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2009] 10 INDEX TO VOLUME 62: BOOK REVIEWS 62(3) Canyon Gardens. The Ancient Pueblo Landscapes Aboriginal People and Their Plants. Clarke, of the American Southwest. Price, V. B. and Philip A. 631 Baker H. Morrow 102 Agee, James K. Steward’s Fork. A Sustainable Chasing the Rain, My Treasure Hunt for Future for the Klamath Mountains. 639 the World’s Most Beautiful Mushrooms. Aguirre de Rojas, Regina and Elfriede de Poll. Lockwood, Taylor F. 640 Trees in the Life of the Maya World. 193 Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the American Household Botany: A History of Aztecs. Ayerza, Ricardo Jr. and Wayne Useful Plants 1620-1900. Sumner, Judith 103 Coates. 194 Andersen, Linda A. see Barnes, Joanne Clark, Andrew G. see Hartl, Daniel L. Arelhe-kenhe Merrethene/Arrernte Traditional Clarke, Philip A. Aboriginal People and Their Healing. Dobson, Veronica Perrurle. 630 Plants. 631 Ayerza, Ricardo Jr. and Wayne Coates. Chia: Coates, Wayne see Ayerza, Ricardo Jr. Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Cole, Anthony L. J. see Hall, Ian R. Aztecs. 194 Committee, Editorial. Flora of North America Barnes, Joanne, Linda A. Andersen, and J. David North of Mexico. Volume 24. Magnoliophyta: Phillipson. Herbal Medicines, Third Edi- Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae, part I. 100 tion. 195 Committee, Editorial. Flora of North America Benjamin Smith Barton: Naturalist and North of Mexico. Vol. 27. Bryophytes, part 1. Physician in Jeffersonian America. Ewan, 202 Joseph and Nesta Dunn Ewan. 633 Compendia of World’s Medicinal Flora. Singh, Berry, Paul A., see Steyermark, Julian A. Amritpal 104 Biopesticides of Plant Origin. Regnault-Rogers, Consiglio, F. see Miller, yi Si Catherine, Bernard J. R. Philogene, and Cooper, H. David see Jarvis, Devra I. Charles Vincent 106 Davis, A.P. see Sohmer, S.H. Bitter Nemesis: The Intimate History of de MacVean, Ana Lucrecia. Plantas Utiles de Strychnine. Buckingham, J. 192 Soloa, Guatemala. 634 Botany in a Day-The patterns Method of Plant de P6ll, Elfriede see Aguirre de Rojas, Regina Identification, 5th Edition. Elpel, Thomas J. Denetdale, Jennifer Nez. Reclaiming Diné 197 History: The Legacies of Navajo Chief Brown, Gordon T. see Hall, Ian R. Manuelito and Juanita. 628 Buchanan, Peter K. see Hall, Ian R. Developing Markets for Agrobiodiversity. Buckingham, J. Bitter Nemesis: The Intimate Securing Livelihoods in Dryland Areas. History of Strychnine. 192 Giuliani, Alessandra. 636 Bussmann, Rainer W. and Douglas Sharon. Didukh, Maryna, Solomon P. Wasser, and Plants of Longevity-The Medical Flora of Eviatar Nevo. Impact of the Family Vilcabamba/Plantas de longevidad-La flora Agaricaceae (Fr.) Cohn on Nutrition and curandera de Vilcabamba. 192 Medicine. 97 Bussmann, Rainer W. and Douglas Sharon. Dobson, Veronica Perrurle. Arelhe-kenhe Plants of the Four Winds. The Magic and Merrethene/Arrernte Traditional Healing. Medicinal Flora of Peru/Plantas de los 630 cuatros vientos. Flora magica y medicinal duCellier, Judith L. see James A. Duke del Pert. 192 Duke, James A., Peggy-Ann K. Duke, and Judith Cairns, Malcolm. Voices from the Forest: L. duCellier. Duke’s Handbook of Medici- integrating Indigenous Knowledge into nal Plants of the Bible. 632 Sustainable Upland Farming. 107 Duke, Peggy-Ann K. see James A. Duke 108 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 63 Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Rivera, Diego, Alonso Verde, José Fajardo, C. V. Bible. Duke, James A., Peggy-Ann K. Duke, Inocencio, Concepcién Obon, and Michael and Judith L. duCellier. 632 Heinrich 98 Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of the Hall, Barry G. Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy. World. Hall, Ian R., Steven L. Stephenson, A How-to Manual, Third Edition. 