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EAST BAY ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR A READER 2 Instead of an Introduction The following texts were com- piled for the amusement of all those participating in the First An- nual East Bay Anarchist Bookfair. Each set of texts corresponds to a facilitated conversation. Those conversations will be held at the bookfair, on Saturday December 1st, 2012. It should be noted that all the following texts are excerpts or abridgments (unfortunately, the manner in which the texts have Conversations & Time Slots: been excerpted is not always clearly marked). However, we 11.00 am tried to pull from texts that are already available, for free, online. Stage 1a. The Event Outside 1b. The Event Note: some of these texts nuzzle and lean into us, and we weep 12.30 pm with the joy of recognizing our- selves and our desires. In other Stage 2a. Pleasure texts, we find much to critique Outside 2b. Pleasure and to question. The hope is that these booklets will pop off, like lit- 3.00 pm tle sparks from a fire, or perhaps float about town, like the parasol Outside Violence versus Non- of a dandelion seed. If you catch Violence: a Debate one, mark it up with your number 2 pencil. Prepare questions. Let’s 4.30 pm unravel all the critical issues. Stage 3a. Nature See you at the fairgrounds! Outside 3b. Crisis 6.00 pm Stage What is To Be Done? 3 4 You are waiting for the revolu- tion? Let it be! My own began a long time ago! When you are ready (god, what an endless wait!) I won't mind going with you for a while. But when you stop, I shall continue on my way—toward the great and sublime conquest of the nothing! – Renzo Novatore THE EVENT 5 The Anarchist Tension in everything I do—a way of being an Alfredo M. Bonanno anarchist continually—not coming to agreements, make little daily compro- What is anarchism? It might seem mises, etc? Anarchism is not a concept strange that I should take up such a that can be locked up in a word like a problem in this situation, since I know gravestone. It is not a political theory. for certain that there are many anar- It is a way of conceiving life, and life, chists here; I know them personally. young or old as we may be, whether we And if nothing else, anarchists should are old people or children, is not some- at least know what anarchism is. Yet it thing final: it is something we must wa- is necessary to take up the question ger day after day. When we wake up in ‘What is anarchism?’ time and time the morning and put our feet on the again. Even in a few words. Why is ground, we must have a good reason that? This does not normally happen for getting up. If we don’t it makes no in other expressions of life, in other ac- difference whether we are anarchists or tivities or ideas that define themselves not. We might as well stay in bed and to be something or other, with some sleep. And to have a good reason we foundation. must know what we want to do be- cause for anarchism, for the anarchist, So anarchists keep asking themselves there is no difference between what we the same question: What is anarchism? do and what we think, but there is a What does it mean to be an anarchist? continual reversal of theory into action Why? Because it is not a definition that and action into theory. That is what can be made once and for all, put in a makes the anarchist unlike someone safe, and then considered to be a heri- who has another concept of life and tage, to be tapped little by little. Being crystallizes this concept in a political an anarchist does not mean one has practice, in political theory. This is reached a certainty or said once and what is not normally said to you, this is for all, ‘There, from now on I hold the what you never read in the newspa- truth and as such, at least from the pers, this is what is not written in point of view of the idea, I am a privi- books, this is what school jealously leged person’. Anyone who thinks like keeps quiet about, because this is the this is an anarchist in word alone. In- secret of life: never ever separate stead the anarchist is someone who thought from action, the things we really puts themselves in doubt as such, know, the things we understand, from as a person, and asks themselves: What the things we do, the things with which is my life, according to what I do and we carry out our actions. in relation to what I think? What con- nection do I manage to make each day […] 6 So that is why anarchists keep coming to, and the daily experience of the back to the question of what anar- things we can and do, do. A precise chism is. Because anarchism is not a relationship of change, of transforma- political movement. Or rather it is, but tion. only in a minor aspect. The fact that the anarchist movement presents itself […] historically as a political movement Can we wait for a day to come, a great does not mean that this exhausts all the day that will turn the world upside anarchist potential for life. Of course down? What the anarchists of the last there are anarchists there, or at least century called ‘la grande soirée’? The one should assume there are, the kind great evening or the great day — ‘le of comrades who have begun their grand jour’ — in which forces no one own insurrection individually, have be- could