FOR THE YEAR END JUNE 30 27.6 MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) General Information Nature of bushes principal ates The thn steeper eng waien aunaler ts aes Coun. Tat Counter Noa Coun, Megs: ov eer 5.0. <a Coane, Pea Cone 8 oss Comer pugs Counce. aloe sone Naga MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) ‘Pav ian Some ett yar ended surest. 2°6 General information reding coe autre atomeye Counce. ih anole aka aul? Mate ‘aver A Nggle bugs MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) General Information ‘radora adare not Ly masts Chet .¥ 20 oe MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) Dame Faecal satrons-rh sandy ove $3,208 General Information Astron Lealelaton Bec Cone = Crpayne: Ae 75 of 1957 alder? in Presi fifa es Ras RT IS Ll Governed chee et 17 0 pl rene years Ret 2210 te aan PrometorereataltyaaMventor 2 Unt ‘ls dovobprer Levis: 64968 Sou os Nate Rosas gang Lae ene Nets Read al "as tora Leste ar Guveans Framcumr ie of 018 Vvabeagded esa MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) Index Stamens anges Net Aes Satomant of Fanal Pearman ° pe Prey, Planted aun ow ‘un he War perm A wis lacopal nesta rar (reo CH) wee iia Pate Renan amet MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) {ol Fan Sain rth yar ed oreo 2618 Accounting Officer's Responsibilitics and Approval ing oes = ate ye Sar £2 HEL oe ade een td aden fr trusty oa ofthe nee year an he ee eens nd ea ef pees ten ded Pe ‘ere suc ale engaged eoce ev aopeier spar eno sal teal aver Sd ot re anual sh een prepara accertans ait (GRAM) nly sy nerrsons gun a tories ira t-bor aed teeiag te oa oath nay and ah ane cera nanch e ‘maragser‘in emily 2am nmin. eaaeeniy meteang ane neg allison ore ot moras tly eterna he rnp seats eerie iby or outa (pointe ete mover tncpel 9 Seehan 24a ng Contato " ° terion ad oxparabars get by tine noel ost ay ae lita ans MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) Accounting Officer's Report Fis ar tuned eign ibe uLdget one ots se repre ol {uurel incor be Not # ime hamalvrarcal ices fos creed Oy ook ania see att June 2, 20°6 so nil ad aca iid eupluet REM4.C1 and he: oe apse ne elng cana. Thi “The en: gear det of 2886529 the fling raroe Usa tor Rosoras enourrg la 1 9 {SD aed kien pos aya ls re catenin een 2 as a ot Ins ear otane cae niet fama (Surstets ras aptoae stow tse tan hige pte fer bovening nll te uri vey at io Theor wis beets sor ooh a are open sane wh a ei gang So MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) Statement of Financial Position as at June 30, 2016 MBHASHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (EC 121) Statement of Financial Performance Crerincome no fzensst Sernare CGovernant gin 8 staes 6 2 esac) “iaeaae) : eral {Deficit surplus for tha year 493,805,527) 38,582,536