201 Peter K.Buchanan, Wang Yun, and Cole, Hall, Ian R., Steven L. Stephenson, Peter K. Anthony L. J. 96 Buchanan, Wang Yun, and Cole, Anthony L. Eich, Eckart. Solanaceae and Convolvulaceae: J. Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of the Secondary Metabolites. Biosynthesis, Che- World. 96 motaxonomy, Biological and Economic Hartl, Daniel L. and Andrew G. Clark. Principles Significance (A Handbook). 629 of Population Genetics, Fourth Edition. 200 Eland, Sue C. Plant Biographies. 203 Heinrich, Michael see Rivera, Diego Elpel, Thomas J. Botany in a Day-The patterns Henry, Robert J. Plant Conservation Genetics. Method of Plant Identification, 5th Edi- 200 tion. 197 Herbal Medicines, Third Edition. Barnes, Joanne, Elpel, Thomas J. Stanleya’s Quest. A Botany Linda A. Andersen, and J. David Phillipson. 195 Adventure for Kids Ages 9 to 99. 198 Holst, Bruce K. see Steyermark, Julian A. Endemic Medicinal Plants of Georgia (Caucasus). Hong, Dekyuan see Wu, Zhengyi Miller, J. S., K. MaCue, T. Consiglio, and J. Ian R. Hall, Gordon T. Brown, and Alessandra Stone. 196 Zambonelli. Taming the Truffle-The History, Enhancing the Use of Crop Genetic Diversity Lore, and Science of the Ultimate Mush- to Manage Abiotic Stress in Agricultural room. 545 Production Systems. Jarvis, D., I. Mar, and Immunology in Plant Health and Its Impact L: Sears. 199 on Food Safety. Narayanasamy, P. 106 Ewan, Joseph and Nesta Dunn Ewan. Benjamin Impact of the Family Agaricaceae (Fr.) Cohn Smith Barton: Naturalist and Physician in on Nutrition and Medicine. Didukh, Maryna, Jeffersonian America. 633 Solomon P. Wasser, and Eviatar Nevo. 97 Ewan, Nesta Dunn see Joseph Ewan. Indian Council of Medical Research.Quality Fajardo, José see Rivera, Diego Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants. 197 Flora of China. Vol. 13, Clusiaceae through Indian Folk Medicines and Other Plant-based Araliaceae. Wu, Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven, Products. Singh, V. 105 and Dekyuan Hong 102 Inocencio, C. V. see Rivera, Diego Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol. Jarvis, D., I. Mar, and L. Sears. Enhancing the 27. Bryophytes, part 1. Committee, Editorial. Use of Crop Genetic Diversity to Manage 202 Abiotic Stress in Agricultural Production Flora of North America North of Mexico. Systems. Jarvis, D., 1. Mar, and L. Sears. 199 Volume 24. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae Jarvis, Devra I., Christine Padoch, and H. David (in part): Poaceae, part I. Committee, Cooper. Managing Biodiversity in Agricul- Editorial 100 tural Ecosystems. 108 Flora of the Venezuelan Guyana, Volume 9 Karg, Sabine.Medieval Food Traditions in Rutaceae - Zygophyllaceae. Steyermark, Northern Europe. 630 Julian A., Berry, Paul A., Kay Yatskievych, Lawrence, Brian M. Mint. The genus Mentha. and Holst Bruce K. 203 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants-Industrial Flérula del Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu, Profiles Vol. 44. 195 Amazonas, Colombia. Rudas Lleras, A. and A. Legumes of the World. Lewis, Gwilym, Brian Prieto Cruz 101 Shrire, Barbara Mackinder, and Mike Lock 99 Giuliani, Alessandra. Developing Markets for Letcher, Andy. Shroom: A Cultural History of Agrobiodiversity. Securing Livelihoods in the Magic Mushroom. 546 Dryland Areas. 636 Lewis, Gwilym, Brian Shrire, Barbara Mackinder, Guia Etnobotanica de los Alimentos Locales and Mike Lock. Legumes of the World. 99 Recolectados en la Provencia de Albacete. Lock, Mike see Lewis, Gwilym 2009] INDEX TO BOOK REVIEWS 109 Lockwood, Taylor F. Chasing the Rain, My Plant Biographies. Eland, Sue C. 203 Treasure Hunt for the World’s Most Beau- Plant Conservation Genetics. Henry, Robert J. tiful Mushrooms. 640 200 Lynch, Michael. The Origins of Genome Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 14. Vegetable Architecture. 199 Oils. Van der Vossen, H. A. M. and G. S. Mackinder, Barbara see Lewis, Gwilym Mkamilo, 635 MaCue, K.