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Preview Effect of Advanced Rotorcraft Airfoil Sections on the Hover Performance of a Small-scale Rotor Model

https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19890014893 2019-04-12T20:34:19+00:00Z NASA Technical Paper 2832 AVSCOM Technical Paper Effect of Advanced 88-B-001 Rotorcraft Airfoil 1988 Sections on the Hover Performance of a Small-scaleR otor Model Susan L. Althoff Aerostructures Directorate USAAR TA-AVSCOM Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Information Division Summary the NACA 0012 airfoil section on many helicopter rotors (ref. 3). The 12 percent thickness is a com- A hover test was conducted on a small-scale promise between the thin section desired for good rotor model for two sets of tapered rotor blades. The compressibility effects and the thick section required baseline rotor-blade set used an NACA 0012 airfoil for high lift. The symmetric section also generates section, whereas the second rotor-blade set had ad- little pitching moment and is easy to manufacture. vanced rotorcraft airfoils RC(4)-10, RC(3)-10, and With the recent developments in composite man- RC(3)-08 distributed along the radius. The experi- ufacturing technology, it has become possible to build ment was conducted for a range of thrust coefficients rotor blades with an aerodynamically tailored airfoil and tip speeds, and the data were compared with distribution along the radius (refs. 6 to 8). This tech- the predictions of three analytical methods. The nology allows the rotor designer the freedom to select data show the advantage of the advanced airfoils at the optimum airfoil as a function of radial location the higher rotor thrust levels; two of the methods along the blade, thus increasing the performance of predicted the correct data trends. the rotor. The benefits to the vehicle from optimizing the rotor airfoils include a gain in maximum vehicle Introduction speed, an increase in gross weight, and more maneu- The helicopter rotor airfoil is required to oper- verability (ref. 6). With these types of benefits avail- ate in a complex rotating aerodynamic environment. able, there has been increased interest in designing In forward flight, the rotational velocity of the ro- rotor airfoils. tor blades and the free-stream velocity combine to A series of rotorcraft airfoils (the RC series) was produce periodic loading and unloading of the rotor designed by U.S. Army researchers at the NASA blades. When the blade is advancing into the flight Langley Research Center as part of an effort to direction, the local velocity is high and the blade pro- design an advanced rotor-blade geometry with im- duces high lift. However, when the blade is retreating proved hovering performance and no degradation of from the flight direction, the relative velocity is low; forward flight performance. The design philosophy the local velocity may even be reversed with respect is discussed in reference 8; the rotor is optimized to the airfoil on the rotor. Therefore, the retreat- by using combinations of planform, twist, and air- ing blade operates at a lower lift than the advancing foil distribution to improve rotor performance as pre- blade. This imbalance in lift causes a rolling moment dicted by simple computational methods. The hover- about the rotor hub. In order to balance the lift and prediction method used in this design process was a “zero” the moments, the advancing blade is usually momentum blade-element analysis based on the the- operated at lower angles of attack than the retreat- ory outlined in reference 9. The forward flight analy- ing blade, whereas the retreating blade is operated ses were based on the work in references 10 to 12 and at angles of attack near the stall limit. on the rotor flight-simulation code (C81) discussed in These variations in local blade velocity and angle reference 13. of attack place several conflicting restrictions on ro- The airfoils that were designed for this applica- tor airfoils. (See refs. 1 to 4.) The outboard portion tion were the RC(3)-12, RC(3)-10, and RC(3)-08. In of the advancing blade operates in a low-lift, high- the RC(x)-xx format, the “RC” designates a rotor- velocity region. Therefore, the airfoil is required to craft airfoil, (x) indicates the sequential number, and have a high drag-divergence Mach number at low lift the “-xx” provides the thickness in percent of chord. to avoid excessive drag. The data in reference 2 sug- These airfoils were tested in two-dimensional wind- gest that a symmetric or slightly cambered thin air- tunnel tests, and the results are documented in ref- foil section would have this characteristic. However, erence 14 by Bingham and Noonan. These airfoils the inboard section of the retreating blade requires exhibited high drag-divergence Mach numbers and high-lift capability at low