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7991 -M5A9 R9PG1IOHRSPW OLLALUEDFI VOITDANNI ECONOMIC TRANSITION IN ALBANIA: POLITICAL CONSTRAINTS AND MENTALITY BARRIERS yb MARTA MUÇO (ALBANIA) June, 1997 2 ECONOMIC TRANSITION IN ALBANIA: POLITICAL CONSTRAINTS AND MENTALITY BARRIERS ..a,rctODorÇsaUsM MA.forP noi tcciemSonoc eno orfscoraeMpriahC scim ot nnfoeocmEtrapeD ssenisuB&sc iymt olfnuooccaEF AI N ,AyaBt nLifaAsorrieTvinU . l5e5T3 +2247742 .xa F55)3e+m o2h4(02362 liam-E [email protected] sihT yduts si edam elbissop yb eht suoren etgroppus fo eht eciffO fonoitamrofnI dna sserP ta htroN citnaltA ytaerT noitazinagrO hguorht eht OTANlaudividnI pihswolleF ,margorP .7991-5991 straP fo ti ni eht ylrae snoisrev evah neeb dehsilbup gnirud eht krow sa selcitra ro detneserp ta suoiravlanoitanretni secnerefnoc sa .srepap ehT rohtua si yrev lufetarg ot lla srefeer dnastnassucsid taht depleh reh ot ezilanif eht .yduts ehT snoinipo ni siht yduts tcelfer eht .en oyltailibisnop s r eeesrrhrao rerlebis s down peasi’vrohtua 3 stnet nefoloCbaT noitcudortnI retpahC :1 ehT tsilaicoS A-ycageL laeR elcatsbO ot nainablA cimonocE mrofeR 1.1. .noitazilart nceiCmo n lofe coveEehLT 1.2. .snoitat nleairruotsciuMrtS .ecnal albamnIr eldtanxnaEr e.et3hn.TI1 r:e2tpahC anio ninatibalmArof scniamr oTg nno iceoEhgTnO .1. 2l aliatciintI iclsi onmdPooninatoicdenoorCcaM no i,tn ao.zi2it.la 2azdrinelabiibLatS eht ssennepO fo ehtyrtnuoC tn edm ny, aon eltorhpeiotmktbEraaazLMi t.a3v.i2rP .4.2 msrnoofi e tdRfunotai tesh ntl.IamgeetLsyS .5.2 nrettaP fo htworG gnirud noitisnarT dna srotcaF tahtdluoc .raoi in nvahi abtyhlwceAonBreGg reenmiE m-artestoePd .6.2 sisirC fo :7991-6991 ytixelpmoC fo snosaeR susrevelpmiS .s elsaoiocLnaniF retpahC :3 lacitiloP stniartsnoC dna ytilatneM sreirraB ot eht nainablA mrof ecRimonocE .1.3 tahW sekaM ainablA tnereffiD dna ralimiS ot rehtOlartneC .seir tnnaue opnCor redutnEsaaE .2.3 ehT weN eloR fo scitiloP ni eht cimonocE :efiL lacitiloP .stniartsnoC .3.3 dlO dna . yswtreieNliartrnaeBM skram egRnidulcn od CnyarammuS References 4 noitcudortnI gniwolloF eht gib segnahc ni lartneC dna nretsaE ,eporuEcimonoce t snnleoem id petodforamnolumaetr vea os tehrgfinndtens eetinhtrilatfelariofetwfdid aera .seirtnuoc tA eht testuo ynam dradnats mrofer segakcap erew dessucsid em i.Tstni oypn a nmrialim ies rsaled ormie htta hdtetpec cyaled isw a t wsiyalevisnetxe sessap rof siht trap fo eht dlrow dna hcae fo eht seirtnuoc sah ydaer ldaehsilbatsesti nwo htap dna ecap fo cimonoce .mrofer edisgnolA htiw seitiralimis yrtnuoc stsimonoc eeciton a tol fo .secne rserfefcindavdA dna ssel srecnavda dluoc ebylisae .d eezmiintgnoaceeMr a gniw otrnguoma f eogrnuitsasruect s ieislhdetgnella hfcoeht nwonknu dna cifice psshtap fo c inmoointoicsena rstah n e.egbnirae ptpsaoM fo ,tini lareneg ro rof cificeps ,sesac nettirw yb evitan stsimonoce ro rehto,slanoisseforp .noitau t einfhsootitanal p dxgnenaidnatsre d ensohuetttubirtnoc ainablA si ylsuoivbo eno fo eht tsom euqinu sesac ni nretsaEeporuE ton ylno rof sti ezis dna noitacol tub osla rof sti