book August 29, 2007 Ecological Models and Data in R book August 29, 2007 book August 29, 2007 Ecological Models and Data in R Ben Bolker PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON AND OXFORD book August 29, 2007 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Lots of people have helped me start and finish this book. I would like to thank: The R community, for building such a useful tool. Various research institutions that have provided me room to work over the years: the Department of Zoology at the University of Florida, the Mathematical Biosciences Institute, and the NERC Centre for Population Biology at Silwood Park. All the students and colleagues who have brought me such interesting and challenging problems over the years, especially those who took the time to find errors or make suggestions: Jorge Ahumada, Chad Brassil, David Buck, Lin Cassidy, Lew Coggins, Rick Condit, Mick Crawley, Ian Dworkin, Ian Fiske, Gregor Gorjanc, Tom Hobbs, Rico Holdo, Holly Kindsvater, Aaron MacNeil, Julien Martin, Jeremy Mendoza, Mike McCoy, Jess Met- calf, Toshinori Okuyama, Stuart Sandin, Nat Seavy, Darren Shaw, Adrian Stier, Don Strong, Maria Uriarte, Will Wilson, and several anonymous re- viewers. I apologize if I forgot your name, or if your suggestions slipped through the cracks or were just too hard to implement. Researchers who generously contributed their original data sets as examples: James D. Thomson, Russ Schmitt and Sally Holbrook, Mike Dodd and Jonathan Silvertown, James Vonesh, and Jackie Wilson. MyPh.D.andpostdoctoraladvisors,BryanGrenfellandStevePacala, for introducing me to mathematical and statistical ecology. Myparents,JoanandEthanBolker,forthoroughandthoughtfulcom- ments on the manuscript and for establishing the expectation that writing books is just what people do. And last but not least Aidan and especially Tara for their love, pa- tience and support. Essentially, all models are wrong but some are useful. George Box book August 29, 2007 Contents Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 What this book is not about 4 1.3 Frameworks for modeling 6 1.4 Frameworks for statistical inference 12 1.5 Frameworks for computing 23 1.6 Outline of the modeling process 26 1.7 R supplement 31 Chapter 2. Exploratory data analysis and graphics 41 2.1 Summary 42 2.2 Introduction 42 2.3 Getting data into R 43 2.4 Data types 48 2.5 Exploratory data analysis and graphics 56 2.6 Conclusion 82 2.7 R supplement 84 Chapter 3. Deterministic functions for ecological modeling 99 3.1 Summary 100 3.2 Introduction 100 3.3 Finding out about functions numerically 102 3.4 Finding out about functions analytically 106 3.5 Bestiary of functions 119 3.6 Conclusion 134 3.7 R supplement 135 Chapter 4. Probability and stochastic distributions for ecological modeling 139 4.1 Introduction: why does variability matter? 140 4.2 Basic probability theory 141 4.3 Bayes’ Rule 145 4.4 Analyzing probability distributions 155 book August 29, 2007 vi CONTENTS 4.5 Bestiary of distributions 160 4.6 Extendingsimpledistributions; compoundingandgeneralizing 182 4.7 R supplement 188 Chapter 5. Stochastic simulation and power analysis 197 5.1 Introduction 198 5.2 Stochastic simulation 199 5.3 Power analysis 209 Chapter 6. Likelihood and all that 227 6.1 Introduction 228 6.2 Parameter estimation: single distributions 228 6.3 Estimation for more complex functions 243 6.4 Likelihood surfaces, profiles, and confidence intervals 249 6.5 Confidenceintervalsforcomplexmodels: quadraticapprox- imation 260 6.6 Comparing models 267 Chapter 7. Optimization and all that 293 7.1 Introduction 294 7.2 Fitting methods 294 7.3 Markov chain Monte Carlo 310 7.4 Fitting challenges 319 7.5 Estimating confidence limits of functions of parameters 330 Chapter 8. Likelihood examples 347 8.1 Tadpole predation experiments 348 8.2 Goby survival analysis 363 8.3 Seed removal 374 Chapter 9. Standard statistics revisited 393 9.1 Introduction 394 9.2 General linear models 397 9.3 Nonlinearity: nonlinear least squares 404 9.4 Non-normal errors: generalized linear models 406 Chapter 10. Modeling variance 417 10.1 Introduction 418 10.2 Variable variance 420 10.3 Correlations: time-series and spatial data 423 10.4 Multi-level models: special cases 428 10.5 General multi-level models 431 10.6 Challenges 438 10.7 Conclusion 440 book August 29, 2007 CONTENTS vii Chapter 11. Dynamic models 445 11.1 Introduction 446 11.2 Simulating dynamic models 447 11.3 Observation and process error 452 11.4 Process and observation error 455 11.5 SIMEX 458 11.6 State space models 459 11.7 Conclusions 470 Chapter 12. Afterword 477 Appendix A. Algebra and calculus basics 479 A.1 Exponentials and logarithms 480 A.2 Differential calculus 481 A.3 Partial differentiation 482 A.4 Integral calculus 482 A.5 Factorials and the gamma function 482 A.6 Probability 483 A.7 The delta method: formula and derivation 483 A.8 Linear algebra basics 484 book August 29, 2007 book August 29, 2007 Chapter One Introduction and background book August 29, 2007 2 CHAPTER1 SUMMARY This chapter gives a broad overview of the philosophy and techniques of ecological modeling. A small data set on seed removal illustrates the three most common frameworks for statistical modeling in ecology: frequentist, likelihood-based, and Bayesian. The chapter also reviews what you should know to get the most out of the book, discusses the R language, and spells out a step-by-step process for building models of ecological systems. If you’re impatient with philosophical discussion, you can read Sec- tion 1.4 and the R supplement at the end of the chapter and move on to Chapter 2. 1.1 INTRODUCTION This book is about combining models with data to answer ecological ques- tions. Pursuing this worthwhile goal will lead to topics ranging from basic statistics, to the cutting edge of modern statistics, to the nuts and bolts of computer programming, to the philosophy of science. Remember as we go along not to miss the ecological forest for the statistical trees; all of these complexities are in the service of answering ecological questions, and the most important thing is to keep your common sense about you and your focus on the biological questions you set out to answer. “Does this make sense?” and“What does this answer really mean?” are the two questions you should ask constantly. If you cannot answer them, back up to the last point you understood. If you want to combine models with data, you need to use statisti- cal tools. Ecological statistics has gotten much more complicated in the last few decades. Research papers in ecology now routinely refer to likeli- hood, Markov chain Monte Carlo, and other arcana. This new complexity arises from the explosion of cheap computing power, which allows us to run complicated tests quickly and easily — or at least more easily than before. But there is still a lot to know about how these tests work, which is what this book is about. The good news is that we can now develop statistical methods that directly answer our ecological questions, adapting statistics to the data rather than vice versa. Instead of asking“what is the probability of observing at least this much variability among the arcsine- square-root-transformed counts of seeds in different treatments?”, we can ask“is the number of seeds removed consistent with standard foraging the- ory, and what are the attack rates and handling times of predators? Do the attack rates or handling times increase with mean seed size? With the time that the seeds have been available? Is there evidence for variability among seeds?”. By customizing statistical tests we can squeeze more information,