velocity. It is shown in ref- low pitching moments, but they had average high-lift erences 2 and 5 that a thick, cambered airfoil would characteristics. The RC(4)- 10, designed and tested provide this capability. The airfoil also should gen- by Noonan, proved to have good high-lift capabil- erate little or no pitching moment at all operating ity, but the two-dimensional wind-tunnel test results conditions in order to avoid aeroelastic instabilities have not been published at this time. and high control loads. Even though a symmetric The RC(3)-12, RC(3)-10, and RC(3)-08 airfoils airfoil generates little pitching moment, a cambered were used on the wind-tunnel model rotor of ref- airfoil will produce a moment, as the data in refer- erence 15, and the RC(3)-10 and RC(3)-08 airfoils ence 5 show. were used during the test of reference 16. The A compromise among these conflicting require- RC(4)-10, RC(3)-10, and RC(3)-08 airfoils were used ments for rotor airfoils has resulted in the use of on the model rotor in reference 17. In these test programs, performance gains were measured for the L rotor lift force, lbf rotors with the RC-series airfoils. The gains were Mtip rotor tip Mach number seen in terms of increased rotor efficiency in hover and power reductions in forward flight. However, Mz rotor torque, ft-lbf the effect of only the airfoils on rotor performance NR€! Reynolds number, pVc/p could not be determined from these tests because the advanced airfoil rotor blades also included changes R rotor radius, ft in planform and twist distribution from the baseline T radial distance along blade, ft blade. + + The purpose of the present investigation was to T rotor thrust, (L2 D2 Y2)lI2, determine the hover-performance benefits that are lbf gained solely through use of the advanced rotor air- V local velocity, ft/sec foils. Therefore, a hover study was conducted using rotor systems for which the only difference was airfoil rotor tip speed, ft/sec Kip shape. This hover test used a small-scale, four-bladed rotor model with two tapered rotors. The reference x,Y , Cartesian coordinates rotor used an NACA 0012 airfoil, whereas the sec- Y rotor side force, lbf ond rotor had advanced rotorcraft airfoils RC(4)-10, coefficient of viscosity, RC(3)-10, and RC(3)-08 distributed along the blade P slugs/ft-sec span. The rotors were identical in planform and twist distribution, and they were tested over a range atmospheric density of air, P of thrust coefficients and tip speeds. The experi- slugs/ft3 mental data were compared with the hover perfor- mance predicted by three analytical methods. One of torque-weighted solidity, 4cq/rR UQ the methods used a momentum blade-element analy- R rotor rotational speed, rad/sec sis, whereas the other two methods used a free-wake lifting-surface analysis. Abbreviations and acronyms: Symbols HOVER lifting-surface hover-performance The data in this report were measured in U.S. code Customary Units and are referenced to the shaft axis LSAF Lifting-Surface Aerodynamics system shown in figure 1. and Performance Analysis of rotor profile drag coefficient Rotors in Axial Flight rotor torque coefficient, ROBIN generic fuselage shell Mz/prR3( R R)2 RTC rotor test cell rotor torque coefficient at zero 2MRTS 2-meter rotor test system thrust rotor thrust coefficient, Model and Test Description TlprR 2( The test program was conducted in the rotor test local blade chord, ft cell (RTC) at the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel. The RTC is a high-bay area that is 69 ft torque-weighted equivalent blade high by 42 ft wide by 48 ft long with a steel chain link fence around the walls; it is arranged specifically for the buildup and testing of powered rotor models in hover. Two walls of the RTC have louvers that rotor drag force, lbf can be opened to alleviate some of the recirculation rotor figure of merit, of air from the hovering rotor. The ambient dry-bulb temperature, dew point, and pressure are measured by instrumentation located in the RTC. The rotor hub was located 1.74 rotor diameters above the floor alternate rotor figure of merit, c of the RTC on a post mount. The model is pictured c3, /2/ ( Q -cQ,)fi mounted for testing in the RTC in figure 2. I I The model system used for the experiment was were constructed using a graphite-epoxy D-spar with the 2-meter rotor test system (2MRTS) with a tungsten leading-edge weights. The baseline blades generic fuselage shell (ROBIN). The ROBIN fuselage had a foam trailing edge, whereas the advanced airfoil I shape is detailed in reference 18, and the 2MRTS is blades had a balsa trailing edge. Both sets of blades I I documented in reference 19. A brief description of were very stiff, as there was no attempt to match the the 2MRTS is repeated here for the convenience of aeroelastic characteristics of full-scale rotor blades. the reader. The test