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Preview Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. I. Abiotic conditions and biological responses

Vol. 22: 25–41, 2014 AQUATIC BIOLOGY Published November 20 doi: 10.3354/ab00587 Aquat Biol Contribution to the Theme Section ‘Environmental forcing of aquatic primary productivity’ OPPEENN ACCCCEESSSS Effect of CO , nutrients and light on coastal plankton. 2 I. Abiotic conditions and biological responses P. J. Neale1,*, C. Sobrino2, M. Segovia3, J. M. Mercado4, P. Leon4, M. D. Cortés4, P. Tuite4, A. Picazo5, S. Salles4, M. J. Cabrerizo6, O. Prasil7, V. Montecino8, A. Reul3, A. Fuentes-Lema2 1Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Maryland 21037, USA 2Department of Ecology and Animal Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain 3Department of Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Málaga, 29071 Málaga, Spain 4Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga, Spain 5Departamento de Microbiología y Ecología (Siberia II), Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva (ICBiBE), Universidad de Valencia, 46100 Burjassot (Valencia), Spain 6Department of Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain 7Laboratory of Photosynthesis, Center Algatech, Institute of Microbiology ASCR, 37981 Trebon, Czech Republic 8Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653 Santiago, Chile ABSTRACT: We report on results of a microcosm experiment to study the interactive effects of ele- vated CO , high organic and inorganic nutrient loading, and high irradiance on phytoplankton 2 and bacterioplankton from the Mediterranean coastal ecosystem of the Alboran Sea. This experi- ment was part of the Group for Aquatic Productivity 9th international workshop and was con- ducted by Working Group 1 (WG1: Phytoplankton of coastal waters, www.gap9.uma.es). Over a 7d period, we measured the variation in physical and chemical variables and the characteristics of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in microcosms incubated under 8 treatments, representing full factorial combinations of 2 levels each of CO supply, nutrient concentrations and solar radia- 2 tion exposure. For each treatment combination, we incubated triplicate microcosms consisting of 20 l polyethylene bags which were transparent to ultraviolet radiation. Sustained growth of phyto- plankton biomass (chl a) occurred in all treatments. The absence of mesozooplankton in the microcosms resulted in a trophic cascade. Picophytoplankton were initially stimulated but then decreased, apparently due to microzooplankton grazing, and were largely replaced by diatoms. Bacteria were also initially stimulated and then decreased, but eventually recovered. Responses were modified markedly by nutrient enrichment and light availability, with moderate effects of elevated CO . Relative to ambient CO , elevated CO resulted in higher chl a under low irradi- 2 2 2 ance, but lower chl aunder high irradiance. KEY WORDS: Phytoplankton · Bacterioplankton · CO · Ultraviolet radiation · Nutrients · Multiple 2 stressors · Microcosm · Trophic cascade INTRODUCTION spread effects are expected to occur over the coming de cades, resulting in an alteration of the planet’s All ecosystems on Earth are now influenced by geological, biological, and ecological systems. In man’s activities, which are changing the envi - marine microbial communities, ongoing and future ronment in multiple ways at an accelerating pace changes are expected due to global warming, in - (Vitou sek et al. 1997, Halpern et al. 2008). Wide- creased CO ,increased anthropogenic nitrogen sup- 2 © The authors 2014. Open Access under Creative Commons by *Corresponding author: [email protected] Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un - restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited. Publisher: Inter-Research · www.int-res.com 26 Aquat Biol 22: 25–41, 2014 ply, and changes in irradiance (including increased & Hutchins 2012). As variables change in tandem, UV-B radiation) (Beardall et al. 2009). Global warm- there can be either synergistic, antagonistic, or in - ing is important to marine ecosystems as it induces dependent effects (Folt et al. 1999). Manipulative changes in circulation (affecting spatial distributions) experiments are one approach towards examining and stratification (affecting average irradiance and the interactive effects of global change variables. vertical nutrient flux) (Boyd & Doney 2002). The Experiments using intact communities spanning actual increase in temperature, however, has minor multiple trophic levels are the best methods for un - metabolic significance (Thomas et al. 2012). The derstanding whole ecosystem responses to multiple oceans are absorbing most of the anthropogenic interacting factors (Litchman et al. 2012). In terms of emissions of CO , which not only affects the quantity the interactions between the global change factors 2 and speciation of the dissolved inorganic carbon most impacting marine pelagic microbes (i.e. ele- in the ocean, but also lowers the pH, most directly vated CO , nutrients, and irradiance), investigations 2 impacting phytoplankton, other aquatic plants, and to date have mainly focused on single species or calcifying organisms (Feely et al. 