Earthquakes: Simulations, Sources and Tsunamis Edited by Kristy F. Tiampo Dion K. Weatherley Stuart A. Weinstein Birkhäuser Basel · Boston · Berlin Reprint from Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH), Volume 165 (2008) No. 3 - 4 Editors: Kristy F. Tiampo Dion K. Weatherley Department of Earth Sciences Earth Systems Science University of Western Ontario Computational Centre (ESSCC) N6A 5B7 London, Ontario Department Earth Sciences Canada University of Queensland Email: [email protected] 4072 St. Lucia, Queensland Australia Email: [email protected] Stuart A. Weinstein Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) 91-270 Fort Weaver Road Ewa Beach Hawaii 96706 USA Email: [email protected] Library of Congress Control Number: 2008924894 Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek: Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at <> ISBN 978-3-7643-8756-3 Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel · Boston · Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustra- tions, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. © 2008 Birkhäuser Verlag AG Basel · Boston · Berlin P.O. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Part of Springer Science+Business Media Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp. TCF ∞ Cover photo: Xiaoru Yuan, Peking University, Beijing, P.R. China Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-7643-8756-3 e-ISBN 978-3-7643-8757-0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS Vol. 165, No. 3–4, 2008 Contents 449 Earthquakes:Simulations,SourcesandTsunamis K.F.Tiampo,D.K.Weatherley,S.A.Weinstein 451 FiniteFaultModelinginaTsunamiWarningCenterContext S.A.Weinstein,P.R.Lundgren 475 ModelingandVisualizationofTsunamis H.Zhang,Y.Shi,D.A.Yuen,Z.Yan,X.Yuan,C.Zhang 497 Geophysical Finite-Element Simulation Tool (GeoFEST): Algorithms and ValidationforQuasistaticRegionalFaultedCrustProblems J. Parker, G. Lyzenga, C. Norton, C. Zuffada, M. Glasscoe, J. Lou, A.Donnellan 523 MultiscaleBrittle-DuctileCouplingandGenesisofSlowEarthquakes K.Regenauer-Lieb,D.A.Yuen 545 ParallelFaultSystemswithEvolvingSelf-similarSlidingZones A.V.Dyskin 567 3-D Simulation of Steady Plate Subduction with Tectonic Erosion: Current CrustalUpliftandFree-AirGravityAnomalyinNortheastJapan C.Hashimoto,T.Sato,M.Matsu’ura 585 Development of Long-period Ground Motions from the Nankai Trough, Japan, Earthquakes: Observations and Computer Simulation of the 1944 Tonankai(Mw8.1)andthe2004SEOff-KiiPeninsula(Mw7.4)Earthquakes T.Furumura,T.Hayakawa,M.Nakamura,K.Koketsu,T.Baba 609 ModelingWingCrackExtension:ImplicationsfortheIngredientsofDiscrete ElementModel Y.Wang,P.Mora 621 InteractiveVisualizationtoAdvanceEarthquakeSimulation L.H.Kellogg,G.W.Bawden,T.Bernardin,M.Billen,E.Cowgill,B.Hamann, M.Jadamec,O.Kreylos,O.Staadt,D.Sumner 635 The QuakeSim Project: Web Services for Managing Geophysical Data and Applications M.E.Pierce,G.C.Fox,M.S.Aktas,G.Aydin,H.Gadgil,Z.Qi,A.Sayar 653 ANewDesignofScientificSoftwareUsingPythonandXML L.Gross,H.Mu€hlhaus,E.Thorne,K.Steube 671 AnEfficientSystemforCreatingSyntheticInSARImagesfromSimulations X.Yuan,Y.Liu,D.A.Yuen,B.Chen,T.Pergler,Y.Shi 693 The Stress Accumulation Method and the Pattern Informatics Index: ComplementaryApproachestoEarthquakeForecasting K.F.Tiampo,D.D.Bowman,H.Colella,J.B.Rundle 711 TheNewestDevelopmentsofLoad-UnloadResponseRatio(LURR) X.-C.Yin,L.-P.Zhang,Y.Zhang,K.Peng,H.Wang,Z.Song,H.Yu, H.