procedure was as follows: the rotor rota- The 2MRTS (fig. 2) is a drive system that consists tional speed was established and maintained, a col- . of a 29-hp electric motor, a go', two-stage trans- lective blade angle was input, and the shaft angle was mission with a 4-to-1 gear reduction ratio, and a set to zero. The flapping of the rotor blades was mon- four-bladed rotor hub. The motor is water cooled itored and was maintained within a tenth of a degree by a chiller system, and the transmission is cooled of zero during the test. When the model was at a test and lubricated by an oil pump and vacuum system. point condition, a data point was taken. After the The motor, transmission, and rotor hub are all sus- data had been collected, the collective angle was in- pended on a gimbal that allows the system to pitch creased and the procedure was repeated. The upper and roll; however, both the pitching and rolling mo- limit of the thrust sweep was determined by motor tions are damped by mechanical dampers in order to power and temperature; i.e., when the drive motor avoid a ground resonance condition. The rotor hub is exceeded critical temperatures, the thrust sweep was a four-bladed, fully articulated hub with coincident terminated. Thrust sweeps were made at rotational flap and lag hinges. The lagging motion of the blades speeds from 2000 to 2500 rpm for a range of thrust co- is damped by viscous dampers. efficients CT from 0 to approximately 0.010 for each The collective and cyclic angles of the rotating set of rotor blades. blades are controlled through a conventional swash The data were acquired through a static data ac- plate mechanism. The swash plate is positioned quisition system that sampled the data. Four hun- by three actuators that are remotely controlled at dred data measurements were acquired in 8 sec for an operator's console. The control of the actuators each data point presented. Each thrust sweep was is accomplished in a feedback-loop control system repeated three times in order that some measure of using a minicomputer to calculate the position of the the data accuracy and scatter could be determined. actuators for the desired rotor-blade pitch angle. One condition was tested on 2 different days in order Forces and moments are measured separately on to ensure that daily variances in temperature, hu- the rotor and fuselage by two six-component, strain midity, and pressure were being properly corrected. gauge balances. Other instrumentation of the system The ambient winds in the RTC were measured daily, includes three strain gauges on the rotor blades to and data were acquired only when the wind condi- measure bending moments, potentiometers to mea- tions were in the range from 0 to 1 knot. The preci- sure flapping and lead-lag motion, a digital rotational sion of the data measurements is estimated from the speed encoder, and thermocouples to monitor critical repeatability tests to be f2.5 x in thrust co- temperatures in the motor, transmission, and swash efficient C~,f0.01in rotor figure of merit FM, and plate. f3.0 x in torque coefficient CQ. The two sets of rotor blades used in this investiga- tion are described in figure 3. The blade sets differed Description of Analytical Methods only by airfoil sections. The baseline set of blades was constructed using NACA 0012 airfoils. The sec- The selection of the hover analytical methods ond set of blades had advanced airfoils specifically used for this investigation was based on the expe- designed for the rotating environment (RC(4)-lO, rience with hover-performance codes in reference 20 RC(3)-10, and RC(3)-08) distributed along the blade and the desire to investigate the capabilities of the radius, as shown in figure 3. Smooth transitions were relatively new lifting-surface free-wake hover codes. accomplished between airfoil sections over 5 percent It should be recognized that there are many differ- of the blade radius. The three airfoil sections, to- ent prediction methods under development; the codes gether with the NACA 0012 section, are shown in used in this effort are only a representative sample. figure 4; the coordinates for the advanced airfoils are It was found in reference 20 that a simple momen- given in tables I, 11, and 111. Both sets of rotor blades tum blade-element analysis was able to predict hover had a tapered planform (with the 3-to-1 taper ratio data trends. It was also found in that study that the initiating at 75 percent of the 32.5-in. radius) and a simple free-wake analysis of reference 21 was unable -13' linear twist distribution. The thrust-weighted to converge on a solution, whereas the prescribed- solidity of the rotor was 0.0977. The rotor blades wake lifting-line analysis of reference 22 predicted 3 the wrong trends for the hover performance of ta- model discussed in reference 25. The calculations for pered rotor-blade