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EcologyLetters,(2017)20:673–689 doi:10.1111/ele.12762 REVIEW AND SYNTHESIS Ecological intensification to mitigate impacts of conventional intensive land use on pollinators and pollination Abstract Aniko(cid:1)Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszki,1,2*,† Worldwide,humanappropriationofecosystemsisdisruptingplant–pollinatorcommunitiesandpolli- Anah(cid:1)ıEsp(cid:1)ındola,3,†AdamJ. nationfunctionthroughhabitatconversionandlandscapehomogenisation.Conversiontoagriculture Vanbergen,4JosefSettele,5,6,7 isdestroyinganddegradingsemi-naturalecosystemswhileconventionalland-useintensification(e.g. ClaireKremen8and LynnV.Dicks9 industrial management of large-scale monocultures with high chemical inputs) homogenises land- scapestructureandquality.Together,theseanthropogenicprocessesreducetheconnectivityofpopu- lationsanderodefloralandnestingresourcestounderminepollinatorabundanceanddiversity,and ultimatelypollinationservices.Ecologicalintensificationofagriculturerepresentsastrategicalterna- tivetoamelioratethesedriversofpollinatordeclinewhilesupportingsustainablefoodproduction,by promoting biodiversity beneficial to agricultural production through management practices such as intercropping,croprotations,farm-leveldiversificationandreducedagrochemicaluse.Wecritically evaluateitspotentialtoaddressandreversethelanduseandmanagementtrendscurrentlydegrading pollinatorcommunitiesandpotentiallycausingwidespreadpollinationdeficits.Wefindthatmanyof thepracticesthatconstituteecologicalintensificationcancontributetomitigatingthedriversofpolli- natordecline.Ourfindingssupportecologicalintensificationasasolutiontopollinatordeclines,and wediscusswaystopromoteitinagriculturalpolicyandpractice. Keywords Crop production, diversification, food security, grazing/mowing intensity, habitat loss, landscape fragmentation, mass-flowering crops, wild pollinator diversity. EcologyLetters (2017) 20:673–689 pollinators report clearly identified agriculture as both a INTRODUCTION threat to pollinators and a potential solution to support them. The interrelated growth in the global human population, eco- It also recognised three key complementary policy options for nomic wealth, globalised trade and technological develop- safeguarding pollinators in agricultural ecosystems: adopting ments produces environmental pressures that alter pollinator ecological intensification, strengthening existing diversified biodiversity and pollination. The multiple threats to pollina- farming systems and building ecological infrastructure. The tors and plant pollination have been reviewed in detail else- IPBES report suggested that ‘ecological intensification’ (Bom- where (Gonz(cid:1)alez-Varo et al. 2013; Vanbergen et al. 2013; marco et al. 2013; Tittonell 2014) is a key mitigation strategy, Potts et al. 2016a). Recently, the Intergovernmental Science- and claimed it could transform agriculture to support pollina- Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services tors, pollination services and food production. Its emphasis (IPBES) published its ‘Assessment Report on Pollinators, Pol- on managing beneficial biodiversity to maintain or enhance lination and Food Production’ (IPBES 2016). This IPBES agricultural productivity is particularly appropriate in the con- report globally assessed the status of and threats to pollina- text of global policy objectives to achieve greater food security tors and pollination. It also provided a strategic overview of in a changing world (Dicks et al. 2016a; IPBES 2016). Here, opportunities to mitigate these threats, thereby safeguarding we examine the IPBES report’s claim in detail, critically evalu- pollinators and pollination for the future. The IPBES ating the potential of ecological intensification to mitigate the 1MTACentreforEcologicalResearch,InstituteofEcologyandBotany, 6iDiv,GermanCentreforIntegrativeBiodiversityResearch,Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Lendu€letEcosystemServicesResearchGroup,Alkotma(cid:2)nyu.2-4.,2163 DeutscherPlatz5e,04103Leipzig,Germany Va(cid:2)cra(cid:2)to(cid:2)t,Hungary 7InstituteofBiologicalSciences,CollegeofArtsandSciences,Universityof 2MTACentreforEcologicalResearch,GINOPSustainableEcosystemsGroup, thePhilippinesLosBanos,College,Laguna4031,Philippines KlebelsbergKunou.3.,8237Tihany,Hungary 8UniversityofCalifornia,217WellmanHallBerkeley,California94720-3114 3DepartmentofBiologicalSciences,LifeSciencesSouth252,Universityof CA,USA Idaho,Moscow,ID83844-3051,USA 9SchoolofBiologicalSciences,UniversityofEastAnglia,Norwich,NR47TJ, 4NERCCentreforEcology&Hydrology,BushEstate,Penicuik,Edinburgh UK EH260QB,UK *Correspondence:E-mail:[email protected] 5UFZ-HelmholtzCentreforEnvironmentalResearch,Dept.ofCommunity †Theauthorsequallycontributedtothispaper Ecology,Theodor-Lieser-Str.4,06120Halle,Germany ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. ThisisanopenaccessarticleunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,whichpermitsuse, distributionandreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. 674 A.Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszkietal. ReviewandSynthesis negative effects of conventional agricultural intensification (in- originated to enhance soil fertility, water storage and the bio- dustrial management of large-scale monocultures with high logical control of crop pests and diseases. However, recently, chemical inputs) on pollinators and pollination, at landscape certified organic farming also started allowing the controlled (land use) and local (land management) scales. use of certain organic pesticides (Garibaldi et al. 2016a). Human land use is the main current driver of changes in Thus, today many organic farms are high-input large-scale land cover (Foley et al. 2005) on approximately 53% of the operations supporting low biological diversity (Garibaldi et al. Earth’s terrestrial surface (Klein Goldewijk et al., 2004; 2016a). Nevertheless, although the effects of organic farming Hooke & Mart(cid:1)ın-Duque 2012). Globally, since the early and other agri-environment schemes (see also below) on biodi- 1960s, croplands have expanded with a consequent reduction versity – including pollinators – have been mixed, they have in forests and grasslands (Klein Goldewijk et al., 2004; FAO been generally positive (Scheper et al. 2013; Bat(cid:1)ary et al. 2016). By 2030, the area of agricultural land is expected to 2015). Compared to these techniques, ecological intensification increase a further 10%, mainly in the developing world describes a process fitting the original concept of sustainable (Haines-Young 2009). These human-induced changes in land intensification, and aims to support agricultural production use shift the composition (e.g. habitat loss) and spatial config- through the enhancement of ecosystem services. Its goal is to uration (e.g. fragmentation, isolation) of land-cover types reduce reliance on anthropogenic chemical inputs in farms, a (Fahrig et al. 2011). Declines in wild bees and butterflies are characteristic it shares with diversified farming systems (cross- linked to historical landscape modification (Burkle et al. 2013; scale diversification, integrating several crops and/or animals Bommarco et al. 2014; Senapathi et al. 2015) and loss of nest- in the production system to generate and regenerate ecosystem ing and foraging sites or key floral resources (Goulson et al. services) (Kremen & Miles 2012; Bommarco et al. 2013; Gari- 2005; Biesmeijer et al. 2006; Potts et al. 2010; Scheper et al. baldi et al. 2016a). 