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Report of the auditor-general to the Eastern Cape provincial legisiature and the council on Lukhanji Local Municipality Report on the financial statements Intodvetion 1. Thevo ausited the financial statoments of tho Lukhanji Lacal Muntcipality se: aut on pages ... >... witich comprise the statement cf financial position 8s at 30 dune 2018, she slalement al financial perorntance, statement of ckanpcs in net assets, cash flow statcrnent and statoman: of compatisan o° budget and actual ‘amounts for the year hen ended, as well es the no:es, ociiprising a swtumnary cl signi canl agco,nling poleies an other explanatory Information, ity for the financial statements Accounting officer's respon: 2. The acoounting officers response forthe pranzration and fair presatation of these financic! statements in accordance with Sauth Mriean Standaras of Generally Recog ised Accounting Practice (SA standards ol GRAP) and the requirements ot the Manipal Fingige Management Aol of South Attia, 2008 (Act No. 66 of 2003) (NEMA) and ho Division af Plevenus Act of Seuth Africa, 20°4 (Act No, 10 <f 2C14) (DoFRA}, and for such irternal con¥ol as the accounting officer determines is necessary to enable the preparalicn of financial stalamerts that are tree from rralerial misstatement, whether du to fraud or cnr. Auditor-general's responsibility 3. My rcaponsibilty isto expioss am opinion on these financial statements based en my udit. !conducted my audit in accordance wit -nlernalional Standards on Aucting Those slardards recuire that | campy wih ethical raqpitemanrs, and olen and) parfarm tna auc: antain reasonable assurance about whether the finencial Sstatomants aro fico from material misstatement. 4, An sudit involves pe forming procedures to obtaln aut evidence about the amounts fand dlgelosures inthe financial statements. The procedures solected depend on the ausitar's judgement, inc ding the assessment ol the “sks of material misstatement of the financial statements, wheter due to fraud er error. hy makng “hese rsh assestinents, Ihe aLuilor censiders inigmal cantral relevant ta the tnuvicipalty’s proparation end “ar oresantation ofthe financial statements in order to design audit pracedures that are appropriate nche circumslanges, bul nol lor Ine purpose ot ‘expressing an opion 0” the effecivanass of the munizipalt'sirternal control. An auc alge inelL.das aveluating the appropriatenass at aocourring policies usad and the ressonableness ol accounting estimates made by manegement, a¢ weil as evaluating tho overall presentalien ofthe financial starements. | belleve thatthe austt ovidence Ihave obtained is suff clent and appropriate to Pravide a basis for my quaitiea aucit opirion. Basls for qualified opini n Property, plant and equipment 6. Ths municioality dd not account forts PPE in eecordanoe wlta GRAP 17, Property plant ane equipment i the folowing cumstances: + The manicipality oid not record al ofits assets in the “ved aeset register anc financial satamonits, + Theamunicipatty nade errors in le sa.culaton ol depreciation and work-in- progisns. 7. Consequently, PPE as disclesed in nato 10 is understzted by FC millon 2014: F2109.6 milicn}, depree-ation as disclosed on the ststemert ¢ttirancial perfarmance is overstated by F2,4 millon (2014 Ri.6 mill) and accumulated surplus as dlsclosod ia the statement af financial postion is understated by F1:06,7 milion (2014; Riosmilion}. In adaition I was unable 19 obtain sulficiont approprie:e aucit evidence for PE as | \was not provided wih sufficient appropriats evidence for uml relatirg to PPE, 9. Iwas unable to contirm the amaunt ot PPE by alternative meers. Gansequenty, | \was nnabla ta detertnine whether any f.nher adjustments were necessery 0 propery, plart & aquipment of R76a,1 millon a8 disclosed in note 10 10 the nancial statements, Investment property 10. the myricipality oid not acccunt torts investment properties in accardenec wth GRAP 16 nvasimen| property the fclewing cireunistances ‘+ Properties cculd not be physically located as the municipality did nat propare register that was fuly complart withthe requirements of GRAP: © Ownershix confimed; trol af properties icludad on the register could net be ‘+The municipalty mada errors in the calculation of the cost of properies; ‘+The municipal ty di rot record all of ts properties on the register ‘+The register did not contain aoequate details of buldings and Improvements on the properties recorded. 