Issue three autumn 2001 Citizens of Tomorrow ofth "3 f -- . x,l 5. =_l I've been a Member of the Youth Parliament for nine Sahota, a youth worker, and also from months now and the experience has been fantastic. Jagroop Bal and Dee Brown. So far we've been In February all the MYP's got a weekend in a London into Greenwood Dale, and recorded at King hotel for the national meeting of our Parliament. We Edward's Funday and at the Youth Shop in worked on a Youth Manifesto which outlined the Hockley, as well as in the Market Square. There beliefs of the Youth Parliament and what should be have been some really mature and incisive A newspaper for this side of Ilottingham written done by the government. This was later presented to opinions on show from everyone we talked to by the people who live and work here MPs including Andrew Rowe who's been a brilliant We've got plans to go to a load of other community help. In this area, where I live, I've been getting events over the summer. So if you spot me out with involved in community activities such as helping out a camcorder some time, watch out, i mightjust grab at the recent fun day on King Edward's Park. I've also you to appear on the id project! been working with a youth forum who organised an exchange visit to Karlsruhe. The last thing I would like to add is one thing the UK Youth Parliament is committed to —- lowering the The id project I'm working on is a first as far as I minimum voting age to 16. If we young people can know. We're gonna record the opinions of 500 achieve all this and show that we have strong and young people in the East Area using a video mature opinions, then why not let us have the power camcorder. This can then be presented to the council to vote? and the people of Nottingham to air everyone’s views. I've had a load of great help from Manjit Carlo Giannone MYP (Nottm. City) Moungnhqpes; jmunuqtawmmb . '.j,,'Wr<':¢'"1¢i:{:';‘f:-"i§:;;’*.i*:_:f;I?fi"""";I;"i'1; -,-'-- .1i.f,..r-.- _%m¥_?+ xi-?.¢i/'.»ii1i"ii§‘*??""1-.;~:isI#rfil%?3?E, 1. a -;~ ; . ya “ififlfir ' m »ll»/ W 4"-5%; jmuuuyammnnr Pages 2 5 & hack -‘rm-‘rum-M as-» ii Wm 1"L..__--l—'-4-:_-. W;;..i fill Mia _ '§?~§ lfi fit-SR’. law hnmwunt zflutbeatgmestnr Cricket practice at the What shall l play? Sister Dorothy's Creenway Centre in Sneinton Caribbea” Day at St" A””5 Pm)’ Stars In their eyes Page 7 illlee as apple pie Page 6 on Tuesday nights. Centre on Nugent Gardens. 5 3 Amy Houston ' ‘$ 9lthinkthere ,, t. " 1; __ ._ "" .j' . ' _ -- '§.:§;.'._1j§_'§§j§§ it-3-5;I§.'_:§E5§.5§£5§§;E1I'_'§j§;§§"2}:§§;;;_;;'1‘;--E§;;"_§iI;5_;_5;E5.:¢-:»:¢--§§§f§_-j;§1-- ii"fif"-7'1-;'g;:__"1fifi:,-''_;_-j;ft;";;_§j;,_;5:"=.-"it----- .- I iii“! .. . _ _ .. ,___.._.___,, 2- _ Q iiifi’ at wn up " § ii1{P 11.11;I Ae -at '-'4';-v.-,-. -,___ '-'-‘=1-13"--__'_"'.e. "Fl=:- . . _.-*-' -1j-- .' -=1; - ' .-'* ,- that will make t is aavgakege It W W1 .3?-:;__;.;_ .fi5I;.j-:E:I:':_.-H.-_.:I;I:j___-_::j-j__.__:§:::___:::::_'__:_-.2}; --_.- __ _ . ' _" _ 1 ~— l § A a § ‘ l i: - '.-'.-‘ the Elderlv as that -..H,!__ . -. =4. ,.. 5% D “Y want some vAhYsh*hi'5lace“ NOISE an1M," There is a lot of noise W ,- .;:","' on the streets On mt m<:u:L tttwlj ttcteg; mi n Probably, babies can 't EW TM 5 tut, time {"til.#a§ (.'Il..(l.Zf.'.‘ , get to sleep, which I 14}lbw 5 fr; _ _ __ . The at tr t wQP~d~'i {tiff i@l*w~’J**’>¢l~*Z the .' think is not fair. People mm WP ~>11“'t@'5§i , " for . iri i% 'ii iii;K?% %<itii; 'i@ .?* i' Should be ‘In an houses CSIEAAW (;ttt;t*i:»trt<$ Ad u its _ _,_,_ . . at a certain time, e g »‘ ' ' e it 0 I lpm. Marten Maughan mi 7' MEG nun’ a ibttttrttttoe t;;i:.ut*:> movies, The l"“(Z3t)~(.L flQ;t.j('}3-ifs t":t1:...t.tttt,£t.*.it i':*~.:@ *r'ff3i,ot.t.! if t-91 5 ‘ w1.t IOl 65 ts tt rmthtttsv W i@fi*i.t.,t~n I W <5 Q , ’F‘$"§ it »- __ _ Q ‘Q1 . '_ . ' . . ., _. I aball ,-,,,,_,I_-_~-- H I_,,__,-My é;.i*(é {I-r"{£\Q-I‘ t/téti; rt , bfli timg by Aaron Kohut 5| ide $- Lctni" we. tttttt. ifiitttfi tsf CI rant - ~»~*~' ~ * i C J £22 t E ,,¢;:t*-:.-;fl. .-_-1.;L_ -ti - ._-if=,___r,-.-.;.;;-:-;;:;--" . -~-'=:-" - at = - - .- 3.: =..I-@=.-'i-.-.=I-_-r'\t-- -t r;__“__‘_\J: _. _ . -- -, _ '1‘ ' 111;:-I:"'§'fjI,§,-‘-"'-1:"Z,-.1"-‘F Ewe .. .. _ . -.‘-""1 ' '*.' t-'--~- -4' . ' .at-mum»-v-wvy. _ _ _ Hi!a-J-Ah‘!--/I.'J|r.1-'.I---t--'-~'||-~----u.'f|*A’rp.|y4. #fl’~ """’.--.--.-,5"""3.>1.:=.*‘ 1 - ' . - - "‘-’- " ‘ " " ’ l u " H u . -. ‘ . , _ . . . 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'”.: _ .-15$‘-' ..;.;;g._.-. _ _if§' _ _ _.§q;.,‘»,, , _ " " - Carolyn Buckley -o--.,.,c-.Q,.-._-§\..».=au-..-.;|,..--at-=|=--F - .1‘ "t_ -' ‘. '1 *7“ ‘X tag, .- 'Hrhwr-- """"'}I :25’-. - -"_- an} . M,,,_.,»r.-i-w,trn\-int-:4. .- ' E n '_ 11 ;;;’§§§ _ "__ _~,_,,._t=*‘ ' .. ‘Ir ‘ _ _ _ I_ H.. __ ' Q’_,___ ‘E ‘_‘IA _ "W. V fi- _..-_ (mat, -nvw _- . rI'\.fl\.-'.JHh'~IM'DhrII\ifl‘nI1tF, ."_I" J1t. W " ‘"1 _-,,-w*""MM ' ' I5, . - } SNEINTN WS .- -' _l '. __._--»..m_,_”| Q _ :':' _ _.-. ' "3 ‘F' ’MIDI“t-. . I-ii §.""""“"4 =il'.--""~_-'-"' Y -' it->-..t :5: .1 ' - M‘ '1 " " - --I--ta.‘-'..' '- '-.-t ,3-.1‘.-',--. .. - - . -, -=4 . " -;1- . _ -' -"Y,-'<-iw 1...».._ -1 _ _ My mam as ect fhel t A B E E R t---~~'-~»~~=- ,1 . -.- 1 _ .,-_-_| ;__.|-.3-_.,-.1,-|.___.:_-_--,_r_-.-v _ __ _.: - - - uyuvu-.1-.¢:-nmr-r-r.-Jltlnm rir ii-iriwirhrprr»vr 2 Q - I-‘I .''5“J” 1' -1" ""= ' ."" _ __ ..: ' '1' I- . -I ' . ii '_ ' ' ' wos ehmthe tram *lwniiu~~+v4mmtm"i~n,mtw~,a~;i.-'t-.1-»-:.t~;.».=~».--'£vr»~r-wrr-mi--'-we--\m—~rm~w-'~** f Q. b,-iiwwit-'. ' ' S T. A N N S “_$“it§— rs an esan 1“:-"= of things vimay - v -a East of the City was compiled and designed by Colin &.:_..:.--_-l_i:_.~_:_-w.+1_r_».p;t__1._-.‘|_~'___+. ~ .. _<- Cjx/~.I" i AIS alewalk 5 --.'n-_'= ,,"-t{q-'r;'_--'. .' be Haynes, Kevin Searcey, and Carlo Giannone with Greg -n ‘ ~._.‘...._t"_',_.._,_,'t;-,£.:_-..-.%£._+i;_A -w..