°see Miller, J. S.. Plantas Utiles de Solod, Guatemala. de MacVean, Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems. Ana Lucrecia. 634 Jarvis, Devra I., Christine Padoch, and H. Plants of Longevity-The Medical Flora of David Cooper 108 Vilcabamba/Plantas de longevidad-La flora Mar, I. see Jarvis, D. curandera de Vilcabamba. Bussmann, Rainer Martinov, Milan see Ozteki, Serdar W. and Douglas Sharon. 192 Medicinal and Aromatic Crops. Harvesting, Plants of the Four Winds. The Magic and Drying, and Processing. Ozteki, Serdar and Medicinal Flora of Peru/Plantas de los Milan Martinov. 634 cuatros vientos. Flora magica y medicinal Medieval Food Traditions in Northern del Peru. Bussmann, Rainer W. and Douglas Europe. Karg, Sabine. 630 Sharon. 192 Miller, J. S., K. MaCue, T. Consiglio, and J. Price, V. B. and Baker H. Morrow. Canyon Stone. Endemic Medicinal Plants of Georgia Gardens. The Ancient Pueblo Landscapes (Caucasus). 196 of the American Southwest. 102 Mint. The genus Mentha. Medicinal and Prieto Cruz, A. see Rudas Lleras, A. Aromatic Plants-Industrial Profiles Vol. Principles of Population Genetics, Fourth 44, Lawrence, Brian M. 195 Edition. Hartl, Daniel L. and Andrew G. Mkamilo, G. S. see Van der Vossen, H. A. M. Clark. 200 Molecular Markers for Genebank Management. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Spooner, D., R. van Treuren, and M. C. Plants. Indian Council of Medical Research. Vicente. 637 197 Morrow, Baker H. see Price, V. B. Raven, Peter H. see Wu, Zhengyi Mycellium Running. How Mushrooms Can Reclaiming Diné History: The Legacies of Help Save the World. Stamets, Paul. 97 Navajo Chief Manuelito and Juanita. Narayanasamy, P. Immunology in Plant Health Denetdale, Jennifer Nez. 628 and Its Impact on Food Safety. 106 Regnault-Rogers, Catherine, Bernard J. R. Philogéne, Nevo, Eviatar see Didukh, Maryna and Charles Vincent. Biopesticides of Plant Ob6n, Concepcién see Rivera, Diego Origin. 106 Ozteki, Serdar and Milan Martinov. Medicinal Rivera, Diego, Alonso Verde, José Fajardo, C. V. and Aromatic Crops. Harvesting, Drying, Inocencio, Concepcién Obén, and Michael and Processing. 634 Heinrich. Guia Etnobotanica de los: Alimentos Padoch, Christine see Jarvis, Devra I. Locales Recolectados en la Provencia de Phillipson, J. David see Barnes, Joanne Albacete. 98 Philogéne, Bernard J. R. see Regnault-Rogers, Rudas Lleras, A. and A. Prieto Cruz. Flérula del Catherine Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu, Ama- Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy. A How-to zonas, Colombia. 101 Manual, Third Edition. Hall, Barry G. 201 Sears, L. see Jarvis, D., Pickering, Helen. Wild Flowers of Mombacho, Sharon, Douglas see Bussmann, Rainer W. Nicaragua/Flores Silvestres del Mombacho. Shrire, Brian see Lewis, Gwilym 637 Shroom: A Cultural History of the Magic Pieroni, Andrea and Vandebroek, Ina. Traveling Mushroom. Letcher, Andy. 546 Cultures and Plants: The Ethnobiology and Singh, Amritpal. Compendia of World’s Medicinal Ethnopharmacy of Human Migrations. Vol Flora. 104 7, Studies in Environmental Anthropology Singh, V. Indian Folk Medicines and Other and Ethnobiology. 628 Plant-based Products. 105 110 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 63 Sohmer, S.H. and A.P. Davis. The Genus The Origins of Genome Architecture. Lynch, Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in the Philippine Michael. 199 Archipelago. 638 Traveling Cultures and Plants: The Ethno- Solanaceae and Convolvulaceae: Secondary biology and Ethnopharmacy of Human Metabolites. Biosynthesis, Chemotaxonomy, Migrations. Vol 7, Studies in Environmental Biological and Economic Significance (A Anthropology ard Ethnobiology. Pieroni, Handbook). Eich, Eckart. 629 Andrea and Vandebroek, Ina. 628 Spooner, D., R. van Treuren, and M. C. Vicente. Trees in the Life of the Maya World. Molecular Markers for Genebank Manage- Aguirre de Rojas, Regina and Elfriede de P@ll. ment. 637 193 Stamets, Paul. Mycellium Running. How Treuren, R. van see Spooner, D. Mushrooms Can Help Save the World. 