Ecological effects of willow and poplar invasions at the Río Negro in northern Patagonia, Argentina Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) dem Fachbereich Biologie der Philipps-Universität Marburg vorgelegt von Diplom-Forstwirtin Lisa Thomas aus Freiburg i.Br. Marburg/Lahn 2015 Vom Fachbereich Biologie der Philipps-Universität Marburg als Dissertation am 10.06.2015 angenommen. Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Ilona Leyer Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kost Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 06.07.2015 “The river [the Río Negro] is about two or three hundred yards wide, and is deep and rapid. The many islands, with their willow-trees, and the flat headlands, seen one behind the other on the northern boundary of the broad green valley, form, by the aid of a bright sun, a view almost picturesque.” Charles Darwin, The Voyage of the Beagle, 1839 List of papers The main chapters of this thesis are based on two publications and two manuscripts with the following authorships and titles. These papers are referred to in the text by the Roman numerals I-IV. I. Thomas L.K., Tölle L., Ziegenhagen B. & Leyer I. (2012) Are vegetative reproduction capacities the cause of widespread invasion of Eurasian Salicaceae in Patagonian river landscapes? PloS one 7, doi:10.1731/journal.pone.0050652. II. Thomas L.K. & Leyer I. (2014) Age structure, growth performance and composition of native and invasive Salicaceae in Patagonia. Plant Ecology 215, 1047–1056. III. Thomas L.K., Mosner E. & Leyer I. (in press) River dynamics and invasion: Distribution patterns of native and invasive woody vegetation at the Río Negro, Argentina. Riparian Ecology and Conservation. IV. Fettweis K., Thies B., Thomas L.K. & Leyer I. (manuscript) Detection of land cover and vegetation change by invasive woody species spread at the Río Negro, Argentina. For paper I (Chapter 2), I assisted I. Leyer to develop the conceptual design of the study. I sampled cutting material along the Río Negro. Together with L. Tölle I conducted the greenhouse study and data analyses, and I had responsibility for the writing. For paper II (Chapter 3), I created the general concept and the study design together with I. Leyer. I conducted all the field work and analyses, and I was responsible for the writing. For paper III (Chapter 4), I developed the concept of the study in collaboration with I. Leyer. I worked out the study design, the statistical analyses and mainly wrote the manuscript. Regarding paper IV (Chapter 5), I participated in developing the conceptual ideas, gave support during data collection in Argentina and commented on the manuscript. Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................. 1 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 3 Zusammenfassung ............................................................................................................ 7 Chapter 1 – Introduction ................................................................................................. 11 1.1 Riparian ecosystems and invasion .............................................................................. 11 1.2 Study area – the Río Negro ......................................................................................... 14 1.3 Woody vegetation along the Río Negro ..................................................................... 17 Chapter 2 – Paper I ......................................................................................................... 23 Are vegetative reproduction capacities the cause of widespread invasion of Eurasian Salicaceae in Patagonian river landscapes? Chapter 3 – Paper 2 ........................................................................................................ 41 Age structure, growth performance and composition of native and invasive Salicaceae in Patagonia Chapter 4 – Paper 3 ........................................................................................................ 61 River dynamics and invasion: Distribution patterns of native and invasive woody vegetation at the Río Negro, Argentina Chapter 5 – Paper 4 ........................................................................................................ 87 Detection of land cover and vegetation change by invasive woody species spread at the Río Negro, Argentina Chapter 6 – Synthesis ..................................................................................................... 117 6.1 Establishment of native and invasive Salicaceae ...................................................... 117 6.2 Interspecific competition processes ......................................................................... 119 6.3 Distribution patterns and invasion development ..................................................... 120 6.4 Perspectives and applications ................................................................................... 122 References ..................................................................................................................... 125 Dank .............................................................................................................................. 130 Erklärung ..................................................................................................................... 1333 Preface Preface This thesis was carried out within the German-Argentinean cooperation project “Predicting the effects of invasion processes of Eurasian floodplain willows in Patagonia” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG grant LE 1364/4-1). To our knowledge, it is the first study that deals with Salicaceae invasion and its consequences for a riparian ecosystem in Patagonia and for Salix humboldtiana Willd., the only native willow species in this region. Based mainly on field methods and modelling approaches I expected to gain insights into ecologically related questions concerning invasion processes. This basic research should provide a sound basis for understanding invasion of Salicaceae and for future management and conservation strategies. Population genetic approaches (i.e. hybridization and evolutionary processes) were conducted by the cooperation partner and compose a different thesis. A general framework of this thesis is given in the Introduction (Chapter 1) illustrating the problem of invaded riparian ecosystems and, in particular, the invasion processes along the Río Negro in Northern Patagonia. The thesis is subdivided into four main topics which are represented each by a publication or manuscript. In Chapter 2 the vegetative reproduction capacities of native and invasive Salicaceae were compared since the property to reproduce vegetatively plays a main role for the establishment and invasion success. In an experimental approach survival, growth performance and re-sprouting capacities were analysed for all relevant taxa taking soil moisture and soil composition gradients into account. In the following Chapter 3 age structure analyses were carried out to clarify establishment processes. Measurements of growth performance in relation to the age of the trees of the four dominant Salicaceae taxa in mixed forest stands were conducted. Therewith can be assessed whether interspecific competition occur in older life stages in Salicaceae forests and, therefore, whether the native species can co-exist in the future. Chapter 4 focuses on distribution patterns and ecological niches of the dominant native and invasive woody species along the Río Negro. Habitat distribution models were developed in order to relate abiotic factors (e.g. flood duration, average water level, flow strength, soil texture) to the presence and absence 1 Preface of different life stages of all target taxa. In the final paper (Chapter 5) land cover changes during the last decades focussing on the spread of invasive species were analysed. Therefore, remotely sensed Landsat satellite image data of the years 1986 and 2003 were compared in order to identify vegetation changes at the upper Río Negro valley. Finally, the main results of the chapters 2-5 are summarized and consequences for the conservation of S. humboldtiana are pointed out in Chapter 6. 2