ECONOMIC AND LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF BIOMASS LIQUEFACTION TECHNOLOGY by YU QIU (Under the Direction of Sudhagar Mani and Jim Kastner) ABSTRACT Microalgae are promising feedstock for biofuel production due to their high growth rate and lipid content, compared with other biomass. This study investigated the techno-economic and life cycle environmental impacts of a two-stage microalgae liquefaction plant with an annual design capacity of 0.5 million gallons of bio-crude oil. The total capital investment and annual operating cost were estimated as $113 million and $13 million respectively, with a minimum selling price of $49.80/gal ($44.30/gge) and the net greenhouse gas emission was evaluated as 15.55 kgCO eq/gal (114.63 2 gCO eq/MJ). The life cycle impacts of biochar/bio-oil production from pyrolysis 2 technologies of woody biomass were also investigated to compare with algae liquefaction technology. The study suggests that bio crude oil production from algae is not economically competitive compared with fossil based crude oil. Further research is required to enhance algae productivity and bio crude oil yield. INDEX WORDS: Algae, bio crude oil, hydrothermal liquefaction, plant cost analysis, life cycle analysis. ECONOMIC AND LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF BIOMASS LIQUEFACTION TECHNOLOGY by YU QIU B.S. degree, Huazhong Agricultural University, P.R.China, 2012 A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of The University of Georgia in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF SCIENCE ATHENS, GEORGIA 2014 © 2014 Yu Qiu All Rights Reserved ECONOMIC AND LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF BIOMASS LIQUEFACTION TECHNOLOGY by YU QIU Major Professor: Sudhagar Mani Jim Kastner Committee: K.C. Das Ke Li Electronic Version Approved: Maureen Grasso Dean of the Graduate School The University of Georgia December 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my major professor, Dr. Sudhagar Mani, for his support throughout my graduate studies in the College of Engineering at the University of Georgia. His insistence on scientific excellence and detail-oriented attitude has helped me in successful completion of my research work. I would also like to thank Dr. Jim Kastner for his advisement throughout my thesis project and providing me the liquefaction experimental data for simulation. His professional knowledge on chemical engineering has helped me a lot with the reaction kinetics and reactor design. Thanks to Dr. K.C. Das and Dr. Ke Li for serving on my committee. Dr. Ke Li allowed me to auditing his course about life cycle analysis, which made me have a better understanding of the environmental assessment. I gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Thank you to Dr. Manjinder Singh who provides precious cultivation data of algae on my simulation work. Thanks also to my fellow graduate students Will Costanzo, Yifei Wu, Kamalakanta Sahoo, Yandapalli Vikramaditya, and Yue Yang for helping me with my research work. We spent many hours discussing anything from our research problems to everyday life issues. Especially Will Costanzo, thank you for helping me with the simulation software and conducting the experiments of algae hydrothermal liquefaction. I will always cherish the memorie s and the progresses we have made together. iv Thank you to all my friends who have been supporting me all the time. I am so glad that we could share every moment of happiness and sorrow with each other. It is such wonderful to share and listen respectfully with all my friends. I appreciate every single of you coming into my life. Thank you to all my family members for their continuously generous support in my life and study. Especially for my great parents, Lixin Qiu and Xiaojing Zhang, thank you for raising me up and teaching me how to be a good person. Without your love and education, I won't be successful in the life journey. Above all, I would like to thank my best friend, Shujun Liu, the love of my life. Thank you for your selfless love and unconditional support. Without your understanding and encouragement, I could not finish this hard work. You are the one that guide me in the darkness. I am so grateful that you come into my life and looking forward to making many memories with you. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ vii LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...........................................................................13 3 TECHNO ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ALGAE LIQUEFACTION TECHNOLOGY ..............................................................................................66 4 LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF ALGAE LIQUEFACTION TECHNOLOGY ..............................................................................................94 5 LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF BIOCHAR/BIO-OIL PRODUCTION FROM SOUTHERN PINE ............................................................................121 6 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................146 APPENDIX APPENDIX A ......................................................................................................149 APPENDIX B ......................................................................................................175 vi LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2.1. Lipid and biomass productivity of microalgae .................................................16 Table 2.2. Algae productivity of different cultivation system ............................................17 Table 2.3. Chemical composition of different algae species in dry % wt. .........................18 Table 2.4. Lipid content and oil productivity of different biomass ....................................20 Table 2.5. Comparison of cultivation systems ...................................................................23 Table 2.6. Comparison of HTL process .............................................................................36 Table 2.7. Elemental analysis of bio-crude ........................................................................37 Table 2.8. Kinetic parameters of sunflower oil hydrolysis model .....................................42 Table 2.9. Estimation factors of each category of capital investment................................45 Table 2.10. Summary of TEA works of biofuel production ...............................................46 Table 3.1. Costs for determining the direct fixed capital ...................................................84 Table 3.2. Mass balance of algae liquefaction plant ..........................................................85 Table 3.3. Cost summary of the algal bio-crude plant .......................................................86 Table 3.4. Comparison of the cost of scenarios with different plant capacity ...................87 Table 4.1. Direct input/output data for algae liquefaction plant with 0.5 M gallon annual capacity ................................................................................................................ 112 Table 4.2. Indirect data for algae liquefaction plant ........................................................ 113 Table 4.3. Section contributions of major emissions to air of 1 gallon algal crude ......... 114 Table 4.4. Section contributions of energy consumption of 1 gallon algal crude ............ 115 vii Table 5.1. Input data of mass balance and energy consumption per acre within the system boundary ..............................................................................................................137 Table 5.2. Impact assessment of biochar production on per metric ton basis ..................138 Table 5.3. Emissions to air of 1 metric ton biochar production from three scenarios .....139 Table 5.4. Sensitivity analysis of allocation methods of biochar production ..................140 Table A.1. Initial inputs for algae cultivation ..................................................................151 Table A.2. Biochemistry compounds of algae .................................................................151 Table A.3. Algae cultivation reaction equations ..............................................................152 Table A.4. Composition of bio-crude oil .........................................................................156 Table A.5. Stream details of HTL and HDO section........................................................157 Table A.6. HTL reactions operating condition .................................................................157 Table A.7. Kinetics of algae HTL reactions .....................................................................159 Table A.8. Yield percentage from algae liquefaction experiments ..................................160 Table A.9. Features of catalyst for HDO process .............................................................161 Table A.10. Stream details of separation .........................................................................164 Table A.11. Features of heat transfer agents ....................................................................166 Table A.12. Basis of purchased costs of main equipment ................................................167 Table A.13. Labor distribution in the algae liquefaction plant ........................................168 Table A.14. Labor costs of the algae liquefaction plant ...................................................168 Table A.15. Feedstock cost of the algae liquefaction model ............................................169 Table A.16. Utilities costs of the algae liquefaction plant ...............................................169 Table A.17. Utilities usage and cost of the algal bio-crude plant ....................................170 Table A.18. Individual equipment cost summary ............................................................171 viii Table B.1. Forestry machinery data .................................................................................176 Table B.2. Inputs of manufacturing to produce 1kg of forestry machinery .....................177 Table B.3. Infrastructure construction inputs to produce 1 metric ton of biochar ...........178 Table B.4. Biochar and bio-oil yield per acre ..................................................................179 Table B.5. Energy consumptions of biochar production from different scenarios ..........180 Table B.6. Sensitivity analysis of biochar production .....................................................181 ix