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I I EarlyTerrestrial Plant Environments: An Example from the Emsian of Gaspe, Canada C. L Hotton, F. M. Hueber, D. H. Griffing, and j. S. Bridge The origin of embryophytes in the Ordovician few paleoenvironmental studies of specific plant and their subsequent radiation in the Silurian assemblages have been conducted (Andrews et and Devonian were profoundly important al. 1977; Gensel and Andrews 1984; Edwards events in the history of life. Land plants amelio and Fanning 1985; Scheckler l 986b; Kasper et rated an initially hostile terrestrial environment, al. 1988), of which the most detailed is that by paving the way for colonization by other organ Schweitzer (1983). However, these studies are isms. Rhizoid and root activity reduced substrate limited by absence of sedimentological detail. instability, promoted chemical weathering, and Because the degree to which a fossil assemblage increased nutrient availability; the establish resembles the parent plant communities depends ment of a plant canopy dampened fluctuations in large part on sedimentological and tapho in humidity and temperature, greatly aug nomic processes, understanding the sedimento mented primary productivity, and opened up logical context of fossil assemblages and associ niches for exploitation by other organisms ated facies is cmcial to the reconstruction of their (Beerbower 1985). Increased incorporation of living environment. Hence, we have undertaken co2 into organic carbon by land plants over the a detailed study of the sedimen tology of fossil land course of the iluro-Devonian was apparently a plant assemblages in the Emsian age Cap-aux-Os primary factor in precipitating a sharp drop in Member of the Battery Point Formation, exposed atmospheric C0 (Berner 1993, 1994; Mora et along Gaspe Bay, Quebec, Canada. The diverse 2 al. 1996; ee chapter 10), which in turn was likely Gaspe flora has been studied for over a century, responsible at least in part for the Permo beginning with the pioneering work of J. W. Carboniferous glaciations. Even the Frasnian Dawson (1859, 1871). Many subsequent studies Famennian marine mass extinctions have been have established it as one of the best-described attributed to coastal marine eutrophication floras of Early Devonian age (Hopping 1956; fueled by tracheophyte radiation and evolution Daber 1960; Krause! and Weyland 1961; Banks of deeply penetrating root systems over the and Davis 1969; Banks etal. 1975; Hueber 1967, course of the Devonian (Algeo et al. 1995; Algeo 1971, I 983b, 1992; Gensel 1976, 1979, 1984; and Scheckler 1998). Granoff et al. 1976; Remy et al. 1993; Stein et al. Despite the significance of early land 1993). However, no paleoecological study of this plant paleoecology, detailed studies of pre flora has been attempted. Carboniferous plant assemblages are rare. A Although the fossil record suggests that by 179 180 Early Terrestrial Plant Environments the Emsian, embryophytes had occupied the paper: ( 1) to characterize types of environments land for roughly 70 million years (Gray 1993; occupied by plants; (2) to search for consistent Strother et al. 1996), terrestrial ecosystems at associations between plant r.axa and environ that time are still considered primitive. Absence ments; (3) to characterize the degree to which of tetrapods and the plesiomorphic nature of plant assemblages were in fact monodominant; arthropod faunas at this time suggest that ( 4) to investigate the extent to which early land plant-animal interactions would have been lim plants were capable of occupying high-stress ited (Selden and Edwards 1990; DiMichele et al. environments, focusing specifically on brackish 1992). Plants are believed to have occupied sites water habitats. Finally, we document the taxo in rare sexual reproductive events and then nomic and diversity disjunction between mega formed monospecific stands through extensive floral and palynofloral records within the Cap vegetative growth (the "turfing-in" model of aux-Os Member, and we di cuss its implication Knoll et al. 1979; Niklas et al. 1980). Interspe for estimating actual plant diversity and ecosys cific plant interactions consequently would have tem complexity. been limited