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INDEX TO ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, VOLUME 1, 1991 Chaoborus, 52 forests, 118 chemical communication, 98 Fox, C. A., 89 Aber, J. D., 303 chemical fate, 237 Franklin, A. B., 207 abundance, 207 climate change, 118, 139, 157 Fruci, J. R., 27 acid saturation, 289 climate warming, 182 functional response, 268 acidification, 52 CO, 157 Adirondack region, 196 Agelaius phoeniceus, 226 competition, 139, 360 G compressibility, 85 aAgggrreens,s ioGn., I.2,1 51 18, 168 ccoonmipfuetreorus mfoodreelstss,, 310339 gGheoolgzr,a phHi.c Li.,n f8o5r mation system, 398 allocation, 104 Conover, M. R., 231 Glaucous-winged Gulls, 215 American Crows, 215 conservation biology, 6 global change, 2, 316 anchoring effects, 258 construction respiration, 157 global climate change, 13, 111, 112 Anderson, J. M., 326 Coombs, E., 429 global ecology, 2 applied ecology, 13 cost analysis, 280 global model, 398 applied ecology’s theoretical back- Costa Rica, 289 Gorham, E., 182 ground, | Cox, C.'S.;:429 Grace, A. L., 389 aquatic macrophytes, 249 current velocity, 249 Graham, R. L., 196 atmospheric CO,, 112 grasslands, 118, 139 avian scavengers, 215 greenhouse effect, 139, 182 avoidance, 226 guild theory, 215 Davey, E. W., 237 Gutiérrez, R. J., 207 B decision making, | Bald Eagles, 215 decomposition, 85, 118, 303, 326 H deep water patch formation, 258 bark beetle infestation, 196 de Noyelles, F., Jr., 382 Hamilton, H. R., 249 basal sprouting, 104 deuterium, 89 hard-substrate communities, 258 basic science underlying applied sci- Diener, D. R., 258 Heltshe, J. F., 237 ence, | discharge rate, 249 herbivory, 231 benthic invertebrates, 258 disturbance, 196, 382 Howarth, R. W., 27 Berish, C. W., 289 Dixon, J. D., 258 Hudson River, 27 Betula, 89 Dyer, M. I., 442 Huggins, D. G., 382 Betula pendula, 168 human disturbance, 215 bioenergetics, 52, 268 E humus, 326 biological control, 429 Hunsaker, C. T., 196 biological diversity, 6 ecological risk assessment, 196 Hutchin, P. R., 139 biological integrity, 66 ecosystem functioning, 118 Hylemya seneciella, 429 biological monitoring, 66 ecosystem models, 139, 382 biomass, 182 ecosystem processes, 139 I biomass allocation, 111 ecosystem responses to change, 111 biomass partitioning and allocation, 168 ecosystem simulation model, 398 IGBP (International Geosphere-Bio- biomass yields, 349 ecosystems, 237, 382 sphere Program), 2, 316 Blasco, R. J., 237 ecotoxicology, 382 Inceptisol, 289 bobcat, 98 elevated atmospheric CO,, 175 Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), 66 Boone, R. D., 303 elevated CO,, 111 indexes of degradation, 66 boreal, 326 environmental effects, 237 indicators, 66 Bosmina longirostris, 52 environmental policy, | individual-based model, 268, 280 Bothwell, M. L., 249 environmental variation, 429 Ingestad, T., 168 Breymeyer, A., 111 estuaries, 27 invasive species, 104 Bromus inermis, 442 estuarine ecosystem, 27 invertebrate predation, 52 Brussard, P. F., 6 estuarine productivity, 360 Ewel, J. J., 289 J extinctions, 6 Jackson, B. L., 196 call survey, 207 Johnson, B. M., 28‘) Canada, 249 Johnson, M. L., 382 Canada Geese, 231 feeding, 226 Johnson, R. L., 237 Caprifoliaceae, 