SALAMANDRA 53(3) 413–422 1E5 cAoulogguicsta l2 a0s1p7ects oISf SPNro c0e0r3a6to–p3h3r7y5s mantiqueira Ecological aspects of the horned leaf-frog Proceratophrys mantiqueira (Odontophrynidae) in an Atlantic Rainforest area of southeastern Brazil Marlon Almeida-Santos1, Carla Costa Siqueira1, Luciano Alves Anjos2, Monique Van Sluys1 & Carlos Frederico Duarte Rocha1 1) Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 20550-011, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil 2) Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 15385-000, Ilha Solteira, SP, Brazil Corresponding author: Carla Costa Siqueira, e-mail: [email protected] Manuscript received: 31 July 2016 Accepted: 10 January 2017 by Edgar Lehr Abstract. This study presents information on habitat use, diet, reproductive aspects of, and the helminth parasite commu- nity in, the frog Proceratophrys mantiqueira from an Atlantic Rainforest area (APA Mantiqueira) in southeastern Brazil. Frogs were collected at altitudes between 1200 and 1775 m. The estimated population density of P. mantiqueira in the area was 2.0 ind/100 m2, and the microhabitat most frequently used (82% of the individuals) was the leaf litter on the forest floor. The diet was composed by 20 types of prey items, with Coleoptera and Orthoptera contributing the most important items. The width of the mouth affected the volume of prey consumed by P. mantiqueira, as is expected for frogs, because they swallow their prey whole. There were ontogenetic changes in the types of prey in the diet of P. mantiqueira, with no in- gestion of Coleopteran adults by juvenile frogs (< 26 mm). The clutch size of females of P. mantiqueira (692–923 eggs) was similar to those reported for the congeners P. appendiculata and P. tupinamba, but slightly smaller than those recorded for larger species of Proceratophrys such as P. boiei and P. caramaschii. Despite occurring at relatively low densities in the study area, P. mantiqueira had a high prevalence of infection by helminthes (90%), possibly because the helminth parasite com- munity was mostly composed by host-generalists and monoxenous life-cycle species. Diet composition and rates of en- doparasite infection, but not microhabitat use, changed with the age structure of the studied populations of P. mantiqueira. Key words. Anura, body size, diet, helminth load, microhabitat, reproductive biology. Introduction Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay (Frost 2016). Most spe- cies of the genus have been categorized into four groups The life histories of amphibians are highly diverse (Duell- (the P. appendiculata, P. bigibbosa, P. boiei, and P. cristiceps man & Trueb 1994, Haddad & Prado 2005). The pref- groups) based on morphological similarities, although erence for certain microhabitats in anurans may be in- these groups are not supported by phylogenetic analyses fluenced by territoriality, food availability, or favourable (Prado & Pombal 2008, Cruz & Napoli 2010, Dias et environmental conditions for breeding and oviposition al. 2013a, Mângia et al. 2014, Malagoli et al. 2016). The (Crump 1986, Prado et al. 2005). Diet of an anuran species P. appendiculata group is restricted to the Brazilian At- can be affected by intrinsic (e.g., phylogeny, physiology, lantic Rainforest biome and includes species with palpe- ontogeny and sex) and extrinsic (e.g., temporal and spatial bral appendages and a triangular fleshy rostral appendage changes in food availability) factors, which could lead to (Izecksohn et al. 1998, Cruz & Napoli 2010, Malagoli dietary differences at population level (Biavati et al. 2004, et al. 2016); it currently contains 14 species (Malagoli et Siqueira et al. 2006, Almeida-Santos et al. 2011, Dorigo al. 2016) including four recently described taxa previously et al. 2012). Moreover, amphibians tend to host a diverse confused with P. melanopogon (P. mantiqueira, P. gladius, helminth community, because they use multiple habitats P. pombali and P. itamari) (Mângia et al. 2014). and exhibit a striking diversity of life history