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Preview Educational Studies 2013: Vol 49 Index & Table of Contents

EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Table of Contents to Volume 49 Issue I EDITOR’S CORNER Reticence Rebecca A. Martusewicz...........0.0..00. c.c .ec.e .ee.e e e ARTICLES Socialist Revolution: Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, and the Emergence of Marxist Thought in the Field of Education Isaac Gottesman Student Responses to the Women’s Reclamation Work in the Philosophy of Education Teresa Genevieve Wojcik and Connie Titone Community Building in Social Justice Work: A Critical Approach Silvia Cristina Bettez and Kathy Hytten Education by Any Means Necessary: Peoples of African Descent and Community-Based Pedagogical Spaces Ty-Ron Michael Douglas and Craig Peck BOOK REVIEW The Gates Foundation and the Future of U.S. “Public” Nicholas D. Hartlep TIME EXPOSURE Bageme BW. Provemae, U8... .. 5. ccc cc cccracestevccccccss BOOKS AVAILABLE LIST Issue 2 Special Issue: Critical, Interpretive, and Normative Perspectives of Educational Foundations: Contributions for the 21st Century Guest Editors: Kathleen deMarrais and Sandra Winn Tutwiler EDITOR’S CORNER _ Affirming and Rethinking our Visions and Responsibilities as Social Foundations Scholars and Educators OEE EMNONNOWION, ooo eos caer tierv dca sd sehen se ns cass+3dd'nane sees 101 GUEST EDITORS’ INTRODUCTIONS Critical, Interpretive, and Normative Perspectives of Educational Foundations: Contributions for the 21st Century Kathleen deMarrais and Sandra Winn Tutwiler Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies Third Edition, 2012, Draft Presented to the Educational Community by the American Educational Studies Association’s Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation: Sandra Winn Tutwiler (Chair), Kathieen deMarrais, David Gabbard, « Andrea Hyde, Pamela Konkol, Huey-li Li, Yolanda Medina, Joseph Rayle, and Amy Swain ARTICLES The Problem with “Nuts and Bolts:” How the Emphasis on “Highly Qualified Professionals” is Undermining Education Amy Swain Appropriating Assessment: Possibilities for an Alliance Perspective through Teaching Social Foundations in Unusual Places PRIN cae resect antec so xa engka ew each TSU S Abele Rane naan ees ater 134 Schooling in the ‘Iron Cage’ and the Crucial Role of Interpretive, Normative, and Critical Perspectives in Social Foundations Studies AN hon sow ch wig sa wietie oeasielyned aaa do's koa S mOteetely Maelane ey eaten bee NEee 148 New Challenges, New Vision: Why Social Foundations and Teacher Education Partnerships Matter SEIS «5 3: O oles Sosi asclae did ueioman eisiere hae woades GU a oraa a eee pe does pCa eee 169 BOOK REVIEW Foundations of Education: The Essential Texts Christen L. Opsal TIME EXPOSURE Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr BOOKS AVAILABLE LIST Issue 3 EDITOR’S CORNER Business as Usual: The New Mantra for Universities’ Econoniics Pamela K. Smith ARTICLES Cultivating Our “Musical Bumps” while Fighting the “Progress of Popery”: The Rise of Art and Music Education in the Mid-Nineteenth Century United States Margaret A. Nash Elusive Images of the Other: A Postcolonial Analysis of South Korean World History Textbooks Young Chun Kim, Seungho Moon, and Jaehong Joo ...............................213 Qualitative Research in Education: The Origins, Debates, and Politics of Creating Knowledge Aaron Cooley SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS CLASSROOM When the Social Justice Learning Curve Isn’t as Steep: How a Social Foundations Course Changed the Conversation Beth Douthirt Cohen, Tomoko Tokunaga, Demetrius J. Colvin, Jacqueline Mac, Judith Suyen Martinez, Craig Leets, SUE RII OI ios 6 ond Crean nabirn daemwsescacnaeansce s BOOK REVIEWS Teaching About Disabilities Through Children’s Literature I REP EMMONS So o.nc oe AeS cohen Ce tan ee hu vandinde ned enadsends ca eceeneeeeneanaanne Building Classroom Success: Eliminating Academic Fear and Failure Christopher A. Peckover ; 290 TIME EXPOSURE Eugene F. Provewz0, Jv... <.....00.00 006 