as well, and early land plants are con idered to have exhibited relatively little niche specialization (DiMichele et al. 1992). MATERIAL AND METHODS They are further believed to have been re su·icted by their free-sporing life cycle and rela More than 186 meters of stratigraphic section tively inefficient water conducting systems to were logged in centimeter-scale detail along sea moist, mesic sites, unable to occupy high-stress cliffs exposed near d'Aiguillon, Quebec (figure (e.g., hydric or xeric) habitats (Scheckler l 986b; 11.1). The strike and dip of the strata are such Bateman 1991; Algeo and Scheckler 1998). that lateral exposure of most stratigraphic units ome authors, nevertheless, place them in salt is limited to a few hundred meters. However, marshe , a physiologically stressful habitat erosional irregularities in the coastline provide (Schweitzer 1983; Retallack 1990; Edwards and three adjacent exposures of one plant-rich mud elden 1993). In our opinion, these proposi s tone interval near the ba e of the measured sec tions are be t treated as null hypotheses about tion. Three sections of this interval were mea early land plant ecology, to be tested by inde sured (our Seal Rock Landing, Seal Rock West, pendent data. It should be kept in mind that this and First Cove West localities) to construct a gencrnlized model is more applicable to early more accurate three-dimensional depiction of stages of land plant evolution. By Emsian time, the strata (figure 11.1). Each rock unit was land plants had diversified into at least three examined for grain si£e and color variation, pri major tracheophyte clades (lycophytes, trimero mary sedimentary structures, pedogenic fea phytes, and rhyniopsids sensu Kenrick and tures, paleocurrent indicator , vertebrate and Crane l 997a) as well as, most likely, one or more invertebrate fauna! assemblages, and ichnofab bryophyte clades, suggesting concurrent eco rics. Samples of critical rock types and plant logical differentiation. bearing strata were prepared for petrographic Our goal here is to test hypotheses about early examination and taphonomic and ichnologic land plant ecology again t data derived from analysis at Binghamton University. Photomo detailed biostratinomic analysis of the Cap-aux saics of key stratigraphic intervals were con Os sediments. We first present data on floristics structed to facilitate description of lateral varia and taphonomy, then a summary of edimento tion in the strata. Polaroid images annotated in logical evidence for overall depositional envi the field were later combined with the photo ronment, as well as more detailed description mosaics to generate lateral bedding diagrams and interpretation of depositional environ and facies distribution information. Paleocur ments of plant mega.fossil assemblages. We have rcnt orientations were corrected for tectonic tilt chosen to address the following issues in this of strata using the stereonet method outlined in Early Terrestrial Plant Environments 181 Lindholm ( 1987). The sedimentary facies rec spores with dispersed spores, sporangia were ognized were compared with tho e in modern mounted with no additional treatment on stubs edimentary environments and comparable for SEM. For light microscopy (LM), some spo ancient deposits, to interpret depositional envi rangia were subjected to Schulze's solution fol ronmental conditions directly as ociatcd with lowed by ammonium hydroxide, washed, and plant habitats and burial settings. Only a brief mounted in glycerine jelly. Other sporangia ynopsis of this work will be provided here. Full were mechanically crushed, bleached for about description and interpretation of the Cap-aux 7 minutes, and mounted, to standardize com Os Member facies will be published separately parison with dispersed spores. (Griffing et al. 2000). Additional information on the sedimentol Plant megafossils were collected from every ogy and paleontology is drawn from observation productive horizon within the measured sec of laterally equivalent ediments exposed along tion. A total of58 megafossil sites were collected. the beach west of Gros Cap-aux-Os in Forillon Where possible, large blocks were quarried, but National Park and in correlative units exposed in some ea es only relatively small hand samples on the south shore of Gaspe Bay (figure 11. 