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document Historic, archived Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. USDA United States Ecological and Financial Department of Agriculture Assessment fl9f Forest Service Pacific Northwest Successional Reserve Research Station Management Research Note PNW-RN-531 October 2001 Susan Stevens Hummel, R. James Barbour, Paul F. Hessburg, and John F. Lehmkuhl7 Abstract This paperdocuments methodsforassessingthe potential effectsofvariable-intensity managementin late-successional reserves(LSRs)and providesanexample(theGotchen LSR)fromtheCascade RangeineasternWashington.TheGotchen LSRstudyinvestigates changes inforestvegetation associatedwith silviculturaltreatments, and howdifferent treatmentcombinations mayaffect landscape patterns, LSR habitatobjectives, fire hazard, andthecharacteristicsand valueofwood removed overspaceandtime. The studycontributestothe conceptual and technical developmentofa decision-analysis tool, the northeastern Cascades landscapeanalysis, management, and monitoring system (NOCLAMMS), forland management. Landscapeevaluation ofthe Gotchen LSR revealsthatsincethe 1930s, foreststructures have become more homogeneous; area and average patch sizeofyoung, multistoried foreststands havedecreased; and spatial patternsoflate-successionalforesthavechanged. Thesechangesaltervegetation response to disturbances like fires, insects, and diseases, and suggestthat different structures and patterns may bettersupport LSR objectives overspace and time. Study resultsaid in identifying candidatetreatmentareas, in developing prescriptionsto maintain orrestore desired stand structures and patterns, and in understanding the financial commitmentnecessaryfordifferentmanagementactions. Silviculturaltreatments areapplied by usingtheforestvegetationsimulator(FVS).Thefinancialevaluationof ecosystem managementactivities (FEEMA) software is used to calculate net revenues associated with differenttreatments. Results from one stand illustrate these methods. Keywords: Forestreserves, northern spotted owl, restoration silviculture, habitat management, western sprucebudworm, fire hazard. 'Susan Stevens Hummel is a research forester and R. James Barbour is a research forest products technologist, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, P.O. Box 3890, Portland, OR 97208-3890; Paul F. Hessburg is a research plant pathologist and John F. Lehmkuhl is a research wildlife biologist, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 1133 N. Western Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801-1229. — Introduction Anetworkoflate-successional reserves (LSRs)within the range ofthe northern spotted owl (Strixoccidentalis caurina) extends east ofthe Cascade Range in the Pacific North- western United States. This research considers howachieving LSRobjectivesovertime maybe influenced bycurrentforestconditions, administrative boundaries, disturbance dynamics, and costs ofsilvicultural treatments. Ourstudy area, the 15,000-acre Gotchen LSR, illustrates the problem ofmaintaining a specific successional stage within fixed boundarieswithoutclearguidanceonthe legal roleofactivemanagement.Anoverviewof issues inforestreserve establishmentand managementsetsthe contextforourresearch questions and is followed by a description ofthe study area, methods, some initial findings, and an example. Background on Land classification terms are intertwined with land use. Theway land is classified Forest Reserves influences both how itis managed overtime (Burgi 1999) and how it is valued (Abbottet al. 1994). Ambiguity in classification terms can create confusion in land management. The land classification term "reserve" hasa historyofdifferentinternational, national, and local definitions (Congressional Record 1907, Fagergren 1998, Green and Paine 1997, IUCN 2000, Schama 1995). Thesedifferencesaffectfederalforestreserves inthe Pacific Northwestern United States. Forexample, the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) established late-successional reserveswithin the range ofthe northern spotted owl butdid not specify which historical definition was to be used. Adebate aboutthe role ofpassivevs. active management in LSRs currentlyexists, in part, because land classified as a reserve may, depending on thedefinition, be eligible foreithertype ofmanagement.Adding tothe debate, documents underlying the NWFP contain untested assumptions aboutforestdevelopmentand the costs ofLSR manage- ment, particularlyon the eastern slopeofthe Cascade Range (FEMAT 1993). Weexplore these assumptions by investigating the potential ecological and financial effects of passivevs. active managementin the Gotchen LSR. Issues in Reserve Forest ecosystems are dynamic in space and