tet yee ened ae 32020 Great Kel Local Municipality Anal Fleneal ttemnts ote yt edt ane 30,2000 General Information ature of businees end pineal acto (Great Kei cal munapaty& 2 South afican Caegory BEunipalty (Cota! Murlepalt) as detest he Municipal Stutres Re (Al "operations are govemed by: “Muniapel Finance ienagemert Act ne. 26 of 20s “Muriel Seustres see, 117 of 58 “Muga Setems Act ne. 32 of 200 and various cher aoe ad veguitione Lstofcounetters Reyer Cle. Toke hier i> Clr Kantshashe counaiers ClrNE tga tr Dyan GlrLMbionto irZ Teh ir Singane rz hauzo rT Nsksrye cre Weed lr Jecoon Cl. Nabe eT Pika Graaing ofocat autnonty rage? Avvounting Oe LA Mabie Rogletered office aren set komga Bonkers Standard Bank Limited Ausitora ‘ud or General of South ates Great Kei Locat Municipality us Financial Sttemente fr te at er Lune 30, 2020 Index “The reports and staterecis stout blow comple te annus! Gaara siemens rrosentd othe cont Pepe courting Ofica’s Respeniblias ene Appravel ‘atementf Franca Postion Staeront of Finacial Performance Statement of hangea a Net Assets an How Saterrant ‘Strent of ompaaon cf Bug endl Ache Anes Acscunng Petes Nols to the Annual Finscil Staterente ers ssa ora? ws me Ipsas ec was claFAKe ‘Campsneation ‘or Cecupatoal nies ad Diseases ‘copia Replacement Resse DDrelopment Bank of South ation Generaty Reenaninod Accourting Pracon Hong Dovetopment Fund Inremational Accounting Standards Insite of Mun pal Finance Offers Internetonal Fubke Seto Aung Stands Manber atthe Executive Cound Municipal Finance Managemen ct unipal tasiveae Gran: Previously GMP) ‘Ghonered neti af Gavenvnent, nance, Aud nd Risk Cars 5 4 Great Kei Local Municipality onus! Fae Sta vfs othe send ne, 7070 1g Officer's Responsibi roe anager 2h, 3017098, wean adele es accom offeeria eye hy iy fee ual “han scare si lee francis’ aocouring routs ony senone 9 M.riipal ineanatnnFtviod in hie repo Es serene si of he sca veg hoe “ves gue Hat esas fears kaw ihe fairy ree SF sults rurspaly 33 ae ancy ans re" ants se hoe opts ore lyf che year nen sided The cena guts we nee a Geprees annie! Spar Hasna eal SDovetv3 and wsto gin un enced acess tall econ ae teller te annual mane sete stays Hoon azostedn aecdance wh Standards ot Gesell eagn aed Ace eg [aves (O17) ntti any hespratora, aise nnd Shntes ot 9: by Uo cain sa nds Soar Tine ye" eel starr ae sos uses: approoitesccourang pl ns apple ane euopaced ey ‘phaonebla 273 prude" geen and caknat. ‘Ye aceauntng ots’ acinesledgas nat ne testolyogpansiak forthe eye efiemal nail cone zea she: by (hams cel'y andplace constieaie yoinraaon malisining a atony jl covarent Tecngble tie secon fica: tmaat hess rsaper lic, che geccuin afl’ sales oma rink area ok fr or astm» vost liwiva manrer. Tne ardor in ox he oper asogatoecrespantct des eeu goes SIN veloc, fcc va seu tng piscelures al cezauste saptegationcleineoehaute 'aceeplase lel ol hese 2k ane mona thigo9" he munie-a'y ahd 3" enplopees se touiras i rah tne gest set strats f acting te muniipaly’sbushsee'scand-ctealn a rrr natin all "sonable ceunotee asone feveach ina focus of sk rlanazement ine -nsyviy eo nov. easing, panaging ans mening al kaon ns cick ois the mu sor. ibe peri tsk sanra: De Tul @ ne 8 muniaal i vaya to se iyeneviegtealeppropiar iasturkire coil, ast ne and ei than avo ope eanaea tetas predetermined storage a ealsin be asozcting az is oft cation, bate on sieomation and exclenstocs y wn by management, fh syst inker inkralpeceidasrasscrable au. r'snce Wat 2Pmreia rasotds ay te isn 2° prepesbr othe ons] inane! satemants. Heneva, ony syston st tema ents aol cm anes ml reson and ho abe eletisiee agelat hall nactrontaet