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Report of the auditor-general to the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature and the council of Ingquza Hill Local Municipality Report on the financial statements Introdyction 1. Lauded the fnancla statements ofthe Ingquza Hill Local Municipaliy sel out on pages. to... hich comprise the statement of financial pasition ae at 30 June 2016, the slatemont of financial peclarmanea, stalamant of changes in net asvel, cash fi statement and the statement of comparison of budge information with actual Information forthe year then ended, as wall es the nates, comprising a summary of significant accountng policies and cther explanatory Information. Accounting officer's respons|bllity for the financial statements 2 The accounting officer Ie responsible forthe preperation and far pracontstion af these Financial atalomaris in accordance with the South Alcan Standards of Generally Recognises Accounting Practice (SA Standards of Grap) and the requirements of the Muricipal Financial Management Act of South Arica, 2003 (Aet No, 66 of 2003) and the Division of Revenue Act of South Africa, 2015 (Act No.1 of 2015) (Dora), and for such intemal corto! aa the scccunting oficar determines ls necessary to enable the reparation offisncial stalements that are ree from material misstatement, whether {uo to fraud ar err. Auditor-general’s responsibility 23. My responsibilty i a exprose an ophnon en these financial statements based on my audi, conducted ray audtin accordance wit the Inferntionel Standards on Austr. Those standards reque that | comply wih ethical requirements, and plan and periorm the auto oblain reasonable sseurance about whather the nancial siatements are {Fe0fom metal migslalomant 4. An aueit involves performing procedurss o obtein aut evidence about the amounts fand disclosures in tha financial statements. The procedures selected depend onthe sueitors judgement, inclusing the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of ‘he Mnanclal statements, whether due t fraud or aer, In making thoge risk assessments, the auditor considers intemal conto eleven to the entity's preparation the financial ststomenta inorder to design audi procedures that are appropriate in {he reumsiances, but nol or the purpose of expressing an opinion onthe efectveness cf the munielpalty’s internal coro. An aust seo includas evaluating tho appropriateness of accounting polcie used and the rassanablaness of accounting estimates made by manegertont, 9 wal es evaluating the overall presentation ofthe financial statements 5. boiove thatthe uxt evidence | hava obtained Ie sufclent and appropriate to provide basis for my suai opinion, Opinion {In my opinion. the financla statements present iii in all material respects, the financial postin ofthe Ingquza Hil Local Munllpsty as at 30 June 2016 and its financial parfarmance end cash tows fr the year then ended, in accordance with the [SA Standards of Grap and the requlrements ofthe MFM ard Dara, Report on other legal and regulatory requirements 7. In aocordenca with the Public Aut Act of South Affica, 2004 (Act No. 2 of 2004) {PAA and the general notca issued in tems thereof, | have a reepanslty to report {indings on the reported pertarmanos information againt predetermined objectives for selected key perfomance aress presented in the annual performance repor, ‘compliance with lecisltion and intenal contol. The objective of my tosis wa to Identhy repotable findings as desorbed under each eubheacing but ot 10 gather evidence 10 ‘express assurance on these matter. Accordingly, | donot express an opinion oF ‘eanclslon on these matters. Predetermined object 8. | parfanmed procedures to obtain evidence about the useiuiness and relay ofthe reported performance infermatian of key performance area 1; basic service delivery preaented on pages 1c to0 Inthe annual perormance report ofthe local municipality for tha year ended 30 June 2016 Key pertormance area 1: basic service dellvery 8, | evaluated the usefulness of the reported psrfornance Information to determine ‘whether it wae presented in accordance with the National Tresaurys nual reporting Principles and whalher the reported perfomance was consistent with ha planned key performance area, | further performed (eel to determine whether Indicators and targets ware well defined, verflabl, specie, measurable, me bound and relevant, as required by the National Treeeuy’s Framawark for Managing Programme Performencs Information (FMPPI}. 10, | assesses the rlisbilly ofthe reported parformance information fo determing whather it ‘was valid, eerurate and compl 11. | did nat ralse any material findings on tha ussfulnass and really ofthe reported perfomance information for the selocted key performance area, Addiflonal matters 12, Althaugh | alsed no material findings on the usefunecs and reliably ofthe reported perfarmance infomation for te selected key performance area, | drew atisnion to he following mattor: Achievement of planned targets 48, Refer to the annual perfermancs rapert on page x ox for information on the achievement of he planned targats fr the year. Adjustment of material misstatements 14. | Mentted material misstatements in the annus! performance roport submit for uring. These material misstetamenls were on the reported performance Information ‘af asic srvion delay. As management subsequertly correted the misstetement, | sie not ralse any mate findings on the usetulness and relebilly of the reported performance information. Unaudited supplementary information 16. The supplemantary information set aut on pages x to x does net form part ofthe annus performance reper and ia presented as adcianel information| have not auded these ‘schedules and, accordingly Ida not report an them. Unaudited disclosure notes 48, Interns of secton 125(23(6) ofthe MFMA, the municipality is required lo disclos particulars of non-compliance with the MFA. This disclosure requtement did not form par of the aust of the franca statements snd, accordingly, | do not express an opinion thereon. ‘Compliance with legislation 17. |parformed procedures ta obtaln evidence thatthe local municpeliy hed oomplied with applcabl legislation regarding nancial meters, nancial management and other Felated matters, | did rot identity ery instances of material nen-compllanee with specific matters in key legislation, a¢ cet out In the general notice issued in terms ofthe PAA. Intemal control 48. | considered intemal control relevant to my sucil of he financial statoments, annual performance report and camplianca wih lagllation | dd not Identify any signlcant daficioncias in infenal conto pst Landan ‘0 November 2016 ‘cing 9 Bok publ onsen

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