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ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF AGRO-PROCESSING INDUSTRIES IN KERALA Thesis submitted to the MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM in fulfilment of the requirements for the uwardof tlte degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ECONOMICS under the Faculty of Social Sciences CHERlAN P.E. under thg supervision of Dr. N. AJCTH KUMAR Head of the Department of Economics The Cochin College, Kochi. I 1 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS & RESEARCH CENTRE Sacred Heart College, Thevara 68201 3. Kerala, India. OCTOBER 2006 DECLARATION I, Cherian RE, do here by declare that the thesis entitled "ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF AGRO-PROCESSING INDUSTRIES IN KERALA" is a record of banajide research carried out by me under the guidance and szapervision of Dr. N. Ajith Kumar, Head of the Department of Economics, The Cochin College, Knchi. I further- declare that this thesis has not previously formed the basis for the award of any ofher degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other similar titles qf recognition. Department of Economics and Research Centre, Sacred Heart CoHege, Thevara Date: 03-10-2006 Dr. N. AJITH KUMAR B. INDRAPRASTHA M.A. P~.D. T.D. Road Head of the Department of Economics Cochin - 682 035 The Cochin College Tel: 0484 2369843 Cochin - 682 002. - Certified that the thesis entitled "ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF AGRO-PROCESSING INDUSTRIES IN KERALA" is a record of bonufide research work dnue by Mr. Cherian RE. under rny guidance and supervision. The thesis is worth submitting i~l,fulfilmenotf the requirernents,fur the award qf the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics under the Faculty qf Social Sciences. Kochi, 03- 10-2006. Dr. N. Ajith Kurnar ABSTRACT The study entitled "Economic Analysis of Agro-processing Industries in Kerala" tries to examine growth, structure, features, performance, working, problems of agro-processing industries in the state and extent and forms of farm- industry linkages provided by these industries. The study is organized into eight chapters. The study found that agro-processing industrial sector occupies a significant positivn in the manufacturing sector of Kerala. However, its position in the Indian agro-processing sector was insignificant . It was observed that industrial structure of Kerala was slightly shifting against agro-processing sector of the state. It was found that growth performance of agro-processing industries in Kerala was unsatisfactory when compared with its neighbouring states. Labour productivity and capital intensity in agro-processing industries as a whole showed a rising trend and capital productivity showed a declining trend. The average capacity utilisation in agro-processing industries as a whole was found to be law and total factor productivity growth in agro-processing industries as a whole was found to be negative. Regarding sources of growth *ing ross valuc added of agro-processing industries as a whole, it was observed that growth in it was accounted for by higher growth in capital input, slow growth of labour input and negative growth of total factor productivity. With regard to working of agro-processing industries, the study made significant observations regarding socio-economic characteristics of agro- processing entrepreneurs, organization and management of the units, employment, output, capital structure, sources of finance, cost structure, profitability, sources of raw materials, price fixation etc. These observations provided the setting for analyzing the problems of agro-processing industries. The study found that agro-processing industrial units faced raw material related, financial and marketing problems. It was observed that processing units' linkage with the farm sector was the weakest ~IIth e study area. In the backdrop of the findings and conclusions of the study, a number of policy measures were suggested for solving the problems of agro-processing industries, for accelerating the pace of their growth and for promoting them for the development of the state. KEY WORDS: Agro-processing industry, gross value added, growth rates, semi log trend equation, kinked exponential model, capital stock, perpetual inventory accumulation method, partial productivities, total factor productivities, capital intensity, capacity utilisation, sources of growth, correlation, regression, capital structure, cost structure, mode of acquisition, organisation and management, raw material related problems, financial problems, marketing problems and farm- industry li nkage. PREFACE Industrialisation has a major role to play in the economic development of a developing economy. In a country like India where rural sector is predominant and agriculture is the major occupation of the people, industrialization should lay more stress on rural industrialization. In this context, rural industrialization in India calls for setting up of agro-processing industries which make use of locally available agricultural raw materials. Agro-processing