11 Gonsanquartiy,invesiinent properly a6 dselosed in note 9 ig .nderstaled by R49.5 million (2014: 42,5 milion) and accumulated surplus as disclosed inthe slalercen, ‘of nancia position is unde:stalec by R48,5 milion (2014: R35 rrilion. The municipal did not calcu etec depreciation on buildings included in investment property in contraven;ion af the accourring policy. Ag insufficient details were Incluced on tre regisierit is ‘practicable to de:ermine the irepact of the error on depreciation. Inegular expenditure 12. bragular expandit.te of R1€6.8 milion (2004: R197-8 million) is disclosed in ro The municipalty’s pracosses far tho recarding and recagnition af regular expendittre were insutlcient as amounts either did nt agree to suppoaing ddocumantation or were nel recorded, Consequently, rragliar expensiture is understated by F104 millgn (2044: A16 lon). 16. In actdlien | as unable to obtzin suticient appropriate aucit evidence forthe irregular expandture balance brought forward from the prior yeer andl the prior year dosing balers af rrequlzr expencitura as disclosed al R107.8 millon in note 53 as | ‘was nol provided with appropriate documentation to substen-ate the amount disclosed. | ae unable to ced rm the amount of irregular expenditure by aternative rreans. Consequenlly. | was unabls to detornine wither ary furlher agus mens \were necessary tc irreguisr expenditure of M668 milion (2014: 497.8 lion) as disclosed in nole 52 10 the financial statements, Revence from exchange “ransactions 14. The municipality did net account or rasence from exchange wansactions in accorcarce with GRAP 8, Revenue from axcharge traneactions ia Ihe folwing circumstances: ‘Tho mncipalty made errors in the £a cutation of meter readings for service chergess ‘+The municipality dia not repore Interest transactions in the ecrrect period: + Galovlaton errors, including Value Added Tax (VAT) e-rors were made on recauding of wher iagames + Reverie was recognised that di not mect the recognition esteia 1b. Consequently. revenue trom exchange transactions as disclosed n the statemert of financial sararmance, is overstated Dy Pt milion ard receivables trom exchange ‘transactions is overstated by F123 vlan, cxpcnaiture is overstated by FA7,? milfon, eployee costs is overstated by USD 661 and VAT is understated by 752 dus. 16. In adation | was unable to obtain sulfiiort appropriate audi evidence for revenue froin exchange Wenszctions because | was nol provided wih suficiont appropriate ‘aviance for ravene wansaclions. |Lwae unable t cont rn the amaunt of revarue from excharge Wansactions by alemative means. Consequently. | was urble to det> ane whather any futher adjustments were necessary to revenue from exchange transactions of 252.9 million es disclosed ir the scatement of financial performance. Discontinued operations 18. Disclosed in nate 40 for diseantinusd operations, are “acelvab'es from exchange transactions of R15 millon. The municigalty aid nat acscunt for these appraprtaly as: + Appropriate recores to support tre debtor halangs were nat heptby the municipality; + The municipality dd nox calculate the impalrmentrelaled so trese reca.vables conectly. 19. Consequently, recchvables relating to discontinued operations s disclosed in note 4¢ is understated by B15.8 milion, Unouthorised expenditure 20.1 wes unable lo obiain suffciont appropriats aucit evidence forthe ooering balance and cereespondig amount for uncuthorised exsencitsro of F78,3 millon a menggement docs not have appopviale systems to identity this expe vd ture. 21.1 vas unable to obtain the raquived evidowce ah-ough allernative means, Consequently, Iwas unable to determine whether any adjustments la comesponcing amount for unauthorised expanciture of R28 million as d sclased in nota &1 to tha lingo sale nents were necessay. 