foresee would end up taking over, come aware of the context of obliga- exploding into that social conflict we tion and coercion that they are forced are all waiting for, called revolution? So to live in. But anarchism is not just everything will change and there will that, it is also a tension, the quality of be a world of perfection and joy? This life, the strength we manage to draw is a millenarian idea. Now that we are out of ourselves, the capacity to reaching the end of the millennium it change the reality of things. Anarchism could take root again. But conditions is the whole of this project of trans- have changed. This is not reality, it is formation linked to what we realize in not this waiting that interests us. What ourselves when we bring about our does interest us is another kind of in- own personal transformation. So it is tervention, a far more modest one, but not a quantifiable fact that can be his- one that is capable of achieving some- toricized. Nor is it an event that will thing. As anarchists we are called to do simply occur in the course of time, ap- something. We are called by our own pearing through particular theories, individual responsibility. From the people, movements as well as, why not, moment the idea lights up our mind, precise revolutionary acts. There is al- not the idea of anarchy, but of justice, ways something more than the sum of freedom, when these ideas illuminate these elements, and it is this something our minds and we see the swindle be- more that continues to make anar- fore us — which today more than ever chism live on in other ways. So we con- before we can define a democratic tinually need to maintain a relationship swindle — what can we do? We must between this tension towards some- set to work, and this setting to work thing absolutely other, the unthinkable, also means organizing ourselves. It the unsayable, a dimension we must means creating the conditions of refer- realize without very well knowing how 7 ence and relating between anarchists, union bargaining and developing it conditions that must be other than right to the realization of the revolu- those of the past. tion through the general strike. So ac- cording to the anarcho-syndicalists, the For reality has changed. As I have said Society of the future, the free anarchist before, they are building a different Society, was to be nothing other than man, a de-qualified man, and they are the present Society freed from power building him because they need to but with the same productive struc- build a de-qualified society. They have tures, no longer in the hands of the removed the figure of the worker from capitalists but in the hands of the col- the centre of the conception of the po- lective which would manage them in litical society as it was, after de- common. qualifying him. In the past the worker bore the greatest brunt of exploitation. This concept is quite impracticable to- That is why it was thought that this so- day for various reasons. First of all, be- cial figure would necessarily give birth cause technological transformation has to the revolution. It is sufficient to think made it impossible for there to be a of the Marxist analysis. Marx’s Capital simple passage from the present society is dedicated to the ‘liberation’ of the to the future one we desire to live in. A worker. When Marx speaks of man, he direct passage would be impossible for means the worker. In his analysis of the simple reason that it is not possible value, he is talking of the work pace; in to use information technology in liber- his analysis of alienation, he is talking ated forms, in a liberatory way. The about work. There is nothing that does new technologies and computer tech- not concern work. But that is because nology applications have not limited the worker was central to the Marxist themselves to bringing about certain analysis at the time when it was devel- modifications in particular instruments, oped. The working class could be seen they have transformed all the other to be the centre of the social structure. technologies as well. The factory, for instance, is not simply a structure of Using different analyses, anarchists also the past with the addition of computer came close to a consideration that the technology but has become a comput- worker’s position was the centre of the erized factory, which is quite different. social world. Think of the anarcho- Bearing this in mind we can only men- syndicalist analyses. For the anarcho- tion these concepts in a very general syndicalists it was a question of taking way because it would take time to go the concept of trades union struggle to into them adequately. So we must rec- its extreme consequences, freeing it ognize that it is not possible to use this from the narrower dimension of trades patrimony. This passage runs parallel 8 to the end of the myth of the centrality tional proposal of anarcho-syndicalism of the working class. saw a strong syndicalist movement which, penetrating the working class Now, in a situation where the working and organizing almost the whole of it, class has practically disintegrated, the was to bring about this expropriation possibility of an expropriation of the and passage. This collective subject, means of production no longer exists. who was probably