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materials Article Failure Behavior of Unidirectional Composites under Compression Loading: Effect of Fiber Waviness SwaroopNarayananNair1,2 ID,AravindDasari3,* ID,CheeYoonYue2 andSrikanthNarasimalu4 ID 1 EnergyResearchInstituteatNTU/InterdisciplinaryGraduateSchool,NanyangTechnologicalUniversity, blockS2-B3a-01,50NanyangAvenue,Singapore639798,Singapore;[email protected] 2 SchoolofMechanicalandAerospaceEngineering,NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore, 50NanyangAvenue,Singapore639798,Singapore;[email protected] 3 SchoolofMaterialsScience&Engineering,NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,50NanyangAvenue, Singapore639798,Singapore 4 EnergyResearchInstituteatNTU,NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,CleantechOne,1Cleantechloop, #06-04,Singapore637141,Singapore;[email protected] * Correspondence:[email protected];Tel.:+65-6790-6402 Received:5July2017;Accepted:1August2017;Published:5August2017 Abstract: Thekeyobjectiveofthisworkistohighlighttheeffectofmanufacturing-inducedfiber wavinessdefectsonthecompressivefailureofglassfiber-reinforcedunidirectionalspecimens. For thispurpose,in-plane,through-thicknesswavinessdefects(withdifferentwavinessseverities)are inducedduringthemanufacturingofthelaminate. Numericalandexperimentalresultsshowthat thecompressivestrengthofthecompositesdecreasesastheseverityofthewavinessdefectsincreases. A reduction of up to 75% is noted with a wave severity of 0.075. Optical and scanning electron microscopy observations of the failed specimens reveal that kink-bands are created in the wavy regionsandleadtofailure. Keywords: windturbineblades;defects;laminates;in-planefiberwaviness;compressivestrength; kink-band;failure;numericalandexperimentalanalyses 1. Introduction Compressivestrengthofcompositelaminatesisoneofthemajordesigndriversinwindturbine industry. Compressivefailureinthesematerialsiscomplex,suddenandcatastrophicasitinvolves multiple modes of failure like fiber kinking, splitting, buckling and delamination [1–4]. In 1965, Rosen[1]attributedcompressivefailuretoelasticinstabilitiesresultinginafiber-bucklingmechanism. However,subsequentstudieshaveconcludedthatcompressivefailureoffiber-reinforcedcomposites is predominantly a result of plastic micro-buckling of the fibers in an idealized inelastic matrix medium [2]. Other modes of failure that have been reported include fiber kinking, splitting, and delamination. Alongthesamelines,Kyriakydesetal.[5]haveobservedregularlyspacedin-plane kink-bandswithawidthof~1–1.5mmduringcompressiontestingofthecomposites. Inaddition, VoglerandKyriakides[6,7]haveshownthatkink-bandformationisapost-bucklingeventandstarts fromalocalimperfectioninthesample. Inamicromechanicalstudy,Prabhakaretal.[8]haveobserved aninteractionbetweenthefailuremodeslikekink-bandandsplitting,andconcludedthatmodeII cohesiveshearstrengthhasagreaterinfluenceonthisfailuremodeinteraction. Despitethesignificantadvancementsinmaterialsaswellasdesignandmanufacturingofthe composites, ensuringalongerlifeforthebladeshasbeenagreatchallenge. Windturbinesystem reliabilityisacriticalfactorforoptimizingthecosts[9]. Severalcollaborativeeffortsbetweenindustry andacademiahavegoneintounderstandingandimprovingthereliabilityofwindturbineblades,with Materials2017,10,909;doi:10.3390/ma10080909 www.mdpi.com/journal/materials Materials2017,10,909 2of13 specificemphasisonflowcharacterizationandmanufacturingdefects[10,11]. Theseandseveralother studiesonfailedwindturbinebladesbasedonfiber-reinforcedcompositelaminateshavesuggested thatmanufacturingflawslikevoids,porosity,improperwettingoffiberswithresin,misalignmentof fibers,andbondingdefectsplayakeyroleintheirfailure[11–14]. A30%–50%dropinthecompressive strengthofthelaminatehasbeenobservedevenwithaminorfibermisalignmentof~5◦[15]. Athigher off-axisangles(10◦ <θ<15◦),thecompressivestrengthfurtherdroppedto70%. AdamsandBell[16] studied two-layer out-of-plane waviness on a unidirectional ply at the middle of an eight-layered cross-ply laminate. They noted a ~36% reduction in compressive strength of the wavy laminate. Mandelletal.[17]studiedtheeffectoffiberwavinesswithvariousglassandcarbonfabricsusedin windturbineblades.Theyalsonotedadropincompressivestrengthwithanincreaseinthepercentage of 0◦ layers containing waviness. Several other studies have also reported similar observations of reduced compressive strength in the presence of waviness defects [10,18]. Though there are manytypesoffiberwaviness,inthepresentwork,wewillbefocusingontheeffectofanin-plane, through-thicknesssinglesinewavewithdifferentseveritylevelsundercompressionloading. Rather thandegradationinmaterialproperties,theemphasiswillbeonthefailuremodesandmechanisms. Thisisimportantbecauselimitedresearchisavailablethatcombinesbothexperimentalandnumerical approachestoexplainthefailureoftheselaminates. 