Yuasaetal.BMCCancer2013,13:3 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/3 CASE REPORT Open Access Early onset recall pneumonitis during targeted therapy with sunitinib Takeshi Yuasa1*, Shinichi Kitsukawa1, Gen Sukegawa1, Shinya Yamamoto1, Keita Kudo2, Kazunari Miyazawa3, Takuyo Kozuka3, Sohei Harada4 and Junji Yonese1 Abstract Background: Sunitinib interactswith radiation therapy, leading to synergismof thetoxicities ofthesetreatments. Radiation recall pneumonitis is a rare but serious complication oftargeted therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Case presentation: The case of a patient withmetastatic renal cell cancer (RCC) who developed recall pneumonitis onthe first cycle of systemic sunitinib treatment is reported here.A 65-year-oldman with RCC and bonemetastasis underwent radiation therapy onhis thoracic vertebrae (Th5-8) with a total dose of 24 Gy. Sunitinib (37.5 mg) was started 14 days after completing theradiation therapy. On the14th day ofsunitinib treatment, the patient developed progressive fever with worsening ofdyspnea and general weakness. Treatment with pulse administration of prednisolone 1,000mg for 3days was initiated. Thereafter,thesymptoms and the radiological findings regardingtheinterstitial filtration gradually improved over 7 days. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first report of early onset recallpneumonitis during sunitinib therapy. At present, how sunitinib interactswith radiation therapy remains unclear. The possibility that tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy, including withsunitinib, after radiation therapy may lead to adverse effects should be kept inmind. Keywords: Sunitinib, Renal cell cancer, Recallpneumonitis, Radiation, Radiation pneumonitis Background RCC who developed recall pneumonitis on the 14th Renal cell cancer (RCC) is the most lethal of the uro- day of systemic sunitinib treatment is described here. logical malignancies, and its incidence is currently in- There is currently only one report of recall pneumonitis creasing [1]. Recently, several new targeted agents were duringsunitinibtherapyintheliterature[4]. The timeof introduced in the clinical treatment of metastatic RCC. onset in that case was quite different from that in the One of these agents, sunitinib, is an orally administered present case. tyrosine kinase inhibitor with multiple targets, including vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)-1, Case presentation VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3, platelet-derived growth factor re- A 65-year-old man with clear cell RCC and lung ceptor (PDGFR)-α, and PDGFR-β. Sunitinib is one of metastasis was initially treated by right nephrectomy on the most widely prescribed drugs for the treatment of November, 2011 (pT2b, N0, M1). On January, 2012, du- metastatic RCC [2]. The adverse effects of sunitinib in- ring the follow-up period, bilateral lower limb paralysis clude fatigue, bone marrow suppression, hand-foot syn- occurreddue tospinalcompressionfrom RCCboneme- drome, stomatitis, hypertension, and hypothyroidism [3]. tastasis (Figure 1A). He underwent radiation therapy on Interstitiallungdiseaseisararebut seriouscomplication his thoracic vertebrae (Th5-8) with a total dose of 24 Gy of targeted therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, in- that was divided into six fractions (Figure 1B and C). cluding sunitinib. The case of a patient with metastatic Sunitinib (37.5 mg) was started 14 days after completing the radiation therapy. On the 14th day of sunitinib treat- ment, the patient complained of high fever and the chest *Correspondence:[email protected] CT disclosed bilateral lung consolidation (Figure 2A). At 1DepartmentofUrology,CancerInstituteHospital,JapaneseFoundationfor this time, blood culture examinations did not reveal any CancerResearch,Ariake,Tokyo135-8550,Japan Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle significant bacteria or fungi, and serum levels of anti- ©2013Yuasaetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Yuasaetal.BMCCancer2013,13:3 Page2of4 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/3 A B C Figure1Thepatientunderwentradiationtherapyforspinalbonemetastasis.ThespinalcompressionfromtheRCCbonemetastasis(A). Theirradiatedregionisshowninthehorizontalsection(B)andthecoronalsection(C). cytomegalovirusantibody,pulmonarysurfactantprotein-D, therapy, the symptoms gradually improved over 7 days. and sialylated carbohydrate antigen KL-6 were within the The radiological findings revealed that the interstitial normal range. Although he was observed without suni- filtration was localized within the previously irradiated tinib administration, the patient developed progressive area (Figure 2C). Therefore, the patient was diagnosed fever with worsening of