dee “Th sning lene a reviewed he tsp a fora ee yur In Jaye 99,2421 ann tha rh vesicn 2x4 oo8od oncha fnannhncaney oar fe Mealy ahd toe ye Fane! ul, oe sat lads Ue "cpa. ars socessin ecortata oa0urSe2 16 Soh eh oe nal entahus Ke to fnsesbanie Ws Ie ext sh alos sr rospaneible far nase “ying Taper 72 en few ipalt’s an ssi ‘The anual ancl ta sls cotta pages 4183, uth avs seperate anche ing ootcenn hae, were None heel oaser Great Kei Local Municipal ‘Annual Fanci! Stoorens for ine yas anded una 20,220 ‘Statement of Financial Position as at June 30, 2020 Figures none Noise 3000 End Restatect Assets Gurrent Axoete Receusles Hai exchange tansactions 3 sessoene s2.354070 ‘Sur race vabe 3 Terao Taare ‘Gach and cach oquielnts 5 angers 1asaant A505 Zam Non-Curt Aseete Invesinent propery © sossea7 s2amaser Propo lat and eauiement 7 zarg25.9¢ 251844 480 Intangible assets 8 13012 Hertage aeate 2 ag00 | ‘S800 906 Tat O.OR Non-CumartAstete 318.905 744 835.096 058 Current cate saaagao4 a7 germ Tova Asset sr4a36 07s 382791750 Lites Current Lisbon Fajates om exchange hansactons 10 1096.297 asaop.9s6 AT payeble 11 ge2400 Beztaas Empoyoe bench obligation 12 Bras 402.484 Unspent condor tems socal zoata Bisse ‘350,057 ryse2cea 7290300 Non-CurrentLabilting _Expioyee bene obligation 2 teAraoes 1976.8 Provera me toarnnns feteaita 25 058 78,100,082 Non-Cument ae 2a 25,100.82 Cure Listes reseoeas 7209.61 etal isles 10478048 ton z0ne58 assets Sr4S6 078 342,791,700 Usttes (04238 045) 0a'203 653) Netassete 7O.088.030 282,506 097 ccunuiat suplos 270,056,059 202,506, 687 Great Kei Local Municipal ly ‘Anna FnenlSlaenenis x ie yea ended Jue 30, 2020 ‘Statement of Financial Performance Figures in Rana Nees 2a aie Revere event Kom exchange transactions Senicachergee 1 esen64e 7.206.008 Rental fteciils and sauipmert te aren Gra735 Aaenoy senaces sma agus ‘Gone and seni a36a02 Bs ‘ther iam ty ganas? taetezo Fete rapa Invest’ 18 sasaare eceneat Total rvenue frm exchange transactions 72,000,106 27,901.087 Revenue from non-sxehange baneactions Property a "9 zeaeraee 2401479 ‘ranefer revenue Goverment rans & substios 26 gpavasoa e196 70 Puss conntuore and dations ‘36.000, i Fines, Penaties and Ferlate 00 3909 Total revenue from nomexchange transactions eres aRATOTOE 22000108 27.961087 ooticas an.r7azae Total revenue a1 _son2azana 11tehee Expandhure Employes rere costs 22 ege0778) «1.998099, Remeneretn af enunciors 23 “asso (47788) DDepreiston snd amoraaton >4 gaan.ro% easton) nanos rast 2 “patazsa) “igrtse2) Lace reason operatng lease Gasar) e180) eta init zs en2zaass) (158872) bu purcneses 28 er320) 741276) errracad eaves wursean Ga27;08) 20 cioge0 743) @a.rr1 427) Total expenditure Total rove “all expose Operating die, ‘eta gale fostee) ‘Gein on non-curant esate held for aoa ordazces groupe potingsurpletdcit {Bere supiue before tation Treston {Gefctsurpus fr tre year (har 706,277) (116,442,185), reazeaomn 3.192" sigr rosary, ciieaez iy) 1962-181) © (2903302) 4050,127 (42.368) ‘T4462 6,750.61 Tiase.s68 7 arrasr saaksey 7.807.057 gecno12) 430006 (1398,012) 4,626,605 Great Kei Local Municipality anal Finance toner forthe yar enced Jane 20,2020 Statement of Changes in Net Assets ‘esurulated Teta ral Figures in Ran urs ‘eevote pening Usto us previous eptad erecetatu zoe sie Adnament, Creston oferors sso 908) Balance al July 1, 2018 a6 rostted” ‘reese 276081,402 Changer nat orcs Suipictorte year 4509605 aste60s “ata enanges 535005 4266S Rested Balance at July 1, 2008 789,606,542 283.696 682 ‘Changes in net assets Defctforthe year case9612) (13586612) “otal enges 3.508.639) (5.508.512) Balance at June 20,2020, 270,098,084 