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EDUCATION VOLUME 130 Fall 2009 Number 1 Modeling Secondary Instructional Strategies in a Teacher Education Class .Sandy White Watson and Janetta Fleming Bradley 3 Assessing the Communication Proficiency of Social Studies Teachers in Selected Secondary Schools in South Central Nigeria .Ede O. S. lyamu and Andrew I. Iseguan 16 Teachers’ Perception Levels of Activities Directed Towards Professional Progress .Nida Bayindir 22 Leadership Capacity - A Key to Sustaining Lasting Improvement .Henry S. Williams 30 Developing the Intangible Qualities of Good Teaching: A Self-Study Vincent J. Rinaldo, Stephen J. Denig, Thomas J. Sheeran, Richard Cramer-Benjamin .Paul J. Vermette, Chandra J. Foote and Robert Michael Smith 42 A Literature Review: Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Students With Disabilities .Susan Sze 53 Shared Bases of Influence Within a College .Joseph S.C. Simplicio 57 History and the Novelist’s Design: A Reading of Ayi Kwei Armah’s The Healers .Olawale Awosika 62 Career Services Perspectives on the Use of Portfolios in the Teacher Employment Process: A Survey.Robert M. Boody 67 Using Portfolios as a Learning Tool to Develop Preservice Teachers’ Inquiries and Perspectives in Early Science Teaching in South Korea.Seung-Yoeun Yoo 72 Autores Bilingiies/Bilingual Authors: Writing Within Dual Cultural and Linguistic Repertoires.Carolina Serna 78 Retaining Teachers in Challenging Schools .Bobbie Greenlee and John J. Brown, Jr. 96 Improving English Instruction Through Neuro-Linguistic Programming David Jay Helm 110 The Learning Organization Implemented in Education Through Advisory Committees .Jason Lee Davis and Harley Davis 114 An Evaluation of Beijing 1995 on the Appointments and Promotions of Nigerian Women to Decision-Making Positions .Chika Josephine A. Ifedili and Chigozie Adaora Ifedili 118 Disciplinary Action Committee (DAC) Charles Notar, Gena Riley, Roland Thornburg, Lynetta Owens and Cynthia Harper 129 Online Quizzes as a Study Tool for Biology for Non-Science Majors .J. J. Muchovej 133 Encouraging Creativity in the Face of Administrative Convenience: How our Schools Discourage Divergent Thinking .Eugene Geist and Jennifer Hohn 141 Personality: Is It a Product of Nature, Nurture, and/or Personal Choice? .Thomas S. Parish and Ryan Barness 151 An Assessment of Citizenship Education in Nigeria .M. Omo-Ojugo, H. E. Ibhafidon and Celia Otote 153 T EDUCATION VOLUME 130 Winter 2009 Number 2 9 Lesson Organization; Big Vision Step-by-Step Execution .Charles E. Notar and Jordan M. Barkley 163 A Comparative Analysis of the Models of Teacher Education in Terms of Teaching Practices in the USA, England, and Turkey .Orhan Karamustafaoglu 172 Developing a Curriculum for On-line International Business Degree: An Integrated Approach Using Systems and ERP Concepts .Mayor S. Desai and Richard Pitre 184 1 An Islamic Perspective on Environmental Literacy .Imfadi Abu-Hola 195 Relation Between Aspects of Mother’s Personality and Children’s Behavior Disorders .Ensiyeh Babaee and Sachin Jain 212 Prospective Teachers Experiences Teaching Mathematics to African American Males .Peter Sheppard 226 Undergraduate Research Assistantship: A Comparison of Benefits and Costs From Faculty and Students’ Perspectives .Simon A. Lei and Ning-Kuang Chuang 232 Cognitive and Social Constructivism; Developing Tools for an Effective Classroom .Katherine C. Powell and Cody J. Kalina 241 Supervising the Student Teacher in the Public School .Marlow Ediger 251 Examining Effective Teaching Via a Social Constructivist Pedagogy “Case Study” .Steven Wright and Michelle Grenier 255 The Use of the Welsh Inclusion Model and Its Effect on Elementary School Students .Stephen R. Pickard 265 Changes in Health Knowledge Lynette Silvestri and Marc Bonis 271 Chaos Theory and Post Modernism Joel Snell 274 An Investigation of the Instructional Pedagogy and Assessment Strategies Used by Teacher Educators in Two Universities Within a State System of Higher Education .Sue A. Rieg and Barbara A. Wilson 111 Response to Intervention: The Functional Assessment of Children Returning to School With Traumatic Brain Injury Bruce F. Dykeman 295 Elementary-School Mathematics Instruction and Achievement of Fourth-Grade Students in Japan: Findings From the TIMSS 2007 Assessment .J. Daniel House 301 An Evaluation of Changes in the Curriculum in Elementary School Level in Turkey .M. Akif Helvaci 308 Job Satisfaction