-- ~- r: -. dear u their mess S Foister (CDW) and assistance from Nottingham City ti "iee M ‘>0 1» wt. 0 f til e Council Housing Marketing. Funding for this issue has §r\@.., bu,o_ua£ ()~lc1.i~¢JL (,¢._,0 come from Nottingham City Council Area Committee trees an lav nthem ;ttL..»tt,;,\aaanta&us. East, The Renewal Trust and the South and East 1% ws nee t ema Primary Care Group. Articles are copyright their authors, photos their photographers. | thmk lihé W5 I183 ?i?Ii"'Iiiiiififi.iiiiifif5i.§3Ii%I‘..zIffiii-f We welcome articles and ideas from local people. We need newshounds! Either phone out, an SWI ns an Oi i5 84 7 3727, write to East of the City, c/o The Renewal Trust, 27-3i Carlton Road, I U695. S Ihat fihlld TE Nottingham NG3 ZDG, or e-mail [email protected]. safely Kirstie Johnson ‘it What do you do on the N G 3 N EWS Bank Holiday? 1~".-'-:.I-:~;-.=.~i-;-" For local Teenagers Dozens of young people spent theirs clearing up the streets, .. -_.-.-=. . . . of tidying gardens and Inclusion removing rubbish in Project) Youth the Cosby Road end of have been busyinthe Sneinton, with help E Computer . from volunteers from roomat the Chase the Housing producing i. F-" Department on their first newsletter, Sneinton Boulevard. from which CLEAN SWEEP IN SNEINTON these articles are ta ken. .1.-._. ...... BLUNT AND PRECISE THENOISE. lt was GANGSTER During the iieriodef beyond BYKEVIN A_LB.: the 7"‘ of May. everybody’s COU NQL EMPLOYEE lN_IH E AREA and St. Nicks WARS expectations. It was clean the streets of STANZ amazing - to get a The problem with this area (Sneinton) is that clear ru bbish from the Y group of children to it is a good area apart from Shopkeepers Some might say, it's a shock to hear there have been so and gardens and did gardening. work together like TALENT filling public bins with their trade waste. What many shootings in such a short time in St. Anns. In fact, it's a This project was called “The that with no kind of example are they showing to shock to hear that there have been any shootings at all. Noise." On Friday the 4"‘ ofMay animosity and no younger people? Shootings have been going on for along time, but have St. Christophers and St. Nicks arguing. When it comes to talent St. Anns has recently occurred more frequently. People in the area are joined together to have at _l.<LDj always provided the best in NOTTINGHAM. It was a great concerned that the police appear unable to stop the trouble. service before starting the work It would be good if teachers in various At the moment St. Anns has probably got achievement - they While this has been going on, St. Anns has been receiving a the next day. During that period schools could try and monitor the pupils at the best MCs with the likes of BLENDER, worked solidly from lot of bad press that is biased and unfair. westarted workat loam, we peak time when rubbish is more likely to I0 in the morning til MOULDER & MYSELF BIG MURDER. had a break at 12,30 until 1.35 appear i.e. dinner tune and going home time. There are good points to living in St. Anns. These are never 6 at night for 3 days. for lunch, we carried on with our given their fair share of publicity and as ayoung person living St. Anns can also boast to have the best workand finished at 5.30 and We were on in the area I am fed up of hearing comments such as “living in SMASHED ULBU5 STOPS GARAGE CREWS like GENERVEESY CREW hadamealatsix. continuous runs, Surely it would be to everyone’s advantage St. Anns you have to have a bullet proof vest." who are battling with Radford's Pure taking the rubbish to fill bus stops with a different kind of Inspiration to become the best in On the last day we had a service St. Anns has a good community spirit among young people away - we couldn't material such as Perspex rather than glass Nottingham and the new comers on the in St. Christophers Church and and families, who have lived here all of their lives. keep up with them. I because apart from glass costing the firm scene Hot Radiation who have stepped said our good byes.During the was really truly money to replace it all the time, it's also There are lots of opportunities for young people to improve onto the big stage with the other 2 Hot four days we made lots of new impressed - it hazardous for the public. their future. There are several youth clubs such as:- Sycamore Radiations GOD-FARTHER (leader) BIG friends in Sneinton and also from restored my faith in Centre and Russell. Training opportunities are also on offer MURDER gave Y.I.P. an exclusive interview. St. Nicks. It wasa very youth. And last if everyone could see other people for the whole community in several Centres around St. Anns worthwhile eXercise, and we helping in this part ofthe community then and Sneinton. Barry Cross, St. Anns can also boast that it has the best enjoyed it verymuch. that might encourage them to take part and RAPPERS & SINGERS. We bring you So would all of you who can see only an imaginary bullet- Jade CumberIand Area Caretaker make Sneinton a much nicer environment to inten/iews with St. Anns young talents in proof vest give the St. Anns community a break and for once And Leighane Chaplin live in for years to come. every issue. in a while concentrate on the positive. 