770,058,050 Notes) 34 Great Kel Local Municipality ‘smgal Final Satements oe ees ended lure 20,2020 Cash Flow Statement Figures mera Wotes 08a Ex ‘Gach Rows trom operating action eects Ober ects 4.358.108 4.948.750 Rates and services we7on4e4 0.006 Bos Gente 978,108 61,005 769 Ineea! come ESTES 5.786010 a5.002.096 a1 785514 (eo.193.628) (62.001 138), Supers (etass.aen) (22775052) Finance cone s1a%4,762_a-20,110) (8.185.840) 79,580.28) Tote reves ssonae 61 785514 Tots payments er28.240) Nat cach flows fram oporating aot 20 _“soaa708e ‘Cooh fr rom tnveoting ativan Purchase f propery, plant ana aqulpmert 7 — cesraas4) (1noas.ca) Procoode o frm inure on damaged Bdngs 2 7 g2a01 Proceeds fom sale fer asects © tormosaaar.724 Nol cash flaws from investing sbvitioe (e.se528e (82.789) ‘esi tows from financing activin ‘women in cto farsi bile (246.807) Not cath flows from financing aot (6987) Net increaalidcersate} in cash andl wach equivalents aire 766,668 ‘ach and oath equlalere athe balnnng of he year vawer Seen ‘Caan and cath equiasente at the en oF the year 5 sonata 122001 Great Kei Local Municipality ‘Annual Fatial Statement fo the your ended June 20, 2020 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts iaudoe Cash Basie Apeiond —Adjsinenis Final Guiget Actual anomis Citeranse — Riverenoe ‘ogee ‘neomparble ton fal ‘esis get and gues Rant et ‘Statement ofFinanelatPerforrrance Revenue events from exchange transactions ‘Service charges se405000(feuM) 13322000 4surem TTAB 4 on ot alles and equipment $28,000 1.878.000 700000 yazan (2.027.796), Agenayservoes : - “eoa2a anaze LUsenoas and pari, oon008 onanc) 2000000 ase ae (,888.818) 2 Oth ate s22edo00 " (eanooo 92059.000 sasase (US2a508) 4 rire wei 5028000 (2000000) | 2028.000 setqara 3920872 Tota revenue from exchange — 61807,000 (3.895.000) 57:06,000 72,090,405 (25,878,806) traneaction® Revenue from nonexchenge tranesotona ‘vation revenue Propo aa zaeroued — yucauuy 26000000 anas7 492 (1.802508) Tranafer sovenue Gomera guts & skies 9492.00 «17.000 84745000 soarates KESeRa0T) 7 Pubic certibutans and - + “"favann "536.000 Fince, Panalies andtortts 5000 000 so .700) Ta mene om BRasi.000 OOH) 9RTHS.IO ETT OS (ERIE OISy stichange wanaactiona “ofa venus tom wciange ST BD1DDD —@e05,000) 97,806,000 22 nan sos EATS RRR) “Teal event fem nn e.xe1co0 683000) 92.748,000 ao zim 536.015) xchange ranssctone ‘otal venue 5152000 (a7e.000) 160,854,000 108.242080 (42414810) Exyeneture Enployesrefatea costs (Sassqon, —229a009 (65-324,000) (49,260,776) 9,990,224 Femuferston sf ccurclers (4.600.000) 45-000 (BBO) 553852) ‘ar Depreciation and amertsation —(16,500.000) = (18600.000) gzrtrne) (411.700) Finance coats 738,000) = 736000} “gaiazss) @er4an6) Det impie .99,000.000) 2 rxe0eees) gozzse3l) 228.098) Buk puchases 115 895,000) 2 treamc00) “psrsaem 2010820 CContacled Sevices ‘6.000.000 8300000, . - : Ganaral exponsee Gieesone arassone (8830000) (7.798796) 12090208 Total axperiture 1184574.000) 22,436,000 (31.558,000) (17.705271) 598728 (eez00) 287.000 18118,000 —<19488,te1) (98676, T87) Deficit bafore texaton (@.12000) zsesr.000 is.m6.000 nases,1e1) (sa87s.104) Supe bere fusion fea o00) 2gse7o00 T6000 Cteaesten) Gesretet} Teron Great Kei Local Municipality ‘Anoual Final Slterants for th year ended June 30 2020 Statement of Comparigon of Budget and Actual Amounts Budget on Cash Bas Approved Austmsnte Final Sugar Actalaroonis Diferance Refers — ‘dg ‘cn canparebl between nal ese budged and Flutes in and ‘cual Actual Amount on Comparable (@842.000) 28,857,000 70115000 (9468,181) (8.578.181) Bete 20 Precentad inthe Budget and Actunt Comparative Statement