OCS Study MMS 99-0041 Economic and Social Effects of the Oil Industry in Alaska 1975 to 1995, Volume 2 Social and Economic Studies U.S. Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Region Technical Report No. 162 OCS Study MMS 99-0041 Final Technical Report Economic and Social Effects of the Oil Industry in Alaska 1975 to 1995 Volume 2 Part 1: Institutional Profile Analysis of Local Governments and Economies Part 2: Oil Industry Philanthropy in Alaska Part 3: Employment and Earnings Part 4: Effects on Individuals and Households Part 5: Mitigation Options Prepared for: U.S. Department of Interior Minerals Management Service Alaska Region Social and Economic Studies Program 949 E. 36* Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Prepared by: McDowell Group, Inc. 416 Harris Street, Suite 301 Juneau, Alaska 99801 - (907) 586-6126 phone - (907) 586-2673 fax in association with Mr. Milt Barker September 1999 Economic and Social Effects of the Oil Industry in Alaska 1975 to 1995 Volume 1 Part 1: State Oil Revenues and Local Governments Part 2: Capital Projects Data Base Summary Volume 2 Part 1: Institutional Profile Analysis of Local Governments and Economies Part 2: Oil Industry Philanthropy in Alaska Part 3: Employment and Earnings Part 4: Effects on Individuals and Households Part 5: Mitigation Options This report has been reviewed by the Minerals Management Service and approved for publication. Approval does not signifL that the contents necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Service, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendations for use. The United States government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. The study was funded by the Minerals Management Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. under contract number 143 5-0 1- 97-CT-30844. Document is available to the public through the National Technical information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22 16 1 Fax: 703-605-6900 www.ntis.gov Economic and Social Effects of the Oil Industry in Alaska 1975 to 1995 Volume 2, Part 1 Institutional Profile Analysis of Local Governments and Economies Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................1.. A . Scope of Work ...................................................................................................................................1 B . Report Organization ................................................................................................................................ 2 Chapter I: An Ovewiew of State Government Policy Issues 1975-1995 ....................... 3 ................................................................................................................................................. Introduction 3 A . Public Services ...............................................................................................................................3.. . . ................................................................................................................................ 1 Education 3 . ..................................................................................................................... 2 Operating Costs 4 3 . Health and Social Services ....................................................................................................... 6 B . Utilities ............................................................................................................................................... 7 1. Sewer and Water ..................................................................................................................... 7 . ................................................................................................................................... 2 Electricity 7 C . Transportation ....................................................................................................................................... 8 1. Roads .......................................................................................................................................... 9 2 .A viation .................................................................................................................................... 10 3 . Marine Transportation Infrastructure ...................................................................................... 10 4 . Common Elements to Transportation ...................................................................................... I I . ................................................................................................................................................. D Housing 11 1 . The Housing Boom ............................................................................................................. 12 . .................................................................................................................... 2 The Housing Bust 13 3 . Alaska's Banking Sector ..................................................................................................... 18 E . The Arts ..................................................................................................................................................2 0 Chapter II: Municipality of Anchorage .......................................................................................... 22 . .......................................................................................................................................... A Infkbucture 22 1 . The Impact of Oil Revenude 1980 through 1985 Boom .................................................... 22 2 . Effects on the Quality of Life .................................................................................................. 23 3. Effects on Economic Development .........................................................................................2 3 4 . After the Boom ........................................................................................................................ 24 B . Public Services ......................................................................................................................................2 5 . ............................................................................................................................. 1 Education 25 2 . Other Public Services ...........................................................................................................2 6 Chapter Ill: Kenai Peninsula Borough ............................................................................................. 27 ................................................................................................................................................. Introduction 27 A. Infrastructure ...................................................................................................................................... 27 1. The Impact of Oil Revenuothe 1980 through 1985 Boom ................................................... 