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Preview Effect of point defects on heat capacity of yttria-stabilized zirconia

Effect of point defects on heat capacity of yttria-stabilized zirconia S. Ostanin1 and E. Salamatov2 1Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK and 2Physico-Technical Institute, Ural Branch of RAS, 132 Kirov Str., 426001 Izhevsk, Russia First-principles calculation andanharmonicdynamicaltheorywere usedinsequencetoexplaina 3 largeexcessheatcapacityobservedinyttria-stabilizedzirconiaincomparisonwiththeadditiverule 0 value. Itis found thattheexcessiveshapeof heat capacity decaysgradually with theY2O3 doping 0 2 whenthenumberofenvironmentallydifferentOsitesfallstoitszerovalueat33mol%Y2O3-ZrO2 due to the Y atoms adjacent. The model and results presented in this work provide a key insight n intothe complex behaviour and characterization of fast-ion conductors. a J PACSnumbers: 61.72.-y,63.70.+h,65.40.Ba,85.40.Ry 3 2 Point lattice defects both native and artificial, such heat capacity of YSZ. ] as vacancies, self-interstitials, solute and substitute Alargeexcessheatcapacity(EHC)has beenobserved i c atoms, strongly affect the most fundamental proper- [7]inYSZatlowandroomtemperaturesfor7.8,9.7and s ties of materials.[1] In yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), 11.4 mol % Y O compared to the heat capacity calcu- - 2 3 l the material with numerous commercial applications [2], lated from those of pure ZrO and Y O by the additiv- r 2 2 3 t formed by the addition of Y O to ZrO , the triva- ity rule: ∆C = CYSZ - [(1-x) CZrO2 + x CY2O3]. The m 2 3 2 p p p p lent dopant Y3+ substitute for some of the host cations shape of ∆C (T) is very similar to that of the Schottky p . and, in order to maintain charge neutrality, one O va- disorder. Thesamebehaviourofheatcapacitymayyield t a cancy (V ) must be created for each pair of dopant the two-level system (TLS), quite a simple model, used m 0 cations. Y O is used to stabilize the tetragonal (t) tosimulatethelow-temperaturepropertiesofamorphous 2 3 d- phaseof(ZrO2)100−x(Y2O3)xoverthecompositionrange insulators: CpTLS=kB(∆/T)2e−∆/T/(e−∆/T+1)2,where n 2< x <9 mol % and the cubic (c) fluorite phase with ∆ is the energy difference between the levels. CpTLS o 4<x<40mol%. ThepresenceofrelaxedV0 andYsub- showsamaximumattemperatureTm 0.42∆whenthe c stituteatomsmakethelocalatomicenvironmentsofYSZ filling-rate variationfor the occupied T≃LS states reaches [ ratherdifferentfromthestoichiometrichigh-temperature its maximum value. At T T , all TLS states are oc- m 1 t- and c-polymorphs of pure ZrO2 whose 8-fold cations cupied equally and therefo≫re heat capacity decreases as v are distorted and perfectly coordinated, respectively. In CTLS 1/T2. 0 YSZ,theaveragecationcoordinationnumber,rangedbe- pIt a∼ppears that for an anharmonic oscillator (AO), 5 tween7and8,isreducedgraduallywithincreasingY2O3. which dynamics is defined by the double-well poten- 4 If the V0 associates with Zr ions, as the X-ray absorp- tial U(x)= x2+ax3+bx4, (a,b >0) with a maximum at 1 tion findings [3] suggest, it may support a coordination- x =0 and −two minima at x and x , separated by the 0 0 1 2 driven ordering model of stabilization.[4] Placing Y in energy ∆=U(x ) U(x ) >0, the temperature depen- 3 2 1 0 the next nearest neighbour (NNN) cation positions al- dence of heat cap−acity is similar to that of TLS. The / lows the coordination of Zr in the nearest neighbours partition function Z = 1 dxdvexp[ mv2/2+U(x)] is at (NN)sitestotheV0 tobesimilartothemonoclinicZrO2 calculated assumingAO U2πh R U . If−U iskBaTpproxi- m arrangement, with Zr located in 7-fold coordination en- | 0 |≫| i | matednearitsminimabythesecond-degreepolynomials, vironments, while Y remains 8-fold coordinated. - U (x x )2ω2/2 and U (x x )2ω2/2+∆ where d 1 ≃ − 1 1 2 ≃ − 1 2 n Theelectronenergy-lossnear-edgestructure(ELNES) ωi are the frequencies of small vibrations at xi then, us- o ing the generalthermodynamic relations,one canobtain of YSZ demonstrates the features of the experimental O c CAO = k ∆2 exp(−∆/T) + k . In the latter, the : K-edge shapes which depend on the crystal structures p B T2 exp(−∆/T+ω1/ω2)2 B v andthe Y O composition.