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Effect of hypobaric storage on quality, antioxidant enzyme and antioxidant capability of the Chinese bayberry fruits. PDF

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Preview Effect of hypobaric storage on quality, antioxidant enzyme and antioxidant capability of the Chinese bayberry fruits.

Chenetal.ChemistryCentralJournal2013,7:4 http://journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/7/1/4 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Effect of hypobaric storage on quality, antioxidant enzyme and antioxidant capability of the Chinese bayberry fruits Hangjun Chen1, Hailong Yang2, Haiyan Gao1*, Jie Long1, Fei Tao1, Xiangjun Fang1 and Yueming Jiang3* Abstract Background: TheChinesebayberry(MyricarubraSieb.andZucc.)isasubtropicalfruitnativetoChina,withuniqueflavor, sweetandsourtaste,andhighnutritionandhealthvalues.Thefruitishighlyperishableandsusceptibletomechanical injury,physiologicaldeteriorationandfungaldecayonceharvested.Thisstudywastoinvestigatetheeffectofhypobaric storageonthequalityofChinesebayberryfruitandthendevelopstoragetechnologytoprolongthesupplyofthefruit. Results:Thefruitstoredunderhypobaricconditionsexhibitedlowerdecay,highertitratableacidityandtotalphenolics comparedwiththosestoredundernormalatmosphericconditions.Hypobaricstoragesignificantlyreduced malonaldehydeaccumulation,respiratoryrateandmaintainedhighcatalaseandperoxidaseactivitiesofChinesebayberry fruit.Ferricreducingantioxidantpowerwasalsohigherinthefruitstoredunderhypobaricconditionthanthoseunder normalatmosphericconditions. Conclusion:Hypobaricstorageimprovedthemetabolism,antioxidantsystemandpostharvestqualityofChinese bayberryfruitandprovidedaneffectivealternativemethodtoprolongthestoragelifeofthisfruit. Keywords:Chinesebayberries,Hypobaricstorage,Quality,Antioxidantenzymes,Antioxidantcapacity Background [7,8], high oxygen atmosphere treatment [9,10], hot air TheChinesebayberries(MyricarubraSieb.andZucc.)are treatment [6,11], combined treatment of ethanol vapor a subtropical fruit nativetoChina.Interms of the unique withhotair[12],havebeenusedtoinvestigatepostharvest flavor, sweet and sour taste, attractive red color, and high physicochemical and physiological attributes and storage nutrition and health values; Chinese bayberries have been life extension of the Chinese bayberry fruit. However, cultivated in eastern and southern China for more than duetothedelicatenatureofthefruit,poorhandlingprac- 2000 years and are being introduced to other countries. tices and inadequate storage facilities, the shelf life of the The fruit mature in early summer season and are praised Chinese bayberry is still short, which markedly limits its as the “precious southern Yangtze fruit of early summer” market. As this fruit is further commercially developed, it [1-3].TheChinesebayberriescontainabundantanthocya- is important to develop effective storage methods to pro- nins,flavonoidsandotherphenoliccompounds,withhigh longtheshelflife. antioxidant capacity [3-5]. Unfortunately, the fruit are Among these techniques for controlling postharvest highly perishable and susceptible to mechanical injury, decay of fruit and vegetables, the use of sub-atmospheric physiologicaldeteriorationandfungaldecay,resultingina pressure exhibits a potential to store fresh Chinese bay- short postharvest life of 1−2 days at ambient temperature berries. Hypobaric storage can quickly remove heat and [6]. Some methods, including low temperature storage reduce oxygen level [13]. During storage, water spray could be used to solve the problem of insufficient envir- onmental humidity [14]. It has been reported that hypo- *Correspondence:[email protected];[email protected] 1FoodScienceInstitute,ZhejiangAcademyofAgriculturalSciences, baric treatment delayed ripening of some climatic fruits Hangzhou310021,China such as apples, avocados, bananas, mangoes, tomatoes, 3SouthChinaBotanicalGarden,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Guangzhou apple, sweet cherry, asparagus, and peach [14-17]. With 510650,China Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle the development of storage technology, different models ©2013Chenetal.;licenseeChemistryCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Chenetal.ChemistryCentralJournal2013,7:4 