104 fertility, 289 carbon, 27, 118 fingerling, 280 K carbon cycle, 139, 182 fish community, 66 carbon dioxide, 118, 182, 326 fish ecology, 13 Karr, J. R., 66 carbon fluxes, 398 fish growth, 268 Keller, W., 52 carbon translocation, 175 fish recruitment, 13 Kepone, 237 Carpenter, S. R., 268, 280 fisheries, 349 Keratella taurocephala, 52 ' carrying capacity, 231 fisheries science, 13 Kicklighter, D. W., 398 cations, 289 foraging guild, 215 Kittel, T. G., 316 causal process, 382 Forbes, Stephen A., 13 Knight, R. L., 215 Chambers, P. A., 249 forest and grassland models, 111 Krazynski, L. M., 85 INDEX TO ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, VOLUME 1, 1991 Chaoborus, 52 forests, 118 chemical communication, 98 Fox, C. A., 89 Aber, J. D., 303 chemical fate, 237 Franklin, A. B., 207 abundance, 207 climate change, 118, 139, 157 Fruci, J. R., 27 acid saturation, 289 climate warming, 182 functional response, 268 acidification, 52 CO, 157 Adirondack region, 196 Agelaius phoeniceus, 226 competition, 139, 360 G compressibility, 85 aAgggrreens,s ioGn., I.2,1 51 18, 168 ccoonmipfuetreorus mfoodreelstss,, 310339 gGheoolgzr,a phHi.c Li.,n f8o5r mation system, 398 allocation, 104 Conover, M. R., 231 Glaucous-winged Gulls, 215 American Crows, 215 conservation biology, 6 global change, 2, 316 anchoring effects, 258 construction respiration, 157 global climate change, 13, 111, 112 Anderson, J. M., 326 Coombs, E., 429 global ecology, 2 applied ecology, 13 cost analysis, 280 global model, 398 applied ecology’s theoretical back- Costa Rica, 289 Gorham, E., 182 ground, | Cox, C.'S.;:429 Grace, A. L., 389 aquatic macrophytes, 249 current velocity, 249 Graham, R. L., 196 atmospheric CO,, 112 grasslands, 118, 139 avian scavengers, 215 greenhouse effect, 139, 182 avoidance, 226 guild theory, 215 Davey, E. W., 237 Gutiérrez, R. J., 207 B decision making, | Bald Eagles, 215 decomposition, 85, 118, 303, 326 H deep water patch formation, 258 bark beetle infestation, 196 de Noyelles, F., Jr., 382 Hamilton, H. R., 249 basal sprouting, 104 deuterium, 89 hard-substrate communities, 258 basic science underlying applied sci- Diener, D. R., 258 Heltshe, J. F., 237 ence, | discharge rate, 249 herbivory, 231 benthic invertebrates, 258 disturbance, 196, 382 Howarth, R. W., 27 Berish, C. W., 289 Dixon, J. D., 258 Hudson River, 27 Betula, 89 Dyer, M. I., 442 Huggins, D. G., 382 Betula pendula, 168 human disturbance, 215 bioenergetics, 52, 268 E humus, 326 biological control, 429 Hunsaker, C. T., 196 biological diversity, 6 ecological risk assessment, 196 Hutchin, P. R., 139 biological integrity, 66 ecosystem functioning, 118 Hylemya seneciella, 429 biological monitoring, 66 ecosystem models, 139, 382 biomass, 182 ecosystem processes, 139 I biomass allocation, 111 ecosystem responses to change, 111 biomass partitioning and allocation, 168 ecosystem simulation model, 398 IGBP (International Geosphere-Bio- biomass yields, 349 ecosystems, 237, 382 sphere Program), 2, 316 Blasco, R. J., 237 ecotoxicology, 382 Inceptisol, 289 bobcat, 98 elevated atmospheric CO,, 175 Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), 66 Boone, R. D., 303 elevated CO,, 111 indexes of degradation, 66 boreal, 326 