2). could be collected. Identification of plant tax.a Of particular intere t is an extensive sandstone from each site was made first on whole-rock unit on the south shore with abundant plant specimens in the laboratory, after degaging if remains permineralized by CaC0 . This unit 3 necessary. A representative subsample from correlates with the Cap-aux-Os Member on the each horizon was selected and bulk macerated north shore (McGregor 1973, 1977), and in this in hydrofluoric acid for spore samples and to chapter it will be referred to as the permineral identify additional small, fragmentary, and ized sandstone plant assemblage. minor components of the horizon. Some iden tifiable material from bulk macerations was sub jected to additional oxidative treaunent, either REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING with Schulze's solution (saturated potassium chlorate in concentrated nitric acid) or warm The Battery Point Formation is part of the Gaspe dilute potassium hydroxide. In many cases, nat Sandstone Group, a coar ening-up elastic wedge urally retted material was ufficient for observ developed on the southern edge of Laurus ia, ing cellular details. Selected specimens were 10° to 20° S latitude in Emsian times (Scotese dried from 100 percent ethanol and mounted and McKerrow 1990). As a consequence, cli on stubs for observation and photography on mate was presumably tropical (Witzke 1990). In Hitachi S-570 and Leica Stereoscan 440 scan the absence of reliable biological climate mark ning electron microscopes (SEM). er , sedimentology alone can contribute little to The digested material from every bulk mac understanding of climatic conditions du1ing the eration was prepared for dispersed spores deposition of the Battery Point Formation, (heavy liquid separation, residues bleached for except that rainfall was moderate,judging from 6 to 8 minutes, and mounted in glycerine jelly). the absence of calcrete and edimentological In addition, every unoxidized horizon within evidence for perennial rivers. The Battery Point the measured section was collected and pre Formation is exposed on both north and south pared for dispersed spores. Approximately 200 shores of Gaspe Bay (figure 11.2); however, to 600 grains were counted and identified per detailed correlation between strata on the two ample. Information on dispersed spore assem shores is currently not possible because of facies blages in this paper is based on 60 samples from differences. On the north shore, three members the lower half of the measured section. A pale have been recognized (Brisebois 1981). Our oecological analysis of the dispersed spore measured section is from the middle, mudstone assemblage of the Cap-aux-Os Member will be dominated Cap-aux-Os Member, as it is richest pre ented elsewhere. For comparison of in situ in plant fossils (figure 11.2). The age of the \ York River Fonnotion - ------ ------------- Petlt:G~~ ;,~m~-; -- ------ \' undifferentiated Cap du Petit-Gasp<! upper Battery Point Gros Cai>-awt·Os 0 CAP-AUWS e km 0 Figure 11.1. Map of study area, depicting distribution of members of Battery Point Formation, and measured sections on the north side of Gaspe Bay (after Lawrence 1986). Sec- tions referred to in text: D'A, d'Aiguillon; MD5, Mudstone 5; SSE, Sandstone E; FCW, First Cove West; SRW, Seal Rock; SRL, Seal Rock Landing. EarlyTerrestrial Plant Environments 183 Battery Point Formation South Shore North Shore Upper rt'\ PFreovret t ( uBnadtitfefc rryc nPuoaitncdt ) ·ac0: Member -~ / < / ------1/ Cap-aux-Os Sandstone 3 Member Sandstone 2 Interval Petit-Gaspe Lower /detailed in Member Battery Point this study Mst. 5 (undifferentiated) I c: I ·a"0 ' ~MSss ts.34 t.D I -~ Sandstone C Mst. 2 E:OO· I < Sandstone 8 I ______ ,! Mst. I Figure 11.2. Inferred correlalion between exposures of Battery Point Formalion on the north and south shore of Gaspe Bay, and generalized measured section on north shore of Gaspe Bay, based on the internal straligraphy of Lawrence (1986) and the study described in this chapter. Stippk, red mudstone intervals; black, gniy mudstone intervals. Battery Point Formation is early Emsian to early caulis, Sawdonia, and Sciadophylon. Zosterophylls, Eifelian, based on data from brachiopods even as fragments, can be identified to species (Boucot et al. 1967) and spores (McGregor 1973, level on the basis of their distinctive cuticle. 