4 '5: The second of our Healthy Eating afternoons took place on Wednesday 9"‘ May, starting at 2:00 pm at Sneinton Hermitage Community Centre. Attending OH WHAT A NIGHT! were a group of volunteers from TRACS, Ecoworks & Stonebridge Farm, and the themes for the day's cooking was English So with a very excited group of nearly €' twenty people, we prepared and cooked up the following meal:- While you were watching the Stars ln Their Eyes final Frank Sinatra for My Way. on TV the cream of Nottingham's singing talent were Ecoworks made the starter, which was a “Talent comes from the street. The rich can't do singing their hearts out at the Karaoke Final in the tasty Lentil soup, very yummy. this.” Woodborough at the top of Robin Hood Chase. TRACS made the main course, both Landlord Douglas Read put up £500 to make sure the Matthew (“all the way from Bulwell") sang Lady in Red mincemeat and veggie mince cobblers, competition would go with a swing. There were 8 and Emma a throaty Mustang Sallythen Mona which was tasty mince with cheese or herb semi-finals. Lisa."lt's nerve racking when you're up there - you scones cooked on top (they must have come back shaking.” , e. .0 _ been good as it all disappeared) roasted “There were some appalling acts, but all people having mixed vegetables, mashed vegetables and a go. We've ended up with l4 fantastic acts for the Leroy did an Al Green, and Trish(“Matron by night, also boiled, so a good choice for all tastes, final - it'll be hard on thejudges to make a decision." she'll deliver your babies for you") sang the old all very tasty. Stonebridge Farm made the favourite Lipstick on Your Collar Connie Francis style. Top prize was £150, second £75, third £50 and every sweet, which was good old traditional apple contestant took home a bottle of wine and had a bite “If you want to know about race relations - just Weighing it up for pie and custard, very nice too. at a buffet. Mr. T the DJ brought them through the come here." We all sat down at around 5:30pm, and heats and compered the final.They sang to a full lt was a quality programme that rivalled Stars on TV - enjoyed a first class meal in a really friendly house. environment. We look fonlvard to the next on your doorstep for the price of a pint. Landlord the community one, when we hope to find a few more The range was amazing. 60 year old Mr. Max (who Douglas says “Everybody enjoyed a splendid organisations, who would like to join us, for came away with the second prize) presented a lively evening - I was over the moon.There was no a fun afternoon. rendition of Ain't that a Shame by Fats Domino. Greg problem whatsoever - people werefull of fun with feast sang a smooth Commodores number and first prize no thought of violence or mischiefi” Vanessa Boughton winner Steve sang a moving version of Nilsson's He preserved it all on videotape and might be Everybody's Talking followed by La Bamba in the persuaded to play it back if you ask nicely. And second half. Douglas is doing it again. Dave's “This is the best karaoke I've ever heard - and l'm a There was some controversy about the results - so musician. There isn't a duff singer amongst them.” he has decided to invite the contestants back in Challenge Monica sang Temptations, and modern music wasn't August for a repeat contest.There will be 4 judges left out with third prize winner Cheryl singing Mariah from the music industry with a strictjudging format, Carey and Donna Shania Twain. Winston made us all with marks awarded for singing the song well, for feel brand new like the Stylistics and Anton Smith presentation and body movement on stage. And Mellors Lodge staff come in gave a heartfelt original version of Unchained Melody. Douglas will be providing another set of prizes. regularly to the Chase Café Mr. George looked like a country squire but sang for lunch, but were Colin Haynes Quando, Quando like Dean Martin- followed by a great moaning about the food. Dee and Emma said “We could do that” so Dave the Chef challenged them “Go on then, next week on Tuesday you cook the meal". And they did, preparing a delicious chicken curry with dahl and naan bread and serving it to customers. Today's Special, guest appearance, two new chefs in town. “The food went just like that- we don't want them in here too often. They were worried to begin with and I thought they would back out, but they did well in the end.” P.S. Catch Dave Mason's food at the café whilst you can-he is off to Australia for a year in December. ‘i: DALE ALLOTMENT REVIVAL Wild in the City! '- __ __ '='- = =" =‘=-- "'1--i--=- =- ~- -<'>==<. - ==5 -.=..==. ',:. I _ _I'.’.1 "1'1' "="»' ~''- ==-= --= =-= -=- -=' - - .- = ._.. .: :_ -,; H..__:,;:___ :____ _ _: __ 3‘_: 5;’- -1 ¢ -.= .~ =~_ - :,5;:. = _ . = :. . - -> =.===<',. 2.. =;' '= "'= =-- _- -_--__ _ - _= _= . _... .=_ 5 -.;=_== »=.= -_ . ___.,., :, , :___;_:: 5 . _ -- . > =1...‘ .- .. . _ ..;. '=_ ~=_._= I _= =-=.= .5 ,=K;..,.; __ __ .:_____ :_ ,___ H;__ ; _> -, __f-‘ =;§><=-=»- .' z- 1'= 3-~- -1.-_ -; .-- , This time last year we had only a third of our plots taken, and seen from afar, the site had the appearance of meadowland. Not without allure, l lfyou sometimes think about getting an allotment - but think it's going to be admit, but hardlyjustifiable at a time of widespread too much work.Just imagine what it's like having eight! That's exactly what interest in gardening, and growing concern about new group Urban Nature has taken on at Hungerhill Gardens, St. Anns. -V.-,,_--,,_ =-->=' ='= -v := = =,= = ==- 5. .= _=....==. .- .. =. . the quality of the food we eat. _ - -~~-. ::;-.=@ H...“ ..., H,,.,.“,._. ,...,._:_ _. .5.-=;;":=T"'F~"'= ~ " - "='- - ~ =-V =- .-= .-= =-.==..=.. .,, . .;,.',,..,,_,..;._, '; _'":__;_ 3, = _'_;';_='_' -' '= ''= 2' =~=' -~= - = -- -- ==- == = -- = .= We're incredibly lucky to have a place so rich in wildlife, in the heart of the ' '3 I ‘.3 3'3": '5 ' '=_='=' =' -- ="='>-- '-<= -=<'---= >2 ---- -=..'= -.-==->..»= =' 2.3 '. "“ . "I '= i"'= = ' =- At the time of writing, three quarters of our plots on city. Much of our countryside has been farmed so intensively, for so long, our site are now under the spade. Most of our new that vast amounts of wildlife habitat has been lost forever. plot holders are under 35, and a good number of But Hungerhill Gardens still has excellent hedgerow systems, a huge song them are women, who for too long have been bird population and a growing list ofwild species. There are lots of reasons under-represented on allotments. For many why - allotment gardening In the city has never been anything like as decades allotments all over the country have intensive as we now have in our countryside. More and more people are benefitted from the dynamic contribution of concerned about the quality of the food they eat - and interested in growing immigrant cultures, and so far this year, we've food organically. That means less use of the chemical pesticides and seen four local Bosnian familiesjoin the long fertilizers that poison the wildlife food chain. Over the years, disused established gardeners from ltaly, lreland, Kashmir, allotments have been colonized by young woodland species and scrub - Jamaica, Spain and Finland. Tahey’re already making providing both food and shelter for awide variety ofwildlife. their mark, constructing beautiful sheds made mostly from wood rescued from skips, or else Urban Nature s aim is to improve open space in the city through practical - - '~'*"w"r'E:x ....