Page2of7 http://journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/7/1/4 of hypobaric storage machine have been developed and EffectsofhypobaricstorageonskincolourandpulpTSS tested for the storage of fruit and vegetables. However, andTA little information is available in the literature about this The Chinese bayberry fruit of most cultivars are red or storage technology for Chinese bayberry fruit.The ob- dark-redcolourduetothepresenceofanthocyanins[3-5]. jective of this present study was to investigate the effects The major anthocyanin in the Chinese bayberry fruit was of different hypobaric storage treatments on postharvest identified to be cyanidin-3-glucoside which represented life and quality of the Chinese bayberry fruit. The anti- morethan95%ofthetotalanthocyanins[4].Skincolouris oxidant enzyme activities and antioxidant capacity were an important index to evaluate the quality of the Chinese also evaluated. Finally, the optimal condition of hypoba- bayberry fruit. As shown in Figure 2A and 2B, L* value ric storage to extend the shelf life of the Chinese bay- increased while a* value of the fruit decreased gradually berry fruitwasdetermined. during storage. However, no significant (P<0.05) differ- encesintheskincolourwereobservedamongthesediffer- entpressuretreatmentsafter15daysofstorage. Results and discussion TSS content of the Chinese bayberry fruit decreased EffectofhypobaricstorageonfruitdecayofChinese duringstorage(Figure2C)butnosignificant(P<0.05)dif- bayberries ferences existed among the different pressure treatments. Chinese bayberries are highly perishable and susceptible to Figure 2D presented TA content of the Chinese bay- mechanical injury, physiological deterioration and fungal berries. TheTA content decreased gradually during stor- decay[6].Thefruitstoredundernormalatmosphericpres- age. By the end of storage,TA content decreased to 11.6, sure (control) showed 37.5% decay after 6 days of storage, 5.0, 8.7 and 6.9% under 101.3, 85±5, 55±5 and 15±5 kPa butthefruitstoredunder85±5,55±5and15±5kPaexhib- conditions,respectively.ThechangesinTAandTSScon- ited 7.25, 5.0 and 6.25% decay, respectively. As shown in tents could be associated with the metabolic activity and Figure 1, the decay severity increased gradually with in- respiratory rates of the fruits. Corey, et al. [20] reported creasingstorage.After15daysofstorage,thedecaypercen- that respiration rate of lettuce decreased by 40% when tages of the Chinese bayberries stored under 101.3, 85±5, storedinachamberatapressureof51kPa.Theresultsin 55±5 and 15±5 kPa were 81.2, 31.25, 18.75 and 25%, re- this study could be explained by a lower respiratory rate spectively.Itwasreported thatlowpressuretreatmentdis- (Figure 3A), which caused less depletion of sugars and couraged commodity deterioration caused by bacteria and acidswhenfruitwasstoredatlowerpressures. fungiandwascapableofkillingmanyinsectsinfestingagri- cultural commodities [18]. Romanazzi, et al. [19] reported Effectsofhypobaricstorageonrespirationandethylene hypobaric treatment was effective in reducing decay of productionrates sweet cherries, strawberries and table grapes. The present The respiratory rate of the Chinese bayberry fruit was study showed that hypobaric storage was an effective around 9 mg CO kg-1 h-1 before storage and decreased 2 method to reduce decay of the Chinese bayberry. Among gradually with increasing storage (Figure 3A). By the end thesefourtreatments,itwasfoundthatapplicationof55±5 ofstorage,respiratoryratesoftheChinesebayberrystored kPawastheoptimaltoreducethefruitdecay. under 101.3, 85±5, and 55±5 kPa conditions were 4.75, 3.72, and 3.16 mg CO kg-1 h-1, respectively. The respira- 2 toryintensityofthefruitunderhypobaricstoragewassig- nificantly (P<0.05) inhibited, as compared with under 100 normal atmospheric pressure. Ethylene production rates 101.3 kPa of the Chinese bayberries decreased gradually, from 0.52 80 before storage to 0.042 μL kg-1 h-1 by the end of storage %) 55 ±5 kPa (Figure 3B). However, no significant differences in ethyl- y ( 60 15 ±5 kPa ene production rates were observed between the hypoba- a ec 40 ricstorageandnormalstorage. D It was reported that hypobaric packaging reduced the 20 respiration