IL NUOVOCIMENTO Vol. ?, N. ? ? 7 0 0 2 n E.C.G. Stueckelberg: a forerunner of modern physics a J 0 F. Cianfrani(1)(∗) and O.M. Lecian(1)(∗∗) 3 1 ( ) ICRA-International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics ] Dipartimento di Fisica (G9), Universit`a di Roma, “La Sapienza”, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, h 00185 Rome, Italy. p - t s i h . s c Summary.—ThepioneeringworkofE.C.G.Stueckelbergisbrieflyanalyzed: i s theformalismoftheStueckelbergfield,abletodescribeamassivevectorfield, y is reviewed,andsome applicationsare presented. In particular,startingfrom h his very first application, devoted to describe nuclear phenomena known in p theThirties,laterattemptstodemonstratetherenormalizabilityofthemodel [ are considered. Finally, also string theory and LQG are illustrated to be a 1 suitable scenario for the Stueckelberg field. v 0 01.30.-y 01.60.+q 01.65.+g 4 3 1 0 7 0 / s 1. – Biographical notes c si ErnstCarlGerlachStueckelbergwasborninBaselonFebruary1st,1905. In1926,he y got his Ph.D. at Munich under the supervisionof Arnold Sommerfeld; then, he qualified h as a universitylecturer at the University ofZurich, till he became AssistantProfessorat p Princeton University. : v In 1934he providedthe firstcovariantperturbationtheoryfor quantumfields. To quote Xi a paper of Lacki et al.[1], r The approach proposed by Stueckelberg was far more powerful, but was not a adopted by others at the time. Then in 1935, before Yukawa[2] and by a rather different approach, he proposed to explain nuclear interactions as due to the exchange of vector bosons. Moreover, the evolution parameter theory he presented in 1941 and 1942 is the basis for recent work in Relativistic dynamics. But his great achievement in 1942 was the ∗ ( ) [email protected] ∗∗ ( ) [email protected] (cid:13)c Societa`ItalianadiFisica 1 2 F.CIANFRANIANDO.M.LECIAN interpretation of the positron as a negative energy electron traveling backward in time. Feynmamnn quoted this result in one of his classic papers [3]. Stueckelberg died in 1984 in Basel. 2. – The Stueckelberg field Stueckelberg[4, 5] developed the only up to known formulation of a renormalizable theory for a massive Abelian boson (for a recent review see[6]). ThefirstmodelformassivevectorparticleswastheProcaone[8],whichsimplyproduces the extension of the electro-dynamics by the introduction of a mass term; in fact, the Proca Lagrangiandensity reads 1 (1) LProca =−2Fµ†νFµν +m2Vµ†Vµ. ItisclearthatsuchatermprovidesaviolationoftheAbeliangaugesymmetry,and,after severaldecades,Stueckelberg’sworkhas beenrecognizedas responsibleof the renormal- izability. After the canonical quantization, one obtains the commutation relations (2) 1 [V (x);V (y)]=[V (x);V (y)]=0; [V (x);V (y)]=−i η + ∂ ∂ ∆ (x−y) µ ν µ† ν† µ ν† µν m2 µ ν m (cid:18) (cid:19) where the function ∆ satisfies m (3) (∂2+m2)∆ (x−y)=0 m After 1945, it became clear that the term 1 ∂ ∂ in the commutation relation (2) m2 µ ν gives rise to ultra-violet divergences, which cannot be eliminated even by the renor- malization procedure. However, before the development of the renormalization theory, Stueckelberg[4] provided a divergence-free formulation. In his model, the starting point is a Fermi-like Lagrangiandensity for a complex vector field A , i.e. µ (4) L =−∂ A ∂µAν +m2A Aµ; A µ †ν †µ since the Hamiltonian density (5) H =−∂ A ∂ Aν −m2A Aµ A µ †ν µ †µ is not positive definite, one has to impose the analogue of the Gupta-Bleuler