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Effect of cavity photons on the generation of multi-particle entanglement Che-Ming Li1, Yueh-Nan Chen1, C.-W. Luo1, Jin-Yuan Hsieh2, and Der-San Chuu1 ∗ 1Institute and Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30050, Taiwan. and 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ming Hsin University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu 30401,Taiwan. (Dated: February 9, 2008) A study on the cause of the multi-particle entanglement is presented in this work. We investi- gate how dot-like single quantum well excitons, which are independently coupled through a single microcavity mode, evolve into maximally entangled state as a series of conditional measurements aretakenonthecavityfieldstate. Wefirstshowhowcavityphotonaffectstheentanglementpurity of the double-exciton Bell state and the triple-exciton W state. Generalization to multi-excitons W states is then derived analytically. Our results pave the way for studying the crucial cause of multi-particle collective effect. 5 0 PACSnumbers: 03.67.Mn,03.65.Xp,03.67.Lx 0 2 The regulation methods of quantum information n processing[1] rely on sharing maximally entangled pairs a between distant parties. As it is well known, the en- Au Au J tangled pairs may become undesired mixed states due 5 2 to inevitable interactions with environments[2]. For this dot-like single ZnTe reason, great attentions have been focused on the agree- quantum well ZnSe microcavity 2 ment of entanglement purification[3], schemes of entan- ZnTe GaAs ZnTe v glement distillation[4], and the decoherence mechanisms 8 of quantum bits (qubits) in a reservoir[5]. 2 Glass 1 The environment may play an active role on the for- 1 mation of the nonlocal effect under well considerations. 0 Manyinvestigations[6]havebeendevotedtotheconsider- FIG. 1: The quantum devices with six dot-like quantum 5 wells inlaid in a microcavity which is constructed by a ZnTe ationsofthereservoir-inducedentanglementbetweentwo 0 medium and two Au mirrors. This device can be prepared remotequbits. Bymanipulatingathirdsystemwhichin- / by the MBE, the e-beam lithography, and the conventional h teractswithtworemotequbits[7,8,9,10],manyschemes semiconductor processing. p havebeenproposedtoenhancetheentanglementfidelity. - However,more general situations and considerations are t n still lacking in a entanglement generation process, espe- effect. First, we demonstrate how double-exciton Bell a cially the multi-particle entanglement generation. This state and the triple-exciton W state can be generated u q issue is crucial for both the real application of quantum under the effect of conditional measurements. Then we : communicationandthestudyonthemechanismofmulti- discussthecauseofmulti-excitonWstate,andproposea v particle entanglement. general formulation of entanglement generation further. i X Severalessentials of effects of the cavity photon will also Inthispaper,westudythemechanismofmulti-particle r entanglement generation. The feasible physical system be presented. a In the QW-cavity system, we assume that the lateral undertaken is dot-like single quantum well exciton cou- size of the QWs are sufficiently larger than the Bohr ra- pled through a single microcavity mode, which is pro- dius of excitons but smaller than the wavelength of the posedanddepictedinFig.1. The wholeprocedureinthe photon fields. The dipole-dipole interactions and other experimentalrealizationcanbeperformedbyopticalini- nonlinear interactions therefore can be neglected. The tialization, manipulation, and read-out of exciton state. cavitymode is assumedto be resonantwith the excitons In it, the qubit is coded in the presence of an exciton in and equally interact with each QW. Under the rotating a quantum well (QW), namely the exciton state in i-th waveapproximation,theunitarytimeevolutionofthen- QW, e,h , is considered as the logical state 1 , and | ii | ii QWs andcavityfield is thengovernedby the interaction the vacuumstate, 0,0 ,whichrepresentsthe statewith | ii picture Hamiltonian no electron and hole, is coded as the logical state 0 . | ii To analyze the dynamics of the multi-exciton entangle- n ment, a series of