ycagel ni eht ctinmeomnpoocleeved dna ynam rehto seitirailucep sa .llew tuohtiW gniyned seitiralimis htiw rehto-xe , staesiiinrnatubnm lumsAoo accdheusr uspti ya wnoidt ra famcowrioomtfosnnoacret a tekra m.yylmeotnaoncuetr oyfrneUv elttil sah neeb dehsilbu ptuoba .ainablAylnO emos swe elsfcrie thnfrcaoari an (ea,sboe lkr,Ahos ça)uP.Mct edna osla swtepfmetta yb emos naeporuE seugaelloc ( ,reztynhcS ,resaK ,sgnihctuH grebojS ).cte erani .noitalucric tneceR snoitacilbup yb ,FMI dlroW knaB dna DRBE era gnillif pueht .at afkdoc allautriv aesininoa b,leApo rnurEetsaeh t ,unaoilsusni nneaP k dleneahitBtacoL fss on et oe cscdi h nreintltd.iud t aaaen olynenrtonson ehuiiaeathttrgrmItaeeunhrani citair deA h ntyortnu olcla mssi httf esltne vleacitil odp ncairots i.Hnoitida rdt nearutluc tsaoc rof 005 sraey rednu eht namottO ,eripmE hcihw did ton etalumittnsempoleved .dyntair erpestofrAp eht dnoce SdlroW raW ti denioj eh tn atespionruu,mEkmcooclb dewollof yb 54 sraey fo citarcotua elur dna ylemertx edetalosi-fles .ycilopainablA gni ny nm nio e yigndhtteontee bcakiacerciaotms a er tt c d haeooeagehmtrirteefcdtne fo .s0991 retfA flah edaced fo mrofer ti thgim eb oot ylrae ot mriffa taht yrevegniht saw enod ni eht thgir yaw hostilb aethste wes ne ti .ethyklgmruuoaconmihoftcfleiAd degrem emo rnf anioniatbaluAt idsna ereht era llits yn admev l,ossen uuasisniablAsi ,epor unEi oosjtecna he chl tls aad hnnaoitamrofsna rctirots ishi hndtievlov nyilsuoires .ytinumm occimono ceediwdlr oew hetromrehtr udf n,asgnol e tbhici howt gnikaT ni noitaredisnoc ynam ,srotcaf lanretni dna ,lanretxe dna gnira pmmeohct ht isrwnaoliitmiids nnoic em on s r,nesateesiparoEtrnu uEtoicsmees taht eht gnitelpmoc fo eht ksat thgim deen llits emos .emit ainablA htiw stillarevo engo ai tttdnniinaerdacse nehtoroc pnekam a pmuj ni a y rt er.voehm smieetnlOborp 5 ot eb dessucsid ereh ,si gnisoohc eht tsewol tsoc fo ,noitamrofsnart woh,citegrene . edblu oscseco rspi htts ad fnlaacidar genhitzy lmarn oacfiemro nnoacien atebnhl etAs s koeyetr depsusithsT tnerruc noitautis dna eht gnorts ecneulfni morf eht .tsap ehT segatnavda dna s alle ws a,ledo mst if oscificep sdn aseitiralimi seh t,ainabl Af osegatnavdasid ,lacitilop lanoitutitsni dna ytilatnemstniartsnoc are discussed, too. ehT tsrif retpahc fo eht repap stnet ot ezylana eht tsilaicos ycagel dna laitini seirtn utoscinummoc -rxee h eetfhso o torohattli m,its s eamh potdreftire hsnnioitidnoc ni nretsaE .eporuE ehT level fo ,noitazilartnec larutcurts snoitatneirosim dna .ylfeir bdezylan aer aecnalabm icimonoceorcam ehT dnocesretpahc senimaxe eht tsrif sraey fo eht nainabl Acimonoce ,mrofereht noitamrofsn acritmon orceeil re.ahseTsec os srifephomtoc tyul oredsahneetaitluciffid dewoll o yfnb omiatr age zohtirtalphitba tss adhe t nneeecemnbei ls2p9m9i1 wohseht citarco me wetaedan e dornntcoaital ogs ni sontloidn ayobrtatn uso icefhcotn alhacer yte idcno asse i atri ol e fih.l w btybtegriwmae nnesoonkaitsrnirvfogoaalaPctmoessus emos tsop ycnegreme seussi era osla .dessucsid lacitiloP dna cimonoce snosaertaht .dezyl ann