condition in electro-dynamics, i.e. that the expectation value on physical states of ∂µA vanish µ (6) <phys|∂µA |phys>=0 ′ µ (asufficientconditionis∂µAµ(−)|phys>=0,beingAµ(−) justthepositivefrequencypart). In the Proca case, this condition comes directly from equations of motion. Unlike QED, relation (6) cannot stand, since, from canonical commutation relations, which read (7) [A (x);A (y)]=[A (x);A (y)]=0 [A (x);A (y)]=−iη ∆ (x−y), µ ν †µ †ν µ †ν µν m E.C.G.STUECKELBERG:AFORERUNNEROFMODERNPHYSICS 3 one obtains (8) [∂µA (x);∂νA (y)]=i∂2∆ (x−y)=im∆ (x−y)6=0. µ †ν m m Stueckelberg solved this puzzle by introducing a scalar field B(x), whose Lagrangian density reads (9) L =∂ B ∂µB−m2B B, B µ † † with canonical commutation relations (10) [B(x);B(y)]=[B (x);B (y)]=0 [B(x);B (y)]=i∆ (x−y). † † † m Hence, the consistency condition on physical states, such that the Hamiltonian density is positive definite, reads as (11) S(x)|phys>=(∂ Aµ(x)+mB(x))( )|phys>=0 µ − and one can easily demonstrate no contradiction exists with the commutation relations (7), (10). Therefore, the full Stueckelberg Lagrangiandensity is (12) L =−∂ A ∂µAν +m2A Aµ+∂ B ∂µB−m2B B Stueck µ †ν †µ µ † † which can be cast in the form (13) L =L (Wµ)−(∂ A µ+mB )(∂ Aµ+mB); Stueck Proca µ † † µ being Wµ = Aµ − 1∂ B, it coincides with the Proca Lagrangian density on physical m µ states. However,thereisamaindifferencebetweenthetwoformulations: whilethemass term in L destroys the gauge symmetry, that in L is invariant under Pauli Proca Stueck transformations, i.e. A →A +∂ Λ (14) µ µ µ (∂2+m2)Λ=0. B →B+mΛ (cid:26) A kind of invariance is expected to compensate the introduction of the additional field B and to lower the number of local degrees of freedom to three. In a physical point of view, we can think of the field B(x) as eliminating the scalar term ∂ Aµ of the vector µ field. 3. – The Stueckelberg field and the carriers of nuclear interactions TheaimofthepaperbyE.C.G.Stueckelbergwastodescribeelectromagneticand“nu- clear”forces(whatwewouldcallelectromagnetic,weakandstronginteractions)withina generalizationofthe formalismdevelopedfor chargedparticles [7]. This formalismdeals with the scalar massive field A, which obeys, in presence of matter, the field equation (15) (∂ ∂µ−l2)A=−4πJ, µ 4 F.CIANFRANIANDO.M.LECIAN and will be shown to be equivalent to the retarded-potential method, but will offer the advantages of approachingthe problem form“gauge”point of view ahead of its time(1). The Lagrangiandensity L reads (16) L=− 1 ∂A,∂A∗ +l2A∗A + 1 A∗J+ ∂A∗,S +c.c. , 8π ∂x ∂x 2 ∂x »„ « – » „ « – where A and A are treated like independent quantities. The “effective” current J ∗ eff rewritesJ =J− ∂ ,s ,asafunctionofthepolarizationvectorS. Fromtheconjugate eff ∂x momentum P = ∂ , the Hamiltonian density H is found, and, for later purposes, it will ∂AL˙(cid:0) (cid:1) be expressed as (17) H = d3x −L+A˙P +A˙∗P∗ ≡ d3x(W+V)≡W +V, Z “ ” Z whereW ≡ 1 ∂A,∂A∗ +l2A A +8πc2P P,andV ≡−1 A J + ∂A∗,S +c.c. − 8π ∂x ∂x ∗ ∗ 2 ∗ ∂x 4πc(PS0+cc),hr(cid:16)espectivel(cid:17)y. Motioniequations follow from thehintrodu(cid:16)ction of(cid:17)the opier- ator K, that allows one to get a straightforwarddefinition of J and S: (18) i [K,P∗]=−δK = 1 J− ∂ ,S h δA∗ 2 ∂x „ « » „ «– i δK (19) [K,A]=− =−4πcS . h δP 0 „ « J andS arefunctionsofthecanonicalvariablespandq,whichdescribethematterdistri- bution, and obey the (classical) equations of motion p˙ =(i/h)[K,p] and q˙=(i/h)[K,q]. ThequantumtheorycanbeimplementedbysolvingtheSchroedingerequationHΨ(t)= ih∂Ψ(t). To