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EC131 Inxuba Yethemba AFS 2009-10 Unaudited PDF

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Preview EC131 Inxuba Yethemba AFS 2009-10 Unaudited

inxuba Yethemba Municipality Annual Financial Statements for the year onded 20 June 2010 inxuba Yethemba Municipality al isc! Statement kd ie 20:9 Index “To esperar samen seal baw rama the nef fran samcris pteenids he pene eye Sater el of Fence Zon Seer of Francal etesmance SlotrortctChargesie Nes te oe Theor super infin does rttor patna Gani elves wel Un cots Comporsasn or Decapatotl nos ard cer cet Reoiceme Rarer AOR Sout tea Sibert of Generally Acco rar Sova Recegnseedecunng Paria cane General sepia Mul Aceon Pris var oli mana Fierce Crete IPs ‘wrraonl Pale Sear Anurag Sand Mea enero Extulin Counc mvs ar spel Roanve neg Act 6 meta tesa Grol Prono CM) wee Pacoe Inxuba Yethemba Municipality ‘Arma oral Satan ns yor eed 9.0 20°3 Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval mies sdonnate rung reco a rsnorsinc fe corer na Magi of te atl anil sioaeere ea aed oda ‘eons cone inc he ee rhe oem a acmaaiee tena are tu fw fa nv hen ot Tre elma eae a Fist face! otic have tem prepaid in aeco-dece wit Stans of Gena Keene Acro Face TAF Ee smigl toc slaumorts ce stad spon apprise accor ples oamstony spl ang wna a ‘ssuonable ard nude judgeneris tad ashinces, 65 he nL tmately cesporsii fora system ofl fate corr srhisnee ates cotekerabls imetance nt maiaiung&ahors coil onions eee re joel nest Rear responses, fm aciounog offer tee Svat ar tata cane et duce hphesteca sonde.osin eteurng te munchaliys bushes a comortesine ines ee al seg sani epee. 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