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Contents Introduction of 2003 Distinguished Eco- 72 Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Brosi- nomic Botanist, Professor Daniel Zo- mum Alicastrum (Moraceae) among hary. Barbara Pickersgill. Urban and Rural El Salvadorian Ad- olescents. Suzanne Yates, and Carlos R. Unconscious Selection and the Evolu- Ramirez-Sosa. tion of Domesticated Plants. Daniel Zo- hary. Post-Harvest Growth of Lechuguilla (Agave lecheguilla Torr., Agavaceae) in COVER ARTICLE: Indigenous Cul- Northeastern Mexico. Marisela Pando- tivation and Conservation of Totora Moreno, O. Eufracio, E. Jurado, and E. (Schoenoplectus californicus, Cypera- Estrada. ceae) in Peru.. Sandra Anne Banack, Xanic J. Rondon, and Wilfredo Diaz- Use and Availability of Craft Vines in Huamanchumo. the Influence Zone of the Biosphere Ethnobotanical Investigaton of the Reserve Sian Ka’an, Quintana Roo, Acjachemen Clapperstick from Blue Mexico. M.M. Martinez-Romero, A.E. Elderberry, Sambucus mexicana (Ca- Castro-Ramirez, P. Macario, and J.C. prifoliaceae). Michael Walker, Jacque Fernandez. Nunez, Marion Walkingstick, and San- Neem, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Me- dra Anne Banack. liaceae), and Its Potential for Sustain- Manufacturing Procedures and Micro- able Woodcarving in Kenya. Alex O. biological Aspects of Parakari, A Novel Obara, Martina G. Hoft, and Robert Fermented Beverage of the Wapisiana Hoft. Amerindians of Guyana. 7. W. Henkel. Botanical Notes Conservation of Useful Plants: An Evaluation of Local Priorities from Two Indigenous Communities in East- 112 The Utilization of Edible Canna ern Panama. Sarah Paule Dalle, and Plants in Southeastern Asia and Catherine Potvin. Southern China. Nobuyuki Tanaka. The Use of Tropical Forest (Agroeco- Cleyera japonica Thunb. var. walli- systems and Wild Plant Harvesting) as chiana (DC.) Sealy (Theaceae): A a Source of Food in the Bribri and Ca- Tea-beverage Plant of the Himalayas. becar Cultures in the Caribbean Coast R. P. Chaudhary, V. N. P. Gupta, and of Costa Rica. Carlos Ramos Garcia- R. S. L. Taylor. Serrano, and Juan Pablo Del Monte. 118 Book Reviews Contents 13 wn COVER ARTICLE: Eroding Knowledge: 242 Genetic Diversity of Traditional An Ethnobotanical Inventory in East- South American Landraces of Cas- ern Amazonia’s Logging Frontier. sava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): An Patricia Shanley and Nelson A. Rosa. Analysis Using Microsatellites. Mar- ianne Elias, Gilda Santos Miihlen, 161 Community Participation in Preser- Doyle McKey, Ana Carolina Roa, and vation of Lowcountry South Carolina Joe Tohme. Sweetgrass (Muhlenbergia filipes (M.A. Curtis) J. Pinson and W. Bat- Rosewood Exploitation in the Brazil- son) Basketry. Zachary H. Hart, An- ian Amazon: Options for Sustainable gela C. Halfacre, and Marianne K. Production. Peter H. May and Lauro Burke. E.S. Barata. 184 Domestication Process of Two Sola- 266 Subsistence Strategies of an Indige- num Section Lasiocarpa Species nous Minority in the Philippines: among Amerindians in the Upper Nonwood Forest Product Use by the Orinoco, Venezuela, with Special Fo- Tagbanua of Narra, Palawan. Celeste cus on Piaroa Indians. Gabriele Vol- Lacuna-Richman. pato, Rossella Marcucci, Noemi Tor- nadore, and Maurizio G. Paoletti. 