22. Management das nol have appropriate systems ta idantiy this expenditure and, consequently, A27,1 milion (2014: R27.1 millon] of unaLthorised oxpercitura What ‘was detested dcring tho aut procass was nol discioved in note $1 Aggregation of immaterial uncorecied misstatements 24. The financia statements were materialy misstated <i. Ia the cumulative ottect at ‘umerous ‘ndividually inmaterial urcortested misstatemants inthe folowing temis inc uded r the statement of financial position, tne stalemens of fina ial parlomanoe and the notes tothe finencial statement: +The comesponding flgure of employee costs reflected as R128.9 milion was overslaved ay R4.8 ion. » The corrasponding fgure for reverLe from nan-exchange traneac:one eflected as H235,7 millon was ndarstated by F112 milion, © Receivables frum exchange transactions reflected as R24,¢ milion (2014: F21.3 milion] was understated by 23,8 milion (2014: 12.5 mio + VAT reveivable reflected as R44 milion was undarstated ly’ A7,6 miton, + Accumulated sumplus reflected ag R1,1 bilion was understated by F247 milion © Racsivablas om non-exchange solloctad as 2281 rillan wes understazed ay FS,? rmilion. 24, addon, J wes unable ta obtain sullcient appropriate ausit evidence arc’ to ‘cerlien ihe falawing items by altemative means + The carrespording figmre of employee costs of F7.5 million 2s included in me signloged belance of F1128,3 miLion, + The coresperding f gure of vovonus fram nonexchenge transactions of Ri 4 milion a8 included inthe disclosed balance of F245,7 milion, ‘+ Receivables from exchange tansantiors of H648 900 (2614: REIS O24) as included In the balance of R24.4 nian (2014: F213 milion Unspent giant labitty of F4,9 milion (2014: R9.4 milion) 2s included inthe disclosed balance of 14,6 milan (2014: R96 milion, + Accumulated surplus of F239 827 as incluced inthe disclosed balancs of R.1 billion, 26. Consequently, i wes anable to determine whether any turtter aelusiment to these items was necaseary. Qualified opinion 26. In ry apinion, oxcept fv the effects ol the matters described inthe basis for qualified ‘pinion paragraphs. tho financial stetaments present srl, in all material respocte, the financial! positon of the Lekhanji Local Municipality ag at 20 Juce 2015 and its financial parformance and cash ilows forthe year then ended, in accordance wih SA standards of GRAP ard the requircmants of the MRA ard DORA, Emphasis of maiters 27-1 drew tention (o tre mattors below. My opinion is not masified in respect af tiese mata, Restatement of corresponding figures 28. As disclosed in he statement of changes in net assats aitd note 47, the Corresponding fro for have been restated as a resuit af era's only corrected during the year ended 30 June 2016 chat. existed it the nancial statements zt, and for the year ended 30 June 2014 Materict impairments 29. As disclosed in tole € and 5 te the financial statoriants, an amount of 87727 mifion {or receivables from exchange iransaclions and R75 -ilicn for raceivab es tom cn: exchange transactions (2014: R222.4 milion ard 432.5 rion} has boon impaired as a tesult ct non-payment ob constmer debtor accounts Additional matter 0.1 draw allention to te matter below. My opinion is not moditled 1p respect ef this rratter. Uraudited disclosure notes 31. In torms of section 125(2) (e) of he MFMMA, the municipal’ is roquirad 10 dlsclose partcatere of non-compliance wi this leg'slalion. This disclosure requirement did ‘ot from part of the auoil ofthe financial statemonts and accordingly | de not express an opirion therean. Report on other legal and regulatory requirements 82. In accordance with the Pubic Audi Acl of South Arca, 2904 (Act No, 25 af 2004) {PAS} and the gereral notice issued in terms thoreof, | have & responsiblity to report Findings on the reported pe fermance information against predelominel objectives for selected development priorities presented in the anviLel perfarmanes rapar, somplance will logislation end steal ccrtral. The abjecive ol my tests was to identify epa-tabte findings as deser'bed unde’ cach subheading, bul