[5] In modelling the mostim- temperaturedependenceofthefirstterm,∆C(T),which 2 3 Xi portantandwidelyusedpropertiesofYSZtherelaxation defines the difference in heat capacity between anhar- r mechanism is essential. The effects of relaxation were monic andharmonic oscillators,is close to CpTLM andfi- a treated within the plane-wave, pseudopotential based nally, at ω /ω =1, ∆C CTLM. Hence, the EHC effect 1 2 ≡ p free energy molecular dymanics (FEMD) technique.[6] mayappearas the resultofstronganharmonicvibration Using the relaxed configurations (RC) of point defects, modes either localized or delocalized ones. the ELNES calculations were carried out.[5] Since the The fact that at x >8 mol % Y O ∆C decreases 2 3 p resultsofcalculationshowverygoodagreementwiththe [7] with increasing the dopant concentration may sug- experimental O K-edge signal, it seems that theory re- gestthatthedelocalizedanharmonicvibrationscausethe flects the realities of relaxation. There is much yet to EHC effect. It is known that the main contribution to be learned about the fundamental nature of transport the structural transformations comes from particular vi- processesinYSZ.Thus,ourmotivationistomakeacon- brational modes. In pure ZrO , a zone-boundary soft 2 − tribution to the microscopic modelling and tailoring the phonon,X ,whichbreaksthec-symmetryoftheOsub- 2 2 lattice, displacing the O atoms toward their positions in a) the t-phase,maybe responsibleforthe c tphasetrans- Zr Y O formation. InYSZ,theexperimentaldata−[8]arenotfully 2 2 7 4 5 [001] clarified for this soft mode because of the static disorder − in the O sublattice. Using the RC of YSZ, the X2 -like 2 4’ phononwascalculated[9]bymeansofthefrozen-phonon 4 methodforeachcompositionof(ZrO2)100−x(Y2O3)x be- 4’ 5 1 tween 3 and 10 mol % Y O . For 10 mol % Y O , the 2 3 2 3 effective potential has a single minimum and, with de- 1’ 3 2 [010] creasing Y O content, the potential develops two min- 2 3 44’ ↑ 5 ima. The temperature dependence of the phonon fre- Zr quency, calculated within the modified pseudoharmonic 1 1’ c−axis approximation, quantifies accurately the transition tem- Y 2 3 ↑ peratureabovewhichthec-phaseisstabilized.[9]Inthe3 O ↑ mol%Y2O3case,itmaystartaroundroomtemperature. 0.2 ) soft pass The upper boundary ofthe singlet-phasefieldin the ex- ell b) perimentalphasediagram[10]showsasimilarrapiddrop c solid pass / of temperature with Y O concentration. However, the V X−-like soft phonon of2Y3SZ, in another words, the de- (e 0.1 2 y localized vibrations can not be responsible for the EHC g r effect because of the potential symmetry. e n Regarding anharmonic effects, the atomic vibrations E 0.0 localized near the V should be considered as well. YSZ −0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0 is a solid electrolyte in which ionic transport takes place z−position of the O−2 atom (in a) by anions moving among their positions by the vacancy diffusion mechanism. If any two V sites, which an O 0 atomoccupiesbeforeandafteradiffusivejump,arenon- FIG.1: ModelofZr2Y2O7afterrelaxationisshowninthe(a) equivalentthentheoryenablesthedouble-wellasymmet- panel. Theplanviewsshownin(a)representtheviewsalong the [001] and [010] directions. The O-2 displacement along ric potential profile. In such a study of diffusion, the [001] is marked by an arrow. In the (b) panel, the curve, la- moleculardynamicstechniquecanfruitfullybeused. The belled as solid pass, shows the change in the FEMD energy principal output of the dynamic computation is the set as a single O-2 atom is moved from its equilibrium position ofatomictrajectoriesfromwhichallotherpropertiesare along the z axis while all other atoms are fixed at their re- calculated. Molecular dynamics has been used in the laxed positions. The soft-pass curve, shown after shifting to past by many authors to calculate the potential energy acommon zeroenergy,correspondstotheO-2displacements dependant on the position of diffusion atom.