environmental effects, 237 indicators, 66 Bosmina longirostris, 52 environmental policy, | individual-based model, 268, 280 Bothwell, M. L., 249 environmental variation, 429 Ingestad, T., 168 Breymeyer, A., 111 estuaries, 27 invasive species, 104 Bromus inermis, 442 estuarine ecosystem, 27 invertebrate predation, 52 Brussard, P. F., 6 estuarine productivity, 360 Ewel, J. J., 289 J extinctions, 6 Jackson, B. L., 196 call survey, 207 Johnson, B. M., 28‘) Canada, 249 Johnson, M. L., 382 Canada Geese, 231 feeding, 226 Johnson, R. L., 237 Caprifoliaceae, 104 fertility, 289 carbon, 27, 118 fingerling, 280 K carbon cycle, 139, 182 fish community, 66 carbon dioxide, 118, 182, 326 fish ecology, 13 Karr, J. R., 66 carbon fluxes, 398 fish growth, 268 Keller, W., 52 carbon translocation, 175 fish recruitment, 13 Kepone, 237 Carpenter, S. R., 268, 280 fisheries, 349 Keratella taurocephala, 52 ' carrying capacity, 231 fisheries science, 13 Kicklighter, D. W., 398 cations, 289 foraging guild, 215 Kittel, T. G., 316 causal process, 382 Forbes, Stephen A., 13 Knight, R. L., 215 Chambers, P. A., 249 forest and grassland models, 111 Krazynski, L. M., 85 November 1991 INDEX 455 nitrogen, 40, 118, 157, 249, 289 relative growth rate, 168 nitrogen fixation, 40 relative uptake rate, 168 lace bug, 226 Northern Spotted Owl, 207 remote sensing, 442 Lackie, N. F., 237 northern temperate forest, 303 repeated clipping, 104 Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, 280 nutrient productivity, 168 repellent, 98, 226 lakes as islands, 13 nutrients, 360 reproductive flexibility, 104 land use, 27 research, 349 Langis, R., 40 oO research agenda, 111 large marine ecosystems, 349 resilience, 104 large-scale experiments, 112 oceans as continents, 13 resource management, 360 law of the sea, 349 oil and gas development, 258 respiration, 139 lawns, 231 Ojima, D. S., 316 restoration, 40 Lekkerkerk, L. J., 175 olfaction, 98 rhizosphere, 175 Leslie regression model, 207 Oliver, J. E., 226 riparian, 89 Levin, S. A., 1 O’Neill, R. V., 196 risk assessment demonstration, 196 light limitations, 303 orchard, 98 river estuary, 360 Liljeroth, E., 175 organic matter, 289 rivers, 249 LISREL, 382 Orians, G. H., 215 root-material production, 175 Lissner, A. L., 258 overexploitation, 349 root: shoot ratio, 168 living marine resources, 349 Rosswall, T., 316 Livingston, R. J., 360 P Ryan, M. G., 157 Long, S. P., 139 Pacific Northwest, 215 Longitarsus jacobaeae, 429 Pacific outer continental shelf (OCS), 258 Lonicera maackii, 104 particulate organic matter, 360 Luken, J. O., 104 salinity, 360 Parton, W. J., 118 Lusby, W. R., 226 Salix, 89 Pastor, J., 118, 303 Lynx rufus, 98 salt marsh, 40 path analysis, 382 scale, 118, 196, 237, 349 peatlands, 182 M scent marking, 98 Perez, K. T., 237 Schroeter, S. C., 258 Maclsaac, H. J., 52 perturbation experiment, 429 scope and purpose of journal, 1 Madenjian, C. P., 268, 280 perturbations, 349 SCOPE workshop, 111 Magnuson, J. J., 13 Peterson, B. J., 398 Seastedt, T. R., 442 maintenance respiration, 157 phosphorus, 249, 289 sediment, 27 management, 349 photosynthesis, 139 sediment texture, 249 management recommendations, 104 Picea abies, 168 sedimentation effects, 258 marine system, 