=...:<.a..=t..- “-~"---~'~ --~=-'- -->-= =-=-§ » ~-=.~ = =... . ..= .. .. given to them by their new allotment neighbours. management and the creation of a wildlife habitat. The allotments are their Happily, friendship and mutual aid come easily on first major project. At least four of the plots will be planted as hazel coppice. our blessed plots. Coppicing is an ancient woodland management system that creates a great habitat for wildlife and a useful crop. The young hazel trees will be We in the east of the city, can count ourselves lucky underplanted with native woodland flora like bluebells, primroses and red to have so many allotments all around us. But we campion. mustn't get complacent. Developers are always The group are also helping to produce a wildlife survey of the Hungerhills looking for land, as those plotholders at the site and offering information and advice to other allotment holders who Blenheim site, facing displacement at the hands of want to make their own plots more wildlife friendly. Wildlife habitat in the . Raleigh, will tell you. The best way of ensuring garden makes a lot of sense - with a friendly team of hedgehogs, bats and allotments stay with us, is to make sure sites are frogs on your side, you can say goodbye to your slug problem. Bumble bees full. Very few sites have waiting lists and most plots are also under threat in the wild but if you give them a home they'll work on cost around as little as £25 a year with discounts ‘Dig/for V pollinating your plants all day long for free. for those on low incomes. ‘Dig/for Vi;»y! For more information about Urban Nature ring Pete or Cathy on 0700 900 So, if you're looking to grow your own food, enjoy 'DLg»ffgrr Pleaawe 0129 or visit fresh air and healthy exercise, and make new Dig» Treflawe °"%f°" PM §.= friends, grab your piece of land and make sure allotments are with us for a long time to come. Dig/wnderthe/Smw o» Long live allotments! R Sow yowr'Seed/ One of the highlights of this year's Sneinton Festival PLwntwhate\/eifiyowNeed/ MARC RICHMOND was the Sneinton Arts Trail. A group of artists/designers/ Only gota/Yard/? SNEINTON DALE ALLOTMENTS. Tel: 9599432 makers opened their houses and studios to the public Rentaa/vAllo=L'wtent For more info contact TONY HALLAM over the weekend 6-8 July. The work on show ranged 6w"d»(e#\/) CITY COUNCIL ALLOTMENTS OFFICER: from glass blowing to performance poetry. Other artists -__ ’DiLr'l‘ICl1eotp! Glen Kinch Tel: 9l 52072. work included textiles,pottery, sculpture,jewellery and . i painting. Not to he missed was the smallest Gallery in the World, or in Sneinton at least. There were no prizes for guessing its’ original use! The Trail opened in a torrential downpour but the glorious ' I sunshine throughout the weekend ensured that a substantial number of people both from the locality and ’l"l6l’l’l5 around the city were able to enjoy the venues and delightful gardens also. Great appreciation of the event has been are expressed both by visitors’ spontaneous comments, by the information collected on the evaluation sheets available at every venue and by visitors’ readiness to purchase work for sale. The intention of Arts Trail was to show the variety and quality of art work being produced and performed in Sneinton. All those involved, participants and visitors.agreed that this has been achieved in an innovative and enjoyable way. It is intended to extend the Sneinton Arts Trail next year, so watch this space for further details. Jane & Chris Marrows _ . .. -..-_-;1.- -.. ._-_.=. .._ — v--- it "rt _ .<_ ,' W" 'let "' .-_f5i'-,'i"»‘.t.t_'."-'.-‘l.r'iif"frf\‘t‘li§-'}i'*‘5' -'I*""-'5'-""-'1"F'=.'Ill,i'1;"; 53;" ~ " " Turning _.= '=','_ 3-},.;,-;-'.~'-'.-.-3.5.--'.~,~-'-.-it!-"." V“: ‘--“-T-.-—'--‘I-'l'.'-1:3-J.-}§:~§'~;'-=t;;r‘i-':'I .__.i -_,-_=.-..'-'-'___;__.‘,;,'.-t,.,'- 'I',|_i_ ___,_.;ft__,~., _ _'i'.--, ____ _ ' -‘:":.I':'-t. 1.-.-1-2; remember skipping home from school down -= -.-1.3: _--.-,l;.=',»'-‘|',;.i"*,1,'.~ ._.-.5-' .:- .35 '-' 45 ltiit xiii‘? 1' /£5‘ ..- -., -62'-'-: .=i"'-'=. .-’;_.'.-.~.=.~' ..»-'.~'..- .., ..t-.-.-t.--'.--1'-' .-.,t'i.-'. t." ..- -.. .- .>' .-. .»t.~.. "I ‘l "‘i .~. -- '.--"-i:-i-'-.- Serlby Rise one still, sunny afternoon. A huge I .. rill?’ .. if we Hlihki er . -_.- -- ' .:"i= at ';i”"'-""' ". .=." --=~';-1.-1".it:-'.ti?i' '/it e"'t~ "’_1""|7"'. , "- at’.,.i',.._.l-""".=. WE .r if ~-- bunch of bluebells in my hand. From time to time, " ' over a new I'd stop and bury my face in the flowers, inhaling the '. F" .- - heady, damp, dark scent. It was too big for my hand PYM STREET ‘I__i ;__'_,_...-,-1-I,-,.~ "2'W,_-.¢,@;_..:,.;::,~t_§i,g-..---'.;.'1""__ -,__:l|,t__N__q,‘.,:;_,f__|__,__,, -. -;_»-;.-;""- _.._: |_l___,.._..-‘ .-. ..-",-1 ______ .‘.;u‘:.:i'.-'.,- 27 {I ,_ ..*,@.'.l,i§. . -... ..,+_i{ .§-''\_‘. , ..'l.,: l_H-.1,-. Iii1;,_.t o_f-'fi_t,_?r'._‘..-.,-._‘".-"a‘-llii._’_/-R--»._.-.if1',.-.?-'/‘-‘._-“.--..'h'.-,_ .. .,It_».-.- ‘fine-,e11.1'a.-.:B.-I-5.'? _,_ l..i..._“‘-H'.r 1%.-.-,+.-_ ;- ~ .'-"1 -. 5' -'.-, 1.-' i'---.-i.=-'- '-~‘ -- it ../ - really, my tight grip bruised the fleshy green stems and flp, <i.;-.53 .,;,d,' .'?l _.' .--"--‘~' /,4 .-.- .',-.,’.Jt-.',-;- ~.,-.-_- _ - ..-.~ - . .,- ._-.--- 3. - W - .-_-_-..,l .