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Eastern Arabian States: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab PDF

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Preview Eastern Arabian States: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab

ThGe overnment andP oliist c ott hMe iddle East andN orth Alrica editbeYd DaviEd. Long and BernaRredi ch TheG overnment andP olitics oft he MiddlEea st andN ortAhf rai c editbeyDd a vidL ong E. andB ernRaeridc h WestviPerwe ssB ouldeCro,l orado • 7 EastAerranb iSatna tes: KuwaiBta,h raQiant,at rh,e UnitAerda Ebm iraatnedsO ,m an JohDnu kAen thony JohAn.H earty InD ecemb1e9r7 6r,e presentoaftt hievm eesm besrt atoefst he OrganizaotfPi eotnr olEexupmo rtCionugn tr(iOePsE Cc)o nveniend Doha, caopfQi attaaltr o,s etth ew orlpdr iocfeo ilA. g redaeta olf world attweansft oicounso entd h mee etianttg h tei mTeh. em embers failteord e aacnha greemaenndft o sri mxo ntthhse wreer tew ow orlodi l pricVeesr.ly i tattltee nthioowne,v ewra,sg ivetnot hec ounttrhya t playheods ttot hmee etiIntgrs.e latainvoen ymidteys,p iittgser owing importaasna cm ea joorie lx poritsse yrm,b oolfi cta hlselt atoefes a stern Arabia. Befotrheed iscovoefor iyl t,h ee asteAmr abisatna teekse odu ta subsistenecxei-sltefevrneoclpme e arlfiinsgh,i snega,b ocronmem erce, anda,m ontgh neo madasn,i mhauls bandTrhyes. u ddaennd d ramatic chanfgreo rme lataiuvset etroio tiyl -genaerfaftleudec nhcaera cterizes nearallyl tohfe sset ataensdl endas f airy-attamloes phteort eh eir capiteaalcswh,i tiht osw nn ewi nternaatiiropnaoanrldtl uxuhryo tels. Beneatthheg lithtoewre,v eera,cs ht arteem ailnosc kienda no ngoing strugwgilteth h ea wesomtea skosfs ocieaclo,n omaincd,p olitical transformation. HistoriBcaaclk ground Littilske n owno fe asteArrna bidau ripnrge histtiomreiIscn. t he nortthh,ae n ciceinvti liozfaM teisoonp otaemxitae nadleodnt ghs eh ores oft heP ersi(aAnr abiGaunl)af s f ars outahs c ontempoSraaurdyi ArabiFar.oa mr ou4n0d0 t0o2 00B0. C.m,u cho fe astAerranb wiaasc on­ trolblyet dh aen ciceinvti liozfaD tiilomnuc ne,n teirnte hdBe a hraairn- 129 130 JohnD ukeA nthonayn dJ ohnA .H earty chipelAa lgaot.ce irv ilizcaatlilMoeandg, a na,r osienO man. Becaumsoes otf t heh interolfae nads teArrna bhiaa sa lwabyese n ecologiicnahlolsyp itthaaebn lcei,ie nnhta bittuarnntesd prtiotm haer ily sefao r tlhievierl ihTohoead nsc.e sotfot rhsPe h oenicairbaeen sl iebvye d somet oh ave flierasrtnt ehde miarr itismkei lilnts h eg ulIfn.l and, nomadbse gatnod evelaonpi mhauls bandarnyda, tt hlea rogaes eisr,­ rigaftaerdm iwnagsa lsdoe veloIpneO dm.a nt hewraes a lsfoa rmiinng thHea jaMro untaiMnosr.e ovdeers,p tihtiees olaotfci