patterns, re- Proceratophrys species have a cryptic morphology and productive modes, body sizes, foraging modes, and trophic coloration that aids in concealing them among the leaf lit- relations (Aho 1990). ter (Sazima 1978). They are generally found at relatively The genus Proceratophrys (Odontophrynidae) current- low densities on the forest floor (Giaretta et al. 1999, Ro- ly comprises 40 species of terrestrial frogs occurring in cha et al. 2000, 2007, Siqueira et al. 2009, 2011) during © 2017 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V. (DGHT), Mannheim, Germany Available at 413 Marlon Almeida-Santos et al. day and night (Rocha et al. 2000, 2015). There is still lit- night; this method allowed us to estimate the local popula- tle information regarding ecological aspects such as diet, tion density (individuals/100 m²) of P. mantiqueira. Three reproduction, microhabitat or parasitism for these frogs, pitfall trap systems were used, each consisting of ten 30-li- with data being limited to only eight species (P. appendicu tre buckets buried in the ground and set ca. 5 m apart, with lata: Dias et al. 2013b; P. boiei: Giaretta et al. 1998, Pom- soft plastic drift fences about 50 cm high between them. bal & Haddad 2005, Giaretta & Facure 2008, Klaion Six buckets were set in line and the other four were placed et al. 2011, Moura et al. 2015; P. caramaschii: Nunes et al. at opposite ends of the fence, perpendicularly to the main 2015; P. goyana: Moreira & Barreto 1996; P. mantiqueira: axis. The traps were checked once per day in the morning, Almeida-Gomes et al. 2007, Moura et al. 2015; P. tupin during a total of 18 days. All individuals were euthanised amba: Boquimpani-Freitas et al. 2001, 2002; P. paviotti: with a topical anaesthetic gel (lidocaine 5%), fixed in 10% Teixeira & Coutinho 2002; Proceratophrys sp.: Araújo formalin solution, and preserved in 70% ethylene alcohol. et al. 2007). We deposited the frogs in the amphibian collection of the The horned leaf-frog Proceratophrys mantiqueira Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ 40711–12, MNRJ Mângia, Santana, Cruz & Feio, 2014 is a recently de- 40717–40722, MNRJ 51654–51705). scribed species endemic to Atlantic Rainforest areas along We measured snout–vent lengths (SVL) and jaw widths the Serra da Mantiqueira mountain range in southeastern (JW) of all frogs with callipers to the nearest 0.1 mm. Brazil (Mângia et al. 2014). Although P. melanopogon and Body mass of the preserved specimens was quantified to P. mantiqueira share many morphological characteristics, the nearest 0.1 g using an electronic scale. We sexed the they differ in some external morphological traits and their frogs and considered them adult when males had a SVL advertisement calls (Mângia et al. 2010, 2014). Besides a greater than 28.4 mm and females had a SVL greater than note reporting egg-laying, in which one captured female 36.3 mm (based on Mângia et al. 2014). Frogs captured had laid 664 eggs (78 eggs were not laid at spawning, to- in pitfall traps were not considered for diet analysis. They talling 742 eggs) (Almeida-Gomes et al. 2007), nothing is were dissected and their stomach contents analysed quali- known of the ecology of P. mantiqueira. tatively and quantitatively. Animal prey was identified un- During a herpetological survey in nine Atlantic Rain- der a dissecting microscope to the level of order, except in forest areas of Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil, we the case of Formicidae (identified to family), Gastropoda, found individuals of P. mantiqueira (see Rocha et al. 2015, and Chilopoda (identified to class). Unidentified arthro- at the time identified as P. melanopogon) in one of the sur- pod remains were grouped in the “Arthropod Remains” veyed areas. Considering the current scarcity of ecological category and considered only for volumetric analysis. For information about Proceratophrys species, we present data each food item, we measured length and width using cal- on population density, microhabitat use, body size