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EC108 Kouga Adopted Budget 2010-11 PDF

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Kouga Municipality Medium Term Revenue & Expenditure Framework (MTREF) Annual Budget 2010/2011 — 2012/2013 Table of Contents Pages Table of contents. Part 1 ~ Annual Budget Section 1 - Mayor's Budget Speech Section 2 ~ Budget Related Resolutions. Section 3 - Executive Summary..... Section 4 ~ Annual Budget Tables Part 2 — Supporting Documentation Section 5 — Overview of annual budget process. Section 6 — Overview of alignment of the annual budget with the Integrated Development Plan. Section 7 — Measurable performance objectives and indicators. Section 8 — Overview of budget related policies Section 9 - Overview of budget assumptions. Section 10 - Overview of budget funding. Section 11 — Expenditure on allocations and grant programmes. Section 12 - Allocations and grants made by the municipality. Section 13 - Councilors allowances and employee benefits. Section 14 - Monthly targets for revenue, expenditure and cash flow. Section 15 ~ Annual budgets and service delivery and budget implementation plans ~ internal departments, Section 16 — Annual budgets and service delivery agreements — municipal entities and other external mechanisms. Section 17 — Contracts having future budgetary implications Section 18 - Capital expenditure details. Section 19 — Legislation compliance status. Section 20 — Other supporting documents. Section 21 — Municipal manager's quality certification. Part 1 - Annual Budget Section 1 — Mayor's Budget Speech A ‘Summary of medium term sd abjentivees In cammencing with my saught objactives forthe 2010/2011 year il is necessary to fofloct of what our curert postin is and what ft would cctate fr the fulura voming. ‘Sure enough itis an elector year however the democratic wervice delivery In fine wth ‘government cevelopmentinativas must to ze order ofthe tay an! 80 continue to be. The systems of recession his! buen hard felt as outsterdlng distor has inczease , cost 1 dallvering service has sky rocketed and govemance pressure have clear emphasized the need ta strengthen the organizational resolve anc administration, Th 200072010 budget was focus on base sence as well as atlempling to Improve social devsiopment ‘Ths toleaving baske Agures are indicative of service dallery “The new budget 2070/7017 is allempling te cantinue the pursuit of basic serve delivery with the attention to water and eanitation in order to moet Presidential mandates. We ‘cannot sit hack while the eoor household does nat have ample potable water and safe ‘sanitation. Ar ineroase in employmert of approximately 10% is indicsive of our ‘comimitrnent ta lnwer unomelayment, A significant increase will be allocated to local economic development io fori our effor for poverty elevation The key 10 this suvcese wl bata strengthen firancial acrinistration to ensure financial viabiliy with a govemence framework that will promote administrative justice, Linkage bow opibudpet The provess for the New Year difered from the last ia thalwe attempted the sammunity bese development matte! wnersty the necds ofthe public ware elicted by werd anc! the ranking 60 detarmined by te backlog n baste service ‘The ever existing problem i, insufficient resource for evar growing ness. As conmunily needs are satistied asa particular level eg. basic service then they would rove to Ihe naxt lave of satisfaction which fs commun ty sri cial service. and this \Would incite the naad for housing, emplaymert, health and education, Nonethslens, te budget was informed by the IDP and the inkaga is partculerty visisle In 2 main aspenis 4. The maintenance of basic service 2, The correla goadsicervice tana genoratod ©. Infrastructure development Infrastructure development for the dalvery af basle sorvico tothe padres ofthe poor received the largest allecaion, in the eurront year the following was spon: “Tha purchase of R3S milion rand in yell piant is significant to service delivery ‘eepecilly the maintenance of rads operations ard maintenance cost curing, Inthe 2010/2011 and MITEF the focus i sil on water snd sanitation. Refer to the detail trait plan. The municipality interds matching the grant wlcation tothe tune of R1a thw sources of funding wil be from MIG (R..) DMEG Rand augmentation suppor of infrastructural nocd: yelopments rom iva “The backlog on inrasiructur s, desaite all our effet growing ane would require innovative and extraordinary intewenvon, Experiencing the worst drougiil ih BU years and dam level dropping tckew 35% mark will man thal a further revise to our development needs will have to be considered as "water is Ie’ ‘Tho municipality , due te excellont housing deviry was bash fortunate ta be the rocislent of funding to build in excess ef 0500 hames for the poor, hance bulk infrastructure hheceme the top priority. Intense discussion is underway te reeolve the bottle mack. | am however canfgent we will euecead. 