EARTH-MAPPING This page intentionally left blank EARTH-MAPPING Artists Reshaping Landscape Edward S. Casey University of Minnesota Press Minneapolis • London The author gratefully acknowledges the State University of New York, Stony Brook, for a sub- vention toward the production of this book. See pages 227-28 for permission and copyright information. Copyright 2005 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published by the University of Minnesota Press 111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290 Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Casey, Edward S., 1939- Earth-mapping : artists reshaping landscape / Edward S. Casey. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8166-4332-6 (he : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-8166-4333-4 (pb : alk. paper) 1. Cartography—History. 2. Artists as cartographers. 3. Cartography—Philosophy. I. Title. GA203.C37 2005 758'.!—dc22 2004020157 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper The University of Minnesota is an equal-opportunity educator and employer. 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To Jan Larson Kansas soulmate and first mentor To Parviz Mohassel and Christina Maile, Wendy Gittler and Henry Tylbor, Donna and Bruce Wilshire East Coast painters, thinkers, friends This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Illustrations ix Acknowledgments xi Prologue: Mapping It Out with/in the Earth xiii Part I. Earth Works That Map 1. Mapping with Earth Works: Robert Smithson on the Site 3 2. Memorial Mapping of the Land: Materiality in the Work of Margot McLean 27 3. Mapping Down in Space and Time: Sandy Gellis Collecting Traces 41 4. Plotting and Charting the Path: Voyaging to the Ends of the Earth with Michelle Stuart 57 Concluding Reflections to Part I 91 Part II. Mapping the Landscape in Paintings 5. Getting Oriented to the Earth: Eve Ingalls Bringing Line and Paint to Bear 107 6. Maps and Fields: Jasper Johns and Richard Diebenkorn on Icons and the Land 123 1. Absorptive versus Cartographic Mapping: Willem de Kooning on Bodies Moving in the Landscape 139 8. Locating the General in the Earth Itself: Dan Rice on Biding Time in Place 153 Last Thoughts on Part II 167 Epilogue: Wherefore Earth-Mapping? 175 Notes 193 Permissions 227 Index 229 This page intentionally left blank ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1.1. Robert Smithson, Non-site (1968) 7 Figure 1.2. Robert Smithson, Non-site, Franklin, New Jersey (1968) 11 Figure 1.3. Robert Smithson, The Hypothetical Continent ofLemuria (1969) 13 Figure 1.4. Robert Smithson, Aerial Map: Proposal for Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport (1967) 20 Figure 1.5. Robert Smithson, Gyrostasis (1968) 21 Figure 1.6. Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty (1969-70) 22 Figure 1.7. Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty (1969-70) 22 Figure 1.8. Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty (1969-70) 23 Figure 1.9. Robert Smithson on the Spiral Jetty (1970) 23 Figure 1.10. Robert Smithson, Map for Double Non-site, California and Nevada (1968) 25 Figure 3.1. Sandy Gellis, Condensed Spaces: Iron, Sand, String (1976) 42 Figure 3.2. Sandy Gellis, Night Views over Land from Seat 8A (1986) 44 Figure 3.3. Sandy Gellis, sketch for the Diomede Project (1989) 45 Figure 3.4. Sandy Gellis, Depth Charts (1988) 46 Figure 3.5. Sandy Gellis, New York City Rainfall: 1987 (1988) 50 Figure 3.6. Sandy Gellis, "Landscapes" (1976-present) 52 Figure 4.1. Michelle Stuart, Mare 15 (1972) 58 Figure 4.2. Michelle Stuart, No. 4 of "Moon" series (1973) 60 Figure 4.3. Michelle Stuart, Passages: Mesa Verde (1977-79) 62 Figure 4.4. Michelle Stuart, Niagara River Gorge Path Relocated (1975) 64 Figure 4.5. Michelle Stuart, Stone Alignments/Solstice Cairns (1979) 65 Figure 4.6. Michelle Stuart, Mariners Chart (detail), from Sacred Precincts (1984) 68 Figure 4.7. Michelle Stuart, "Fish in the Sky, Whose Bottom Is Pebbly with Stars" (from Henry David Thoreau, Walden) (1999) 71 Figure 4.8. Michelle Stuart, Sheep's Milk and the Cosmos (1999) 73 Figure 4.9. Michelle Stuart, Southern Hemisphere Star Chart II (1981) 81 Figure 4.10. Michelle Stuart, Diffusion Center: Fort Ancient Site, Ohio (1979-80) 86 IX