distri- lipers (0.1 mm precision), and prey volume (mm³) was es- bution, diet composition, reproductive parameters, and as- timated using the formula for an ovoid spheroid: V = 4/3π pects of endoparasitism in that population of P. mantique (length/2) (width/2)² (Dunham 1983). The frequency of ira. each prey category in the diet was expressed as the number of stomachs that contained that category. An index of rela- tive importance (Ix) was calculated for each prey category Materials and methods as the sum of their numeric, volumetric and frequency of occurrence values divided by three (Powell et al. 1990). Frogs were collected in the Área de Proteção Ambien- We tested for differences between sexes in SVL of adult tal Serra da Mantiqueira (hereinafter APA Mantiqueira; frogs using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). To 22°21’ S, 44°35’ W), an Atlantic Rainforest area in the state test for differences in jaw width and body mass of the frogs of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. The study area is between sexes, we used an analysis of covariance (ANCO- characterized by Evergreen Mixed Forest. The climate in VA; with SVL as covariate). We related the number of items this region is wet and warm, with annual rainfall totalling per stomach and the volume of the largest prey item in- 1813 mm on average, and a mean annual temperature of gested with the SVL and the jaw width of the frogs, respec- 14.9°C (maximum 22.9 and minimum 3.7°C) (Attias et al. tively, using Simple Regression Analyses and disregarding 2009). individuals whose stomachs were empty or did not contain Surveys were carried out in November of 2005 at al- identifiable/measurable items (Zar 1984). titudes between 1200 and 1775 m, using three sampling We used a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to methods: visual encounter surveys (VES; Crump & Scott summarize individual variation in diet composition based 1994), plots (= squares; Jaeger & Inger 1994), and pitfall on volumetric proportions of prey (only prey categories traps with drift fences (Corn 1994). During VES, ten peo- contributing more than 5% of total volume of prey were ple searched for frogs in all periods of the day (daylight considered in this analysis). The first principal component hours, dusk and night), totalling 75 hours of sampling ef- was chosen a priori because it summarizes most of the var- fort (25 hours per period). We recorded the microhabitat iation in the original data. To analyse ontogenetic shifts used by each individual when first sighted. For the plot in diet composition we used a Sperman Rank Correlation method, 30 squares of 5 × 5 m (totalling 750 m²) were es- (Zar 1984) to test the relationship between the first princi- tablished during the afternoon and carefully searched at pal component (PC1) and frog size (Lima & Moreira 1993, 414 Ecological aspects of Proceratophrys mantiqueira Giaretta et al. 1998). We also analysed sexual differences Table 1. Microhabitats used by individuals of Proceratophrys in PC1 with ANCOVA (with SVL as covariate). mantiqueira (N = 57) in the APA Mantiqueira in southeastern In terms of reproductive aspects, we recorded the to- Brazil. tal mass of ovarian eggs, the number of mature oocytes, and the diameter of five oocytes taken at random from Microhabitat Frequency (%) each ovary (measured with a digital calliper; accuracy of Leaf litter 47 (82.5) 0.1 mm). We also used previously published data from a Submerged in stream 3 (5.3) clutch obtained during our fieldwork (Almeida-Gomes Fallen tree trunk 3 (5.3) et al. 2007). Reproductive effort was estimated by dividing Edge of stream 2 (3.5) the total mass of eggs by the body mass of the respective female (including eggs). Root 1 (1.8) The digestive tract, body cavity, liver and lungs of each Rock 1 (1.8) individual were checked for endoparasites under a stere- omicroscope. The systematic identification of nematodes was carried out following Vicente et al. (1990), Ander- Table 2. Means ± standard deviation, and range (in parenthesis) son et