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Ectoparasitic Mites (Acari, Trombiculidae) on Opilionids (Opiliones, Gagrellidae) in Northern Thailand PDF

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Preview Ectoparasitic Mites (Acari, Trombiculidae) on Opilionids (Opiliones, Gagrellidae) in Northern Thailand

NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 50(2): 239-243,2 002 , ECTOPARASITIC MITES (ACARITROMBICULIDAE) ON , OPLIONIDS (OPILIONESGAGRELLIDAE) IN NORTHERN THAILAND Pakawin Danki.的ipakul1and Saowapa Sonthichai1 ABSTRACT Five species of opilionids viz,Ga grella alba,G. fumosa,G. sexmaculata,M etagagrella curvispina,飢 dM.fusca,f rom Doi Inthanon National Park and Doi Suth官:p-PuiNational P訂k, Chiang Mai Province,n orthern Thailand,ar e reported for the first time in association wi由 toparasiticlarvae of trombiculid mites. Forty-three p ntof opilionid individuals examined 民 巴民活 were carrying mites,m ost of which were attached to the hosts' legs. Different degrees of p紅asitism泊出eopilionid hosts were observed. The possible reasons for this phenomenon訂e discussed. Key words: Opiliones,Ga grella,Me tagagrella,p asiticmites,Tr ombiculidae,百lailand. 釘 INTRODUCTION Nematodes紅e血emajor p紅asitesof opilionids,bu t several opilionid species have also been found cryingconspicuous,br ight red mites of the family Thrombidiidae. These 釘 mites are Erythraeus phalangioides,B elaustiurn nernorurn,a nd at least four species of Leptus (CLOUDSLEY-THOMPSON,1 968; FAIN & D' AMICO,1 997). So far,n o parasitic Trombiculidae have been found on opilionids. Trombiculid mites are typically found on vertebrates,w hich they feed on as parasites or use for dispersal (phoresy). Many住ombiculidmites紅ep釘asiticon rodents,bi rds,a nd bats (AM別ーBAB厄E EIA L.,19 97; BROWN,1 998; DOOD & KURTA,1 988; GOFF,1 984,1 988; GoFF & WHlTAKER, 1984; GOFF ETA L.,1 984; IWASA ET A ,.L 1990; KOL回 INOVA,1985; MORSY ETA L.,19 99; SPALD町GEI AL.,1 997; URAKAMI EI AL.,1 999; YANG,1 987; ZHAO,1 984). Some have been found on m訂supials,reptiles,a nd frogs (GOFF & EASTON,1 989; LESτ'ER,1 983; OAKWOOD & SPRATT,2 000; SPIELER & LINSENMAIR,1 999). However,to our knowledge, no trombiculid mite larvae have ever been recorded on opilionids. Here we present the frrst published descriptions of ectoparasitic trombiculid larvae on opilionids in百lailand. IDepartrnent of Biology,Fa culty of Science,Ch iang Mai University,Ch iang Mai 50200 Received 3J une 2002; accepted 24 September 2002. 239 240 PAKAWIN DANKl1TIPAKUL AND SAOWAPA SONTHICHAI MATE悶ALSAND勘血,THODS The maj'Ority 'Ofr nites and 'Opili'Onids exarnined in this study were c'Ollected 合omD'Oi InthannN atinal Park (1832' N,9 8・34'E) and from DiS uthep-PuiN atinal Park 'O 'O 0 'O 'O (18048' N,9 80 55' E),Ch iang Mai Pr'Ovince,n' Orthem Thailand,be tween June and August 2000,in 血.ec'Ourse 'Off aunistic surveys 'Ofs piders. The 'Opili'Onids were c'Ollected by hand fr'Om the vegetati'On,pl aced in ap lastic vial,an d ac 'Ott'Onb all with ethyl acetate was added fra r ninute rs The specimens were then taken tthe Terrestrial Arthrpds Research 'O 'O 'O. 'O 'O'O labratry,C hiang Mai University,f rs rting and identificatin. 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O Mites are c'Onsidered t'O be parasitic when their m'Outhparts are fin叫yembedded in血e cuticle 'Oft he h'Ost. Parasitic rnites were identified t'O farnily using the key 'OfK ETHLEY (1990) and c'Onfirmed by Dr Sand'OrM ahunka (Hung町).Opili'Onids were identified using the key prvided by Suzu阻(1985). 'O RESULTS Wec llected 205 pilinid individuals,be lnging ttw genera dfive species, 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 佃 during this study (Table 1). They we Gagrellaalba Suzuki 1985,G . fumosa Suzuki 陀 1985,G . sexmaculata Suzuki 1969,M etagagrella curvispina Suzuki 1985 and M. fusca Suzuki 1985. A multi-species aggregatinw as bserved at ne lcality,n e ariverbank 'O 'O 'O 'O 紅 in deciduus diptercarp-oak frest abut 1,000 m elevatin nD iI nthann. These were 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 138 individuals fG . fumosa,18 fG . sexmaculata,4 fM . curvispina,a nd 5 fM . fusca. 