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Preview economics of defense polic adm. hg rickover

ECONOMICS OF DEFENSE POLIC ADM. H. G. RICKOVER HEARING BEFORE THE JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES NINETY-SEVENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION PART 6 COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS, INDEPENDENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Printed for the use of the Joint Economic Committee LISi-ARY COPY RETURN TOt JOINT ECONOMIC,¢r RWAS. 33 Ad e WASH.. D-(By ECONOMICS OF DEFENSE POLICY: ADM.-H. -G. RICKOVER HEARING BEFORE THE JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES NINETY-SEVENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION PART 6 COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS, INDEPENDENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Printed for the use of the Joint Economic Committee U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 92-784 0 WASHINGTON: 1982 JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE (Created pursuant to sec. 5(a) of Public Law 304, 79th Cong.) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SENATE HENRY S. REUSS, Wisconsin, Chairman ROGER W. JEPSEN, Iowa, Vice Chairman RICHARD BOLLING, Missouri WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR., Delaware LEE H. HAMILTON, Indiana JAMES ABDNOR, South Dakota GILLIS W. LONG, Louisiana STEVEN D. SYMMS, Idaho PARREN J. MITCHELL, Maryland PAULA HAWKINS, Florida FREDERICK W. RICHMOND, New York MACK MATTINGLY, Georgia CLARENCE J. BROWN, Ohio LLOYD BENTSEN, Texas MARGARET M. HECKLER, Massachusetts WILLIAM PROXMIRE, Wisconsin JOHN H. ROUSSELOT, California EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts CHALMERS P. WYLIE, Ohio PAUL S. SARBANES, Maryland JAMES K. GALBRAITH, Executive Director BRUCE R. BARTLETT, Deputy Director (1i) CONTENTS COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS, INDEPENDENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS January 20, 1970-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Material criticizing a proposed NAVMAT instruction entitled "Human Page Factors." (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.)_ 1 May 4, 1971-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Commander, Naval Ship Systems Command recommending against proposed "Zero Defects" award for Norfolk Naval Shipyard. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -- --- ---- _---- 3 February 16, 1972-H. G. Rickover letter to the Executive Secretary of the Cost Accounting Standards Board commenting on the implementation of cost accounting standards. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.)-- -- ----------------------------- 5 March 14, 1972-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Commander, Naval Ship Systems Command concerning a proposed NAVSHIPS instruction, "Management by Objective." (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -7----------- 7 June 28, 1972-H. G. Rickover memorandum for Adm. I. C. Kidd, Jr., stating that a burgeoning administrative bureacracy, which fuels itself on an overabundance of management procedures, impedes weapon system Norveelimabbielirt y7. , 1(N97o 2-reHc.o rdG . eRxiicstkso voefr am eremspoorannsde umto ftohri st hme eAmsosirsatnadnut mSe.)c r-e-- 9 tary of Defense (Installations and Logistics) recommending substantial revision prior to issuance of a proposed Defense procurement circular entitled, "Contractor Capital Employed Policy… _ 26 November 11, 1972, and December 4, 1972-Memoranda from Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installation and Logistics) to H. G. Rickover re- sponding to November 7, 1972, memorandum. The correspondence from the Assistant Secretary answers questions concerning the recognition of contractor involvement in negotiating profit - __-_-_-_ -_ 29 December 6, 1972-H.G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Material concerning the higher prices and increased profits that will re- situallt Efrmompl oiymepdl ePmoelinctya.t"i on(N oof rtehceo rDd eepxairsttms eonf ta orfe sDpoenfesnes et op trhoipso smeedm "oCraapn-- du m .) -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - 3 6 January 31, 1973-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Assistant Secre- tary of Defense (Installations and Logistics) with comments and recom- mendations concerning a Defense procurement circular entitled "Contractor Capital Employed Policy"- 39 January 31, 1973-Letter from Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installation and Logistics) to H. G. Rickover responding to January 31, 1973, letter. The correspondence from the Assistant Secretary answers ques- tions concerning the recognition of contractor involvement in negotiating profit -42 February 22, 1973-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics) with comments and recommendations concerning a Defense procurement circular entitled "Contractor Capital Employed Policy." (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -44 June 29, 1973-H. G. Rickover letter to the Executive Secretary of the Cost Accounting Standards Board recommending that accelerated deprecia- tion, which may be permitted for tax and financial accounting purposes, not ordinarily be used for estimating, accumulating and reporting costs for Government contracts. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) - ----------------------------------------- 46 (m) IV November 21, 1973-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Research concerning the Electric Boat independent research and de- velopment program for 1973. (No record exists of a response to this Page 7 memorandum.)- November 21, 1973-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Material concerning contractor independent research and development. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -50 September 9, 1974-H. G. Rickover letter to the Executive Secretary of the Cost Accounting Standards Board concerning the proposed cost accounting standard for depreciation of tangible capital assets. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -52 November 1, 1974-H. G. Rickover letter to the Comptroller General of the United States concerning contractor independent research and development. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.)---- 54 November 7, 1974-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Assistant Secre- tary of the Navy (Research and Development) concerning contractor independent research and development. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -59 January 2, 1975-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Deputy Director, Navy and Marine Corps Acquisition Review Committee (NMARC) with comments on a draft report of NMARC and taking exception with the NMARC recommendation that the Navy should increase the attractiveness of doing business through a number of financial and con- tractual means designed to decrease contractor risk and increase con- tractor profit. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -- 60 March 13, 1975-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Material recommending against the establishment of a proposed Project Reporting System and Status Board. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -64 May 23, 1975-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Deputy Secretary of Defense concerning implementation of Cost Accounting Standard 409, Depreciation of Tangible Capital Assets. (No record exists of a re- sponse to this memorandum.) -66 June 27, 1975-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command recommending a more stringent NAVSEA policy with regard to contractor independent research and development. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -68 December 5, 1975-H. G. Rickover letter to Senator Thomas McIntyre and Senator William Proxmire concerning independent research and development and bid and proposal costs -75 January 20, 1976-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the General Counsel of the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) rec- ommending that ERDA patent regulations be revised to discourage waiver of Government patent rights. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -83 July 26, 1976-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Director, Profit '76 with recommendations concerning proposed Department of Defense policy changes entitled "Profit '76". The proposed changes restructure the factors used in setting prenegotiation profit objectives and make the imputed costs of facilities capital an allowable cost for negotiated defense procurements. The H. G. Rickover memorandum recommends methods of evaluating profit in terms of return-on-investment. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) _ 87 April 30, 1977-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research and Devel6pment) pointing out that the Gov- ernment does not get patent rights to technical data and inventions developed at Government expense under the independent research and development program. (No record exists of a response to this memo- randum.) ----------- 91 July 26, 1977-H. G. Rickover letter to Senator Lee Metcalf commenting on the Securities and Exchange Commission's activities with regard to accounting standards and the accounting profession -95 September 19, 1977-H. G. Rickover letter to the Executive Director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People concerning the need for national educational standards. (No record exists of a re- sponse to this letter.) - 100 V January 17, 1979-H. G. Rickover letter to the Chairman of the President's Commission on Military Compensation with recommendations regarding the dual compensation of retired military personnel serving as civilian employees of the Federal Government. (No record exists of a response to Page this letter.) _…-_--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 102 June 21, 1978-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Secretary of Defense recommending the abolishment of the present contractor independent re- search and development system - 126 November 24, 1978-Memorandum from Under Secretary of Defense to H. G. Rickover concerning June 21, 1978, memorandum. The Secretary states that while Rickover's interests in independent research and devel- opment policy is appreciated, he feels the current system fundamentally sound --------------------- 131 October 18, 1978-H. G. Rickover letter to Congressman Joseph G. Minissh discussing the fiscal year 1978, $34 million excess profit determination of the Renegotiation Board -_ _ 132 April 18, 1979-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Deputy Secretary of Defense recommending the elimination of Department of Defense partici- pation in privately sponsored seminars. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -_- - _--- ----- --- 133 April 20, 1979-H. G. Rickover letter to Congressman Ronald M. Mottl commenting on a bill to develop national scholastic standardcs and tests -_- - -- - 139 May 2, 1979-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Director, Office of Federal Procurement Policy with recommendations concerning "A Uni- form Profit Policy for Government Acquisition." (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) - 141 August 3, 1979-H. G. Rickover letter to the Chairman, Cost Accounting Standards Board commenting on the manner of allocating independent research and development and bid and proposal costs to Government contracts. (No record exists of a response to this letter.) …-___-- 144 October 26, 1979-H. G. Rickover letter to the Chairman of the Cost Ac- counting Standards Board recommending the Board withdraw a pro- posed change to its regulations; the change would exempt firm fixed price contracts from present requirements for contract price adjustments for accounting changes. (No record exists of a response to this letter.). 