2. ExperimentalWork 2.1. MaterialsandProcessing E-glass0◦ (WeeTeeTongUT800,Singapore)fabricswereusedinthisstudyalongwithepoxy resin as matrix material (Epikote RIMR—135 (HexionTM, Kedah, Malaysia) as base and Epikure RIMR—137 (HexionTM, Kedah, Malaysia) as hardener). This grade of resin is commercially used forwindturbineblademanufacturingandhenceadoptedinthisstudy. Anin-planewavylaminate panelwasmanufacturedbyinducingawavewiththehelpofacylindricalrodoneachlaminaofthe unidirectionalfabric. ThiswholeprocessisshownschematicallyinFigure1. AsshowninFigure1a, initially,out-of-planefiberwavinesswasinducedwithawavelengthof≈35mm,andsubsequentlya uniformshearloadwasappliedfor~5to10minnormaltothefiberdirectionandalongthefiberfabric planetorenderitin-plane(seeFigure1b). Eachlaminaundergoesthesameprocessbeforestacking andcuring. Differentwaveseveritieswereachievedbychangingthewaveamplituderatherthan changingthewavelengthofthedefect(duetosizelimitationsfortestingandanalysis). Anaverage waveheight(twicetheamplitude)of0.7,1.75,2.45and5.25mmweremeasuredfromeachpanelafter thecuringandfinalwaveseveritywascalculated. Thesixlayer([0] )panelswerepreparedwithdifferentwaveseveritylevelsusingunidirectional 6 glassfabrics. Eachlayerhasanaveragethicknessof0.62mm. Thecompositepanelfabricationwas doneusingVacuumAssistedResinInfusionMethod(VARIM).Thecureprofileemployedwas24h atroomtemperature,followedbyapost-curingstepinanovenfor15hat60◦C.Thefibervolume fractionofthecuredpanelswasmeasuredtobeintherangeof0.52to0.57basedonASTMD2584[19]. Materials2017,10,909 3of13 Materials 2017, 10, 909   3 of 13   FigFuigreur1e. 1A. Asc hscehmemeseh sohwowininggt htheep prorocceedduurree ttoo iinndduuccee aann iinn‐-ppllaannee wwaavvee inin aa lalamminian:a (:a()a i)nidnudcuincgin agna n outo-uotf‐-opfl‐apnlaenwe awvaevwe withithth teheh heleplpo offa ac cyylilinnddrriiccaall ttuubbee,, ((bb)) oouutt‐-ooff‐-pplalannee fifibberesr safatfetre rthteh erermemovoavl aolf othfeth e tubtue,b(ec,) (ac)p applypilnyigngin i-np‐lpalnaenes hsheaearrt otom maakkee fifibbeerrss iinn-‐ppllaannee,, ((dd)) aa ttoopp vvieieww oof fththe elalmaminian,a (,e()e p)rpevreievwie wof of thethine -ipnl‐apnlaenwe awvayvfiy bfiebresr,sa, nadnd(f ()f)d defiefninitiitoionno offfi fibbeerr wwaavvee sseevveerriittyy..   2.2. Definition of Fiber Wave Severity  2.2. DefinitionofFiberWaveSeverity The definition of fiber waviness in the composites was first introduced by Joyce et al. [15,20] as  The definition of fiber waviness in the composites was first introduced by Joyce et al. [15,20] follows: (cid:1877)(cid:3404)(cid:1827)sin(cid:4666)2(cid:2024)(cid:1876)/(cid:1838)(cid:4667) for a sinusoidal wave where the mean fiber position is parallel to the  as follows: y = Asin(2πx/L) for a sinusoidal wave where the mean fiber position is parallel to longitudinal fiber axis. A statistical approach followed with the help of computer‐aided optical  thelongitudinalfiberaxis. Astatisticalapproachfollowedwiththehelpofcomputer-aidedoptical microscope to measure the wave amplitude (A) and wave length (L). The intensity of the fiber  microscopetomeasurethewaveamplitude(A)andwavelength(L).Theintensityofthefiberwaviness waviness was quantified with a term called fiber wave severity (Ws), which is the ratio of A to L (see  wasquantifiedwithatermcalledfiberwaveseverity(W ),whichistheratioofAtoL(seeFigure1f). Figure 1f). After the curing of composite panels, amplitsude and wavelength of the fiber waviness  Afterthecuringofcompositepanels,amplitudeandwavelengthofthefiberwavinesswereagain were again measured with the help of an optical microscope. The final fiber wave severity was taken  measuredwiththehelpofanopticalmicroscope. Thefinalfiberwaveseveritywastakenbasedonthe based on the average values measured at different locations of the cured panel.  averagevaluesmeasuredatdifferentlocationsofthecuredpanel. 2.3. Compression Testing  2.3. CompressionTesting Compression tests were conducted as per ASTM D6641 standard [21] on a 100 kN servo‐ CompressiontestswereconductedasperASTMD6641standard[21]ona100kNservo-hydraulic hydraulic Instron 8801 machine (Singapore) with Zwick Hydraulic Composite Compression Fixture  Ins(tHroCnC8F8) 0(1Simngaacphoirnee). (ASi ntygpaipcaolr ec)omwpitrhesZsiwonic kexHpeyrdimraeunlti cspCeocimmpeno switeasC 1o4m0 ptor e1s5s0i omnmF ilxotnugr ean(Hd C1C3 F) (Sinmgmap woirdee). wAitthy painc aulncsoumppporretsesdio gnauexgpe elreinmgtehn tosf p1e3c tiom 2e0n mwmas. 1T4o0 atvoo1id5 0pmremmaltounreg faanildur1e3 omvemr twheid  e witghagaen luennsguthp,p ao rstmedoogtahu sgpeelceinmgetnh eodfg1e3 atond2 0am sumff.icTioenatv souidrfapcree mroautguhrenefassil uforer othvee rtatbh ebgonagdeinlge nwgaths ,a smroeoctohmsmpeecnidmeedn [2e2d]g. eThaen ddeafescutf‐ficocnietnaitnsiunrgf ascpeecriomuegnhsn hesasvefo arnt hine‐ptalbanbeo wndaviningewssa dserfeeccot matm theen dgaeudg[e2 2]. Theardeeaf. eAct w-coidnttha ionfi 2n5g mspmec wimase ncsonhsaivdeeraendi fno-rp dlaenfeecwt‐ianvdinuecsesd dsepfeeccitmaetnths e(sgeaeu Fgigeuarree a2.) Ato wmiidntihmoizfe2 5thme m wapsecrocennstiadgeer eadmfoourndt eoffe cdti-sicnodnuticneudousps efcibimeres ndsu(es etoe Fwiagvuirnees2s) itnocmlusinioimn iinz eththe ecopueprcoenn. tCagomeapmreossuionnt of distceosnt tfiinxutuoruess fiwbeerres sdeuleectteodw baavseinde ossn icnocmlubsiinoendi nshtheaerc aonudp oenn.dC looamdpinrges [s6io,7n]. tTeshtefi cxotmurbeisnewde reendse alencdte d bassehdeaor nlocaodms bwienreed asphpeliaerda hnyddreanudlicloaalldy ionng t[h6e,7 c]o.uTphoenc aotm a bcionnesdtaennt dcraonssdhesahde asrpleoeadd osf w1 emrema/mppinli.e d hydCroamuplirceaslslyivoe nsttrhaiencso wueproen maetaasucroends utasnintgc rsotrsasihne gaadusgpese e(1d2o0 fΩ1) mbomnd/emdi non. Cbootmh psirdeesss iovfe thster acoinuspwone re megaasuugree darueasi. nTghes tbroanindegda ustgreasin( 1g2a0geΩs )onb obnodthe dsidoens boof tthhes igdaegse opfatrht ewceoreu cpoonnngecatuedg etoa trheea .dTahtae lobgognedre d for the