1977; Richard on and McGregor 1986). The Trimerophytes are readily recognized as a group measured section falls within the early to late from fragmentary vegetative material, although Emsian annulalus-sexlanlii spore assemblage identification to species level requires relatively zone of Richardson and McGregor ( 1986). complete specimens. Two other organisms, Pr<r totaxites and Spongi.ophyton, are also important constituents of the flora. We interpret both as FLORISTICS AND TAPHONOMY eumycetous fungi. Protolaxites has recently been reinterpreted as a gigantic perennial fungal body Approximately 18 species of embryophyte analogous to a modem bracket fungus (Hueber megafossils have been recognized within the 1996). Anatomically preserved specimens of Cap-aux-Os Member, including two possible Spongi.ophyton from the south shore permineral bryophytes, two probable gametophytes, six zos ized sandstone assemblage, consisting of septate terophyll species, one lycopsid, two species of hyphal tubes surrounded by a thick resinous rhyniopsid, and at least five species of trimero "cuticle" ofapparentlyagglutinated hyphae, have phytes (table 11.1). Details of the taxa may be been interpreted as lichens (Stein et al. 1993). found in the appendix to this chapter and the Consideration of taphonomy of fossil assem associated figures. Common taxa include Psilo blages is essential to any reconstruction of their phyton, Pertica/ Trimerophyton, Huvenia, Crenali- growth environment. As emblages reflecting 184 Early Terrestrial Plant Environments Table 11.1. Megaflora of Cap-aux-Os Member and associated dispersed spore taxon (where known) Plant megafossil Dispersed spore taxon Embryophyta incertae sedis New genus A (?hepatic) Sciadophyton spp. N/A ewgenus B N/A ew genus C Rhyniopsida 1-/uvenia sp. nov. Retwotriletes or Calamospora "Taeniocrada dubia" (new genus 0) ? Lycophytina Drepanophyws s/1in(u'f<mnis Goeppert R.etusotrill'tes or Cr1la11w~por«' Crmaticaulis Vl'TT!tcttlosus Banks et Davis R.etusotriletes spp. Rmalia hueberi Gensel R.etusotriletes spp. Sawdonia omata (Dawson) Hueber R.etusotriletes spp. 'losterophyllum sp. R.etusotri!Ltes spp. ew genus E ?& tu .sotri!Ltd' "Bathurstia" sp. (new genus F) Trimerophytes Ps1loph)'ton dawsonii Banks, Leclercq et Huebcr A/J1culiretusispora amwrugosa morphon I~ forbesii Andrews, Kasper et Mencher A. arenomgosa morphon R pnnceps (Dawson) Hueber A. arenorugosa morphon Pertica varia Granoff, Gensel et Andrews A. amwrugosa morphon Pertica sp. A. arenorugosa morpho11 Trimeroph)'ton robu.stius (Dawson) I lopping A. arenorugosa morpho11 ?, unknown, or questionable; I A, not applicable. • pores have been extracted from fer·tile specimens of Drepanophycus spinaefonnit from ew Brun~wick (Li et al. 2000). h Ba.o.ed on spore masses from a monodonrina111 a~st'mblage of new genus E. ' RC'ported by other authors but not found in this study. minimal transport [autochthonous or parauto free to become aligned to water currents. Regu chthonous-i.e., transported but still within life lar spacing of aerial axes, especially characteris environment (Bateman 1991)] are essential to tic of large trimerophytes, again suggests attach interpret growth habitat, habit, and associa ment to a horizontal stem or rhizome that is no tions. We judge that roughly 35 of the 58 longer preserved. That axes branch through the megafossil assemblages in the Cap-aux-Os Mem bedding plane is another strong indicator of in ber arc either autochthonous or parautochtho situ burial, since this position is not energetically nous. Evidence of minimal transport includes stable under most conditions of transport. evidence of anchorage, axes oblique or perpen Examples of this include aerial axes of Sawdonia dicular to bedding plane, and preservation of ornala at the type locality, and stalked game complete axes with fine detail. Other authors tophores of SciadofJhyton and new genus B that have noted that early land plant assemblages are extend through the bedding plane into superja often