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ECONOMICA Volume 61 1994 (Numbers 241-244) THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE HOUGHTON STREET, ALDWYCH, LONDON Editors: Frank Cowell and David Webb Review Editor: David Webb Managing Editor: Hugh Wills Chairman: John Sutton © The London School of Economics and Political Science 1994 AUTHORS AIZENMAN, JosHUA. Monetary and Real Shocks, Productive Capacity and Exchange Rate Regimes ANDERSON, SIMON P. and ENGERS, MAxim. Spatial Competition with Price-Taking Firms BALDWIN, RICHARD and VENABLES, ANTHONY J. International Migration, Capital Mobility and Transitional Dynamics BERTOCCHI, GRAZIELLA. Safe Debt, Risky Capital Betts, JULIAN R. Technological Change, Sectoral Shifts and the Distribu- tion of Earnings: A Human Capital Model CASELLA, ALESSANDRA. Trade as an Engine of Political Change: A Parable CLARIDA, RICHARD and FINDLAY, RONALD. After Maastricht: Public Investment, Economic Integration and International Capital Mobility CLARK BROwN, PAMELA, MILLER, JEFFREY B. and THORNTON JAMEs R. The Ratchet Effect and the Coordination of Production in the Absence of Rent Extraction CORNWALL, JOHN and CoRNWALL, WENDY. Growth Theory and Economic Structure CorrIiveAu, Louis. Entrepreneurs, Growth and Cycles Des, RAJAT. Waiver, Effectivity and Rights as Game Forms Dixon, Huw Davin. Inefficient Diversification in Multi-market Oligopoly with Diseconomies of Scale ENGSTED, Tom. The Classic European Hyperinflations Revisited: Testing the Cagan Model Using a Cointegrated VAR Approach Forp, J. L. and HUANG, Guoso. The Demand for International Reserves in China: An ECM Model with Domestic Monetary Disequilibrium Gaceotn, MARzio and SCHIANTARELLI, FABrIo. Stock Market Volatility and Investment: Do Only Fundamentals Matter? Hatton, T. J., Boyer, G. R. and Baitey, R. E. The Union Wage Effect in Late Nineteenth Century Britain Houzer, Harry J. Job Vacancy Rates in the Firm: An Empirical Analysis HuGues, GorDOoN and McCormick, BARRY. Did Migration in the 1980s Narrow the North-South Divide? Jones, STEPHEN R. G. and McKENNa, C. J. A Dynamic Model of Union Membership and Employment KONRAD, Kar A. The Strategic Advantage of Being Poor: Private and Public Provision of Public Goods KoOwALczyYk, CARSTEN and SJ6sTROM, Tomas. Bringing GATT into the Core Lam, Kit-Cuun, Liu, PAK-WAI and WonG, YuE-Cuim. Planning Stochas- tic Shocks and Labour Contracts of Female Workers and their Welfare Implications Lockwoobp, BEN and PHILIPPOPOULOS, APOSTOLIS. Insider Power, Unem- ployment Dynamics and Multiple Inflation Equilibria Moopy, CARLISLE E. Alternative Bidding Systems for Leasing Offshore Oil: Experimental Evidence NICKELL, S., VAINIOMAKI, J. and WADHWANI, S. Wages and Product Market Power OrmiIsTON, MICHAEL B. and SCHLEE, EDwArRD E. Wage Uncertainty and Competitive Equilibrium in Labour Markets SULLIVAN, RICHARD J. Estimates of the Value of Patent Rights in Great Britain and Ireland 1852-1876 UpapuyAy, Mukti P. Accumulation of Human Capital in LDCs in the Presence of Unemployment © The London School of Economics and Political Science 1994 546 INDEX VELLA, FRANcis. Gender Roles and Human Capital Investment: The Rela- tionship between Traditional Attitudes and Female Labour Market Per- formance LIST OF TITLES A Dynamic Model of Union Membership and Employment STEPHEN R. G. Jones and C. J. MCKENNA Accumulation of Human Capital in LDCs in the Presence of Unemployment MuktT! P. UPADHYAY After Maastricht: Public Investment, Economic Integration and Inter- national Capital Mobility RicHARD CLARIDA and RONALD FINDLAY Alternative Bidding Systems for Leasing Offshore Oil: Experimental Evidence CARLISLE E. Moopy Bringing GATT into the Core CARSTEN KOWALCZyYK and ToMAsS SJOSTROM Did Migration in the 1980s Narrow the North-South Divide? GoRDON HuGHEs and BARRY McCormick Entrepreneurs, Growth and Cycles Louis CoRRIVEAU Estimates of the Value of Patent Rights in Great Britain and Ireland 1852- 1876 RICHARD J. SULLIVAN Gender Roles and Human Capital Investment: The Relationship between Traditional Attitudes and Female Labour Market Performance FRANCIS VELLA Growth Theory and Economic Structure JoHN CoRNWALL and WENDY CORNWALL Inefficient Diversification in Multi-market Oligopoly with Diseconomies of Scale Huw Davip Dixon Insider Power, Unemployment Dynamics and Multiple Inflation Equilibria BEN Lockwoop and AposToLis PHILIPPOPOULOS International Migration, Capital Mobility and Transitional Dynamics, RICHARD BALDWIN and ANTHONY J. VENABLES Job Vacancy Rates in the Firm: An Empirical Analysis Harry J. HOLZER Monetary and Real Shocks, Productive Capacity and Exchange Rate Regimes JOSHUA AIZENMAN Planning, Stochastic Shocks and Labour Contracts of Female Workers and their Welfare Implications Kit-CuHun Lam, PaK-WAr Liu and YuE-CHiIM WONG Safe Debt, Risky Capital GRAZIELLA BERTOCCHI Spatial Competition with Price-Taking Firms Simon P. ANDERSON and MAXIM ENGERS Stock Market Volatility and Investment: Do Only Fundamentals Matter? Marzio GALEoti and FABIO SCHIANTARELLI Technological Change, Sectoral Shifts and the Distribution of Earnings: A Human Capital Model JULIAN R. BETTS The Classic European Hyperinflations Revisited: Testing the Cagan Model Using a Cointegrated VAR Approach Tom ENGSTED The Demand for International Reserves in China: An ECM Model with Domestic Monetary Disequilibrium J. L. Forp and Guoso HUANG The Ratchet Effect and the Coordination of Production in the Absence of Rent Extraction PAMELA CLARK BROWN, JEFFREY B. MILLER and JAMEs R. THORNTON The Strategic Advantage of Being Poor: Private and Public Provision of Public Goods Kai A. KONRAD The Union Wage Effect in Late Nineteenth Century Britain T. J. Hatton, G. R. Boyer and R. E. BAILEY © The London School of Economics and Political Science 1994 INDEX Trade as an Engine of Political Change: A Parable ALESSANDRA CASELLA Wage Uncertainty and Competitive Equilibrium in Labour Markets MICHAEL B. OrMISTON and EDWARD E. SCHLEE Wages and Product Market Power S. NICKELL, J. VAINIOMAKI and S. WADHWANI Waiver, Effectivity and Rights as Game