rol te gether ‘ukierce lo express assurence on hese maiie-s, Accordingly, Ide nat axprase an {sinien oF gonclusion on these mac's Predetermined objectives 38.1 pe-tarmad procedures to abtein evidence about tha usefulness and reilly af the reported pertermance information forthe fellowing sclactad developinert pr aries presented in tre annual perfermanca report of the municipality for tho yoar anded 20 dure 2018: + Deve'opmen: orioriy: basic serv ces and infrastructure development on pages # 10 x ‘© Deve epmerr orinry: loval economic develapmant or pagas x lo x 4. | evaluated the roperted performance iteration against the overall ortaia of usefulness ard reliably 36. | evaluated the usefulness of the ‘cported porforinarice information to determine ‘whether it was prosented in accordance wth Ihe National Troasury's annual reporting principles and whether the reported perforrrance wes consis:ont wh the plaraied ‘developmant priorities. I urher performed tasle lo dalerminie wiiather irfeators and targets were well defied, veiliable, spect, measurable, ima bun and relevant as required by the National Treasu’y’s Framework for managing programme performance information (FMP) 86. assossed the reliably ol the reported portormance information to determine ‘whether it wes valid, accurate and conrplete 7. Tha mater al findings in respect o* the selected development priorities a’o as follows: Basic services and infrastructure development Usefulness af reported performance information ‘88. Section 41(c} of the Municipal Systems Act, Z000 (Act No. 22 of 2000} :RASA) Faquites aclval achievements against all planned indicators and targers to bo reported annaly. The ennual pertormance repart submited lor audt purpases did net include the actial performance of 165% of all plarned objectives specified in the integrated development plan (IDP| or tha year under review. This was dua to a lack of information systeins recoding and dorumenting actual eohieve-nents egainst targets end a lack of review of 112 camsteleness cf reporting documents by management and the sntonnal adit unt. 89, Seution 54(1}c] cf tha MEMA determines that the service delivery end budget implementation plan adoptod by the municiga. council may be amended anty f the ‘council approves an ao ustmen’s budget Changes tc the service delivery and budget ‘mplemenraton olan in the year have lo be made in eccordance wich the >ragess as precerined per section 28 of the MFLA, Maloriel ulanges were made to tha davelepmen: ovorites, ubjectives. indicators and targets in the annual perfermance report, witout folowing the proness as prescrined in section 28 of the MFMA and or without adoption by the ruttcipal council. This was as a result of management nt developing appropriate rreasures fo mcrilar cemplianca with appliab'e law and Fegulations. Managamsnt has also nat created and impiomantce action plans that address de'ieiencies identified by cxternal audiors, 40,710 PME cares te fallow, 41, Pertormare targote must be specific in clearly identifying “he nature ard required level of performance and mus:be measurable and Ihe period or deasiin> for dellvery of targats must be soecties, 42, Pe-Torinance ineficators must be well defined by having clear data def ritons so that ‘dala can be colected consisvamtly and is easy lo understand and ise, Performance indiestore must also be vertiable. 43. Ihe measurabilly of planned targets and indicators coule na: bo assessed due to a lees of techn cal indicator deseripions and proper systems and pracossos an formal standard operaling procedures c* dacumientad system descrictions, 44, The FMPPI roauires indicators to relate logically and directly to an aspect of the auditee’s mandate and ths 1ral'salin ol siralegic goals and abjectivas. The Telavance oft ineficalors could not be assasserl tue to a lees ef ecr-oborative supporting evidence io verily maragements oxplanation why the noieators were: considered important ard relavant fo the realisaticn ot sralegic goals anc! objectives, Reliability of reported performance information £5, The FMPPI requires audtgos to have appropriate systems to callect, collate, verily