2009). The supply natural assemblages screened to remove macrozoo- of other inorganic nutrients (mainly nitrogen) to the plankton. The interaction of nutrient availability and coastal ocean is also increasing due to agricultural elevated CO has been examined for several phyto- 2 practices and coastal development (Rabalais et al. plankton species in culture. Responses to the 2 vari- 2009). ables were relatively independent in the diatom The other resource that sustains microbial (and most Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Li et al. 2012): growth other) life in the ocean is solar irradiance. The avail- rate, pigment contents, effective quantum yield, and ability of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, cell size responded strongly to nutrients, but en- 400 to 700 nm) to phytoplankton in the surface mixed hancing CO availability did not significantly affect 2 layer is determined by the balance between surface the response to nutrients. In a continuous culture forces causing vertical mixing vs. stratification (in experiment using an enrichment assemblage of fresh- turn affected by global warming), and future shifts in water phytoplankton and bacteria, enhancing CO 2 this balance are expected to be regionally dependent increased primary production and dissolved organic (Gargett & Marra 2002). Concurrently, there has been carbon (DOC) concentration with no change in algal a latitudinally variable increase in UV radiation biovolume, whereas increased nutrients increased (UVR), specifically the shorter wavelength and more carbon biomass but had no effect on DOC (Song et al. damaging UV-B (290 to 315 nm for incident solar 2014). One direct interaction of enhanced CO (and 2 radiation), related to the depletion of stratospheric lower pH) and nitrogen availability is that decreased ozone (Weatherhead & Andersen 2006). Although pH slows denitrification, resulting in a higher am - emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs; the anthro- monia:nitrate ratio. This compounded the negative pogenic factor that caused ozone depletion) has been effects of acidification on the calcification rates in a curtailed, ozone recovery has slowed in many areas, cultured strain of the phytoplankter Emiliana huxleyi particularly the Southern Hemisphere (Weatherhead (Lefebvre et al. 2012). Enhanced CO effects also 2 & Andersen 2006). Severe ozone de pletion (‘ozone interact with those of irradiance on phytoplankton holes’) continues to occur in the Antarctic and peri- physiology, improving photosynthetic efficiency at low odically in the Arctic (WMO 2011). This slower re - light, but increasing sensitivity to photoinhibition by covery is attributed to the strong interaction between PAR (Gao et al. 2012) and UVR (Sobrino et al. 2008). stratospheric ozone depletion and changes in climate To date, the concurrent manipulation of all 3 vari- induced by increasing greenhouse gases (McKenzie ables (elevated CO , nutrient enrichment, and irra - 2 et al. 2011). Each of these environmental factors has diance) has not been experimentally attempted, nei- the potential to strongly influence marine microbial ther for single species nor for plankton communities. communities, and these responses are explored in The semi-enclosed nature of the Mediterranean more detail in several recent reviews (Riebesell et al. Sea makes it more sensitive to natural and anthro- 2008, Doney et al. 2012, Winder & Sommer 2012, pogenic variations in fluxes (air−sea and freshwater) Caron & Hutchins 2013). and water flows. Seawater temperatures, stratifica - As the evidence for environmental changes has be - tion of the water column, and inflows of fresh water comemore established, it has also been realized that and nutrients are expected to vary more in Medi - simultaneous changes in several variables may terranean coastal waters than other marine areas not result in a simple additive responses relative to (Rabalais et al. 2009). In particular, the relatively high that occurring with any one variable alone (Boyd alkalinity of the Mediter ranean Sea entails a higher Neale et al.: Interaction of CO , nutrients and light in coastal plankton 27 2 capacity for absorbing anthropogenic CO than other nutritional quality of phytoplankton in mesocosms at 2 parts of the ocean (Schneider et al. 2007). Concor- high irradiance (higher C:chlorophyll ratios) was not dantly, Touratier & Goyet (2009) demonstrated that reflected in a lower final abundance of grazers (both the anthropogenic CO concentrations in the Medi - micro- and mesozooplankton). The authors pointed 2 terranean Sea are much higher than in the Atlantic out that further work is needed in order to better Ocean. If this is the case, the pH drop in the Mediter- understand the effect of light availability on Medi - ranean Sea could be relatively large compared to that terranean aquatic food webs. predicted to occur globally (i.e. 0.5 pH unit for the Here, we report on the results of a factorial manip- year 2100 according to Caldeira & Wickett 2003 and ulation of a natural plankton community up to micro- IPCC 2013). Acidification could produce a reduction plankton size (i.e. <200 µm) sampled from the Medi- in phosphate concentration and alteration of the terranean coastal ecosystem of the Alboran Sea. We