this end, the functional Ψ(T,t) for the wave function is introduced, such ∂t ′ that Ψ(t,t) ≡Ψ(t), and, accordingly, the functional K(T,t), such that K(t,t)≡K (K ′ doesnotdependont explicitly). Sincethe functionalΨ mustsatisfysimultaneouslythe ′ two Schroedinger equations (20) C Ψ′(T,t)= W + h ∂ Ψ′(T,t)=0, T i ∂T „ « (21) C Ψ′(T,t)= K′(T,t)+ h ∂ Ψ′(T,t)=0, t i ∂T „ « the wave function Ψ is defined by H =W +K. The request that the two Schroedinger equations be simultaneously solvable leads to the vanishing commutation relation be- tweentheoperatorsdefinedin(20)and(21),i.e. [C ,C ]=0,fromwhichtheexpression T t for K (22) K′(T,t)=eiW(t−T)/hKe−iW(t−T)/h (1) Throughout thissection,we will maintain theoriginal notation adoptedbyStueckelberg,in ordertoappreciatethedevelopmentofhispioneeringintuitions. Inparticular,theintroduction of the Stueckelberg field will be understood from a historical point of viewed, i.e. via the Dirac-Fock-Podolski approximation,ratherthanfrom amodern perspective,asreviewed in the previous section. E.C.G.STUECKELBERG:AFORERUNNEROFMODERNPHYSICS 5 is found; consequently, Ψ admits the formal solution (23) Ψ(T,t)=e−iWT/hψ(t), where ψ(t) satisfies the Schroedinger equation (24) K′′(T)ψ(t)=ih∂ψ(t), ∂t with K (t) = eiWt/hKe iWt/h. If matter distribution is described in the configuration ′′ − space, with coordinates {qs}, rather than by means of matter fields, the Hamiltonian operator K can be rewritten as the sum of two terms, (25) K = K ≡ (R +V ), s s s s s X X where the former depends on the {qs}’s only, R ≡R (qs), while the latter is a function s s of both the coordinates {qs} and the field A, V ≡V (qs,A((~x),t))≡V (t), as it will be s s s explained in the following. Eq. (24) now reads h ∂ h ∂ (26) K + ψ = R+V + ψ =0, ′′ i ∂t i ∂t (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) where the sum (25) is taken into account. This Schroedinger equation contains the “current term” V , which contains, on its turn, the field A: assuming that this term is s proportional to a small number, a series expansion will be performed in order to obtain the approximated expression for ψ, i.e. ψ =ψ0+ψ1+ψ2+...: h ∂ (27) R+ ψ0 =0, i ∂t „ « h ∂ (28) R+ ψ1+Vψo =0, i ∂t „ « and so on. Collecting the terms for the proper approximation order, one finds (29) V (t)ψ1 = U ψ0, s sr r X so that h ∂ (30) R+ (ψ1+ψ2)+ V + Urs ψ0 =0, i ∂t „ « s r ! XX wherethe termU +U is recognizedasthe firstorderapproximationofthe“exchange sr rs energy”. Since the wave function ψ must describe the distribution of all the particles, a “multi-time functional” ψ(t1,...,ts,...,tn) can be defined, such that, as previously, ψ(t,...,t,...,t)≡ψ(t), so that the Schroedinger equation for the wave functional reads h ∂ (31) R +V (ts)+ ψ(t1,...,ts,...,tn)=0. s s i ∂t (cid:18) s(cid:19) A reference frame can be found, where R does not depend on time explicitly; here, the s eigenvalue equation (32) f(R )=u f(h ) s ν1...νn νs 6 F.CIANFRANIANDO.M.LECIAN holds,u beingtime-independentfunctions;thecorrespondingtime-dependentfunctions νs are vν1...νn =uν1...νne−iPsνsts, which satisfy (31) at the 0th order. The functions w are defined as functionals of ts, qs and the fields A, and their time dependence is given by (33) w= ... e−iPsωstswω1...ωn, Xω1 Xωn so that (34) f Rs+ hi ∂∂ts = ... e−Psωstsf(Rs−ωswω1...