2014; Baude et al. 2016). Increasing habitat loss and degrada- In this paper, we outline the concept of ecological intensifi- tion has also lowered fruit set of insect-pollinated crops (Klein cation and the ecosystem and agricultural benefits arising et al. 2002, 2012) and wild plants (Aguilar et al. 2006; Bat(cid:1)ary from its application. Then – drawing on the findings of the et al. 2013; Clough et al. 2014) by eroding pollinator density recent IPBES assessment (IPBES 2016) – we consider how or diversity. Land-use changes can also fragment habitats, land use and land management drivers affect pollinators and affecting both the size and connectivity of remnant habitat pollination. For each set of drivers, we consider whether prac- patches (Hadley & Betts 2012; Hooke & Mart(cid:1)ın-Duque 2012). tices that constitute ecological intensification would reduce or This can potentially reduce pollinator gene flow, with implica- reverse their effects on pollinators and pollination, if widely tions for long-term population persistence (Darvill et al. implemented by farmers. Finally, we discuss the viability and 2010), and can adversely affect sexual reproduction of wild policy implications of ecological intensification as an inte- plants, particularly of species with an obligate dependence on grated solution sustaining pollinator communities, pollinator- pollinators (Aguilar et al. 2006). dependent crop production and wild plant reproduction. Farm management directly affects the availability and qual- ity of foraging and nesting resources for pollinators within WHAT IS ‘ECOLOGICAL INTENSIFICATION’? agricultural fields (Requier et al. 2015). Since the 1960s, mod- ern agriculture has rapidly intensified, and the dominant agri- Ecological intensification, as defined by Bommarco et al. culture in many parts of the world now uses large amounts of (2013) and Tittonell (2014), involves actively managing farm- chemical fertilisers, pesticides, irrigation and other technolo- land to increase the intensity of the ecological processes that gies (Tilman et al. 2001, 2002). Compared with traditional, support production, such as biotic pest regulation, nutrient low-input farming systems, conventional ‘monocultures’, dom- cycling and pollination. It means making smart use of nat- inated by one or a few crops, simplify the agroecosystem and ure’s functions and services, at field and landscape scales, to decrease pollinator foraging resources (Kremen & Miles enhance agricultural productivity, and reduce reliance on 2012). agrochemicals and the need for further land-use conversion. Despite technological and agronomic improvements, the We identify specific actions that farmers or land managers benefits of conventional agricultural intensification are limited may take to achieve ecological intensification (Table 1), by the available pollination services, at least in pollinator- including actions focused on enhancing pollination or pest dependent crops for which pollination deficits are widely regulation services delivered by mobile agents. Table 1 also observed (Deguines et al. 2014; Garibaldi et al. 2015, 2016b). summarises the ecosystem services such actions are expected In recent decades, farming systems and techniques have been to enhance (adapted from Kremen & Miles 2012), and the developed to mitigate the negative impacts of intensified agri- potential for mitigating various drivers of change in pollina- culture on agricultural ecosystems, for example by sustainable tors and pollination. intensification, organic farming and agri-environment schemes Some of the ecological intensification actions identified in (Morandin & Winston 2005; Andersson et al. 2012; Bat(cid:1)ary Table 1 match existing agri-environment scheme options or et al. 2015). Sustainable intensification originally attempted to general agricultural conservation measures, such as creating increase crop yield while improving ecological and social con- flower-rich field margins, or managing hedgerows and verges ditions by the establishment of low-input ‘resource-conserving to improve habitat quality. However, the key difference from systems’, but recently shifted towards capital and external these other, more biodiversity-focused approaches is that input intensive solutions to enhance resource-use efficiencies under ecological intensification these actions would be (Loos et al. 2014; Garibaldi et al. 2016a). Organic farming designed and located to support targeted delivery of ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. ReviewandSynthesis Ecologicalintensificationandpollination 675 Table1 KeypracticesinEcologicalIntensification,theecosystemservicestheyareexpectedtosupport(adaptedfromKremen&Miles2012)andhowthey relatetothemainlanduseandlandmanagementdriversofpollinatordeclineidentifiedbytheIPBESpollinatorsreport(IPBES2016) Landscape Landscape Nesting Foraging Insecticides Practice Ecosystemservices complexity connectivity resources resources andherbicides Usingcompostormanure Soilquality Nutrientmanagement Water-holdingcapacity Diseasecontrol Energy-useefficiency Resilience Yield Intercropping Soilquality + (+) + + Weedcontrol Diseasecontrol Pestcontrol Pollination Energy-useefficiency Resilience Yield Agroforestry Soilquality + (+) + + Water-holdingcapacity Weedcontrol Diseasecontrol Pestcontrol Pollination Energy-useefficiency Resilience Yield Targetedflowerstrips Pestcontrol (+) (+) + ((cid:1)) Pollination Energy-useefficiency Yield Reducedorno-till Soilquality + (+) Water-holdingcapacity Resilience Yield Croprotation Soilquality + (+) (+) Nutrientmanagement Weedcontrol Diseasecontrol Pestcontrol Pollination Energy-useefficiency Resilience Yield Covercroporgreenmanure Soilquality + + Nutrientmanagement Water-holdingcapacity Weedcontrol Diseasecontrol Pestcontrol Pollination Energy-useefficiency Resilience Yield Fallow Soilquality + + + + Water-holdingcapacity Pestcontrol Pollination Resilience Yield Borderplanting(for Nutrientmanagement + + + + + example,hedgerowsand Pestcontrol windbreaks) Pollination Energy-useefficiency Resilience (continued) ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. 676 A.Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszkietal. ReviewandSynthesis Table1. (continued) Landscape Landscape Nesting Foraging Insecticides Practice Ecosystemservices complexity connectivity resources resources andherbicides Riparianbuffers Soilquality + + + (+) + Nutrientmanagement Pestcontrol Pollination Energy-useefficiency Resilience Patchesofsemi-natural Soilquality + + + + + zones(woodland,wetland) Nutrientmanagement Pestcontrol Pollination Resilience Selectcropvarietiesto Pollination + ((cid:1)) enhancerecruitmentof Pestcontrol pollinatorsornatural enemies Strategiestoreducepesticide Pollination + useorexposureof Pestcontrol non-targetorganismsto pesticides Providededicatednestingor Pollination (+) + overwinteringresourcesfor Pestcontrol pollinatorsornatural enemies Based on the review here ‘+’=the driver is reduced or mitigated by this action; ‘(+)’=the driver may be reduced by this action in some circumstances; ‘(cid:1)’=the driverisenhancedor addedtoby thisaction;‘((cid:1))’=the drivermaybe enhancedoraddedto bythis actionin somecircumstances. Blankcells implythedriverisnotaffectedbytheaction. ecosystem services. For example, placing flower strips can scientific and policy profile as a driver of change in pollina- enhance direct spill-over of pollination and/or pest regulation tors. For each driver, we assess whether ecological intensifica- services to specific crops in the locality, with their constituent tion as defined above can ameliorate adverse effects on flowering plant species designed to attract and reward specific pollinators and pollination. types of insect (Blaauw & Isaacs 2014a; Tschumi et al. 2015; Westphal et al. 2015). LANDSCAPE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY Habitat loss and degradation of habitat quality can reduce LAND USE, LAND MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGICAL the population sizes, composition and species richness of polli- INTENSIFICATION nator communities (Steffan-Dewenter & Westphal 2008; The IPBES pollination report (IPBES 2016) assessed the risks Kennedy et al. 2013; Ferreira et al. 2015; Nem(cid:1)esio et al. 2016) and opportunities for pollinators and pollination from land and alter the structure of plant–pollinator networks (Burkle use and land management, amongst other drivers. An expert et al. 2013; Moreira et al. 2015), with implications for com- author and reviewer team of over 70 scientists (including all munity stability and pollination processes. Specialised pollina- authors of this paper) critically evaluated the scientific litera- tor species adapted to particular plant species, or requiring ture, together with evidence provided by indigenous and local very specific nesting resources (e.g. long-tongued bumble bees, knowledge holders, representing all regions of the world. This Bombus spp.) tend to be more vulnerable to land-cover assessment was peer-reviewed in an open, two-stage process changes than more generalised species (Goulson et al. 2008; € by both scientists and governments. It therefore represents a Ockinger et al. 2010; Weiner et al. 2014; Persson et al. 2015). thorough examination of existing global knowledge about pol- Similarly, above-ground nesters seem more sensitive to habitat linators and pollination up to 2016. In this paper, we build on loss or fragmentation than below-ground nesters (Williams the IPBES report to synthesise the risks to pollinators and et al. 2010; Ferreira et al. 2015; Persson et al. 2015). Due to pollination at the scales of land use (leading to reduced land- different dispersal abilities, different pollinator groups can scape complexity and connectivity) and land management also show various responses to configurational changes (Red- (leading to reduced nesting and foraging resources within the head et al. 2016). For instance, small-bodied pollinators and field). For the latter, we consider arable and grassland systems solitary bees are, owing to their lower dispersal ranges, more separately, as the drivers of pollinator decline differ between vulnerable to effects of habitat fragmentation than larger bod- these habitat types. We also consider agricultural pesticides ied and social pollinators (Ricketts et al. 2008; Bommarco (insecticides and herbicides) separately because of their high et al. 2010; Williams et al. 2010; Winfree et al. 2011). Taken ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. ReviewandSynthesis Ecologicalintensificationandpollination 677 together, these observations identify mechanisms (e.g. filtering et al. 2013). Increasing connectivity by reducing distances by species’ morphological, physiological or ecological traits) between foraging resources elevates pollinator diversity and explaining the observed homogenisation of pollinator commu- abundance in fields (Ricketts et al. 2008; Kennedy et al. 2013; nities in highly human-modified landscapes (Biesmeijer et al. Clough et al. 2014). Diversified agricultural systems typified 2006; Carvalheiro et al. 2013; Marini et al. 2014). by a large number of crop types and small field sizes (Fahrig Habitat fragmentation could alter pollinator networks et al. 2015) promote wild pollinator diversity, community sta- through its effects on pollinator diversity and abundance. bility and pollination success of crops and wild plants (Kre- Theoretically, by reducing pollinator diversity, fragmentation men & Miles 2012; Kennedy et al. 2013). Polyculture systems could reduce pollination network modularity and increase with sequentially flowering or co-flowering crops assure effi- connectance, with small fragments harbouring homogenised cient pollination of plants differing in flower phenology by pollinator communities (reviewed in Hagen et al. 2012). The providing seasonal and spatial continuity of food resources few empirical studies to date suggest fragmentation can reduce supporting pollinator diversity and abundance (Mayfield & nestedness or phylogenetic structure of pollinator networks Belavadi 2008; Rundlo€f et al. 2014; Ponisio et al. 2015). (Moreira et al. 2015; Aizen et al. 2016). Such changes to net- Landscape-scale planning of early and late mass-flowering work structure may have implications for community stability, crop cultivation, with consideration of the spatial distribution e.g. by reducing the network’s resilience to disturbance (Lever of semi-natural areas, might aid conservation of pollinators et al. 2014; Vanbergen et al. 2017). and crop pollination services (Riedinger et al. 2014). Land- For crops, pollination service delivery depends largely on scape complexity can also be achieved by temporarily remov- flower visitor density and typically on particular locally abun- ing land from production (fallow land, Table 1), which can dant pollinator species, which are demographically the least promote the establishment of flower-rich habitats and the cor- vulnerable to habitat loss or degradation (Kleijn et al. 2015; responding species richness and abundance of flower-visiting Winfree et al. 2015; Garibaldi et al. 2016b). Nonetheless, insects (Morandin et al. 2007; Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszki et al. diverse pollinator assemblages offer functional redundancy or 2011a; Kuussaari et al. 2011). complementarity of species or traits to assure resilience of the Agroforestry, in which large woody perennials are inte- pollination service (Hoehn et al. 2008; Klein et al. 2009; Win- grated into farming systems, can also increase landscape com- free & Kremen 2009; Garibaldi et al. 2011, 2016b; Brittain plexity (Schroth 2004; Willemen et al. 2013). Agroforestry in et al. 2013). Pollination services are affected by the surround- temperate systems has been suggested to be favourable to bee- ing land use, because it influences both the density and diver- keeping (Hill & Webster 1995), and has been estimated to sity of floral visitors. Blaauw & Isaacs (2014b) showed that contribute to crop yield and profit through its effect on polli- the availability of larger patches of floral resources led to nation services (Alam et al. 2014). In tropical systems, agro- higher visitation and wildflower seed set. The delivery of crop forestry is thought to enhance the connectivity of pollinator- pollination services has repeatedly been shown to decrease friendly habitats, spatially linking natural and semi-natural with increasing distance from florally rich locations (Ricketts areas (Perfecto & Vandermeer 2008). Further, because in these et al. 2008; Garibaldi et al. 2011; Kormann et