equilibrium between NH and NH , especially in investigated the joint effects of elevated CO , nutri- 4 3 2 Mediterranean coastal zones (CIESM 2008). Further- ent enrichment, and irradiance (including UVR). The more, the Alboran Sea (the most western basin of the result are reported in a series of 4 articles. In this first Mediterranean Sea) is subject to strong anthro- article, we present an overview of the variation of pogenic impacts. Surface temperatures in the north- physico-chemical variables in the experiment and ern Alboran Sea increased at a rate of 0.05°C yr−1 the coupled variation in biomass characteristics, both from 1992 to 2008 (Vargas-Yáñez et al. 2002). Mer- between and within trophic levels. Later articles in cado et al. (2007)found that this change could be re- the series present more detailed results on rates of lated to inter-annual varia bility in the atmospheric production (Mercado et al. 2014), changes in size forcing that produced a reduction in intensity of the distribution and taxonomic composition (Reul et wind-induced coastal upwellings. Furthermore, Mer- al. 2014) and indicators of physiological condition cado et al. (2012) de scribed high phosphate concen- (Sobrino et al. 2014) (all this Theme Section). trations in the Bay of Málaga, whose probable origins are the discharges of urban residual waters. Experiments examining the effects of multiple MATERIALS AND METHODS changing environmental factors (singly or in com - bination) on planktonic communities of the Medi - Experimental setup terranean Sea are scarce despite their sensitivity to global change. Climate change effects have been The experiment was part of the Group for Aquatic demonstrated in the Western Mediterranean for tem- Productivity, 9th international workshop (see general perature (Vargas-Yáñez et al. 2002) and acidification information on the workshop at www.gap9.uma.es/ in the strait of Gibraltar (Huertas et al. 2009). The INDEX. PHP/). Over a 7 d period, we measured the interaction of warming and increased UVR was in - variation of the characteristics of phytoplankton and vestigated in a mesocosm experiment using the NW bacterioplankton incubated under 8 treatments, rep- Mediterranean coastal plankton community in the resenting the full factorial combinations of 2 levels Thau Lagoon. Increased temperature favored micro- each of nutrient concentrations, CO supply, and 2 zooplankton and copepods more than their bacterial solar radiation exposure as shown in Table 1. The and algal prey, but the community was little affected water was incubated in microcosms consisting of 20 l by increased UV-B (Vidussi et al. 2011). The inter- bags made of UVR-transparent low-density poly - actions of nutrients, temperature, and UVR were ethylene (LDPE) (‘cubitainers’) that were suspended evaluated for plankton up to 1 µm (no micrograzers) in 4 large volume tanks (approximately 800 l each). and up to 6 µm (with micrograzers) in manipulative Six microcosms floated in each tank, tethered to microcosm experiments with the Thau Lagoon mi - an overhead support to maintain position near the crobial community (Bouvy et al. 2011). Generally, center to minimize shading. There were 3 replicate manipulation of bottom-up factors changed microbial microcosms per treatment, with 1 pair of treatments growth rates, but the presence or absence of micro- located in each tank. Two tanks were ‘high light’ grazers was the most important determinant of car- (HL, single layer of nylon screen) treatments and 2 bon biomass. Calbet et al. (2012) studied the effects ‘low light’ (LL, double layer of nylon screen) treat- of light availability on mixotrophy and microzoo- ments, giving a total of 24 microcosms distributed plankton grazing in an oligotrophic plankton food over 4 tanks. Tank water was circulated through web in a mesocosm study in the Eastern Mediter - coolers (Aqua-Medi-Titan-500) to maintain close to ranean waters, and observed that the decrease in ambient temperature at the sampling site (20 to 22°C). 28 Aquat Biol 22: 25–41, 2014 A total of ca. 900 l of seawater was collected from All microcosms were aerated at a flow rate of ca. the surface in the western Mediterranean (Alboran) 100 ml min−1 with either ambient air (LC, low CO ) 2 Sea, about 2 km offshore from the Instituto Español or air that was enriched with CO to a level of 2 de Oceanografia (IEO) in Fuengirola, Spain (ap - 1000ppmv (HC, high CO ). Flow rate was controlled 2 proximate sampling position 36.54°N, 4.60°W) on15 with individual flow meters (Aalborg), and CO 2 September 2012 (Day −1). Depth profiles of tempera- supply was provided from a gas tank. ture, salinity, and irradiance (multiparameter meter Tanks were covered with either a single (HL) or HANNA HI 9828) and chlorophyll a (chl a) were double (LL) layer of nylon window screen. These measured. Multiple casts were made over a 3 h (together with the shading from the closed sided period (11:00 to 14:00 h local time). The seawater was tanks) resulted in an effective irradiance level of 61 screened through a 200 µm mesh as it was collected and 32% of incident for HL and LL, respectively. The to remove mesozooplankton. Mesozooplankton were screens and microcosm materials (LDPE) transmit the excluded because the volume and duration of our full solar