97 Van der Vossen, H. A. M. and G. S. Mkamilo, Stanleya’s Quest. A Botany Adventure for Kids Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 14. Ages 9 to 99. Elpel, Thomas J. 198 Vegetable Oils. 635 Stephenson, Steven L. see Hall, Ian R. Vandebroek, Ina see Pieroni, Andrea Steward’s Fork. A Sustainable Future for the Verde, Alonso see Rivera, Diego Klamath Mountains. Agee, James K. 639 Vicente, M. C. see Spooner, D. Steyermark, Julian A., Berry, Paul A., Kay Vincent, Charles see Regnault-Rogers, Catherine Yatskievych, and Holst Bruce K. Flora of the Voices from the Forest: Integrating Indigenous Venezuelan Guyana, Volume 9 Rutaceae - Knowledge into Sustainable Upland Farm- Zygophyllaceae. 203 ing. Cairns, Malcolm 107 Stone, J. see Miller, J. S. Wang Yun, see Hall, Ian R. Sumner, Judith. American Household Botany: Wasser, Solomon P. see Didukh, Maryna A History of Useful Plants 1620-1900. 103 Wild Flowers of Mombacho, Nicaragua/Flores Taming the Truffle-The History, Lore, and Silvestres del Mombacho. Pickering, Helen. Science of the Ultimate Mushroom. lan R. 637 Hall, Gordon T. Brown, and Alessandra Wu, Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven, and Dekyuan Zambonelli. 545 Hong. Flora of China. Vol. 13, Clusiaceae The Genus Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in the through Araliaceae. 102 Philippine Archipelago. Sohmer, S.H. and Yatskievych, Kay see Steyermark, Julian A. A.P. Davis. 638 Zambonelli, Alessandra see Ian R. 2009] INDEX TO VOLUME 62: AUTHORS AND TITLES OF PAPERS Ahmed, Selena, 182 D’andrea, A. C., 547 Alarcén, Juan Gabriel Soler, 60 Danell, Eric , 331 Alexander, Susan J., 331 Declining Wild Mushroom Recognition and Almekindets, Conny J. M., 148 Usage in Burkina Faso, 530 Alvarez, Juliana Magalhaes, 187 Delgado-Alvarado, Adriana, 425 Amar, Zohar, 85 Delgado, Guillermo, 161 “Arco Floral”: Ethnobotany of Tillandsia and Desert TrufHes of the African Kalahari: Ecology, Dasylirion spp. in a Mexican Religious Adorn- Ethnomycology, and Taxonomy, 521 ment, The, 90 Desert Truffles of the Australian Outback: Arora, David, 207 2235, 2/8, 356, 3a7= 6, 392; Ecology, Ethnomycology, and Taxonomy, 497 437, 521, 540 Devkota, Shiva, 12 Assogbadjo, A. E., 74 Dilemma: Economic/Ethnobotanical Research in Austin, Daniel F., 567 the Twenty-First Century, A, 3 Australia and the South Pacific, 482 Distribution of Agrobiodiversity in Home Gardens Baas, Pieter, 574 along the Corrientes River, Peruvian Amazon, 109 Bhattarai, Sanjeeb, 12 Diverging Understandings of Forest Management Bidding Customs and Habitat Improvement for in Matsutake Science, 244 Matsutake (77icholoma matsutake) in Japan, 257 Dunham, Susie M., 376 Bolete Productivity of Cistaceous Scrublands in Edible Mushrooms of Madagascar: An Evolving Northwestern Spain, 323 Enigma, The, 509 Bortolotto, Ieda Maria, 187 Ellen, Roy, 483 Bory, Séverine, 127 Eshbaugh, W. Hardy, 3 Buyck, Bart, 509 Espinosa-Garcia, Francisco J., 161 Bye, Robert, 161 Estrada-Torres, Arturo, 413 California Porcini: Three New Taxa, Observations Ethnobotany of Herreria montevidensis Klotzsch on Their Harvest, and the Tragedy of No ex Griseb. -Herreriaceae, in Corumba, Brazil, Commons, 356 The, 187 Castle, Lisa, 139 Ethnobotany of the Rama of Southeastern Nicaragua Chadare, F. J., 74 and Comparisons with Miskitu Plant Lore, 40 Christensen, Morten, 12 Ethnomycology Among the Nuaulu of the Claridge, Andrew W., 497, 521 Moluccas: Putting Berlin’s “General Principles” Claridge, Deborah L., 497 of Ethnobiological Classification to the Test, 483 Coe, Felix G., 40 Evstatieva, L., 621 Colinas, Carlos, 331 Felger, Richard S., 567 Collection and Sale of Wild Mushrooms in a Figueiredo, Isabel Benedetti, 171 Community of Tlaxcala, Mexico, The, 413 Fischer, Christine, 331 Collection and Use