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Early Christianity and Classical Culture: Comparative Studies in Honor of Abraham J. Malherbe (Novum Testamentum. Supplements) PDF

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NTS-serie.qxd 27/06/2003 14:25 Page 1 SUPPLEMENTS TO NOVUM TESTAMENTUM ISSN 0167-9732 2. Strobel, A. Untersuchungen zum eschatologischen Verzögerungsproblem auf Grund der spätjüdi- sche-urchristlichen Geschichte von Habakuk 2,2 ff. 1961. ISBN 90 04 01582 5 16. Pfitzner, V.C. Paul and the Agon Motif. 1967. ISBN 90 04 01596 5 27. Mussies, G. The Morphology of Koine Greek As Used in the Apocalypse of St. John. A Study in Bilingualism. 1971. ISBN 90 04 02656 8 28. Aune, D.E. The Cultic Setting of Realized Eschatology in Early Christianity. 1972. ISBN 90 04 03341 6 29. Unnik, W.C. van. Sparsa Collecta. The Collected Essays of W.C. van Unnik Part 1. Evangelia, Paulina, Acta. 1973. ISBN 90 04 03660 1 31. Unnik, W.C. van. Sparsa Collecta. The Collected Essays of W.C. van Unnik Part 3. Patristica, Gnostica, Liturgica. 1983. ISBN 90 04 06262 9 34. Hagner, D.A. The Use of the Old and New Testaments in Clement of Rome. 1973. ISBN 90 04 03636 9 37. Reiling, J. Hermas and Christian Prophecy. A Study of The Eleventh Mandate. 1973. ISBN 90 04 03771 3 43. Clavier, H. Les variétés de la pensée biblique et le problème de son unité. Esquisse d’une théologie de la Bible sur les textes originaux et dans leur contexte historique. 1976. ISBN 90 04 04465 5 47. Baarda, T., A.F.J. Klijn & W.C. van Unnik (eds.) Miscellanea Neotestamentica. I. Studia ad Novum Testamentum Praesertim Pertinentia a Sociis Sodalicii Batavi c.n. Studiosorum Novi Testamenti Conventus Anno MCMLXXVI Quintum Lustrum Feliciter Complentis Suscepta. 1978. ISBN 90 04 05685 8 48. Baarda, T., A.F.J. Klijn & W.C. van Unnik (eds.) Miscellanea Neotestamentica. II. 1978. ISBN 90 04 05686 6 50. Bousset, D.W. Religionsgeschichtliche Studien. Aufsätze zur Religionsgeschichte des hellenistischen Zeitalters. Hrsg. von A.F. Verheule. 1979. ISBN 90 04 05845 1 52. Garland, D.E. The Intention of Matthew 23. 1979. ISBN 90 04 05912 1 53. Moxnes, H. Theology in Conflict. Studies in Paul’s Understanding of God in Romans. 1980. 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Klijn, A.F.J. The Acts of Thomas. Introduction, Text, and Commentary. Second Revised Edition. 2003. ISBN 90 04 12937 5 109. Burke, T.J. & J.K. Elliott (eds.) Paul and the Corinthians. Studies on a Community in Conflict. Essays in Honour of Margaret Thrall. 2003. ISBN 90 04 12920 0 110. Fitzgerald, J.T., T.H. Olbricht & L.M. White (eds.) Early Christianity and Classical Culture. Comparative Studies in Honor of Abraham J. Malherbe. 2003. ISBN 90 04 13022 5 111. Fitzgerald, J.T., D. Obbink & G.S. Holland (eds.) Philodemus and the New Testament World. 2003. ISBN 90 04 11460 2 NTS-110-fitzgerald.qxd 27/06/2003 14:33 Page i EARLY CHRISTIANITY AND CLASSICAL CULTURE NTS-110-fitzgerald.qxd 27/06/2003 14:33 Page ii SUPPLEMENTS TO NOVUM TESTAMENTUM EDITORIAL BOARD C.K. BARRETT, Durham- P. BORGEN, Trondheim J.K. ELLIOTT, Leeds- H.J. DEJONGE, Leiden A.J. MALHERBE, NewHaven M.J.J. MENKEN, Utrecht- J. SMITSIBINGA, Amsterdam Executive Editors M.M. MITCHELL, Chicago& D.P. MOESSNER, Dubuque VOLUME CX NTS-110-fitzgerald.qxd 27/06/2003 14:33 Page iii EARLY CHRISTIANITY AND CLASSICAL CULTURE Comparative Studies in Honor of Abraham J. Malherbe EDITED BY JOHN T. FITZGERALD, THOMAS H. OLBRICHT, and L. MICHAEL WHITE BRILL LEIDEN •BOSTON 2003 NTS-110-fitzgerald.qxd 27/06/2003 14:33 Page iv This book is printed on acid-free paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Early Christianity and classical culture : comparative studies in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe / edited by John T. Fitzgerald, Thomas H. Olbricht, and L. Michael White. p. cm. – (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, ISSN0167-9732 ; v. 110) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN90-04-13022-5 (alk. paper) 1. Bible, N.T.–Criticism, interpretation, etc. 2. Christianity and other religions– Greek. 3. Christianity and other religions–Roman. I. Malherbe, Abraham J. II. Fitzgerald, John T., 1948- III. Olbricht, Thomas H. IV. White, L. Michael. V. Series. BS2361.3.E37 2003 270.1–dc21 2003050225 ISSN 0167-9732 ISBN 90 04 13022 5 © Copyright 2003 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Brill provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910 Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. printed in the netherlands Fitzgerald.00_Prelim.Proef3.26-6-2003:17.02,page-5. To AbrahamJ.Malherbe Mentor,Colleague,FriendandScholar of UncompromisingIntegrity and UncommonInsight Fitzgerald.00_Prelim.Proef3.26-6-2003:17.02,page-6. AbrahamJohannesMalherbe

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