mythical from the So what is the conclusion? The only start, no longer exists even in its mythi- possible conclusion is that this set of cal version so what sense would there instruments of production we have be- be in a syndicalist movement of a revo- fore us be destroyed. The only possible lutionary nature? What sense would way is to pass through the dramatic there be in an anarcho-syndicalist reality of destruction. If the revolution movement? None at all. we imagine and which moreover we cannot be certain will ever come about, So the struggle must begin elsewhere, it will not be the revolution of the past with other ideas and methods. That is that saw itself as one single event that why we have been developing a cri- might even take place in a day or one tique of syndicalism and anarcho- fine evening but will be a long, tragic, syndicalism for about fifteen years. bloody affair that could pass through That is why we are, and define our- inconceivably violent, inconceivably selves, insurrectionalist anarchists. Not tragic processes. because we think the solution is the barricades — the barricades could be a All this is the kind of reality we are tragic consequence of choices that are moving towards. Not because that is not our own — but we are insurrec- what we desire, not because we like tionalists because we think that anar- violence, blood, destruction, civil war, chist action must necessarily face very death, rape, barbarity. It is not that, but serious problems. These problems are because it is the only plausible road, not desired by anarchism but are im- the road that the transformation posed by the reality that those in power wanted by those ruling us and who are have built, and we cannot obliterate in command have made necessary. them simply by wishing them away. They have moved on to this road. We cannot change all that with a simple An anarchist organization that projects flight of fancy, a simple dream. In the itself into the future should therefore past hypothesis where a strong working be agile. It cannot present itself with class existed, one could fool oneself the cumbersome characteristics and about this passage and organize ac- quantitative heaviness of the structures cordingly. For example, the organiza- of the past. It cannot present itself in a 9 dimension of synthesis like organiza- contrary, a group that meets to discuss tions of the past where the anarchist things and in discussing prepares itself structures claimed to sum up reality in for doing and through that doing con- ‘commissions’ that treated all the vari- tributes to developing discussion that ous problems, making decisions at pe- transforms itself into discussion about riodical congresses on the basis of the- things to be done, this is the mecha- ses that even went back to the last cen- nism of the affinity group. So how then tury. All this has seen its day, not be- can affinity groups enter into contact cause a century has passed since it was with others where the deepened thought out, but because reality has knowledge that exists in the single changed. group does not necessarily exist? This contact can be assured by informal or- That is why we maintain there is a ganization. need for the formation of small groups based on the concept of affinity, even But what is an informal organization? tiny groups made up of very few com- There could be relationships of an in- rades who know each other and formal kind between the various affin- deepen this knowledge because there ity groups that enter into contact with cannot be affinity if one does not have each other in order to exchange ideas knowledge of the other. One can only and do things together, and conse- recognize one’s affinities by going into quently the existence of an organiza- the elements that determine one’s dif- tion, also very widespread throughout ferences, by frequenting each other. the country, comprised of even tens, or This knowledge is a personal fact, but why not, hundreds of organizations, it is also a question of ideas, debate, structures, groups of an informal char- discussions. But in relation to the first acter based on discussion, periodic points we made this evening, if you analyses, things to be done together, remember, there can be no going into etc. The organizational logic of insur- ideas if there is not also a practice of rectional anarchism is different to the bringing about actions. So, there is a organizations we mentioned earlier continual reciprocal process of going concerning anarcho-syndicalism.The into ideas and realizing actions. organizational forms referred to here in a few words merit going into, some- A small group of comrades, a small thing I cannot do now in the dimen- group who simply meet in the evening sion of a conference. But such a way of to have a chat would not be an affinity organizing would, in my opinion, re- group but a group of friends, pub- main simply something within the an- mates who meet in the evenings to talk archist movement were it not also to about anything under the sun. On the realize relations beyond it, that is 10

syndicalists it was a question of taking the concept of trades union struggle to its extreme consequences, freeing it from the narrower dimension of trades union
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