time (Harper 1977, Koslowski et al. 1991, Management Watt 1947). Plants and animals continuously reproduce, grow, and die. Some plants, DynamicSystems such astrees, can liveforcenturies, whereas others have annual life cycles. Overtime, differentcombinationsofplantand animal life historiesand architectures createcommunity structuresthatsupportdifferentgroups oforganisms and processes. In a forest, for example, the animals using early-successional communities differfrom those in later serai stages (Harris et al. 1982). The role ofdead plants like snags and logs also differs as the community changes (McComb and Lindenmayer 1999). How plants and animals — arearrayedwithin a particularforeststand the horizontal and vertical structure influenceswhatotherplantsand animals maythrivethereovertime (Spies 1998). Similarly, the relation ofthatforeststand with neighboring land creates influential structures and patterns(Franklinand Forman 1987, Reinersand Lang 1979,Turner1989).A"landscape" refers to groups ofsmaller land units and, like these smaller units, changes continuously. Landscape dynamics have important implicationsforthe potential risks associated with differenttypes and intensities offorest managementand land use. Land use patterns resulting from human activities (e.g., roads, cities, and logging) are superimposed overlandscape patterns resultingfrom disturbanceevents(e.g., landslides and wildfires) and biophysical factors (e.g., soils and pathogens). Ifland use patterns differsignificantlyfrom landscape patterns, changes may occurin soil productivity, fire regimes, and species extinction rates (Christensen et al. 1996). The risk ofthese 2 changes is uncertain but potentially high, and thus an ecosystem-based approach to land managementhas been adoptedforfederalforests inthe PacificNorthwestern United States (Anon. 1999). In ecosystem-based management, the primaryobjective is maintaining ecosystem structure, organization, and function ratherthan producing commodities (Woodleyetal. 1993). Currently, there is no agreementon either howto assess the risks ofecosystem change or howto manage forests for ecosystem function, butdifferentapproaches havebeen proposed. Theyinclude: Using historical disturbance patterns to guide land use decisions (Cissel et al. 1999) Using rangeandvariation ofhistorical vegetation patterns (Morgan etal. 1994, Swanson etal. 1994, Hessburg etal. 1999a, Landres etal. 1999) Establishing reserves to protect key ecosystems, organisms, and processes (e.g., Diamond 1975). Static Boundaries Forestreserve boundariesgenerallyarefixed around an areachosenforspecific reasons. Late-successional reserves, forexample, wereestablishedtoaddress biological and social concerns aboutthe persistence ofspecies associated with late- successional forests. Fixing administrative boundaries around dynamicecosystems may, paradoxically, undermine reserveobjectives, especially if: Reserve size is inconsistentwith key processes and organisms (Everett and Lehmkuhl 1996, 1997; Pickettand Thompson 1978), • Forestswithinthe reserveweresignificantlymodified before boundaryestablishment (Peluso 1992), or • Anonmodifiedforestreserve isan "island"surrounded byheavilymodified land (Curranetal. 1999). Norton (1999) reviewsthe biogeographicoriginsof, and argumentssurrounding, reserve designs includingthe relative meritsofseveral small reservesconnected bycorridorsvs. largereserves. Potential Role of Human activitiespermitted inforestreservesdifferbycountryandwith reserveobjectives Management (Parviainen etal. 2000). Relations betweencurrentconditionsand reserveobjectives influence howforestreservesareestablished and maintained. Passive managementmay be all that is needed ifthe successional dynamicsofcurrentforestconditions are consistent with the conditions and processes desired forthefuture. In contrast, active management could be required toachievefutureobjectives. If, forexample, a species like ponderosa pine (Pinusponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) is desired but no seed source is available on site, orifseeds are available butconditionsforgermination, establishment, and growth are not,thenfavorableconditionsforregeneration andcompetitiveadvantagewould need tobecreated. Hence, the roleofactive managementdependson reserveobjectivesand theextenttowhich currentand predicted future conditions supportthese objectives at appropriate scales. Ifconditions and objectives are inconsistent, or ifmethodsto make them consistentare not available orare too costly, then the risk increases that reserve objectives maynotbe met. Failureto achieve reserveobjectivescouldweaken support for a system of reserves, especially ifthe system restricts or eliminates access to publicland. 