rates of strawberry and curled lettuce [21]. He et al. [22] also reported that hypobaric storage conditions 0 could reduce greatly the ethylene production rate in both 0 3 6 9 12 15 lettuce and wheat. The removal of ethylene production Storage time (day) could delay senescence of fruits and vegetables and, indir- Figure1Effectsofhypobaricstorageonfruitdecayofthe ectly, reduce their susceptibility to pathogens [19]. The in- Chinesebayberry.Fruitswerestoredat1±0.5°Cand85–90% hibitionoftherespiratoryrateintheChinesebayberryfruit relativehumidityunderdifferentatmospherepressures. byhypobarictreatmentcanhelptoextendtheshelflife. Chenetal.ChemistryCentralJournal2013,7:4 Page3of7 http://journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/7/1/4 A B 20.8 22 20.6 20.4 20 20.2 L*value 112990...680 a* value 1168 19.4 101.3 kPa 101.3 kPa 19.2 85 ±5 kPa 14 85 ±5 kPa 19.0 55 ±5 kPa 55 ±5 kPa 15 ±5 kPa 15 ±5 kPa 18.8 12 C D 12.4 101.3kPa 1.06 101.3 kPa 12.2 85 ±5 kPa 1.04 85 ±5 kPa 55 ±5 kPa 1.02 55 ±5 kPa 12.0 15 ±5 kPa %) 1.00 15 ±5 kPa TSS (%) 111111...468 TA ( 0000....99992468 0.90 11.2 0.88 11.0 0.86 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15 Storage time (day) Storage time (day) Figure2Effectsofhypobaricstorageonskincolour(A:L*value,B:a*value)andcontentsoftotalsolublesolids(C)andtitratable acidity(D)oftheChinesebayberryfruit.Fruitswerestoredat1±0.5°Cand85–90%relativehumidityunderdifferentatmospherepressures. Effectofhypobaricstorageonmalondialdehyde(MDA) Effectofhypobaricstorageonantioxidantenzyme content activities MDAisconsideredtobeanindicatorofmembranelipid The accumulation of reactive oxygen species, such as peroxidation caused by oxidative stress. As shown in superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and the hydroxyl radical, Figure 4, MDA content of the Chinese bayberry fruit causesplanttissuedamageandreducesthestoragequality under normal pressure condition rose gradually during and marketability of fruits and vegetables [23]. Antioxida- storage. MDA contents of fruit stored under 101.3, 85±5, tive enzymes such as catalase (CAT) and peroxidase 55±5 and 15±5 kPa conditions after 15 days of storage (POD)playanimportantroletoscavengereactiveoxygen. were 5.08×10-3, 4.51×10-3, 4.21×10-3 and 4.53×10-3 μmol AsshowninFigure5Aand5B,CATactivitiesoftheChinese g-1 on fresh weight (FW) basis, respectively, which exhib- bayberry fruit tended to change differently at various ited that hypobaric storage inhibited the accumulation of pressure conditions, but the fruit stored under the hypoba- MDA. Similar results were obtained by Li et al. [14] who ric condition exhibited a higher activity than those stored reported that hypobaric storage could reduce MDA accu- under the normal pressure condition. For POD activity, mulationandretardsenescenceinasparagus. hypobaric storage condition maintained a significantly A B 1) 10 1-h .6 -1-1y rate(mg kgh) 56789 185105551 ±±±.3555 kkkkPPPPaaaa -duction rate (µ L kg ....2345 185105551 ±±±.3555 kkkkPPPPaaaa Respirat 34 ylene pro 0..01 2 nth 0 3 6 9 12 15 E 0 3 6 9 12 15 Storage time (day) Storage time (day) Figure3Effectsofhypobaricstorageonratesofrespiration(A)andethyleneproduction(B)oftheChinesebayberryfruit.Fruitwere storedat1±0.5°Cand85–90%relativehumidityunderdifferentatmospherepressures. Chenetal.ChemistryCentralJournal2013,7:4 Page4of7 http://journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/7/1/4 at 101.3 kPa, which indicated that hypobaric storage .0055 was more effective to maintain phenolic content of ) 101.3 kPa W .0050 the fruit. In similarity with the change in total phenolic F 85 5 kPa ol/g .0045 55 5kPa cstoonrtaegnet,(Friegduurcein6gB)p.oInwetrhisofstfurudiyt, trhoesefrguriatdsutoalrleydduunrdinegr m 15 5kPa nt ( ¦Ì .0040 5d5an±t5pkoPwaers.hoHwoewdevtehre, fsetrrroincgreesdtufceirnrgicarnetdiouxciidnagntanptoiowxeir- e nt .0035 (FRAP) was not correlated well with the total phenolic o c A contents. It has been reported that different antioxidant D .0030 M activity could be due to the difference in phenolic con- .0025 stituents[25]. 