EFFECT OFENVIRONMENTAL SALINITYONTHEAPICAL SURFACE OF CHLORIDE CELLS OFTHE EURYHALINETELEOST, MUGILPLATANUS (PISCES,MUGILIDAE) José Claro da Fonseca Neto '-^ Henry Louis Spach * ABSTRACT Juvenile mullets Mugil platanus (Günther, 1880) were transferred from saltwater to waters with decreasingsalinitiesinordertoobservechangesinthegillepitheliummorphology,niainlyattheapicalsurface ofChloridecells (CCs)oftheafferentfilamentside.TheopeningsofjuvenilesCCsadaptedto seawaterare narrowanddeepamongthebordersofadjacentpavementcellswith =0.5- l|J.m. Changesinultrastructure wereobservedwithin 15minafterthetransfertofreshwater.Atfirst,thesurfaceofopeningsbecamelarger, usuallywith =0.5 - l|im, andexhibitedmicrovilli. Sinceopeningswithdifferentsizeswerepresentafter 6hinfreshwater,theresponseoftheoperingsofCCs inM.platanusadaptedtofreshwaterwasnotanall-or- none phenomenon. KEYWORDS. Gill arch, chloridecells, Mugilplatanus. INTRODUCTION Chloride cells (CCs) appear to be responsible for the osmotic regulation offish adapted to sea water and freshwater due to their columnar position in the epithelia, the high number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm, the basolateral membranes in close association with the mitochondria and the presence of Na-K-ATPase in intimate association withthe tubular System membrane (Pisam, 1981; Karnaky et al., 1984). Another strong evidence for the participation of CCs in the osmoregulation processes is the ultrastructural modification associated with the Na-K-ATPase enzyme, that occurs when the fish adapt to environmental changes. During the adaptation of euryhalinefishtoseawater,thefollowinghasbeenobserved: (1)anincreaseinenzymatic activity (HossLERetal., 1979; Epsteinetal.,1980), (2) anincreaseinsizeandnumberof CCsandmitochondria(Shirai&Utida, 1970;Pisam, 1981),(3)agreaterdevelopmentof 1. Centro de Estudos do Mar, UniversidadeFederal do Paraná . Av. BeiraMarS/N 83255-000, Pontal do Paraná, Pontal do Sul, Paraná, Brasil, e-mail: [email protected]; hspach® aica.cem.ufpr.br. Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre, (85): 151-156, 27 novembro 1998 152 FonsecaNeto& Spach the tubular System (Shirai & Utida, 1970) and (4) a development of accessory CCs forming "leaky junctions" (Pisam et ai., 1990). During adaptation to freshwater, the processisinvertedandadecreaseinenzymeactivityoccurs,aswellasinthenumberand sizeofCCsandmitochondria,inthetubularSystem (Shyrai&Utida, 1970;Evans, 1993) and in general the intercellular complexe between the CCs and the accessory CCs disappears. SeveralstudieshavebeenperformedtoevaluatetheeffectonCCsofeuryhalinefish in distinctenvironments. However, the majority ofthese studies consistedon adapting freshwaterfishto seawaterandonlyfewhave attemptedtheopposite. This study, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), aims to show apical changes of CCs the gill epitheliaof youngmuWetsMugilplatanus(Günter, 1880),whensubmitted todecreasing salinity gradients. MATERIALAND METHODS YoungMugilplatanusof28to33mmwerecapturedduringthesummerof1995,usinga7.0mx2.0 mbeachseinenetand 1 mmwiremeshincreeiíssituatedonthebeachatPontaldoSul,Paraná,Brazil.They weretransportedandmaintainedinacontrolledtemperaturaChamberat25°C,during7daysinfibertankswith 300Lofseawaterwiththesamesalinityofthecollectionárea. Duringthisperiod,fishwerefedonceaday withpelletrations such aPiráTropical Growth in aproportionequivalentto20% ofthe