spectrum (UVR + PAR). experiment was not appropriate for studying their A list of variables sampled and the frequency of sam- dynamics, and to avoid increased variability between pling is shown in Table 2. We have divided the presen- replicate microcosms due to uneven grazing effects. tation of the results of the overall experiment into a se- After screening, the collected seawater was com- ries of 4 reports, and Table 2identifies which report in bined in a mixing tank at IEO. Microcosms were the series presents the results of each measurement. filled from the mixing tank on Day −1 and kept inside the temperature-regulated tanks with regular aera- tion overnight until CO aeration began on 16 Sep- Measurements 2 tember at 09:00 h, when the initial (Day 0) sample was taken from water remaining in the mixing Incident irradiance tank.Experimental sampling continued daily from 17 through 22September (Days 1 through 6). Spectral irradiance at 305, 320, and 380 nm (10 nm Nutrient additions to the HN treatments were bandwidth) and PAR was recorded near the tanks performed in 2 pulses. The first pulse was made on using a BIC radiometer (Biospherical Instruments). Day 0 with a combination inorganic and organic Average irradiance was recorded every minute nutrients simulating the effects of coastal eutrophica- through the day. The BIC was last calibrated in 2005; tion as previously de scribed by Martínez-García et therefore, instrument response was checked by com- al. (2010) (concentrations are specified below). The parison with spectral irradiances calculated using a strategy was to have the availability of inorganic radiative transfer model (STAR, System for Trans- nitrogen and phosphorus at a 12:1 ratio (nitrogen fer of Atmospheric Radiation; Ruggaber et al. 1994) deficient with respect to the Redfield ratio) with addi- using the default settings for maritime environments tional nitrogen added as amino acids. Nutrient levels and total column ozone from satellite measurements were checked on Day 2, and a second addition of P (OMI). Previous comparisons have shown that this alone was made again based on a target ratio of 12:1. approach results in good agreement between STAR The actual ratios ob tained were somewhat lower (see predictions in the UV and measurements under clear details in ‘Results’). sky conditions (Neale et al. 2001, 2005). Scalar (4 − π) PAR irradiance was also measured in the incubation Table 1. Treatment combinations for the microcosms: HC = tanks and at the sampling station with a Licor LI- high CO (elevated to 1000 ppmv); LC = low CO (ambient 2 2 193SA spherical quantum sensor. air); HN = high nutrient addition; LN = low nutrient (no nutrient addition); HL = high light (61% irradiance level); LL = low light (32% irradiance level) Temperature Treatment no. CO supply Nutrients Solar irradiance 2 Temperature was continuously recorded using 1 HC HN HL 2 HC LN HL HOBO Pendant UV temperature/light loggers (Onset 3 HC HN LL Computer) deployed in the ex perim ental tanks (the 4 HC LN LL 2 HL tanks). Spot readings with a hand-deployed 5 LC HN HL 6 LC LN HL digital thermo meter were taken from time to time to 7 LC HN LL monitor tank temperature and adjust cooling capac- 8 LC LN LL ity if necessary. Neale et al.: Interaction of CO , nutrients and light in coastal plankton 29 2 Table 2. Variables sampled, frequency, and where the results are an infrared gas analyzer (LiCOR 7000) and presented. I: This study; II: Mercado et al. (2014); III: Reul et al. (2014); the partial pressure of CO in the water IV: Sobrino et al. (2014) 2 samples (pCO ) was calculated from salinity, 2 temperature, pH and DIC measurements Measurement type Frequency Where presented using the program ‘csys.m’ from Zeebe & Wolf-Gladrow (2001). pH, temperature, salinity Daily I Dissolved inorganic carbon/pCO Daily I 2 Nutrients (autoanalyzer) Daily I Incident irradiance (BIC) Daily I Phytoplankton pigments and biomass Chromophoric dissolved organic Days 0, 2, 4, 6 I matter (CDOM) Water samples (250 ml) were collected Bacterial production and counts Days 2, 4, 6 I & II daily from each microcosm to determine Low temperature emission Days 0, 2, 4, 6 I spectroscopy total chl a concentration. Samples were Chlorophyll concentration (total) Daily I filtered through fiberglass filters with a >0.7 µm and >20 µm Days 0, 2, 4, 6 I 0.7 µm nominal pore size (Millipore® Particulate organic carbon (POC) Day 6 I & II and nitrogen (PON), dissolved APFF). Pigments were extracted with 90% organic carbon (DOC) acetone for 24 h in a dark and cold (<4°C) C and N uptake (total and <20µm) Days 2, 4, 6 II chamber. Total chl a concentration cor- Fractionated 14C phytoplankton Days 0, 2, 4, 6 II rected for phaeopigment was calculated uptake (>0.2 µm, >20 µm) Respiration (Optode) Days 0, 2, 4, 6 II from the fluorescence of the extract be - Transparent exopolymers (TEPs) Days 2, 4, 6 II fore and after acidification, following the Species composition (microscopy) Days 0, 2, 4, 6 III method of Yentsch & Menzel (1963). Fluo- Species composition Days −1, 6 III rescence was measured by means of a (Chemtax-HPLC) Species composition and size Daily III Perkin Elmer fluorometer (LS50B) previ- structure (flow cytometry and ously calibrated with pure chl a from flow cam) spinach (Sigma). For