Forms RAJAT DEB BOOK REVIEWS Acs, ZOLTAN J. and AUDRETSCH, DAvip B. (Eds.). Small Firms and Entre- preneurship: An East-West Perspective RoBert CRESSY AGELL, J., PERSSON, M. and FRIEDMAN, B. M. Does Debt Management Matter? J. C. BERTHELEMY ANAND, PAUL. Foundations of Rational Choice under Risk SHAUN P. HARGREAVES HEAP ATKINSON, ANTHONY B. and MICKLEWRIGHT, JOHN. Economic Trans- formation in Eastern Europe and the Distribution of Income MARTIN RAVALLION BREWER, ANTHONY. Richard Cantillon: Pioneer of Economic Theory GEORGES PHOTIOS TAPINOS Britton, A. Macroeconomic Policy in Britain 1974-87 PATRICK MINFORD Brock, WILLIAM A., Hsien, DAvis A. and LEBARON, BLAKE. Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos and Instability JAMES B. RAMSEY BRoomE, J. Counting the Cost of Global Warming TimotHy M. SWANSON Caves, R. E. Industrial Efficiency in Six Nations PAUL GEROSKI DE GrRAuweE, P. The Economics of Monetary Integration JOHN DRIFFILL DE GrAuwe, P., DEWACHTER, H. and EmMsrecut, M. Exchange Rate Theory : Chaotic Models of Foreign Exchange Markets D. A. PEEL DE MELO, JAmie and TARR, Davin. A General Equilibrium Analysis of US Foreign Trade Policy CILLIAN RYAN Deaton, A. Understanding Consumption RICHARD BLUNDELL Fry, MICHAEL (Ed.). Adam Smith's Legacy: His Place in the Development of Modern Economics D. P. O'BRIEN Kostoris, FIORELLA PADOA ScHioppA. Italy, The Sheltered Economy: Structural Problems in the Italian Economy PAOLO ONOFRI KRUEGER, ANNE. Economic Policies at Cross-Purposes: The United States and Developing Countries FRANCISCO FERREIRA McCLoskeEy, DONALD N. [If You're So Smart: The Narrative of Economic Expertise ALAN MARIN PEsARAN, M. HASHEM and PoTTer, SIMON M. (Eds.). Nonlinear Dynamics Chaos and Econometrics THANASIS STENGOS Reip, GAvIN C. Small Business Enterprise: An Economic Analysis ROBERT CRESSY SAH, RAAJ and StiGLitz, JoserH E. Peasants and City Dwellers: Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development Peter LANJOUW SHOVEN, J. B. and WHALLEY, J. Applying General Equilibrium JEAN MERCENIER SINN, G. and Sinn, H.-W. Jumpstart: The Economic Unification of Germany GERARD ROLAND THOMAS, J. J. Infermal Economic Activity BruNO §S. FREY Usuer, Dan. The Welfare Economics of Markets, Voting and Predation ALAN HAMLIN WEINTRAUB, E. Roy. Toward a History of Game Theory KEN BINMORE WiuiAmson, J. S. and MiLner, C. The World Economy: A Textbook in International Economics SHELAGH HEFFERNAN © The London School of Economics and Political Science 1994 AUTHORS OF REVIEWS BERTHELEMY, J. C. 261 MERCENIER, JEAN BINMORE, KEN 118 MINFORD, PATRICK BLUNDELL, RICHARD 115 O’Brien, D. P. Cressy, ROBERT 532, 534 ONOFRI, PAOLO DRIFFILL, JOHN 401 Peet, D. A. FERREIRA, FRANCISCO 257 RAMSEY, JAMEs B. Frey, Bruno S. 259 RAVALLION, MARTIN GEROSKI, PAUL 403 ROLAND, GERARD HAMLIN, ALAN 529 RYAN, CILLIAN HARGREAVES Heap, SEAN P. 531 STENGOs, THANASIS HEFFERNAN, SHELAGH 116 SWANSON, TIMOTHY M. LANJOUW, PETER 121 TAPINOS, GEORGES PHOTIOS Marin, ALAN 335 THE EDITORS ACKNOWLEDGE THE ASSISTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: ACEMOGLYU, D. BRUNELLO, G. ACHDuT, LEA BULKLEY, I. G. ANDERSON, S. P. CALEM, P. C. Artis, M. J. CALMForS, L. ATTANSIO, O. CANovVA, F. BACKHOUSE, R. E. CHALKLEY, M. J. BAILLIE, R. T. CHANDRA, V. BALDRY, J. C. CHEN, G. BALDwIn, R. CHEN, H. Z. BALKENBORG, D. CHEN, J. BARKAI, H. CHICSA, GABRIELLE Barr, D. G. Cnuo1, J.