conditional measurement can be taken Hn(I) = X ~γ(aσm+ +a+σm−), (1) on the cavity field state by means of the electro-optic m=1 where γ is the coupling constant, a+ (a) is the creation (annihilation) operator of the cavity field, and σ+ (σ ) m m ∗Corresponding author: Fax:886-3-5725230, Tel:886-3-5712121- representsthe creation(annihilation) operatorofthe ex- 56105; Electronicaddress: [email protected] citons in the mth QW. 2 For n = 2 case and let the whole system be in the of success will be 1/2 for large N . If the state of the m-quanta state, there would be an eigenstate of the cavity field is kept in m photon state, rather than − Hamiltonian associated with the photon trap, namely, the state with single photon, the above results can be φ = 1 (1 0 0 1 ) m 1 ,where m 1 generalizedtoP = 1(1+cos( 2(2m+1)γτ)2N),and | i √2 | i1| i2−| i1| i2 ⊗| − ic | − ic N,2 2 p refers to the cavity field state with m−1 quanta. Once FN,2 = 2cos(√2(21m+1)γτ)2N. It reveals that the number thesystemisinthisstate,thewholesystemdoesnotde- ofmeasuredcavityphotonandthe evolutionperiodplay cay atall. Accordingly,keeping the cavity mode in state important roles in the trade-off between P and F . N,2 N,2 m 1 paves the way to generate the entangled exci- t|on−s, ψic = 1 (1 0 0 1 ). For entanglement We can choose a set of (m,γτ) such that the fidelity | i √2 | i1| i2 −| i1| i2 progresses to one at the least repetitions, however, in generation, the double dot-like single QWs and cavity the same time it causes the probability to reduce to modeispreparedintheinitialstate,|ψ0i=|1i1|0i2|0ic. a minimum. On the other hand, one can also find a Forthesakeofgeneralityandpurposeofdistillation,the suitability such that the probability goes to one. In this state of QW canbe any mixedstate, ρψ, except the vac- case, the system will not evolve with time and is similar uum state. Next, a pulse with m photons is injected to the Zeno paradox with finite duration between two into the microcavity. For the feasibility and the mod- measurements. est technology requirements, we consider here the injec- We may directly follow the scheme based on contin- tion of single photon, i.e. m = 1. The total number ues measurementsto achievethe three-particleentangle- of quantum count of the system is two. As the single- ment generation. However, we have observed that the photon has been injected into the cavity, the total sys- symmetry of the three-particle Hamiltonian is quite dif- tem will evolve with time, and the evolution operator ferent from the two-particle one, and one may hardly U(t) can be easily derived form Eq. (1). If the sys- expect what kinds of entangled states can be generated tem evolves without interruption, it will go into a QW1- via the quantum jump method and even query whether QW2-cavity field entangled state. If we take a mea- the quantumjump approachcanpavethe wayformulti- surement on the cavity field state at some instant, the particleentanglementgeneration. Inwhatfollowswewill number of the photon count of the detector may be one, first show that three-particle entangled state indeed can two, or zero. Since the single-photon state |1ic involves beproducedviaconditionalmeasurements;moreoverthe the photon-trapping phenomenon, we can infer that the W-type maximally entanglement can rise in multi-QWs double-QWwill evolveinto a maximal entangledstate if system. The superoperator that governs the progress of thecavitymodestaysinstate|1ic viathequantumjump the three dot-like single QWs can be workedout: approach[11]. After measuring the cavity field state, in- jecting a subsequent photon is necessary for the sake of ch1|eiH3(I)τ |1ic = g|gihg|+W1|W1ihW1|+T1|T1ihT1| keeping the photon in its state. We then let the whole + T T T +e e e +W W W 2 2 2 2 2 2 system evolve for another period of time τ . Again, | ih | | ih | | ih | + T T T +T T T , (2) we proceed to measure the cavity photon to make sure 3| 3ih 3| 4| 4ih 4| whether it is one or not. If the cavity photon remains in where g, e, W , W , T , T , T and T are functions of τ 1 2 1 2 3 4 single-photon, the repetition continues; if not, the whole corresponding to the orthonormaleigenvectors procedure should be started over. 1 g = 000 , W = (100 + 010 + 001 , Therefore, after several times of suc- | i | i | 1i √3 | i | i | i cessful repetitions, the state of double- 1 exciton progresses into the state, ρψN = |T1i= √2(|100i−|001i, ( 1 U(τ) 1 )Nρ ( 1 U( τ) 1 )N/P , where PtchNhe,n|p=r2ob=ab|iTliictry[(cohf1ψ|siuUcc(hcτe)|s|s1fio−cr)Nmρ|eψaiis(cuchr1in|UgN(a−,nsτ=in)2g|1lei-cp)Nho],toins |T2i= √16(|100i−2|101i+|001i, after N times of repetitions. The superoperator, 1 e = 111 , W = (011 + 101 + 110 , ch1|U(τ)|1ic, reveals the significant fact that it will | i | i | 2i √3 | i | i | i evolve to the projection operator, ψ ψ , as the suc- 1 | ih | T = (011 110 ,and cessful repetitions increases. This result comes from 3 | i √2 | i−| i the fact that the superoperator, 1 U(τ) 1 , has ch | | ic 1 only one eigenvalue whose absolute value equals to T = (011 2 010 + 110 ). (3) 4 | i √6 | i− | i | i one[7, 9] and the corresponding eigenvector is just the photon-trapping state. Thus the double-exciton state Here T = T and T = T are two two-fold degenerate 1 2 3 4 wlairlglebreecpoemtietioansm.aTxihmeaplroebntaabnilgitleydofstsautceceasfstearndsufiffidceileintyt eigIefntvhaeluiensitoifalthsetastuepeisrospeetraetqouraclht1o|eiψH3(I)=τ|1i1c0.0 , the 0 can be evaluated as: PN,2 = 21(1 +cos(√6γτ)2N) and probabilityof success for finding the ex|citionst|ate,iW1 , FN,2 = hψ|ρψN |ψi = 2cos(√16γτ)2N. If γτ is set to be can then be worked out analytically: | i (2m 1)π/(4√6), m=1,2,...,the fidelity ofthe double- 1 excit−on state will approach to one and the probability PN,3 = (cos(√10γτ)2N +2cos(γτ)2N), (4) 3 3 n-particle one-photon-trapping W state, 1 ψ = (100...0 + 010...0 +... 0...01 ), (6) W1 | i √n | i | i | i and the n-particle (n 1)-photon-trapping W state, − 1 ψ = (011...1 + 101...1 +... 1...10 ), (7) W2 | i √n | i | i | i are eigenstates of ch1|eiHn(I)τ|1ic by means of the sym- metric properties of the system Hamiltonian, operator algebra, and the Taylor expansions of the superopera- tor ch1|eiHn(I)τ |1ic, where n = 3,4,.... However, there exists the only state, ψ , can be generated through W1 | i conditional measurements, and the selectivity is judged by the criterion of unit norm of which eigenvalues. The FIG. 2: The variations of fidelity FN,n and the purification yaniedld9Y(N,)n,(iinntwhehiicnhserttheededvioalgurtaiomn)tfoimrecaosefsenac=h 3c(a(cid:3)se),,6τ(3∇=), eciogse(n√v4anlue 2oγfτt)h,eanstdatiets|aψbWso1ilutceanvablueedweirlilvebde,onnaemoenllyy, π/(√10△γ),τ6 =π/(√22γ), and τ9 =π/(4√2γ) has been set. at some n−odes, viz √4n 2γτ = mπ, where m is a pos- − itive integer. For the case of n = 6, we prepare the ini- tial state of six-QWs to be 100000 , following the stan- | i and the corresponding fidelity of the three-exciton state dard procedure of entanglement generation mentioned is above and measuring the cavity mode under the condi- tion γτ = π/√22, then the six-QWs will evolve to state FN,3 = hW1|ρψN |W1i |ψW1i with the probability cos(√10γτ)2N = . (5) 1 cos(√10γτ)2N +2cos(γτ)2N P = (cos(√22γτ)2N +5cos(2γτ)2N), (8) N,6 6 Here, we can set γτ to be nπ/√10, n=1,2,..., then the meanwhile, with the generation fidelity fidelity of the three-exciton state approaches to unit as N increases;meanwhile the probability of successis 1/3. cos(√22γτ)2N If the notion of Plenio et al.[7] is generalized to the F = . (9) N,6 case of three particles, in which a leak cavity is used cos(√22γτ)2N +5cos(2γτ)2N for continuouslymeasuring the vacuumcavity field state 0 , one can find that the eigenvalue with unit norm In which, the time period between two successive mea- |oficthe superoperator, ch1|eiH3(I)τ |1ic, is three-fold de- surements can be shorter than the one in the three- generate and the set of corresponding eigenvectors is exciton case. Besides, the values of P and F ap- N,6 N,6 000 , ψ , ψ ,where ψ istheBell-typestate proachtosteadyinfewersteps,butthepurificationyield {| i | iji | kli} (cid:12) ij(kl)(cid:11) inwhichonephotonistrap(cid:12)pedandsharedbetweeni(k)- will be lower. From the trend of a decrease in success QWandj(l)-QW,i=j,k=landi,j,k,l=1,2,3.Thus probability, the limitation and efficiency will be an issue 6 6 the collective motion cannot be induced via monitoring whenonedevisesthequantumstrategythatcaninducea