286 Wild Edible Plants of the Sikkim Himalaya: Nutritive Values of Select- Effects of Some Mineral Nutrients on ed Species. Manju Sundriyal and R. Gibberellic Acid Levels in Maize C. Sundriyal. Plants (Zea mays L.). Peyami Battal. sc-graygg-eeynyynpecnegtnia y ne e n n e ean onnsee ement 204 Genetic Variation of Cassava (Manih- 300 Wild Edible Plants of the Sikkim ot esculenta Crantz) Cultivated by Himalaya: Marketing, Value Addi- Chibchan Amerindians of Costa Rica. tion and Implications for Manage- Maria E. Zaldivar, Oscar J. Rocha, ment. Manju Sundriyal and R. C. rpea<pryae m Gabriel Aguilar, Luis Castro, Emilio Sundriyal. Castro, and Ramiro Barrantes. Botanical Notes Knowledge and Use of Fungi by a Mycophilic Society of the Venezuelan Development of Natural Products Re- Amazon. Egleé L. Zent, Stanford search at University of Mississippi. Zent, and Teresa Iturriaga. Norman J. Doorenbos. A Comparative Study of Sulphur Content of Some Allium L. Species. 179 Notes on Zombia antillarum. Fabien- Rosa Muoio, Paolo Casoria, and Bru- ne Boncy Taylor and Joel C. Timyan. no Menale. Departments Wild Herb Use in Bulgaria. Kerry Ploetz and Blair Orr. 316 Book Reviews | Contents COVER ARTICLE: History and Lore of 43 un Allozyme, Morphological and Nutri- Sesame in Southwest Asia. Dorothea tional Analysis Bearing on the Do- Bedigan. mestication of Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae). Kendrick L. Marr, Xia Yong Mei, and Intraspecific Diversity and Morpho- Nirmal K. Bhattarai. Phenological Variation in Phaseolus Lunatus L. from the Yucatan Penin- sula, Mexico. Jaime Martinez-Castillo, Ethnobotany of Sambucus nigra L. in Daniel Zizumbo-Villarreal, Hugo Per- Catalonia (Iberian Peninsula): The ales-Rivera, and Patricia Colunga- Integral Exploitation ofa Natural Re- Garciamarin. source in Mountain Regions. Joan Vallés, Maria Ethnobotany of Pru, A Traditional Angels Bonet, and Antoni Agelet. Cuban Refreshment. Gabriele Volpato Sg and Daimy Godinez. 470 The Uses of Atuna racemosa Raf. (Chrysobalanaceae) in Samoa. Ghil- The Ethnobotany of Fagraea Thunb. lean T. Prance. (Gentianaceae): The Timber of Ma- lesia and the Scent of Polynesia. Tim- othy J. Motley. 476 Using Suitable Projects in Adding Value to Nonwood Forest Products in 410 The Social Context for Harvesting /r- the Philippines: The Copal (Agathis philippinensis) Trade in Palawan. Ce- iartea deltoidea (Arecaceae). Patti J. leste Lacuna-Richman. Anderson. psgeg—saggnyg mn ng eE Maen n 420 Cultivated Plant Species Diversity in Departments Home Gardens of an Amazonian Peasant Village in Northeastern Peru. Oliver T. Coomes and Natalie Ban. 486 Book Reviews Contents 501 COVER ARTICLE: Discovery and Ge- 588 Nutritional Values and Indigenous netic Assessment of Wild Bottle Gourd Preferences for Shea Fruits (Vitellaria [Lagenaria Siceraria (Mol.) Standley; paradoxa C.F. Gaertn. F.) in African Cucurbitaceae] from Zimbabwe. Agroforestry Parklands. Steven Mar- Deena S. Decker-Walters, Mary Wil- anz, Zeev Wiesman, Bishnu Chapa- kins-Ellert, Sang-Min Chung, and Jack gain, Walter Mawuli Kpikpi, and Ar- E. Staub. melle de Saint Sauveur. 