industries provide a base for a pattern of socio-economic development that can contribute to an allround growth of the economy. They operate more as catalytic agents for rural development enhancing rural employment and incomes. In the light of the role of agro-processing industries in the economic development, the study of these industries assume much significance in a country like India. This study entitled "Economic Analysis of Agro-Processing lndustries in Kerata" is an investigation into the growth and pattern, performance, working, problems of agro-processing industries in Kerala and extent and forms of farm-indsutry linkages provided by these industries in the state. This study is organized into eight chapters and is based on primary data, secondary data and case studies. Researcher used various statistical techniques to analyse the data. These included percentages, averages, coefficient of correlation, regression etc.. Tabular and graphic analysis have been used wherever necessary. In studying the growth and pattern of agro-processing industries in the state, researcher examined the position of agro-processing industries of Kerala in the manufacturing sector of the state, position of agro processing industries of the state in the agro-industrial sector of India in terms of agro-processing industrial units, employment, value of output, net value added and fixed capital. Researcher also analysed the structure and growth of agro-processing industries in the state. Features of agro-processing industries have been studied in terms of raw material intensity, working capital intensity and labour intensity. In order to analyse the performance of agro-processing industries in the state, researcher analysed trends in the growth of gross value added, capital stock, productivity (both partial and total factor productivities), capital intensity in agro-processing industries both at aggregate and disaggregated level of agro-processing industries for the entire period (198018 1 - 2000101) and for sub periods (1980181 - 1990191 and 1991192-~2000101).R esearcher also examined the level of capacity utilisation and sources of growth in gross value added of agro-processing industries. Association among capital intensity, labour productivity, capital productivity and gross value added in agro-processing industries were also examined as part of' the study of performance of these industries. Working of agro-processing industries were analysed in terms of socio- economic characteristics of entrepreneurs, organization and rnanagement of units, motivation behind starting units, extent of working days, capital structure, source of finance, employment, output, cost structure, profitability, sources of raw materials, marketing, price fixation of products of agro- processing units etc. Problems of agro-processing industries were studied in terms of problems relating to raw materials, financial problems, marketing problems and other problems faced by agro-processing industrial units. 'This study analysed the extent of farm-industry linkages provided by agro-processing industries in the state. The forms of farm-industry linkages such as forward linkages and backward linkages created by agro-processing units were also examined in the study. On the basis of the findings and conclusions of the study, researcher suggested a number of policy measures with particular reference to adequate capital to agro-processing units, improving competitiveness and viability of processing units, reduction of cost, regular supply of quality raw materials at relatively cheaper rate, marketing supports, technological upgradation, creating demand, encouraging agro-processing units to create farm- i ndustry linkages etc. This study would be of great help to the planners, policy makers and agro-processors to take appropriate decisions and can initiate further research in different aspects of agro-processing industries in the state, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the preparation of tfiis thesis, lfiave receiveda Got of encouragement, support, ad~ces,u gge.~tionsa nd assistance fium many sources. I would lib to place on recordmy gratitude to each one of them. First andforemost I express my whole fzeartedgratitzrde to God the f linQhty, the source ofaGCwisdorn andpower,f or &ding,g uiding, andprotecting me throughout my research endeavour. Wordi are inadequate to e~endmdye ep iltde6tedness andsincere gratitude to my supervising teacher Dr. N. A!tA m a 5 X eadof the Depa7-trnent of Economics, ~%e Cochin CoGge, Xpcfii. His constant encouraggment, suggestions, e.Vert guidmce and perfect supervision at each and every stqe of my wort he6pedme to successfuCGy comphte tftis research workwithin the time frame. It has been a learning eqerience to wor&with him. Without his carefulreading and editing, the thesis wouldnot have 6een reada6le. I am egreme&gratefulto him and bow to him in gratitude. I am high5 indebted to Gate Dr. C. @dhakhhnan Nair, faculty mem6er at the Department of Economics, Kerah ?Ynivrrsity,m riava t tom, who initiated me into this particular area of research work I eqress my sincere thanks