al. 2016). tropical areas most pollinators rely on tree flowers (Bawa Moreover, production of pollinator-dependent crops is likely 1990), agroforestry practices could contribute to pollinator to depend on the relative locations of nests and crops, and on conservation, as seen in coffee and cacao plantations. pollinator ability to cover long distances (Osborne et al. Through its effect on pollinator abundance, proximity to 2008). For example, Sardin~as et al. (2016) found that ground- forested areas increases yield (Klein et al. 2002; Ricketts nesting native bees nested both within fields and edges, and 2004), as well as resilience and stability of pollinator commu- that due to short actual foraging distances, visitation by bees nities (Bravo-Monroy et al. 2015). Further, tree diversity and nesting in and around fields led to a patchy distribution of cover positively correlate with native bee abundance (Klein pollination services across the field. et al. 2002; Jha & Vandermeer 2010) and richness (Hoehn Taking this knowledge into consideration, and within the et al. 2010), and a link was found between low-impact man- ecological intensification framework (Table 1), restored or agement, in-field bee diversity and crop pollination (Vergara maintained semi-natural ecosystems, field border plantings & Badano 2009). and riparian buffer strips, can directly increase the complexity and connectivity of agricultural landscapes, often improving floral and nesting resources for pollinator diversity (Lagerlo€f LAND MANAGEMENT TO INCREASE LOCAL NESTING et al. 1992; Carvell et al. 2004; Cole et al. 2015; Kremen & AND FORAGING RESOURCES M’Gonigle 2015; Baude et al. 2016; Ponisio et al. 2016). Opti- Cropfields mising management of these semi-natural areas, such as by adjusting mowing frequency and rotation, can diversify flower Many traditional systems of land management encompass cul- and insect pollinator communities (Noordijk et al. 2009; tivation of sequentially- and co-flowering crops alongside high Halbritter et al. 2015) across the landscape. wild plant diversity, with low agricultural inputs and low Increasing landscape complexity by employing crop and yields (Plieninger et al. 2006). These systems usually favour crop-livestock mixtures, intercropping and cover crops can pollinator biodiversity (Stoate et al. 2001; Kov(cid:1)acs-Hos- increase floral resources and habitat for many pollinator spe- ty(cid:1)anszki et al. 2016). Although still largely present in many cies, even in landscapes with little semi-natural land-cover parts of the world (Altieri et al. 2012), traditional systems types (Williams & Kremen 2007; Bat(cid:1)ary et al. 2011; Kennedy have today mostly disappeared in Europe and North America ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. 678 A.Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszkietal. ReviewandSynthesis due to abandonment or conventional intensification of land diversity compared to sown grass margins, natural regenera- management (Stoate et al. 2001; Fontana et al. 2014; Norfolk tion or cropped areas (Carvell et al. 2007; Scheper et al. et al. 2014; Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszki et al. 2016). 2013). Hedgerow plantings can also increase wild bee richness In contrast to diversified farming systems, monocultures and persistence within crop fields (M’Gonigle et al. 2015) as reduce landscape complexity (see above) and overall habitat well as turnover (regional richness) among fields (Ponisio resources for pollinators, despite the provision of alternative et al. 2015). However, the pollination service benefits may be foraging resources by certain mass-flowering crops. Monocul- crop- and region-specific (Sardin~as & Kremen 2015; Morandin tures of crops such as canola (Brassica napus), clovers et al. 2016) and vary with farmland type and landscape con- (Trifolium spp.), sunflowers and orchard fruits provide large text (Scheper et al. 2013, 2015). amountsofaccessiblepollenandnectar,whichhasbeenshown Designingflowermixestoprovidecontinuousbloomthrough- to benefit bee colonies (e.g. increased densities, reproductive outthegrowingseason,andincludingfunctionallydiversespe- success) (Klein et al. 2007; Westphal et al. 2009; Dieko€tter cies (i.e. perennials and annuals) is critical to supporting the et al.2010,2014;Holzschuhet al.2013;Riedingeret al.2015). greatest pollinator species richness within these established However, with few other floral resources in such intensively flower-rich areas (Scheper et al. 2015; Williams et al. 2015). managedfields,thetemporarysynchronouspulseofpollenand Regional programs such as Operation Pollinator run by Syn- nectar from such crops means that benefits are transient and genta, have developed and tested seed mixtures for land man- limited to the duration of crop flowering (Blitzer et al. 2012; agers (Williams et al. 2015; http://www.operationpollinator.c Riedingeret al.2015).Furthermore,anybenefitsofmass-flow- om/). However, flower-rich plantings often provide resources ering crops mostly affect generalist pollinators and their polli- mainly for bumble bees and honey bees, while the majority of nationservicesatthecostofwiderpollinatordiversity(Jansson otherpollinatorspeciescannotfindtheirfavouredflowerspecies & Polasky 2010; Holzschuh et al. 2011). However, the cultiva- (Wood et al. 2016). Wildflower strips can increase pollinator tion of plants flowering latein the season(e.g. red clovers) can abundances across entire landscapes, especially in landscapes extend the temporal supply of foraging resources after the dominated by intensive farmland (Jo€nsson et al. 2015). Simi- bloom of othercrops to enhance bumble bee reproductive suc- larly,hedgerowscanalsoincreaselocal(M’Gonigleet al.2015) cess (Rundlo€f et al. 2014). The massive bloom of mass-flower- andregionalpollinatorspeciesrichness(Ponisioet al.2015). ing crops can also temporarily dilute landscape pollination Although their impact on pollinator diversity and abun- services by diverting pollinators from co-flowering wild plants dance is accepted, there is still limited evidence about the (Stanley & Stout 2014; Holzschuh et al. 2016; Montero- direct impact of wildflower strips, flower patches and hedge- Castan~o et al. 2016) to reduce pollination (Holzschuh et al. rows on crop yields. In the case of wildflower strips, some 2011; Montero-Castan~o et al. 2016), and potentially negatively studies demonstrate increased pollination of adjacent crops affect crop yield and wild plant reproduction (Kov(cid:1)acs-Hos- [e.g. mango in South-Africa (Carvalheiro et al. 2012); blue- ty(cid:1)anszkiet al.2013;Holzschuhet al.2016). berry in USA (Blaauw & Isaacs 2014a); strawberry in UK Besides flowering crops, weed flowers provide a diversity of (Feltham et al. 2015)], while another showed that flower strips foraging resources for wild and managed pollinators (Carval- increase outcrossing with adjacent crops, affecting the genetic heiro et al. 2011; Bretagnolle & Gaba 2015; Requier et al. structure of the cultivar (Suso et al. 2008). Regarding hedge- 2015). Thus, their removal by physical means (e.g. tillage, rows, Morandin et al. (2016) found a benefit to pollination in crop rotation) or by herbicides (see ‘Insecticides and herbi- the adjacent crop, whereas Sardin~as & Kremen (2015) found cides’ section) can indirectly cause the decline of pollinator no difference. Planting wildflower