of Wild Edible Fungi in Floriani, Marco, 307 Nepal, 12 Folk Classification, Perception, and Preferences Constructinga Wild Mushroom Panopticon: of Baobab Products in West Africa: Consequences The Extension of Nation-State Control over for Species Conservation and Improvement, 74 the Forest Understory in Oregon, USA, 343 From Disgust to Desire: Changing Attitudes Coomes, Oliver T., 109 toward Beringian Mushrooms, 214 Correcting Misperceptions about the History of Fukuoka, Masaharu, 594 Castanea Stands in Satoyama in Japan, 594 Gomez-Pompa, Arturo, 127 Cultural Importance Indices: A Comparative Grace of the Flood: Classification and Use of Analysis Based on the Useful Wild Plants Wild Mushrooms among the Highland Maya of Southern Cantabria (Northern Spain), of Chiapas, The, 437 24 Guinko, Sita, 530 112 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 63 Guissou, K. Marie Laure, 530 Mexican Arnica Anti-Inflammatory Action: Plant Guo, Rong, 182 Age is Correlated with the Concentration Guzman, Gastén, 404 of Anti-Inflammatory Sesquiterpenes in the Haeckel, Ingrid B., 90 Medicinal Plant Heterotheca inuloides Cass. Hallucinogenic Mushrooms in Mexico: An (Asteraceae), 161 Overview, 404 Mitsumata, Gaku, 257 Harvesting Effects and Population Ecology of the Moerman, Daniel, 205 Buriti Palm (Mauritia flexuosa L. f., Arecaceae) Montoya, Adriana, 413 in the Jalapao Region, Central Brazil, 171 Mushroom Issue, an Introduction, The, 205 He, Jun, 269 Mushrooms and Economic Botany, 207 Hernandez, Juan Hernandez, 127 Mushrooms for Life among the Joti in the Hernandez, Nuri, 413 Venezuelan Guayana, 471 Hoang, Sam Van, 574 Nakagawa, Takeshi, 594 Houses That Matsutake Built, The, 278 Nationalization and Globalization Trends in the Iluz, David, 85 Wild Mushroom Commerce of Italy with Introduction of Wild Golden Root (Rhodiola rosea Emphasis on Porcini (Boletus edulis and Allied L.) as a Potential Economic Crop in Bulgaria, 621 Species), 307 Isik, Kani, 615 New, Commercially Valuable Chanterelle Species, Kacar, M. Suleyman, 615 Cantharellus californicus sp. nov., Associated Kakai, R. Glélé, 74 with Live Oak in California, USA, A, 376 Kefler, Paul J. A., 574 Nuijten, Edwin, 148 Kim, Seung-Chul, 127 Okuda, Masaaki, 594 Kindscher, Kelly, 139 Olaizola, Jaime, 323 Kitagawa, Junko, 594 Olivera, Antoni, 331 Kong, Alejandro, 413 Oria-De-Rueda, Juan Andrés, 323 Kurt, Yusuf, 615 Origins and Dispersal of Cultivated Vanilla Kyndt, T., 74 (Vanilla planifolia Jacks. [Orchidaceae]), 127 Lampman, Aaron, 437 Pardo-De-Santayana, Manuel, 24 Larsen, Helle O., 12 Peixoto, Ariane Luna, 60 Li, Chun, 269 Pérez-Moreno, Jesus, 425 Li, Xingyu, 182 Perrault-Archambault, Mathilde, 109 Liddle, Lynette, 497 Photo Essay: Wild Mushroom Harvest, 392 Linares-Mazari, Edelmira, 161 Plants Used for Reproductive Health by Liu, Yitao, 182 Nahua Women in Northern Veracruz, Long, Bo, 182 Mexico, 604 Long, Chunlin, 182 Platikanov, S., 621 Lopes, Rosana Conrado, 187 Price, Dana M., 139 Lubinsky, Pesach, 127 Resprouting of Echinacea angustifolia Augments Lykke, Anne Mette, 530 Sustainability of Wild Medicinal Plant Popula- Ma, Jianzhong, 269 tions, 139 Maldonado-Lépez, Yurixhi, 161 Rubel, William, 223 Mapes, Cristina, 413 Saito, Haruo, 257 Martin-Pinto, Pablo, 323 Samils, Nicklas, 331 Martinez-Reyes, Magdalena, 425 Sampaio, Mauricio Bonesso, 171 Matsutake Trade in Yunnan Province, China: An Sankara, Philippe, 530 Overview, 269 Satsuka, Shiho, 244 Matsutake Worlds Research Group, 244 Schmidt, Isabel Belloni, i171 McLain, Rebecca J., 343 Shepard, Jr., Glenn H., 207, 437 Mechanisms Explaining Variety Naming by Shi, Yana, 182 Farmers and Name Consistency of Rice Sichuan Peppers and the Etymology of Fagara Varieties in The Gambia, 148 (Rutaceae), 567 2009] INDEX TO AUTHORS AND TITLES OF PAPERS 113 Sinsin, B., 74 Van Damme, P., 74 Sitta, Nicola, 307 Wall Pellitory as a Glass Cleaning Material Smit, W. Adriaan, 521 in the Land of