-H.Zhang,C.Yin,Y.Wang 723 EarthquakeTrendAroundSumatraIndicatedbyaNewImplementationof LURRMethod C.Yin,H.Xing,P.Mora,H.Xu 737 Comparison Between LURR and State Vector Analysis Before Strong EarthquakesinSouthernCaliforniaSince1980 Y.Zhang,Y.Wu,X.Yin,K.Peng,L.Zhang,A.Yu,X.Zhang 749 FastComputingforLURRofEarthquakePrediction Y.Feng,X.Chi,W.Wang,J.Chen,X.Yin 761 ComplexityinSequencesofSolarFlaresandEarthquakes V.G.Kossobokov,F.Lepreti,V.Carbone 777 Earthquakes:RecurrenceandInteroccurrenceTimes S.G.Abaimov,D.L.Turcotte,R.Shcherbakov,J.B.Rundle,G.Yakovlev, C.Goltz,W.I.Newman Pureappl.geophys.165(2008)449–450 (cid:2)Birkha¨userVerlag,Basel,2008 0033–4553/08/030449–2 PureandAppliedGeophysics DOI10.1007/s00024-008-0332-x Earthquakes: Simulations, Sources and Tsunamis K.F. TIAMPO,1 D.K. WEATHERLEY,2and S.A. WEINSTEIN3 1. Introduction Large earthquakes pose an almost incalculable risk, causing great destruction and, often, loss of life. While large regions of the world are susceptible to this potentially devastating natural hazard, the Asia-Pacific region is particularly vulnerable. Poignant examples in the recent past include the M * 9.2 Northern Sumatra earthquake and tsunami in December, 2004 which resulted in the deaths of nearly 300,000 people, the M*7.6 Taiwan earthquake of September, 1999, with a death toll exceeding 2000 and $20billionindamage,andtheM*7.2Kobe,JapanearthquakeofJanuary,1995,that killed 5500 people and inducedlosses of more than $150billion. In the 1990s, major advancements in seismic research greatly added to the understanding of earthquakes fault systems as complex dynamical systems. Large quantitiesofnewandextensiveremotesensingdatasetsprovidedinformationonthesolid earth on scales previously inaccessible, and were integrated with a combination of innovative analysis techniques and advanced numerical and computational methods. Anewparadigmintheadvancementofearthquakescienceevolvedthroughadvancesin highperformancecomputingandnumericalsimulationmethods,coupledwiththesenew understandingsofearthquakephysics.Theresultingadvancesanddiscoveriesincludethe LSM (Lattice Solid particle simulation Model), the Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator (ACcESS), Japan’s Earth Simulator, GeoFEST, QuakeSim, MFEM (MultiscaleFinite-ElementModel),LURR(Load-UnloadedResponseRatio),PI(Pattern Informatics),frictionlawstudies andtheirlinktoseismicityandstress,episodictremor and slip, and studies on information transfer and the interaction between faults, among others.ManyoftheseareincludedinorresultingfromAPECCooperationforEarthquake Simulation(ACES)relatedresearchandactivities,andarepresentedinthisvolume. ACEShasofferedauniqueandinnovatedopportunitytoscientistsatalllevelstogain new understandings of the earthquake nucleation process, precursory phenomena, and 1 DepartmentofEarthSciences,UniversityofWesternOntario,LondonON,Canada. E-mail:[email protected] 2 EarthSystemsScienceComputationalCentre,ESSCC,TheUniversityofQueensland, St.Lucia.,BrisbaneQld4072,Australia. 3 PacificTsunamiWarningCenter,91-270Ft.WeaverRd,EwaBeach,HI96706,U.S.A. 450 K.F.Tiampoetal. Pureappl.geophys., space-time earthquake patterns, and has improved and enhanced earthquake hazard quantification and forecasting capabilities. The focus of the 5th ACES Workshop, April 4–6, 2006, Maui, Hawaii, was not only to continue the highly successful ACES collaboration, but to expand into studies of new satellite measurements, focusing on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data, and earthquake and tsunami modelingandforecasting,whilestillconcentratingonadvancingandenablingmodeling and simulation techniques and computational methods, including web services and petascale computing. Thisvolumeattemptstopresentthecurrentstateofthefield,inasamplingofwork fromwithinthisbroadspectrum,byfocusingnotonlyonthemodelingofearthquakeand earthquake generated tsunamis, but also on practical comparisons of the resulting phenomenology. It also should be noted that work herein is indicative of both a broad spectrumofcollaborativeearthquakeandtsunamiresearchandtheinternationalnatureof