size-fractionated chl Species composition and size Daily III structure (Fluoroprobe) a, additional water samples (250 ml) were PAM measurements Daily IV collected every other day (Table 2), filtered Reactive oxygen species (ROS) Days −1, 0, 2, 4, 6 IV through 20 µm nominal size pore filters Cell viability (Esterase Days −1, 0, 2, 4, 6 IV (Millipore®), and analyzed following the activity-FDA) Cell viability (Cell death- Days −1, 0, 2, 4, 6 IV same method. On Day 6, additional sam- SYTOX Green) ples (500 ml) were collected, filtered on Cyclobutane-pyrimidine-dimers Days −1, 0, 4, 6 IV precombusted Whatman GF/F filters and CPD’s (DNA damage) Total, particulate and dissolved 14C Days 0, 2, 4, 6 IV analyzed for particulate organic carbon phytoplankton uptake (EOC-PER) (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen Cell viability-permeability (cell Days 2, 4, 6 IV (PON) using methods described by Mer- digestion assay) cado et al. (2014). Salinity, pH and total dissolved inorganic carbon Bacterial abundance Salinity, pH and total dissolved inorganic carbon For the counts of heterotrophic picoplankton (TDIC) were the first samples collected during the (HPP), 50 ml of water from each treatment was fixed daily sampling. pH and salinity were measured in all with a paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde solu- microcosms using a pH-meter (CRISON Basic 20+) tion made up in phosphate buffered saline to a final calibrated regularly using NBS (National Bureau of concentration in the sample of 1:0.05% w/v, respec- Standards) buffers and a conductivity meter (CRI- tively (Marie et al. 1997). Subsamples between 10 SON 524). The accuracy of the conductivity meter and 20 ml (depending on microbial biomass) were and pH meter was ±1.5% and ±0.01 pH units, filtered through 0.2 µm pore size black filters (Nucle- respectively. TDIC samples were filtered through pore™) at low pressure. A quarter of the filter was 0.2 µm nitrocellulose filters and sealed into 10 ml stained with DAPI (Porter & Feig 1980) and counted acid-washed serum glass vials that were capped in an inverted Zeiss III RS epifluorescence micro- without headspace. The samples were analyzed using scope (1250×); fluorescence of cells was observed 30 Aquat Biol 22: 25–41, 2014 by using a standard filter set for UV excitation limit for microscopic enumeration was established at (MacIsaac & Stockner 1993). At least 1000 indi- 3 µm. The abundance of smaller cells was measured viduals and 10 fields were counted in each treatment. using FACScan flow cytometer after screening through 20 µm mesh (for details of settings see Reul et al. 2014). Phytoplankton organisms were identified Aerobic anoxygenic photoheterotropic (AAP) bacteria to genus or species level when possible following spe- cies nomenclature of Tomas (1997). Only selected To determine the abundance of photosynthetic AAP group-level microscopic results and flow cytometry bacteria, fluorescence emission spectra were meas- totals for cells <2 µm (picophytoplankton) are re- ured at low temperature (77K) using a portable ported here; more detailed taxonomic and size infor- instrument as described by Prásil et al. (2009). For mation is presented in Reul et al. (2014). each treatment, 100 ml of water was filtered through 2 layers of Whatman GF/F filter. The cut filters were placed into a sample holder, cooled by liquid nitro- Inorganic nutrients gen, and sequentially excited by spectrally narrow illumination from 1 of 6 LEDs (390, 455, 470, 505, 530, For inorganic nutrient analysis, 3 subsamples of and 590nm). The emission was recorded in the 600 to approximately 10 ml were collected in 12 ml poly- 1000 nm spectral region, with 1 nm resolution and styrene tubes rinsed twice with sample water and 300 ms integration time. Background spectra (mea- immediately frozen at −20°C until analysis. Before sured with a blank GF/F filter) were subtracted, and analysis, samples were thawed in a bath of warm relative abundance of photosynthetic bacteria was water, kept in the dark and analyzed within 1 h. estimated from the height of the bacteriochlorophyll In organic nutrient concentrations were analyzed a (bchl a) emission band centered at 885 nm. For by segmented flow analysis (SFA) using a Bran- thispurpose, we analyzed spectra excited at 530 nm. Luebbe AA3 autoanalyzer following the methods Because the intensity of the bchl a emission from described by Grashoff et al. (1983). The detection anoxygenic bacteria was <2% of the emission of limits of the inorganic nutrients were 0.03 µM for oxygenic phytoplankton around 690 nm, the tail from nitrates, 0.01 µM for nitrites, 0.02 µM for phos- this chl a emission formed significant part of the phates, 0.05 µM for silicates, and 0.06 µM for 885nm signal. Therefore, the 885 nm emission due to ammonia. chl awas numerically estimated and subtracted from the signal. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica v.10 (StatSoft). DOC Water samples (50 ml) were collected from each Phytoplankton taxonomy microcosm on Day 6 (final day), filtered through 0.2µm cellulose acetate filters (Whatman), and stored The taxonomic composition of phytoplankton was in acid-washed and baked glass bottles at 4°C in determined from each treatment at initial time dark ness until analysis (ca. 10 wk after the experi- (Day0) and every 2 d until the end of the experiment ment). Samples were then transferred into acid- (Days 2, 4 and 6). Samples were collected in 120 ml washed and baked 25 ml glass vials and covered by opal glass bottles and fixed with acid Lugol’s solution baked foil. DOC was measured in a Shimadzu TOC- at a final concentration of approximately 3%, to be L analyser using the non-purgable organic carbon later processed following the Utermöhl Technique (NPOC) method. Samples were sparged for 2.5 min (Utermöhl 1958). A volume of 50 or 25 ml was settled with synthetic zero air (79% N and 21% O ) and 2 in a chamber for 24 h, and then analyzed by means of acidified with 1.5% HCl. A 5 point calibration curve a Nikon Eclipse TS100 inverted microscope. A suffi- with potassium-hydrogen-phthalate (KHP) (Sigma) cient number of fields (at least 2 transects) were ranging between 1 and 10 ppm was used as organic counted at 200× magnification until at least 100 indi- carbon standard. Two distilled water blanks were run viduals of the most abundant species or genera were between samples to ensure that carryover between registered (Ros & Miracle 1984). Small flagellates samples was negligible, and 5 technical replicates of were counted using a 600× magnification. Further- each sample were analyzed. The average coefficient more, the bottom of the chamber was scanned at 40× of variation for quintuplicate DOC analysis was 1 to in order to count the larger cells. The smallest size 2% of the mean. Neale et al.: Interaction of CO , nutrients and light in coastal plankton 31 2 Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) RESULTS absorbance Source water Sample water filtered over 0.2 µm filters (cellulose acetate) from Days 0, 2, 4, and 6 was stored in high The depth at the sampling station was 45 m. The density polyethylene (HDPE) tubes for 1 to 2 d until temperature profile taken around midday (11:00 h analysis. Absorbance scans were performed on a LT) showed near-surface stratification, with the tem- Cary 100 spectrophotometer using 2 cm pathlength perature dropping from 22.6 to 21.1°C over the upper quartz cuvettes and a purpose-built cuvette holder. 2 m (Fig. 1A). Salinity was 36.0 psu. Below this was a The wavelength range was 250 to 750 nm, with layer of weak stratification and a secondary tempera- wavelength interval and bandwidth of 1 nm. The ture step between 20.6 and 19.2°C at 8 m. The PAR instrument was baselined on milli-Q grade distilled depth profile showed a moderate transparency, with water. A blank was run every 3 scans, and if serious a PAR attenuation coefficient (slope of ln(PAR) vs. departure of the blank from baseline was observed, depth) of 0.31 m−1(Fig. 1B). Chl aconcentration was the instrument was re-baselined. The average of the in the mesotrophic range, around 1.8 µg l−1in the 2 to blanks before and after a set of scans was subtracted 8 m layer, but was substantially lower at the surface from the raw data to obtain corrected measured (0.8 µg l−1) (Fig. 1C). Based on the estimated attenua- ab sorbance. tion coefficient, plankton in the upper 1 m would Overall, CDOM absorbance was low (as expected) have been experiencing about 85% of incident for the near-oligotrophic status of the coastal Medi- (just below surface) irradiance, suggesting that the terranean sample. Although samples were warmed assemblage used for the experiment was under high to room temperature before analysis, small depar- irradiance stress at time of sampling. On the other tures from baseline around 750 nm were occasionally hand, before being ‘trapped’ by near-surface stratifi- noted. These were attributed to the t emperature- cation, the assemblage should have been high-light de pendent water absorption coefficient in the infra - acclimated. This assumes that over the longer term red (Pegau et al. 1997); therefore, it was assumed that (days-week) mixing was in the range of 5 to 8 m, absorbance at 700 nm was zero. Absorption coeffi- resulting in an average PAR exposure 51 to 37% of cient was calculated as: incident, respectively. a(λ) = 2.303 × [A(λ) − A(700)] / 0.02 where a = absorption coefficient (m−1), A is Cary- Physical and chemical variables measured optical density, and λis wavelength 250 to 700 nm. Here, we present the absorbance at 250nm Irradiance (a ) which was the maximum in all cases, and the 250 slope ratio which was based on the ratio of slopes Sky conditions during the workshop were vari- (s275:s350) of ln(a) vs. wavelength for the spectral able, with some days having mist and fog in the ranges of 275 to 250 nm (s275) and 350 to 400 nm morning and sun or partially overcast conditions in (s350) following the approach of Helms et al.