strips potentially increases populations (Richards 2001; Steffan-Dewenter et al. 2005; the risk of favouring herbivore pests (Holland et al. 2016), Dieko€tter et al. 2010). The increased application of inorganic but this could be minimised by including diverse perennial fertilisers (Richards 2001) can also reduce the diversity and flowering plants and increasing the size of the plot. This way, cover of the less competitive wild and weedy plant species more beetles, birds and other predators are also attracted and (Kleijn et al. 2009; Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszki et al. 2011b). Further, can aid with biological pest control (Blaauw & Isaacs 2012; nitrogen fertilisation may also change the number, size, mor- Tschumi et al. 2015; Westphal et al. 2015; Morandin et al. phology, nectar chemistry and phenology of flowers, thereby 2016; Sidhu & Joshi 2016). altering plant–pollinator mutualisms (Burkle & Irwin 2010; Ecological intensification in arable fields has been demon- Hudewenz et al. 2012), and can also decrease crop yield due strated to enhance within-field species richness and abundance to insect pollination (Marini et al. 2015). of plants considered weeds, by decreasing the use of inorganic Existing agri-environment measures that benefit pollinator fertilisers and herbicides (Kleijn et al. 2009; Kov(cid:1)acs-Hos- richness by providing habitats and food resources within and ty(cid:1)anszkiet al.2011b).Ifcropandweedspeciesarelefttogrow around fields can be deployed as part of a shift towards eco- together, diverse pollinator assemblages benefit crop pollina- logical intensification (Nicholls & Altieri 2013; Dicks et al. tionbothinarablefields(Carvalheiroet al.2011)andorchards 2014a, 2014b). These practices include establishment of (Alauxet al.2010;Holzschuhet al.2012;Saunderset al.2013; flower-rich areas such as sown field margins, flower strips, Cierjacks et al. 2016; Kammerer et al. 2016; Norfolk et al. hedgerows and fallow fields (Table 1). Although population- 2016). Further, weed flowers have been shown to mitigate the level effects on pollinators are yet to be detected, flower strips negativeeffectsofcertaintypesoflandmanagementand/orthe rich in nectar or pollen increase the production of bumble bee isolation from natural land-cover types (Carvalheiro et al. reproductives (Williams et al. 2012; Carvell et al. 2015). Fur- 2011, 2012), and sustain pollinator assemblages after or thermore, they elevate local pollinator abundance and between the mass-flowering crop periods (Requier et al. 2015). ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. ReviewandSynthesis Ecologicalintensificationandpollination 679 Within-field diversification can be even more effective if wild intensityofherbivorycanshapetheattractivenessofflowersto (cid:3) flower patches and a diverse landscape structure are available pollinators (Agren et al. 2013), with highly intensive grazing nearbyoraroundthemanagedsites(Kennedyet al.2013). able to lower forb coverage or diversity with concomitant Wild pollinator communities within crop fields can also be impactsonpollinatordensities,diversityandnetworkstructure enhanced by providing nesting material or available nesting (Kruess & Tscharntke 2002; Yoshihara et al. 2008; Potts et al. sites, which are often scarce in conventional intensive manage- 2009). Grazing livestock (e.g. cattle, sheep) results in soil com- mentsystems.Conditionsforcavity-nestingandground-nesting paction by trampling, and affects the amount of nesting beescanbeimprovedbyprovidingnaturalorartificialnestsub- resources available to pollinators, influencing their abundance stratessuchasreedstems,muddyspotsandbaregroundatcrop or diversity (Mayer 2004). However, moderate grazing can edges (Sheffield et al. 2008; Steffan-Dewenter & Schiele 2008). increase pollinator diversity and complexity of pollinator net- Combining this with abundant floral resources was found to worksbyalteringplantcommunities(Vulliamyet al.2006;Van- increasepollinatorpopulationgrowth(OliveiraFilho&Freitas bergen et al. 2014a; L(cid:1)azaro et al. 2016). Further, spatial 2003),butthereiscurrentlylittleevidencethatsuchnestingsite planning and grassland management that increases spatial practicesincreaseyieldofadjacentcrops(Camillo1996). heterogeneity in the grazed area can be beneficial to pollinator As part of conservation agriculture practices, no-till farming diversityinregionsadaptedtograzing,suchasthosehistorically is applied for soil conservation, and can reverse long-term soil grazedbynativelargeherbivores(Fuhlendorf&Engle2001). degradation due to organic matter loss, although a major con- Although mowing results in sudden removal of almost all straint on its adoption is the limited availability of agricul- foraging resources for pollinators, its frequency and timing tural training (Chan & Fantle-Lepczyk 2015). A drawback of also influence the composition of vegetation over time (For- no-till practice is a potential reduction in yields, although this rester et al. 2005; Nakahama et al. 2016), thus indirectly risk can be minimised by combining it with crop rotation and affecting pollinator diversity and abundance (Rasmont et al. measures to retain crop residue in situ. No-till significantly 2006). Frequent mowing during a growing season reduces increases rain-fed crop productivity in dry climates (Pittelkow native plant growth and the ability of forbs to compete with et al. 2015). There is still no strong evidence for a positive grasses (Gerell 1997; Saarinen et al. 2005), impoverishes effect of no-till farming on ground-nesting pollinator species plant-visitation networks (Weiner et al. 2011), and can nega- (Shuler et al. 2005), although this has often been proposed, tively affect bumble bee populations by eliminating preferred since many species place their brood cells < 30 cm below the leguminous pollen resources (Osborne et al. 1991; Goulson surface (Williams et al. 2010; Cane & Neff 2011; Roulston & et al. 2005). Mowing can cause direct pollinator mortality, Goodell 2011; Ullmann et al. 2016). Besides through its direct particularly of egg and larval stages (Di Giulio et al. 2001; effect on the soil, sustained tillage coupled with herbicide use Humbert et al. 2010), it can remove butterfly host plants reduce the availability of weeds that provide in-field floral (Johst et al. 2006), and destroy topographical features such as resources for pollinators. A possible disadvantage of no-till grass tussocks (Morris 2000) that offer potential nesting sites farming for pollinators may arise if farmers are compelled to for bumble bees (Hopwood et al. 2015). It can also disturb increase herbicide use to counter burgeoning weed popula- ant nests, which in turn affects the survival of myrme- tions. This potential outcome and the relative reductions in cophilous butterflies (Wynhoff et al. 2011). floral resources for pollinators compared with conventional Of all ecological intensification actions listed in Table 1, and low-input or organic farming systems remain to be deter- flower strips, riparian buffer strips and border plantings are mined (McLaughlin & Mineau 1995). the easiest-to-apply options to transform grassland manage- Using compost or manure to improve soil organic matter ment. Along with these, many subtle changes in management content and long-term soil fertility as part of a nutrient man- can enhance ecosystem services