237 pine, 85 seed banks, 104, 429 Marmota monax, 98 Pinus contorta, 168 Senecio jacobaea, 429 Mason, J. R., 226 Pinus silvestris, 168 Sherman, D., 27 Mattimiro, D. T., 104 piscivory, 268, 280 Sherman, K., 349 Mazzarino, M. J., 289 plant nutrition, 111, 168 shrub eradication, 104 maximum likelihood estimator, 207 plant physiology, 118 Shugart, H. H., Jr., 118 McEachern, L. J., 52 plant productivity, 112 Sierra Nevada, 89 McEvoy, P. B., 429 plant respiration, 111, 157 simulated grazing stresses, 442 McMurtrie, R. E., 118 population dynamics, 118, 429 simulation, 237 Melillo, J. M., 111, 303, 398 population persistence times, 6 simulation model, 268, 280 methane, 182, 326 population size, 207 size, 237 microcosms, 237 Populus, 89 size at stocking, 280 mires, 182 Potamogeton pectinatus, 249 Skagen, S. K., 215 mitigation, 40 predation, 360 Smith, S. D., 89 model, 27, 237 predator urine, 98 sodium, 98 modeling, 382, 398 predator-prey system, 268, 280 soil organic matter, 326 monoculture, 289 Prepas, E. E., 249 soil organic matter production, 175 Mooney, H. A., 2, 112 primary production, 139, 303 soils, 40, 326 Moore, B., III, 398 production, 118 Soper, A. E., 237 morphoedaphic index, 13 South America, 398 Morrison, G. E., 237 R Southern California, 40 multispectral scanner (MSS), 442 radiation, 118 Spartina foliosa, 40 Murphy, P. G., 237 Raich, J. W., 398 spatial and temporal patterns, 398 rare species, 6 species distribution, 112 N Rastetter, E. B., 398 stable isotopes, 89 N fertilization, 442 rate determinants, 326 stage structure, 429 N mineralization, 303 recolonization, 258 steady-state nutrition and growth, 168 Nachlinger, J. L., 89 recovery, 258 Stendler, P. A., 398 Nadelhoffer, K. J., 303 recreation, 215 Stephanitis pyriodes, 226 NDVI and greenness indexes, 442 recruitment, 268 stocking strategies, 280 Neal, J., 226 Red-winged Blackbird, 226 stomatal conductance, 89 net primary production, 111, 398 regional, 349 streamflow diversion, 89 net primary productivity-environment regional risk assessment, 196 Strix occidentalis caurina, 207 interactions, 398 regional survey, 429 succession, 139, 289 niche shifts, 215 relative addition rate, 168 Sudbury, Canada, 52 456 Ecological Applications Vol. 1, No. 4 sulfur, 289 Vv Winslow, D. L., 237 Swihart, R. K., 98 wood decay, 85 van de Geijn, S. C., 175 synthesis of individual studies, | woodchuck, 98 van Veen, J. A., 175 Volk, B. G., 85 7 Y Vorosmarty, C. J., 398 Taghon, G. L., 258 Yan, N. D., 52 temperature, 118, 157 WwW Yellowstone National Park, 6 temperature response, 326 young-of-the-year, 268 Wt, B. H., 316 terrestrial carbon exchange, 112 walleye, 268, 280 terrestrial ecosystems, 316 Z Ward, J. P., Jr., 207 territorial, 207 water, 118 Zalejko, M., 40 trophic cascade, 13 water limitations, 303 Zedler, J. B., 40 tropics, 289 water pollution, 66 zooplankton, 52 tundra, 326 water potential, 89 turf grass, 231 water resources, 66 turf grazing, 231 weeds, 429 Turner, C. L., 442 Wellington, A. B., 89 Tyria jacobaeae, 429 western Oregon, 429 wetlands, 360 U wildlife damage, 98 Uncompahgre fritillary, 6 wildlife damage control, 231 urban wildlife, 231 wildlife management, 215

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