'O 'O 'O 'O The ther specimens were cllected frm different lcalities nD iI nthanna nd Di 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O Suthep. All five species were infested with larvae ft rmbiculid mites (Acari, 'O 'O Trmbidifrmes,T rmbiculidae),w ith 43 percent fa ll pilinid individuals exarnined 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O being parasitized (Table 1). The degrees fp itismin each hst varied cnsiderably: 'O 紅白 'O 'O Metagagrellafusca (100%),M. curvispina (75%),G. fumosa (40%),G. sexmaculata (39%), and G. alba (31 %). The number fr nites per hst specimen ranged frm 1t 10,w ith am ean f1 .5 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O (::!:: 0.9 SD),me dian value 1a nd m'Ode 'Of2. Metagagrella fusca was血em'Ost abundantly p紅asitizedh'Ost,a lways c釘rying3ー10rnites. Several individuals 'OfG . fumosa c紅ried 1-4 rnites,th se fG agrella alba and M. curvispina 1-2 rnites,wh ile all specimens f 'O 'O 'O G. sexmaculata had nly ne rnite (Table 1). 'O 'O Table 1. Parasitism 'Oftr 'Ombiculid rnites 'Onf ive species 'Of'O pili'Onids仕omn'Orthem Thailand Species No. hosts studied No. hosts occupied % parasitism No. mitesJhost Gagrella alba 16 5 31.3 1-2 (me 1.3) 飢 Gagrella fumosa 162 64 39.5 1-4 (mean 1.6) Gagrella sexmaculata 18 7 38.8 1-1 (mean 1.0) 。 Metagagrella curvispina 4 3 75.0 1-2 (mean 1.2) Metagagrella fusca 5 5 100. 3-10 (mean 6.5) Total 205 84 40.97 1.4-3.8( mean 1.5) ECTOPARASITIC M汀'ES(ACARI,T ROMBICULIDAE) ON OPLIONIDS 241 Mites were found mainly on the legs of the hosts (Table 2) where they apparently preferred attach泊gthemselves to the long segments. Mites were most abundant on the host'sf emora (40%),pa tellae (39%),of ten also attached to the tibiae (9%),an d occasionally to出emetatarsi (1 %). Seven mites (6%) were present on出edorsal scutum. Nom ites were found on the ventral part of白ebody such as the stemum and coxae. Table 2. Numbers of trombiculid mites attached to various ptsof five species of opilionids 釘 = = = = from northem Thailand. T tarsus,M t metatarsus,T i tibia,P t patella, = = = = = Fe femur,T r trochanter,C x coxa,D s dorsal scutum,St stemum. Species Ds S。t C。x T。r Fe Pt T。i M。t T。 。。。 。 Gargella alba 1 4 3 。。。。 。。。 Gargella fumosa 5 24 32 7 。。。 。。。 Gagrella sexmaculata 6 2 。。。 。。 Metagagrella curvispina 1 4 3 Metagagrella fusca 。。6 7 4 3 。 Total 7 6 45 44 10 DISCUSSION Aggr芭gationsof opilionids have been recorded泊somePalpatores including Gagrellidae (CODD町GTONETA L.,1 990; HOLMBERG ETA L., 1984). HOLMBERG ETA L.,(1 984) suggested that gregarious behavior in opilionids occurs in certain places in order to avoid dehydration and exposure to sunlight. The observed aggregations of G. fumosa toge血erwith other species (multi-species aggregation) ne釘 ariverbank may explain出isphenomenon,si nce 血ismicrohabitat is constantly moist. As numerous individuals of G. fumosa were found occu汀ingtogether at the s創neplace (mono-species aggregation),it is possible that血e formation of mating groups is another reason for this behavior (see HOLMBERG ETA L., 1984). Metagagrella fusca was the most strongly parasitized host species observed,w ith 100% parasitism and with the highest numbers of mites per individual. The physical factors of the exoskeleton may influence choice of host. All coxae of M. fusca are thickly coated with aw hite secretion. This secretion,kn own to function in intraspecific recognition (HOLMBERG,1 986),m ay contain specific substances白紙 couldstimulate the mites to attack certain species of opilionids. Another member of the genus,M . curvispina,r anks second in number of p紅'asites.It is possible白紙Metagagrellaproduces chemical substances that are attractive to these mites.τ'hec oloration of出eMetagagrella is different合omthat of other genera. The bodies of the Metagagrella species examined were blackish dorsally and ventrally,wh ile the species of Gagrella examined were brown or dark yellow in color. Mites attached to出epatellae of their hosts were mainly found piercing their mouthparts into the membranous joint between patella and tibia,w here they could feed more easily. Thel eg femora carried mites mostly in their distal parts,in cluding the membranous joint 242 PAKAWIN DANKITIIPAKUL AND SAOWAPA SONTHICHAI between the femur and patella. Thel ong femoral segment provides easy access to soft tissue. Mites were absent on the tarsi,t he long articulated distal segments of the legs, which bend as the opilionids move. Opilionids carefully clean their distal leg segments by pulling them through the chelicerae; this habit may