509 Archaeological Evidence of Cheri- 601 Processing Metroxylon sagu Rottboell moya (Annona cherimolia Mill.) and (Arecaceae) as a Technological Com- Guanabana (Annona muricata L.) in plex: A Case Study from South Cen- Ancient Peru. Duccio Bonavia, C.M. tral Seram, Indonesia. Roy Ellen. Ochoa, O. Tovar S., and R. Cerrén Palomino. Dietary Use of Wild Plant Resources in the Sikkim Himalaya, India. Man- Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) ju Sundriyal, R.C. Sundriyal and E. Chicha Production in the Central An- des. David John Goldstein, and Robin Sharma. Christine Coleman. Micromorphological Characteriza- Chemical Composition and Current tion of Ten Mulberry Cultivars (Mo- Distribution of ‘“‘Azafran de Bolita” rus spp.). Magda Biasiolo, Maria Te- (Ditaxis heterantha Zucc; Euphorbi- resa Da Canal, and Noemi Tornadore. aceae): A Food Pigment Producing 647 Wild Vegetable Resources and Mar- Plant. Méndez-Robles, Ma. Dolores, ket Survey in Xishuangbanna, South- Claudia Flores-Chavira, Ignacio Oroz- west China. Xu You-Kai, Tao Guo-Da, co-Avila, Eugenia Lugo-Cervantes, Liu Hong-Mao, Yan Kang-La, and and Ma. Eugenia Jaramillo-Flores. Dao Xiang-Sheng. Evaluation of the Bromatological Po- tential of Seeds and Fruits of Sabal 668 Huckleberry Abundance, Stand Con- mexicana Mart. (Arecaceae). Silvia ditions, and Use in Western Oregon: Olvera-Fonseca.. Evaluating the Role of Forest Man- agement. Becky K. Kerns, Susan J. Natural Rubber, Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Miill. Arg., Germ- Alexander, and John D. Bailey. plasm Collection in the Amazon Ba- sin, Brazil: A Retrospective. Oghe- ETHNOBOTANY IN TURKEY nekome U. Onokpise. 679 Morphological and Anatomical Stud- wnw n a Development of a Sorghum Core Col- ies on Economically Important Em- lection: Refinement and Evaluation of petrum nigrum L. subsp. hermaphrod- a Subset from Sudan. J.A. Dahlberg, itum (Hagerup) Bocher (Empetra- J.J. Burke, and D.T. Rosenow. ceae). Yasin Altan, and Canan Ozde- 568 Genetic Diversity of Darnel (Lolium mir. temulentum L.) in Malo, Ethiopia De- 684 The Use of Wild Edible Plants in ‘pends on Traditional Farming Sys- Western and Central Anatolia (Tur- tems. Takayuki Senda, and Tohru Tominaga. key). Yunus Dogan, Suleyman Baslar, Gungor Ay, and Hasan Huseyin Mert. Local Use and Cultural and Econom- ic Value of Products from Trees in 691 Ethnobotanical Studies in the Villages the Parklands of the Municipality of of the District of Ilca (Province Er- Cinzana, Mali. Gunnar Gustad, Shiv- zurum), Turkey. Ufuk Ozgen, Yusuf charn S. Dhillion, and Daouda Sidibé. Kaya, and Maksut Coskun. 697 Ethnobotanical Aspects of Some Taxa Identification of the Rose, Sage, Iris, in East Anatolia, Turkey. Fevzi, Oz- and Lily in the “Blue Bird Fresco” gékce, and Hasan Ozcelik. from Knossos, Crete (ca. 1450 705 An ethnobotanical survey of the Bey- B.C.E.). Arthur O. Tucker. pazari, Ayas, and Giidtl District towns of Ankara province (Turkey). 736 Araliaceae Species used for Culinary Isil Simsek, Fulya Aytekin, Erdem Yes- and Medicinal Purposes in Niigata- ilada, and /Sinasi Yildrimlt. ken, Japan. David Eric Brussell. 721 Agronomical and Chemical Charac- terization of Spearmint (Mentha spi- DEPARTMENTS cata L.) Originating in Turkey. Isa 740 Book Reviews Telci,, Nermin (Incekara) Sahbaz, 750 Books Received Gungor Yilmaz, and Mehmet E. Tugay. Index to Volume 58: Book Reviewers BOTANICAL NOTES Index to Volume 58: Book Reviews sasCasun sI n dex to Volume 58: Authors and Ti- The Ethnobotany of Copaiba (Copai- tles of Papers fera) Oleoresin in the Amazon. 763 Index to Volume 58: Subjects Campbell Plowden. 