al. (2009), and Gibbons (2010). Helminths were of snout-vent length (mm), jaw width (mm), and body mass (g) temporarily mounted on slides and cleared in Amman’s of Proceratophrys mantiqueira (adult males, n = 32; adult females, n = 9; all individuals including juveniles and adults, n = 59 except lactophenol for identification. Prevalence (i.e., percentage for snout–vent length where n = 60) from the APA Mantiqueira of infected individuals) and intensity of infection (i.e., av- in southeastern Brazil. erage number of parasites per host among infected indi- viduals) were calculated for helminths according to Bush et al. (1997). The relationship between infection intensity Snout–vent Jaw width Body mass length (mm) (mm) (g) and host size (SVL) was tested with a regression analy- sis. Helminths recovered were deposited in the Coleção Adult males 36.4 ± 2.4 18.0 ± 1.2 5.7 ± 1.1 Helmintológica do Instituto de Biociências de Botucatu (33.1-40.6) (16.2-20.0) (3.7-7.4) (CHIBB). Adult females 46.8 ± 6.8 22.8 ± 3.4 12.5 ± 4.8 Variables were log-transformed whenever the criteria (37.2-53.7) (17.8-26.2) (5.9-17.4) for normality and homocedasticity were not met. Basic All individuals 33.3 ± 8.9 16.4 ± 4.5 5.2 ± 3.8 statistics shown throughout the text refer to the arithmetic (14.0–53.7) (6.5–26.2) (0.2–17.4) mean ± one standard deviation. ptera (41.7%) and Orthoptera (41.7%) were the prey catego- Results ries most frequently consumed, followed by Coleopteran larvae (25.0%). Coleopteran larvae (V = 12.6%; N = 8.4%) A total of 60 specimens of Proceratophrys mantiqueira (45 and Orthoptera (V = 10.5%; N = 16.8%) were also volumet- males and 15 females) were collected using VES (N = 30), rically and numerically important items in the diet (Ta- leaf litter plots (N = 15), and pitfall traps (N = 7), and dur- ble 3). Considering the Index of Importance, Coleoptera ing occasional encounters (N = 8). The population density (Ix = 0.34) was the most important prey category in the of P. mantiqueira estimated from leaf litter plots in the APA diet of P. mantiqueira, followed by Orthoptera (0.23) and Mantiqueira was 2.0 ind/100 m². The microhabitat most Coleopteran larvae (0.15) (Table 3). The mean number of frequently used (82% of the individuals) was the leaf litter prey items per stomach was 3.0 ± 2.2, varying from 1–13 stratum on the forest floor (Table 1). items. There was no relationship between the number of Adult females were significantly larger (F = 50.79; P items ingested and the SVL of frogs (R2 = 0.002; F = 0.05; 1,37 1,34 < 0.001) than adult males (Table 2). When we excluded the P = 0.82), but the volume of the largest prey item was posi- effect of SVL from the analysis, mean jaw width (F = tively correlated with jaw width (R2 = 0.39; F = 21.68; P 1,1,36 1,34 0.13; p = 0.72) and body mass (F = 0.01; p = 0.92) did not < 0.001). 1,1,36 differ between sexes (Table 2). PC1 explained 30.7% of the total variation in diet, and Of the 53 individuals (41 males and 12 females) analysed Coleopteran adults had high loadings on this component for diet, fifteen males (or 36.6%) and two females (or 16.7%) (loadings: Coleopteran adult = 0.90, “Others arthropods” had empty stomachs, representing 32.1% of examined indi- = -0.65, Orthoptera = -0.50, Coleopteran larvae = 0.22, viduals. There were no significant differences between sex- and Lepidopteran larvae = 0.02). There was a positive and es in PC1 characterizing diet composition (F = 0.003; p significant relationship between diet composition (PC1) 1,34 = 0.96), even when we excluded the effect of SVL from the and body size of P. mantiqueira (R = 0.27; F = 12.58; P s 1,34 analysis (F = 0.57; p = 0.45). = 0.001). 