3 There are manyfederal and state parks, wilderness areas, and reserves in the Pacific Northwestern United States. The NWFPcreated additionaltypesofreservesonfederal land, including riparian reservesand LSRs. Itisuncertainwhethertheobjectivesforthese reservescan beachieved, given currentecological and regulatoryconditions. This uncertainty is documented in the Forest Ecosystem ManagementAssessmentTeam (FEMAT) reportand inthe record ofdecision (ROD)forthe NWFP (USDAand USDI 1994). The FEMAT report noted, forexample, the presence ofyoung stands in LSRs and asked, "Should these young stands be silviculturallytreated to acceleratetheir attainment ofa condition that mimics late-successional forest conditions ... or should there be no silvicultural treatment . . . underthe assumption thatsuch stands will evolve, given enough time, intothe desired habitatconditions?" (FEMAT 1993). Thetopicwas thus leftopen with the idea thatscientificstudies could develop and investigate testable hypotheses (USDAand USDI 1994).Anotherassumption ofFEMAT recast in this study as a testable hypothesis, is that silvicultural treatments could both reduce fire hazard and maintain and develop late-successionalforestconditions. Late—Successional The NWFP established LSRson 30 percentofthefederal land areawithin the rangeof Reserves and The n°rthem spotted owl (USDAand USD1 1994). The ROD, whichjointlyamendedthe Northwest Forest planning documentsof19 nationalforestsand seven BureauofLand Management pian Districts, adopted seven land allocations. Objectivesforthe LSR land allocation areto "protectand enhance conditions oflate-successional and old-growth forestecosystems, Definition which serve as habitatforlate-successional and old-growthforest related species includingthe northern spotted owl (USDAand USD1 1994)."Theseobjectivesare similar tothoseofInternational Union ofConservation ofNature (IUCN)category IV(Habitat/ Species ManagementArea), which suggestglobal standardsto ensurethe maintenance ofhabitats and meetthe requirementsofparticularspecies (IUCN 2000). The NWFP objectives may, arguably, be clear, butthe methods to achieve them are not, especially on the eastern slopeofthe Cascade Range, where both disturbance dynamics and previous land use patterns complicate maintaining a specificserai stagewithin fixed boundaries (FEMAT 1993). Issues The rangeofthe northern spotted owl extends eastofthe Cascade crest, where dense, multilayered canopies and down wood create suitable habitat (Buchanan etal. 1995, Gaines etal. 1997, Thomas et al. 1990) but also increase susceptibility to fire (USDA and USD1 1994) and to insectsthatcause defoliation (e.g., western spruce budworm (Chohstoneuraoccidentalis))(a\so see Brookes etal. 1987). Stand replacementfires are partofthe historical disturbance regime (Agee 1990, 1993, 1994; Camp etal. 1997), yet such fires may be socially unacceptable because ofactual or perceived riskto human life orproperty, wildlife habitat, riparian systems, and tourism. Due in partto previous federal fire suppression policies, mixed-coniferforestscurrently have more smallto intermediateshade-toleranttreesthanwould havesurvived underhistoricalfire regimes (Covington etal. 1994, Hann etal. 1997, Huffetal. 1995, Lemhkuhl etal. 1994). This increased biomass is distributed on manysmall-diametertrees, ratherthan on fewer, largerones (GAO 1999). Silvicultural treatments in such conditions are often expensive, owing to the high costofremoving small trees and the generally low marketvalue of wood removed. Theseconditionsare prevalentthroughoutthe interiorWest(Everettetal. 1997), and budget allocation methods in the National Forest System may mean that stands with the highestfire hazard are left untreated (GAO 1999).As stated in FEMAT (1993), "some habitatmodification activities in Late-Successional Reserveswill generate 4 enough revenueto payforthemselves Otherswill notand need to be supported by . . . appropriatedfunds."This research evaluateswhatsilviculturaltreatments mayfall in which categoryand the potential subsidies needed forhabitat management. Land managers responsibleforLSRson the eastslopeofthe Cascade Rangeare concerned about potential risks to existing late-successional habitat associated with passivemanagementandabouttheecologicalandfinancial implicationsofactivemanage- ment. The northern spotted owl isfederally listed as an endangered species, and thus the primary concern in the LSRs is forowl habitat. Accordingly, wefocus on owl habitat but recognize thatthe requirements ofotherspecies associated with late-successional forest ecosystems also must be considered. The NWFP acknowledges a potential need foractive managementin LSRs byspecifying thatsilvicultural systemsallowedwithinthem should "prevent large-scaledisturbances byfire, wind, insects, and