EFFECT OF PROCESSING ON ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF BER (Zizyphus mauritiana) KAVITHA C B.Tech. (Food Science and Technology) MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY 2013 EFFECT OF PROCESSING ON ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF BER (Zizyphus mauritiana) BY KAVITHA .C B.Tech. (Food Science and Technology) THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE ACHARYA N. G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY CHAIRPERSON: Mrs. T. SUPRAJA POST GRADUATE AND RESEARCH CENTRE INTERFACULTY IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY ACHARYA N. G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD - 500030 2013 DECLARATION I, KAVITHA. C, hereby declare that the thesis entitled “EFFECT OF PROCESSING ON ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF BER (Zizyphus mauritiana). Submitted to Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University for the degree of Master of Science in Food Technology is the result of original research work done by me. I also declare that no material contained in the thesis has been published earlier in any manner. Place : (KAVITHA. C) I.D. NO. FST-2011-007 Date : CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “EFFECT OF PROCESSING ON ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF BER (Zizyphus mauritiana)” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ‘MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY’ of the Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad is a record of the bonafide original research work carried out by Ms. KAVITHA .C under our guidance and supervision. No part of the thesis has been submitted by the student for any other degree or diploma. The published part and all assistance received during the course of the investigations have been duly acknowledged by the author of the thesis. (Mrs. T. SUPRAJA) Chairman of the advisory committee CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “EFFECT OF PROCESSING ON ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF BER (Zizyphus mauritiana)” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ‘MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY’ of the Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad is a record of the bonafide original research work carried out by Ms. KAVITHA. C under our guidance and supervision. No part of the thesis has been submitted by the student for any other degree or diploma. The published part and all assistance received during the course of the investigations have been duly acknowledged by the author of the thesis. Mrs. T. SUPRAJA (Chairman of advisory committee) Thesis approved by the Student’s Advisory Committee Chairperson : Mrs. T. SUPRAJA Assistant Professor Department of Foods & Nutrition College of Home Science, ANGRAU Saifabad, Hyderabad Member : Dr. APARNA KUNA Assistant Professor, Department of Foods & Nutrition, Post Graduate and Research Centre, ANGRAU Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30 Member : Dr. B. NEERAJA PRABHAKAR Professor Department of Horticulture College of Agriculture, ANGRAU Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 30 Date of final viva-voce: LIST OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE NO. I INTRODUCTION II REVIEW OF LITERATURE III MATERIALS AND METHODS IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION LITERATURE CITED APPENDICES LIST OF APPENDICES S. NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1 Score card for testing acceptability of RTS Ber beverage 2 Score card for testing acceptability of Ber squash LIST OF TABLES SI NO TABLE TITLE PAGE NO. NO 1 2.1 Cultivars from different regions of India 2 2.2 Nutrient composition of Ber fruit 3 2.3 Physicochemical composition of Ber cultivars 4 2.4 Antioxidant rich foods 5 2.5 Fruits and Vegetable rich in the different groups of antioxidants 6 2.6 Antioxidant Mechanism of Major group of Fruits and Vegetables Antioxidants 7 2.7 Antioxidant Activity by F−C, FRAP, DPPH, and ABTS Methods in Extracts of Korean Boen- daechu jujube fruit 8 2.8 Effect of thermal processing on phenol content of fruits and fruit juices 9 2.9 Nutrient composition of ber products prepared from different cultivar 10 3.1 Cultivars of ber fruits and blanching time 11 4.1 Organoleptic evaluation of ber products 12 4.2 Physicochemical and nutrient composition of ber and RTS Ber beverage 13 4.3 Antioxidant activity of Ber with different treatment 14 4.4 Antioxidant activity on storage of RTS Ber beverage 15 4.5 Color estimation of RTS Ber beverage on storage 16 4.6 Pearson bivariate correlation of Antioxidant activity of Ber with different treatment 17 4.7 Pearson bivariate correlation of Antioxidant activity of Ber upon irradiation treatment 18 4.8 Pearson bivariate correlation of Antioxidant activity on storage of RTS Ber beverage LIST OF FIGURES SI NO FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE NO 1 2.1 Structures of primary Antioxidants 2 2.2 Structures of secondary Antioxidants 3 2.3 Classification of antioxidant compounds 4 2.4 Diseases caused by reactive oxygen species 5 3.1 Irradiation unit 6 3.2 Mature ripe Ber fuits cv. Gola 7 3.3 RTS Ber beverage 8 3.4 Ber Squash 9 3.5 Sensory evaluation of RTS Ber beverage and ber squash 10 4.1 DPPH and super oxide anion radical activity of ber fruits with different treatments 11 4.2 Reducing power activity of ber fruits with different treatments 12 4.3 TBARS activity of ber fruits with different treatments 13 4.4 Total phenolic and flavonoid content of ber fruits with different treatments 14 4.5 Antioxidant activity on storage of RTS Ber beverage LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS α : Alfa β : Beta @ : at the rate % : Percent ± : Plus or - Minus < : Less than sign > : More than sign ºC : Degree Celsius viz. : Namely i.e : Means et al. : and others e.g. : for example, for instance etc. : and so on; and other people/things Fig : Figure g : Gram g/l : Gram per liter µg : Microgram mg : Milligram l : Liter ml : Milliliter(s) µl : Micro liter