eaee vbsaihs i7r9c91-6 9t9n1e csfetor o eodethrlbatuoc ehT driht retpahc skees ot thgilhgih emos tnatropmi stcepsa fo eht nainablA cimonoce ytilaer taht sekam sti noitamrofsnart .tnereffid derapmoC htiw rehto seirtnuoc taht dereffus eht emas ,ycagel ainablA dah eht tsom tluciffid laitini .dezisahp mee rsatniartsn oyctilatn edm nlaacitil oepm o.Ssnoitidnoc 6 ret1pahC THE SOCIALIST LEGACY-A REAL OBSTACLE TO ALBANIAN ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION . litnU eht gninnigeb fo ,1991 rof erom naht ytrof ,sraey ainablAsaw debircsed tuohguorht eht erutaretil sa eht tseroop yrtnuoc ni ,eporuE revewohyrev elttil sah neeb deh sginlibnurpecnoc eht ,yrtnuoc htiw a egnarts dna emertxneoitisop fo .noitalosi-f lhegsuohtlA htiw a ,tsilaico sdezilartnec ,ymonoce ainablA rofynam sraey retfa ,0691 did ton ees flesti sa a trap fo eht lartneC dna tsaEnaeporuE tsinumm o.cseirtnuoc ehT lautriv kcal fo atad dna sti euqinu lacitilop dnacimonoce ygetarts edam ti suoiretsym rof ngierof srehcraeser dna .srevresbo ehT digir dtg esnle liieshinrdocauuohi vmdmth5e mw4rsoprca e ayniin yas lbadtlwecAsiarbts e c ci yi ttg mtcsono sailondirnoonxpiecarldeaaiMtS 1 ,reztynhcS.A( ,2891 ,)2991htiw emos secnereffid ylfeihc detneiro sdrawot a erom xodohtro ledom detpada oteht la isceecpnsatsmucric fo eht ezis fo eht ,yrtnuoc sti lacitil o,pseciohc emoslarutcurts .)a19 9,1greboj St(nempolev ecdimono c feloev esl tdi nsanoitaived retfA eht espalloc fo msinummoc ni eht rehto nretsaE naeporuE seirtnuoc stneve dehsup yrev ylkciuq rof ,ainablA gnidael ot eht niart fo,noitisnart .sdn io kwfntoe eebv asheitluciff ie dh.Tht atpluciff iy dr heagvuor hgtnissap tsriF , the la c, ic s dtid mlnimes eaalovselionlerbcpoocooocvomrsen rpirpo rsasleil moitsesoht dnuof ni rehto remrof naeporuE tsinummoc .seirtnuoc Second , sti nwocificeps smelborp tes ainablA trapa morf eht tser ecnis ti llits dereffus esrevid lanretnidna lanretxe .skcohs eW lliw nruter ot siht dnoces cipot ni rehto snoitces fo ehtrepap .noig ee r hfstoeirtnu orceh te ohhtt iswecnereff ie dhetzisahp menewehw nI taht dnik fo ,noitautis erehw a tnirpeulb rof eht ksat saw tonraelc dna tnaveler ,seitluciffid htob nommoc dna cificeps erew ot eb ,decaf ,ainablAeht tsellams dna spahrep eht tsom lanigiro yrtnuoc ni eht ytinummoc fo ehtremrof der e,tenme itedgshlentor italg oarvaelr udpaoepr prs e e,tadsfieawimo ndoncaemmoc r - eex,hkegtinolinn i.mytegnoruheoreBtbifvt iss snyf eal oncrleiotahrctpitsaisuhtne :smelbo r fpsodn ieker hdtec a tf,iseirtnu otcsilaicos 1 ehT tsin icliamto Sneoccietcar psmees ot eb tnereffi dmorf e hcti f"imtsnieliacisc "otsaht dengisedyb Lenin and proceeded after the death of Stalin to other East European countries. After the break with AEMC seirtnuoc ni ainablA,1691 dezicitirc rieht "tsinoisiver" yaw fo msilaicos rof ynam,sraey pretending to be guardians of clean and safe Marxist and Stalinist ideology, applying an extreme xodohtro .ecitcarp laiciffO roivaheb dna lanois ssenfooirtpacilbup erew rednu ereves ,lortnocgnireffus rehgih snoitcirtser ni redro rof siht edutitta