( ) ® 21 Extending electronics’ life span Pg 13 JAN EDN.comment Pg 6 IssIusseu e21 2//22000150 Jitter and the ins and wwwwww..eeddnn..ccoomm outs of SNR Pg 14 Prying Eyes: Analyzing a NAS Pg 16 Design Ideas Pg 31 VOICE OF THE ENGINEER Brown’s buzzer busts business Pg 40 INTEGRATION IN THE OTHER DIRECTION Page 24 RECOGNIZING TECHNOLOGY’S INFLECTIONS Page 19 eeddnn110000110022ccoovveerrbbuuttttoonn__iidd 0000CC11 11//1133//22001100 44::4411::2233 PPMM eeddnn110000110022ccoovveerrss..iinndddd 0000CC22 11//88//22001100 1100::1111::2211 AAMM Enter xx at www.edn.com/info eeddnn110000110022..iinndddd 11 11//88//22001100 1100::0077::5522 AAMM 1.21.10 contents OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Integration in the other direction 24Building your system with separate dice or separate chips may be a smart alternative to using SOCs. by Paul Rako, Technical Editor OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pulse Dilbert 10 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Recognizing 9 High-performance scopes 12 Solid-state-drive countera ttack technology’s provide 20-times boost packs a two-part punch in waveform-update rates inflections 12 Processor pushes power 10 Tiny PV cells offer even lower 19Inflections involve big benefits improving perform- 13 Voices: iFixit’s Kyle Wiens: ance, cost, or both. More 11 Energy harvester targets extending electronics’ life important, they simplify sys- piezoelectric transducers span tems for their users. 11 Cadence Virtuoso release by Robert Cravotta, highlights usability Technical Editor D E S I G NI D E A S 5V 31 Excel spreadsheet measures analog voltages MCAPD3C201 (cid:1)1C (cid:2)1F DB25 CLOPNTN1EC32 Schottky diodes improve comparator’s transient response 8 12VINR(cid:1)EF DOCUST5615BBIITT 73 OOFF 00xx337789 9 34 Algorithm keeps data safe 3IN(cid:1) CLK78BIT 6 OF 0x378 4 24 36 P-channel power-MOSFET driver uses unity-gain op amp 2 EDN | JANUARY 21, 2010 eeddnn110000110022ttoocc__iidd 22 11//1133//22001100 44::3344::2266 PPMM 29 More Q. Less Cu Copper 63.546 These tiny new air core inductors have the highest Q and current handling in the smallest footprint. Coilcraft’s new SQ air core inductors have unmatched Q factors: most are above 200 in the 1-2 GHz range! That’s 3 times higher than comparably sized 0805 chip coils. And with their extremely low DCR, they can handle 4 to 8 times more current: up to 4.4 Arms. SQ air core inductors are perfect for your LC filter and RF impedance matching applications. They come in 15 values ranging from 6 to 27.3 nH, Q factors are 3X higher than all with 5% tolerance. standard chip inductors These coils are significantly smaller than exist- ing air core inductors. We reduced the footprint by using close-wound construction and keeping the leads close to the body. The square shape cuts the height to as low as 1.5 mm and creates flat top and bottom sur- faces for easy automated handling and stable mounting. See how the ultra-high Q and current handling of Coilcraft’s The square shape and narrow footprint reduce board space by 60-75% over new SQ air core inductors can conventional air core inductors. maximize the performance of your next design. 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Mouser_EDN_1-21-09.indd 1 12/22/09 2:55:12PM eeddnn110000110022 44 11//1144//22001100 1111::3311::1133 AAMM contents 1.21.10 Simpler Power Conversion IR’s AC-DC product portfolio offers simple, compact high density solutions tailored 16 40 for energy-effi cient power supplies. D E PA R T M E N T S & C O L U M N S 6 EDN.comment: IP networks’ spread brings challenges to networking SOCs 14 Baker’s Best: Jitter and the ins and outs of SNR 16 Prying Eyes: Analyzing a NAS 39 Product Roundup: Optoelectronics and Displays 40 Tales from the Cube: Brown’s buzzer busts business µPFC™ PFC IC online contents www.edn.com PNaurmtber Pckg. V(VCC) (FkrHeqz). 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A Reed Business Information Publication/Volume 55, Number 2 (Printed in USA). eeddnn110000110022ttoocc__iidd..iinndddd 55 11//1144//22001100 99::1155::2211 AAMM ,, EDN.COMMENT BY RON WILSON, EXECUTIVE EDITOR pattern still exists where functions oc- cur in the network, according to Eric Hayes, Broadcom’s senior director of product marketing. “At the edge, poli- cy is user-based and generally oriented toward security concerns,” he says. “As you move nearer the core, policy be- comes more QOS-oriented. So while we have a uniform programming mod- IP networks’ spread brings el across the families, the ability to ap- ply policy varies from chip to chip.” challenges to networking SOCs Switch-fabric vendors aren’t the only ones to see a growing common- ality across applications. NPU (net- P erhaps the most pervasive trend in networking today is work-processing-unit) vendor Xeler- the seemingly complete victory of IP (Internet Protocol) ated has been successfully serving the over rival protocols and the concomitant spread of GbE mobile backhaul market but finds fi- ber-access applications increasingly (gigabit Ethernet). GbE is replacing other alternatives and attractive, says