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economic lives of artists de economie van het kunstenaarschap PDF

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Preview economic lives of artists de economie van het kunstenaarschap

ECONOMIC LIVES OF ARTISTS STUDIES INTO CAREERS AND THE LABOUR MARKET IN THE CULTURAL SECTOR DE ECONOMIE VAN HET KUNSTENAARSCHAP EEN STUDIE NAAR CARRIÈRES EN DE ARBEIDSMARKT IN DE CULTURELE SECTOR (MET EEN SAMENVATTING IN HET NEDERLANDS) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de Rector Magnificus Prof. dr. W. H. Gispen ingevolge het besluit van het College voor Promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 11 juni 2002 des ochtends te 10.30 uur door Merijn Rengers geboren 30 juni 1973, te Amsterdam Promotoren: Prof. dr. H.B.G. Ganzeboom (Universiteit Utrecht) Prof. dr. J.J. Siegers (Universiteit Utrecht) ISBN: 9051706081 “We rightly admire the celebrated artists of the past who created great work, knowing their prize would be a happy life and a generous reward. How much more, then, should we praise and exalt those rare men of genius who create priceless work and who live not merely unrewarded but in circumstances of wretched poverty! It is undeniably true that if the artists of our own time were justly rewarded they would produce even greater works of art, far superior to those of the ancient world. Instead, the artist today struggles to ward off famine rather than to win fame, and this crushes and buries his talent and obscures his name.” (Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the Artists, 1568) “Who am I? I am a poet. What do I do here? I Write. And how do I live? I live in my contented poverty, as if a grand lord, I squander odes and hymns of love. In my dreams and reveries, I build castles in the air, where in spirit I am a millionaire.” (Giacomo Puccini, La Bohème, 1895) Contents 1 The Economic Lives of Artists: Past and Current Issues 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Theoretical Background: the Early Days 3 Work-preference and Multiple Job-holding: Adam Smith 5 Winner-take-all: Alfred Marshall 8 1.3 Theoretical Background: Recent Developments 11 Work-preference 11 Winner-take-all 13 1.4 Research Questions and Outline of the Thesis 14 The Chapters in Detail 15 Relationships between the Chapters 18 Apendix 20 2 Living Art: Artists between Making Art and Making a Living 27 2.1 Introduction 27 Compensating Differentials and Psychic Income 28 The Contribution of Economics 29 2.2 The Theoretical Model 30 Multiple Job-holding 31 Work-preference Model 32 Creators and Performers 34 2.3 The Empirical Model 36 2.4 The Data 38 2.5 Analysis 39 Earnings Functions 39 Labour Supply 43 2.6 Theoretical and Research Implications 45 3 The Careers of Graduate Artists in the Netherlands. Do Relative 49 Differences Matter? 3.1 Introduction 49 Concepts and Definitions 51 3.2 How to Explain Careers in the Cultural Field? 53 Human Capital Theory and Career Progress 53 Models of Relative Competition 54 The Rlation between Financial and Artistic Success 56 3.3 Hypotheses 57 Inequality 57 Dropout Earning Penalty 57 Social Background 58 Career Characteristics 58 School and Study Characteristics 59 How these Hypotheses are Tested 60 3.4 Data and Description 61 Description of the Data 62 Work Characteristics 64 3.5 Results 66 Statistical Model 66 Labour Market Entrance 66 Wage at the First Wave 67 Wage at the Second Wave 68 Artistic Achievements 69 The Hypotheses 70 3.6 Discusion 73 4 Private or Public? How Dutch Visual Artists Choose between 77 Working for the Market and the Government 4.1 Introduction 78 4.2 The Dutch Market for Visual Art and the Impact of the Government 79 Visual Art Policy 79 Size and Structure of the Market 80 4.3 Decomposition of the Artists’ Earnings 82 Multiple Job-holding 82 Earnings from Private versus Public Sources 83 Applying the Model 84 4.4 The Model 85 4.5 Data and Description 87 4.6 Results 89 4.7 Conclusion 92 Appendix to Chapter 4: The Likelihood 93 5 Decent Exposure; Exhibition Careers of Dutch visual Artists 97 5.1 Introduction 97 5.2 Theoretical Background 99 Winner-takes-all and Work-preference 99 Career Predictions 100 Segments 101 5.3 Data and Description 102 Data 102 Description of Circuits over the Entire Period 104 Description of Circuits Year by Year 105 5.4 Analysis of Exhibition Careers 107 Results 108 5.5 Conclusion, Discussion 112 6 Determinants of Prices for Contemporary Art in Dutch Galleries, 115 1992-1998 6.1 Introduction 115 6.2 Earlier Studies 117 6.3 Description of the Data 118 Works of Art 119 Artists 120 Galleries 122 6.4 Supply And Demand On The Primary Market For Visual Art 123 Works of Art 123 Artists 124 Galleries 125 6.5 The Advantages of Multilevel Analysis 125 6.6 Analysis 129 Determinants on the Level of Works of Art 129 Determinants on the Level of Artists 131 Determinants on the Level of Galleries 133 The Random-effects Model 133 Explained Variance 134 6.7 Conclusion 135 7 The Economic Lives of Artists: Conclusion and Discussion 139 7.1 Introduction 139 7.2 Findings from the Chapters 140 7.3 Careers of Artists 141 The Early Career 141 Labour Market Entrance 142 The Careers of Visual Artists in the Cultural Sector 142 Reward Systems 143 7.4 Interpreting Career Diferences 144 Experience 144 Grants 145 (Arts) Education 146 Place of Residence 147 Gender 147 7.5 The Theories 149 The Bohemian Artist 149 Evaluating Work-preference Theory 149 Evaluating Winner-take-all Theory 150 7.6 Some Recommendations for Research and Policy 151 Empirical Analyses 151 Policy-implications 152 Avenues for Further Research 153 Summary in Dutch 155 References 165 CV and Acknowledgements 175 ICS Dissertation Series 177

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