and could be included in an agement plan is the only ecological intensification action for ecological intensification framework. For example, optimising which there is not a clear link to drivers of pollinator decline. the timing and frequency of mowing can benefit communities It could conceivably affect nesting resources for ground-nest- of flowers, pollinators, and other organisms such as nesting ing wild bees, but the direction of this impact is unclear and game birds. Specifically, flower-visiting insects benefit from a we are unaware of any studies to date. There are, however, biannual cut with hay removal, where an early summer cut some studies demonstrating that alterations in soil nutrients enables the re-flowering of plants later in the growing season and microorganisms can affect floral characteristics that may (Noordijk et al. 2009). Mowing without a conditioner, and influence flower visitation and pollinator nutrition (Cardoza refraining from mowing in periods of increased flight activity, et al. 2012; Barber & Gorden 2014). are two practices strongly recommended to reduce pollinator mortality (Humbert et al. 2010), while leaving uncut refuges and delaying mowing help to further mitigate the impact on Grasslands pollinators (Humbert et al. 2012; Buri et al. 2013). Regular Grazing livestock and mowing alter ecosystems, affecting wild (but not too frequent) mowing is also necessary to maintain plantreproductionandtheamountoffloralresourcesavailable moderate sward height, for example, for ants associated with to pollinators (Mayer 2004; Wesche et al. 2012; Vanbergen myrmecophilous butterflies (Settele & Ku€hn, 2009). Switching et al.2014a).Grazingaffectspollinatorsandpollinationincom- to periodic mowing, combined with manual extraction of tall (cid:3) plexways(Agrenet al.2013)thatdependonthegrazinginten- vegetation and use of selective herbicides, was shown to sity, selectivity, timing, climate, habitat type, etc. (Asner et al. increase the diversity of bee communities and number and dis- 2004; Kimoto et al. 2012; Tadey 2015). For instance, the tribution of rare pollinator species along powerlines (Russell ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. 680 A.Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszkietal. ReviewandSynthesis et al. 2005). Improved grasslands can be managed for floral to pollinators, increase pollination deficits and yield reduction richness, by reducing fertiliser inputs or delaying mowing in insect-dependent crops, but this needs further study. dates, which concomitantly increases the bee, hoverfly and/or Several measures within the scope of ecological intensifica- butterfly diversity (Humbert et al. 2012; van Swaay et al. tion (Table 1) can reduce the risk to pollinators from pesti- 2012; Dicks et al. 2014a, 2014b). Adding legumes and other cides. Reductions in overall use or reliance on pesticides flowering species to grassland seed mixtures supported by reduce the risk to non-target species like pollinators (IPBES some agri-environmental schemes in Europe can probably fur- 2016). Planting buffer zones or wind breaks at field borders ther benefit pollinators (Dicks et al. 2010, 2015; Dicks et al. and agricultural technologies (e.g. low-drift spraying equip- 2014a, 2014b; Woodcock et al. 2014). ment) can reduce pesticide drift into adjacent habitats (Ucar & Hall 2001; Felsot et al. 2010). Adopting alternative forms of pest control can also help lower insecticide risks. For INSECTICIDES AND HERBICIDES instance, establishing or maintaining semi-natural areas or Theuseofinsecticidesrepresentsahazardtopollinatorhealth, hedgerows around the managed fields (Table 1) can support diversity and abundance. However, the risk varies with the biological control agents that may enhance pest predation in toxicity of the particular insecticide to different species and by the adjacent crops, reducing the need for pesticide use (Denys the level of exposure according to management practice, and & Tscharntke 2002; Morandin et al. 2014). Furthermore, such the phenology, behaviour and habitat use of foraging pollina- ecological infrastructure can provide alternative nesting and tors (Brittain & Potts 2011; Schreinemachers & Tipraqsa 2012; foraging habitats for pollinators in the landscape, thereby Godfray et al. 2014, 2015; van der Sluijs et al. 2015; IPBES buffering insecticide and herbicide effects in the crop field 2016). Aside from mortality, insecticides can elicit a range of (Park et al. 2015). However, these field margins, particularly sublethal effects on pollinators, such as physiological and if planted with forage resources, could act as ecological traps behavioural changes (Godfray et al. 2014, 2015; Pisa et al. for pollinators potentially increasing their exposure to insecti- 2015). Most of our knowledge on insecticide effects comes cides used in the adjacent crop (Longley & Sotherton 1997). from laboratory or semi-field experiments: where insects are In conventional and organic farming, adoption of integrated dosed in the laboratory and then forage freely in the wild pest management (IPM) is suggested to be the best effort to (Godfray et al. 2014, 2015). There are relatively few controlled decrease pesticide use, and is very likely to form part of eco- field experiments assessing actual exposure to insecticides in logical intensification strategies. IPM decreases the need for field settings (Godfray et al. 2014, 2015). A notable example is pesticides through a greater reliance on biological pest control a recent farm-scale replicated experiment, which found that and managing pest pressure through crop rotation, mixed actual field exposure to oil-seed rape treated with the neoni- cropping and field margin or habitat management (Table 1). cotinoidclothianidinandpyrethroidinsecticidesdecreasedsur- Pesticides are applied in a targeted way only when other mea- vival and reproduction of wild bee species, relative to oilseed sures are insufficient to hold pest abundances below a thresh- rape treated only with pyrethroids (Rundlo€f et al. 2015). How old of economic damage (Ekstro€m & Ekbom 2011; USDA lethal and sublethal effects of insecticides affect colonies and 2014). In order to reduce insecticide use and promote non- populations of managed and wild pollinators over the long chemical pest management practices, the EU obliged all Mem- term remains unclear (IPBES 2016). However, a recent histori- ber States to apply the general principles of IPM by 2014 cal population analysis of the population persistence of polli- (Directive 2009/128/EC). Farmers can also reduce exposure of nators associated or not with neonicotinoid treated oilseed pollinators to pesticides using farm-scale risk assessment and rape cropsindicated thatthe formerpresentslight, but statisti- mitigation. For example, a tool that assesses risk from pesti- cally significant, reductions (Woodcock et al. 2016). The role cide exposures to pollinators in the field has already been of insecticides in affecting pollination services is unclear, but developed (Van der Valk et al. 2012), using local information thereissomenewexperimentalevidencethatinsecticidesaffect about crop pollinators, while listing the main factors affecting floralpreferenceandthuscanmodifythelikelihoodofdelivery pesticide risk (e.g. pesticide type and use, phenology of crop of pollination services to crop and wild plants by altering bee flowering and pollinator activity). behaviour(Stanleyet al.2015;Stanley&Raine2016). To summarise, we suggest that most facets of ecological Beside insecticides, the increased use of synthetic herbicides intensification, whether focused on pollination or other (Schwinn 1988; Freemark & Boutin 1995) can threaten polli- ecosystem services, can address one or more of the major land nator populations by reducing floral resources (Richards 2001; use-related drivers of pollinator decline (Table 1). However, Steffan-Dewenter et al. 2005; Dieko€tter et al. 2010). This is there remain serious questions about whether ecological inten- true not only for in-field floral resources but also for those sification is a viable approach for commercial farming, and present in field margins, which can be exposed to herbicide about how ecological intensification should be incentivised drift from adjacent crops (Egan et al. 2014; Hanley & Wilkins within current agricultural and agri-environmental policies. 