154 March 12, 1980-H. G. Rickover letter to the Chairman of the Cost Ac- counting Standards Board recommending the Board withdraw a pro- posed change to cost accounting standards regulations; the change would exempt firm fixed price contracts awarded without submission of cost data from cost accounting standards regulations. (No record exists of a response to this letter.) - 157 May 30, 1980-H. G. Rickover letter to the Director of the Office of Man- agement and Budget concerning widespread abuses in the award of con- sulting contracts by Government agencies and concerning the American Bar Association's Public Contract Law Section and the influence claims lawyers in that section exert in the drafting of Office of Federal Procure- ment Policy regulations implementing the Contract Disputes Act 159 July 29, 1980-Letter from Director of Office of Management and Budget responding to H. G. Rickover letter of May 30, 1980. Director states steps have been taken to eliminate abuses in the award of consulting contracts and that Contract Disputes Act is properly being implemented-_ 163 June 26, 1980-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command raising concern over the impropriety of Govern- ment employees attending a consulting firm's party featuring Washington Redskins football players. (The response to this memorandum is not in- cluded herein.) -_ 170 June 28, 1980-H. G. Rickover letter to the Director of the National Science Foundation commenting on what should be done to insure enough well- qualified scientists and engineers are being developed to meet the coun- try's needs. (No record exists of a response to this letter.) - 174 September 3, 1980-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Research recommending disallowance of independent research and devel- opment costs in a Westinghouse Electric Corp., Electro-Mechanical Division proposal -_ 178 VI January 9, 1981-Memorandum from Chief of Naval Research (CNR) to H. G. Rickover responding to September 3, 1980, memorandum. CNR states he agrees improvement in Department of Defense regulations regarding independent research and development costs is required; also, he has forwarded Naval Sea Systems Command comments on Westing- house Electro-Mechanical Division independent research and develop- 'Page ment projects to Head, Triservice Negotiation Staff -183 February 10, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Material recommending against the loosening of the criteria governing allocability of selling costs to defense contractors -185 April 22, 1981-Chief of Naval Material memorandum taking exception to H. G. Rickover's February 10, 1981, memorandum concerning the allocability of selling costs to defense contracts -187 February 17, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Director of Administration, Department of Energy (DDE) with recommendations for DOE's efforts to preclude waste and abuse in the award of consultant service contracts. (No record exists of a response to this memorandum.) -- 190 February 24, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering concerning disallowance of independent research and development costs at Westinghouse Electro- Mechanical Division -192 March 27, 1981-Memorandum for Under Secretary of Defense to H. G. Rickover responding to February 24, 1981, memorandum. The Secretary states that the Department of Defense Technical Evaluation Group found the Westinghouse Electro-Mechanical Division project descriptions did not provide enough detail and they would meet with Westinghouse Electro-Mechanical Division to obtain more information -194 March 23, 1981-H. G. Rickover letter to Congressman Manuel Lujan, Jr., concerning development of a new naval nuclear fuel factory -195 March 30, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Research concerning independent research and development being con- ducted by Westinghouse Electric Corp., Electro-Mechanical Division. (No response to this memorandum was received.) -197 April 8, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Re- search concerning independent research and development being con- ducted by Westinghouse Electric Corp., Electro-Mechanical Division. (No response to this memorandum was received.) -201 April 9, 1981-H. G. Rickover letter to Congressman Samuel S. Stratton discussing examples of why profit limiting legislation is needed for de- fense contracts -_------ _---- 205 April 24, 1981-H. G. Rickover letter to Senator Pete V. Domenici discussing the water cooled breeder program -_-_ -_-_-_-_ 213 April 30, 1981-H. G. Rickover letter to Congressman Samuel S. Stratton concerning the development of a new naval nuclear fuel facility -222 May 1, 1981- H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Opera- tions forwarding notes on the naval nuclear propulsion program discussed with the Secretary of the Navy. (No response to this memorandum was received.) - __--- --------------------------------------- 226 June 8, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Ma- terial recommending against loosening the criteria governing allocability of selling costs to defense contracts. (No response to this memorandum was received.) - 230 June 12, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering concerning independent research and development being conducted by Westinghouse Electric Corp., Electro-Mechanical