and store performance information to ensure valid, agcurate and complete raporting of actual achievernen’s 2ga ret planned objectives, indicetors and largets. We were Unable to obtain the informatior and explanations we considered n ‘ourselves as (athe reliably of the roported performanze information ta limttiors placed on the scope of our work due to 179 [acl thal the audtee could Not provide su‘icient app opeiale evidence in suppor of the ropartad performance information and the sudtee's records did not perm the application of akernative ust procadires. Local economic development Usetuiness of reported performance information 46, Section 41(¢) of the WSA requires actual achlevaments against all planred indicators ane targets to be veporled armiuelly The annual performance reporl subsite for ‘aveit purposes dié not include the aclual perlarmnance of 100% o° al planned ‘objectives specified in th integrated developmen plan (IDP} far the yaa" under reviow. This wae due to a lec of information syetcms racordiy and documenting ‘aclua! achievements agalnstlargets and # lack of reviow af the campisteness of ‘reporting documents by management aad the Ftercel aust unit, 47. Section 54{"}) of the KIFMA determines that the sevvica delive'y and buoget implemer:atcn plan adopted by the municipal council may be amcndad only ifthe council approves an adjustments budgel, Changes io Ine servioe dolvery and fidget implementation pn in the year have to be mada in acentcance wilh the process 35 prescribed per section 28 of the MEMA, Material changes ware madi tothe ‘dovelopment priortiss, agjectives, incicators andl targets in the anrual oarlarmanca report, wtho st followirg the process es prosciibed in section 28 of the MFMA and ar without adoption by the muricipal council. This was as a result of management nat developing approariaic measurcs 1o monitor compliance with aoolcable law and ‘ogulztions. Wenagetnenit ‘is lsu cal ctesled and inpiotnenieg action plans that address deficioncies ide ified by external auditors 48. The FMPPI requires te following 49. Performance largsts ust be speciticin clearly Identlying the nature and required level of pcrformance ara musi be measurable and ine period or deadline f° delivery ol targe’s must be spacitiod dete definitions sa that Wd use. Perlorriaece 59, Performance ircicstars must be vsll defined by having clear data can ba collacted consistertly end ie easy to understan: indiestoes must alsa be vertiad 6 5, Tha measurabilly of planned targets and indicators coule no: be assessed due ta a lok of techn cal indicator desc:iptions and proper systems and processes and formal standard operating procedwes or documuerted system descrictions 82. The FMPPI requires indicators to relate legically and lreclly le an aspect of tho aures's mandale and the realisatior. of svategic goals and abjectwes. Ie relevance of the indicators could nol be assessed due to a lace af cancborative supperting evidence 1 verily manage-nenl’s exolanation why the Inoicatars ware ‘considered important and relevant co the icaliseticn of siategic goals anc abjectves. Refiabilily of reported performance information £9. Tha FMPPI requires aucltees to have appropriate systems to collect, colate, verily and store performance Information to ensure vali, accurate and complelé “sporting of aciual achievemen's agairstclanned objectives, indicators and tergets. We wele ‘unable lo obin the information ane explaniions we considered necessary to eatisty oursches as tothe relat ly of the reported performaae information. Tals wes due lo tinlions placed on the srape of our work due ta ive fact thet tne audhoe ould ot pravicle ¢.licient appropriate evidentca in suppart of the reoo-ted performance infermatian end the audilee's records did not perm the epplication of akernalive audit procedures. Adi ional matters 54, | draw attention ts the folowing matters. my opinion is nat mealfed in respect of these mciers: Achievement of planned targets 88. Refer 0 the anuel perle-manes report on pages x to x and x tox or information on the ashisvement ofthe planned laigets for the year. This information