2015; Bohnenblust et al. 2016). Moreover, some herbicides Below, we briefly discuss these issues. can be directly toxic to larval stages of pollinators (Hahn et al. 2015). Weed-removal is at the core of management of VIABILITY OF ECOLOGICAL INTENSIFICATION IN herbicide-tolerant GM-crops and while comparatively under- FARMING studied, these crops can be associated with lower pollinator densities (Bohan et al. 2005; Bohnenblust et al. 2016). Their The viability of ecological intensification may be challenged widespread and expanding cultivation could represent a threat either on the basis that its outcomes are uncertain and ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. ReviewandSynthesis Ecologicalintensificationandpollination 681 unpredictable, or that it might not be able to achieve levels of adoption (Sidhu & Joshi 2016). In Europe, the USA and crop production equivalent to conventional agricultural inten- Australia, agri-environment schemes (AES) offer farmers sification (Garibaldi et al. 2016b). short-term payments or cost-share for performing prescribed environmental management behaviour. Initially, the purpose of AES in the USA was to conserve soil and prevent ero- Levelof uncertainty sion, while in Europe it aimed at protecting threatened habi- Broadly, when using ecological intensification to improve the tats or landscapes. However, emphasis in the USA and sustainability of farming, uncertainties stem from two sources: Europe later broadened to cover prevention of species’ loss scientific or agronomic uncertainty on how to implement eco- across agricultural landscapes, and, more recently, to main- logical intensification, and the inherent unpredictability of tain ecosystem services (Ekroos et al. 2014; Dicks et al. natural systems (stochastic uncertainty). The efficacy of eco- 2016b). Recently, it was suggested that switching to ‘pay- logical intensification as a process to maintain or enhance cur- ment by results schemes’ (i.e. paying farmers for outcomes rent levels of food production relies on efficient and consistent rather than for performing set management activities) could ecosystem service delivery. However, there is not yet scientific be an effective instrument for changing farming social beha- consensus about the structure of service provider communities viour, and could encourage the establishment of common required to achieve this. On this, Kleijn et al. (2015) suggest goals between farmers and conservationists (de Snoo et al. that a limited number of generalist wild bee species are 2012; Magda et al. 2015). However, these schemes can responsible for the majority of pollination of the 100 most potentially punish farmers who act adequately but do not important insect-pollinated crop species globally. However, achieve the goals because of external variables, such as land other analyses show that resilience of pollinator communities configuration (e.g. their fields are too isolated from the clos- over time, and the stability and resilience of pollination ser- est pollinator habitats; Brittain et al. 2010). Payment for vices and crop productivity strongly rely on pollinator diver- ecosystem services (PES) could promote practices to conserve sity, complementarity and redundancy (Blu€thgen & Klein pollinators on farms too (e.g. Daily et al. 2009). Other 2011; Brittain et al. 2013). potential paths could also include the labelling and produc- tion of ‘pollinator-friendly’ foods, as well as promoting eco- logical intensification with food-producing and retail Levelof overall productivity corporations. The potential for ecological intensification to maintain pro- In ecological intensification, while there may be a transition duction was highlighted in a farm-scale multi-year field experi- period during which the costs outweigh the benefits (see ment where up to 8% of land was removed from production above), actions are expected to support production and to create wildlife habitat (e.g. sown patches of perennial should not entail an overall cost in the longer term. As a native wildflowers and fine-leaved grasses mix) (Pywell et al. result, the framework of compensation for lost income that is 2015). The results suggested that this management shift over a embodied in AES does not apply so easily. ‘Compulsory 6-year period can lead to no net loss of overall monetary greening measures’ under the direct payments pillar of the value or nutritional energy of crops produced at the whole- EU’s Common Agricultural Policy from 2014–2020 represent farm level, as a result of increases in per-unit area productiv- an alternative approach where payments are not designed to ity. Specifically, the yield of the insect-pollinated crop field cover lost income, but environmental actions are required as a bean Vicia faba increased by 25% and 35% in the case of 3% condition of subsidy payments. These payments incorporate and 8% wildlife habitat establishment, respectively (Pywell several potential elements of ecological intensification across et al. 2015). In this study, it took around 4 years for the bene- Europe, such as field margins, buffer strips and fallow land, ficial effects on crop yield to manifest, probably reflecting the through an obligation to keep 5% of arable lands as ‘Ecologi- time taken for populations of pollinators and other beneficial cal Focus Areas’ (Pe’er et al. 2016; Tzilivakis et al. 2016; insects to respond to ecological intensification. This result also Table 1). There is a great opportunity now to use the Ecologi- illustrates another challenge for implementing ecological inten- cal Focus Areas policy to promote targeted measures effective sification – there is likely to be a transition period, when over- at enhancing specific ecosystems services such as pollination all productivity may be lower. However, a recent review (Dicks et al. 2014a, Pe’er et al. 2016; Tzilivakis et al. 2016; found that transitioning yield losses can be negated or eased Table 1). by using more crop diversification practices (Ponisio & Ehr- In the USA, conservation measures financed by the Farm lich 2016). Bill, such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) can also fit with the notion of ecological intensifica- tion. EQIP programs provide cost-share funding (generally HOW TO PROMOTE OR SUPPORT ECOLOGICAL 50% of the cost of implementation) that incentivise a wide INTENSIFICATION IN POLICY array of sustainability and conservation measures on farms, Most current approaches to support environmentally friendly including a number that are specifically designed to support farming assume an income loss for the farmer, who should pollinators, such as planting forb strips and flowering hedge- be compensated or motivated by financial support to imple- rows along field margins. For these measures, studies have ment such practices. For example, costs associated with the shown that the farmers’ cost-share portion would be bal- establishment and maintenance of practices such as flower- anced by the yield benefits received within 4 and 7 years, mix plantings can be a major hurdle in their successful respectively (Blaauw & Isaacs 2014a; Morandin et al. 2016). ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd. 682 A.Kov(cid:1)acs-Hosty(cid:1)anszkietal. ReviewandSynthesis Other Farm Bill programs, such as the Conservation Reserve crop yield and quality. This knowledge is needed to support Program (CRP), pay farmers to retire sensitive lands and efficient application of ecological intensification measures, and restore them for selected functions, including restoring polli- a more informed decision-making process. nator habitat. The 2016 National Strategy on Pollinator Health sets a goal of conserving, restoring or enhancing land Communicating knowledge andtranslating itintopolicies and for pollinators, through a variety of Farm Bill conservation actions measures. Further research, extension and infrastructure investment Although farmer education and knowledge dissemination have are needed to demonstrate how to reach greater yields and proved effective in applying ecological intensification, these profits with ecological intensification (Parmentier 2014; Poni- tools appear to be underexploited. To improve this, a better sio et al. 2015; DeLonge et al. 2016; Garibaldi et al. 2016b). integration of local knowledge and culture into educational Training and education of farmers and agronomists are also programs would largely increase the use and spread of ecolog- essential to increase the effectiveness of ecological intensifica- ical intensification (Geertsema et al. 2016). Further, improving tion, including those elements focused on pollinators and pol- our understanding of the financial costs, benefits, return on lination (Lobley et al. 2013). Policies that support farmer field investment, and how stable those returns are is critical for a schools are known to increase the adoption of IPM practices successful application of ecological intensification. The inte- and farmers’ income by reductions in insecticide use gration of cultural, economic and ecological knowledge was (Waddington et al. 2014). Related to this, the dialogue among successful and fruitful in the global IPBES pollination assess- farmers, scientists and policy-makers, and accounting for ment (IPBES 2016), but similar approaches should also be farmers’ insights in decision making, are valuable to under- used at local and regional scales. Doing this will require fur- stand and address different perspectives and needs, and confer ther integrating and complementing studies on the sociologi- higher quality decisions and greater legitimacy (Menzel & cal, economic and ecological aspects of food production and Teng 2010; Garibaldi et al. 2016b). agriculture. KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS CONCLUSION In this review, we identified different knowledge gaps, which In this review, we argue that ecological intensification has the we grouped under three main topics: potential to support pollinators by bringing ecosystem services into crop production systems, and replacing chemical inputs (Bommarco et al. 2013). However, there is still a long way to Theeffect ofland use andlandscapedrivers onthelong-term reach optimal management in ecologically intensified systems survival ofpollinator communities and in filling current knowledge gaps. We describe research A lot of research has characterised the effects of specific land supporting a positive impact of most elements of ecological management and land-use changes on the abundance or diver- intensification on pollinator diversity and abundance. We sug- sity of different pollinator groups (Kennedy et al. 2013; gest that landscape-scale (instead of farm-scale) management Bommarco et al. 2014). However, long-term impacts of these of agricultural areas could result in better provisioning of pol- land changes on pollinator and plant community structure, lination services by improving habitat availability and configu- pollination networks and pollinator demography are little ration. Such landscape management decisions, however, need understood. For instance, few studies have empirically investi- proper coordination of farmers’ land-use decisions (Plieninger gated how pollination networks are affected by changes in et al. 2012; Cong et al. 2016). Along with this, and to inform landscape (Moreira et al. 2015; Aizen et al. 2016), or evalu- these decisions, we have identified some knowledge gaps that ated the effect of these changes on the long-term survival and need to be addressed. evolutionary potential of affected pollinator species. Better Regionally or locally tailored solutions are needed for effec- understanding these ecological processes is key for predicting tive ecological intensification. Further, in order to achieve eco- the responses of pollination communities to land use and logical intensification goals, institutional and productivity landscape changes. innovations (e.g. better access to credit and market, better knowledge on agricultural production techniques; Schut et al. 2016) are needed, particularly in developing countries. Finally, Theeffect ofchanges inthe pollinator communityoncropyield and ecologists,commercialagronomistsandextensionworkersneed the reproductive success ofwild plants to play the central role of facilitating ecological intensification Scientists are only starting to understand how changes in pol- by engaging with stakeholders such as farmers, government linator communities affect pollination services (Vanbergen agencies and environmental NGOs. This engagement includes et al. 2014b). For example, although it has been shown that working on filling knowledge gaps by generating knowledge to more pollinators increase yield (Garibaldi et al. 2011, 2015), it support decision making, and applying this knowledge to remains unclear whether benefiting generalist pollinators is develop sound solutions for farm and landscape management sufficient to secure crop and wild plant yields. On the same (Geertsema et al. 2016). To reach such applications, the inte- lines, there is no clarity about what level of pollinator diver- grationofagricultural,ecological,economicandsocialsciences sity or even pollinator abundance is the minimum required to will becentralto developing the sustainable agricultureneeded maintain healthy and diverse plant communities, and high tofulfiltheUNsustainabledevelopmentgoals. ©2017TheAuthors.EcologyLetterspublishedbyCNRSandJohnWiley&SonsLtd.

intercropping, crop rotations, farm-level diversification and reduced agrochemical use. We critically evaluate its potential to address .. pollination at the scales of land use (leading to reduced land- scape complexity and connectivity) and . nities (Bravo-Monroy et al. 2015). Further, tree divers
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