1,1,33 We found 20 types of prey, besides a cocoon and plant All adult females (N = 7) contained oocytes in their ova- remains, in the stomachs of P. mantiqueira (Table 3). Co- ries, and three of them (43%) had mature oocytes. The first leoptera was, proportionally, the most numerous (22.4%) of these had 923 oocytes (total mass = 2.5 g; mean diameter and voluminous (38.7%) prey item category found. Coleo- of oocytes = 1.8 ± 0.1 mm; reproductive effort = 14.5%), and 415 Marlon Almeida-Santos et al. Table 3. Number, volume (V; mm3), frequency of occurrence (F), Discussion and Index of Importance (Ix) of prey categories (with percentages Population density in parentheses) in the diet of the frog Proceratophrys mantiqueira (N = 36) in the APA Mantiqueira in southeastern Brazil. Density of P. mantiqueira in the leaf litter of the APA Man- tiqueira (2.0 ind/100 m²) was higher than densities estimat- Prey category N (%) V (%) F (%) Ix ed for other Proceratophrys species in Atlantic Forest areas (e.g., 0.2 ind/100 m² for P. tupinamba on Ilha Grande – Ro- Gastropoda 3 (2.8) 10.5 (0.1) 3 (8.3) 0.04 cha et al. 2001; 0.03 ind/100 m² for P. tupinamba on Ilha Arachnida Grande – Goyannes-Araújo et al. 2015; 0.1 ind/100 m² for Acari 2 (1.9) 0.2 (0.002) 2 (5.6) 0.02 P. boiei at the Estação Ecológica Estadual Paraíso – Rocha Araneae 2 (1.9) 90.3 (0.8) 3 (8.3) 0.04 et al. 2011; 0.3 ind/100 m² for P. boiei in the Reserva Ecológ- Opiliones 1 (0.9) 13.4 (0.1) 1 (2.8) 0.01 ica de Guapiaçu – Rocha et al. 2007; 0.2 ind/100 m² for Malacostraca P. boiei in the Serra das Torres – Oliveira et al. 2013). Dif- Isopoda 11 (10.3) 162.3 (1.5) 5 (13.9) 0.09 ferences in densities among Proceratophrys frogs may be Chilopoda 1 (0.9) 1.1 (0.01) 1 (2.8) 0.01 due to local characteristics such as distance from the edge Hexapoda of water bodies (Moura et al. 2015), depth of the leaf-litter Collembola 1 (0.9) 0.1 (0.001) 1 (2.8) 0.01 layer in habitat patches (Van Sluys et al. 2007), relief and altitude (Siqueira et al. 2011, 2014, Goyannes-Araújo et Thysanura 1 (0.9) 0.6 (0.01) 1 (2.8) 0.01 al. 2015), and seasonality (Giaretta et al. 1999, Prado & Orthoptera 18 (16.8) 1118.2 (10.5) 15 (41.7) 0.23 Pombal 2005, Goyannes-Araújo et al. 2015). These envi- Isoptera 1 (0.9) 0.1 (0.001) 1 (2.8) 0.01 ronmental variables should be considered in studies com- Blattodea 8 (7.5) 409.5 (3.8) 5 (13.9) 0.08 paring densities of Proceratophrys spp. Hemiptera 4 (3.7) 68.5 (0.6) 4 (11.1) 0.05 Homoptera 1 (0.9) 401.0 (3.7) 1 (2.8) 0.02 Coleoptera (adults) 24 (22.4) 4135.8 (38.7) 15 (41.7) 0.34 Microhabitat Coleoptera (larvae) 9 (8.4) 1351.0 (12.6) 9 (25.0) 0.15 Hymenoptera Our data indicated that the main microhabitat of P. man 1 (0.9) 2.0 (0.02) 1 (2.8) 0.01 (Formicidae) tiqueira in the forest was the leaf litter on the forest floor, as Lepidoptera (adults) 1 (0.9) 27.9 (0.3) 1 (2.8) 0.01 in other species in this genus (Moreira & Barreto 1996, Lepidoptera (larvae) 4 (3.7) 556.5 (5.2) 4 (11.1) 0.07 Giaretta et al. 1998, Boquimpani-freitas et al. 2002, Diptera (adults) 4 (3.7) 11.5 (0.1) 4 (11.1) 0.05 Teixeira & Coutinho 2002, Prado & Pombal 2008). Proceratophrys species have a cryptic coloration in rela- Diptera (larvae) 4 (3.7) 11.5 (0.1) 2 (5.6) 0.03 tion to the leaf litter, which plays an important role in their Cocoon 1 (0.9) 6.4 (0.1) 1 (2.8) 0.01 camouflage (Sazima 1978, Prado & Pombal 2008). More- Larvae unidentified 4 (3.4) 26.3 (0.2) 4 (11.1) 0.05 over, a defensive behaviour of lying flat with legs stretched Arthropod remains 2026.5 (18.9) backwards has been recorded for Proceratophrys spp. (Saz- Seed 1 (0.9) 16.4 (0.2) 1 (2.8) 0.01 ima 1978, Costa et al. 2009), which enhances their resem- Plant remains 191.8 (1.8) 10 (27.8) blance of a fallen leaf and increases their potential of pro- TOTAL 107 (100) 10699,7 (100) 36 (100) tection against visually orientated predators. Body size the second female had 692 vitellogenic oocytes (total mass = 2.0 g; mean diameter of oocytes = 1.8 ± 0.1 mm; repro- Proceratophrys species have a medium body size (Prado & ductive effort = 12.2%). The third female, collected in am- Pombal 2008, Mângia et al. 2014) that will be in general plexus, carried 742 eggs (see Almeida-Gomes et al. 2007). larger than in most of the leaf litter frog species in the At- Five species of nematode parasites were found in the lantic Rainforest areas (Rocha et al. 2007, 2011, Siqueira frogs: one indeterminate Cosmocercidae, one