0 3 6 9 12 15 Storage time (day) Materials and methods Figure4EffectsofhypobaricstorageonMDAcontentofthe Fruitmaterials Chinesebayberryfruit.Fruitwerestoredat1±0.5°Cand85–90% The Chinese bayberries (Myrica rubra Sieb. & Zucc., cv. relativehumidityunderdifferentatmospherepressures. Dongkui)fruitwere harvested manually from acommer- cial orchard in Xianju county of Zhejiang Province, (P<0.05) higher activity compared with the normal atmos- China on June 28, 2010, and then transported to the la- pheric condition. Chen et al. [17] reported that hypobaric boratory by a refrigerated car within 3 hours. Fruit were storagemaintainedhighCATactivityinpeach.Inthisstudy, selected for uniformity of shape and color and the blem- applicationofhypobaricstorageenhancedCATandPODac- ished anddiseasedfruitwere discarded. tivities and, thus, reduced membrane lipid peroxidation of theChinesebayberry(Figure4). Fruittreatments Fruit treatments were performed in a hypobaric storage Effectsofhypobaricstorageontotalphenoliccontent system with storage chambers whose pressure could be andtotalantioxidantcapacity set independently (Model XL-5, Xianlv Low-pressure Phenolic compounds including flavonoids and phenolic Fresh Keeping Equipment Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China). acids are known to be responsible for antioxidant cap- Each replicate containing 2 kg fruits was put in a plastic acity in fruits. The Chinese bayberries are rich in phen- basket and placed into the hypobaric chamber. The ap- olic compounds and exhibit high antioxidant activity plied pressures were set to be 85±5, 55±5 and 15±5 kPa, [3,4,24]. As shown in Figure 6A, total phenolic content respectively. The normal atmospheric pressure (101.3 of the fruit increased during storage. However, no sig- kPa) was used as control. These fruit were stored at nificant differences were observed among these different 1±0.5°C and 85–90% relative humidity (RH). Fruit sam- pressure treatments within the first 3 days of storage. ples were taken for analysis every 3 days in the storage The total phenolic content of the fruit under the hypo- period of15days. baric conditions after 3 days of storage rose rapidly, and then reached 1.083, 0.999, and 1.134 mg g-1 FW when Evaluationsoffruitdecayandskincolour fruit were stored at 85±5, 55±5 and 15±5 kPa after 15 Fruit decay was visually evaluated. Fruit with visible days of storage, respectively, but only 0.892 mg g-1 FW mold growth with about 2% of the surface affected was A B 650 250 640 mg ) 630 mg) 200 U/ U/ T activity ( 666012000 101.3 kPa D activity ( 110500 101.3 kPa CA 590 85 ±5 kPa PO 50 8555 ±±55 kkPPaa 580 55 ±5 kPa 15 ±5 kPa 15 ±5 kPa 570 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15 Storage time (day) Storage time (day) Figure5EffectsofhypobaricstorageonactivitiesofCAT(A)andPOD(B)oftheChinesebayberryfruit.Fruitwerestoredat1±0.5°Cand 85–90%relativehumidityunderdifferentatmospherepressures. Chenetal.ChemistryCentralJournal2013,7:4 Page5of7 http://journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/7/1/4 A B W) 1.3 140 F 101.3 kPa ent (mg/g 111...012 851555 ±±±555 kkkPPPaaa mmol/L) 110200 185105551 ±±±.3555 kkkKPPPPaaaa henolic cont ...789 AP value ( 6800 p R 40 al .6 F ot T .5 20 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15 Storage time (day) Storage time (day) Figure6Effectsofhypobaricstorageontotalphenoliccontent(A)andtotalantioxidantcapacity(B)oftheChinesebayberryfruit. Fruitwerestoredat1±0.5°Cand85–90%relativehumidityunderdifferentatmospherepressures. considered rotten. The severity of fruit decay was added to 1 mL of the extract. The solution was heated expressedaspercentageoffruitshowingdecaysymptoms. in a boiling water bath for 20 min, then immediately Skin colour of 20 fruit from each replicate was measured cooled, and finally centrifuged at 6000 × g for 10 min to using a colorimeter (Konica Minolta, CR-400, Japan) with clarify the solution. Absorbance was measured at 532 a 6-mm aperture size, which provided L* and a* values and600nm.MDAcontent wasexpressedasμmol/g FW according to the system established by the Commission bythemethodofLiet al.