766 Manuscript Reviewers: 2004 Con[toniec BonnyV ottom5s sS uppi enet] Slimy Leaves and Oily Seeds: Dis- sa Yano, Kentaro Yasuda, and Hirofumi tribution and Use of Wild Relatives Yamaguchi. of Sesame in Africa. Dorothea Be- A Botanical Perspective on the Identity of digian. Soma (Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn.) Based on Scriptural and Iconographic Records. Prosopis africana (Mimosaceae): Stem, Andrew McDonald. Roots, and Seeds in the Economy of the Savanna Areas of Nigeria. D. A. Agboola. Special Section on Identification and Quantification of Edi- ble Plant Foods in the Upper (Nama) Ka- Medicinal Plants roo, South Africa. Dawn Youngblood. Ethnobotany and Sustainable Utilization S174 COVER STORY: Medicinal Plants of of Natural Dye Plants in Sierra Leone. Mt. Pelion, Greece. David Eric Brussell. Cyrus MacFoy. $203 A Medicinal Plant Collection From Rattan, Rubber or Oil Palm: Cultural Montserrat, West Indies. David Eric and Financial Considerations for Farm- Brussell. ers in Kalimantan. Brian Belcher, Ruje- han, Ndan Imang and Ramadhani Ach- The Ritual Use Of Brugmansia Species in diawan. Traditional Andean Medicine in North- ern Peru. Vincenzo De Feo. Protection from UV Radiation in the Economic Crop, Opuntia Spp. Charles S. Contributions to the Antimicrobial Spec- Cockell, Joe Berry, Adrian Southern, Ale- trum of Hop Constituents. Vanita Srini- sha Herrera, and Charles Yackulic. vasan, Daniel Goldberg, and Gerhard J. Haas. Domestication of Plants in Maya Low- lands. Patricia Colunga-GarciaMarin and Medicinal Plants Used to Treat Malaria Daniel Zizumbo- Villarreal. in Southern Benin Notulae Florae Beni- nensis. Merel Hermans, Akpovi Akoégni- Edible Wild Mushrooms of the Cofre De nou, and L. Jos G. van der Maesen. Perote Region, Veracruz, Mexico: An Ethnomycological Study of Common An Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Names and Uses. Mary Claire Jarvis, Ann Plants Used by the Lisu People in Nu- Marie Miller, Jamie Sheahan, Kerry jiang, Northwest Yunnan, China. Huang Ploetz, Jeff Ploetz, Robin Ready Watson, Ji, Pei Shengji, and Long Chunlin. Mario Palma Ruiz, Carlos Andres Pasca- Plants Used Medicinally by Folk Healers rio Villapan, Juventino Garcia Alvarado, of the Lahu People from the Autonomous Armando Lopez Ramirez, and Blair Orr. County of Jinping Miao, Yao, and Dai in Development of Tissue Culture Methods Southwest China. Hu-Yin Huai and for the Rescue and Propagation of En- Sheng-Ji Pei. dangered Moringa Spp. Germplasm. Exotic Botanicals in the Kallawaya Phar- Katherine K. Stephenson and Jed W. Fahey. macopoeia. Kevin D. Janni and Joseph W. Small-Grained Wild Grasses as Staple Bastien. Food at the 23 000-Year-Old Site of The Inclusion of Recently Introduced Ohalo II, Israel. Ehud Weiss, Mordechai Plants in the Hawaiian Ethnopharmaco- E. Kislev, Orit Simchoni and Dani Nadel. poeia. Christian T. Palmer. A Test for Molecular Identification of Japanese Archaeological Beans and Phy- Forgetting the Forest: Assessing Medici- ldgenetic Relationship of Wild and Cul- nal Plant Erosion in Eastern Brazil. Rob- ert A. Voeks and Angela Leony. tivated Species of Subgenus Ceratotropis (Genus Vigna, Papilionaceae) using Se- The Investigation of Euphorbiaceous Me- quence Variation in Two Non-Coding dicinal Plants in Southern China. Xu Regions of the 7rnl and Trnf Genes. Azu- Zeng Lai, Yu Bo Yang, and Xu Luo Shan. ri

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