indetermi- et al. 2009). The largest male (40.6 mm; MNRJ 51663) and nate Physalopteridae (larval stage), Oswaldocruzia lopesi female (53.7 mm; MNRJ 51658) of P. mantiqueira recorded Freitas & Lent, 1938 (Molineidae), Oxyascaris sp. (Cos- by us in the APA Mantiqueira were slightly smaller than mocercidae), and Rhabdias sp. (Rhabdiasidae) (Table 4). those recorded by Mângia et al (2014) for a pooled sam- Parasites were found in the lungs, abdominal cavity, and ple from several localities throughout the species’ range, large and small intestines (Table 4). Overall helminth prev- with the largest male measuring 42.5 and the largest fe- alence for P. mantiqueira was 90% (54/60), whereas over- male 54.3 mm in SVL. Females are also significantly larg- all mean intensity of infection was 7.6 ± 5.4 (range 1–24) er than males in congeneric species such as P. boiei (Gia- helminths per host. There was a positive and significant re- retta & Facure 2008), P. caramaschii (Nunes et al. 2015), lationship between nematode intensity and host SVL (R² = and P. tupinamba (Boquimpani-Freitas et al. 2002). This 0.19; F = 12.07; P < 0.001). pattern of sexual size dimorphism is common in amphib- 1,52 416 Ecological aspects of Proceratophrys mantiqueira Table 4. Prevalence (in percentage), intensity of infection (mean ± SD; with range in parentheses), and site of infection of helminths found in Proceratophrys mantiqueira (N = 60) in the APA Mantiqueira in southeastern Brazil. Helminth Prevalence (%) Intensity of infection Site of infection Nematoda Cosmocercidae indet. (adult) 81.7 4.0 ± 3.6 (1–15) Abdominal cavity; large and small intestines Cosmocercidae indet. (larvae) 1.7 1 Small intestine Physalopteridae (larvae) 3.3 1 Small intestine Oswaldocruzia lopesi 1.7 1 Small intestine Travassos, 1938 Oxyascaris sp. 1.7 1 Small intestine Rhabdias sp. (adult) 66.7 5.0 ± 3.3 (1–11) Abdominal cavity; lung; small intestine Table 5. Main prey items of the diet of Proceratophrys species, based on proportional number (N), volume (V), frequency of occurrence (F), mass (M), and Index of Importance (Ix). * EEEP = Estação Ecológica Estadual do Paraíso; REGUA = Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu. a – Referred to as Proceratophrys sp.; b – as P. boiei; c – as P. appendiculata in the original publications. Species Locality Items Reference P. boiei EEEP and REGUA, RJ* Coleoptera, Blattaria, Orthoptera Ix Klaion et al. 2011 P. boiei Atibaia, SP Coleoptera, Orthoptera N,V,F Giaretta et al. 1998 P. goyana a Serra da Mesa, GO Coleoptera F,M Moreira & Barreto 1996 P. mantiqueira APA Mantiqueira, RJ Coleoptera adult and larvae, Orthoptera N,V,F,Ix This study P. paviotti b Santa Teresa, ES Blattaria, Araneae, Lepidoptera larvae N,F,M Teixeira & Coutinho 2002 P. tupinamba c Ilha Grande, RJ Orthoptera N,V,F Boquimpani-freitas et al. 2002 Proceratophrys sp. Uberlândia, MG Blattaria, Insect larvae (terrestrial) N Araújo et al. 2007 ians, except for species in which males engage in intraspe- it consisted only of fragments of dead leaves. Because of cific physical combat (Shine 1979). Natural selection may its moderate body size and presumed sit-and-wait foraging promote larger female size, leading to increased fecundity mode (Giaretta et al. 1998), it might be advantageous for (Prado & Haddad 2005, Hartmann et al. 2010), whereas P. mantiqueira to focus predation on relatively large and the smaller size of males may be due to the high energy mobile prey, if they are relatively abundant in the habitat, cost associated with behaviours such as defence of territo- according to the theory of optimal foraging (Schoener ries and vocalization, and also to different pressures of pre- 1971). dation between the sexes, with males having greater expo- Proceratophrys species apparently avoid Formicidae sure to predators as a result of their calling activity (Ryser (Moreira & Barreto 1996, Giaretta et al. 1998, Bo- 1989, Lemckert & Shine 1993). Due to the small sample quimpani-freitas et al. 2002, Teixeira & Coutinho size of females containing mature oocytes (N = 3) we could 2002, Klaion et al. 2011, present study), even though these not assess the size-fecundity relationship for this popula- insects are commonly dominant among the arthropods liv- tion. ing in the forest floor leaf litter (Lacerda et al. 1998, San- tos et al. 1998). Anurans can be categorized in three gener- al trophic guilds depending on the proportions of different Diet types of prey they consume: ant specialists, non-ant spe- cialists, and generalists (Toft 1980a). In general, leaf litter Of the 40 species of Proceratophrys currently known, there frogs are non-ant specialists that will select predominantly is information on diet composition for only five of them soft-bodied, mobile arthropods, mainly orthopterans and (= 12.5%; Table 5), including the data of the present study. spiders (Toft 1980a,b), as is evident from our study and These data indicate that Proceratophrys species feed most- others on Proceratophrys species (Table 5). We do not have ly on Coleopteran adults and larvae, Orthoptera, Araneae, data on arthropod availability in the leaf litter in the APA and Lepidopteran larvae (Table 5). These insects have ac- Mantiqueira, so we do not know whether the consumption tive habits and relatively soft and large bodies when com- of those food items by individuals of P. mantiqueira is pro- pared to other arthropods commonly found in leaf litter portional to their availability in the habitat (Toft 1980a) (Toft 1980a, Santos et al. 1998). The ingestion of plant or whether the frogs will consume these items selectively matter was considered an accidental consumption, because (Toft 1980b, Hodgkison & Hero 2003). 417 Marlon Almeida-Santos et al. Table 6. Clutch sizes of Proceratophrys species. Data are shown as presented in the original sources. * Locality not given. a – Referred to as P. appendiculata in the original publication. Species Locality Number of oocytes/eggs Reference P. appendiculata Serra dos Órgãos, RJ 656; N = 1 Dias et al. 2013b P. belzebul a Ubatuba, SP 355; N = 1 Hartmann et al. 2010 P. boiei Atibaia, SP 1296 ± 284; N = 5 Giaretta & Facure 2008 P. boiei Serra de Paranapiacaba, SP 982 ± 199; N = 4 Pombal & Haddad 2005 P. caramaschii Piauí or Ceará * 1200–4300; N = 4 Nunes et al. 2015 P. mantiqueira APA Mantiqueira, RJ 692–923; N = 3 This study P. tupinamba a Ilha Grande, RJ 729–946; N=3 Boquimpani-freitas et al. 2002 Our data indicated that the size of the mouth affect- ty relationships in females have been positively correlated ed the volume of prey consumed by P. mantiqueira, as it with clutch size and egg size regardless of the reproductive would be expected for frogs because they swallow their mode employed (Prado & Haddad 2005). Species with prey whole (Toft 1980a, Lima & Moreira 1993, Lima aquatic clutches, such as Proceratophrys spp., tend to have 1998, Caldwell & Vitt 1999). A significant relationship larger clutches (Höbel 2000, Giaretta & Facure 2008) between prey size/volume and predator size has also been when compared to terrestrially breeding species (Wake observed in different frog species from the Atlantic For- 1978, Canedo & Rickli 2006), which helps us to under- est (Van Sluys et al. 2001, Marra et al. 2004, Siqueira et stand the high values recorded by us – almost 1000 eggs al. 2006), including Proceratophrys species, such as P. boiei per female. The reproductive effort estimated for a female (Giaretta et al. 1998, Klaion et al. 2011) and P. tupinamba P. mantiqueira (14.5%) was similar to that reported for (Boquimpani-freitas et al. 2002). However, no such rela- P. tupinamba (12.9%; Boquimpani-Freitas et al. 2002). tionship was found for P. moratoi (Araújo et al. 2007) and The measurement of reproductive effort is an important P. paviotti (as P. boiei; Teixeira & Coutinho 2002). component of many studies on reproductive strategies, be- Our results suggest there may be an ontogenetic shift in cause it allows estimating parental investment in courtship the types of prey in the diet of P. mantiqueira, with no in- and reproduction from the proportional