Israel in the Middle Ages, Smith-Oka, Vania, 604 85 Socioeconomic Impact of Truffle Cultivation in Wang, Xiaorong, 182 Rural Spain, The, 331 Why Musella lasiocarpa (Musaceae) is Used in Study of Cultural Bias in Field Guide Determi- Southwest China to Feed Pigs, 182 nations of Mushroom Edibility Using the Wild Mushroom Markets in Central Mexico and Iconic Mushroom, Amanita muscaria, as an a Case Study at Ozumba, 425 Example, A, 223 Winkler, Daniel, 291 Tef (Eragrostis tef) in Ancient Agricultural Xiao Ren Ren: The “Little People” of Yunnan, Systems of Highland Ethiopia, 547 540 Tardio, Javier, 24 Xoconostle-Cazares, Beatriz, 425 Thomson, L., 74 Xu, Jianchu, 269 Traditional Tar Production from Cedrus libani A. Yamin-Pasternak, Sveta, 214 Rich on the Taurus Mountains in Southern Yang, Chunyan, 182 Turkey, 615 Yang, Xuefei, 269 Trappe, James M., 49 wal Yang, Yongping, 269 ‘Tsing, Anna, 244 Yartsa Gunbu (Cordyceps sinensis) and the Fungal Use of Terra Firme Forest by Caicubi Caboclos, Commodification of Tibet’s Rural Economy, Middle Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. A 291 : Quantitative Study, 60 Yasuda, Yoshinori, 594 Uses and Conservation of Plant Species in a National Yescas-Pérez, Angélica, 425 Park-A Case Study of Ben En, Vietnam, 574 Zent, Egleé L., 471 [VOL. 63 INDEX TO VOL62U: SMUBJEEC TS Aboriginal use, 482, 497, 500, Bulgaria, 314, 315, 621 182, 247, 249, 285, 287, a22 Buriti Palm, 171 302, 310, 331, 343-345, APR?) 127,° 131,. 132, 134, Burkina Faso, 74, 530 370, 414, 422, 511, 561, 574 560 Caboclos, 60, 120 Conservation policy, 343 African Kalahari, 521 Cadalenes, 161 Construction, 27, 28, 44, 45, Agrobiodiversity, 109 California, 206, 209, 211, 232, 48, 59, 60, 62-68, 70, 71, Agroforestry, 74, 76, 82, 83 234,. 287, 342, 343,. 356; 94, 112; 193, 115, 150, Amanita, 15-18, 255, 256, 376, 393, 402 22\y. 281, 2b2, 297; 309, 308-310, 322, 324, 364, California mushrooms, 356 337, 346, 492, 574, 594, 403, 404, 408, 416, 417, Cantharellus, 15, 16, 20, 21, 606, 619 419-422, 428-431, 434, 284, 308; 310, 3133, 334, Cookery, 214, 229, 235, 237 437, 438, 442, 444-447, 322, 324, 341, 343, 347, Corrientes River, 109 450-454, 458, 459, 461, 376, 417, 420, 429-431, Corumba, 187 462, 465-468, 508, 511, 443, 444, 451, 452, 461, Crop origins, 127 Sac 91S.) 952, 999; 399s 463-465, 469, 508, 509, Cultivated plant diversity, 109 536, 540 SL1I=515,. S17, 3325 3595 Cultivation of medicinal plants, Amanita muscaria, 208, 209, 536 161 212, 213, 223, 408, 467, 514 Cantharellus californicus sp. Cultural importance index, 24 Amazon, 3, 4, 6, 49, 60-62, nov., 376 Dasylirion spp., 90 66, 6/7, 70; 71, TO9, 148, Carbon-nutrient balance hypoth- Deforestation, 190, 212, 295, 157,. 175; 175,. 189; 471, esis, 161 530, 559, 596, 599, 602 475, 484, 492, 594 Castanea crenata, 594 Desert Truffles, 209, 482, 497, Amazon forest, 60, 189 Castanea stands, 594 507, 521 Amazonia, 109 Cedar of Lebanon, 615 Distinguished Economic Botanist, Amazonian Indians, 471 Cedrus libani, 615 Boo Ancient subsistence, 547 Cerrado, 171, 188, 189 Distribution, 7, 16, 17, 49, 67, Anti-Inflammatory, 64, 69, Chanterelle, 209, 243, 284, 68, 109, 127, 143, 149, 161; 501,611,.621 306, 310, 314, 318, 341, 179, 187, 249, 269-271, Arabic, 85, 567 345,. 347, 3535; 376,. 39), 294, 295: 298, 302; 324, Arco Floral, 90 396, 401, 429, 443-446, 373-9) s- OT/s Deo. sae; Ascomycota, 497, 521 450, 452, 461, 464, 482, 404, 405, 484, 502-504, Australia, 209, 345, 369, 482, 508-510, 513-515 510; 527,578; 596 497, 509 Chiapas, 9, 129, 130, 133, Domestication, 74, 131, 509, Australian Outback, 497 134, 208, 209, 409, 437, 457 O22 Baobab, 74, 516 484, 492 Dormancy, 139 Ben En National Park, 574 Chukchi, 213, 214 Dried, 20, 21, 87, 88, 131, Bering Strait, 209, 214 Chukotka, 213, 214 141, 144, 163, 175, 183, Beringian Mushrooms, 214 Cistaceae, 323, 409 205; 217, 228; 233, 274; Berlin’s “General Principles”, 483 Coastal California, 211, 356, 386 276; 282,, 298... 