tankbiomass. Afterthe acclimation period, 20 individuais were transferred directly tobuckets containing 16 Lof waterwithsalinitiesof34%c(control), 15%c,5%o,3%c, l%oand0%c(freshwater),includingareplicaforeach salinity. Throughout the experiments the water was aerated and the fish were not fed. At the end ofeach sampling,deadfishwereremoved,thedetritusweresiphonedandthewaterleveiwasreadjusted.Individuais thatshowedsignsofstress,suchasadarkeneddorsum,in^egularswimming,orthosewhichremainedimmobile on thebottomormovedonly when stimulatedmechanically, werenotusedforthechloride cell analysis. Fromeachbückettwoindividuaiswerecollectedinatimeframeof 1, 3,6, 12, 24,48and96hafter thebeginningoftheexperiment. IntheO%csalinity,observationsweremadeat 15, 30,45 minand 1, 3and 6h.Thefishweredecapitatedandthegillarcheswerecarefullyremovedfromtheopercularcavities. Inthe 34%cand15%osalinities,thearcheswererinsedwithaCurtlandSolution.Intheothersalinities,thearcheswere rinsedwithasalineSolution(NaCl0.9%).Thesecondleftgillarchwasremovedandfixedfor24hat4-5°C with3%glutaraldehydebufferedwith0.2M sodiumcacodilate(pH7.2),andthenrinsed.Theywereto50% ethanolfor 15minandthenpreservedin75%ethanolatatemperature of4-5°C.InpreparationfortheSEM, thenarchesweresuccessivelytransferredto90%ethanolandtwoseriesof100%ethanolandmaintainedfor 15 min in each concentration, dehydrated with CO, and sputter coated on an aluminum support. The observations and electron micrographs were perfomed with Scanning Eletronic Microscopes Phillips (SEM 505)andJEOL(JSM840A).Theelectronmicrogaphswereclassifiedaccordingtosalinityandtimetreatments andthe largestand smallestaxisoftheCC openings were measured. In ordertotestthehypothesis thatthe openings do notvary accordingtotime and salinity, the t-testand two-way analysis ofvariance were used. When significam differences were observed (p< 0.05), a test ofminimum significant difference was used (SnEDECOR & COCHRAN, 1980). The material is deposited in the reference collection ofthe Ichthyoplankton Laboratory , Centro de EstudosdoMar, UniversidadeFederaldo Paraná, Pontal do Sul. RESULTS In ali the salinities used, many openings were randomly distributed among the pavement cells, in the afferent side at the base of the secondary lamellae and in the interlamelarregion ofthe gill filament epithelium (fig. 1). The mean, standard deviation and range values ofthe large and small axis ofthe chloridecellsareshownintableI.Alterationsinthesurfaceultrastructureoftheepithelial Iheringia, Sér. Zool., PortoAlegre, (85): 151-156, 27 novembro 1998 Effect ofen\'ironniental salinit)' on the apical surface of.. 153 Figs. 1-6. GillfilamentsofMiigilplataniisexposedto34,3, 1 and0%salinities: I,afferentregionoffilament showingCCopeningsin 34% salinityafter96h: 2, detailofCCopeningin 34% salinity after96h; 3,detail ofCCopeningin3%salinityafter 1 h.Notethepresenceofmicrovilh;4,detailofCCopeningin 1%salinity after 12h.Notethepresenceofmocrovilli;5,afferentregionoffilamentshowingCCopeningsin0%salinity after30min; 6, detailofCC openingwithmany microvilliin0% salinity after 1 h. Bars l|im. Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre, (85): 151-156, 27 novembro 1998 154 FonsecaNeto& Spach Table 1.Range,meanandstandarddeviationofthelargeandsmallaxisofthechloridecellopeningsingills ofjuvenileMugilplatanus in all salinities during 96h experiment. Salinity Largeaxis (^m) Mean (|i,m) Smallaxis (|a.m) Mean (|xm) 34%o 0,50- 1,50 0,82 ± 0,24 0,50- 1,00 0,70±0,24 15%o 0,50- 1,50 0,95 ± 0,27 0,50- 1,50 0,79±0,26 5%o 0,50- 2,00 0,95 ±0,28 0,50- 1,00 0,77 ±0,24 3%o 0,30- 3,00 1,02±0,41 0,30 - 2,50 0,73 ±0,26 \%c 0,50- 3,50 1,15 ±0,52 0,30 - 2,50 0,87 ±0,37 Freshwater 0,50- 5,00 1,96±0,89 0,50-4,00 1,35 ±0,65 openings after 96 h in 34%o, 15%o and 5%o salinities were not significant (fig. 2). Inthe 3%osalinity, theopenings showed some alterationinthe size andmicrovilli appearafter Ihofexperiment(fig.3).Thefishin \%csalinityshowedlargeropeningsand the microvilli were more frequent (fig. 4). In freshwater, after 15 min of experiment, openings with increased dimensions and microvilli were clearly visible. (figs. 5,6). A two-way analysis ofvariance in the larger axis showed significant differences between salinities, time, and an interaction between these two factors. A multiple comparisontestofminimumsignificantdifferences(MSD)showedthatthisaxisobtained greatermeanlengths in 0%í>salinity, followedby l%o, bothbeinglargerthaninallother salinities. Non-significantdifferences were foundbetween the mean values of3%o, 5%o and 15%o salinities, and the mean values in the 5%o and 15%o salinities were not significantly different from the 34%o salinity means. Regarding the mean length ofthe largeraxisthroughoutthetimeframe,theMSDshowedasignificantlygreatermeanvalue after6h ofexperimentation. Significantdifferences did not occurbetween the values of the other time frames (tab. II). TableII. Resultsoftwo-wayanalysisofvarianceappliedinthegreaterandlesseraxisoftheCCopenings in Mugilplatanus,comparingsalinitiesandtimes. Resultsofsignificantdifferencesbymultiplecomparisonof minimum significantdifferencestest (MSD). NS- non-significantdifference; *P<0.05. LARGERAXIS SMALLERAXIS F F SALINITY (SAL) 3.65* 1.95NS TIME (T) 3.28* 4.28* INTERACTION 3.00* 2.45* MSD LARGERAXIS SAL0%. SAL l%o SAL3%o SAL5%c SAL 15% SAL34%c T6 Tl T3 T12 T24 T48 T96 Concemingthe smalleraxis, atwo-way analysis ofvariancepointedto significant Iheringia, Sér. Zool.. PortoAlegre, (85): 151-156, 27 novembro 1998 Effect ofen\'ironmental salinity on the apical surface of... I55 differences between time and to the interaction between the effects ofsahnity andtime, withnosignificantdifferencesbetweensalinities.Theuseofthemultiplecomparisontest of minimum significant difference pointed to a greater mean length after 6 h of experimentation.Moreovertheaveragesat 1,3and48haresimilartothoseat96h,which are significantly greaterthan the means at 12 and 24h ofthe experiment (table II). DISCUSSION ThemorphologicalchangesofCCsareperhapsthebestdocumentedresponsesfor thetransferofaeuryhalinefishfromfreshwatertoseawaterandviceversa.WhileKessel &Beams(1962)andPhilpott&Copeland(1963)didnotobserveevidentchangesinCCs when exposed to sea water, other authors noted an increase in their number and size & (Shirai Utida, 1970; Pisam, 1981; Pisam et al., 1987). According to Maina (1990) the adaptation ofa fish to a new environment occurs during a brief period, being faster in freshwater than in sea water. In juveniles of M. platanus,therewasarapidresponsetothereductionofsalinitymainlyinfreshwaterwith concentrationsunder5%,whereanotedincreaseoftheopeningsintheCCswasobserved after only 15 min of experimentation. Rapid alterations were also observed in Mugil cephalusLinnaeus, 1758(Hossler, 1980),inwhichchangesintheopeningsoccuredafter 3 h in