oomnm uniitni es thgeu lf, fairilnyt errecghouaulsrea sxrei sted btehtiewn eteenra inodr thceo astal stionawcnnecs i teintm es. Indigegnuolumfsa rittirmaerd eea chietzdse nidtuhr itnhgre e iogfn thAeb basciadl iipnhB sa ghd(aAd. 7D5.0 -12L5i8k)se.p okferso tmh e hubo ft heA bbasid Ermopuitrfeeos,l lobwyet dh eg ulsfe afaerxe­rs tendteoId n dainad A friscuap,p lygionogdf sr otmh eea satn dt hseo uth tot hcee ntoeftr h Ies lawmoircl Wdi.t thh fea olflt hAeb basciadp iotfa l Baghdtaodt hMeo ngoiln1s 2 58t,hr ee giotnr'asdd eec liannedpd o litics becamien creascihnagoltyi c, pars oidtuucaittnhigaco thn a ngveedrl yi t­ tluen ttihlfe i rEsutr opepaenn etraotfti hogenu ltfw oa ndo ne-hcaelnf­ turies later. Thef irssitg nificant Euroipnetatonh ePi enrcsui(raAsnri aobni an) Gulwfa sm adeb yV ascdoaG amao fP ortuign1a 4l9 7T.h eP ortuguese objectainvdae dsm inistprraatcitviientc hegesu lafr ewae rseu bsequently adoptbeydt hDeu tcahn dE nglwihsohf olloPwoerdt ugparli'moseb jec­ tive-paramoiuntn htect yr adionfeg a stern glouoxdutsro wy h ich Europhea dg rowanc custodmuerdi tnhge t imoef t heA bbasaindd Umayyad empires. Anwoatsth ehres eccuornoicftte hyrem n a ritime routteoas n df roImn dia. Ast hPeo rtugEumepsier e sfoad dieiddt c so ntorvoeltr h geu lAf s.u c­ cessEfnugll ish-PaetrtsaoicnakP no rtuguesHeo-rhmeuslzid g natlheed decloifnP eo rtughueegseem oannydt haed veonftt hDeu tcwhh,o h ad begutnoe stabtlriasldhie n tkots h eea sBty.t hmei ddolfet heei ghteenth centuhroyw,e vetrh,eD utcbhe gatno y ietlodt heB ritiWsiht.ht he abandonmoefKn hta rIgs la(nodf fschoonrtee mpoIrraarinyn1) 7 65th,e Dutch prienst ehngecu elw fa se ffecteinvdeeldy. TheB ritilsihkt,eh ePo rtugaunedsD eu tcbhe fotrhee mb,e camien ­ teresitnte hdge u lffo bro tsht rataengdci ocm mercrieaals oannsdl ,i ke thepirre decesasdoorpsta,en da dmini.sptorlaitbciayvs eeo dn i ndirect rulwei,t ah m inimuomfi nterfeirnle onccaaefl f aBirrist.ti rsahwd iet h theO riewnats o bstrubcytp eidr aacnydc ivwialri nt hgeu lafn dw as threatfernoemd outthsaeir deeba y t hFer ench. Thesiem pedimteonB trsi tiinsthe rmeosttisv attheeBdr itgiosvhe rn­ ment etnoti enrt aon umbeorfs pecial wtirttehha leti itetsso traatlTe hse. firssutc thr eawtays c oncluwdietdOh m ana ndc oinciwdietdth h e 131 Gulf Persian An�a ,. ® Nat,on•lCAp•tal Ad"''"'''''s'e'a�te ofS hay�hdom --Ra,lrood --Ro•d --- TrackorHa•l • 0 Oman ( I I ,;;;," - Boundar)r"e prP-sentai'i'O n .. notn ecessanalu�t hornanve B.ne5 036833 78 132 JohnD ukeA nthonayn dJ ohnA .H earty Frenicnhv asoifEo gny pitn1 79T8h.e p acwta sd esigtnode edn tyh geu lf tot hFer enacnhdt oi mprotvhese y stfeompr r otecBtriintgal iinno'efss communicawtiitiohtn is n creasiimnpgolrytI