-_- '_-l __,:‘_'_-:- ._ . lliélfirfi ,e'i'7'ir*F iIi? "‘fl! -.’r"7'.l’f*‘.?' rt?ItIa.ii? "'113' PM"-'""1"'-.2it ,,a~§15"" ti ' '-.. /'- -.-.It '..-_r 2_- -".--:\:-'.-'--'5,-‘t--,,'_»§‘-_.-1I-,-,j.'. leaf at the . fi.r". i.fh-"ai?i’ ,W_Mllglf._i ..3’/ ' ' - it-fi“,e-"”f-~5fet;.e;.-I-~-he-*-'t.' the slippery sap ran out over my fingers. But it was lféa 1F'iiiiii?w""**""'5‘5ii§l%.ii’$i!iii§§!tl**='i'?£'!" i.-;'~,i-at f_' "___ ',' *4 E ._;_l,-.'_.-1. -. --3 tiitiri I t % , tr '_' ' » always so hard to stop picking bluebells. Each one -.§,__._- -I 12?; ‘I51-,_._. .I..,--.<-'.-‘-".i""‘l='_":>‘__5T|___: I..."-""'é4"':'; ‘.‘_,_,_.__-_tfi.'-‘El.. --til-Ii '.-'5-.,- '--. '. . E,-'5 2"'.-"-' )1,-b-__ -1 '-T113‘ ‘fl seemed even more beautiful even bluer and more ‘e~f:-Pi ierfi . - . ' :‘.’3*i'9$.'-fi--.£'.-1'<_--!‘.1---it-li.-i'i-f;m"'-rt---.-'i'-1fI,-vi-.k"2Ell-.'--.--<‘.~- il'Il§?1-'---'- m':,»1.:,;t€*,:=?illi.;!_Fi'"i;:.3.Pi,i.---~.ti_"::"?I#X¢-?,'-,.-;,,;i-a-fiFi.'tit???-11r1t4--g'-t};- -.-.__,_-1-%-'..,.1-.~-"'r<'-.-'1'"""'-=' -515' :'~'.- -,-. “-lL'_ er-‘-'_-?-‘ library fragrant than the last, far too lovely to be left behind. tel’ _.. ,.-'1':-ii ,r'-;;»'.=,i-'= _='- " 1' -#13,?-.-if .>=.' J.Q~'!.1I.~ '1".-i7 Y‘ ' " r »".§- ii" "1?-t"'-I’ - r "' .r .1 I i '-".-""' 2" ' ti. '-.- --'-1 - it ».| .-.~l'->-'i-.'- .11-t-fill =4 -i .»' '-"’ .- it .~-iii ' -' -iv-' » i .-.':i>'f ti’ i ..-;.=-i .';li15‘~"F'.'-.»:7'?'.- ' .--'5'.‘ " -'5.- - 4. F-' ~!-‘hi. -".-. --=~.-.- ;,--_._. I .,.-.153? Iiifipih‘".,' -'-'.- '-" -'5-1 -l\'..'i}n. ‘Ila»,‘:-''.,Fil#il.\3;il"':-‘|" -'-l'...~.-‘... ‘,+.,.r,.;,-=..v=a2"§' .?...-'._ll-- - ~i.-‘Ti:-.~~.'i-..-g.r-I-.¢i'i’5---t-vigé-.-‘ -~..-'_-.’.Il_l._-'I “.fT._=§'|'i'i-§.1-.5~'..;-i.£-';._*'-2'2-Q‘.-"ii’='.1j1'-"ai~'.-‘. ii it’ '11- *' iii‘ -_.-.-" .» - -- .. I know, I know, they're far too precious now to be J... "-.- -- ' , Q 1' -.- ' .1. .. ,.-‘:3.-.-'-".-.-.-."“.t if ' " - ll‘r,_ _ :37» . .--Y .- F3,--‘J .~._.-11-._-1--'-»--»:._.':-'- '._ ' it i='.i .... .1'- f{_a5*.i. éiff... -'-_.‘:".f."=, 1. il-l. 'll’§- "P;-"-. ;i;,.;;J -.,~.-. -.-.T ,.,-:5" .-'7" an . I fl .-:‘-- aw'*e'1'.. HE’ fit.“ -M‘?-A-.;-~*l‘.- ,,,.r-,.-. f.t-‘?-1."].-3"_-;‘ ~ .,.,-_-=-.-'{e it ’-' ta. gay ..~.t'.ini-.. -‘ 1'“ picked and carted home by thoughtless kids, half dead ~. ~» . .. - ;. ieiti . .'-.i'.l.~'.!%i'-t .thli. .' .-.!. --»=.-it "="§~a..,._,,% 1'. .. ii it,-: ti Itf 5 .a'/.e». .l-eiiia before they even reached their destined jam jar. But Hi, my name is Kam and I'm the .. -" tee“, -. .-ll ii» z. 1' '» it's a sadness to me and the world's a poorer place to Librarian covering Sneinton, Feaae i'I-='r¥i.‘- . .-ii-.t-'-'a-'~-'--'~-'--t'~~..-" .- -"-"-'-"-'-Eiitilfiik -'-" '.1. Fit!~“"-'-'l'1' -'r '.'...-iJ-Ttea '!="' . ' ii'§§i;i.- _= I know I may never again experience the shockingly Bakersfield, Carlton Road and St e /i”"’.'.it'.i.i'r’~tt "'_.:-t. t Mi” tare at i ’ I tlet iheaiie *'"";‘1~‘ll;;_”:%""'1'§'*=*aEa f _r_.,-_.J.g_'__ _ ._ ;___.__._,,'_ _,,F‘ . a.L ._:_.._.J; -‘.i_t___‘,£;.t;_-;,.‘-..t_ - i,i:,.§__ti_._-. ,_,,.1._ .._, ._.,, . “mil fa‘, _ _. -._;(,__.t.,-;f'ff?,='§=_..--it '; "»'?"?i’/1'-re intéflse perfume and colour ofa huge bunch ofwild Anns Libraries and no, contrary to ifiati» 5 _,-.,"~';-'.[,1-.'. '-,;:€,;_._,_.-_r,i._-o-.i .-'-_ .~t.-it-_.'.->.-‘-'-.-‘Ha-'~-iizi-,-I 1'“?_:,-,._.,:_.',t-.-.""-_‘,iir'5¢,-i.f‘.- "1-,-=_:,ii_iir...,1-;_;-;..,_!__'.-.-.1‘_,‘_’.—.-.3-.._. 1. ' . " English bluebells. The ones you see in gardens now popular opinion I don't say ‘shush' .5-t.-,'=#' if .i -. .1? ..I .:,.',.-_¢irii.ilit.?f¥~l@ -.?P1i,fi "1 'l_ ‘I?_I‘_*‘._,i-r.,?' »,» -la, .- if J'‘' I‘ ;:,. ..""-L--"l';-__f_-,,-'i'.-_-{I'.'I{-'.--‘L;-‘l '€l"7ilE: ti - are a different species, Spanish usually, paler and less a lot.‘-'-' fl .-:~",q:_ ._..-._la1*;.|t_-'.'.-f-.-1'? rlii‘.t-5 ii iItt .=. --' .tj--i'~r_¢.~-3'-1it$ |.,.>.--..;.--.1-it ili__i-i.-i_i-;t.~ij .+‘_-':- -_.-, ,:~‘Tl; ."'_,',t:,.i'-_..‘i.:_".j -1|',;_itI-‘1:-'. '3It =|h-'1"_ ‘_._,-:.5'~"'_*._:;.- ti 5.,-('1-'A,.-5.3. 1,. it-,_-'-l"-.+.'-1.-.i'.1" i_t;-~..1-_<»‘.'l:[I3_<-. we"--.1H, -.~at'5' --"'~it.'ia-'- if 2- -- at I - - - ',- .-i. .. s'.i,‘~:..f1 n\4‘\‘l - - 1 ._ --."._.i {- I . .1! - - -;"~ -1‘! ~. »r -- . -r.- -’r'.-‘.--.- ,- I)!‘ -lkilfll‘? {‘ 1 W # fr *- I u _ll_"-.. fragrant. Not the same at all. -- 15, ii‘ ',..'- '1; . I've worked for the Council for 9 ;:-,.-ff -~ 'af=ll‘7:f_|‘._.l-.,.,-‘e-,,-a*"'Iii; =1-L.-'.+.-'“1'.-‘-""~tif.,,r"‘-"‘|;il',l',id .--'~f"*'""';f.-..'._.l-'--'-'-i..r. ----'.;,-.~.~'.--'_;'-'I-.-_I-,i-;t. _-_ ,.-:ii'_ .~,-.,-_.'.-_-.< -".*t._,_ I.-.-_,i.'-.,j_- I’' i.- _,a.l1;.r__._.-..-1i_..':'!'-l,-_. -'5,-.-' .-:t=._..'.~--$'._.*.-$5.-'. ,- .;,.».-.-t-='.': ..'.-;.;.ii;,1'.‘.-j_t _ .,...'t' ,.,.__...=-,'.:~-.--.,-l-5" -'-' 1-?.i-:- ._tl -t. -'j'.i"...."I--‘llifat ~.-gal. ' '5' »'.".'--‘I ' .-r- .. ,= 1,. " " ' -. -1-" -.1’. ""'- 1?»-.-.f-‘E 7-' '.i‘.' in,5= . '.- if. M -- ,='1_ -. ‘fig’, ..,i1- - - .".-? - -iii-"-.-11-"=lif--$:&-=-'.--::r.-.- years having started as a trainee .'-" . "‘-F .B. '. .i‘ ' .. . Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, skipping down Serbly -it '- re-ti - -' tiiiit; .2 '- - - Rise and into Granby Walk and down the sandstone librarian and simultaneously studied L J’. ""'.w'>=‘?r'.'-'-'fl"~---'"15"iti'i"~"i“'i"l’ri-i~i''..-i "a"t'---1-.a'.-"e*"t-"~"- at'ekle"e" ' . ..'{’fI‘=.'.i'#‘=“'e."'a5' ‘.-'-" .’ a"t.e-r"a"'e""'_a{-"':i"‘ . -'.-~'.-'-- '.‘ ---"1"'i"-'=i1'-1a.i=-»-- ’_ , #1. 'for the qualification at _r§_:-_' '155-".-.""it;"-.+"um'S3#1,,.5I ''-_-at - 1-.",' 1'1".l -'.-'-"5.-ii§'ti.1r1-".'§l~§'{-¢‘.‘Z~!.I"'.-7fl-‘Il-'.l-‘'--"fl"!."~=;¢t‘.”§'.€-"‘='“"i£i‘“"<"5""l"'f5.ii§""’9;f1'l'1.""§_.Il¢(F,§:f',\r"::"'!:.'|'J'€ L-?i'-,1ll*?;"'-*‘Ii:i'§"'--'"5';§;-,_§.rvjg.It{l_i.=i.-i!'.-5_'-'.\"i‘""it,n~;;‘.f_.-_-_2i'..-'125,'",-{‘.f=-i‘it4.iit",5.%t.-"xi.?_,_1?-.l'-'-w'.'.-=-i--'"F..l!"'»l' a_;i_i"i‘.-.‘1i-i..i‘it--,._@.§-j7:=_-.__i*f._’, steps onto Pym Street. Down past the handful of ..