preserved in parallel alignment along the cent sediments. The preservation of delicate bedding plane, as though plants were rooted at structure such as distal branch tip , buds, and one end in the process of burial by the enclo - attached sporangia suggests limited transport, ing sediment (Andrews et al. 1977; Edwards although the degree of resistance to fragmenta l 979a). Ob ervation of axes undulating in par tion and degradation that these plants may have allel suggests that they were anchored (presum displayed is unknown because of the lack of ably rooted) at one end, leaving the other ends taphonomic analyses of appropriate analogue . Early Terrestrial Plant Environments 185 Most important, among the major classes of tra lated lingulid brachiopods (figure ll.40); and cheophytes identified from t.he measured sec (5) dark gray shales and siltstones bearing tion (lycophytes, trimerophytes, rhyniopsids), acritarchs, small bivalves, or small, thin-shelled none appear to have exhibited significant dif lingulid, ort.hid, and rhynchonellid brachiopods. ferences in preservation potential. Overall Environmental Interpretation SEDIMENTOLOGY The Cap-aux-Os Member is interpreted as flu vial and delta-plain deposits (Lawrence 1986; Fades Associations Lawrence and WilJiams 1987; Bridge et al. 1998; Lawrence (1986) recognized three facics associ Griffing et al. 2000). Paleocurrents suggest that ations within the Cap-aux-Os Member (figure the rivers transported sediment seaward to the 11.2). The lowermo t of these as ociations northwe t. Whereas Lawrence (1986) inter (Association 1) contains 4- to 60-m-thick, multi preted most of the multistory sandstone bodies story sandstone bodies separated by thinner, in Association I as deposits of high-sinuosity red- and gray-mudstone-dominant intervals. river channels, marine or marginal-marine trace Association 2 is dominated by gray mudstones at fossils (i.e., Diplocraterion) in the upper portions d'AiguilJon but al o contains decimeter- to of Lawrence's Sandstones B, C, and D (As ocia meter-thick andstone sheets, and lenses and tion 1, figure 11.2) suggest close proximity to meters-thick, single-story sandstone bodie . Rel the sea. Furthermore, the single-story sandstone atively coarser-grained, multisto1-y sandstone bodies in Association 2 strongly suggest deposi bodies with uncommon, thinner red mudstone tion in the form of channel bars and fills very intervals characterize the uppermost association close to the tidal limit of tidalJy influenced chan (Association 3) of the Cap-aux-Os Member. nels (Bridge et al. 1998; Griffing et al. 2000). Paleocurrent indicators within the sandstones Features of the mudstone-dominant intervals of in the measured ection al d'Aiguillon suggest Associations 1 and 2 just listed also suggest unidirectional flow to the north and west, but a a coastal plain setting, with levees and creva se few strata indicate opposing paleoflow direc splays, freshwater marshes and lake , lacustrine tions (Lawrence 1986; see following paragraph deltas, brackish marshes and interdistribu and figure 11.3). Most of the in situ and in loro tary bays, and sandy and muddy tidal flats (GrifT plant megafossil horizons lie within the mud- ing et al. 2000). The ea terly directed pale tone-rich portions of upper Association 1 and ocurrents are interpreted as flood tidal currents. throughout Association 2 (figure 11.3), whereas These types of marginal marine deposits have highly fragmented assemblages occur in the also been described from the Catskill elastic multi tory sand tone bodies. wedge in New York and Pennsylvania (Bridge M udstone-domi nan tin ten-<tls contain a variety and Droser 1985; Halperin and Bridge 1988; of distinctive features, including (1) meters-thick Bridge and Willi 1994). sandstone sheets and lenses that fine or coar en upward, and that indicate paleoflow directions Plant-Bearing Fades to the northeast to outheast, as well as to the north and west; (2) centimeter-scale, lenticular, Most in situ and in loco plants in the Cap-aux-Os wavy, and flaser bedding with wave-ripple and Member lie within two types of facies sequence: current-ripple marks (figure l l.4A); (3) cen (1) at or near t.he base of 1- to 2-meter-thick, timeter- to