1. Material ashustmants “The aniy notable adjustment [or the ensuing yesr isthe delay n nancial resource cquistion to complote the R19 mil infrastructural development on the 200817070 budget, This was to the rigorous processes that need io be followed as prescribes by leglstation ‘This refers ta the wale of land nat required for basic servos delivery. Any other tis import to manton the felowing as an indication ofthe aality ofthe organization to take u forward into the new election perioe thus giving eanfont tothe pub: 1. We wore comment forthe best Integrated Deve! opment plan, by provincial governmort 2. Recognition was granted te us forthe best mad! af Annual report 3. fe wom sha runner up for Housing dolvery 4, Teerovm it alle receiver an Unqualitad Audit rport, excelent The advert of the FIFA 2010 sees us gearing toward bring tot word to he people of KOUGA with publi viewing, Section 2 — Budget Related Resolutions Herawith ara usolutions taken by Kouga Municipal Council on the 201012071 Annual Sudget Pr tel te the: Council on the 27 May 2010 Rasolved: (27 May 2010), ‘That in terms af section 24 of tho Municipal Finance Management Act (él $8 of 2003) the 2010/11 MTREF he adopted ‘That the Cepia ut forthe 2010/2011 financial yar bo approved That the expected Exeonditre ay Vote be accepted approved “That the expected Raverwe by Source be accented and approved That tha Operating Budget for the MTREE 2010/2011 be approved. ‘That the Schedule of Tass fr the 2010/2041 fnanctal years b= aporoved Section 3 - Executive Summary Introduction ‘This municipal’ has @ biting aase sufficent to susiain the budget. However the relationship hhetwesn realistic anticipated income (Cash) anti the accrual but is the secret to success in funding the expenditure budget, Recessian pericd is at Ils lowest and ths is reflect! in the raising of debi as d'sposaale income recuces and the households experience the effect. To ‘ensure the budge lor this yaar i fully funded strategy matads and systems will be develop lo onaure te suacess. Municipal Entity ‘The municipal is a ‘partner’ to an entity called Kouga development Anenay. The partners are Cacadh District Municlaaty and ourselves (50:50). Its support fnancal by gant fran both ‘municipalities as wells from IDC. It ourpose is to, amongst ethor to stimulate econemie davslopment and to support our initiates towards sustainable develoamenl. Curent ce Agency is managing a R* bilion rand project in there ae. It financial standing is small out gound are obtsin and uncualified auct report for the yoar fencing 30 June 2008 Action Plan-Finan | Stability ne single method cannot wark so we devised a battory of action and suppattea by the TAP Inivatve, they are: 1, Revenue Enhancement The cdjectve i to deploy innavative methods to first cleans service relatod data and ivestgsts cppotuniics and strengths that can rosut in fimsty, preserving and ‘trenathening iniome and secondly to improve systom that wil facifiaie and enfanced income levels 2, Resource Management ‘The uue of ecarce resources optimal eo that that the gest money for value is achieved is imperative for successful senviee dsivary, henee the ness lc deploy resources alfactvey ane efficent. a. Human Resources | significant budget for last year and the curren year was spent on the training and Improving skils vals. The attention was else diracted 0 middle ‘management as an integral part of capacity buld ng b. Water and Electricity Service providers have been aproinied to reduce water lasses a6 lo rceapture tae waslad resources. ‘Water losses wxcaed 30% and in drough! times this is Unavoeplstl. Electricty losses stoor! at 12% including transmission losses, Both thse 2 resouroes losses are significant, however excellant progress hes ten mada thus far and we ara confident that twill reduce to an acceptable level 3. Credit Control The by-law is sonstarily in a state of improvement as enforcement is of paramount miperance, The establishment of a dedicate Credit Control Secin with Improve ons adequately. The uso of prepaid meter and a crac control tol will ensure and how ane promote tha tading services cancepl af water and slecricly Revenue by source - Major aso.0.000 79.00.00, reo gco30 st Proper rate coeeopen 1 Serve ges water se Seuce cages eos ec. 000 le Serves cnages-relase son.c00 eevee chaias-coersee se Trentes expt operate, snooncen piel Scere other venue | onconace au 2oog/aeie zoxeyzo1a 2o44j2017 amn/AC1 “The targest Income source is from service render with slactieily ueing R198 mi. This being Folowed ty rates te the amount of R145 mil. all budgets are cost recover and nave incase minimally at round 8.7 % oxcept forsee. Expenditure by municipal votes 2s0,009¢00 -— = 7 pangeasne fuscia Souemance & “aniston ss0.00000 | 1 Conrmunity eel safety aunean.co E se Econare en nmental t seeeas Trang sees s0900.000 : > a ss L soosoe aosppaen z0uiyro 2oI2yIDF

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