ot eb .detcelfer roF cimonoce stcepsa fo siht ecitcarpees r2e9z9t1y,n2h 8cd9Sn1a rloaf csittcielposp aee sjareb.i0B991 7 tsriF , retfa erom naht 04 sraey fo a dna mymmoocno ceereht si akcal fo snoitutitsni dna eht metsys fo sevi tenteacinriporppa ot a lacipyt tekram.ymonoce er ogfneirterha Ttmsorf eehvtit ctl,unaeda nrocdourinitpfatci uundtrgnitiatsssnipeed segnahc no flaheb fo siht mia er a. d,eyrli sunu qooreiiertvhabgzOiihl idbnaats-trohs .noitisn asr itghnti rruud cscto stoncemtsu jmdraet Second , ylgnorts detcennoc htiw esoht ,stsoc tnatropmi lacitilop ymono csemelborp era .gnigreme ehT snoitarbiv fo eht lacitil ompetsys eragnitceffa eht llarevo mrofer dna ;asrev-eciv siht sdnet ot etarelecca eht lacit i.lyotpilibatsninI siht ,tnemnorivne htiw lacorpicer ,ecneulfni eht niam regnad sniamer eht .noisul edd nyatniatrec nrueht aersu ahcci hswerusaem-fl a fhnooitatnemelpmi drihT , ereht si ton yna nevig ledom ro yna tnedecerp morf hcihwot evired lluf .snossel ylniatreC ereht era emos laitrap seitiralimis nekat morf eht y r l oealf ;yt cn aodt asenid clinwih egacirfa htohihitoeodtrmiwntnooleaenobbopce dnuof 2 . nI redro ot nialpxe eht sreirrab fo eht ;snoitisnart tel ekam aevitcepsorter 3gniyfi ssalc :ts atpsinumm oec h fteorutcur tcsimono cde leo h ytdbetireh nsimelbo rnpiam .noitazila rct in. lme1ee oC.hvfn1TeooLcE gniruD eht 54 sraey fo tsinummoc elur ainablA dah emoceb ayrev ylsuorogi rdezilartnec .ymonoce lartneC gninalp dah yllautriv decalper lla smroffo .tsemksr iannmiahhtcieWm eht txetnoc f oraey -,esvniaflp ll ac ismnooniosciecedno ,noitcudorp ,gnicirp egaw ,gnittes tnemtsevni dna lanretxe edart erew,dezilartnec gnikam-noi s, ir.celeia dt my- Ailrnnl ue ia seoesmrenhfwe erattgenelenlewpbaighhcw dhe cwsy nor bda lel nrgltiha Bnosctfeifini ohtnuwdtrioeaMCttu sty ihstcasrwnaireih noi ts. aasscmwe eirslem oi ltodf reAtnnnepvioait rimca,etmetstuosencCieerxtEsiniM yl t,dcyeiltrlrtaoscpie trdrneav eh tnois igcneidk armetnec saw eht. sleairttinreochtua ehT erutl usceivrigtaarepooc dah a llams eerged fo tnemeganam-fles ni smret foeht 2 It is true that the standard stabilization package used by international institutions in other cases, as in Latin America, Africa, Korea, Turkey etc., to avoid hyperinflation and other macro imbalances, as well as privatization, is mostly the same. There are a lot of excellent studies which tend to analyze and ekat egatnavda morf rehto ediwdlrow ,secneirepxe sa obroC ,1991 leugiK dna nataiviL ,1991 Blanshard, Dornbusch, Krugman, Layard and Summer 1991, Edwards 1992 etc. Some of them, as Blanshard et al., 1991 and Krueger 1992, have argued that the initial conditions in Eastern Europe are not so different as to require a drastically different approach from other stabilization and gnirutcurtser .secneirepxe tuohtiW yna tbuod eht snossel fo eht tsap smrofer era lufesu tub ehttrohs yrotsih fo noitisnart swohs osla ynam.seitirailucep 3 A y lllaucfits ittraotpser no naina bylmAonoce ecnis 2991 si eht kro wdetneserp yb :FMI rejelB ta.la 1992,"Albania from isolation toward reform." 