compressive strain measurement. During the test, failure progression was captured using a  straingagesonbothsidesofthegagepartwereconnectedtothedataloggerforthecompressivestrain high‐resolution video camera at the rate of 50 frames/s. Tests on each fiber wave severity specimen  measurement. Duringthetest,failureprogressionwascapturedusingahigh-resolutionvideocamera were repeated 5 times for getting statistically significant data.  attherateof50frames/s. Testsoneachfiberwaveseverityspecimenwererepeated5timesforgetting statisticallysignificantdata. Materials2017,10,909 4of13 Materials 2017, 10, 909   4 of 13 Materials 2017, 10, 909   4 of 13   FigurFeig2u.re( a2.) (Sa)c hScehmemataictico off aa ttyyppiiccaal lcocmomprpersesisosnio tnestt espstecsipmeecni,m anend ,(ba)n tdhe( bac)tuthale HaCctCuFa sleHt uCpC wFitshe t up withssaammppllee. .   Figure 2. (a) Schematic of a typical compression test specimen, and (b) the actual HCCF set up with  3. Finite Element Model (FEM)  3. FiniteEsalmemplee.n  tModel(FEM) A 3D finite element model of the entire experimental specimen was built in Abaqus/Explicit for  A3DfiniteelementmodeloftheentireexperimentalspecimenwasbuiltinAbaqus/Explicitfor 3d.i rFeicnti teco Emlepmareinsot nM owdiethl  (FeExMpe)r imental  results.  The  failure  modes  observed  on  unidirectional  directcomparisonwithexperimentalresults. Thefailuremodesobservedonunidirectionalspecimens specimens without waviness defects were not detailed in this FEM analysis. A macro‐mechanical  A 3D finite element model of the entire experimental specimen was built in Abaqus/Explicit for  withomuotdwela wvians eusssedd ewfeitcht sawn eexreplnicoitt ddyentaamileicd sionlvtehr iast FqEuMasia‐sntaatliyc sliosa.dAingm raacterso. -Tmheec phlaiensi cwaelrme boudieltl was direct  comparison  with  experimental  results.  The  failure  modes  observed  on  unidirectional  useduwsiinthg aann e8x‐npoldicei tbdriycnk aemlemicesnotl vweirtha treqduuacseid-s itnatteicgrlaotaiodnin Cg3rDa8tRes a.nTdh eonpel ieelsemweenrte tbhuicikltnuesssi nfogr aenac8h- node specimens without waviness defects were not detailed in this FEM analysis. A macro‐mechanical  brickpellye. mIne nthtew aitchturael deuxcpeedriminetnetg, rtahteioren wCa3sD n8oR daanmdaogne etoe lethme etnabt tmhiactkenrieasl safnodr ethaec hadphlye.siIvne tjhoeinat ctual model was used with an explicit dynamic solver at quasi‐static loading rates. The plies were built  experuoibsmisneegrnv aten,d t.8h H‐eneroendcewe ,b atrasibcnkso  weldeermaem emnaotg dweeilttlohe drt hebdeaustecadebd o mnin aate thgeirrgaihati lsotanifn fCnd3eDtshs8 egRl aaasdnshd fe iobsneivre  reeeljieonmifnoertncote dbth spiecorklvnyemedses. rf H(oGre FenRaccPeh),  tabs composite. The entire laminate with in‐plane waviness was meshed in the gage section of the part  werepmlyo. dIenl ltehde baacstueadl oenxpaerhiimgehnst,t itfhfneeres swgalas snsofi bdearmraegien ftoor ctehde ptaobl ymmaeterr(iaGl FaRnPd) tchoem apdohseistiev.eT jhoiente ntire geometry. Minimum building block in the model is lamina level, hence all the elements at the wavy  laminoabtseerwveidth. Hinen-pcela, tnaebsw waevrien mesosdewllaeds mbaesesdh eodn ain hitghhe sgtiaffgneessse gcltaisosn fiboefrt rheeinpfoarrctedg epoomlyemteryr .(GMFRinPi)m  um regions were oriented through a discrete path (see Figure 3) that looked like the fiber waviness in the  buildcionmgpbolosictke. iTnhteh eenmtiroed leamliisnlaatme winitahl einv‐epll,ahnee nwceavailnletshs ewealse mmeenshtseda tinth tehew gaavgye rseecgtiioonn sowf tehree poarrite nted experimental samples. A mesh refinement study was conducted on the waviness‐induced laminate  througgehomadetirsyc.r Meteinpimatuhm(s beueilFdiignugr ebl3o)ckth iant tlhoeo mkeoddelilk ies ltahmeifinbae lrevweal,v hiennecses ainll tthhee eelxepmeernimts eant ttahles wamavpyl es.A until the change in predicted failure load was less than 1% (see Figure 4) and an optimum mesh size  regions were oriented through a discrete path (see Figure 3) that looked like the fiber waviness in the  meshrefinementstudywasconductedonthewaviness-inducedlaminateuntilthechangeinpredicted of 0.4 mm was selected. The thickness of the element was similar to the average ply thickness of 0.62  experimental samples. A mesh refinement study was conducted on the waviness‐induced laminate  failurmemlo.a Tdhew sapsecleimssenth manod1e%l se(scetieonF iwgausr aeb4o)uat n3d.72a nmmop tthimicku amndm 2e5s mhmsi zweidoef. 0.4mmwasselected. The until the change in predicted failure load was less than 1% (see Figure 4) and an optimum mesh size  thicknessoftheelementwassimilartotheaverageplythicknessof0.62mm. Thespecimenmodel of 0.4 mm was selected. The thickness of the element was similar to the average ply thickness of 0.62  sectionwasabout3.72mmthickand25mmwide. mm. The specimen model section was about 3.72 mm thick and 25 mm wide.    Figure 3. (a) Abaqus model with closely packed mesh, (b) mesh flow in the gage area along the  waviness path, and (c) element orientation in the waviness region.    Figure 3. (a) Abaqus model with closely packed mesh, (b) mesh flow in the gage area along the  Figure 3. (a) Abaqus model with closely packed mesh, (b) mesh flow in the gage area along the waviness path, and (c) element orientation in the waviness region.  