the cavity vacuum. collective motion in the multi-particle system. The gen- Now we investigate the general case of multi-QWs en- eralization of multi-QWs entanglement formulation has tanglement generation further. It is provable that the been concluded as follows, 1 P = (cos(√4n 2γτ)2N +(n 1)cos(√n 2γτ)2N),and (10) N,n n − − − cos(√4n 2γτ)2N F = − , (11) N,n cos(√4n 2γτ)2N +(n 1)cos(√n 2γτ)2N − − − where n = 3,4,.... Fig. 2 shows the variations of the probabilityP and the purificationyield Y , defined N,n N,n 4 N by Y = P , for the cases of n =3,6, and 9. It collective effect. Secondly, when the procedure of entan- N,n Qi=0 i,n impliesthatifthereisalargedot-likesingleQWembed- glementgenerationendsupwithan-particleWstateand ded inside the single mode cavity, the collective motion zero cavity photon, then the QWs and cavity field state willbehardtoexistinthesystemviaconditionallymea- will evolve under the dynamics, cos(√nγt) ψ 0 | W1i| ic − sausrtinhge opnaertiscinleglneupmhboetrongroofwtshtehceapvritoybamboilditey. dAelctrheoausegsh, tiaslin(n√umnγbte)r|0oif|1iqcu,anwthaeries |t0wio,≡the|0ie⊗vno.lutiIofnthofe tthoe- even at one step the whole particles can be entangled in state, ψ 1 , becomes, cos(√3n 2γt) ψ 1 the W-type state. | W1i| ic − | W1i| ic − isin(√3n 2γt)( n 0 2 + 2n 2 φ 0 ),where Several essentials of multi-QWs entanglement and the − q3n 2| i| ic q3n−2| i| ic − − collective effect should be expatiated here. First, the φ 1 (110...0 + 1010...0 + ... + 0...011 ). | i ≡ √n(n 1) | i | i | i W-type entangled states are not the eigenstates of the − From which, unlike the decoherence-free state in n = 2 system, so that the explanationof the progressionof en- case, the generalized W states suffer from Rabi oscil- tangled QWs based on the quantum jump approachwill lations with the frequencies proportional to the square bequitedifferentfromthedouble-QWscase. Notmerely root of the QW numbers. Finally, the photon number the quantum jump method does elaborate the entan- of the cavity field state plays a crucial role of the quan- glement formation in decoherence-free subspace, but it tumstrategies,basedonconditionalmeasurements,that specifies the general formulation of multi-particle entan- can perform exotic quantum computation. One may ac- glement. The symmetry of double-QWs-cavity system complish the initialization of the qubits by condition- causes QWs to evolve into a singlet state, hence these ally monitoring two-photon state of the cavity mode. states will maintain the coherence through sharing one Since the vacuum state associates with the eigenvec- single photon between them. However, this relation will be broken as the cavity field mode mediates interaction torofthesuperoperatorch2|eiHn(I)τ|2ic witheigenvalue betweenmorethantwoQWs,consequentlyanothertype n(cos(√42nn−21γτ)+1)−1, under a well control of evolution time τ the−qubits can then be initialized. ofentanglementexistsinthesystem,namelytheWstate. Thecollectiveeffect,whichresultsintheformationofW To summarize, a general formulation of multi-QWs states,doesnotalwaysariseinamulti-particlesystem. If entanglement generation based on conditioned measure- the conditional result of the measurementdepends upon mentshasbeenproposedinthiswork. Weinvestigatethe the vacuum of the cavity field and the purification acts entanglement generation of dot-like single quantum well likethetwo-particleschemeofPleninoetal.[7],theQWs excitonscoupledthrougha singlemicrocavitymode. We willgetinto adilemma inwhicheachQWcancooperate first consider how the cavity photon affects the purity of withanyotherQWinthecavitytotraponephotoninthe the exciton state and the purification efficiency in two- sameinstantdue tothe zero-quantacavitymode, thatis and three-particle protocol. The mechanism of multi- gtheenesruapteereoipgeernavtaolruec,h01|,eainHdn(It)hτe|0piacirhsaosfap(hnot−on1-)t-rfoalpdpdineg- QeffWecstetnhteannghlaevmeenbteegnenienrvaetsitoingaatnedd.thTehcuasu,sewoeffcoorlmleuctlaivtee states constitute the corresponding set of orhtonormal thedynamicsofW-typeentangledstatebytheEqs. (10) eigenvectors. Since the degeneracy inevitably appears in and (11). 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