|.i'fif,1.i'Yfi‘,w'|I}'7-\'ill,‘_1 ...,;.;...-%;.i- it{$1.1 .j,§,..._. F9? _'- ;. at .- it-tar _- t -. .~ -et -' ‘new’ council houses. Down past the gated grounds Loughborough University part time. “ ' " -,_,'_ -.._.-~.i%..i."‘~-"a."-‘;.-.._,in_'_{@.»'_,.;..-.,?..-.»--.--H: ' 5.-. ~. . -rt.-.t= .-._,____:_' of Rosehill School, where we played illicitly in the Once I qualified I worked at the " ="» ill at »- -"-*'-. " " .l Pf ;-§ -'-F -'-'11» .'.".-,- -if ii; it i.--'*-'- -i-' .i- iii "gt: "'1 --.- 1-" Fl’? -; at -. F"‘ iii’ ."__ ~. .~:=€:=.i'*?iiii.=*i='-'eli*'*.l1' £1 at '»'1"~‘.2" long, long Summer holidays. And finally to number I 30, Central Library on the ground floor - '1-' .' -.-'-' -i . .. I" ‘} _ _. ‘r.- .9‘ _'l~I ,_. -'1‘ _"* .-‘ "'5 ' ,r'- I-' ,-1" ' -' ' .~.' _i ='-‘Ell _» _ -' .-.’-' .-_-.-‘' .'?__'.-'="'."-'-I- ii it _ M for 6% years which | enjoyed Centre and Carlton Road Library, where I lived. Further down, at I67 I think, lived my . -it ' .~ .=:» Q =" Z 1.-l-' .ili i.--'.-'1.-,ii€~"-'‘-'§-- eHnf;. i-t- t-" I ~. -.'.-~..-.--.ilt- t--. ye '- ‘l. .~.\- -:- -' .-.-H’-- .-.-r'5-.~ . ii .-»~ --~,. ‘I; .1, .»t’,.1t.'i~-. --£.' ~'.i.t-.ii.'...1 .~.:l IHt5-it ..' -?'»'.- -P:-'.-.- .a-_-. -' ..:-'-'.fibtit iii‘ 1,.--.--.=,. 1'-. .- +=. I -i"§'-'.’-~'--T'-.-- .. and runnin a school class visit at - . ' I d 9 _.I,...-_. a-_-.;..'.'.-._.fl,3.-.-r-a_1}-I §_ii\!-,£¥iljJl.-?@;;»l)§,?,.il'.\e'.-,~,§il1.1.,-.==t;.-Iflglfii-iii’ iii.-til ,il=f.'..-.-.-,-\,.$!;.{-l',=~l~,-.!.~.-.2,, ,3,»-5!_if_gl,i_!-. :1... _;,i!Zr:_:‘-‘t-.§-71;.’ -3%?‘-I _,|,6"_-' friend Margaret Willey, with her brother David. A pair of ..-: a .-.: .,1, -*1 ' |gng:;gfigJnZnin;€|.?gewE::;EZf a St Anns Library in how to use the .- =' freckled redheads whose mother came from far, exotic -- ' .-I-5 5"":1_l“‘ .t-If i‘-if_.-2*""l ya: Librarian Deciding iwamed a resources in the children section. I f . Blackpool. The other member of our trio, Lesley _..t- .-.? i<'.i-'-' ti" at2-!'A; ;~'_,.a- ti ,.-tr-'ii it -it .Hi;i-:1 .1 tt§.'zt¢r?,i1- ll’ii25: 5- .. -- . '-.- .i'/§*.-.-":-'-.t'-~'v"~,'-,t~- ==r.--...'---.5-.--.-',-.',.-.~,..---- ,.!_ .- .1 t-ilii" ',iE'."_.i-.__.lf"~‘i£-;.:4'_-';-‘-~‘ “M3.-,l-~' -' '=-‘~' .-'-.'~:,i-.-'-.'- -- its it Mooney, lived just around the corner on Woodhouse . _ ,7’ Change h°We\/9"» l 5UC¢@55fU||Y Another major aspect of myjob is ..-at-.,,.-'-s-,,._;il.,-i;._.__..l.._-gl-.--..,,..--F.-'55,gii.,J'$-,;§l..i,..;n;.;.-.-§.-..i'--..,;tl.ia'.-..§;-ii-.' I.i'-'--'. '; ~" ~'. 1"" ~ it-, §1i=-iiiiliiaitfiitt."l"i:#'-"‘t' ',.'-.;=" '._i.*'r¥'.:'.','_§~1'='li'» 1" . .. rti'raa!..:r:'- ~:\-I‘ '- '-{uhI"-' ' ' '- - "til 4-’ I.I' -.' 4 ."|i.'\-'| >< r‘ It '1 ' "1\' In.>0' ."1" '\I''\'\' “ ‘*4 I " ‘t ""‘ ' ' "1"\-wt’ - ==-=! -. l-'.-» .>-i"-iii ti".--'- - 1" ,. .-IT. -=" at a .= it at/. it er’ it = i--',.;.- .=i- :-’li.t- i ' Street. managed IO p€I'SUélClE tl“IE ITIIQIVIEW attending Qity wide meetings to iii .l. ifi; 1""I I ""it.-.. r.=tl~'='-'-i:-i.-'=''i-'-'¢,'¥;i;iii'.t».ilr-*~'i'3ii:,ii=";tlr.'.'.rI-~..- ;. "it.-§'*"»".i5"'-"‘ it ~.-hill Panel 5" a¢¢@DIl"9 me f0! t|'li5 P°5t develop the service. I am currently -' Li. -ii-' I .~' .. '1 _- i My grandma, Tilly, lived next door at I 28. I remember .1- ‘~ -.-. "-,-' '.'.-'.-".-‘.'.-,'-'..'.;i!..-'-.'.-r.-,=ni,_.,,.i-i-;,'..1_--_-;.--""-'1 '_i_-f,,_.t.=:=rt='-'=-'~=':t'~"~""":1" ‘,_"= *1 ‘~i--'-" _.._..-_.-1'.-_l -.-'-;.-I-Eh-;~;r;~_.- --‘..,..,-.-*=.,.-;>'.--".-"' -' ,,_r.i-1."., .- -,__,'-3. .-' - 'fl?-"l¢er ' 'lh°U9h PeF50"a||V | Think it W85 on several groups including Reader -t_-..._,-_2;"§.r‘)-.__.:.iiqtswh,-':,E-fi"ll'i£_ -':_H,1 J'-ar_i,- flit -_é, _i.' _ tin ,.f,_ .5-,._,= 'i-ii?'’.-7i2-; F3_-‘ _5;‘! __' _;.i_:_-._=r 'I*.’~"_.;._'. t._m.;_.;.l -'g-t. I.-‘$3.; -'1'-‘_,i--'. Q! . -_=.'~‘,9.~.?t_,al,5:?$'§_,~5‘' :.- "1 i.i, "'1 . ’..r I‘ .-—_.---.. ."_"'{r,-}..¢'_~,_-.1.-at sitting, watching her work, surrounded by drifts of 1' " - .-'--u.-'-1 ..~'l-;"---.=='=""' ' ".*g»;¢_".-', ."-.t""'-‘=' fit """,="-1'.5"".‘.i'.';.-:*l'_.-"-l§?"""'=' .-"til.-'-‘?t..--i'*"*'-1'1-‘*ii2ii"T:=i"~t"“"l" -.-.-.- "-- ~‘J -:'."."'--. - ae - -',-it Sheet flll|<E- Development, Music, and the 3 ».-:1-1' --'5" if 95'it?" ti? .-..;1'.i51i.."';i-»';1;i§'.3’ ii’ -ii’.-=-"l 5' .. ’".'"1 T2 -at-"ii "'lt'“"""'*ir‘..3.-."-.~.7"wilt?‘-i.':-?ilr:'<'. snowy lace. She seemed as old as God to me but her “aw .-'="F.~-,i@~1i.i--ira'i1li;'l";%-l:!.cti'tiiii-;t,g;gF.i'ii,»$iyii."il-i...y1i= -,-i ...l'-..-'l.‘li.~'4i3i=in',=t".%'-.''.'E-'-i-"Y1fM*Zr''il1-.l£f-1.@1‘tt‘f'i'-"" '§~'st;'$,ei§_§}'*%I‘'.fir‘l?l.'~.-3--&-5"-.' --I/1"5'¢-’---I-.l 2-.~-"-' -Q'7“-' . .._-.= . hands were young - fast, flexible and agile. Pulling out I've been in this post sincejanuary Equality Gmup a"d Stemming fmm - .= -_ ._..,, 'i. ; _.¢,- i_1-*.;_ ‘. it-,1“; i',l.' '.-_ ',l it 5' .-'-'.~ .4?lt§!.',l ill‘ -; 2" I.-if -- iii? '-'.-- .,l' 't'. ~‘*.=_ -.1.gif~t’ ill-Y, ‘ r .~-: t -'2'1,V-<.9-‘ -"1 i ‘F55; ' l~ ." .‘ '" -‘-'3:-‘>'i'-}1- .ig,t=*€ .=?‘.3‘.!..I. .» _i;.-""1""'E.-....rat-tiilaiiwli-i;rii£.iz;'.iiliii.i’.'..l'.-...,..i"-ii/"i;;I.= ii.-'1? .i---.'.i,-......'a-'..t. t ~,._ . ,:. will - . .. i ii ':=" -it -. the threads to separate the strips of lace. Then it was 200! and I've found that there is a the Reader Dfwelopment Gr°‘_'p the in .-..-115’ -.,'$'e“~%t it 1-it.’-we i‘ Hi -I ll'.=r1~!'- -:1- i ..-1'.»; -'.-.=.' ".= 1 .~l' :- ....-.-'i;ig- at .' ....ri' l'l- ,il,i-'-'1' .. ifii’ .a-.- 52' .= F '~'t;,ii=Ig.l:f-_'5l~;i-: L" '" '5',-',, -at 1,.Qt! _. : my job to take the pillow cases, stuffed with cotton lot to learn and do - even 6 months St Am“ Readmg Group came mm 1 '-'=i"i'i'?.- .'=' " 1" .-Z-,-j.-' i-ti-'3ii',’ 45¢ .._-.=rTl$--:.-‘.-.-.-_. I! -.-_~"-E‘.-' .;. -tn"-_. ,1;-7 . if ,-‘ii .l- -.-I-‘.~ .- I. 1' .;- Ii,-A,-' _i.-_-' -i .11.“! '-1'-k-;.,l-5?.-. % t.<_-4-‘7. ,i_1‘,{§‘l§l-ii,-fi'tI, _i_§",- '-' ;.' »f?fl-‘Il_ .-3.1--T ..--'-" ._I‘-_i{.'.*i'_- illgii‘-= ',.§;i§iiilii;:»iarri:2il'l§i»-t=i..'