[1] Even if when its nearest Zrmay relax. one could calculate the induced trajectories through the saddle-point the results were strongly affected by the re- action coordinates of all other atoms. The benefits and less. In Zr Y O , where all O sites are equivalent to 2 2 7 limitations of this molecular dynamics approach have eachother,theZr/Yenvironmentenablesthesymmetric been discussed and it is generally accepted now that us- form of U(x) and therefore can not result in the EHC ing the large unit cells this scheme is very complicated effect. The saddle-point neighorhoodplays a key role on for precise calculation whereas the results, obtained in the instability-barrier formation, which is very sensitive such a way, are not always satisfactory.[11] to the model parameters. Thus, the dynamics theory of The features of the computed U profile were demon- ion transport is still very much a semiempirical science strated using the single-V 11-atom Zr Y O cell, which and further simplification, based on the realities for the 0 2 2 7 containstwoformulaunits ofZrO andoneformulaunit activation energy, should be made. 2 of Y O , that correspondsto a composition of 33 mol % Atomistic RC of the (96-y)-atomsupercells (y=1,2,...) 2 3 Y2O3.[12] The RC, shown in the (a) panel of Fig. 1, was allowtomodel(ZrO2)100−x(Y2O3)x. Inthe95-atomcell, used in a further static optimization using the displace- whichcorrespondsto 3mol%Y O ,theRCwithboth 2 3 ∼ ments of O-2 along the z-direction while all other atoms Y atoms in the NNN shell was obtained.[5] Fig. 2 shows are fixed at their relaxed positions. In this case, labeled the RC energies,expressedas anequivalent temperature inthepanel(b)ofFig.1asa“solidpass”trajectory,the per 12-atom cell, to give an idea of the relative stability O-2 position in the z=0 plane corresponds to the sad- and temperature required. In the 94-atom cell, the RC dle point with the potential barrier E of 0.2 eV/cell. with two V s along the 111 fluorite direction results b 0 ∼ h i If Zr in the z=0 plane were allowed to relax when the in a 6-fold coordinated and six 7-fold coordinated NN O-2 is moved, as shown in Fig. 1 as the “soft pass” Zr atoms. This result supports the interpretation of the trajectory, then the equlibrium position of O-2 is much neutron data by Goff et al. [14]. Electrostatic consider- closer to the saddle point while E becomes significantly ations suggest that V s should repel. From this point of b 0 3 400 2 3 mol % YSZ Eb ol) 1.5 (a) YSZ m K/ 1 7.76 mol % YO O)24 300 ∆C (J/p0.05 91e.1x7p. 3em5roi mml e%onl t%: 72.763 mol % Zr ∆ 0 0.5 1 K/( 200 z−down O T/∆ y, g ↑ er n RC energy E U profile 1.5 (b) 100 Ny 1 S/ TL N 0.5 NN,NNN NNN,NNNN 0 0 NN,NN Position ofN YN Nto,N vNaNcancy NN,NNNN 10 20 30 x mol % of YO 2 3 FIG.2: Relaxedenergiesofthe95-atom YSZcellareplotted vs positions of the two Y dopant cations on the NN or/and FIG. 3: Calculated ∆Cp for the 7.76, 9.7 and 11.35 mol % NNNcationshells. ThediffusionjumpofthelowerapicalNN Y2O3-ZrO2 are shown vs T/∆ in the (a) panel compared O allows to construct thedouble-levels potential U shown in with the experimental EHC shape of 7.76 mol % Y2O3. In thediagram as a sketch. the panel (b), the ratio of NTLS, obtained using ∆Cp, to the number of vacancies Ny are shown as (cid:3) for each Y2O3 concentration and connected byeye. view,thetri-V RC,withallV separatedby√5/2from 0 0 each other (in units of the c-ZrO lattice constant a), 2 is rather reasonable. The repulsion tendencies between Y2O3. The EHC observations of 7.76 mol % Y2O3 are vacancies consistent with both electrostatics and the Zr- shown in Fig. 3a to illustrate the similarity. All theoret- coordinationloweringmodel. Sincethe shortestdistance ical ∆Cp shapes, with a maximum at 88 K, have been ofa/2betweenthe V0 sitesis notenergeticallyfavorable aligned with the experimental peak at Tm=75 K using in YSZ at low Y O concentrations we believe that each the T/∆ dimensionless scale. The (b) panel of Fig. 3 2 3 V0 has six NN O atoms eachof which canjump into the showsthatthe NTLS/Ny ratio(Ny is the numberofV0) empty site. falls quickly with increase in Y2O3 content and, finally, TLS/ 0atx=33mol%whenthe U symmetryfor The intrinsic process of such chaotic O moves should y N N → diffusion atom should appear. At low concentrations of occur in YSZ at finite temperatures via the vacancy Y O , not all possible