mass (= energy) gestion of Coleopteran adults by juvenile frogs (< 26 mm). invested in eggs (Duellman & Trueb 1994). Such relation in the types of prey consumed with SVL has also been recorded for P. boiei, in which larger frogs in- gested higher proportions of Coleoptera (Giaretta et al. Helminth parasite community 1998). On the other hand, no ontogenetic shift in the types of prey consumed was detected in the diet of P. moratoi We found five species of helminths infecting P. mantique (Araújo et al. 2007). Ontogenetic shifts in the types of ira, similar to the situation reported for populations of prey consumed are probably caused by changes in the pre- P. boiei (Klaion et al. 2011) and P. tupinamba (Boquim- ferred prey size (Schoener 1971), because the average sizes pani-Freitas et al. 2001). The relatively low helminth spe- of individuals vary among arthropod orders (Toft 1980a, cies richness per host population, compared to other verte- Simon & Toft 1991). For at least some species, ontogenetic brate hosts, was described in previous studies on helminth shifts in the predominantly consumed types of prey may communities of amphibians (Aho 1990, Van Sluys et al. be also explained by ontogenetic changes in foraging activ- 2006, Halajian et al. 2013). Our study adds one species of ity (Lima & Magnusson 2000) and thus be independent Nematoda (Oswaldocruzia lopesi) to the list of helminths of the electivity for a certain prey size (Lima & Moreira associated with hosts of the genus Proceratophrys, totalling, 1993). Because inter-sexual differences were neither de- at least, eight species of Nematoda and one of Cestoda re- tected for P. mantiqueira in our study nor for P. moratoi ported for Proceratophrys spp. Oswaldocruzia lopesi gener- (Araújo et al. 2007), we believe that possible behavioural ally infect the stomach and intestines of hosts, and there differences between sexes are not important for determin- are previous records of infection by that species in two frog ing the types of food consumed in the studied species. species of the family Bufonidae and in three of the family Leptodactylidae (Vicente et al. 1990, Campião et al. 2014). Rhabdias spp. are common lung parasites in amphibians Reproduction aspects in the Neotropics (Anderson 1992, Campião et al. 2014). Besides parasitic adults, we found many free-living Rhab The clutch size of P. mantiqueira was similar to those re- dias larvae in the frogs’ intestines, but as they did not repre- ported for P. appendiculata and P. tupinamba, higher than sent parasitic forms, they were not considered (Kloss 1971, that reported for P. belzebul, and slightly smaller than those Baker 1979). Disregarding the larvae of Physalopteridae, recorded for larger species of Proceratophrys such as P. boi all nematode species are monoxenous. The monoxenous ei and P. caramaschii (Table 6). Interspecific size-fecundi- helminths contribute to an increased local richness and 418 Ecological aspects of Proceratophrys mantiqueira prevalence of endoparasites (Aho 1990). Proceratophrys References mantiqueira represents a new host record for Oswaldocruz ia lopesi, the genera Rhabdias and Oxyascaris, and the fam- Aho, J. M. (1990): Helminth communities of amphibians and reptiles: comparative approaches to understanding patterns ilies Cosmocercidae and Physalopteridae. and process. – pp. 157–190 in: Esch, G. W., A. O. Bush & J. M. Overall helminth prevalence in P. mantiqueira (90%) Aho (eds): Parasite Communities Patterns and Processes. – was as high as in P. tupinamba (94%; Boquimpani-Freitas Chapman and Hall, London. et al. 2001) and higher than in P. boiei (60%; Klaion et al. Almeida-Gomes, M., D. Vrcibradic, V. N. T. Borges-Junior, 2011), whereas the intensity of infection in P. mantiqueira M. Van Sluys & C. F. D. Rocha (2007): Proceratophrys mela (mean = 7.6) was similar to that found in P. boiei (means nopogon (Ncn). Reproduction. – Herpetological Review, 38: of 6.7 and 8.1 in two populations; Klaion et al. 2011). Host 191–192. 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