507, 356; Boletus aereus, 311, 322-325, Commercial mushroom harvest, 358, 359, 361, 363-365, 327, 328, 433, 469 343 367, 377, 378, 380, 398, Boletus edulis, 15, 16, 21, 307, Commons, 211, 257, 356 403, 419, 420, 441, 487, 599-324, 326=328;. 341, Community resource manage- 502, 504, 507... 516,523; 358, 359, 364, 366, 374, ment, 257 596, S27. Soe, 49, 3/8; 428-430, 433, 469, 514 Comparative analysis, 24, 40 593, 595, 597, 618 Brazil, G0, 135, 171,. 187, Consensus of species uses, 40 Echinacea, 139 479 Conservation, 3, 4, 8, 71, 74, Echinacea angustifolia, 139 Brine, 216, 307, 310, 312- 90, 94, 95, 108; AZT ESS; Ecology, 75, 95, 153-155, 314, 317, 318 139, 145, 146, 172, 174, 157, E71, 208, 219... 229, 2009] INDEX TO SUBJECTS 115 237, 245, 248, 249, 258, Eucalypts, 509, 511-513, SV JV Herreria montevidensis Klotzsch 2/6, 294, 301, 327, 376, Si7 ex Griseb. - Herreriaceae, 393, 414, 437 t Eucalyptus, 311, 369, 499, 504, 187 479, 483, 497, 517, 521, 50%, 511; 512,516; 537 Heterotheca inuloides Cass. 532 520, 577, 578, 583, 589 (Asteraceae), 161 Economic botany, 5. GG, 10, Fagara (Rutaceae), 567 Highland Maya, 209, 403, 207, 251 Farmer management, 148, 149 437, 492, 492. 495 Ectomycorrhizal, 210, 211, Field guide bias, 223, 236 Historical perspective, 594, 596 216; 257, 269, 279, 285 Field guides, 209, 212, 2 7 Oo History of science, 244 296,. 301, 311; 324) 32Z/ 226, 229, 231-237, 365, Home gardens, 42, 43, 46, 48, 332, 356, 3/6, 37/7, 384 448, 540 109, 183, 577-579, 583 386, 426, 438, 439, 444, Firewood, 19, 27—31, 44, 47 Horakiella, 497, 499, 502, 503 455, 482, 494, 499, 507 60, 62, 64, 70, 1¥3, 210, Hoti, 471 509, 535, 537 246, 259, 352, 348, 3635, Household tools, 574, 576, Edibility, 212, 223, 440, 445, Sy, 324, 55 /4, 576-578, 578 449, 450, 453, 454, 475, 580, 581, 586-591 Huertos, 109 484, 491, 492, 494, 495, Folk classification, 74, 148, Hypogeous, 310, 332, 408, 509, 530, 535, 579 437, 449, 484, 491 497, 502, 521 Edible fungi, 12, 210, 278, Folk medicines, 6] 5 Hypogeous fungi, 497, 521 331, 356, 376, 425, 43 Food plants, 24, 40, 42-46, Indigenous knowledge, 8, 9, Edible mushrooms, 12, 25, 48, 229, 237, 524, 574, “60, 74, 80—83 207-209, 211, 242, 255, 580 Indigenous peoples, 7-9, 49, 308, 309, 323, 327, 344, Forest management, 21, 212, 109, 205, 404-406, 455, 403, 413, 418, 425, 426 244, 264, 318, 344, 436, 521 428-431, 433, 435, 437 348 Indigenous women, 604, 612 444, 448, 454, 455, 460 Fresh, ys: Fs Ney AS Indonesia, 127, 209, 483, 484, 471, 475, 492-495, 507 88, 13 488, 610 509, 530 205,. 213; 215,217, 24s Internal transcribed spacer Elderia, 497, 356 226, 232, 274; 273, Ze2 (ITS-RFLP), 376-378, Environmental protection, 248, 298, 307-314, 318, 319, 380, 381 297, 303, 343 323, 326, 332, 334, 336, Triai, 211, 257, 259-261, 263-— Environmentalism, 356 358, 361, 362, 365, 374 266 Eragrostis tef, 547 378, 380, 387, 419, 420 Isocadalenes, 161, 162, 167 Eremiomyces, 521 434, 440, 458, 502, 522 Italy, 205, 227, 233, 235, 306, 523, 525, 527, 531, 535 Eritrea, ag 307, 324, 332, 336, 338, Eshbaugh, W. Hardy, 3 360, 364, 365, 367 Ethiopia, 7 149, 158, 547, 570 618, 624, 625 Jalapao Region, 171 Ethnicity, 12, 109, 110, 114, Fungi, 12, 206, 207, 210, 214, Japan, 13, 15, 16, 182, 205, LEG; 217; 1205 574,575 227, 245, 246, 269, 278, 210. ZI. 2 232-2 Ethnobiological classification, 294, 302, 307, 327; 35%; 235, 242, 245-250, 254, 437, 453, 483 356, 3—7 6, 425, 437, 450, 257, 269, 271, 274-276, Ethnobotanical inventory, 60, 483, 488, 489, 491-494, 278, 285, 288, 312, bh 5/5; 576 497, 500, 503, 521, 615, 568, 594 Ethnobotanical survey, 27, 35, 619 Joti, 209, 471 37, 74-76, 80 Glass cleaning, 85 Kalaharituber, 521-523, 526, Ethnobotany, 5, 6, 10, 24, 34, Globalization, 205, 229, 2 S97 36, 40, 90, 182, 187, 205, 307, 361, 604, 611, 613 Khampa, 278, 298 331, 453, 454, 574, 604 Golden grass, a E72. FFs King boletes, 343, 345, 