anndtiE amnp ire. As theF rencRhe volutciaouns etdh ec halletnhgaeFt r anhcaed represetnort eecde adneo,t hcehra llepnrgees enittesiden lt fh feo romf Arapbr ivatSeaeirlsfi.rn ogsm u cshh aykhdaosmS sh arjaanhdR asa l­ Khaymaghu,l mfa rinewrosu lsdt riakteE uropean shEivpepni ng. thougah n umbeorfm iliteaxrpye ditwieorndesi spattcoht ehdeg ulf froEmn glaInndd'isda onm initohnBesr ,i twiesrhue n abtlohe a lstu caht ­ tacks 1u8n1tw9ih le n, aftefri ghhettaihvneygsy ,u ccessdfeuflelayt ed thAer afbl ebeats eidnR asa l-KhayAm athr.e astiyg ntehdfe o llowing yeawri tthh leo csahla ykbhesc amtehc eo rnersotfBo rniet apionl'ist ical. strategic, militeacroyn,o mcdioicmp,ml eormcaaitnaidalc d,,m inistra­ tivper eseinntc ehg eu lafr efao trh nee x1t5 0y ears. AlthouAgrha hba rassmoefBn rti tsihsihp piintn hgge u lafn dI ndian Oceacne astehde reaafm taejrop,rr oblreemm aiinnet dh see ntshea tth e shaykhdhoamdsn otb eepnr ohibfirtoeemdn gagiinnw ga rw itohn e anothoenlr a nHde.n cien1, 8 35t,hB er itpirsehv auiploeandl tlh reu ling shaykthoss igan s ecoangdr eemeTnhtel. a ttterre aptryo hibtihtee d tribuensd etrh reu lejru'rsi sdifcrtoirmoa ni deiancgoh t hedru ritnhge fishainndpg e arlsienags ownhsi,ci hnt imcea mteo b ec alltehd"et rucial peri"oT da.ketno getthheterw ,o p acmtasr ketdh bee ginnoifan l go ng serioefts r eatbieetsw etehneB ritainsdhw hatb ecamken owans t he TrucSitaalt aensdw, e rteh per incmiepaanlbs yw hicBhr itlaeigni timized itasd ministorfat thileoa nt tdeerf'esna snedf oreaifgfna irs. Fromt heb eginnBirnigt,ai usthh oriintt hyeg ulwfa se xerciins­ed directly tthhlero ocuaglh irnut lheaerr seI an.f accto,n torfod lo mestic affairs remaiinnte hdhe a lnadorsgfi e nldyi genaolubset,ir ta ditional, leadtehrrso ugthholeuo tn pge rioofBd r itish prBoy1t 9e1cB6tr iiotna.i n wasa blteo a ssumdei reccotn troovlet rh es haykhdoms' reexltae­rnal tioannsd i ndirect ovceodnrot mreoslt ic Maofsfrtau ilreasrc.sc edteod offiBcriiatl"i asdhv itcheo"ws;eh or efuosrer de sisrtiesdk ed almost cer­ taienx iolues,t oerrB ,r itniasvhab lo mbardmoeftn hte pirri ncipaIln ities. thimsa nneBrr,i tianitnr odauncu endp receddeengtreoedfes tabitloi ty three gion. AftWeorr lWda rI Ia,n de specifaollllyo wtihineng d ependoefIn nc­e diaa ndP akisitnat nh el at1e9 40s, Britiisnht heig nutlaefrr eeas ts changseidg nifiAclatnhtolutygh.hse t ratneegeitdco p rottehcIetn dian Empihraed c easeodii,ln terienIs rtasIn r,a Kqu,w aiatn,do thesrt ates had noontl yc ontinbuuetdi ncreaIsnet dh.e m indosf U .K. policymatkheeerx st,eo nfBt r itiinsvho lveimnte hngetu lfp'etsr oleum resourwcaesss u ffitcoiw eanrtr atnhtce o ntinsuteadt ioonfmi inlgi tary EasteArnra bainS tates 133 forcienOs