wavinesspath,and(c)elementorientationinthewavinessregion. Materials2017,10,909 5of13 Materials 2017, 10, 909   5 of 13   FFiigguurree4 4..M Meesshhr reefifnineemmeennttf oforrt htheew waavveei nindduucceeddm mooddeell( w(waavvees seevveerirtiyty= =0 0.0.07755))..  In general, the failure theories included in Abaqus (Max Stress and Max Strain, or Tsai‐Wu and  In general, the failure theories included in Abaqus (Max Stress and Max Strain, or Tsai-Wu Tsai‐Hill models) are not based on the individual constituents and result in poor prediction.  and Tsai-Hill models) are not based on the individual constituents and result in poor prediction. Therefore, in this work, an Autodesk add‐on for the simulation of composite analysis called Helius  Therefore,inthiswork,anAutodeskadd-onforthesimulationofcompositeanalysiscalledHelius PFA (Progressive Failure Analysis) [23] was attached to the Abaqus model to predict the damage in  PFA(ProgressiveFailureAnalysis)[23]wasattachedtotheAbaqusmodeltopredictthedamageinthe the composite structures. This plug‐in helps to incorporate the constituent (matrix and fiber) level  compositestructures. Thisplug-inhelpstoincorporatetheconstituent(matrixandfiber)levelfailure failure initiation criteria like MCT (Multi continuum theory) based failure [24], Christensen [25], Puck  initiationcriterialikeMCT(Multicontinuumtheory)basedfailure[24],Christensen[25],Puck[26] [26] and LaRC02 [27] into the Abaqus software (Dassault systems, v6.13, SIMULIA, Johnston, RI,  andLaRC02[27]intotheAbaqussoftware(Dassaultsystems,v6.13,SIMULIA,Johnston,RI,USA). USA). Helius PFA uses separate material manager to include the composite lamina properties. Based  HeliusPFAusesseparatematerialmanagertoincludethecompositelaminaproperties. Basedonthe on the input provided to the material manager, Helius PFA provides the constitutive relations for  inputprovidedtothematerialmanager,HeliusPFAprovidestheconstitutiverelationsforcomposite composite materials as per the required failure theory to the Abaqus input. As seen in Table 1, the  materialsaspertherequiredfailuretheorytotheAbaqusinput. AsseeninTable1,thelaminamaterial lamina material properties were derived from the individual material properties input (fiber and  properties were derived from the individual material properties input (fiber and resin properties) resin properties) given to the material manager of Helius PFA.  giventothematerialmanagerofHeliusPFA. In the current work, LaRC02 failure criterion (based on an improvement to Hashin’s model) was  Inthecurrentwork,LaRC02failurecriterion(basedonanimprovementtoHashin’smodel)was preferred as it combines the fracture plane concept of Puck [26] as well. This criterion identifies the  preferredasitcombinesthefractureplaneconceptofPuck[26]aswell. Thiscriterionidentifiesthe fiber failure and matrix cracking in unidirectional composites (initiation and instantaneous damage  fiberfailureandmatrixcrackinginunidirectionalcomposites(initiationandinstantaneousdamage progression) [26,28] based on the below mentioned constitutive relations. The uniaxial tensile  progression)[26,28]basedonthebelowmentionedconstitutiverelations. Theuniaxialtensilestrength (sStre)n,cgothm p(Sr1e1s),s icvoemstprerensgstihve(- Sstre),nagnthd i(n‐S-p11l)a, naensdh iena‐rpsltarnene gsthhe(aSr s)trwenergetho b(tSa1i2n) ewdefrreo mobtthaeineexdp efrriomme nthtse  11 11 12 ceoxnpdeuricmteedn.tTs hceonoduut-cotfe-dp.l aTnhee sohueta‐rofs‐tprelanngeth shveaalur esstrSengatnhd vaSluews eSr2e3 aconnds Sid13e wreedree qcuoanlsitdoetrheedi neq-pulaaln teo  23 13 sthheea irnv‐palluane.e Tshheeatrr avnaslvueer. sTehpea trraamnsevteerrsseS paarnamdeSterws Se2r2e atnadke Sn33a wse√re3 ttaikmeens aosf S√3 .times of S23.  22 33 23 Individual plies were defined under a composite layup sequence with orthotropic non‐linear  Individualpliesweredefinedunderacompositelayupsequencewithorthotropicnon-linear elastic material properties based on experimental measurements. Experiments were conducted on  elasticmaterialpropertiesbasedonexperimentalmeasurements. Experimentswereconductedon the same material to determine the maximum tensile, compressive and shear strength properties. The  the same material to determine the maximum tensile, compressive and shear strength properties. detailed material properties used for the model are listed in Tables 1–3. Based on the LaRC02 failure  ThedetailedmaterialpropertiesusedforthemodelarelistedinTables1–3. BasedontheLaRC02 criterion under uniaxial compression loading: (1) Fiber failure is further divided into (1.a) fiber  failurecriterionunderuniaxialcompressionloading: (1)Fiberfailureisfurtherdividedinto(1.a)fiber compressive failure with matrix compression, and (1.b) fiber compressive failure with matrix tension.  compressivefailurewithmatrixcompression,and(1.b)fibercompressivefailurewithmatrixtension. (2) Matrix cracking is again divided into (2.a) matrix cracking in tension, and (2.b) matrix cracking in  (2)Matrixcrackingisagaindividedinto(2.a)matrixcrackingintension,and(2.b)matrixcracking compression. For the current model, due to the presence of fiber waviness imperfections in the cured  incompression. Forthecurrentmodel, duetothepresenceoffiberwavinessimperfectionsinthe laminate, it was assumed that majority of failure progression occurred due to fiber kinking. The fiber  cured laminate, it was assumed that majority of failure progression occurred due to fiber kinking. compression  failure  scenario  was  explained  due  to  the  collapse  of  fibers  subjected  to  initial  Thefibercompressionfailurescenariowasexplainedduetothecollapseoffiberssubjectedtoinitial misalignment, leading to shear kinking and further extending to the supporting matrix [29,30].  