EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS ELSEVIER Earth-Science Reviews 56 (2001) 325 /locate /earscirev Contents Volume 56, 2001 Research Papers A critique of Phanerozoic climatic models involving changes in the CO, content of the atmosphere A.J. Boucot and J. Gray An outsider’s review of the astronomical theory of the climate: is the eccentricity-driven insolation the main driver of the ice ages? M. Elkibbi and J.A. Rial Saharan dust storms: nature and consequences A.S. Goudie and N.J. Middleton Terrestrial impact melt rocks and glasses B.O. Dressler and W.U. Reimold Weathering mantles and their significance for geomorphological evolution of central and northern Europe since the Mesozoic P. Migon and K. Lidmar-Bergstrom Contents Volume 56, 2001