m an, ShaarnjdBa ahh,r aIinnt .i mhe,o wevetrh,ce o sttos British toafxm paaiynetrasia nm iinlgi tparreys einnct ehg eu lbfe came ani ssoufie n creacsoinntgr ovienBr rsiyt diosmhe sptoilci tAisbc usot.n e indicaotfgi roonw idnigs enchanatthm oemnewt i tthh ec ountriym'­s perial ptohlBeir ciitdeiessc,hi dtehdry eeea arfst tehr1e 9 5c8o uipn I raq tog rafnutli ln dependteoKn ucwea iatd ,e cistihoawnto ulbder epeated teyne ahresn cweh ent hlea sotft hper otectetdr-esatwtaiitteeths h nei ne remaingiunlsgfh aykhdwoamsts e rminated. Britagirne'asti emspta ocntt heg ulwfa st oi ntrodauncdde e velop moderand ministarnadlt eigvpaerl a ctiinctteohs re e giaosne ,x emplified byt hees tablisohfmm uennitc igpoavle rnmaenndtt sh aep plicaotfi on Western-lsetgcyaollde e As m.o rpee rvasciovnes equoefnB crei tiins­h fluewnacset hper omotoifoE nn glaisst hh aer eal'asn guoafgi en terna­ tional tradaen,dd idpelfoemnRasoceoy,t. ie ndm ore tahc aenn tuarnyd a haloffc ooperabteitowne iennd iviBdruiatloi fsfhi cainadtl hse in­ digenous inhGarbeiaBttra inttasli,en g'asic nyt heg ulifsd eepilmy­ beddiendt heem iraatnedgs i veevse riyn dicaotfri eomna inaip nrgo mi­ nenfte atoufrl ei ifnet haer efao sro mtei mteoc ome. ModerGnu lSft ates Theraer et eng ulefm iraatnedso nes ultancaotmep nsmfgi ve statKeusw:a iBta,h raQiant,a trh,es even-meUmnbietrAe rda bE mir­ ate(sU AEa)n,d O manr,e spectTihveeg loyv.e rnmoefnt thse sstea tes area lclo nservpaotliivtei acnadle layc hs,a vteh eU AE,w hicihs a federahteiaodnbe yda p residheanasdt y,n asftoircom f r ulEev.e innt he UAE,t hleo caadlm inistroaftt hiveoa nrsi oduysn asetmiicr ahtaevsae greaitmepra ocntt hdea illiyv oefst hcei tiztehnatsnh aotft hfee deral governmTehnetr .e latisvtealbpylo el itciocnadli ttihoanptsr evaiilne d thgeu ltfh roughmoousottf t h1e9 70sst ooidnm arkecdo ntrtaots hte previooufst,ev ni olehnits toorfia e nsu mbeorf t hesset atTehse.i r politaincdsa olc iianls tituitnfio oatnl sw,at yhse eicro noamincdm ilitary instituhtaivoeenx sh,i biat reedm arkadbelgero efer esilitehnafctey w woulhda vteh ougphots siab dleec aedaer lwiheernt hes pectiraela ty relatiownistGhhri epa Btr itwaaisnb eintge rminated. KUWAIT HistorBiaccaklg round TheK uwaittriastc hee hiirs tboarcytk ot hlea tsee venteaenndet ahr ly eighteceenntthu wrhieenss e vetrrailbo efts h ger eUanta yztarhi bcoanl­ federaetmiiognr aftreotdmh efiarm ine-htoomrenl ainncd e ntArraalb ia. 134 " KUWAIT -\ lnternat1onal boundary R (it) Nahll'<t!cap1!at Road r-.-'-T-��--.:.,' 5 1.,1;;,, 25 I<IIOnl<ltf"rS ()M�ASKAYN LAKAH o4WHAH PersiGaunl f ' . A N.omo>s .�nroou �daoryo:> P•<'S<' ·!atiO'> 47 ,•.. ,n" nt"P 'SS.<lr o.'l�t �l!'