8 tiforp erahs derrefsnart ot eht tegdub dna egaw ,ycilop tub eht nalp tegrat sawosla .yroslupmoc ehT cimonoce srotacidni fo eht etats sesirpretne erew desopmi ybeht etatS gninnalP noissimmoC dna detcerid yb hcnarB ro rotces ,seirtsiniM gnitratsyb lacisyhp seititnauq fo hcae tinu fo .noitcudorp hguohtlA a noissucsid fo eht,stegrat s aswseco rspi h,teca lkpo o)teci replaselo hswem iyttitnau qe(ul a nvdi nlaacisy hhptob y leldaammrof 4 . ehT sthgir fo eht sesirpretne no robal ytilibom erew oslayletelpmoc .detcirtser ehT tnemyolpme erutcurts dna eht rebmun fo srekrow erew llew,denifed dna a yllartn edcenimreted egaw dnuf saw .desu stupnI erew deilppus niecnadrocca htiw eht lartnec nalp elih wtnemtsevni dna tropm isnoisiced erew edam yb eht,etats .teg deutb adnteistcel fyelrsuorogir 0 9 y 9gle1nnr-i Oe5rew 8ums9 dot1ks peaemzedeiwatlmta arottneced gnik aimr-anzoyijsGi (c,e9d891 ajnaB .)0991 retfA g nsonloissucs iddnsanoitatiseh 5 , ni esnopser ot a ralupop tnetnocsid ni ecaf fo eht eruliaf fo eht llarevo ,metsyseht pihsredae lfo eht yrtnuoc evag eht neerg thgil rof segnah cailA( ,099 1inacra.C)0991 eroM ,yltnedive ni ,0991 a wen" cimonoce "msinahcem saw .detpoda emoStsedom cimonoceo rscmirmofer erew ,edam taht erew dednetni ot ezilartneced dnaezilarebil sesirpret ne e hfttonemegan aemht 6ecnalab moirc asmuoi r fseaonsoitidn oe chrted n.U dna a kcal fo ecirp ,ytilibixelf rehtar naht lacidar ,segnahc esehtserusaem-flah detavargga eht laicn a,nniofitau tginsitaerc a gib noitrotsid no eht ylppus esnopserfo eht ,ymonoce gnidael ot na noitatneiro fo eht 'sesirpretne stiforp drawot stropmisa sgrne i fecoshutn.t dateerehrtgtdub .2.1 lar.ustncouirttaStneirosiM ecnnial ao brlmcaianmr eethnTi gn isafn0i o sn9nenai9ahiwg1btelbA se i.dy ceelf nct poe seio cehneitoenieTi cccrhi mdrtriataeoosufrmhnfaofptopsecnei tneiciffeni noitcudorp detsisnoc fo eht larutcurts snoitatneirosim fo eht nainablA .ycag eclimonoce ) i ehT ytreporperutcurts fo eht nain aybmloAnoce rof 54 sraey dednetot gninia m leslr0a 6 e9efh1lotd d ei.pohmpUttihsre newto adytebstani m,omdrof ienbu 4 nI 5691 ni redro ot esaercni sevitnecni gnoma eht srekrow a erom citarcomed noissucsid fo ehtdaorb plan targets was introduced. Holding the right to approve all enterprise propositions, the final decision-making power remained centralized until the new law on enterprises approved in May 1990. 5 E.Lhomel (1990) pointed out that until the end of '89 no visible change had yet taken place. ,revewoH gnoma tnereffid slevel fo ,tnemnrevog gnidulcni eht pot ,seno sralohcs dna slautcelletnieht egamad fo eht tnecer repyh noitazilartnec saw ylediw detpecca dna ,dezisahpme yllaicepse ni agriculture (Banja, Hilmia, Koli 1988 and Konini 1989) 6 :eeS jgiL" rep ,"tejramredn emelborP ,ekimonokE itiv 73 ,)8( ,3.52-02pp 9 smrof fo etav icrip msoeniotcievit chatob ni yrtsudni dna n ierutluci regraewdecuder n od i ehtfytt uo6laiet7l nwh i9ao sitwt1ut. smesdmselNna uicuoramhocCgiTrnpim 7 , hc idhewzilage leht tpecnoc fo a tsi l"ayimcoonso "cdeesab no eht et aptishsrenwofo slmarf moognifnenivitemib