furnace inlet. A common 6N argon at 1000 mbar graphene. The analysis of transport measurements has is in terms of total amount of residual gas equivalent to been done also within a model of electron hole puddles. vacuum growth at 10 3 mbar (if background outgassing This model is in agreement with our Raman scattering − causes lower or equal pressure). Therefore, growth in analysis which has indicated very low charge density be- 6Nargonat1000mbarwillleadtomuchworsegraphene low1.5 1012 cm 2. Thecarriermobilityistwicehigher − thantheonegrowninHVat10 6-10 5mbar. Theargon for argo×n grown graphene within the model of electron − − flowrateisnotsupposedtoimprovetheoverallamountof hole puddles, too. residual gas because this residual gas in homogeneously spreadwithin the furnace volume. Contraryto that, the 9Nargonat1000mbarisequivalenttoHVat10−6 mbar IX. CONCLUSION in terms of total amount of residual gas. These two growth conditions are initially equivalent. However, the Wehaveanalyzedexperimentallygraphenegrowthen- growth conditions are more preferable for argon growth vironment and its influence on graphene quality. Resid- at the later stages of graphene growth for two reasons. ual gas analysis has shown important role of water reac- First,wateroutgassesinHVandcausesgraphenedegra- dation (pressure rises to 10 5 mbar). Water ougassing tion with carbon in high vacuum growth ambient. We − have shown reduced role of the residual gas in 9N pure is strongly reduced in high pressure argon, therefore the argon and we have compared high vacuum and argon totalamountofimpuritiesremainsnearlyconstant. Sec- grown graphene. The gas purity is a detrimental fac- ond, anypossible residualgasinultra pure argoncanbe tor for high quality graphene for electronic applications. removedbygrowthinargonflow. The argonflowshould The mechanical strain, charge density, graphene grain be only higher than the outgassing rate. 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