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Shafqat, Atif (2016) Education and training in ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia (UGRA). PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Access from the University of Nottingham repository: http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/31856/1/I.D.%204174604%20-%20PhD%20Thesis.pdf Copyright and reuse: The Nottingham ePrints service makes this work by researchers of the University of Nottingham available open access under the following conditions. · Copyright and all moral rights to the version of the paper presented here belong to the individual author(s) and/or other copyright owners. · To the extent reasonable and practicable the material made available in Nottingham ePrints has been checked for eligibility before being made available. · Copies of full items can be used for personal research or study, educational, or not- for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge provided that the authors, title and full bibliographic details are credited, a hyperlink and/or URL is given for the original metadata page and the content is not changed in any way. · Quotations or similar reproductions must be sufficiently acknowledged. 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For more information, please contact [email protected] Education and Training in Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anaesthesia (UGRA) Dr. Atif Shafqat Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy JUNE 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------- ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------- iv DEDICATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v SUMMARY OF THE THESIS ------------------------------------------------------------ vi PUBLICATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii LIST OF FIGURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- xii LIST OF TABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii LIST OF APPENDICES ------------------------------------------------------------------ xiv CHAPTER – 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anaesthesia ----------------------------------------------- 2 Present Training Model -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 A New Training Model --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Competence And Assessment ------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Assessment Of Clinical Competency ----------------------------------------------------- 15 Competency And Anaesthesia ------------------------------------------------------------ 17 Technical Skills In Anaesthesia ---------------------------------------------------------- 18 Types of Assessment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Quality Of Assessment--------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Methods For Evaluation Of Technical Skills ------------------------------------------- 24 Other Methods for Evaluation of Technical Skills ------------------------------------- 31 CHAPTER – 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 Visuospatial Ability As A Predictor Of Novice Performance In Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anaesthesia (UGRA) -------------------------------------------------- 33 INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 METHODS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 RESULTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 DISCUSSION:------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 69 ii CHAPTER – 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 Construct Validity And Reliability Of An Objective Structured Assessment Tool For Performance Of Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anesthesia (UGRA) -------- 83 INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 METHODS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 RESULTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 DISCUSSION:---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110 CHAPTER – 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129 The Impact of Video games on Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anaesthesia (UGRA) skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 129 INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 130 METHODS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134 RESULTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 145 DISCUSSION----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162 CHAPTER – 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177 Conclusions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177 CONCLUSION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178 FUTURE IMPLICATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------- 183 REFERENCES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 187 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to the God Almighty, the most merciful and the most beneficial for being with me all the way. With his silent blessings each day was a new chapter of hope. I am grateful to Professor Jonathan G Hardman for providing me the opportunity to study in the Department of Anaesthetics and Intensive Care and his scientific support and advice throughout the course of the PhD. I am indebted to my supervisors and would like to thank Dr. Robert A McCahon and Dr. Nigel M Bedforth for their constant support, encouragement and guidance. My sincere thanks to Dr. Rachel Evley and Jennie Spendlove. I would specially like to thank my wife Shumaila, my parents, my daughter Simra, my son Shahir, my sister Shazia, and last but not the least, my lovely niece Aliza, for their heartful prayers, support and inspiration. Thank you all very much. Atif iv DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my wonderful wife “Shumaila”, my children “Simra” and “Shahir” and above all my “Parents” without their continuous understanding, support and encouragement, inspiration and most important; “the belief in me”, my achievement would not be possible. v SUMMARY OF THE THESIS The PhD thesis contains five chapters, i.e.: the first chapter, presenting the “Background”, information relevant to the topic in the form of literature review, the second chapter, comprising of the first study project “Visuospatial Ability As A Predictor Of Novice Performance In Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anaesthesia (UGRA)”. The third chapter related to the second study project “Construct Validity And Reliability Of An Objective Structured Assessment Tool For Performance Of Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anesthesia (UGRA)”. This is followed by the fourth chapter encompassing the third and final study project “The Impact of Video games on Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anaesthesia (UGRA) skills” and finally the last chapter revealing the “Conclusions”. The first chapter of the thesis the “Background” includes an introduction to the topic. It reviews the achievement of proficiency in procedural skills, common principles regarding the educational theory behind assessment. It also examines the literature about the diverse methods that can be used for the assessment of procedural skills in anaesthesia and make important implications from the literature in other fields of medicine. In the second chapter, entitled “Visuospatial Ability As A Predictor Of Novice Performance In Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anaesthesia (UGRA)”, the experimental and original study will be presented, which intends to identify if visuospatial ability could predict technical performance of an ultrasound – guided vi needle task by novice operators, and also to describe how emotional state, intelligence and fear of failure could have impact on this. In the third chapter, termed “Construct Validity And Reliability Of An Objective Structured Assessment Tool For Performance Of Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anesthesia (UGRA)” another experimental and original study project will be validated, focusing on the construct validity and reliability of a new assessment tool for the performance of ultrasound – guided regional anaesthesia, by examining whether it can adequately differentiate between performance levels in anaesthetists across the spectrum of expertise. In the fourth chapter, designated “The Impact of Video games on Ultrasound – Guided Regional Anaesthesia (UGRA) Skills” additional experimental, original part will be presented, focusing on whether playing video games will predict psychomotor performance of an ultrasound – guided needling task or could impact on tests of visuospatial ability and also examine the correlation between these innate abilities. At the end of each chapter are drawn a series of conclusions, concerning the investigations performed and the results obtained. The “Conclusions” are summarized in chapter five, where the possible future investigations are also indicated. vii PUBLICATIONS Some parts of this thesis have contributed to a publication and an additional two other publications are also under consideration. PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATION Shafqat, A., Ferguson, E., Thanawala, V., Bedforth, N.M., Hardman, J.G., McCahon, R.A., Accepted for publication in Anesthesiology in June 2015. Visuospatial ability as a predictor of novice performance in ultrasound – guided regional anesthesia (UGRA). (Chapter 2) MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION FOR SUBMISSION FOR PEER- REVIEW Shafqat, A., Rafi, K.M., Thanawala, V., McCahon, R.A., Bedforth, N.M., Hardman, J.G. Unpublished manuscript. Construct validity and reliability of an objective structured assessment tool for performance of ultrasound – guided regional anesthesia (UGRA). (Chapter 3) Shafqat, A., McCahon, R.A., Bedforth, N.M., Hardman, J.G. Unpublished manuscript. The impact of video games on ultrasound – guided regional anaesthesia (UGRA) skills. (Chapter 4) viii AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION Chapter 2 Shafqat, A., Ferguson, E., Thanawala, V., Bedforth, N.M., Hardman, J.G., McCahon, R.A., Accepted for publication in Anesthesiology in June 2015. Visuospatial ability as a predictor of novice performance in ultrasound – guided regional anesthesia (UGRA). This study was truly a collaborative effort. As the primary author, I was responsible for formulating the research questions, refining the study design, conducting the study and all statistical analyses, drafting the manuscript, responding to reviewers‟ reports and coordinating submission and publication of the original research paper. All co-authors were involved in planning the study; choice of measures including the statistical methods used and commented on the manuscript for submission, response to reviewers‟ reports and final version of the original research paper. Anonymous reviewers provided constructive comments on the submitted manuscript, which were incorporated into the manuscript. ix

(UGRA). Dr. Atif Shafqat. Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of In addition to the deficiencies in education and training,.
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