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Preview Edmundson Plaza - City of Alexandria, Virginia

Edmundson Plaza Docket Item # 14 A-C Development Special Use Permit #2006-0023 (A) Transportation Management Plan #2007-00 18 (B) Vacation #2007-000 1 (C) 1708 & 17 10 Prince Street, 1703, 1705, 1707 Duke Street & 206 Reinekers Lane Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2007 Docket Item #14 DSUP #2006-0023 SUP TMP #2007-00 18 VAC#2007-000 1 EDMUNDSON PLAZA Planning Commission Meeting , June 5,2007 REQUEST: Consideration of a request for approval of: 1) a development special use permit, with site plan for an office building with ground-floor retail and underground parking; 2) a special use permit for a Transportation Management Plan; 3) a special use permit for an increase in the penthouse height; 4) a special use permit for increased floor area; 5) a special use permit for a health club; 6) a special use permit for a restaurant use; and 7) a vacation of a portion of the public right-of-way on Reineker's Lane. APPLICANT: Carr Properties, Inc, by Jonathan Rak, attorney STAFF: Jeffrey Famer, Division Chief, Development Jeffrey.Famer@,alexandriava.g ov Natalie Sun, Urban Planner Natalie.Sun@,alexandriava.gov LOCATION: 1708 Prince Street, 1710 Prince Street, 1703, 1705, 1707 Duke Street & 206 Reinekers Lane ZONE: OCHIOffice Commercial High PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION, JUNE 5, 2007: On a motion by Mr. Jennings, seconded by Ms. Fossum, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of DSUP #2006-0023, TMP Special Use Permit #2007-0018, and VAC #2007-0001, subject to compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and staff recommendations with amendments to conditions 25e and 42 and the proposed changes to conditions 7, 14, 15a, 16, 19b, 20,25g, 27f, 27j, 271,33, 34, and 60 as referenced in the letter dated June 5, 2007 from Jonathan Rak. The motion carried on a vote of 5 to 0. Mr. Komoroske and Mr. Dunn were absent. Reason: The Planning Commission agreed with the staff analysis. Speakers: Jonathan Rak, attorney, representing the applicant. DSUP #2006-0023, TMP#2007-0018, VAC#2007-0001 Edmundson Plaza VAC #2007-0001 DSUP #2006-0023, TMP#2007-0018, VAC#2007-0001 Edmundson Plaza IMPACTS / BENEFITS: TABLE #1 IMPACTBENEFITS COMMENTS The proposal will add an active Metro oriented development to the King Street Metro urban setting, with a five-story office Consistency with building and ground floor retail uses, and a publicly accessible Strategic Plan pedestrian open space plaza which will serve as a setting for the historic, 100-year old building being retained. 100,108 sq. ft office i Use 15,800 sq. ft. retail 12.000 sa. ft. (below grade) retail-health club Open Space Open space pedestrian plaza connects to other pedestrian pathways and to the King Street Metro. 14-16 fi wide sidewalk along Reineker's Lane and Prince Street, Pedestrian improved sidewalk width along Duke Street, street trees, pedestrian scale lighting, trash receptacles, and bicycle parking. Ground floor retail accessible to pedestrians along Reineker's Lane. II I 5-story building with a height of approximately 68 feet, 1 consistent with surrounding area and King Street Metro area. Building Compatibility Significant setback around historic building to emphasize and I 1 not detract from it. I 1 $191,862 contribution to the Housing Trust Fund, consistent Affordable Housing with the DHCPWG recommendations. Three-levels of underground parking with 179 parking spaces. 30 parking spaces proposed for the health club; 6 parking spaces Parking proposed for the retail; and 143 parking spaces proposed for the office use. Staff has included a recommendation that will require the site Environment and building elements to be designed in a manner to achieve a of 23 points on the LEED rating system Estimated annual real estate tax revenue DSUP #2006-0023, TMP#2007-00 18, VAC#2007-0001 Edmundson Plaza 11. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A. Overview: The applicant is requesting development special use permit approval to construct a five-story office building to consist of approximately 16,000 sq. ft. of retail on the ground floor and 100,000 sq. ft. of office use on the upper four floors. The proposal also includes a 12,000 sq. ft. below-grade retail-health club and three levels of underground parking with 179 parking spaces. Figure I: View from Duke St.