configurations. Therefore, it was the rotor performance are similar to those used in decided to use two sophisticated lifting-surface free- HOVER; i.e., the lift is calculated using the circula- wake analyses as well as the simple momentum blade- tion distribution, and the drag and torque calcula- element theory for this investigation. tions rely on two-dimensional airfoil data. The momentum blade-element analysis used for Presentation of Results this investigation is a code based on the equations developed in reference 9. The rotor disk is assumed The experimental data are presented in tabular to be an infinitely thin actuator disk that allows no and graphical format. The values of thrust coefficient velocity discontinuities across the disk. The induced CT,t orque coefficient CQ, and figure of merit FM vertical velocity through the rotor disk is found by for the baseline and advanced airfoil rotor blades equating the change in the momentum of the air to can be found in tables IV and V, respectively. The the thrust of the rotor. Then, the rotor blade is con- analytical comparisons to the experimental data are sidered to be a combination of individual airfoil seg- shown graphically. The presentations are made using ments, and the forces on each section are calculated. the following figures: The airfoil section properties are obtained from ta- Figure bles of two-dimensional airfoil data. The total ro- tor forces are determined by integrating the segment Basic aerodynamic characteristics of forces over the rotor blade. rotors for several Mtip values . . . . . . . 5 The second analytical method used in this in- Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics vestigation was the lifting-surface hover-performance of baseline and advanced rotors . . . . . . 6 code (HOVER). The method is documented in ref- Power required to hover for baseline and erence 23. The rotor blades are modeled using a advanced rotors at Mtip = 0.639 . . . . . 7 vortex-lattice panel distribution, whereas the wake Comparison of an alternate figure of is represented by discrete vortex segments. The ro- merit for the baseline and advanced tor wake geometry is determined through two sets of airfoil rotors at Mtip = 0.639 . . . . . , . 8 iterations. The first iteration set consists of establish- Comparison of prediction methods with ing a wake geometry from a set of prescribed-wake experimental data at Mtip = 0.639 . . , . 9 equations and matching the circulation solution of Comparison of three analytical methods the rotor blades. In the second iteration set, the ro- at Mtip = 0.639 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 tor wake is allowed to distort as a free wake from Effect of two-dimensional airfoil data the generalized wake solution in response to the in- tables on analytical results for base- duced velocities from the rotor blades and from self- line rotor at Mtip = 0.639 . . . . . . . . 11 induced velocities in the wake itself. After a wake ge- Comparison of analytical predictions for ometry has been determined, HOVER calculates the several values of Mtip . . . . . . . . . . 12 circulation induced by the wake at the rotor-blade Effect of user input for radial position surface through use of the Biot-Savart Law. Once T/Ro f maximum circulation on the circulation is known, the lift can be calculated performance calculations by HOVER from the Kutta-Joukowski Law. The drag is calcu- at Mtip = 0.639 . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 lated by combining the induced drag with the airfoil Results and Discussion profile drag from two-dimensional airfoil data. The rotor torque is calculated from the integrated rotor- Experimental Results blade drag. There is no model for stall or separation in HOVER. Compressibility effects on lift are cal- The results of the experiment are shown in fig- culated using a Prandtl-Glauert correction, whereas ure 5 as plots of figure of merit FM versus thrust the effects on drag are assumed to be contained in coefficient C,. Figure of merit is an efficiency term the two-dimensional airfoil data tables. that expresses the ratio of the ideal power required The third analytical method used in this in- for hover to the actual power required for hover. vestigation was the Lifting-Surface Aerodynamics The data for the baseline rotor are shown in fig- and Performance Analysis of Rotors in Axial Flight ure 5(a) for several tip Mach numbers. The data (LSAF) which is discussed in reference 24. The rotor show very similar trends below CT = 0.007; however, blades and wake were represented as vortex boxes, or at the higher thrust coefficients, there is a decreas- lattices. The version of LSAF that was used for this ing efficiency trend with increasing tip Mach num- study incorporated a velocity-coupled wake model ber. This trend can be attributed to the decreased into the program in addition