(2008). the afternoon, while clear sky conditions prevailed on other days (Fig. 2). Clear sky weather on Day −1 (15 September 2012, data not shown) was chosen to ANOVA perform a comparison between the BIC-measured and STAR-calculated irradiances. Model predic- Statistical significance of treatment effects was tionsand measurements were in good agreement at tested using repeated measures ANOVA. Calcula- 380 nm and for PAR, but measurements were about tions were performed using the SAS v.9.2 gen - 30% lower than model estimates at 305 and 320 nm. eralized linear model (GLM) procedure with main To correct for the underestimates by the BIC instru- effects, time (repeated measure), and interaction ment, raw values were divided by the slope of a terms. Results of univariate significance tests are linear regression be tween BIC measurements and reported since Mauchly’s criteria for sphe ricity were STAR-calculated irradiances at each wavelength met (chi-square not significant) for all variables over the course of the day on 15 September (the except picophytoplankton log abundance, for which intercept was not significantly different from zero). the reported s ignificance is based on MANOVA and The estimated slopes were 0.740 at 305 nm and 0.708 exact F-test. at 320 nm. 32 Aquat Biol 22: 25–41, 2014 0 0 0 5 5 5 Water collected for experiment m) 10 10 10 h ( t p e 15 15 15 D 20 20 20 A B C 25 25 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Temperature (°C) PAR (µmol m–2 s–1) Chl a (µg l–1) Fig. 1. Depth profiles of (A) temperature, (B) photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and (C) total chl aat the coastal Alboran Sea station sampled on 15 September 2012 to obtain source water for the microcosm experiment. Horizontal line in (B) indicates the Secchi depth. Arrow in (C) indicates that water for the experiment was collected at the surface To estimate the full spectrum of incident UVR and Average (±range) midday (solar noon ± 2 h) PAR in PAR spectral irradiance during the experiment, a the microcosms after adjusting for transmission of modification of the procedure by Neale et al. (2005) the cubitainer and screen(s) was 539 and 232 µmol was followed. STAR spectra were calculated for the m−2 s−1 for HL and LL, respectively. Day to day, the full daylight period of each day at 15 min intervals. midday average varied by 50% around this grand Clear sky spectra at the 1 min intervals of BIC meas- mean due to changing sky conditions, ranging be - urements were estimated by linear interpolation. To tween 227 and 793 µmol m−2s−1for HL, and bet ween correct for cloudiness, the clear sky spectra were 119 and 416 µmol m−2s−1for LL. Total UVR exp osure multiplied by an ‘atmospheric correction’, namely (290 to 400 nm) for this midday period ranged from the ratio of the BIC measurement at 380 nm to the 7.4 to 22.7 W m−2(HL), and 3.9 to 11.9 W m−2(LL). STAR-calculated irradiance at 380 nm (wavelength of best agreement between STAR and BIC under clear sky). The validity of the atmospheric and cali- Temperature and salinity bration corrections was supported by the close cor - respondence of BIC-measured and corrected STAR The microcosms were immersed in tanks filled with irradiance at 320 nm (Fig. 2B). fresh (tap) water that was circulated to maintain tem- 2000 A B Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 400 1) – 1500 m 1) n –s 2 300 2 –m – m W ol 1000 m m 200 R (µ 20) ( A 3 P 500 R ( 100 V U 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Day of the month (September 2012) Fig. 2. Variation of (A) photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and (B) UVR during the WG1 experiment. Dashed line in (A) shows the expected value for clear sky conditions based on the System for Transfer of Atmospheric Radiation (STAR) radiative transfer model and (B) the STAR estimated spectral irradiance at 320 nm after applying a atmospheric correction; solid grey line in (A) shows the actual recorded irradiance for PAR (µmol m−2 s−1) and (B) a representative wavelength (320 nm) of spectral UV irradiance (mW m−2nm−1) Neale et al.: Interaction of CO , nutrients and light in coastal plankton 33 2 perature. Water temperature in the microcosms was pCO and DIC 2 kept between 21 and 22°C corresponding to in situ conditions at the sampling site. On Day 3 (19 Sep - In general, pCO reflected the experimental tar- 2 tember; sunny day), there was a somewhat greater gets of ca. 1000 (µatm or ppmv) in the enhanced CO 2 (1.4°C on average) difference between daily mini- treatments versus 400 to 500 µatm in the treatments mum and maximum temperatures. Salinity also re- aerated with ambient air (Fig. 3D). Average DIC mained stable around 36 ± 0.18 psu. was also enhanced from 2321 to 2498 µmol l−1 com- Other chemical parameters were subject to mani- paring the LC and HC treatments, respectively (see pulation and thus varied with time. The variation of Appendix). However, further enhancement in pCO 2 key chemical and biological parameters for each occurred (up to 2000 µatm) in the HC HL treatments treatment is shown in Fig. 3, and the following sum- on Day 4. In the ambient air microcosms, pCO 2 marize the temporal pattern for each. started around 500 µatm and decreased somewhat with time. Nitrogen and phosphorus CDOM and DOC The sample water collected for the experiment on Day −1 was low in nutrients as is typical for this region Full spectral absorbance of CDOM from 250 to of the Mediterranean (Ramírez et al. 2005). Nitrate+ni- 700 nm was measured on filtrates (<0.2 µm pore trite was 0.6 µM, ammonium 0.2 µM, and phosphate size). For simplicity, Fig. 3E shows the maximum was 0.14 µM. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) absorbance, which was at 250 nm (a ) in all cases. 