#ri=e.e$»tliliesiiarmilk-r§illiil'l?t.;:lf7i'=='fl‘fiii";i.'l=t?Z¥il-rllirKill."'.=t!'l'i--'-'=-'5"-l""-'"-" Ii:-.l=.t-.*t’l--"§ii"3r.=;i5tIl.'.it:it'»'3*ll"'..'-.‘ fi"x» .. waste, down into the maze of streets beyond the end in I keep tripping over things I bei"9_which l "ow run and .--' M..“=.-..|.'-i_' . .. . .- _.;il'. .- en. ii? . .1 l.n"l-‘r" r i. -f/.. iI lit: .. -,1. ti; ~-6’ .-l ;-: --J J;.- -;F~ .- - -, ._.-.=ee=-. .- .- ,- - -'1» ii...--til1--‘I. '. "'*~',i;"q‘r -t= ' ..-..-r;ll'."---".'3t._.I-'.’-l'.-..-”'.-' P"5‘,.i.»'+.-' -'--““ ‘ejlii-a"t' - "in$1t; -.-_- "'3l'-'-'1-'.i-'."-'1-I ‘$3’ of the road, to Jackie Pownalls yard. There the bundles don't know. What is important °r9a"'5e' " "..- ti" ._'- W "'%§"'wf '*"'3'l5if of cotton threads were weighed and exchanged for a iii. ea ..’~' -- 'f|'l°U9l'l is e"5Url"9 ¢°"ti"Ufl| Last, but certainly not least an 1'.-lljtfilgjl'7 .~.'-‘l ii’-’ .'.'-'_.;. -"_ ,.-.-' ';_ -=.-:1.-if ll riii 'i£' £1 -.-, .-,t.'.-‘-. 't'i.»"_;,,:‘1-l't -.-'-‘--3j/t?; 1‘-“.~',' :15. i_ all-*"l?.§‘ it it Pei" 1' _.l& -.,- if". -".li"f'!.1-'l'a_i,1i-i.-iihwi:».-i"i»i'if't3"iltI5i!l'te;i"-/!'.5i'l',5;!-i'i»'ll?illi'l.§if€i'ti"il"i5§*.l;y{’li‘lxi7'li-i‘ifllll'1iill'"l,')illj"§"F","'i*'"i"r"’x'5'i'f!9-'»-'i~-'-’iafiii";i'.i5ill,‘l't4i‘-i'l,".:t"t-'l'’-»‘Tl;!"*i»i'.i=iiiit''i'ii'i”i""%»i¢i/1Z$f,ii"§".ie*/ai';§'g,i,,';fe,T§'g-'."""'~-.i- R; t" -,...!.,, communication with staff and i mpei-tent element of my ieb is to .ii /"fi"r:‘:]’:i'fi'|-f.,--ii.‘,-'.-.'-:i'_ir"-"11'l'-''-'1'.iif-.:_'-'.'{-'.',1'l‘.'I-1':-,-'.:-":'l:''|il'i:‘l|'|i,i'i -.i.i-".--',,-',i'-""" i ,..-'i.i.i'?‘.';.-:1--.l;'.-...--=,-I-' -..-;ir.=f-.;.f-"."“5"i"s""' .'=".~_1?-_-'1'_.-"it.1-1- if..7-.-'..r-.".=.--r'."“'*f""' .'1-1'3,;"t-ii.__-. '..l-l.4.'..»-';'-=‘J,1-'.~i"~-‘1iJ-s"'*1"-'"'.‘”- 'ii‘-'...-',,.i .’-- _‘-I-''=';"*=i"l few extra pennies in grandma's purse. cheek with a black eye pencil. Without doubt, on our I r .wt: r ti 1rt“ irlli/it/I/’ " if r .- ii -- street, Enid represented the pinnacle of sophistication Working With them to d@Ve|0P the help ensure that each library has i"'- -Jackie Pownall's Yard, now there was a place ~ like a _ and glamour. “Ea $@l'VlC@- relevant book stock to the needs wizards lair - dangerous but completely fascinating. ~' _ .,-_ ,ii'- " " nip ,' -_-._-,,yin -.-,-..-.,'-,r -<--,><-.-_, i- ' _ |____.|.:_,---:,<---'- ‘M‘er?£‘91‘-A;--"in |l__ 5.7;’-,1‘,-‘In;V itfiiife.,' ea___ __V_.|.'__.|4._-_._~--,. _ .-..____ _ -i__--_ ‘ ‘_- __.___,._1i- .-_-_.,:,-_.-_---:3_--_-.-_-_t_,_._,__-';:_3. of their customers which requires a . ..i' 1..., - 12'». -F“ 1 " '. When the house was a mess, my mum used to say, “lt At the bottom of the street - every child's dream — a Part of myjob involves me in _i,{. I - .-_- . -.--I H_H_‘_H“h -..; _ r __.___ r._.--'- .---_r _, _lrt.“_ H ‘._..'___=_~-.-- -- _,'._-.=.-' 7._._.-, - . . 3 , -. -_. I: _ -,___‘_'_:_._-_._:_..‘_-_.__:_.|,: ' lot of attention and constant ta. in ... Qt -"=-ll .-ii -it..l.'--at ."-'*=-.i. :-. .-:>'-"" ="‘*'.*-'/.i'.-f -;-I it .ilaliiii ~ '-'-'-ti will -Mt .-1' - -':- eii-1'7' looks like Jackie Pownall's in here". I still say it myself sweet factory. Payne's sweet factory, in fact. The building on existing contacts and "tenet , -' ate-. ~.' .- .- -' . air ' revision. I-.=?.:,;i? _-.-.',.;;,t';,;,._.-.,:-'.-t._..-.-if-";‘-‘I5_;.---.~_-_.-_-,-r-='. , :__‘__‘_-___..r ., . ".._: _|_ __,.___.l,,_____jt ;__ _: reason why escapes me now, possibly just bad timing sometimes - but of course, nobody knows what I'm creating new ones in the . lint 1.: iii, iiiiia “" ~'i .r~ 11.3" .~'.{:l'“'iri¢;i‘4'.‘iit,i_1.'.lfii:<-',l.§?_iri:,gl§il{,i ' ‘if: "HQ! ll’ :_J"'-1'2“'-"'“é-"'1' '1-£¢_l_{Hl5" ~ill’-'1‘-'i¢'-‘n-."‘£'.'-"“~‘-" tilt.-_-alt. ;|l't_#Ir4|?§§.Q-.'-7£1» -.- ' - -1- '-‘--Tr‘-‘ 16...,-,Q,-.'f'~;l‘:. - W31’ I{£ if-‘f. -I-..*:-.'»£’--'. itefi talking about. but Margaret, Lesley and myself were hardly ever in .--..__- _!-: .- _4iii": ,.,. ‘._,;__=.- -'-'>_.‘.1,.-..; i~' ="-" ‘i. . j; ‘= I-;.;‘ ' ; i_; ‘__.,.-.'-jr'-t- ,,- --'-'3 -, 1. '_ ;j,_.,- it -' -7»-It-Iii ¢°lTlmll"ltY T0 @"<3°l"'<19@ afld Well hopefully you're still reading if '1if E». it’! 5 - i- .'iI'~lff"'-i}~_.',-l,'[-_"-'_t--',._i,,_.w5',.-1_.'ii_“=i.'-iZ.,_‘£-.-r-l.r,-,,i'i-.ii',.-i.l7»-...i;;.,,;;.i;.,--,,.i-i.§=a+t."“ 't'=-h-"'t»i='"-r'1-l'.-,.-'5.Ei=,-'¢t-i=1_-»'t-t.'i1=iE_ié-e-''l-i'i'‘"&'-.f:ii1i'.'it.'--'il'=-'5fr"i"-,.€»r.1-.'-¢'.=-'-i-,;;_\;.i_.~l9t_q1.,-g--i1.-,"'r-§-"'.'»:it ‘.1E..i,-1"-"':-f'l'?"_fi.5-. '-rfit.r-.--'1i'-,'.,""'fl1ZL,._{-,_-\-'-.-1-"t-iI-it!'-f'--.r&-~.=‘--.,~-'.'-. giiq,li'i>t—“"_ -'"=.'.. -*.-.-.-.-§.=-_-;. _r_,'I-!.-' "if -'.-=:"T,'.-=-i3i '-'.--'_.'a-',;~_-3.;-'-"'-“i‘y-:‘jF|i!.-1.5? __-;,\..- 5' .-,.t.‘.--'1-I--‘.'-'; -'1‘ _;.--. "~- - . 5 Fieee that most delightful of positions — hanging around SUSIIHII1 llI'Il(S With the library. THIS thi5 artigle as what will be ‘H 5 ‘I13 = So, back on Pym Street, I remember the beer-off on "" aki-r--'."-"=17."-'-".>t_.',~-t,-: ~'1-'-“"-"""":""""‘.""E" .-,~""'3!§f""""'?""".""-I-'.'..-~.-'.- ""‘-W Ign,7_.,__i,gfr1ek-'1; _ __.-_ . r outside the factory, at clocking off time, on pay day. .'l§'§' .' ..»"a’i '.' Will lmlll-lde am°"95l °TheF5 happening in libraries in the future ~'~ ‘J -iv-' " I? ‘ff/ii‘ -.-‘iiti am‘. -it-'" H! 7 -.-.'-"'»'="-r- r.- ill '. -re’ A all $' "'1 '». ..-.-.r.~ fl-r .';'€ 5 -'.' -' .»'~ "Jr-»'.-. It'll; .- 41- --.,i .-- - -- 1 .- -=-.-*!.!r-.§i<;- the corner of Woodhouse Street. All the wonderful ‘1'.».lc'tr=t.---'!'.----if 3"“iii”1l.n'll"""'-'=- ".r.ti'i'1".ti<i"ii-'t.-.-..-.'~j%'~- ‘rli~-i"-- "};"ktii4i"'l’Ee'- "ii=""'FZ°~‘*’-"‘-“'-"'" ‘,i-@}i',~t.='rifg"- .-- r--- -i;' ." H""._ " J’ ' ' C9"taCTl"9 C0mml1"i'fY 9T°'-lP5 and are firstly the children's summer r 3 it ...,.a. .._...» it iii g . ._ I ...... _., _., , F 11')‘-__t_._ P’ ...#,.,i .. jars of sweets; rainbow kaylie, satin c,ushions and Out they'd flood, a crowd of girls and women. .., ..