to the prescribed-wake maximum lift coefficient and increase in drag of the 4 baseline NACA 0012 airfoil that is associated with Figure 7 is a plot of CQ against C$I2 for the an increase in Mach number. baseline and advanced airfoil rotors at a tip Mach The performance of the advanced airfoil rotor is number of 0.639. The CQ, for the baseline 0012 shown in figure 5(b) for the same three tip Mach rotor was found from the intercept of a second-order numbers. The effect of Mach number on the ad- least-squares curve fit to be 0.00012, and the CQ, vanced airfoil rotor is not the same as that observed for the advanced airfoil was 0.00013. In figure 8, for the 0012 airfoil rotor. This difference in behav- the alternate figure of merit (FM)* is plotted as a ior may be attributed to the different Mach number function of CT for the baseline and advanced airfoil characteristics of the advanced airfoil sections. From rotors at the tip Mach number of 0.639. The data are the two-dimensional airfoil data in references 14 and not plotted for the lower thrust coefficients because 26, it is known that the outboard advanced airfoils the CQ measurement became approximately equal experience an increase in maximum normal-force co- to CQ,, and (FM)* became meaningless. When efficient with increased Mach number in the range of compared using this alternate figure of merit, the Mach numbers tested, whereas the maximum lift of advanced airfoil rotor was found to have a higher the 0012 airfoil decreases in this Mach number range. (FM)* than the baseline 0012 rotor over this CT The experimental data for the baseline 0012 ro- range. This effect indicated that the advanced airfoil tor and the advanced airfoil rotor are compared in rotor had greater efficiency in producing lift than figure 6. As was evident in the earlier figures, the the baseline rotor, although the advantage of the advanced airfoil rotor performs more efficiently than advanced airfoil rotor in terms of overall efficiency the baseline 0012 airfoil rotor at the higher thrust (induced and profile drag effects) occurred at the coefficients. Torque coefficient CQ is plotted against higher thrust coefficients. (See fig. 6.) From this thrust coefficient CT to provide an indication of the analysis, it can be concluded that if the profile drag power required by the rotor for the highest and low- of the advanced airfoil rotor could be reduced, the est tip Mach numbers. advanced airfoil rotor would have an improvement in The rotor efficiency term, Le., the figure of merit efficiency (FM) over the baseline rotor for the entire FM, has been traditionally defined (ref. 9) for hover- thrust range. ing rotors as Analytical Results The prediction of performance by analytical methods can be used for several different purposes. This expression relates the lowest possible power re- For example, a rotor designer needs an analysis that quirea for hover with an ideal rotor to the actual will predict the correct trends in performance for a power required for hover. This definition assumes systematic parametric study. Another use for the that the ideal rotor has zero power, or torque, re- analyses is to predict the level of performance that quired as a result of the effects of profile drag. Since the operating rotor actually does experience the ef- would be expected for a given rotor. Figure 9 shows the ability of several analytical methods to predict fects of profile drag, to compare only the torque pro- performance trends, whereas figure 10 compares the duced by the induced drag requires that the torque ability of the analytical methods to predict perfor- generated by the rotor profile drag be removed from mance levels. In all cases, a tension spline was ap- the data. An approximation of the torque due to the profile drag CQ, is obtained by plotting CQ against plied to the analytical predictions to produce the curves shown in the figures, and airfoil data obtained C$I2 and extrapolating the data to the zero thrust at full-scale Reynolds numbers were used to make the condition (ref. 27). The result is only an approxima- predictions. tion of the torque due to profile drag effects because It can be seen in figure 9 that both the momen- the rotor is twisted; therefore, even at the zero thrust tum analysis and the HOVER analysis predicted an condition, a small portion of the measured torque is improvement in performance for the advanced airfoil due to induced effects. However, it is the best ap- rotor. However, both methods predicted that the proximation to the true profile torque effects that improvement occurred at a higher thrust coefficient can be made from these data. When the torque due than was measured in the experiment, as expected to profile drag is removed, an expression for an alter- because of the use of airfoil data obtained at full- nate figure of merit that compares only the induced scale Reynolds numbers. The LSAF method predic- power effects is obtained: tion, which is shown in figure 9(c), exhibited signs of numerical instability at thrust coefficients greater than 0.0102. 