the contributions. Thevolumebeginswithavarietyofstudiesthatfocusonthemodelingoftsunamis and earthquakes. These include both large-scale simulation and visualization programs, as well as detailed models of small-scale features. Particular attention is paid to the application of these techniques. Examples include the application of earthquake simulations for the support of tsunamis warning systems as well as the modeling and visualizationoftsunamisthemselves,theuseoffinite-elementmodelstoinvestigatemid- crustal faulting, deformation and gravity, and the genesis of phenomena such as slow earthquakes and evolving geometries. Several additional works discuss research into particular computational techniques, languages, and hardware that can be used to facilitatedataanalysis,visualization,andmodelingofboththeearthquakeprocessitself andtheassociatedphenomena,suchasInSARdeformationfields.Studiesofforecasting techniquessuchastheStressAccumulationMethod(SAM),thePatternInformatics(PI) technique,andtheLoad-UnloadResponseRatio(LURR)follow,includingcomparisons of their results with historic earthquake data. Finally, the volume concludes with theoretical analyses of statistical properties of seismicity by internationally recognized experts in the field. Theeditorswouldliketopersonallythankallthereviewerswhoseenergyandefforts were essential to ensuring the high standards of this volume—S. Abe, D. Arcas, A.Corral,J.Davidsen,M.Davies,D.DePaor,G.Fryer,E.L.Giest,S.Gross,T.Hayes, J.Holliday, L. Hood,A. Jime`nez, L. Kellogg,B. Kennett, L. Kettle, S. Kohen-Kadosh, V. Kossobokov, P. Li, H. Muhlhaus, K. Olsen, P.L. Olson, J. Parker, R.Robinson, J.B. Rundle, S. Samsonov, V. Sardina, B. Shiro, S.N. Ward, C. Williams, J. Weertman, L. Wyborn, H. Xing and Y. Yang. The editors hope that this issue will contribute to a better understanding of the link between critical point phenomena and precursory seismicity and, in particular, the premonitorychanges resulting from stress transfer in this correlated system. Pureappl.geophys.165(2008)451–474 (cid:2)Birkha¨userVerlag,Basel,2008 0033–4553/08/030451–24 PureandAppliedGeophysics DOI10.1007/s00024-008-0316-x Finite Fault Modeling in a Tsunami Warning Center Context STUART A. WEINSTEIN,1 and PAUL R. LUNDGREN2 Abstract—TheUSNOAA/NWStsunamiwarningcentershavereliedonearthquakelocationanddepth,and scalar measures of earthquake size and slowness to assess the potential for the generation of a destructive tsunamibyanearthquake.Recentearthquakes,suchasPeru2001,Sumatra2004andtheJava2006,manifest some of the difficulties the warning centers face as they try to cope with unusual earthquakes. We have undertakenastudyofasimpleteleseismicwaveforminversemodelandappliedittotheearthquakesofJune23, 2001inPeruandofJuly17,2006inJava.Syntheticnumericalexperimentssuggestthatthemostsalientfeatures oftherupturehistoryofanearthquakecanberecovered.Furthermorethecalculationscanbeconductedquickly enoughtobeusefulinawarningcentercontext. WehaveappliedourtechniquetothePeru2001andrecentJava2006earthquakes.Ouroverallresultsare consistentwiththoseobtainedfromotherstudies.TheresultsshowwhythePerueventinitiallylookedslowto theUStsunamiwarningcentersandthattheJavaeventisatrulyslowortsunamiearthquake.Clearly,the warningcentersstandtobenefitfromanincreasedunderstandingoftheearthquakestheymonitor.Furthermore, betterknowledgeoftheslipdistributionalongafaultwillimprovetsunamiwave-heightforecasts. Keywords: Finitefaultmodeling,earthquakerupturehistory,tsunamiwarningcenter. 