Division - 232 July 6, 1981-Memorandum from Under Secretary of Defense to H. Rickover responding to June 8, 1981, memorandum. The Secretary states that the Westinghouse Electro-Mechanical Division projects have been evaluated and the costs for two projects could be disallowed -233 June 15, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering recommending against loosening the criteria governing allocability of selling cost to defense contracts -234 VII June 25, 1981-Under Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering) responding to H. G. Rickover's June 5, 1981, memorandum concerning the allocability of selling costs to defense contracts and stating the Rickover memorandum has been forwarded to the Defense Acquisition Regulatory Council for its use in developing its final coverage of Page this matter - - - - - …- --- - - - - - - 237 July 9, 1981-H. G. Rickover letter to Congressman Nicholas Mavroules recommending strong profit limiting legislation on defense contracts 238 July 9, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Ma- terial recommending against loosening the criteria governing allocability of selling costs to defense contracts. (No response was received from the Chief of Naval Material.) - 240 July 13, 1981-H. G. Rickover letter to Congressman Samuel S. Stratton concerning the development of a naval nuclear fuel facility -250 July 27, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Deputy Director (Contract Administration Services) Defense Logistics Agency concerning the responsibilities of Government inspectors. (No record exists of a re- sponse to this memorandum.) - 254 September 4, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Chief of Naval Material recommending proposed "CNM Acquisition Management Prin- ciples" not be issued (No response to this memorandum was received.) 255 December 16, 1981-H. G. Rickover memorandum for the Secretary of the Navy requesting assistance in obtaining continued funding for construc- tion of a naval nuclear fuel factory at the Department of Energy's Savan- nah River weapons production facility. (No response to this memoran- dum was received.) - 257 January 27, 1982-H. G. Rickover letter to Senator Ted Stevens recom- mending the Office of the Chief of Naval Material and the Headquarters Naval Material Command be disestablished - _-_-_-_-_ 260 UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D.C. 2k545 ',.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ METRANIM FOR THE HEF OF NAVAL MATE= SUB3E=: ON PACOS REF: (a) Proposed NAV :'lT -L=n Factors dated 15 October 1969 Reference (a) which was forwarded to Ie for C1nt, is a proposal to establish and promulgate a HLUN FACORS PDRAM on all Research, Develolpent and Engineering Programs as well as Production Programs under the cognizance of the Naval Material Ccmsand. My cmnments apply specifically to the work under my cognizance-design, developmvent and construction of. nuclear power plants. However, these oczments are generally applicable to all shipbuilding. It appears that the Hi-a.N FACTORS "program" is another of the fruitless attempts to get things done by systemS, organizations, and big words rather than by people. It contains the greatest quantity of nonsense I have ever seen assembled in one publication. It is replete with obtuse jargon and sha-scientific expressions which, translated into English from its characteristic ergot-where this is possible-turns out to be either meaningless or insignificant. It is about as useful as teaching your grandmother how to suck an egg. Those who compiled the-instruction demonstrate a ladk of korniledge as to6 how work in this real world is actually done. They assume that engineers who design naval equipments have no awareness that these are to be operated and repaired by average human beings, and for this reason, they need the guidance of Human Factors "engineers". With the elucidations such "engineers" will give, the simplest everyday problem will. beoome incomprehensible. This proposal is typical of present day social "science" concepts-that---- one needs no detailed expertise in a given field; he can with little or no training or experience "solve" a problem by the exercise of his intellect and the use of concepts. This may be true in pure science; it certainly is not in engineering. To advocate the contrary demonstrates a lack of insight on how engineering problems are actually solved. (1) 2 To implement the Hisan Factors "program" will require about as many additional people as are now engaged in doing technical work. *New large organizations-a vast new social "science" bureaucracy contributing absolutely nothing to the building of ships-will have to be set up in the Headquarters of the Naval Material Catmand, in all the Systems Carands, and in contractor organizations. Should Husan Factors suoceed in its "objective" it will likewise succeed in stopping all useful work. The proposed directive cannot be undertaken by rational persons interested in getting the job done; it cannot be acmsplished; it will add another__ monstrosity to our already vast administrative burden; it will increase the cost of shipbuilding; it will make us a laughing stock. I reomanend that the Huran Factors "program" be forgotten as fast as possible. There will of course be objections by those who by now have already established a vested interest beachhead, but the goud of the Navy should prevail. cc: VAMMJ .D. Arnold, 09 , RAM D.G. Baer, MT 01 R~AMN . Sonenshein, SHIPS 00 RAII'I R.C. Gcoding, SHIPS 09 RAI4 J. Adair, SHIPS 01 CDP , ,., -

of Defense concerning implementation of Cost Accounting Standard .. Norfolk Naval Shipyard performance on recent nuclear submarine overhauls.
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