356, Ethnomycology, 205, 208, 179 364—366, 369 209, 212, 214, 217-219, Grassland products, 291, 293 Knowledge production, 244, 221, 331, 404, 413, 437 Guiana shield, 4 250, 251 471, 483, 497, 500, 521, 530 Hallucinogens, 404 Kyoto, 257—262, 265 116 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 63 La Malinche National Park, 12, Mushroom, 1 282, 287, 293, 305, 428, 413, 422 207-213, 21 434, 574 Land tenure, 211, 343 947.250; 254, 256; 257, Nuaulu, 209, 483 Languages, 40, 112, 221, 233, 260, 269, 270-272, 275, Oak chanterelle, 209, 376, 235, 245, 426, 437, 445, 278—285, 287, 288, 291-— 377, 385-387, 389, 390 449, 452, 453, 458, 492, 296, 303, 306, 307, 323- Orchidaceae, 127 500, 531, 567, 569, 577 526, 328,592; 338, 341, Oregon, 206, 211, 247, 284, Leaf harvest, 171, 176 342, 343, 356-357, 359- 342, 343, 357, 360, 367, Live oak, 376 365, 367-371, 376, 383, 5/3, 374; 377; 389; 3%; Livelihoods, 12, 13, 74, 269, 384, 386, 387, 389, 392, 397, 402 319, 344-346, 530 393, 395-403, 404-406, Oraru, 594 Loan words, 464, 466, 567, 408-410, 413, 425, 437, Overharvesting, 139, 142, 176, 569, 571 471, 482-484, 487-495, 246, 248, 347, 348 Madagascar, 127, 128, 130, 507, 51d; 513-517, 530; Ozumba, 162, 425 131, 209, 210, 484, 508, 542, 543 Panopticon, 211, 343 509, 535, 594 Mushroom edibility, 223 Parietaria judaica, 85 Matsutake, 13, 207, 210, 211, Mushroom field guides, 209, Park policy, 356, 369 944. 254; 257; 269, 278, 223-225, 231-236 Peru, 4, 6, 58; 58, 70, 109, 293, 300, 342, 343, 345, Mushroom harvest, 20, 211, 148, 157, 158 347, 353, 358, 360, 395- 219, 278-279, 282, 284, Pezizaceae, 497, 521, 526 397, 401, 428, 429 287, 288, 291, 343, 345, Pezizales, 497, 521 Matsutake harvest, 244, 248, 351, 353;. 356;. 376; 392, Pigs, 182, 414, 578-580 249, 266, 274, 276, 278- 400, 420, 421, 429, 434 Pinus, 17, 18, 167, 245, 257, 280, 282, 284, 285, 288 Mushroom income, 210, 284, 279, 323; 324, 326, 327, Mattirolomyces, 497, 499, 501- 291,323 332, 349, 357, 360, 361, 503; 521,:522,. 526; 527 Mushroom production, 323, 365, 369. 373, 375; 377- Mauritia flexuosa L. f., Arecaceae, 326, 328 380, 386, 414, 416, 426, 171 Mushroom trade, 20, 269, 307, AIS, 4358, 509; 511,. 578, Medicinal mushrooms, 291, 348, 413, 414, 422 586, 598 479, 511 Mycoclelandia, 497, 499, 500, Plant knowledge, 35, 37, 70, Medicinal plants, 10, 25, 35, 502-504 604, 612 Al. 43, 112, 114, 115, ix, Mycorrhizae, 258, 328, 332, Plant use, 25, 27, 29, 35, 36, 161, 162, 285, 434, 517, 497, 500, 521 41, 44, 49, 60, 61, 66, 68, 571,574,575, 579, 580, Mycorrhizal associations, 324, 70, 71, 86, 234, 569, 574, 583, 604-606, 610-612, 621 356 575, 583, 604, 606, 611 Medicines, 7, 10, 43, 47, 293, Nahua , 207, 404, 414, 419, Pollen analysis, 594 392, 410, 476, 483, 567, 428, 430, 433, 434, 604 Population structure, 83, 171, 583, 615, 619 Name consistency, 148, 154, 172;. 175, 176, 178; 179 Mesoamerica, 46, 127, 128, 157, 158 Porcini, 210, 213, 243, 306, 130, 131, 134, 135, 403, National parks management, 307; 356, 393; 395, 401, 604 425 402, 429, 482, 514, 543 Mexican arnica, 161 Nationalization, 307 Power, 9, 118, 121, 211, 244, Mexico, 12, 13, 25, 90, 91, 94, Natural landscapes, 594 250, 278, 281, 297, 343-— 12/7, 128, 450, 151, 255, Nepal, 12, 149, 294, 295, 301, 345, 352, 354, 397, 454, 134,. 148,. 158, 161, 207-— 567, 568, 571 475, 480 2114.. 253; 255, 235/, 357, Nicaragua, 40 Preferences, 43, 74, 174, 214, 365, 399, 401-403, 404, Non-timber forest products, 172, 219, 220, 256, 308, 414, 413, 425, 437, 484, 492, 278, 425, 428, 484, 531, 575 449, 532, 537, 610 604 Non-Western science, 244, Profitable harvest, 278, 287 Miskitu, 40 245 Psilocybe, 209, 404, 428, 437, Moluccas, 482, 483 Northern Veracruz, 604 447, 466, 468, 543 Musella lasiocarpa (Musaceae), NTFP(s),. 12. W725 1725 177; Public land management, 356 182 205,270; 274. 278,279; Quantitative ethnobotany, 24

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