decimeter-thick sandstone sheets coarsening-upward sandstone sheets or lenses containing wave-ripple marks, Dipwcraterion-, (Facie A), and (2) within the uppermost por Skolithos-, and Phycodes-1ike traces, and disarticu tion of 4- to 5-meter-thick, fining-upward lated cephalaspid fish skeletons (figure l l .4B,C); single-story channel sandstone bodies (Facies ( 4) desiccation-cracked mudstone with articu- B). Examples of both types of sequence occur 186 EarlyTerrestrial Plant Environments I 16 -T flood tidal delta (single event) I tidal channel 15 ::::: ebb tide deposit I - -& ::::- flood tide deposits / -- 14 lnterdistributary lake (little or no communication deep lntenllstributary w/ HA) bay or prodelta - brackish to marine bay (washover sands ?) 13 21 s~~~ --- - - --:::. tidal channel or flood basin or - tide-Influenced wet floodplain ""-.; - dlstributary channel with paleosols levee with paleosols (proximal to mouth) 4 - __..,, cross-bar channel ___...- ./ 1' "" 19~~~ 11 :;::"" -- _....... IN srru \"-.. distal to medial bar top tevee ........,.....,..-.., PUNTS " crnasse splay / levee Sa"'®niD ~ shallow standing water (swamp) cross·b ar fluvlal channel 2 (distrlbutary?) 10 18 / channel - flood basin or wet floodplain with paleosols 9 17 Cl> • UMUUDS flood tide deposits tidal sand flats 8 vrrmc vc v((mcvc vffmcvc clay slit sand clay slit sand clay silt sand Figure 11.3. Detailed log of base of Association 2 (top of Association l is at 3 m mark). See text for further details. See p. l 87 for key to symbols used. within the lowermost 19 meters of Lawre Description of Fades A nce's Association 2 section at d'Aiguillon: the Sawdonia omata type (Hueber 1971) and The type Sawdonia omata horizon is situated at the Pertica varia type localities (Granoff et the base of a coarsening-upward sequence of al. 1976), respectively (figure 11.5). In ad dark green-gray, silty claystones, to light green dition, a distinctive transported assemblage of gray, fine-grained sandstones (figure l l.3A, Spongi.ophyton and Prototaxites occurs within meters 10 to 12), like several other in situ zos the fine-grained portions of the multistory terophyll occurrences in Association 1 and 2. channel sandstone bodies in Associations 1 This sequence is 1. 7 m thick at the base of the and 3 (Facies C). exposure and tapers laterally upslope to about 0.5 Early Terrestrial Plant Environments 187 l(EY Tcctonizcd suata __... Unidirectional palcocurrenl orientation Fine blocky weathering (thin-lines) with -.._ Bidirectional paleocurrent orientation pscu<loanticlinc stmcturcs (thick-lines) Rc<lox color mottling ~ Surfnce trails and tracks Polygonal mu<lracks Lenticular bcd<ling wilh unidirectional ripples U~ 11[ Skolitlros -like vertical burrows ("piperock") Wavy bcd<ling wilh unidireclional ripples Haser bcd<ling with unidirectional ripples U-shapc<l burrows Indistinct bedding Wave (oscillation) ripple cross-slratilied Phycodes-like stellate burrows Lenticular bedding wilh oscillation ripples Wavy bedding wit..h oscillation ripples Burrow homogenized beds Haser bedding wilh oscillation ripples Fish skelelal fragmenlS Herringbone cross-slratification Climbing ripple cross-sLratific.1tion witJ1 Pterygotus eurypterid fragments concretionary cementation Planar sLratificatiou Small bivalve -c;icardella Small-scale liough cross-slratific.1tio11 Medium-scale planar cross-strntilicatio11 Small bivalve -Modiolopsis Medium-scale trough cross-stralilicatio11 Irregular horizonlal to sub-vertical organic Scour overlain by intrafomrntional clasts bands (fossilized plant rhi1.0mcs?) Large plant fragmenlS Large-scale cross-stratification /11 silu plant megafossils (lateral accretion) surface "Gamctophytc establishment surfaces" m thick (figure 11.5). Dusky red-gray siltstones occurs at the base of the plant accumulation; it and dark green-gray mudstones underlie the aw resembles the underclays of Carboniferous donia horizon. The dusky red-gray siltstones have cyclothems in North America and Europe blocky fabric with slickensides and weakly devel (Dulong and Cecil 1989). Waxy, dark green-gray oped pseudoanticline structures (i.e., vertic pale mudstones above the underclay contain dense osol features). These siltstones contain car accumulations of