ωn. „ « Xω1 Xωn It is now possible to solve the system (27), so that, at the 1st order, the functional ψ reads h ∂ −1 (35) ψ1 =− R + V (tr)ψ0, r i ∂tr r „ « X where ψ0( = e−iPrRr(tr−t)ψ0(t) : it is easy to verify that ψ0 must be a linear combination of the eigenfunctions uν1...νn, with time-dependent coefficients e−iPνrt. Oneisthereforeinterestedonlyinthe1st ordertime-independentmatrixelementsofthe operator (36) Usr =− Rr+ hi ∂∂tr −1Vs(ts)Vr(tr)e−iPmRm(tm−t) , "(cid:18) (cid:19) #t1=t2=...=t which are found by considering the integral (37) Uνs′rν = dq1... dqn dAvν∗1′...νn′ Rr+ hi ∂∂tr −1Vs(ts)Vr(tr)vν1′...νn′ : Z Z Z „ « because of (34), the condition (ν − ω ) + (ν − ω ) + (ν − ω ) = 0 must s′ s r′ r m=s,r m′ m be fulfilled. After standard manipulation, one finds that the6 time-independent matrix P elements are given by the operator (38) ∞dtreiRr(tr−t)[Vs(t),Vr(tR]e−iRr(tr−t), Zt where (39) V =−1 d3x(A∗(x),J (x))+ ∂A∗(x),S (x) +c.c.+O(A2): s 2 s ∂x s Z „ « the terms in A2 must be neglected, since, at this order, no quantity has been developed up to higher powers of the field. This way, the quantities J and S do not depend on s s the fields any more, and commute with them. In particular, one finds for the current J s the formal solution (40) Js(y)=eiRry0c−hctJs(~y)e−iRry0c−hct, so that the interaction operator reads (41) U +U =−1 d3y J (~x)A (x)∗+ S (~x),∂Ar(x)∗ , rs sr 2 s r s ∂x Z » „ «–x0=ct E.C.G.STUECKELBERG:AFORERUNNEROFMODERNPHYSICS 7 where (42) ±∞ ∂D(x−y) ±∞ A (x)= dy d3x J (y)D(x−y)+ S (y), = dy d3yJeff(y)D(x−y), r 0 r r ∂y 0 r Zx0 Z » „ «– Zx0 Z with Jeff defined as previously. The generalization of this formalism to a “many-component” field [4] (what we would call a vector field) can be accomplished via the substitution of the field A with the field A , i=0,1,2,3,so that, for example, the scalar product A A is replaced by ǫ A A , i ∗ i i ∗i i where ǫ ≡−1,ǫ ≡1,andsoon. New commutationrelationshaveto be introduced, 0 1,2,3 such as P (43) [A∗(x),A (y)]=2ihcǫ δ D(x−y). i j i ij In order to have a positive-definite energy density for the field A , the new field B, i the so-called Stueckelberg field, has to be introduced; in fact, the energy density H = ǫ H(A ), where i i i P(44) H(A)= 1 ∂A∗ ∂A +l2A∗A 8π ∂xk ∂xk ! Xk contains a negative term when i = 0. The way followed by Stueckelberg in order to determine this term is the “Dirac-Fock-Podolski approximation” ∂ ,A ψ = 0, which ∂x can be interpreted as a Gupta-Bleuer condition on the divergence of A: when a mass term is introduced, and when a vector field is taken into accoun(cid:0)t, the(cid:1)approximation reads (45) − ∂A∗0 ∂A0ψ= −divA~∗divA~−l(B∗divA~+divA~∗B)−l2B∗B ψ ∂x ∂x 0 0 “ ” thateliminatesthenegativetermin(44). Afterstandardmanipulationtheenergydensity for the two fields, H(A,B) reads ′ 8πH = rotA~ ,rotA~ + gradA + ∂A~∗,gradA + ∂A~ + ′ ∗ ∗0 ∂x0 0 ∂x0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) lA − ∂B∗ lA − ∂B + lA~ +gradB lA~+gradB : ∗0 ∂x0 0 ∂x0 ∗ ∗ (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) if the new potential φ =A +ǫ l 1∂B is introduced, the energy desity rewrites i i i − ∂xi (46) H′ = 1 F~∗,F~ + G~∗,G~ +l2 φ~∗,φ~ +l2φ∗φ , 8π 0 0 h“ ” “ ” “ ” i where F~ ≡ {F ,F F } and G~ ≡ {F ,F F }, F being the field strength, F ≡ 01 02 03 23 31 12 ij ij ǫ ∂φj −ǫ ∂φi ≡ǫ ∂Ak −ǫ ∂Ai. i∂xi j∂xj i∂xi j∂xj If the same calculation as the case of the scalar field is followed, motion equations for spinors and bosons are obtained. E.C.G. Stueckelberg, in fact, wanted set up a unifying theory for scatteringanddecay processes,within the frameworkof boson“gauge”fields: heachievedthistaskbytakingintoaccountthethen-knownparticlesandinteractions,by hypothesizinggeneralized-“charge”conservation,andbypredicting,fromhiscalculation, theexistenceofnewparticlesandinformationabouttheirmasses[5]. Unfortunately,not all leptons had already been observed yet, and, consequently, the notion of leptonic and barionic number, as well as the distinction of weak and strong interactions, had not already been introduced at that time, but he laid the theoretical foundation of gauge 8 F.CIANFRANIANDO.M.LECIAN theories. According to the results of the experiments, he classified the known “spinor” particles according to their scattering and decay properties by attributing them electric and “heavy” charges, so that electrons, neutrinos, protons and neutrons are referred to as e(1,0), n(0,0), P(1,1) and N(0,1), respectively. As in modern gauge theories, inter- action between these charges are described by boson fields, which follow directly from the eigen-value equations for the generators, so that he predicts four such fields, that, according to the interaction they carry, are classified as e (1,0), n(0,0), P (1,1) and N (0,1), respectively. Therefore, the processes mediated by these fields are • 1) processes mediated by n(0,0): the only processes described by these fields are of the type (47) S →S′+n(0,0), where S can be referred to any kind of spinor. In Stueckelberg’s interpretation, a better understanding of the proton-proton and neutron-neutron interactions in atomic nuclei could be achieved by means of the real field n(0,0). • 2) processes mediated by the field e(1,0): these processes are β-decays: (48) P(1,1)↔N(0,1)+e(1,0), together with (49) e(1,0)↔(−n(0,0))+e(1,0) describe a nuclear decay, where the notion of anti-particlefollows from the mathe- matics of the model. • 3) processes mediated by N (0,1): the reactions N(0,1)↔(−n(0,0))+N(0,1), (50) P(1,1)↔e(1,0)+N(0,1) lead to estimate the mass of the particle N (0,1): since the proton is a stable particle, the mass of N (0,1) must be greater than the difference of the masses of the proton and of the electron; furthermore, because of statistics, the mass of the particleN(0,1)mustbegreaterthantheneutronmass,anditmustbeaninstable particle, whose decay mode is (51) N(0,1)→P(1,1)+(−e(1,0)). • 4) processes mediated by P (1,1): (52) P(1,1)↔(−n(0,0))+P(1,1), so that the mass of the particle P(0,1) must be greater than the proton mass. A modern approach to the Electroweak model via the Stueckelberg field is proposed in [6]. E.C.G.STUECKELBERG:AFORERUNNEROFMODERNPHYSICS 9 4. – The Stueckelberg field beyond Stueckelberg Application of this formalism was at first devoted to demonstrate its renormalizabil- ity. Inthissense,Zimmermann[9]startedtostudyStueckelbergLagrangian(12),andits invariance under the Pauli gauge transformations. At the end, the Stueckelberg massive Abelian model was proved to be renormalizable and unitary by Lowenstein and Schroer in 1972[10] . We want to stressthat this implies that the Stueckelberg model is the only waytogiveamasstoanAbelianboson,withoutaspontaneoussymmetrybreakingmech- anism. Therefore, there were several attempts to apply the theory to the non-Abelian case, in order to to furnish an alternative to the Higgs boson in the Standard Model. In1988,Delbourgo,TwiskandThompson[11]firstprovedthatthe originalStueckelberg theory for neutral massive vector fields is invariant under nilpotent BRST transforma- tions, which ensures unitarity and renormalizability. Their