cceccscccsccccncveccecss 294 UEP nEe Ne PUM PRUNE NII 5 5. ccicivico ene kecene nents sco Wace beet coneen vem ee eee eeeeeee 296 Issue 4 EDITOR’S CORNER Educational Imagination in a Period of “Reconfiguration” Rebecca Martusewicz AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION, 2012 KNELLER LECTURE Educational Theory and Practice at the Fin de Siécle: From Pre-School to After-School Np Tl CUNO 55 once nas cna oescnclaa meat aeences eb <concccieeucece daa ARTICLES Changing the Subject: Neoliberalism and Accountability in Public Education II a6 5205.9 0s Sak Se Sao 9s LANTRS 28S Bhie BE bese Sas unas eed 316 Navigating the Path to College: Latino Students’ Social Networks and Access to College Aliah Carolanad Jn. R-obeSrtoi Relyesv...a.. ............0.02000 00000 cece eee es 334 BOOK REVIEWS Class Warfare: Inside the Fight to Fix America’s Schools MN 36a an asevacocies cena tnay SiN eae ba Rbr wakes Kae cine cakes eee The Mis-Education of the Negro PURINA MUNIN oo. ois a's 5. ats whan tid Neelam ee anie diso nesies dna xe eRe 366 Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? Carl B. Anderson TIME EXPOSURE SE PN OVOUNR DE 6.55 3.55 oc o55 acetate mwas © oe boda nose cam one Daaniau esaNen eee aUE IS BEOE ook seas item a eben nntiaeads ae alecs setdagee bah eele chap sete See Issue 5 Special Issue: Eco-Democratic Reforms in Education Guest Editors: Steven Mackie and Jeff Edmundson EDITOR’S CORNER Friendship eC A 7 TURING 5 SoA cones 2.02 sale wena aiale ae aca ® cewee eee bin 381 GUEST EDITORS’ INTRODUCTION Eco-Democratic Reforms in Education Steven Mackie and Jeff Edmundson ..............00.00. c.ece. c.ec.e e.ee. e.e e.e e ee 384 SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS CLASSROOM Case Studies in Critical Ecoliteracy: A Curriculum for Analyzing the Social Foundations of Environmental Problems Rita Turner and Ryan Donnelly .........2..... ce .ee. ee.e .eee. ee.e ee. ee. et. eee ee 387 ARTICLES Fostering Eroticism in Science Education to Promote Erotic Generosities for the Ocean-Other Rachel Luther Avoid the Banking Model in Social and Environmental Justice Education: Interrogate the Tensions Daniel Kruidenier and Scott Morrison ESSAY Eros, Education, and Eco-Ethical Consciousness: Re-Membering the “Room of Love" in Wendell Berry’s Hannah Coulter PEMERD OCD WVEMNRMINECD os os.2 ois oa NGlng Sed LoS ow edule seed dda daseeameweokmene 443 REVIEW ESSAY What is Outside of Outdoor Education? Becoming Responsive to Other Places David A. Greenwood BOOK REVIEWS Ecojustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities Stephanie L. Daza and Jeong-eun Rhee Occupy Education: Living and Learning Sustainability Julie H. Carter TIME EXPOSURE POE W, PUOVOMEDS IG. 5c... ocksinc cass cavecsdornwdavanevescn BOOKS AVAILABLE LIST Issue 6 EDITOR’S CORNER When the Political Gets Personal: Social Foundations and University Politics in Hard Times Rebecca A. Martusewicz ...........0.00. cc .ec.e c.en.ce. e0e e ARTICLES A Nonviolent Approach to Social Justice Education REM TNMNI oy bv ear oyna ne ues sad Aa neeiet hae neueneusees The “Crisis of Pity” and the Radicalization of Solidarity: Toward Critical Pedagogies of Compassion Michalinos Zembylas.............0.c .ec.e .ee.e. ce.ce0 e.e s «3.3, 2G eee Enrollment of Education Majors at Public, Not-For-Profit, and For-Profit Postsecondary Institutions: An Empirical Analysis Bonnie K. Pox Garrity ....... .. 2... 0.0660. esc cesccncu-cecees SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS CLASSROOM An Empirical Study: To What Extent and In What Ways Does Social Foundations of Education Inform Four Teachers’ Educational Beliefs and Classroom Practices? Jacquelyn R. Benchik-Osborne BOOK REVIEWS Critical Pedagogies of Consumption: Living and Learning in the Shadow of the “Shopocalypse.” Nicholas D. Hartlep Out of the Classroom and into the World: Learning from Fieldtrips, Educating from Experience, and Unlocking the Potential of Our Students and Teachers Gregory Alan Smith TIME EXPOSURE eS | ae BOOKS AVAILABLE LIST Annual Contents Listing

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