-Y. BARZEL, Y. CHRISTIANO, L. BEAN, C. R. Chu; €r€, ¥. BEHRMAN, J. R. CoHEN, D. Bevan, H. Co es, M. G. BESLEY, T. COLLARD, D. BEtson, D. M. Co utte, D. R. BisHop, J. H. COPELAND, B. R. BLACK, JANE CORNELLI, FRANCESCA BLACKBURN, K. CRAVEN, J. BLAKEMORE, A. E. CREEDY, J. BLAu, FRANCINE D. CUTHBERTSON, K. BLAUG, M. Dacun, C. BOLTON, P. DANZIGER, S. H. Bonn, E. W. DauGuety, A. F. Boone, P. DEARDORFF, A. V. Boot, ALISON De LA Fuente, A. Bos, D. De MELo, J. BRANDER, J. A. Demery, D. BRANDOLINI, A. De Meza, D. Brezis, E. S. Dinopou os, E. Broome, J. Disney, R. © The London School of Economics and Political Science 1994 INDEX Dow, J. Jones, S. R. G. DrRiFFILt, J. Jones-Lee, M. W. Durry, M. H. KAMSHAD, K. M. ECONOMIDES, I. KARNI, E. ELBADAwI, I. A. Karp, L. ENGEL, C. KELLER, G. Ermiscu, J. KENNAN, J. EswarRANn, M. KIANDER, J. Evans, D. S. KryorakI, N. Farr, R. KLetzer, K. FARRELL, J. KONRAD, K. Fiam, H. Koopmans, R. Formsy, J. P. KORREMAN, P. Fortin, P. Kunn, K.-Y. FRANK, J. Kunn, P. J. Fry, M. Kurz, H. Fuerst, T. LAHIRI, S. GAERTNER, W. LAIDLER, D. GALE, D. LANE, J. A. GALor, O. LANG, K. GARFINKEL, I. LANJouw, P. GEROSKI, P. A. LECHENE, V. GOERING, G. LERMAN, R. GOMULKA, S. Levi, M. GoobDHAaRrrT, C. Li, D. GREEN, E. Lona, N. V. GREEN, F. Loomes, G. Groms, D. Lopez, R. GrosskopF, S. MackKIE, P. J. GuFFENs, D. MAGNUSSEN, K. Gupta, M. J. MANASssE, P. HAALAND, J. MANNING, A. HAG ter, U. MarInI, G. C. Han, J. Marist, S. HaMuiw, A. P. Martin, C. Harcourt, G. C. MAySsHAR, Y. Hare, P. G. Meauir, C. Hartoa, J. MERCADER, M. HASKEL, J. MICKLEWRIGHT, J. HIcuier, B. Mites, D. Hits, J. Moore, M. J. Hopovinorr, J. Moreton, D. R. HoEKMAN, B. Morris, S. Hoe, M. Motta, M. HOLDEN, S. Munro, A. Hote, ALISON NAUGHTON, B. HoRTMANN, I. NAvA, M. Howes, S. NEary, J. P. Huna, V. Nouyen, T. T. Husain, A. NIcKEL, S. J. Hwana, H.-S. NISHIJIMA, M. INGRAM, P. NITZAN, S. IONNIDES, Y. Nosay, A. R. IRELAND, H. NOLAN, B. JACKMAN, R. A. NYGARD, F. JANTTI, M. NyYMOEN, R. JENKINS, S. O’CONNELL, S. Jewitt, I. Oru, F. Jones, R. A. Oswa Lp, A. J. © The London School of Economics and Political Science 1994 550 INDEX PADILLA, J. RAVALLION, M. PAL, S. RAvIN, M. PARKER, S. C. REBELLO, S. PAULY, P. REICHLIN, L. PAYNE, R. Rice, Patricia, G. PEPALL, LYNN Roserts, K. W. PERISON, J. ROLAND, G. PerortrTi, R. ROWTHOoRN, R. PERRONI, C. RUANE, F. PESTIEAU, P. SANATANA, E. PFAHLER, W. SANDLER, T. PIKETTY, T. SATT, E. PITCHFORD, J. SCHANKERMAN, M. POMMEREHNE, W. SCHLUTER, C. Pope, P. ScunMitrt, N. PUTTERMAN, L. SCHULMAN, C. T. Quan, D. SCOTCHMER, SUZANNE Rapy, S. Scott, A. RANKIN, N. scorr, C. D. RAu, N. SECHZER, S. L. © The London School of Economics and Political Science 1994

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