1. Introduction ThePacificTsunamiWarningCenter(PTWC)andtheWestCoast,AlaskaTsunami WarningCentersaretaskedwithprovidingadvancedwarningofdangeroustsunamisto the US, Canada and many other Nations within our areas of responsibility (AOR). Collectively, this includes all US Mainland and Canadian coasts, US assets in the Caribbean and Pacific, as well as many international clients in the Indian, Pacific and CaribbeanOceanbasins.PTWCinformsitsclientswithinminutesofalargeearthquake occurring in these areas of the location, magnitude and assessment of the potential for tsunamigenesis.Aprincipledifficultythewarningcentershavehadhasbeentheinability to predict the size of tsunami waves when they arrive on distant shores. Due to the conservativepostureofthewarningsystem,thisshortcominghasresultedinunnecessary evacuations.NOAA’sPMEL(PacificMarineEnvironmentalLaboratory)hasdeveloped 1 RichardH.HagemeyersPacificTsunamiWarningCenter,EwaBeach,HI,96706. E-mail:[email protected] 2 PaulR.Lundgren,JetPropulsionLaboratory,Pasadena,CA,91109. 452 S.A.WeinsteinandP.R.Lundgren Pureappl.geophys., modelsandtools(SIFT)togivetheUSwarningcentersanascentabilitytomaketsunami wave height forecasts. The SIFT software breaks the major subduction zones of the Pacific into grids consistingofelementsorfaultblocks100 kmalongstrikeand50kmdowndip.Whena large earthquake occurs, the duty personnel input the hypocenter and magnitude of the earthquake into the SIFT software. Further, they also select the blocks excited by the earthquake. An elastic dislocation model is then used to compute the sea-floor displacement. A simulation database, amounting to a numerical Green’s functions approach is then used to quickly generate the wave height forecast. The length of the ruptureandamountofsliparedeterminedbybasicscalingrelationships.Initially,theslip is used forall excitedblocks.Clearly,this is not normallythe case,and there are often complications with the rupture process that may render this source estimate procedure inadequate,resultinginalessthanoptimalforecast.Forexample‘‘late’’earthquakeslike Peru 2001 or bilateral rupturing can result in large forecast errors in the near field, and significanterrorsinthefarfield.Theslipdistributioncanbefurtherrefinedthroughthe inversion of monograms obtained by the DART network. This study is a step towards the warning center’s use of more realistic source parameters rather than prescriptions based on scaling laws that may be inadequate for complex events resulting in forecast errors. We use a variant of the method used by MENDOZA (1996) to perform waveform inversions in an effort to better characterize earthquake sources. We have performed waveform inversions using only P-wave broadband waveforms for the PERU (June, 2001) and the recent, JAVA (July, 2006) earthquakes.Theseinversionsareperformedusingseismicdatathewarningcentersare likely to receive quickly enough to beof use in awarning context. Our results suggest that considerably more reliable source parameters than those determinedusingscalingrelationshipscanbeobtainedwithenoughspeedtobeusefulin atsunamiwarningsystemcontext.Theseparametersincludethedistributionofslip,the sourcetimefunctionandlengthofrupture.Thelatterareimportantforuseindiagnosing extreme events like Sumatra (December, 2004) and the so-called ‘‘slow’’ or ‘‘tsunami earthquakes’’ such as the Java (July, 2006) earthquake. Tsunami earthquakes result in tsunamis that are larger and more destructive than expected, based on the earthquake’s moment (KANAMORI, 1972; KANAMORI and KIKUCHI, 1993; BILEK and LAY, 1999). These typesofeventspresenttoughchallengestowarningcentersthatmustquicklyrecognize them,especiallywhentheyoccurinthewarningcenter’slocalareaandwhereanurgent warningmust beissued. 2. Numerical Method TheUSwarningcentersreceiveapproximately150broadbanddatastreamsfromthe GSN via the NEIC, ASL, IRIS and othervendors.Dueto the current limitations of our communications, and a desire to maximize our coverage of the planet, we receive only