-. iJ,_,|___.*.~.-,.,,-,._f,,.=.'-v_,.-' .iilij._ti:t=‘§_,- i'|,h-fly" ll,-a,_.= 3,».-V |_ centres. local sthools. Playgroups. activities will be starting the week '5*’ I. »"' ’ ' - Fastening coats, tying headscaves, smiling, chattering sweet, buttely chopsticks wrapped in bright orange .!.._.3__...: V_._i:3'_,:,i_¢;?;,-t,:..-'.-a:-;.'.¢,'};;_,-_i._F.;-_t%:--. w£_§_t¢:;.I-.,_. Ill.“t-i}‘Ff,I'-',F'§l;-‘#5f+'I:I€+:nf}'|;vf:>£ff.,I£fi3£_|'Ff-l '_‘____-,-'. _ -"‘.._.-.-iet.-_--;'--.»,:2»__.____. and organisations - but quite often beginning the 3()t|-i_itt|y in e|| the "t ft" ' 'Si 2' "' .+'-i'.»-i.-*1’; .- ti. - cellophane. I remember the beer pumps and gleaming like a flock of starlings. Money in their pockets and -5 "'-'-;-=-i-"--‘""1' .-:'al'i'iiii".Er.‘="'l*'I’3i',.ii.="*"""'} :1. €lE"{-'5‘?-511$":-‘*""“'§Ii=i'illlli"'filiY}'13i]i',}§*l'll3i[i%§!_§'§i'ill3I'.iPi'*It.-..-E-T-,‘.'-1"-.,v'-"">'il.*i\.""T.-' .~.-.-.'."'-“-‘-'-'-"-='=v-:.§-'-''-.-1-.-'‘gflflliélivqlllrf‘iii -.= -.-t'_.r"'. " - "'-"""-'-t5:'-:-'='-‘5l--"l'ii.-"-.?£'i"l=i'r:-‘.'-'.-~'l"~=-~.-,-.t""=:' -.'--"-='1*—‘f"=' .»t.1't.9'i'?-ll“’-.-'-'-' .4’Zl'*-*" :rtIf"f7.i"i'#"il:=2-‘5'z'Iii‘lf"'i‘5i"ii§'?¥"5.~-- "' ‘ gig l Il I though people tend to find me. libraries, and the Central -' .." .-'-,.;;-',.,-'-.,--'*.,-.--;--'-.¢--,51. ,-a'_,t-.'_--- -.-:-: - 4'--'-'-"- -. ‘-'-fi,t '_..2;''-i_.-.-:i.;I_.._""_..'-t'ail-'._,- '1;'.~'.ait;'itz-'.-ji-r,;-'-:,-h|;‘:F_i-_:- ,-1 -_--=--;_--lel_i%’-'..,,’.-=..--_ _..,_;.-~._.:/_...,.-#' it_-.~- ..'.-=ti-'''-,1*'.--1-_ .-- ,I-;’1,-- 5,_-'_r' -.-r ';_ .1-'-<_-''-_,'rt.l...-i '.' -',3i.;-;1.; ._i|at-.. .i__ ii» it‘ .-4'.u>i ;.- 5.; __,5-.;§.,i.;ti.-I _._ ,; V,-ill _--'--1-' ti ,5-li'i.~ Q‘ if $5; itii: _i 1-_ tr ..i~';. . '._..'_-.1__';}|'_‘:_"’||'-.'"_/'_t-;;}ei.’-_s;-1.__,, copper drip trays. People came with white enameljugs their minds already on the weekend. They swept past _.___.,f-.,5:-. I? .-,:_-;.-....,- ,|"?Ir'1h .,r?‘i,§l*_._i,-'--I;--'i,-'-'.--'.--,,-_-'5.-,-i-,-,-'.,___5,__:._,.,r '-‘I 1. " 3;‘‘. _ _~'.-1-.'.-31¢;-"*1-"-'_i_ 50""? Of the ¢0"'lml1"l'fV HSPECIS Government initiative ‘Sure Start’ i____..-!.. f.-. -,2u 1.1:..k.Jl;gE__ ,._,,___._.-__“i__-...‘-F __'f;|h.__, ,.‘||_.":__‘_‘_|_..[|,;‘,|,|J,_,_.T_.,,-.,_ -'1‘;i____iI, .1." |,|,-1_,..-,._.~;£|"'. .- .- , _ ‘-.-,.\,j::-_'.- '__ M_r__ _._. _._ ‘_.., :;__:-- and big, thick glass bottles with big, black stoppers us like queens, scattering largesse to the peasants. "il'e'é~ '~ that l have been involved in is will soon be launched in st Anns ‘“'\"-I-"'-E‘-'-"-3';3-=_*.¥--1-.=.1-;a1;~.~-." "'-all.-..-.t-.-iii-..-.,.,...l...'=l_.i,, :5 _.,{.t,., ~". .+.t.. -- - ._ tilt ii?' - _a.- ' -'..:.t..,'-' -iiJ-. attached by complicated wire contraptions, to be filled Pulling hard, brightly-coloured, boiled sweets from their " "-'-: -' »- -. '-if I F >§.i'il?Q'l'-'.-'?'l"""'-""r"" ">'-''-"fr' W"“". F'-if - ". "-1 linking II1 With tl"l€ SI'I€_lI'It0I'I l:€SlIlV8.l and Carlton Road and i5 nQw being pockets and throwing them for us to catch. Laughing, with either mild or bitter. No lager, cans or widgets in .'~ - Qt? If I{.- ~- = ti ital’ ;._,_.|.-.;-_...' -." '- _, 1-'g.r;'- =_--. -,= iii il'§!|.;$|!tr.l{-'.-‘14‘t,- '.-‘I’ filtlrgflti.-ll.-‘-»~_ "‘.§*_.5.~f_{/¢=g:5~'.~ -"'“--"~»" '1'":'5"?-T.--'. ‘ z,'-.* it-1;-ti '.i,- -. 4» I20 l’lOlCl 2 WOI'l(Sl’I0l’JS II1 SI'I€ll'llIOl'l extended to SneintQn_ l_‘_’,i_»| _ |_ =;_ those days. " as we raced up and down and squabbled over '-1 ..''-.'.-' .-. -' -r‘ -'.l' .-'-' t -= ‘-'5" '=I"‘ .5 " ,-" J-' .-_-’ .,_._,-I ;.- iii-' ’.-,~'.-;<'.;- .-‘ _.-i __ 3' ,-it _j_l 5;. .-_-. .| i.-,-’-E ‘t ."" ' _-.*-_ ._.-e._1,?_:. Library using local artists and Pl d ,th .t t t t t -' "" I dropped booty. How disappointing it was sometimes, it, ..-. at l .- t ' till" it it it git it -- _._'}t,,,. .,_ ti1-H?-._;.,.~ . __1 _H g &,£'fi____h 1,;.~_..- _,‘.. n. in ;i.__§.-.¢f,_i_i;,‘_|_'rl'|n:t_-__-_,-|.'?_-~=. - ..l;.A_.'- '| ~ :.-t,.. On the opposite corner was the Dairy, which sold milk school groups,responding to ease on eS' ae ocon ac me '. e ., “tee when they turned out to be cough drops. Still, none of Banca piaygmup to come to should you want any support or _ i" and was a lot less interesting. Except, of course, for i _l;_ _,__._._,-‘.-.'-i'-'--' __'-' ;-<'-'.'.-3-'.--.<;.-.\,~_.-ti,-,..-,.-,»,gtl;'--Ft-:--.,-_-~‘-'.-"i ,.@‘li_gfZ-,{',_,_._.-_-.»,'.-'~'-“_:,‘i"'-"""~:-3. 5"-“-'1 -'.~.-5 "' "7i',-.-,..—_fi'-J-':-'*- -'_-._,,‘é"l_i?i<'I--'-'.-,.'f~- , "-.'-"E;-'n‘»'1"rt=ifi( _ ,’*t §[g us could afford to turn our noses up at free sweets. eii.. -ii‘-' t-.-.-.-' -' iii»"»‘-'.i.».r.-if ;.,';;;iii. 1'-‘ti;’»&.;.i'it iii ifiii" iii .»‘ -ifrt‘ " - it it -ati-»--e.=:e'»i.'i.i.»".'é'é-ii - -a ' ~' the proprietor, Enid. Enid was an unlikely shade of =' . Bakersfield Library for storytime icfgmce or link work with the at And you did get used to the taste after a bit. ' .-;.'_-. _. .= -flee. ,- . .. .,. .. ,, _. ._ ,. ., __ __._ , . .1. . -.i . 1 - = - -. ,-. ..- -. ., -- --...-. --. I- ~ .- ..-. .-.-,-.0,-. . .. .5.-fr_';___ .1.-rt I. "'ii"'ie'e ei.r~li-rleae1:i1""’' 5' ';aqr.»"ete'tit""!'il'‘""1'5—" ""' "" tilt fitefitlil‘ii.I "i"" '-= "'T? "':=i' ireti"'»=§§ge orange and wore make up every day and dyed her hair and book exchange, encouraging ' raw‘ Ii, t*“:‘q-§!- t'_ir..~..--‘.rt-¢_.-.-._';-3-r ‘fig,-.. r'-' We _F";.=-‘_}|»re.1,‘-,;Ei't_"'-.".-i.t.--.13/-:.';3_ 'r_.,.- _|‘;_J.-,-;. t ti» a I- - ..,= .-_-"' '- .;..‘.-i jet black and drew a pretend beauty spot on her Cathy White further links with the Stonebridge Kam Bangar 1..--1% .e_t.=-'-.j"'-'-.rr ' ""'-" " ";-.-'-.»--.»'- . 5" all ‘ it _.» f’.1? ti ii’? ..<. it '~' .51. . t.' a“*‘%'ee~ N» t .t t .1’/. ‘jet’ , ,.'tam.,l<eii-tel’, .4e»-e~ if , ;a.i§,=e,¥. ,i_ ‘*'lJ*""" rt F1tiii..t ,_. It7!t 1- I. an1 - r Ifnlats,-tli'§=1'31-i"5’5?i'i 'G"'£:3@*"’f?!t"'=%' i19:-Pn; fl'?£I5?:%$l§’Tr~! {ill-{rf-'?€r”ii"kE' xxIla} "If ”:;T?£'*“';;";3Z€b FrgfliAvérx t: girth 11 10 _