of Experienced Professors at a Liberal Arts College .Susan H. Marston and Gerald J. Brunetti 323 A Study of High School Dropout Prevention and At-Risk Ninth Graders’ Role Models and Motivations for School Completion .Cheryl L. Somers, Delila Owens and Monte Piliawsky 348 l An Integration of “Backwards Planning” Unit Design With the “Two-Step” Lesson Planning Framework Karrie A. Jones, Paul J. Vermette and Jennifer L. Jones 357 EDUCATION VOLUME 130 Spring 2010 Number 3 Acquired Levels of Geographical Concepts Among 5th Grade Students Ali Bald 363 Investigating Students Misbehavior in Classroom Management in State and Private Primary Schools with a Comparative Approach Mustafa Durmuscelebi 377 An Examination of the Educational Programs Held for Juvenile Delinquents in Turkey .Saner Mehmet Ozdemir 384 Examining Language of Information Books for Children Hatice Zeynep Inan 399 Assessment Practices of Advanced Field Ecology Courses Simon A. Lei 404 Pulling Out All the Stops Renan Sezer 416 The Gender Role Perceptions of Male Students at a Prestigious, Single-Gender, Catholic High School Franklin T. Thompson and William P. Austin 424 The Importance of the Ninth Grade on High School G»-aduation Rates and Student Success in High School Kyle M. McCallumore and Ervin F. Sparapani 447 The Personal Touch: A Guide to Acquiring Power Within a College .Joseph Simplido 457 Improving Parent-Child Relationships Through Block Play Yen-Chun Lin 461 The Effects of Coping Humour and Gender on College Adjustment in Turkish Freshmen .Nagihan Oguz-Duran and Asurnan Ytiksel 470 Biology Student Teachers’ Conceptual Frameworks Regarding Biodiversity .Musa Dikmenli 479 Adult Illiteracy: The Root of African Underdevelopment .CJN.O Jogwu 490 Cooperative Learning Technique Through Internet Based Education: A Model Proposal .Hasan Huseyin Ozkan 499 Group Counseling: Techniques for Teaching Social Skills to Students with Special Needs .Derk Stephens, Sachin Jain and Kioh Kim 509 Parent Involvement in School-Wide Social Skills Instruction: Perceptions of a Home Note Program .Michael B. Adams, Sue A. Womack, Ryan H. Shatzer and Paul Caldarella 513 EDUCATION VOLUME 130 Summer 2010 Number 4 Attitudes Toward Women School Administrators in Turkey .Mustafa Celikten 531 The Civil Behavior of Students; A Survey of School Professionals . Keely Wilkins, Paul Caldarella, Rachel E. Crook-Lyon and K. Richard Young 540 Early Childhood Teachers’ Empowerment and Implementation of Teaching Method Programs for Child Development in Science Education Seung-Yoeun Yoo 556 The Opinions of the Geography Teacher Candidates About the Place of Field Trips in Geography Teaching Ali Bald 561 The Concept of Living and Non-Living Things in the World of Primary School Students in Turkey . Unsal Umdu Topsakal 573 Motivational Factors Toward Pursuing a Career in Special Education . Tammy. L. Stephens and Wade W. Fish 581 Hispanic Parents’ Perceptions of Children’s Education . Young Suk Hwang and Konstantinos Vrongistinos 595 Write-Skewed: Writing in an Introductory Statistics Course .Hendrick Delcham and Renan Sezer 603 College Distance Education Courses: Evaluating Benefits and Costs From Institutional, Faculty and Students’ Perspectives Simon A. Lei and Rajeev K. Gupta 616 Are Diarist Teacher Trainees Happier Than Non-Diarists? Or is it Vice Versa? . Nagihan Oguz-Duran 632 Co-Teaching: An Educational Promise for Children With Disabilities or a Quick Fix to Meet the Mandates of No Child Left Behind? . Joe Nichols, Alana Dowdy and Cindy Nichols 647 Does Using an Internet Based Program for Improving Student Performance in Grammar and Punctuation Really Work in a College Composition Course? . Roxanne Mills 652 Methods and Uses of Classroom Assessments Employed in Teaching Grades Three Through Five in Five School Districts in the Mississippi Delta .Garfield Burke Jr. and Ying Wang 657 “Beltek” Project for the Training and Employability of Women in Turkey .Erisen Yavuz, (^elikoz Nadir, Sahin Mehmet, Kapicioghi M. Osman Kurtkan, .Atas Sait, Akyol Cemal and Girgin ^agla 666 Typology of Analytical Errors in Qualitative Educational Research: An Analysis of the 2003-2007 Education Science Dissertations in Turkey Engin Karadag 674 A Comparative Analysis of Geography Education: International Samples and Turkey .Suleyman Incekara 682 Linguistic Acts Teachers Use in the Classroom: Verbal Stimuli Adnan Karaduz 696 Annual Indexes 705 "I

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