250 to soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) ratio was 5.8, in- From Day 0 to Day 2, there was a large increase in dicating strong nitrogen limitation. In the LN treat- absorbance in all treatments relative to the initial ments, concentrations declined to near the detection sample, with a decreasing trend in later samples. The limit by Day 2 for phosphate and nitrate+nitrite rate of decrease differed between the HC (faster) and (Fig. 3A,B) as well as ammonium (data not shown). LC (slower) treatments. The spectral slope ratio was For the HN treatments, 3 µM nitrate and0.2 µM phos- estimated as described in ‘Materials and Methods’ in phate was added on Day 0 to bring theinitial N:P ratio order to obtain information on CDOM quality and to 11:1. Following the approach of Martínez-García those processes c ontrolling its concentration. The etal. (2010), we also added a mixture of glucose and slope ratio of the Day 0 water was 1.7, which is char- amino acids, each equimolar with the nitrate addition. acteristic of mesotrophic coastal waters (Helms et al. By Day 2, an appreciable amount of nitrate remained 2008). On Day 2, the ratio increased to 2.2 ± 0.3. in the enriched treatments, but virtually all the phos- Increases in slope ratio are often interpreted as an phate had been consumed (Fig. 3B). Indeed, on the indication of photobleaching; however, in this case it day after the additionthe average phosphate concen- was coupled with an increase in a suggesting that 250 tration in the HN microcosms was 0.12 ± 0.02 µM, in- instead it was related to a release of material with dicating that most P uptake had occurred in the first high short wavelength absorbance. This could be 24 h after addition. However, the extent of P depletion related to the release of low molecular weight mate- was not realized until Day 2 of the experiment. Addi- rial, perhaps of cellular origin. Also consistent with tional phosphate was added on that day as needed a limited contribution of photobleaching is that a in order to restore a near 11:1 N:P ratio. Nitrate and similar increase in slope ratio occurred in both HL phosphate showed only modest consumption from and LL treatments (data not shown). Afterwards, the Day 2 to Day 6 (Fig.3A,B). ratio decreased again, to 1.4 ± 0.2 on Day 4 and 1.6 ± The main limiting nutrient in the high nutrient 0.3 on Day 6. The decrease onDay 4 was significantly treatments by Day 4 seems to have been silicate. It greater for HC than LC (t-test, p <0.001). Decreases was 1.2 µM in the starting water, declined to around in slope ratio coupled with decreases in absorbance 0.6 to 0.8 µM by Day 2, and was near detection limit in are consistent with microbial uptake. all treatments for Days 4 through 6 (Fig. 3C). These CDOM is a subset of total dissolved organic matter concentrations are consistent with silicate limitation which was measured as DOC. Because of volume of diatoms in the HN treatments on Days 4 through 6. constraints, this component was only sampled on Day The depletion of silicate was connected with the de- 6. Although by Day 6 CDOM was at or below initial velopment of a diatom bloom (more details in ‘Phyto- levels (Fig. 3E), DOC was significantly higher than its plankton abundance’ below, also see Reul et al. 2014). initial concentration (Fig. 4A). The increase was par- 34 Aquat Biol 22: 25–41, 2014 HC LC HC LC HL LL HL LL HL LL HL LL ) HN LN HN LN HN LN HN LN 60 HN LN HN LN HN LN HN LN 1 x 4 A 1 F – M) ml (µ3 2 ells 2 O c N a ( 1 ri 0 e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a B 0.8 µM) 0.6 B –1g l) 68 G O (4 0.4 a (µ 4 P 0.2 hl 2 C 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.5 C m H M) 1 0 µ 100 µ 2 (4 > O 0.5 % 50 Si hl 0 C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) 1 – M) 2000 D ml 2000 I µ s 2 ( ell CO 1000 s (c 1000 p m o 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diat 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 –1m) 4 E –1ml) 10 J 50 s a2 2 ell M ( n(c 5 DO o l C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Treatment no. Fig. 3. (A−J)Time variation of key variables in the WG1 microcosms. Average ± SD (n = 3 replicate microcosms) is shown for each of 8 treatments, with treatment key shown at the top (see Table 1), and treatment types color-coded to aid interpretation. The 3 bars in each group correspond to the Day 2, 4, and 6 data; horizontal lines indicate value for Day 0. Diatom abundance was determined for only 1 replicate of each treatment, so error bars show an estimated ±5% uncertainty in this measurement. Note log-scale y-axis for (J) (picophytoplankton abundance) ticularly large, although variable, in the HC treat- absorbance (SUVA),a ratio be tween absorbance and ments. Since CDOM was near initial levels, this dis- DOC concentration, which is conventionally calcu- solved material must be largely non-chromophoric lated at 254 nm. SUVA averaged 0.78 in the HC (e.g. molecules lacking in aromatic or conjugated treatments and 1.3 in the LC treatments. A SUVA structures associated, for example, with humic mate- <1.0 is considered characteristic of a very low aro- rials). Consistent with this is the specific ultraviolet matic content (Helms et al. 2008).

AQUATIC BIOLOGY of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in microcosms incubated under 8 cell size responded strongly to nutrients, but en -.
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