-Reineker's Lane Two existing small buildings constructed in the 1950s will be demolished to make room for the proposed building. However, a critical component of the development will retain the 100-year old, small-scale building at the corner of Duke Street and Reineker's Lane. As a result, the proposal combines the City's interest in historic preservation and increased density near the King Street Metro. The approvals requested by the applicant consist of the following: Increased floor area from 2.0 to 3.0 FAR; Transportation Management Plan (TMP); Penthouse height to exceed 15 feet (18 ft. proposed); Reduced office parking ratio; Vacation of a portion of the right of way; Full-service restaurant use; and Health and athletic club use. 4 Figure 3: Potential Redevelopment Sites DSUP #2006-0023, TMP#2007-00 18, VAC#2007-0001 Edmundson Plaza This site is one of the few remaining undeveloped sites in proximity (approximately 1,000 ft.) to the King Street Metro that has been planned for high density and height. Others include the ,adjoining Table Talk and Crate and Barrel sites, and the site at the southeast corner of Daingerfield and Prince Street (see Figure 3). The subject property is unique from the others, however, because it includes a small scale, 100-year old building on Duke Street. Therefore, it presents both the challenge and opportunity of retaining a historic building while meeting the planning objectives of appropriate density near the King Street Metro Fipure 4: 100-Year Old Buildinp at1 707 Duke St Station. Although the historic building is not within the boundaries of a historic district, it is on the 100-year old building survey and, therefore, any changes or alterations require approval by the Old and Historic Board of Architectural Review. To address these two planning interests - historic preservation and increased density - staff worked with the applicant to establish the following principles: Provide a considerable (59 to 82 ft) setback between the two buildings; Step down the building height in the direction of the historic building; Provide ground level open space and landscaping around the historic building; Use appropriate wall treatment adjacent to the historic building; and Use modulation, materials and colors to reduce the Figure 5: Building Separation perceived scale of the proposed building. B. Building Compatibility: The proposed building is considerably larger in height and footprint than the existing historic building. Staff required a series of design features as part of the development to ensure that the two very different buildings remain differentiated but compatible. For example, the proposed building is set back approximately 60 to 85 feet from the existing building V/ Figure 6: Pedestrian Connection to Mdrn DSUP #2006-0023, TMP#2007-00 18, VAC#2007-000 1 Edmundson Plaza (see Figure 5). The distance is significant, and is comparable to the 66-foot width of a typical Old Town street (building- to-building). The setback provides a transition between the existing building and the new building and also allows space for a prominent ground level open space courtyard. The new building will include a variety of heights., and steps down to 50 feet adjacent to the 100-year old building, providing additional transition between the two. Finally, the proposal includes a pedestrian path through the courtyard to separate the two buildings and serve the dual purpose of also connecting to and reinforcing the adjoining King Street Station complex pedestrian path to the Metro Station (See Figure 6). C. Historic Recognition/Ground Level Open Space: The proposed setback between the two buildings allows for a 7,619 sq. ft. open space area to be visible from Duke Street and accessible for pedestrians. Because the success of the open space and its opportunity to memorialize the history of the site will only be achieved through appropriate treatment and design, staff has added a series of conditions on this point. In addition, staff recommends that after staff, the applicant and other relevant groups have worked through design concepts for the open space area, the final design be approved by the BAR. D. Design Transition for 100-Year Old Building: Given the juxtaposition of the two buildings, the new building must, in terms of materials and design, provide an appropriate background and setting for its historic neighbor. The proposal consists of a transparent glass wall next to the 100- year old building, a generally acceptable design approach because it provides a lighter wall next to the historic, brick building. Nevertheless, staff has been concerned about the quality and design of the wall because, while there are successful precedents, there are also examples that have been less well executed. In response to staffs concerns, the applicant has indicated that it will use Shakespeare Theatre, located at 6th and F Streets in Washington, D.C., as a reference. The street facade of that building consists of two panels of transparent glazing, the outer layer of which is a clear, thin glass veil that appears to be floating. Staff has added a recommendation that will ensure that the color and installation of the Edmundson Plaza glass wall are of exemplary quality, crucial to the success of this design approach. Figure 8: Shakespeare Theatre DSUP #2006-0023, TMP#2007-0018, VAC#2007-0001 Edmundson Plaza E. Uses: The applicant proposes to include a 12,000 sq. ft. health club use as part of the new building. The use requires SUP approval. The applicant has also indicated a desire to increase the size of the health club to include floor area on the first floor, although most of the use will be located on the first below grade level. Staff recommends that the health club use not be approved at this time. Rather, it should be considered for a separate SUP approval at a later date, when an operator has been chosen and more information is available regarding the size of the use, the specific applicantloperator, number of employees, and appropriate parking for the use. F. Community: Staff and the applicant conducted ten community meetings for this project with the Upper King Street Civic Association, Old Town Civic Association, Old Town Business and Professional Association, the Royalton Condominium Association, the Metropolitan Condominium Association, and the Alexandria Black History Museum. The development process has included extensive community feedback. There are numerous changes and revisions to the proposal that have improved the plan through active citizen involvement. G. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposed commercial building since it meets the goals and objectives outlined in the King Street Metro Small Area Plan, including creating a high-quality office and retaillrestaurant development supported by publicly accessible open space. The proposal also historic building and provides an appropriate balance and transition between the existing 100- year old structure and the new, Metro-oriented development. Fipure 9: Reineker's Lane-west side DSUP #2006-0023, TMP#2007-00 18, VAC#2007-000 1 Edmundson Plaza 111. BACKGROUND: A. Site and Context: The 36,691 sq. ft. (0.84 acre) site is .located at the visually prominent intersection of Duke Street and Reineker's Lane, within walking distance (approximately 1,000 ft.) of the King Street Metro station. The site is long and narrow, with three frontages: on Duke Street, Reineker's Lane and Prince Street. The Whole Foods mixed-use building is located across Duke Street directly to the south of this property. Immediately to the west, across Reineker's Lane, are two seven-story office buildings. A six-story office building is located directly to the north on Prince Street. The site is also adjacent to two future Figure 10: Prince St-north side 0 redevelo~ments ites. including the Crate and Barrel Outlet " store (immediately adjacent to the east on Prince Street), and the Table Talk restaurant site (adjacent on Duke Street). This commercial infill location now consists of three lots. On the comer of Duke Street and Reineker's Lane sits a 100- year old, two-story, historic structure (1707 Duke Street), now used as a real estate office, with a second non-historic building, now used for a travel agency, attached. On the two lots fronting Prince Street sit two, attached, non-historic, one- Figure 11: Whole Foods story buildings with associated surface parking lots. The three non-historic buildings were constructed in the 1950's and are proposed to be demolished with this development. The proposed plan would consolidate the three lots into one lot. The subject property slopes down from Reineker's Lane approximately six feet along Prince Street, and approximately three feet along the front of the property at Duke Street. The size, shape and topography of the site create challenges for development, especially relating to building configuration Fiwe 11: CrateondBarreI and size, vehicular access, and visibility of the proposed uses. DSUP #2006-0023, TMP#2007-00 18, VAC#2007-000 1 Edmundson Plaza B. Proposal: The proposed office building will face both Duke Street and Reineker's Lane, and will be constructed over a three-level underground parking garage accessed from Prince Street on the northern portion of the site. The primary office entrance for pedestrians to the site will be through a prominent open space area on Duke Street, and the main, lobby entrance to the office building will be through a door facing the proposed open space-courtyard. Pedestrian access to the open space and the retail shops will also be provided from Reineker's Lane. Figure 13: Reineker's Lane and Prince St. Perspective The proposed five-story, 115,908 sq. ft. building will be long and narrow, with a building footprint of approximately 270 ft. x 95 ft. The building faces are articulated into a series of vertical bays, with portions of the buildings setback to provide visual interest. The proposed development includes 100,108 sq. ft. of office on four floors of the new building. The first floor will include 15,800 sq. ft. of retail and restaurant use. A 12,000 square foot health and athletic club is proposed on the first below grade level of space. The main retaillrestaurant entrances are proposed through doors facing Reineker's Lane, Prince Street and the open spacelcourtyard area. C. Historic Context: This proposal is adjacent to an existing 100-year old building at 1707 Duke Street that, although outside the boundaries of the City's historic districts, is protected by City Council as a designated 100-year old building of historical or archeological interest. According to Ethelyn Cox's Historic Alexandria Street by Street: a Survey of Existing Early Buildings, 1707 Duke Street "may date from the ownership of John Longden, whose death at his residence in West End was announced April 1, 1830. In March 1844, Longden heirs conveyed it Figure 14: lOO-~eaOr ld House 1707 Duke St. for $1,500 to Joseph Bruin. An 1853 insurance

Association, and the Alexandria Black History Museum. including the Crate and Barrel Outlet " 0 store (immediately adjacent to the east on Prince Street), and
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