work clearly illustrated that the keypoint,toavoiddivergences,istheinvarianceunderPaulitransformations. Then, they also analyzed the extension to non-Abelian fields. They noticed that renormaliz- ability and unitarity seem to be competing qualities of massive non Abelian theories, so they argued: “Finally, it must be admitted that the Higgs mechanism remains the most complete method for giving mass to the vector bosons”. But extension of the Standard Model, such to contain a Stueckelberg field, are again under investigation[12] . However,Stueckelbergtheoryformassivebosonsfoundapplicationalsoveryfarfromits natural context. An example is given by the work of Ramond[13] , who applied the scheme to obtain the fully covariant and gauge invariant field theory for free open bosonic strings in 26 dimensions. In fact, Stueckelberg fields naturally arise and are shown to be unrestricted for the most general gauge transformations. To quote his own words: “It should be clear that Stueckelberg field leads to much simpler looking ex- pressions”. Moreover,also very recent attempts to introduce a massive Abelian field in Loop Quan- tum Gravity deal with the Stueckelberg field. Hence, Helesfai[14] stressed how, in such a context, the application of the Stueckelberg formalism is very useful since no second class constraint arise and the Hamiltonian is a linear combinationofconstraints(after quantization,the Procafield leadsto a Hamilto- nian that is quadratic in the Lagrange multipliers). In fact, the Hamiltonian reads (53) H = (NH+NaH +AbG +A G)d3x a 0 b 0 ZΣ being H = 1 tr(2[K ;K ]−F )[Ea;Eb]+ qab (EaEb+BaBb)+ π2 + √qm2qab(A + √q a b ab 2√q 2√qm2 2 a ∂ φ)(A +∂ φ) a b b H =Fj Eb+ǫ EbBc+(A +∂ )π a ab j abc a a 10 F.CIANFRANIANDO.M.LECIAN G=D Ea−π a G =D Ea b a b The quantization is performed on the Hilbert space (54) H=L (A¯ ,dµ )⊗L (A¯ ,dµ )⊗L (U¯ ,dµ ) 2 SU(2) SU(2) 2 U(1) U(1) 2 U(1) U(1) for which a basis is given by the generalized spin network functions (55) |S > =|T(A)> ⊗|F(A)> ⊗|D(U)> . γ,~j,ρ~,~l,m~ γ,~j,ρ~ γ,~l γ,m~ In this context, the mass m is a coupling constant and is very similar to the Immirzi parameter (in the quantum regime, it enters the Hamiltonian in a non-trivial way). 5. – Brief concluding remarks AmongthebrilliantresultsaccomplishedbyStueckelberg,theformulationofadivergence- free model for massive vector fields has been one of the most prolific ideas in modern Physics. In fact, despite the Proca formulation, his intuition of the need to maintain a gaugeinvarianceinthetheoryhasbeenthekeytothelater-recognizedrenormalizability. Moreover, the modernity of his approach relies on the preference of a gauge symme- try rather than phenomenologicalspeculations, such as the Yukawa formulation [2], and renders the Stueckelberg field a suitable tool also in current achievements of theoretical Physics, i.e. String theory and LQG. 6. – Acknowledgment WewishtothankProf. RemoRuffiniandDr. GiovanniMontaniforhavingattracted our attention to the pioneering character of Stueckelberg’s work. REFERENCES [1] Lacki J. and Ruegg H. and Telegdi V.L.,available on arXiv:physics/9903023; [2] Yukawa H,Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. Japan, 17 (1935) 48; [3] Feynmamnn R,Phys Rev. D, 76 (1949) 749; [4] Stueckelberg E.C.G.,Helv. Phys. Acta, 11 (1938) 299; [5] Stueckelberg E.C.G.,Helv. Phys. Acta, 11 (1938) 312; [6] Ruegg H. and Ruiz-Altaba M., Int. J. Mod. Phys. 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