5 In figure 10 it is shown that the HOVER analysis Mach number. Both the momentum analysis and predicts the figure of merit levels of the experimental the HOVER methods predicted the t,rend that was rotor model more accurately than the other two measured for the baseline 0012 rotor. However, methods for both the baseline 0012 rotor and the the momentum analysis predicted a change in rotor advanced airfoil rotor. In order to investigate the performance for the advanced airfoil rotor that was effect of using the full-scale airfoil data, a sensitivity not present in the experimental data as a result study of the effects of the two-dimensional airfoil of changing the tip Mach number. HOVER also tables was conducted using the momentum analysis predicted some effects of changing the tip Mach and HOVER methods. number for the advanced rotor, especially at a thrust The two-dimensional data for the NACA 0012 coefficient of 0.011. airfoil were obtained from tests in the Langley 6- The values calculated by the HOVER and LSAF by 28-Inch Transonic Tunnel for two Reynolds num- performance codes were affected greatly by user in- ber ranges (ref. 26), one representing model-scale put. During this investigation, it was found that the and the other full-scale helicopter Reynolds numbers. LSAF calculations were sensitive to user inputs such The lower Reynolds number range was 0.7 x lo6 to as number of wake iterations, increment in thrust 1.5 x lo6, and the higher Reynolds number range level, starting values of thrust and control angles, and was 3.0 x lo6 to 6.6 x lo6. The advanced airfoil wake azimuth increments. The program was not able two-dimensional data were available only for repre- to converge on a solution for most of the input vari- sentative full-scale Reynolds numbers. The experi- ations that were attempted. The tapered planform mental rotor operated at a tip Reynolds number of of the rotor blades may have been a factor in the nu- 0.39 x lo6 and an inboard maximum Reynolds num- merical instability of the LSAF code; the blade-load ber at 75-percent radius of 0.89 x lo6. In figure 11, distribution due to the taper may have triggered a the performance predicted by the momentum analy- computational instability between the wake geome- sis and HOVER methods is shown for different two- try and the circulation solution. dimensional airfoil tables for the baseline 0012 ro- This type of problem was also apparent in the tor at a tip Mach number of 0.639. Calculations HOVER program. In the HOVER input, the user are shown for both the higher and lower Reynolds was allowed to specify how the radial position of number airfoil data, as well as calculations performed maximum circulation is determined through an in- using a modified high Reynolds number data table. put parameter. The effect that this decision may The modification to the data table consisted of in- have on the values calculated by HOVER is shown creasing the drag coefficient in the table by the dif- in figure 13. HOVER was executed for three cases. ference between the Cd, in the data table and the In the first case, the position of maximum circula- cd, determined from the data of this test (where tion was held at a constant radial position through- out the prescribed-wake iterations of HOVER, but cd, = ~CQ,/CTQ)T. his modification was selected the program was free to move the position when it based on reference 27 where it was suggested that started the free-wake geometry perturbations. For the increment in performance between the model- the second case, the position of maximum circula- scale and full-scale values was due to the difference tion was held at a constant radial position of 75 per- in rotor profile drag. cent throughout the entire prescribed-wake and free- As was expected, the calculations by both meth- wake geometry calculations. The third case allowed ods indicated that the use of the lower Reynolds num- HOVER to have the freedom to determine the po- ber data table decreased the predicted performance sition of maximum circulation during each wake ge- of the rotor. In the case of the momentum analy- ometry iteration. As can be seen in figure 13, for sis, the predicted FM was closer to the experimental both the baseline 0012 and the advanced airfoil ro- data, whereas for HOVER the lower Reynolds num- tors at a tip Mach number of 0.639, the calculations ber predictions were farther from the experimental were closest to the experimental data when the ra- data than the full-scale Reynolds number predictions. dial position was held at a constant value through- The HOVER program appears to be able to predict out the prescribed-wake calculations and was then