freshwater. Slower responses were observed in Lebistes reticulatus Peters, 1859 (Straus, 1963) andAnguillajaponica Temmick & Schlegel, 1912 when transferred to freshwater (Shirai & Utida, 1970). Such differences could be correlated with the osmoregulatory ability ofthe fish (Hwang & Hirano, 1985). In freshwater-adapted teleosts, the CCs showed openings with large diameters containingmanymicrovilli(Philpott&Copeland, 1963;Hossler,1980).Thesealterations ofthe CC openings were observed injuvenileM. platanus and were similarto changes previously reported foM. cephalus by Hossler et al. (1979) and Hossler (1980). Hossler (1980) observed that in M. cephalus, maintained in 10%o salinity, the openings oftheCCs measuredfrom 1 to5 )imand showednumerous microvilli ontheir surface.After24hinfreshwater,theopeningshadameandiameterof3-6|j,m.Considering the differences among species and fish size, the changes observed in this study were different from those observed by Hossler (1980) in M. cephalus. In M. platanus the openings measured 0.50 x 1.50|im in sea waterand 0.50 x 5|j.m in freshwater. Maina (1990) observed that the morphological modifications of the CCs in OreochromisalcalicusgrahamiBoulenger, 1910arenotanall-Or-nonephenomenon,and thatthedegree ofresponses is dependentonthe salinity gradientofthe environment, on the species, and on the stage of development. The different leveis of morphological modificationsofCCsfromthegillof M.platanussubmittedtothesametreatmentappear to agree with the Statement that the CCs' responses are not uniform. Whenthefisharetransferredtofreshwater,themorphologicalresponsesmaybethe consequence of physiological response. Epstein et al. (1980) transferred Anguilla sp. adaptedto seawater,tofreshwaterforonly2h, andobservedasuddendropinfluxrates of Na""andCl",withouthteconcomitantalterationinNaK"ATPase.Thissuggeststhatthis flux change could be the result of the effect of hormones (prolactin) on the "leaky junctions" ofthe CCs-CCs or on the permeability ofthe apical membrane ofthe CCs, providing an immediateprotection againstdemineralization. This immediate protection Iheringia, Sér.*'ZooI., Porto Alegre, (85): 151-156, 27 novembro 1998 J56 FonsecaNeto& Spach couldexplaintheabsenceofdeathsamongthejuvenilesofM.platanustransferredto 15%o and 5%o salinities. Although morphological variations were present, they did not show significantdifferencesfromthecontrolgroup. AccordingtoHwang&Hirano(1985)the intermediarysalinitiesprovideonlypartoftheCCs'responses.Suchhormonalprocesses, as well as the substantial and rapid alterations in CC openings, do not appear to be sufficientforthesurvivalofthejuvenileM.platanustransferreddirectlyto3%o, \%cand 0%o salinities. Acknowledgments. To CAPES, the Centro de Estudos do Mar-UFPR, the Centro de Microscopia Electrônica-UFPRandtheLaboratóriodeMicroscopiaElectrónica, InstitutodeFísica, UniversidadedeSão Paulo, fortheircollaboration in this study. REFERENCES Epstein, F.H.; Silva, P. & Kormanik, G. 1980. Roles ofNa-K-ATPase in chloride cell function. Am. J. Physiol., Bethesda, 238: 246-250. Evans,D.H. 1993.OsmoticandionicregulationIn:Evans,D.H.ed.Thephysiologyoffishes.Florida,CRC p. 315-342. HossLER, F.E. 1980. Gill arch ofthe mullet, Mugil cephahis. III. Rate response to salinity change. Am. J. Physiol., Bethesda, 238:160-164. HossLER, F.E.; Ruby, J.R. & McWiwain, T.D. 1979. 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