misalignment,leadingtoshearkinkingandfurtherextendingtothesupportingmatrix[29,30]. Materials2017,10,909 6of13 (1) As mentioned earlier, under fiber compression σ < 0, two stress states (matrix under 11 compressionandmatrixundertension)wereconsideredtoevaluatethefiberfailure[1]. (1.a) Formatrixcompression(σm <0) 22 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)τm(cid:12)+ηLσm FailureindexFI = (cid:104) 12 22(cid:105) (1) F SL (1.b) Formatrixtension(σm ≥0) 22 (cid:18)σm(cid:19)2 (cid:18)τm(cid:19)2 FailureindexFI = 22 + 12 (2) F YT SL (2) Forthematrixcompressionfailurecriterion, (2.a) σ ≥YC 11 (cid:32)τT (cid:33)2 (cid:32)τL (cid:33)2 eff eff FailureindexFI = + (3) M ST SL (2.b) σ ≤ YC at this stage the material is in a moderate biaxial compressive state and the 11 conditionis, (cid:32)τmT(cid:33)2 (cid:32)τmL(cid:33)2 eff eff FailureindexFI = + (4) M ST SL whereτmT andτmLarefunctionsofthefractureangleαwhichwilldetermineduringtheiteration. eff eff YT =Valueofσ attransversetensilefailure 22 YC =Valueofσ attransversecompressivefailure 22 SL =Absolutevalueofσ atlongitudinalshearfailure 12 ST =Absolutevalueofσ attransverseshearfailure 23 α =Angleofthefractureplanethatmaximizesthefailureindex(FI) SubscriptMrepresentsthematrixandFrepresentsthefiber. BasedontheseconstitutiveequationsofLaRC02failurecriteria, Abaqusidentifiesthefailure initiationatindividualintegrationpointsinthemodel. TheresultswereinterpretedbasedontheState DependentVariables(SDV).SDV=1.0,signifiesnodamageinbothfiberandmatrixandSDV=2.0 signifiesfailedmatrix. WhenSDVreaches3.0onaspecifiedlocation,itwasconfirmedthatbothmatrix andfiberfailedinthatarea. Table1.ConstituentelasticpropertiesusedintheAbaqusmodel(basedonmaterialdatasheet). Fiber Matrix Young’sModulusE (GPa) Poisson’sRatio ShearModulusG (GPa) Poisson’sRatio f 12 73 0.24 1.2 0.35 Table2.LaminastrengthpropertiesusedintheAbaqusmodel(Experimentallydetermined). UltimateTensileStrengthXT UltimateCompressiveStrengthXC UltimateShearStrengthG12 (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) 728 630 50 Materials2017,10,909 7of13 Table3.Comparisonoflaminamaterialpropertiesfromexperimentandmodel. Elasticproperties E11(GPa) E22(GPa) G12(GPa) ν12 BasedonAutodeskHeliusPFA 41.4 9.99 3.58 0.27 Fromexperiment 41.4 10.29 2.78 0.28 3.1. DamageEvolution The damage evaluation process starts immediately after the damage initiated at any of the individualintegrationpoints. Aninstantaneousdegradationmethodwasfollowedforthestiffness degradation. Thedegradationratioforboththematrixandfiberwerepredefinedasusermaterial Mcoatnersitaalsn 2t0s17(,U 10M, 9C09)  before the analysis. In here, UMC for matrix was set as 0.1 and for fiber, i7t owf 1a3s 1×10−6. 3.2. Boundary Conditions  3.2. BoundaryConditions In the model, one end of the specimen was fixed and a quasi‐static displacement load was  appliIend tohne thmeo odtehle,ro enned.e Fnudlloyf ctohnestsrpaeinceimd ebnouwnadsarfiyx ceodnadnitdioansq wuaersei- satpaptilcieddi sopnl athcee mleeftn (tfilxoeadd) ewnads  aanpdp ldieisdpolanctehmeeontth berouenndd.aFryu lcloyncdointisotrnasi nweedreb oaupnpdliaerdy tcoo tnhdei tliooands dwireerectaiopnp lbieyd coonnstthraeilneifntg(fi txheed o)tehnedr  dainrdecdtiiosnpsla tcoe ma erenftebreonucned paoryinct oonnd tihtieo nrisgwhte reendap. pTlhieed retofetrhenecleo apdoidnitr eacntido nthbey ricgohnts etrnadin oinf gthteh emootdheelr  wdierreec tbioonnsdteoda wreiftehr eannc eeqpuoaintitoonn bthaseerdi gdhitreenctdio.nTahl ecroenfestrreanicnet.p Sooin, tthane ddtihspelraicgehmteenntd goifvtehne tmo otdheel  rwefeerreebnocne dpeodinwt iwthoaunlde qruefalteicotn tboa tsheed rdigirhetc teionnda flaccoen ostfr tahinet .mSood,ethl.e Fdigisuprlea c5e msheonwtgs itvheen 2toDt hveierwef eorfe tnhcee  tpriominmtwedo muloddreelfl weicttht o6 ltahyeerrisg ohft pelnyd mfaatceerioafl,t thaeb mboonddeiln.gF iwgiuthre b5oushnodwarsyt choen2dDitivoinesw ato bfoththe etnridms manedd  tmabo dsiedlews.i th6layersofplymaterial,tabbondingwithboundaryconditionsatbothendsandtabsides.   Figure 5. Boundary conditions at both ends of the sample.  Figure5.Boundaryconditionsatbothendsofthesample. 4. Results and Discussion  4. ResultsandDiscussion 4.1. Effect of Waviness Defect on Compressive Strength  4.1. EffectofWavinessDefectonCompressiveStrength As listed in Table 4, the mean failure strength of the composites significantly decreases with  As listed in Table 4, the mean failure strength of the composites significantly decreases with increase in fiber wave severity. For instance, with a severity of 0.075, a 75% drop in strength is noted.  increaseinfiberwaveseverity. Forinstance,withaseverityof0.075,a75%dropinstrengthisnoted. Joyce and Moon [15] have reported a similar but linear trend of decreasing compressive strength with  JoyceandMoon[15]havereportedasimilarbutlineartrendofdecreasingcompressivestrengthwith increasing (in‐plane) fiber waviness severity. This has been attributed to the formation of kink‐bands  increasing(in-plane)fiberwavinessseverity. Thishasbeenattributedtotheformationofkink-bands at the fiber misorientation sites in the wavy regions leading to a catastrophic failure. In the current  atthefibermisorientationsitesinthewavyregionsleadingtoacatastrophicfailure. Inthecurrent work, though a catastrophic failure is observed with defect‐free samples, with waviness defects, the  work,thoughacatastrophicfailureisobservedwithdefect-freesamples,withwavinessdefects,the failure is not catastrophic.  