the correct model-rotor performance level only when allowed to change position during the free-wake iter- using the airfoil tables obtained at full-scale Reynolds ations. The question remains as to how the constant numbers. This result is fortunate because the full- radial value should be obtained: in order to be consis- scale airfoil data are generally the only data available tent, Some criteria should be imposed for determining to the user for advanced rotorcraft airfoil sections. this value. For this investigation, the radial position Figure 12 shows the ability of the analyses to of maximum circulation that was calculated in the predict the variation in rotor performance with tip momentum blade-element analysis was used as the 6 input into HOVER. This combination of the momen- Keys, C. N.: Volume II: Performance Prediction of tum analysis and HOVER methods provided good Helicopters. agreement with these experimental data. Further 2. Davenport, Franklyn J.; and Front, John V.: Airfoil Sec- studies are required to determine whether this combi- tions for Helicopter Rotors-A Reconsideration. Pro- ceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual National Forum, nation will prove to be a consistently reliable method. American Helicopter SOC.,I nc., May 1966, pp. 29-44. 3. Johnson, Wayne: Helicopter Theory. Princeton Univ. Summary of Results Press, c.1980. A hover test was conducted on a small-scale ro- 4. Dadone, Leo: Rotor Airfoil Optimization: An Under- tor model for two sets of tapered rotor blades. The standing of the Physical Limits. Preprint No. 78-4, 34th Annual National Forum, American Helicopter SOC.,I nc., baseline rotor-blade set used an NACA 0012 air- May 1978. foil section, whereas the second rotor-blade set used 5. Abbott, Ira H.; and Von Doenhoff, Albert E.: Theory of three advanced rotorcraft airfoil sections distributed Wing Sections. Dover Publ., Inc., c.1959. , along the radius. Both blade sets had identical plan- 6. Thibert, Jean-Jacques; and Gallot, Jacques: Advanced form and twist distributions. The experiment was Research on Helicopter Blade Airfoils. Vertica, vol. 5, conducted for a range of thrust coefficients and tip no. 3, 1981, pp. 279-300. speeds, and the data were compared with the predic- 7. McVeigh, Michael A.; and McHugh, Francis J.: Influence tions of three analytical methods. The methods used of Tip Shape, Chord, Blade Number, and Airfoil on , in this investigation were a simple momentum blade- Advanced Rotor Performance. J. American Helicopter element analysis and two free-wake lifting-surface Soc., vol. 29, no. 4, Oct. 1984, pp. 55-62. hover-performance analyses (HOVER and LSAF). 8. Bingham, Gene J.: The Aerodynamic Influences of Rotor Blade Airfoils, Twist, Taper and Solidity on Hover The results of the investigation and the comparison and Forward Flight Performance. Proceedings of the 97th are summarized as follows: Annual Forum, American Helicopter SOC., May 1981, 1. The experimental data show that for the three pp. 37-50. speeds investigated at the higher thrust levels (above 9. Gessow, Alfred; and Myers, Garry C., Jr.: Aerodynamics a thrust coefficient C, of 0.007), the advanced airfoil of the Helicopter. Macmillan Co., c.1952. (Republished 1985 by College Park Press.) rotor had better hover performance than that of the 10. Gessow, Alfred: Equations and Procedures for Numeri- baseline NACA 0012 rotor. cally Calculating the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Lift- 2. The baseline NACA 0012 rotor experienced ing Rotors. NACA TN 3747, 1956. some detrimental Mach number effects for CT above 11. Gessow, Alfred; and Crim, Almer D.: A Method for 0.007 at the higher tip Mach numbers. The advanced Studying the Dansient Blade-Flapping Behavior of Lift- airfoil rotor data did not show any effect of the tip ing Rotors at Eztreme Operating Conditions. NACA Mach number variation. TN 3366, 1955. 12. Gessow, Alfred; and Tapscott, Robert J.: Tables and 3. Of the three analytical methods used for this Charts for Estimating Stall Effects on Lifting-Rotor Char- study, the lifting-surface analysis HOVER and the acteristics. NASA TN D-243, 1960. momentum analysis predicted the greater efficiency 13. Van Gaaabeek, J. R.: Rotorcraft Flight Simulation, of the advanced airfoil rotor at the higher thrust Computer Program C81. Volume ZZ-User 's Manual. coefficients. USARTL-TR-77-54B, U.S. Army, Oct. 1979. (Available 4. The predictions of both lifting-surface analyses from DTIC as AD A079 632.) 