dyspnea and general weakness with radiation recall pneumonitis that was induced by (Figure 2B). Treatment with pulse administration of sunitinib.Duringthetreatment,serialsputumspecimen prednisolone 1,000 mg for 3 days was initiated along and blood culture examinations did not reveal any sig- with antifungal agent (voriconazole) and antibiotic nificant bacteria or fungus. The patient recovered from (meropenem hydrate) treatment. After the steroid pulse the interstitial lung disease completely during the A C B D Figure2Radiationrecallpneumonitisinducedbysunitinib.Onthe14thdayofsunitinibinduction,bilaterallungconsolidationappeared(A). Duringfollow-upwithoutsunitinib,consolidationdevelopedalongwithprogressivefever(B).Aftersteroidpulsetherapy,theCTfindingsrevealed thattheinterstitialfiltrationwaslocalizedinthepreviouslyirradiatedarea(C).Noevidenceofrelapseofrecallpneumonitisduringsorafenib treatmentwasobserved(D). Yuasaetal.BMCCancer2013,13:3 Page3of4 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/3 2monthsoffollow-up(Figure2D).Currently,heisunder- seemsthatnoneofthetyrosinekinaseinhibitorshavebeen going targeted therapy with another tyrosine kinase in- approvedforsimultaneoususewithradiationtherapy. hibitor, sorafenib, with no evidence of relapse of the tyrosinekinaseinhibitor-associatedrecallpneumonitis. Conclusions In conclusion, a case of early onset recall pneumonitis Discussion during targeted therapy with sunitinib was reported The radiation recall phenomenon has been reported in here. At present, how sunitinib interacts with radiation the skin, lung, and mucosa [5-7]. Causal agents have therapy remains unclear. The possibility that tyrosine been reported to be cytotoxic agents, including actino- kinase inhibitor therapy, including with sunitinib, after mycin D, gemcitabine, taxanes, and anthracyclines, and radiation therapy may lead to adverse effects should be the estrogen receptor antagonist tamoxifen [5-7]. In most keptinmind. cases, dermatitis is reported. Radiationrecall pneumonitis appears to be relatively rare. The mechanism of the recall Consent responseremainstobeclarified.Ithasbeenproposedthat Written informed consent wasobtained from thepatient it is the result of the inhibition of cellular recovery by for publication of this Case report and any accompany- cytotoxicagentsafterdamagecausedbyradiation[6-8].It ing images. Acopy of the written consent is available for is possible that prevention of angiogenesis by sunitinib review bytheSeries Editorofthisjournal. reduces the recovery from the radiation-induced cell da- Abbreviations mage.Alternatively,radiationinjurymayinducehypersen- RCC:Renalcellcancer;VEGFR:Vascularendothelialgrowthfactorreceptor; sitivity to sunitinib [6-8]. Alternatively, radiation injury PDGFR:Plateletderivedgrowthfactorreceptor. mayinducehypersensitivitytosunitinib[6-8]. Acaseofinterstitialpneumonitisduringtargetedtherapy Competinginterests Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. with sunitinib is reported here. Pulmonary damage com- monly occurs with doses more than 30 Gy and usually Authors’contributions develops1–6monthsaftercessationofradiationtherapyto Conceptionanddesign:TY;Manuscriptwriting:TY;Finalapproval:SK,GS,SY, KK,KM,TK,SH,andJY;Pathologicalexplorations:NI;Patient’smanagement: thelung.Inthepresentcase,thetotaldoseoftheradiation TY,SK,GS,SY,JY;Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinalmanuscript. thatwasadministeredtothepatientwasonly24Gy.Since the volume of lung that received more than 20 Gy (V20) Acknowledgments TheworkwaspartlysupportedbytheSmokingResearchFoundation,the was only 2% (Figure 1C) and the patient had received ra- TakedaScienceFoundation,andGrants-in-AidforScientificResearchfrom diation therapy within one month before the onset of the theMinistryofEducation,Culture,Sports,ScienceandTechnology,Japan. pneumonitis, it was considered to be unlikely to be Authordetails radiation-induced pneumonitis. Therefore, it was con- 1DepartmentofUrology,CancerInstituteHospital,JapaneseFoundationfor cluded that the pneumonitis was recall pneumonitis CancerResearch,Ariake,Tokyo135-8550,Japan.2DepartmentofThoracic induced by sunitinib. There is currently only one report of MedicalOncology,CancerInstituteHospital,JapaneseFoundationforCancer Research,Ariake,Tokyo135-8550,Japan.3DepartmentofRadiationOncology, recall pneumonitis during sunitinib therapy [4]. In that re- CancerInstituteHospital,JapaneseFoundationforCancerResearch,Ariake, port, a female patient with RCC developed pneumonitis Tokyo135-8550,Japan.4DepartmentofInfectiousDiseases,CancerInstitute morethan6monthsaftersunitinibinductionandthecom- Hospital,JapaneseFoundationforCancerResearch,Ariake,Tokyo135-8550, Japan. pletion of radiation therapy (30 Gy: 5 fraction) [4]. 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