failureisnotcatastrophic. Table 4. Compression test results of composites with and without waviness defects.  Sample  Wave Severity (Ws) Mean Failure Strength (MPa) Standard Deviation (MPa)  A0 (unidirectional) 0  614  19.61  A1  0.01  479  34.5  A2  0.025  303  12.25  A3  0.035  203  13.16  A4  0.075  158  14.40  4.2. Mechanisms of Failure  4.2.1. Unidirectional Laminates without Waviness Defects  Optical and SEM observations of the failed samples reveal the presence of an angled fracture  plane due to shear failure (Figure 6). Fiber strand debonding, micro‐buckling and matrix cracking are  also clearly visible in the gage area. These observations follow the traditional and expected mode of  failure [31], but the sudden and catastrophic crushing of the gage area during testing has made it  difficult to differentiate the various failure modes. Fiber micro‐buckling is a result of shear instability  process that occurs at higher strains in the matrix material due to plastic yielding. It is believed that  during compression, the presence of fiber misalignment imperfection from the longitudinal direction  results in the formation of kinks in a localized region. This ultimately leads to the formation of fiber  kink‐bands followed by compressive kinking failure [32]. However, it is important to note that Materials2017,10,909 8of13 Table4.Compressiontestresultsofcompositeswithandwithoutwavinessdefects. Sample WaveSeverity(Ws) MeanFailureStrength(MPa) StandardDeviation(MPa) A0(unidirectional) 0 614 19.61 A1 0.01 479 34.5 A2 0.025 303 12.25 A3 0.035 203 13.16 A4 0.075 158 14.40 4.2. MechanismsofFailure 4.2.1. UnidirectionalLaminateswithoutWavinessDefects OpticalandSEMobservationsofthefailedsamplesrevealthepresenceofanangledfracture planeduetoshearfailure(Figure6). Fiberstranddebonding,micro-bucklingandmatrixcracking arealsoclearlyvisibleinthegagearea. Theseobservationsfollowthetraditionalandexpectedmode offailure[31],butthesuddenandcatastrophiccrushingofthegageareaduringtestinghasmadeit difficulttodifferentiatethevariousfailuremodes. Fibermicro-bucklingisaresultofshearinstability processthatoccursathigherstrainsinthematrixmaterialduetoplasticyielding. Itisbelievedthat duringcompression,thepresenceoffibermisalignmentimperfectionfromthelongitudinaldirection resultsintheformationofkinksinalocalizedregion. Thisultimatelyleadstotheformationoffiber Materials 2017, 10, 909   8 of 13 kink-bandsfollowedbycompressivekinkingfailure[32]. However,itisimportanttonotethatkinking stressesareverysensitivetofibermisalignment. Evenamisalignmentangleintherangeof0.8–2.3◦ kinking stresses are very sensitive to fiber misalignment. Even a misalignment angle in the range of  wasenoughtocausekinking[33]. Moreover,withmisalignedfibers,kinkingstressesarereportedly 0.8–2.3° was enough to cause kinking [33]. Moreover, with misaligned fibers, kinking stresses are  25%oftheelasticmicro-bucklingstressesofcomposites. reportedly 25% of the elastic micro‐buckling stresses of composites.    Figure 6. Catastrophic failure of waviness‐free specimen under compressive loading conditions.  Figure6.Catastrophicfailureofwaviness-freespecimenundercompressiveloadingconditions. 4.2.2. Unidirectional Laminates with Waviness Defects  4.2.2. UnidirectionalLaminateswithWavinessDefects As compared to defect‐free specimens, the failure progression of the wavy specimens is slow  Ascomparedtodefect-freespecimens,thefailureprogressionofthewavyspecimensisslowand and gradual (particularly, A4 with a wave severity of 0.075). Figure 7 shows a few selected snapshots  gradual(particularly,A4withawaveseverityof0.075). Figure7showsafewselectedsnapshotsof of crack initiation and progression from the video of the test captured with a high‐speed camera  crackinitiationandprogressionfromthevideoofthetestcapturedwithahigh-speedcameraoperated operated  at  a  frame  rate  of  50  frames/s.  As  discussed  earlier,  axial  compression  failure  of  at a frame rate of 50 frames/s. As discussed earlier, axial compression failure of unidirectional unidirectional composites occurs by plastic kinking in the presence of fiber misalignment sites along  compositesoccursbyplastickinkinginthepresenceoffibermisalignmentsitesalongwithplastic with plastic shear deformation in the matrix. Figure 7 shows that the failure initiated with a visible  fiber kinking followed by an inclined shear crack across the fiber direction in the wavy area and  ultimately results in fiber strand splitting. Previously, it has been noted that glass fibers fail in  compression by longitudinal splitting when the uniaxial strain in the composite equals the intrinsic  crushing strain of the fibers [4]. Nevertheless, the gradual kink‐band formation and the resultant fiber  kinking failure mode are more evident at higher fiber wave severities (A3 and A4 samples). For  example, Figure 8 shows the failure progression in A3 with wave severity 0.035. Materials 2017, 10, 909   8 of 13 kinking stresses are very sensitive to fiber misalignment. Even a misalignment angle in the range of  0.8–2.3° was enough to cause kinking [33]. Moreover, with misaligned fibers, kinking stresses are  reportedly 25% of the elastic micro‐buckling stresses of composites.    