>orrt,li�>·r• •• 00291;) 3 76 EasteArnra bainS tates 135 Calling thtehmBesa enUlitv ue(bs" tpheeo pwlheo w andered"), roughly halofft hteh eem igrseest tilnBe adh raIin1n 7.1 t6h,re e mainfdoeurn ded presentK-udwaayi t. Overt hey ears, severlaela dgi cnlanosf t heo rigiwnaavle o f emigresA-ItS haeb ahtshA,eI G hanimtshA,eI K halitdhsJe,a naaantds theA IS aliahmso nogt hers-comtboic nreedaa tneo ligarcmheirc­al chanptr incipparleistioydv eedbr y t hAeI S abahs. In1 89M9u,b arAaIkS abashu,b sequreenftelrtyro ae s"d M ubartahke Grea(tr"1. 8 96-19w1h5oh) a,d e xpandKeudw aiitnif luaelnocnewgi th AIS abaphr eeminaelnlcoew,te hdpe r incipoavlewirht iych her eigtnoe d enter ai pnrtoot ectedr-esltaattieow nisthhti hpe B ritiSshha.y kh Mubararke'ass woansh ifse atrh atth Oet tomawnhso,c laimneodm inal suzeraoivnettryh se haykhdmoimg,h ttr tyo i mplempeonlti tciocna­l troAlt.h idse atMhu barhaakd s ucceeidnee xdp andKiunwga irtuilt eo abouttw iciet psr esesnitz Ien.1 922K,u waitB'rsi tipsrho tectors negotihaatloeffdt hper incipeanlliatrytg'eesrd r ibtaocrtkyo t hSea udis andt oI raiqnt hTer eaotfyU qayTrh.e t reaatlysc or eattehdeS a udi­ KuwaiNteiu trZaoln e, latnhdew asriddo efw hicwha ss pleiqtu albley­ tweetnh tew op artiine1 s9 70. TheB ritailslho wtehdbe u lokf d omesatdimci nisttroar teimoainin n Kuwaihtain dasl thoiungt hi me theyp rwoovuialdddev istoorh se lp creaatneds tatfhfbe e ginnoifan m gosd erbnu reaucArsaw coyu.lo dc cur elsewhientr hege u lafn de specially teharsotuAegrrhanob uiBtar ,i tish interienKs utwsa it undaed rrwaemnattt riacn sforfmoaltlioownti hneg discovoefor iylT .h eK uwaiOti lC ompanjyo,i notwlnye bdy G ulOfi l Companayn dB ritPiesthr ol(efuomr metrhlAeyn glo-IrOainlCio amn­ panyr)e,c eiavc eodn cesisn1i 9o3na4 n dd iscovoeirilen1 d 9 3T8h. ef irst commercqiuaaln tihtoiweesv,ew re,r neo te xporutnetdai flt Weorr ld WarI I. In1 961K,u wairte gaifnuelidln dependfernoctmeh eB ritiAstth h.e timeI,r amqa det hreatening gestures, ocvleatrih mei ng sovereignty emirabtaes eodno lOdt tomcalna ims. uBnrdiettrar ienap,tr yo visions, sent ttrooK oupwsa aintd t hcer issuibss idIen1d 9.6 3K,u wabietc amae membeorft hUen itNeadtp nisa ndl attehrse a myee aIrr arqe cognized Kuwaiitn'dse pendence. Evesno i,n 1 97I3r, alqa icdl atiomt hKeu waiitsil aonfdW sa rbaahn d Bubiywahni,c cho mmantdh ea pproacthote hseI ranqaiv abla saet Umm QasrI.nM ay1 973I,r aoqc cuptiheedK uwaibtoir dpeors otf Samitoanht hem ainlaanndda militcalrayse hn sueAdl.t houtghhe Iraqwiist hdrleawti en1 97a4d,d itiionncaild seunbtsse quoecnctulryr ed. NotwithstIarnadoqivine gr tutroie msp rorveel atiinot nhsle a t1e9 70s, 136 JohnD ukeA nthonyan dJ ohnA .H earty relatbieotnwse tehnte w os tatreesm auinne aosnyt erritaoswr