i ,hldoanrrapultlu cginrigda u,lnconii t scln ulafdaeoomrp et ayvtirrepporp ro e t.ayvtiirvpi tyclanO 002 erauq sret esmnedrag dna daenifed-wal rebmun fo ,kcotsevil sa tnasaep ytreporp ot etavitluc rieht nwo noitpmusnoc,sdoog erew .dettimrep yB 2891 siht lanosrepytreporp 8 saw decuder niaga yb eht ssecorpfo yl lea hc y ttiglnatnpoesipiman sut rofasa,doezk ricecvo heitntdts icedaevemlicllroocf eht .tekram retfA emos lufsseccu ssntunemirepxe ni 7891-5891 htiw edagirb""stolp :d eneeadsa( g"aisirdl brA,"e)h7891 ni yluJ ,0991 ti sa wdediced ot w osltlnaasaepot esiar rieht etavirp stolp dna ot refsnart emos fo eht evitarepooc kcotsevil otrieht .srebmem nI a despalloc ,ymonoce rehtegot htiw rehto serusaem-flah nicimonoce ,ycilop siht dewohs eht gninnigeb fo eht dipar ssecorp fo nwodkaerb fo ehtdlo property structure. e v oesbhe atdi s, e"ble d ocmi "mon oncaei n a ebefl lhopAtic n idrr pie)hhitTi noit a n zdorinielatvacor e t,jfn peoeeircthas vrsi earnnwpowio teahz tiflloaaneodiitan ecnailer-fles sa a niam noitatneiro fo cimonoce .ycilop ,ainablA a yrtnuoc htiw2.3 ,s tnn oedi dnl8ial4si7em,r 8.2qs .mk aer a dseaswop g poneu ticsthustdoyomrrlepave nd.o eeintl tiat ea lseccf oahiiosscTtlticp i-ape frahnlptaegso lesw" er agniog otdliub msil ahitciows ruo n w"osecr otfon ylno edam sih tl e,deoumqi ntuub osla naemertxe cimonoce yhcratua saw .detpoda sA a tluser a noitatneirosim fo eht cimonoce erutcurts fo eht nainablA ymonoce .deraeppa ehT emertxe noitacifisrevid fo noitcudorp , gnirong il aenh otniotiasnirveitdni fo robal dna lla sdnik feovitarapmoc ,segatnavda deilppa ot a yrev roop lacigolonhcet ecnamrofrep 9 and to a weak lanoitidart lairtsudni tnempoleved ,dnuorgkcab def a etelpmoc .ycneiciffenisihT h ,tdcysneige sedheceh eamnw trvtfovwye(lauewotiotlroioslutshrnpfsecgemratexe desoppus ot eb eno fo eht niam sksat fo eht )metsys tub hguorht n atneiciffe neisufo ,me ht tugonhitriuwsa ed mnganir a,pym toei chvstietcciurdpo rdpna .stsoc ehTevoba ,cigr u, l ghls ncaasiutarseumtcaf ulnaaimrts udrl dae lynevsagiroaepwts alratrsutcurts ,gnireenigne ,lacimehc ,.cte dna saw etiuq yrassecennu rof hcus a llams yrtnuocsa 7 :eeS ehT "no iwteuNti tfsonoC RSP f o"ai naanbalrAi.T7791 8 "lanosreP" si eht lausu ygolonimret yllaiciffo desu yb nainablA erutaretil rof s'tnasaep.stolp yllaci tseirhotehT saw tdoenr eedti asyvntiorrc epepsourapceb eht dnal saw ton denwo yb ehtstnasaep tub ylno desu yb .meht stI stcudorp erew deredisnoc rof lanosrep sdeen dna gnilles meht ni aeerf market was not permitted. Every resultant surplus production was to be managed by state channels. 9 tA eht dne fo dlroW raW II ainablA saw detneserp sa erutlucirga detneiro ymonoce htiwyllacitcarp no modern industrial production. After 1945 the industrial development took priority, but the ygolonhcet nevig ot ainablA tsrif yb teivoS noinU dna neht yb anihC saw eht tsedlo dnaylluf depreciated. Later on the financial imbalances, investment shortages and the extreme isolation made .ygolonh cnegtie r wosoefstne c ycenalabissopmi 10 .ainablA ehT mia saw ot teem eht citse