14. Bingham, Gene J.; and Noonan, Kevin W.: Two- used in this study were very sensitive to the user inputs. It was found that using the output of the Dimensional Aerodynamic Characteristics of Three Rotorcraft Airfoils at Mach Numbers From 0.95 to 0.90. momentum analysis as a guide for the input into NASA TP-2000, AVRADCOM TR 82-B-2, 1982. HOVER resulted in a prediction that was in general 15. Berry, John D.: Performance Testing of a Main Rotor agreement with the experimental data. System for a Utility Helicopter at l/4 Scale. NASA TM-83274, AVRADCOM TR 82-B-3, 1982. NASA Langley Research Center 16. Kelley, H. L.; and Wilson, J. C.: Aerodynamic Perfor- Hampton, VA 23665-5225 mance of a 27-Percent-Scale AH-64 Wind-Tunnel Model August 5, 1988 With Baseline/Advanced Rotor Blades. Proceedings I of the /lst Annual Forum, American Helicopter SOC., References May 1985, pp. 491-499. 17. Yeager, William T., Jr.; Mantay, Wayne R.; Wilbur, 1. Stepniewski, W. Z.; and Keys, C. N.: Rotary-wing Matthew L.; Cramer, Robert G., Jr.; and Singleton, Jef- Aerodynamics. Dover Publ., Inc., 1984. frey D.: Wind-nLnnel Evaluation of an Advanced Main- Stepniewski, W. Z.: Volume Z: Basic Theories of Rotor Rotor Blade Design for a Utility-Class Helicopter. NASA Aerodynamics (With Application to Helicopters). TM-89129, AVSCOM TM 87-B-8, 1987. 18. Freeman, Carl E.; and Mineck, Raymond E.: Fuselage Lift Aircraft Forum (Aix-en-Province, France), Aug.- Surface Pressure Measurements of a Helicopter Wind- Sept. 1982, Paper No. 2.8. nnnel Model With a 3.15-Meter Diameter Single Rotor. 24. Kocurek, J. David; and Berkowitz, Lenard F.: NASA TM-80051, 1979. Velocity Coupling-A New Concept for Hover and Ax- 19. Phelps, Arthur E., 111; and Berry, John D.: Description ial Flow Wake Analysis and Design. Prediction of of the U.S. Army Small-scale 2-Meter Rotor Test System. Aerodynamic Loads on Rotorcraft, AGARD-CPP-334, NASA TM-87762, AVSCOM TM 86-B-4, 1987. Apr. 1982, pp. 8-1-8-13. 20. Phelps, Arthur E., 111; and Althoff, Susan L.: Efects 25. Kocurek, J. David; and Tangler, James L.: A Prescribed of Planform Geometry on Hover Performance of a 2- I Wake Lifting Surface Hover Performance Analysis. J. Meter-Diameter Model of a Four-Bladed Rotor. NASA American Helicopter SOC., vol. 22, no. 1, Jan. 1977, TM-87607, AVSCOM TR 85-B-6, 1986. pp. 24-35. 21. Miller, R. H.: Simplified Free Wake Analyses for Rotors. ASRL TR 194-3, Dep. of Aeronautics & Astro- 26. Noonan, Kevin W.; and Bingham, Gene J.: Aerodynamic nautics, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Aug. 1981. Characteristics of Three Helicopter Rotor Airfoil Sections 22. Landgrebe, Anton J.: An Analytical and Experimental at Reynolds Numbers From Model Scale to Full Scale Investigation of Helicopter Rotor Hover Performance and at Mach Numbers From 0.35 to 0.90. NASA TP-1701, Wake Geometry Characteristics. USAAMRDL Tech. AVRADCOM TR 80-B-5, 1980. I Rep. 71-24, U.S. Army, June 1971. (Available from 27. Keys, Charles N.; McVeigh, Michael A.; Dadone, Leo; DTIC as AD 728 835.) and McHugh, Francis J.: Considerations in the Estima- 23. Summa, J. Michael: Advanced Rotor Analysis Meth- tion of Full-scale Rotor Performance From Model Rotor I ods for the Aerodynamics of Vortex/Blade Interactions Test Data. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Forum of the in Hover. Eighth European Rotorcraft and Powered American Helicopter Society, May 1983, pp. 34-43. 8 Table I. Airfoil Coordinates for RC(4)-10 [Stations and ordinates given in fraction of airfoil chord] Station Lower surface Station Upper surface .oooooo 1 0.000203 0.000000 -0 .0057 26 .975148 -.003160 .002864 .004313 .950227 -.005728 .009072 .013175 .925298 -.008079 .023543 .025980 .go0374 -.010312 .047036 .038875 .875421 -.012443 .073686 .047953 .850386 -.014420 .lo0188 .053673 .825282 -.016215 .126143 .057324 .800114 - .01781 8 .151842 .059790 .774866 -.019273 .177227 .061579 .749797 - .020610 .202556 .062995 .724840 -.021873 .227760 .064163 .699792 - .023108 .252956 .065143 .674849 -.024327 .303145 .066614 .649997 - .025542 .353142 .067381 .625136 - .026750 .3781 40 .067422 .600297 - .027933 .403297 .067163 .575437 - .029062 .428390 .066543 .550567 - .030090 .453678 .065499 .525714 - .030972 .478891 .064013 .500894 -.031659 .503763 .062129 .476002 - .032163 .528707 .059876 .451451 -.032474 .553618 .057324 .426974 -.032600 .578512 .054510 .402303 -.032553 .60341 7 .051447 .377696 -.032369 .628341 .048144 .352929 -.032090 .653244 .044621 .303398 - .031393 .678157 .040912 .254059 - .030703 .702978 .037093 .229490 - .030430 .727694 .033251 .204930 -.030257 .752502 .029451 .180495 -.030276 .777197 .025808 .156116 -.030611 .801713 .022378 .132051 - .031269 .826309 .019139 .lo8242 -.032011 .850970 .O 16086 .084979 -.032337 .875699 .013211 .061 865 - .031 57 6 .go0509 .010514 .035595 -.028199 .925350 .0080 12 .025184 -.025664 .950185 .005722 .016462 -.022703 .975028 .003652 .oooooo .014350 - .021823 1 .OO 1785 .004687 -.015907 9

culated using a Prandtl-Glauert correction, whereas the effects on .. Yeager, William T., Jr.; Mantay, Wayne R.; Wilbur,. Matthew L.; Cramer, Robert G., Jr.; and Singleton, Jef- frey D.: Wind-nLnnel Evaluation of an Advanced Main-.
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