Figure 6. Catastrophic failure of waviness‐free specimen under compressive loading conditions.  4.2.2. Unidirectional Laminates with Waviness Defects  As compared to defect‐free specimens, the failure progression of the wavy specimens is slow  and gradual (particularly, A4 with a wave severity of 0.075). Figure 7 shows a few selected snapshots  Mofa tcerriaalcsk2 0i1n7i,t1i0a,t9io09n and progression from the video of the test captured with a high‐speed ca9moefr1a3  operated  at  a  frame  rate  of  50  frames/s.  As  discussed  earlier,  axial  compression  failure  of  unidirectional composites occurs by plastic kinking in the presence of fiber misalignment sites along  sheardeformationinthematrix. Figure7showsthatthefailureinitiatedwithavisiblefiberkinking with plastic shear deformation in the matrix. Figure 7 shows that the failure initiated with a visible  followedbyaninclinedshearcrackacrossthefiberdirectioninthewavyareaandultimatelyresultsin fiber kinking followed by an inclined shear crack across the fiber direction in the wavy area and  fiberstrandsplitting. Previously,ithasbeennotedthatglassfibersfailincompressionbylongitudinal ultimately results in fiber strand splitting. Previously, it has been noted that glass fibers fail in  splittingwhentheuniaxialstraininthecompositeequalstheintrinsiccrushingstrainofthefibers[4]. compression by longitudinal splitting when the uniaxial strain in the composite equals the intrinsic  Nevertheless,thegradualkink-bandformationandtheresultantfiberkinkingfailuremodearemore crushing strain of the fibers [4]. Nevertheless, the gradual kink‐band formation and the resultant fiber  evidentathigherfiberwaveseverities(A3andA4samples). Forexample,Figure8showsthefailure kinking failure mode are more evident at higher fiber wave severities (A3 and A4 samples). For  progressioninA3withwaveseverity0.035. example, Figure 8 shows the failure progression in A3 with wave severity 0.035.    Materials 2017, 10, 909   9 of 13 Figure7.SequenceofcrackpropagationbeforecompletefailureinsampleA1:(a)atthestartofthe Figure 7. Sequence of crack propagation before complete failure in sample A1: (a) at the start of the  test,(b)crackinitiation(regionwithintheredcoloroval),(c)crackpropagationtowardsthefreeedge, test, (b) crack initiation (region within the red color oval), (c) crack propagation towards the free edge,  (d)&(e)wideningofthecrack,and(f)failure. (d) & (e) widening of the crack, and (f) failure.    FFiigguurree 88.. ((aa)) FFiibbeerrk kininkkiningga nanddfi bfiebresrp slpitltiitntignagl oanlogntgh ethwea wvyavfiyb efribdeirr edcitrioecntiionns aimn psalemAp3le, (Ab)3k, i(nbk) -kbiannkd‐ vbiaenwd avtiethwe afrt etehee dfrgeee, e(cd)gme,a (gcn) imfieadgnfiibfieerdk fiinbkeirn kginvkieinwga vnidew(d a)nfidb e(dr)b friebaekra bgree.akage.  A clear transition in the failure mode is evident in composites with and without waviness  defects. Moreover, the crushing phenomenon during the failure is not seen at higher fiber wave  severity levels. However, audible crushing and/or knocking sounds are heard in composites with a  wave severity 0.025 (Sample A2, misalignment angle ~5.7°) and below. Thus, a wave severity of 0.025  seems to be a transition point in failure mode. The width of the kink‐band increases with increasing  wave severity. The kink‐band width changed from ~0.1–0.12 mm in A0 sample to ~1.5–2 mm in A3  sample.  4.3. Experimental Observations versus Abaqus Model  As mentioned earlier, a complete specimen model had been developed for direct comparison of  experimentally observed failure outcomes. Based on the LaRC02 failure criterion, experimental  observations and results fit well with model predictions (Figures 9 and 10). The advantage of using  LaRC02 failure criterion is that under compression condition, the fiber failure is caused by shear  kinking and damage of the matrix. The misalignment of the fibers due to the waviness defects drives  the failure towards kink‐band formation. As discussed earlier, a similar failure mode trend is seen  during the experiment.   In Figure 9b, the elements with blue color have an SDV value of 3 and above, meaning both fiber  and matrix are damaged in this region. As kink‐band formation is believed to be controlled by the  misalignment of fibers and the shear strength of the matrix, a shear response analysis has also been  conducted. It is found that fiber waviness has little influence on shear strength other than the non‐ linear shear response. This once again suggests that fiber waviness does not affect the fiber/matrix  interfacial strength, which is a key property influencing compressive strength and kink‐band  formation during failure [6]. Hence, it can be confirmed that waviness is the major reason for the  kink‐band mode of failure. Materials2017,10,909 10of13 Acleartransitioninthefailuremodeisevidentincompositeswithandwithoutwavinessdefects. Moreover,thecrushingphenomenonduringthefailureisnotseenathigherfiberwaveseveritylevels. However,audiblecrushingand/orknockingsoundsareheardincompositeswithawaveseverity 0.025(SampleA2,misalignmentangle~5.7◦)andbelow. Thus,awaveseverityof0.025seemstobea transitionpointinfailuremode. Thewidthofthekink-bandincreaseswithincreasingwaveseverity. Thekink-bandwidthchangedfrom~0.1–0.12mminA0sampleto~1.5–2mminA3sample. 