to Dr. @khpangati;zn, my teacher and a. guidef or PhiCcourse at Centref or Development studies, fiiruvannthupuram, mr. for his vafuuablk suggestions. I am e~tremebgratefilto P.L. Beena, faculty mem6er, Centref or Dc'ueCopment Studies, and Shijun, Ph.D research scholar at Centref or mevefoprnentS tudiesf or heCping me to char my doubts rtgarding various statistical tooh that C have usedin my research work I e~endmayc (nowb4ement to Dr. S. Murarfiran, Lecturer, Sehction Grade, %faharaja's College, Emakulam and (Dr. KV. Qppju, Head of the (Department of Economzcs, Sacred Neart CoGlege, 17ievara for. tlieir valua6h assistance. w. I aho thank the Principal FE Saviance and the Li6rar6an of sacred Heart College, flevara for their vaCua6h tie& and support during my research work I am gratefulto the management andmy cofiagues of SacredHeart conege, Thevara for providing allf acilities, encouragement and suppo~t throughout my research work Ie*endmy sincere thank to the University Grants Conrmhsiiwt for providing the Teacher FeClbws fiip under Faculty Improvement Rogramme to complete this research work I evress my sincere thank to the library stafl at Centre for Development Studies especial4 Mr. PniCxumar, Mr. Sanbr andMr. @pubmarfor they have 6een deftCy Cigiting my way tirough the vast andhhyrinthine mazes of information at their disposal: I also thnncfibrary staff of State PCanning Board, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Nahatma Gandhi lLlniversity, xottayam andxerala Industry Documentation Centre, VelliLyarnbaCm. I eCpress my sinr:ere gratitude to Sk ~asanna&mar, CjeneraCManager, Erna&uhm Dktrict Industries Centre, for giving me vaCua6h information on industn'es in the district neededfor my research work I am vely thanVu6 to ME Vtzrky Peter, mesident, Erna&dum LOistrict Qce Mill0wners'~ssociatio n, Mr. Sum# Jose, Secretary, Cochin OiGNerchant s and Ni66ers' Association, Presidents of the Hacwai Sheet Nrznufacturers' Jlssociatzon andFruk ~~ocessors'~ssociatzoMn,r . P.V. Geewegees, Manager, Periyar LatexL td, Staff at Nadu(karaAgro-Recessing company andstaff at 'ErnakuCarn Dairy at Thripunithura of Kerala Co-operative %ilk Narketing Federation Ltd for providing vatua6Ce information neededfor rnv research ,work andfor assisting me in my suruey. My special than& to M/s. Petcots Computer Copy Centre, Ernakulam for the prompt andneat e;1:ecution of the computer wor($or this thesk. Last 6ut not the bast I am gratefut to my pamnts, my wfe *eni andour child--enE mmunueland Mariaf or providing al..suppofi to me. Cherian P.E. CONTENTS Page No LIST OF TABLES i - iv LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF CHARTS vi LIST OF APPENDICES vi i ABBREVlATIONS viii Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Statement of the Problem I .2. Objectives of the Study 1 -3. Significance of the Study 1.4. Scope of the Study 1.5. Methodology 1.6. Limitations of the Study 1.7. Chapter Scheme Chapter 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE Section 2.1. The Concept of Agro- Processing Industries 2.1 .l. Agribusiness 2.1.2. Agro-Industry 2.1.3. Ago-Industry versus Agro-Based Industry 2.1.4. Agro-Processing Industry Section 2.2. Theoretical Frame Work Section 2.3. Review of Studies 2.3. I . Studies Related to Agro-Processing Industries in Other Countries 2.3.2. Studies Related to Agro-Processing Industries in India Macro Level Studies at the National Level Industry Specific Studies (Micro Level) at the National Level Macro Level Studies at the State Level District or Local Level Studies Studies ReIated to Agro-Processing Industries in Kerala Chapter 3 : GROWTH AND PATTERN AGRO-PROCESSING INDUSTRIES IN KERALA Section 3.1 3.1 -1. Industrial Growth of Kerala 3.1 -2. Trends in the Growth of Manufacturing Sector of Kerala Section 3.2. 3.2.1. Growth and Trends of Agro-Processing Industries of Kerala 3 2 . 1 . Trends in the Growth of Agro-Processing Industries in Kerala Trends in the Growth of Ago-Processing Industries in India Position of Agro-Processing Sector of Kerala in Agro-Processing Industrial Sector of India 3.2.2. Structure of Agro-Processing Industries in Kerala 3.2.3. Features of Agro-Processing Industries in Kerala Raw Material Intensity of Agro-Processing Industries in Kerala Labour intensity of Agro-Processing Industries in Kerala Working Capital Intensity of Agro-Processing Industries in Kerala Chapter 4 : AN ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE OF AGRO- PROCESSING INDUSTRIES IN KERALA Section 4.1. 4.1.1. Growth Rates 4.1.2. Productivity Productivity Concept Measures of Productivity L,abour Productivity Capital Productivity 4.1 -2.3. Total Factor Productivity . Translog Measure: 4.1 -3. Measurement of Variables Output Labour Input Capital Input 4.1 -3.4. Share of Labour in Value Added Share of Capital in Value Added Capita1 Intensity Capacity Utilization

the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics under the Faculty qf Social Sciences. Planning Commission, May, 1990. I9 Government of . and (7) leather and leather product manufacturing industries,. Analysis ofworking
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