UMZIMVUBU wee LOCAL MUNICIPALITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2019 LUMZIMAYUBU LOGAL MUNICIPALITY Annes! Finaneial Statement for the year anded 80 June 2019 tna “The reports and tternena fet out below comerice the Ano nancial talrmens preser ted tone counal Indax ‘Generalinermation Aagroval frre Foanca Statements Repo bythe Chi Fans} Ota Report ofthe Autor General Statsmert of Franc Peston Slatement of Phancel Petorancs Sbtementot Changes InNec est Cath Few Silement ‘Sttarant ef compareon of bust and ack aroun - latent ‘of feareal postion ‘Sateen of comparizon of budgat and actual arnouni - Statement stfnanell pecrmence ‘Satementofcompatice of budgst ata cil erounts - Cash flow letomant Accauriing Poteles Notes tore Finance Statements ae 27 eanvuny Loca, MoMeRALSTE Asal Func Sororces fort yon eed 0 ume 2018 Sere oman agate erty fon Centon Covert Grainy ottoce setorty Aenautng OMe ‘thors eyatnton Sumo sttetion ‘het Finance Ofer FO) epeteus orice Spacer’ fina onamton of: ace a iL Edten A Rzeny pester) BM Maere EK Mise ered 2 Apion Na las 4, eNerwans HA Ne a ageo A wow & wetmayas AN Cam EBS Dame ommdwin UG. eer & texan Scapa Skane Aunt ‘i, Pvc Pee Tinga mM Gig 8, sph 2. 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Govemmerce dearanaien 1 ‘overeat A Managers concn that th Brant okenent munky th aici Fanta pation, tnamzl torvanco a cah wn oe feerended 30 tune 2016, ‘rhe Antu tinal orate out on pages 4 74, whic have boon pepaed of he Jae concn bya were epprovahy he ncptrting ORoa! ana wee aed an herbal ye UNZTIVUBU LOCAL MONICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS forthe year andod 20 June 2018 REPORT BY THE CHIEF FINANGIAL OFFICER 4. inRopueTON ep i ra! oso apo the Ault Braman Usb Lo Wiebe 30 Jur 20, {Te Ail Francs Sota have teen pupa fo acorson wth Gomraly Recsarted Aosarting Fanos (RAP, ‘bed iy te Aznune Stanaris Boars (Ast) ih aonrarce wit Secon {BAGH of he bd anes Ware ea, (Rat No 68 of 2005). Tha andes end prnwunoemea Lat for hn GRAF RepoanG Farad er he 20°68 ton Pio tout Dacia 5 Raued bythe ASB on} March 2008, 69 tn ‘ha Siuariet cf Froncbl Poston at: June 2019 new n desea he Abst a nrg in Non ual Lithia anirenate'n aren ite, 2. REY PRANCWA, MDICATORS 1g efowrg inotra ae aobeipinanry. 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