eilaalsl ideologgriocuanld s. PolitiEcnavli ronment PopulaatnidoS no ciCaoln ditions Kuwailtia etst hneo rtheeansdot ft hgeu lafn dc ontains1 6s,o0m0e0 squakriel ome(tcea6r.,s 2 s0q0m. i .T)h.ee miraltaen'bdso rdeIrrsat qo thneo rtahn dS audAir abtioat hseo utIhna. d dition,s hKaurawed asei t facmtaor itbiomuen da(radyso a ltlh eem irawtietsIh)r aTnh.e t erriasi n mostfllya sta,n dy dweisteohrc tc asiroindagalen sdr ocoku tcroppings, particutlota hrwele ys t. Thep opulaotfiK ounw aiitsr ougholnyem illimoons,ot f w homl ive int hcea pictiatwlyh icahs,i nm osotf t hoet hgeurl efm iractaersr,ti hees samen amea st hes taittes eAlpfp.r oxima8t5pe elryc eonftt h ei n­ habitaanrteAs r abtsh,er emain1i5np ge rceinsct o mprimsaeidn olfy IraniIanndsi,a Pnask,i staanndiE su,r opeaMnorse.t ha9n0 p ercent of then ative Kpuowpaiutlia tiisSo unn ni Mutshleir me,m ainadreer Shi'Iitti ess. i gnifhiocwaenvte,tr h,am to rteh ahna ltfh teo tpaolp ula­ tioinsc onpriosfae ldi eTnhsi.es x patrainadit mem igrant poipsu lation almost etnhteri erseulolyfrt e quirebmyet nhteos i iln dusatnrdya n­ cilleanrtye rpfroitrse ecsh nicaaln dss ekrivliilnces ex sc eosfts h awth ich, de­ spiittems o dernictaynb, e p rodubcyetd h Keu waiti eduscyasttieomn.a l Thel argneosnti ndiggernoouiupsst hPea lestcionmimaunn iwthyi,c h compriaspepsr oximaaq tuealryot fet rh teo tpaolp ulatoirao,cn c,o rding tou noffiecsitailmi antt ehsle a t1e9 70s, 2a7b0o,u0tT0 h0eP. a lestinians begaanr riviinn g Kuwaafittte rh ef irAsrta b-IsWraarei lni1 948. Althoumgahn yo ft heamr wee ll-eduacnadht aevdle i vaenddw orkeidn Kuwaliotn egn outgoha ttahiingp ho sitiinbo unssi naensdgs o vernment, relatifveewhl ayv aet taifnuelKdlu waictiit izenLsihktiehp e.ci orm ­ patriionot tsh ecro untrtiheeshy,a vmea intaisnterdot niget sot heir homeland. Othefro regirgonu hpasv ceo mteo K uwatiotm akteh efiorr tuanneds therne tutront heniart ilvaen das p,h enometnhoanat c coufnottrsh e disproporrtaitooinfoam tael etsof emalEexsc.e fpotPr a lestiannida ns Europeamnasn,yw orkelresa ve ftahmeiilrbi eehsi wnhdi lsee ndian g higphe rcenotfat gheee iarr nibnagcshk o me. Kuwai"tc'rsa dle-twoe-lgfrsaayrvseet "es mu,p porbtyoe idrl e venues, iso neo ft hmeo sutn iqiunet hweo rlIdn.t hdea y-to-day administration oft hsey sttehme irsel itdtilset inmcatdiebo ent wereens idaelnitea nnsd native KuTwhaeig toivse.r nmpernotv ides medicala,n de ducational,

tended to India and Africa, supplying goods from the east and the south to the center . Bubiyan, which command the approaches to the Iraqi naval base at. Umm Qasr money in the bank, especially in view of inflation and, in the late 1970s,.
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