sho ae be Ccensidered in the conte! of the material tind'ngs on tio uscf ness and reliability o* the reported pertormence information forthe selectec development priaitos caported! in paragraphs 38 to 69 af this report Unauoited supolementary informarion 56. Tne supplementary information set aut on pages XX to XX does nol lori part of tho annus! pertortanrs report and is prese ted as 2atitianalinformatinn. have not audited these schedu'es and, accorcingly, | do nol report thereon, Compliance with legislation 57. | performed procedures to obtain evidence that the municipality had camnpliod with applicable lag Watlon regarding financial matars, financial manaement and ator related matters. My material find ngs on compliance with spastic matters in kay legislation, as set cut in the gonaral notice issued in terme ot the PAA, ara as follows Au commitiee 51, An acct committee wes notin place, 2s ra.irad by vevlion “ 6641) ct the MEWA and consequently “he municipality did nat comply with any af tho requirements of the MFMA and municipal planning and pesformence requieticrs apalicable ta aucie eornmitees, 58. A performance auc commitee was not in place and here was re auelit commits 10 fulfil the performance audit eaimiillee function, 28 required by Munirpal plannieg cand petlorinance managomort raqiiation 14(74(a) Internal audit 80. An internal audit unt was not established, as required by section 165(1) ofthe MFM, 61. The intornal audit unit did nal Iunetion as recuired by section 165(2} ofthe EMA in tha + Indic nat advise the accounting aficer on matters rating lo inter audt internal contra s, accounting procedures and practises and rsm ancl risk manaxiener it did not advise the accaunting afficor on maners relating le vemplintoe with the MMA. the DORA and othe applicable legistation, as raquirea by section 6512S) of the MEME, Expenditure management 162. Payments wete made from ths runicipaly’s bank account witrout the approval of a properly autrorised oficial as requirad ay section 11(1} of the MFMA, 63. An elective system of cxpenditure contro, including procedures far the appycaval a funds, was notin lace, as requlred by section 65(2}alol the MFM, 4, An acequate management, accounting and infarmatian system was rl ie glace ‘which recognised expenditure when was novired, accounted “a credfers ancl azcounted [or payinenis made, as required by spetion B5(Pi(bi ol the MF MA. 665. Reasonable staps were nol taken tc prevent unauthorised expenditie, regular expenditure ard fruitless end wastelul expenciture, as required by soation 62(1}¢) of tha MFM, Revenue Management 5. craclt convo: and debt collection policy was not inplamented, as required by section 96{b} of he MISA and section B2[1 Hf) of MFMA, 47. An efetve oyster of internal contol for revenue wes not ir place, as required by section 64(2(f ol the MMA. Asset Management 68. An affective system of internal contol fer aseets (ircluing an asset register) was nat in plece, as requirec by section a3(2}iclot the MFA, 69, The muncipalily aid not establish ar investinenl policy that wes adoptod by counel, 2 required by sevlin 13(21 of the MFMIA and Municipal Investment regulation 801}a) and 212} Uability Management 70. An adequate management, accounting end information systom which eccounts for Fabitiies ws not r place, as roquirad >y section €3(2kaj of the MFHA, 71. An effective system of internal contol forliabiltss finluding a labily register was nat in placa, a5 required by section B3(2\c) at the MFMA. Consequence Management 72, Unauthorised, Ineguler, Fruless and wasteful expensiture incumed by the ‘manicipalty was nat investigated te datennine i any person i lable fr the expenditure, as required by section 32(2Ma){ib of the NEMA, 73. Uneuthorieed, megular. fritless and wasteful expend ture wes nol always recovered from the lable person, as aquired by seotion 3212) of the FMA. Conditional grants 74, The municipaity aid not evaluals ils perlonriance ir respoct of pragrammes funged by the Munivipal Inrestructure Grant allacat nn, as reggtred by section 12/5) of he DORA.

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