Thomas Eklund, Xel- even packetizing legacy data flows and carrying them as erated’s vice president of marketing encapsulated IP traffic. Along with carrying the traffic, and business development. Both mar- the new fast networks also must provide the application-specific services kets face similar QOS issues but from that older networks have evolved. This trend is drawing together dispa- different sources. In the backhaul market, ATM rate networks into a single medium, vastly simplifying facilities manage- (asynchronous-transfer-mode) net- ment for network operators but creating a pain for silicon designers. works often handle latency-intolerant The highest-profile example may be Requiring all these time-domain-multiplexed voice traf- in data centers, in which a 10-Gbit Eth- fic. In that market, the challenge is functions becomes ernet fabric is drawing in three physi- how to handle the increased data ser- cal networks: InfiniBand for clustering, a serious challenge vices that smartphones demand and Ethernet for data, and Fibre Channel that LTE (long-term evolution) prom- for SOC designers. for storage. The convergence means ises. In fiber-access networks, built for that the single network must offer all sporadic and latency-insensitive Web the management and QOS (quality- segment at Broadcom. The need for browsing, the problem is IPTV. Both of-service) features that three kinds of features, including MPLS (multipro- applications now seem to be converg- networks formerly provided. That sce- tocol label switching) and time syn- ing on similar needs for management nario, in turn, has implications for net- chronization, is cropping up across ac- and QOS, and those needs look a lot work-adapter cards, classifiers, and fab- cess, backhaul, and aggregation net- like carrier-Ethernet specifications. rics throughout the network. works, he adds. Switches throughout A parallel between the two conver- The same process seems to be unit- the network essentially must support gences exists in data centers and in ing the various networks that serve us- carrier-class services. the global network, which, in the long ers of the Internet. In the past, local Requiring all these functions across run, may foretell an evolution to an networks for end users, the aggrega- such a range of price and performance architecture that distributes comput- tion networks, fiber-access networks, becomes a serious challenge for SOC ing and storage resources throughout and mobile backhaul networks all had (system-on-chip) designers. The high- one network. In the meantime, SOC distinct requirements. According to end switches may require dedicated designers will be busy enough figuring at least two semiconductor vendors, hardware and substantial memory to out how to assemble and lay out the however, all of these networks may meet the demands of, for example, optimum family to spread a new level be converging. “We are seeing a need MPLS at wire speed. Yet low-end of classification and routing services for a common feature set at several switches go into cost-sensitive mar- across a lot of legacy applications.EDN different layers of the network,” says kets and can’t carry a silicon overhead Jim McKeon, senior manager of prod- for performance they don’t need. Contact me at ronald.wilson@reed uct marketing for the service-provider Fortunately for chip designers, a business.com. 6 EDN | JANUARY 21, 2010 eeddnn110000110022eeddiitt__iidd 66 11//1133//22001100 1111::4455::2244 AAMM PRESIDENT, BUSINESS MEDIA, REED BUSINESS INFORMATION Jeff DeBalko, [email protected] 1-646-746-6573 PUBLISHER, EDN WORLDWIDE SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR Russell E Pratt, 1-781-734-8417; Frances T Granville [email protected] 1-781-734-8439; fax: 1-303-265-3131; [email protected] ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, EDN WORLDWIDE EDITORIAL/WEB PRODUCTION Judy Hayes, 1-925-736-7617; Diane Malone, [email protected] Manager EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, EDN WORLDWIDE 1-781-734-8445; fax: 1-303-265-3024 Rick Nelson, 1-781-734-8418; Steve Mahoney, [email protected] Production/Editorial Coordinator 1-781-734-8442; fax: 1-303-265-3198 EXECUTIVE EDITOR Melissa Annand, Ron Wilson, 1-510-744-1263; Web Operations Specialist [email protected] 1-781-734-8443; fax: 1-303-265-3279 MANAGING EDITOR Adam Odoardi, Prepress Manager Amy Norcross 1-781-734-8325; fax: 1-303-265-3042 1-781-734-8436; CONSULTING EDITOR fax: 1-720-356-9161; Jim Williams, Staff Scientist, [email protected] Linear Technology Contact for contributed technical articles CONTRIBUTING TECHNICAL EDITORS SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Dan Strassberg, Mike O’Leary [email protected] 1-781-734-8307; Nicholas Cravotta, fax: 1-303-265-3021; [email protected] [email protected] COLUMNISTS ANALOG Howard Johnson, PhD, Signal Consulting Paul Rako, Technical Editor Bonnie Baker, Texas Instruments 1-408-745-1994; Pallab Chatterjee, SiliconMap [email protected] PRODUCTION MASS STORAGE, MULTIMEDIA, You’re thinking Kellysearch. 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