toppled Sawdonia axes. These bonized, boudin-like structures that lie parallel to mat-like accumulations of horizontal axes extend one another on the bedding plane but produce along the entire outcrop and create localized short lateral branches that plunge several mil paper coals (figure l l.6B). limeters into the bedding plane (figure l l.6A). A sheet-like to lenticular, coarsening-upward We tentatively interpret these as plant rhizomes. sandstone body directly overlies the Sawdonia mat. Overlying the rhizome-bearing beds are dark The lowermost 30 cm of this body grade upward green-gray mudstones that contain weakly devel from muds tone to small-scale cross-stratified, fine oped blocky fabric (also interpreted as paleosol grained sandstone. Numerous anchored plant features; ee also Elick et al. 1998b). A discontin axes that protrude upward through the siltstones uous, extensively weathered claystone interval and sandstones indicate unidirectional flow to 188 Early Terrestrial Plant Environments before curving upward again. In silu Sawdonia axes terminate approximately 35 cm above the clay seam at the base. This coincides with the coarsest sandstone ·within the unit. Axes of a large trimerophyte with laterals stripped, and fragments of Sawdonia, Crenalicaulis, liJsterophyl lum p., Drepanophycus, and other taxa are com mon within the upper portion of the coarsen ing-upward sequence. These very fine to fine-grained sandstones are dominated by climbing-ripple cross strata (angle of climb up tol3°). The coarsening-upward sandstone body is directly overlain by (l) fining-up, dusky red-gray siltstones with light green redox mottling and blocky fabric; (2) dark green-gray mudstoncs witl1 weakly developed blocky fabric; (3) decimeter thick beds of dusky red and grecn-gray siltstone featuring Slwlithos and U-shapcd traces, and disar ticulated fish bone; and ( 4) a 32-<:m-thick bed of dark gray shale with wave-rippled lenses of silt stone, containing numerous acritarchs at the base and millimeter- to centimeter-sized bivalves (?Cyprirardella) throughout (figure 11.3). We have identified at least 10 additional in silu plant horizons associated with tl1is type of coars ening-upward equence. Like the type Sawdonia sequences, mosl of t11ese coarsening-upward Figure 11.4. sheet5 and lenses vary from decimeters to meters A: Wave-rippled naser-bedded andstones, showing nel in thickness. One such sequence in Mudstone 4, migration direction (leftward) opposile 10 thal of Association 1 ( cc figure 11.2) has a triangular underlying medium-scale tabular cross-s1rata, Associa cross ection. The upper portions of some of these tion 2 al d'Aiguillon. ( 1 cm scale, lower left.) B: Bedding sequences also include features not displayed in plane view of a muddy siltstone containing Skolithos-like vertical tube Lraces (white spots) and desicca1ion-crack t11e Sawdonia example, such as meter-scale chan polygons, Lawrence's Mudstone 4, Associa1ion 1 at expo nel forms, wave ripple cross-stratification, and sures on Lhe west side of Seal Rock Poim (SRW) (I dm extensive disruption by burrows. scale). C: Upper surface ofa while lO buff medium sand stone bed displaying protrusive U-shaped burrow iden tified as Diplocraterion, Lawrence's Mudstone 4, Associa Interpretation of Fades A tion I al First Cove West (FCW) west of Seal Rock Point (I dm scale, lowerkft). D: Articula1ed but transported lin Environmental interpretations of the lower gulid brachiopods forming one of several thin concen d 'Aiguillon section are provided with the strati trations within gray mudstones with large polygonal graphic log (figure 11.3). Basal mudstones dis mudcracks, lower portion of Lawrence's Mudstone 5 inte1-val, Association 1 east of d 'Aiguillon. ( 1 cm scale-, play features typical of floodbasin muds with lower kft.) weakly developed paleosol horizon (e.g., verti sols, inceptisols, and entisols: see also Elick et al. the east and southeast (figure l l.6C). Some of l 998b). The underclay and waxy clays tone the longer axes display several abrupt bends lo underneath the Sawdonia mat and other plant a shallower angle at the base of sandstone beds, assemblages most likely represent swampy gley

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