diffusion jumps lead to the asym- mechanism. In particular, when an apical O in 3 mol 2 3 metricU. Forexample,in3mol%Y O , =1whereas %Y O movesintoV the RCwiththe YNNandNNN 2 3 y 2 3 0 TLS falls from six to four since two O NNN sites to V atomsiscreated. Thedifference∆=210Kbetweenthese 0 N areenergeticallyequivalentduetotheYatomsadjacent. two RC was used to construct the potential profile, as The number of such environmentally equivalent O sites, shown in the lower diagram of Fig. 2. If V moves con- 0 which not contribute to the EHC effect, increases with sequently into the next O site of this anion tunnel along increasing the dopant concentration. thezaxis,theYNN-NNNNconfigurationisrealized. We take E = E 1 eV using the activation energy E of The high-probability O hopping via V between the b a a 0 ≃ YSZ, obtained from the Arrhenius relation for the ionic low-energy equivalent sites, localized close up to each dc conductivity [13] σ ω d2exp( E /k T), where ω other, can be considered as some sort of the vacancy 0 a B 0 ∼ − istheattemptfrequency. Toformtheeffectivepotential, block, which results in the anisotropic absorption peak characterizedby E , ∆ and the distance movedduring a totheinternalfrictionsmeasuredin9.5mol%Y O .[15] b 2 3 single jump d= x x , the three-parameter polyno- This observation is in agreement with our findings con- 1 2 mial U(x)= a|x2+−bx3+|cx4 was used. Since E ∆, firming earlier suggestions that some vacancies exist in b − ≫ the O vibrations near the U minima may be estimated bound states as di-V along the [111] fluorite direction. 0 as ω 32Eb, where m is the O mass. As a result, As the number of V0-blocks increases with Y2O3 dop- ≈ qmd2 ing,the peak magnitudeforthe localizedrelaxationmay ω 5 1014Hz is close to that found experimentally [15] notscalesimplywiththedopantconcentration,reaching ≈ × showing very reasonable model approximation. amaximumatsomecriticalconcentrationx correlated m CpTInLSFiigs.3palotthteedc,alwcuitlhateitdsEdHeCpesnhdaepnece∆Conp(Tte)m=peNraTtLuSre· wofitshitetshaotnotfhtehOeEsuHbClatmtiacxeiwmiuthms.imAtilaxr>locxaml,enthveirnounmmbenert and dopant concentration. Here TLS was obtained in increases significantly. This may lead to the long-range N such a way that each maximum coincides with the ex- transport of O ions via vacancies reducing therefore the perimental EHC amount [7] at 7.76, 9.7 and 11.3 mol % local hopping process in V -blocks. Regarding the con- 0 4 centration profile of localized relaxation explained, such block nature showing great potential for theory to deal observations at x > x may be masked by overlap be- with the realistic model of doped ceramics. Because of m tweentheisotropicandanisotropicabsorptionpeaksdue the general physics involved we believe that similar ex- to diffusion and V -block relaxation, respectively. cessivebehaviourofheatcapacitymightbeobservedina 0 In summary, our study of YSZ being performed us- wide class of ionic conductors where anion hopping goes ing the ab initio relaxed configurations and dynamical through non-equivalent positions. model of O hopping allows to explain the EHC anomaly observed with the Y O doping. In YSZ, as it has been E.S. thanks Russian Basic Research Foundation 2 3 demonstrated, the anisotropic absorption peak of inter- (Grants No. 00-02-17426,01-02-96462)for financialsup- nal frictions and EHC effect have a common vacancy- port. [1] C.P. Flynn, Point Defects and Diffusion, (Clarendon [9] S. Ostanin et al.,Phys. Rev.B 66, 132105 (2002). Press, Oxford,1972), p.423. [10] R.A.Milleretal.,inScience andTechnology ofZirconia, [2] E.C. Subbarao, in Science and Technology of Zirconia, editedbyA.H.HeuerandL.W.Hobbs,Advances inCe- editedbyA.H.HeuerandL.W.Hobbs,Advances inCe- ramics, Vol. 3, (American Ceramic Society, OH,1981). ramics, Vol. 3 (American Ceramic Society,OH, 1981). [11] C.H. Bennett, in Diffusion in solids. Recent develop- [3] P.Li et al.,Phys.Rev. B 48, 10063 (1993). ments, edited by A.S. Nowick and J.J. Burton, (Aca- [4] E.V. Stefanovich et al.,Phys.Rev. B 49, 11560 (1994). demic Press, NY,1975). [5] S.Ostanin et al.,Phys. Rev.B 65, 224109 (2002). [12] S. 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