27 2 . Effects on the Quality of Life ..................................................................................................2 8 3. Effects on Economic Development .......................................................................................2 8 4 . After the Boom ........................................................................................................................ 28 . ..................................................................................................................................... B Public Services 29 Chapter N:T he Northwest Arctic Borough ................................................................................... 30 ............................................................................................................................................... Introduction 30 ...................................................................................................................................... A. Infktructure 30 . ................................................. 1 The Impact of Oil Revenue-the 1980 through 1985 Boom 31 2 . Effects on the Quality of Life ..................................................................................................3 2 . ......................................................................................... 3 E f f 'o n Economic Development 33 . ........................................................................................................................ 4 After the Boom 33 . ...................................................................................................................................... B Public Services 34 Appendix Appendix A: List of Key Informants List of Tables Table I.D. 1 Full Assessed Property Value 1975 to 1995 (millions of dollars) ,... ........................................ 15 .............................. Table I.D.2 Real Full Assessed Property Value 1975 to 1995 (millions of 1995 dollars) 16 ................................. Table LD3 Condition of Alaska's Commercial Banks 1975 to 1995 (000s of Dollars) 19 ................................................. Table I.E. 1 Alaska State Council on the Arts Appropriations. 1975 to 1995 21 Introduction A. Scope of Work This report, "Insritutio~lP rofile Analysis of Local The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Governments and Economies" focuses on the effects of culminated a long process of negotiations between oil revenue on infrastructure development and the Alaska Natives and the federal government regarding provision of public services during the period from 1975 aboriginal land claims. Negotiations were influenced by through 1995. Rather than a rigorous quantitative study, the State land selection process and industrial this "institutional profile analysis" is a compilation of development that had been increasingly affecting interviews with Alaskans who have first-hand Native lifestyles, cultures and resources, but were knowledge of the effects of oil revenues on local brought to a head by the potential development of the governments over the last two decades. These "key North Slope oil fields and the Trans-Alaska pipeline. informants" include mayors, city managers, ANCSA extinguished aboriginal claims to all ofAlaska representatives of tribal organizations and govenunent m exchange for title to nearly 44 million acres of land agencies, and many others (a list of key informants is and nearly $1 billion. provided m the appendix). While it can be argued that adesire for oil development Tbe interviews are supplemented by secondary data in prompted ANCSA, it can also be argued that ANCSA some instances, but the methodology is one in which permitted oil development Either way, ANCSA had mfmal questions produce opinions, impressions, significant cultural and economic impacts that are memories and perceptions that are not necessarily unrelated to State oil revenue. These impacts include documented or corroborated. the formation of regional and village corporations that changed Native government, employment, economic This report attempts to identi@ how changing oil participation and incomes. ANCSA allowed revenues affected local government services and development of timber and mineral resources and land infrastructure. The following types of questions are itself, and established institutions that use State and addressed: federal money to provide health, education and social . services to Alaskans. Were facilities constructed with oil revenue that would not have been built in the absence 'Ihis is just one example of the many complexities . of oil money? involved in addressing the relationship between oil Have local governments had trouble revenues, economic development and local government maintaining and operating facilities built with services. Despite these complexities, this key informant . oil money? exercise is useful in establishing a broad understanding - How was the quality of life affected by the remarkable socioeconomic change brought about infrastructure and services funded with oil directly or indirectly--by oil development in Alaska. . money? How did local governments adjust to declining Important background information is provided in the . oil revenue during the 1986-90 period? Volume 1 report "Stare Oil Revenues and h a 1 What role did declining oil revenues have m Gowrmenls." That report presents detailed capital the recession of 1986-90? Were there projects expenditure data as well as selected operating contriiuting factors? budget data for the period 1975 to 1995. To summarize, during this period, State oil revenue Several key informants noted the difficulty in attempting increased from $230 million m 1975 to $5.7 billion by to separate the effects of oil money from other events, 1982 (both figures are in 1995 dollars). The increase even while acknowledging that those events may have was the result of oil flow from Rudhoe Bay. Both been prompted by, or directly related to, oil money. The production and price of oil roughly doubled from 1978 following example illustrates the point. to 1980, providing unprecedented revenue and development opportunities for the State. Six years of Volume 2, Part 1 Report Page 1 McDowell Gmp, Inc. increasing oil production and relatively high oil prices were followed in 1986 by oil's sudden drop to 1978 price levels. State oil revenue dropped nearly in half and Alaska exjxrienced a recession fiom 1986 to 1990. The economy as a whole has been fairly stable since 1990; altho~ghb oth the fishing and timber industries have declined, trade and service expansion (due in part to to& development) have offset those declines. B. Report Organization Chapter I provides a statewide perspective on some of the public policy issues that affected local governments in Alaska during the 1975 to 1995 period. Chapter 11, I11 and IV are area-specific analyses (Municipality of Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula Borough and Northwest Arctic Borough, respectively) and are divided into two sections: infhstrudure and public services. Within these subsections are discussions of the impact of oil revenue fluctuation on quality of life, economic development, real estate markets, transportation in6astructure development and other topics. Volume 2, Part 1 Report Page 2 McDowell Group, Inc.