diseases thatwould destroy or limitthe ability ofthe reserves tosustain viableforestspecies populations" (USDAand USD1 1994). The NWFP also explicitly recognizesthe challenges associated with maintaining suitable owl habitateast ofthe Cascade Range, wherethere is an "increased riskoffire . . . duetoxericconditions and the rapid accumulation offuels asthe aftermath ofinsectoutbreaks and drought" (FEMAT1993). Managementguidelinesareoffered inthe RODthatpermit"risk-reduction" activities in LSRson the eastern slope ofthe Cascade Range, provided such activities are"clearlyneeded"and assure"long-term maintenanceofhabitat" (USDAand USDI 1994).Thereislackofagreement, however, among managementand regulatoryagencies, advocacy groups, and citizens on acceptable levels ofriskand on the best management practicestoprovide habitatsoverthe longterm atscalesappropriateforspeciesassociated with late-successionalforests. Thesituation seems urgentbecause passive management ofcurrent conditions may instead result in the "large-scale disturbances" the ROD seeks toavoid.Activemanagement, however, raisesbothtechnical and philosophicalquestions. "On one side ofthe debate arethose who, cognizantofpastsuccesses, believethat managementcan and will produce desired results. On the otherside arethosewho, cognizantofpastfailures, are morecautious. They believethatproofshould precede anysilvicultural activitiesin reserves" (FEMAT 1993). Silviculturaltreatmentscould have mixed effects overthe shortterm (decades), longterm (centuries), and differing spatial scales.Actionstaken nowto avoid orminimize large-scale disturbances might have directorindirectconsequencesfor NativeAmerican treaty rightsorhabitatsofrareor endangered species (USDAand USD1 1994). Nonfederal landownersareconcerned aboutpotential implicationsofpassive managementon adjacentprivatepropertyrights and uses. Lackofinformationaboutthepotentialeffectsofpassiveandactivemanagement fuels the debate. This research addressesthetechnical, ratherthan the philosophical, aspectsofLSR managementbyconsidering thefollowing general questions: • Whatarethe potential consequences ofpassive LSR managementontheeastern slopeofthe Cascade Range? Howmightan understanding oflandscape pattern-process interactionsguide LSR management? • Whathuman activities supportLSRobjectives? • Dotheactivitiesgenerate revenuesthatoffsetthe costofhabitat managementand monitoring? 5 Gotchen Late- This study addresses thesefourgeneral questions in the Gotchen LSR by (1) charact- Successional erizing recentchanges in vegetation structure and composition at both stand and LSR Reserve Study levels; (2)evaluating associated changes infireandwestern spruce budworm hazard; (3) testing ifsilvicultural treatments can simultaneously reducefire hazard, maintain existing Objectives late-successional habitat, and recruitfuture habitatattributes; and (4) calculating net revenuesassociatedwith differentcombinationsofpassiveand active management. Analysesofboth Gotchen LSRvegetation conditions and patterns ofpotential responses toalternativetreatmentscontributetothe northeastern Cascades landscape analysis, management, and monitoring system (NOCLAMMS), currentlybeing developed bythe authors. The Gotchen LSR is the pilotarea for NOCLAMMS, a decision tool thatenables land managerstosimultaneouslyanalyzetheeffectsofalternative managementstrategies on several resources. Thegoal ofNOCLAMMS isto integrate information on landscape pattern and process interactions, key habitats and species, and economics. Thethree-step NOCLAMMS process usesthe USDA ForestService ecosystem managementdecision support(EMDS) software (Reynolds2000). The EMDS isthe integrativeframeworkforstructuring ecological and managementdata. Thefirststep in the iterative process uses EMDStoevaluatewhethercurrentvegetation patterns (e.g., late-successionalforest)fallwithin a rangeoflandscape referencevariation (Hessburg 1999a, 2000a). Current conditions in the Gotchen LSR illustrate inputs to this first step. Ifcurrent conditions are outside this range, the second step uses the data, processes, models, and outputdescribed in this paperto develop silvicultural treatments and to evaluatetheirpotential contribution tofuture landscape patterns. Thefinal step uses EMDSto evaluate ifthesefuture patterns meetthe objectives established forowl habitat, fireand budworm hazard, and referencevariation. Netrevenuesareestimatedfortreat- mentcombinationsthat meetthese objectives to evaluate the potential costofhabitat management. These methodscould beadaptedforsimilaranalyses in otherlocations where information on a rangeofpotential costsassociated with developing and maintaining specificforest structures is desired. Study Area The Gotchen LSR is in south-central Washington (T. 7 N., R.10 E.) in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. The northern boundaryofthe LSR isthe MountAdams Wilderness Area, the eastern istheYakama Indian Reservation, the southern is a mile inside the KlickitatCounty line, and thewestern boundaryfollows theWhite Salmon River (fig. 1). The Gotchen LSRwas included in planning areas ofboththe NWFP (USDAand USDI 1994) and the InteriorColumbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP) (Quigley andArbelbide 1997) butexcluded from the analysis ofthe Eastside Forests Scientific Society Panel (Henjum et al. 1994). In this study, the LSR administrative boundariesdefinethe landscape analysis unit. Mostofthe Gotchen LSRfalls within the grand fir (Abiesgrandis) series (Franklin and Dyrness 1988, USDA ForestService 1997). Elevation rangesfrom about3,000to6,000 feetand estimated annual precipitation from 35to 65 inches (Topik 1989). There are six documented spotted owl activitycenters inthe Gotchen LSR (USDA ForestService 1997). 6 7 Conditions in LSRs on the eastside ofthe Cascade Range are generallydrierthan those on thewestside (FEMAT 1993, USDAand USDI 1994), which meansthat increasing stand density also increases competitive stress and makes all trees more susceptible to insects and pathogens (Anderson etal. 1987, Edmonds etat. 2000, Seidel and Cochran 1981).Acontinuingwestern spruce budworm outbreakbegan in the Gotchen LSR in 1994 (Willhite 1999). Budworm defoliation may affectowl habitatsuitability both directly, by reducing canopycover, and indirectly, by reducing habitatavailabilitythrough increased tree mortalityand fire hazard. Methods In thefirst phase ofthis study, we characterize changing vegetation patterns in the LSR and investigate relations among these changing conditions, late-successional habitat, and vulnerabilitytofire and budworm disturbanceatboththe stand and landscape scales. Phaseoneaddressesthefirstgeneral question onthe potential consequencesofpassive management. Some ofthe results from phase one are included in this paper. In the second phase, wewill addressthethree remaining general questions (see "Issues") by evaluating changes in untreated vs. treated stands overspace and time and assessing the potential effects ofassociated landscape patterns on owl habitat, fire and budworm hazard, and characteristics ofwood removals. Resultsfrom the second phasewill be reported infuture publications. — Phase 1: Characterizing recent change We will use empirical and simulation methodsto investigate stand-level structural and compositional changes in owl habitat associated with budworm defoliation inthe currentoutbreak.Agrid ofrandomlyallocated sample plots, installed in 1992 priorto the currentoutbreak, will be remeasured in 2000. Plots are arranged in a systematic sampling grid nearthe Smith Butte owl activity center. Each plot consists ofthree nested subplots and a down wood transect. The largest plot, in which data will be collected on overstorytrees and snags >10 inches diameterat breast height (d.b.h. or4.5feet), is a 40 basal areafactorvariable radius plot. Insidethe variable plotaretwofixed plots: one 1/20th-acre and the other 1/50th-acre. In thefixed plots, data on understory trees, snags <10 inches d.b.h., shrubs, herbs, and conifer regeneration will becollected.A330-footdownwood transectwill include measurements on dufflayerdepth and wood in all size classes (Brown 1974). Theforestvegetation simulator(FVS) (formerly PROGNOSIS Stage 1973)will be used with the stand visualization system (SVS) (McGaughey 1997) to portray structural and compositional characteristics ofthe plots in 1992 and 2000. Thefire and fuels extension to FVS (FFE-FVS) will be used to model changes in fire hazard between thetwo meas- urementperiodsforthreefirebehaviorparameters: surfacefirebehavior,torching potential, and active crownfire potential. The potential contribution ofdifferentstand attributesto fire hazard will be modeled by using the FVS-FFE extension. Comparisons of 1992 and 2000 plotdata will be completed in 2001 and reported elsewhere. Resultswill be used to calibrate the FVS base model and extensionsforlocal conditions to improve subsequent model projections in phase 2. Currentvegetation inthe LSRwill be mapped and characterized atthe mid-scale (1:12,000)byusing photo-interpretation methodsand vegetation classifications developed in the InteriorColumbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project(ICBEMP) (Hessburg etal. 1999b). Vegetation patches resulting from photo interpretation will be populated with both interpreted and derived attributes in ageographical information system (GIS). Minimum patch size will be 10 acres. Two ofthese attributes, structural 8

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