mdondamed rof eraps strap dna tupni,ylppus .detcirt see rrsetwro pemliihw ) i i i sA ni rehto tsaE naeporuE ,seirtnuoc eht nainablA cimonoceerutcurts saw ylgnorts detneiro .sndoriatwaozti lganiirntnsiugdenBi morf a yrev wol esabeht erahs fo leahi trrtostucdensi ni 0d9e 9ty1nlueo tcracomafi x5o4 rtpnpeacrep foPMN dna dedivorp tnemyolpme rof tuoba 32 tnecrep fo eht gnikrow .noitalupolpairtsudnI htworg debrosba 24 tnecrep fo ssorg .tnemtsevni nI eht 5 sraey ,snalp eht ygetartsfo lairt stundenmipo ldeevzeidsahpme eht ytiroirp fo yvaehyrtsudni , gnipeekrehgih htworg setar htiw eht drusba esneterp fo gnirotser cimono c.eecnednepednhiguohtlA pu ot eht elddim fo s07' ti s adwetsiss ayb ng ile ar,tosifwpoalcf neiht yvyarethsudni .ytila uw qod lnsats orcehg it,hasdradna tlsanoitanret nmio rr fas fa)pwAuorg( tpecxE yrtoifcirt cdenla elnaorietnciumdorp 10 ,htc nidahacwhi faingis noitubi ro tt,nsotcro psxieh tycilop saw osl ar edhetrairpsn iy bc iymhocnroacteudana esfhnotoitrot sliadrutcu r e tth.sutyBcneici fcfiemon onc aerhet hstnoos alearcigoloedi hc i,hswesirpre tlnaeirtsu dnn ii ea.hmeTrut cliapisrevor te n daoyacmmon oncaeinablA erew tropxe ,detneiro dedivorp 57 tnecrep fo eht s'yrtnuoc latot .b.o.f stropxe taeht dne fo eht ,s08' nehw rieht erahs ni eht ssorg lairtsudni tuptuo saw ssel naht62 .tnecrep nI 0991 gnirutcafunam detnuocca rof 57 tnecrep fo eht ssorglairtsudni ,tuptuo tub ti derevoc ylno 31 tnecrep fo s'yrtnuoc latot ,stropxe ro 32 tnecrep foeht .b.o.f tropxe morf eht el olhawirtsurdontices 11 . nI redro ot peek hcus seirtsudn,ievila eht drah ycnerruc dedivorp yb gninim dna ygrene stropxe saw dewollaws pu ybeht rtenhetio csirfoftecneis fo yv a,eyhrtsudni s,,acl ia,gclriaunclailhmacete,hem.cmcte gnirevoc rieht sdeen rof war slairetam dna .ygolonhcet ecneH ssel noitnetta otdoof dna thgil seirtsudni saw .diap nehW eht seitilibissop fo eht nainablA ymonoceot trop p e lud hyase ntlisy epravrdrteaerasretu huchfbnsd eawnedoih dthktaieawrnbihC ni ,8791 siht rotces rehtegot htiw eht elohw lairtsudni noitcudorp dereffus atneuqerf .enilced )vi sediseB siht roop larutcurts tnempoleved fo yrtsudni a eguh noitartnecnoc dna noitazilartnec fo noitcudorp koot ,ecalp dna tnacifingis tnemeganam ssimmelborp .derrucco ehT lanretni lairtsudni tekram saw delur ybeht citsilopon ormoivaheb fo egral ,elacs deffatsrevo stinu sa "stanibmoc" ro gib.stnalp .erutlucir g nadietsi xneoitaut iesm aeshT 10 Albania contains a wide range of natural resources particularly metals and minerals including chromium, copper, iron\nickel, coal\lignite, bauxite, etc. Due to geographical conditions Albania has .re wcoiprtceleor d ryyohtfica pdoa oscaolga 11 :ecru olSacitsit aktoSobraeY fo ,ainablA ,1991 .pp.792-692

Lenin and proceeded after the death of Stalin to other East European countries. After the . 4 In 1965 in order to increase incentives among the workers a more . production and real wages, the excess demand on housing, the poor performance of then Albania has relied heavily on foreign food aid.
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