[14]. Internationale de L’Eclairage (CIE, International Commis- sion on Illumination). A reference white tile was used for Enzymaticactivityassay calibration. Fivegrams of fruittissues werehomogenizedin25mLof 100 mmol L-1 Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.8) containing 2 Measurementsofrespirationandethyleneproduction mmolL-1EDTAand2mmolL-11,4-dithiothreitolat4°C. rates Thehomogenatewascentrifugedat15,000×gfor15min Tenfruitwereenclosedin250mLglassjarsat5°Cfor2h at4°C,andthenthesupernatantwascollectedfortheen- and then 2 mL of headspace gas were taken from each zymatic activity assay. Protein wasmeasured accordingto jar. CO amount was measured by gas chromatography themethodofBradford[26],usingbovineserumalbumin 2 (Rainbow,SP-9890,China)equippedwithflameionization (BSA)asthestandard. detector and a packed column (GDX-502, Zhonghuida CAT was analyzed according to the method of Beers Inc., China). Ethylene concentration was analysed by gas &Sizer[27]withsomemodifications. Thedisappearance chromatographyusingaflameionizationdetector.Respir- of H O was monitored by measuring the decrease in 2 2 ationandethyleneproductionrateswereexpressedasmg absorbance at 240 nm of a reaction mixture containing CO andμgperhouronfreshweightbasis,respectively. 100 mmol L-1 Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.8), 25 mmol L-1 2 H O , and 0.2 mL of crude enzyme extract. One unit of 2 2 Measurementsoftotalsolublesolidsandtitratable enzymatic activity was defined as 0.01 change of absorb- acidity ance at 240 nm per minute. Specific CAT activity was Fifty fruit from each treatment were taken. Juice was expressed as units per mg protein. POD activity was obtained by a juicer (HR1861, Philips Co. Beijing, China), assayed according to the method described by Yang followed by filtration through cheesecloth. The juice was et al. [10]. The reaction mixture (2 mL) consisted of 50 analyzedfortotalsolublesolids(TSS)andtitratableacidity mmol L-1 sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.5), 6 mmol L-1 (TA).TSSconcentrationwasdeterminedbyaportablere- guaiacol and 4.5 mmol L-1 H O prior to the addationof 2 2 fractometer (Atago PAL-1, Japan) while TA content was 1 mL of crude enzyme extract. Increase in absorbance at measured by titrating 20 mL of the juice to pH 8.2 using 470 nm at intervals of 30 s was recorded. One unit of 0.1molL-1NaOH. enzymatic activity was defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzed the peroxidation of 1 mmol of guaiacol MDAcontentdetermination per minute. Specific POD activity was expressed as units MDA content was determined according to the method permgprotein. described by Li et al. [14] with some modification. Fruit tissues (1 g) were extracted for 2 h with 5 mL of Totalphenoliccontentdetermination trichloroacetic acid (10%). Three milliliters of 0.5% thio- One gram of lyophilized fruit tissues was extracted with barbituric acid (TBA) in 10% trichloroacetic acid were 25 mL of ethanol for 3 h. Total phenolic contents were Chenetal.ChemistryCentralJournal2013,7:4 Page6of7 http://journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/7/1/4 estimated colourimetrically using the Folin-Ciocalteu contributiontoexperimentaldesign,dataanalysisandmanuscriptrevision. method [28]. The extract was appropriately diluted, and Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinalmanuscript. then 1 mL of the dilution was oxidized with 0.5 mL of Folin-Ciocalteau reagent. The reaction was neutralized Acknowledgements TheworkwassupportedbytheNationalHighTechnologyResearchand with 5 ml of 5% Na CO The solution was immediately 2 3. DevelopmentProgramofChina(863Program)(grantNo.2012AA101606), diluted to a final volume of 25 mL with distilled water TheInternationalCooperationProjectofChina(grantNo.2013DFA31450) and then mixed thoroughly. The absorbance was read at SpecialFundforAgro-scientificResearchinthePublicInterest(grantNo. 201303073)andTheInternationalCooperationProjectoftheScienceand 765 nm after 1 hour of incubation in dark at 25°C using TechnologyDepartmentofZhejiangProvince,China(grantNo.2011C14003). a spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-2550, Japan). Gallic acid was used as a standard, and phenolic contents were Authordetails 1FoodScienceInstitute,ZhejiangAcademyofAgriculturalSciences, expressedasmggallicacidequivalents(GAE)/g FW. Hangzhou310021,China.2SchoolofLife&EnvironmentalSciences, WenzhouUniversity,Wenzhou325035,China.3SouthChinaBotanical Garden,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Guangzhou510650,China. 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