explain why there were no mites on the tarsi and only one mite on the metatars .i Parasitism of opilionids by mites may be regarded as am odification of an ancestral behavioral pattem. Some species of mites are rarely found free-living,bu t mostly occur in association with mammals and other vertebrates where they do not feed directly on the host,bu t on other mites and insects living on it. It is easy to imagine that some of these epizoic mites later evolved an easy way to obtain their food by sucking the blood of the animal on which they lived. By this means,m yfamilies of mites may have become 叩 ectoparasitic on b凶 sand mammals (BELL & WHELAN,1 993; GOFF & W町fA阻 R,1984; HADI & CARNEY,1 977; PEREIRA-LORENZO,1 993). In the same way,m ites may attack opilionids for two reasons. First,op ilionids provide ap lace where these mites can obtain food. Secondly,op ilionids are used as am echanism to stay in moist environments. TODD (1949) found as trong correlation between humidity and the migration of Phalangiidae. Later,th ese mites may also have evolved an ew life style and become parasites. However, they do not remain permanently attached to hosts,bu t feed on them before retuming to the ground. Although parasitized opilionids have not yet been collected from localities other than Doi Inthanon National Park and Doi Suthep-Pui National Park,it is probable that mites parasitic on opilionids occur commonly elsewhere in百四land.Opilionids in association with ectoparasitic mites have been reported from different geographical regions by various authors (CLOUDSLEY-THOMPSON,1 968; FORSTER,1 954; FAIN & D'AMICO,1 997),b ut all there records refer to Trombidiidae,no t Trombiculidae. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We 'eespecially grateful to Dr. Peter J. Schwendinger (Musem d'histoire naturelle, 釘 Genとve),Dr. Stephen Elliott and Mr. J. F. Maxwell (both at Chiang Mai University) for their critical comments on the manuscrip .tWe eindebted to Dr. Sandor Mahunka (Museum 紅 of Natural History,B udapest) for confirmation of our identifications of mite specimens. REFERENCES AMIN-BABJEE,S. M.,C. C. LEE,AN D A. A. MAHMOOD. 1997. Prevalence of ectoparasite infestations in different age groups of vil1age chickens. Journal Veterinary Malaysia 9(2): 55-59. BELL,P. J.,A ND P. 1. WHELAN. 1993. As crub typhus vector Leptotrombidium deliense Austra1ia. J. Australian Entomol. Soc. 32(3): 207-208. BROWN,W . A. 1998. Walchiella (Acari: Trombiculidae) from rodent hosts from the Philippines. Internat. J. Acarol. 24(2): 107-112. CLOUDSLEY-THOMPSON,J. L. 1968. Spiders,S corpions,C entipedes and Mites. Pergamon Press,Ox ford. CODDlNGTON,J. A.,M. HARNER,AN D E. A. SODERSTROM. 1990. Mass aggregation in tropica1 harvestrnen (Opiliones, Gagrellidae: Prionostemma spふRevueArachnologique 8: 213-219. DOOD,S. B.,AN D A. KURTA. 1988. 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Chiggers (Acぽina:Trombiculidae) p訂'asitisingsmaIlm ammals in GaIicia (NW Spain). Acarologia 34(4): 323-329. SPALDING,M . G.,W . J. W阻 NN,S. T. SCHWIKERT,A ND 1. A. SCHMIDT. 1997. Dermatitis in young F10rida sandhill cranes (Grus cannadensis pratensis) due to infestation by血e.chigger,Bl ankaartia sinnamaryi.よParasitol. 83(4): 768-771. SPIELER,M .,A ND K. E. LINSENMAIR. 1999.ηle larval mite Endotrombicula pillersi (Ac釘ina:Trombiculidae) as as pecies-specific par副総ofaW est African savannall frog (Phrynobatrachusfrancisci). Amer. Midl. Nat. 142(1): 152-161. SUZUKI,S. 1985. As ynopsis of the Opilionids of Thailand (Araciulida) II. Palpatores. Steenstrupia 11 (7): 209-257. TODD,V. 1949. The habits and ecology of the British harvestmen (Arachnida,Op iliones),w i血specialreference to those of the Oxford distric .tJ. Anim. Ecol. 18: 209-216. URAKAMI,H .,A . TAMURA,I. V. TARASEVICH,T. KADOSAKA,A ND F. N. SHUBIN. 1999. Decreased preva1ence of Orientia tsutsugamushi in trombiculid mites and wild rodents in the Primorye region,F ar East Russia. Microbiol. Immunol. 43(10): 975-978. YANG,B. X. 1987. Investigation of ectoparasitic mites of rodents in Sandu District,Fu jian Provinω.An n. Bull. Soc. Parasitol.,G uangdong Province 8-9: 37. ZHAO,S. X. 1984. An ew species of chigger mite parasitic on bats (Acarina: Trombiculidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 9(3): 281-283.

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