4.3. ExperimentalObservationsversusAbaqusModel Asmentionedearlier,acompletespecimenmodelhadbeendevelopedfordirectcomparison ofexperimentallyobservedfailureoutcomes. BasedontheLaRC02failurecriterion,experimental observationsandresultsfitwellwithmodelpredictions(Figures9and10). Theadvantageofusing LaRC02 failure criterion is that under compression condition, the fiber failure is caused by shear kinkinganddamageofthematrix. Themisalignmentofthefibersduetothewavinessdefectsdrives thefailuretowardskink-bandformation. Asdiscussedearlier,asimilarfailuremodetrendisseen duringtheexperiment. Materials 2017, 10, 909   10 of 13 Materials 2017, 10, 909   10 of 13     Figure 9. (a) Experimentally failed specimens and (b) model prediction of both defect‐free and  FigurFeig9u.r(ea )9E. x(pa)e rEimxpeenritmalelyntfaalillye dfasilpeedc ismpeecnimsaennds (abn)dm (bod) emlopdreedl ipcrteiodnicotifonb oothf bdoetfhe cdt-effreecet‐afrnede wanadv iness waviwneasvsi ndeesfse dcet‐feccotn‐ctoanintainingin sga smamplpelse.s .  defect-containingsamples.     FigurFeig1u0r.eE 1x0p. Eerxipmereinmteanltdala dtaataan adndm mododeellp prreeddiiccttiioonnss ooff ccoommpprersessisviev setrsetsrse svss.v dsi.spdliascpelmaceenmt beenhtabvieohra vior ofA0oaf nAd0 Aan3ds Aam3 spalmesp.les.  Figure 10. Experimental data and model predictions of compressive stress vs. displacement behavior  of A0B aansedd A o3n  stahme pAlbesa.q us model (Figure 9b), it is evident that the damage (crack) has initiated at the  In Figure 9b, the elements with blue color have an SDV value of 3 and above, meaning both middle of the gage length. However, cracks have appeared at much lower loads in the waviness  fiberBdaeanfsdeecdmt‐ coaontnr titaxhiena irAnegbd asaqammusap gmleesod. diTenhl et(h Fdiisgisurceorgeni t9oinbnu).,i Atiyt s iiskn ei nvfikibd-ebersan nt( datht faotthr etmh teao tpdio aanmnidasg bbeeo (ltciteorvamce kdo)f th otahbsee  inwciotanivatitrneoedlsl sea dt tbhye  containing samples) are the weak links in the system and the failure propagation diverted towards  middle of the gage length. However, cracks have appeared at much lower loads in the waviness  those areas. In the actual structures, fiber discontinuity would not be present along with the fiber  defect‐containing samples. The discontinuity in fibers (at the top and bottom of the waviness  waviness defect unless it were a ply drop situation. In A3, kink angles are measured in the range of  containing samples) are the weak links in the system and the failure propagation diverted towards  110° to 118°, and from the model, the angle is ~116°. Hence, we can conclude that the model prediction  those areas. In the actual structures, fiber discontinuity would not be present along with the fiber  is closer to the experimental findings.  waviness defect unless it were a ply drop situation. In A3, kink angles are measured in the range of  The Abaqus model is a lamina level macro‐mechanical model, and the drop in the stiffness  110° tpor o1p1e8r°t,i easn dof f rloammi nthaete m poudreelly,  thdeep aenngdlse  iosn ~ 1th1e6 °e. lHemenenctea,l w seti fcfannes cso. nHceluncdee,  tah acth tahneg me oind eelle pmreendti ction  is cloosreire ntota ttihoen  einx ptheer iwmaevnyt arel gfiionnd irnesgusl.t s in the reduction of elastic modulus in the model. However, in  Tthhee e xApbeariqmuesn tm, tohde efli biesr  aa nlda mmiantrai xl eavree li nmdiavcirdou‐aml ceocnhsatnitiuceanlt sm aondde tlh, ea fnibde rt hwea vdirnoepss  ianlt etrhse o sntliyf fness  proptehreti feisb eor fp rloapmeirntiaeste.  Tphuisr iesl ypo sdseibpleyn ad rse aosnon  tfhoer  tehlee smmeanllt arel dsutciftfionne sosb. seHrveendc ein,  eal acsthica nmgoed uinlu se olef ment  the laminate when compared to the model. For the wavy specimen with a wave severity of over 0.025,  orientation in the wavy region results in the reduction of elastic modulus in the model. However, in  a difference greater than 5% in the predicted elastic modulus is observed. Unlike the experimental  the experiment, the fiber and matrix are individual constituents and the fiber waviness alters only  data that showed non‐linear behavior, the Abaqus model failed to predict the slight non‐linearity in  the fiber properties. This is possibly a reason for the small reduction observed in elastic modulus of  the stress‐displacement curves of waviness defect containing samples. Even the observed fiber  the laminate when compared to the model. For the wavy specimen with a wave severity of over 0.025,  breakage and matrix cracking (see Figure 8) could not be predicted with the FEM model. To sum up,  a difference greater than 5% in the predicted elastic modulus is observed. Unlike the experimental  Figure 11 shows the effect of manufacturing‐induced fiber waviness on the compressive strength of  data that showed non‐linear behavior, the Abaqus model failed to predict the slight non‐linearity in  the stress‐displacement curves of waviness defect containing samples. Even the observed fiber  breakage and matrix cracking (see Figure 8) could not be predicted with the FEM model. To sum up,  Figure 11 shows the effect of manufacturing‐induced fiber waviness on the compressive strength of

kink-band; failure; numerical and experimental analyses. 1. Introduction. Compressive strength of composite laminates is one of the major design drivers cohesive shear strength has a greater influence on this failure mode interaction used with an explicit dynamic solver at quasi-static loading rat
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